as a firm gets more experience, it can often work with fewer mistakes and greater efficiencies, thereby lowering costs. this leads to the cost benefit of


Answer 1

As a firm gets more experience, it can often work with fewer mistakes and greater efficiencies, thereby lowering costs. this leads to the cost benefit of learning.

What is learning?

Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors, or values through experience, study, instruction, or observation. It involves the acquisition, retention, and application of information, which can be used to improve one's understanding of the world, solve problems, make decisions, and adapt to new situations.

Learning can occur through various means, such as formal education, informal education, socialization, experimentation, and trial and error. It is an essential aspect of human development and is integral to personal growth, social progress, and economic success.

Learn more about learning at:


Related Questions

“You have being invited to the interview for the position of warehouse manager. You have being asked to explain the relevance of that position to the organisation “ explain your answer with example in Ten pages.


Think about any roles you've held or projects you've finished in the past that could still be relevant to this job. Give specific examples of how you can help this organization meet its goals, highlighting any relevant transferrable skills that will make you stand out as the most qualified candidate.

Why are you the best person for the job of warehouse manager?

Candidates should not only be nice to work with and have a good attitude, but they should also have backup plans in place, such as teaching staff members several skills. Business can continue to run smoothly with team players that have strong communication skills and a safety-first attitude.

To ensure that each team has the necessary personnel and tools to do its duties, managers of the warehouse operations collaborate closely with each group. The position of operations manager is often known by the title "director of operations."

Control the daily operations of the warehouse, including quality control, inventory management, room planning, logistics, floor output, shipping, and customer service. To maximize efficiency and save overtime, schedule and manage the warehouse staff as well as the flow and quality of work.

For stock management, you need to be numerate and have a grasp of money.People management abilities, such as the capacity to encourage, lead, and inspire a group of individuals, assign tasks, and clarify concepts.teamwork abilities.

Learn more about inventory management:


Most social media companies rely on ad revenue as their main source of income. What are other ways that LinkedIn generates income? Why is it important for a company to have multiple ways of generating income?


it promotes the company


It is beneficial to have multiple ways to generate income because it is for that reason you invested money in

From Khoo: The degree of spasticity in patients with neuromuscular disorders can be quantified with the use of the "pendulum test." In this clinical procedure, the subject sits relaxed on a table with his lower leg initially supported by the medical examiner so that the knee joint is fully extended. The examiner abruptly releases the lower leg so that it swings freely until it finally comes to rest in the vertical position. The trajectory of the swing, as measured by the change in angle of knee flexion can reveal information about the neuromuscular stretch reflex. Modify the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl" so that it can be used to simulate this test. Note that the major difference between the pendulum test and the procedure described in Section 4.6 is that, here, the externally applied moment does not remain constant but varies according to the angular displacement of the lower leg, since it is a function of the weight of the lower leg and the moment arm between the center-of- gravity of the lower leg and the knee joint. Assume the same parameter values used in "nmreflex.m", except for the following: moment of inertia of the lower leg about the knee joint = 0.25 kg mạ; length of lower leg = 40cm, weight of lower leg = 5 kg. Determine how the trajectory of the lower leg would change with different values of stretch reflex gain B. = We will break this into 2 parts. A) The first is like described above, but the person is asked to keep their leg extended horizontally. Specifically, we need to replace a step input in torque of Mx = 5 N, with a torque value that depends on the mgL following: Mx = (1 – sin[0]), where L = 40 cm, m = 5 kg, J = 0.25 kg m², g = 9.81 m/s2. Extend the simulation time to 5 seconds. Plot the response for values of ß = 50, 100, 150. What is the final steady state angle achieved for each case of B? 2 B) The second is like described above, with the person told to let their leg fall to vertical. Modify the Simulink file to do this. Plot the response. What is the final steady state angle achieved in this case?


The modifications needed to the "nmreflex.mdl" SIMULINK program to simulate the pendulum test for spasticity.The final steady state angle achieved for each case of B will be different

What modifications are needed to simulate the pendulum test?

To simulate the pendulum test for spasticity in patients, we need to modify the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl". The program needs to be adjusted to account for the variable external moment applied to the lower leg during the swing, which is a function of the weight and length of the lower leg and its moment of inertia.

We also need to assume parameter values for the length and weight of the lower leg and its moment of inertia about the knee joint.

To begin, we need to replace the step input in torque of Mx = 5 N with a torque value that depends on the weight of the lower leg and its moment of inertia. Specifically, we can use the equation Mx = (1 – sin[0]) where L = 40 cm, m = 5 kg, J = 0.25 kg m², and g = 9.81 m/s².

We can extend the simulation time to 5 seconds and plot the response for values of the stretch reflex gain B = 50, 100, and 150. By doing so, we can determine the final steady state angle achieved for each case of B.

In part A of the simulation, the person is asked to keep their leg extended horizontally. The trajectory of the lower leg will change with different values of stretch reflex gain B.

The final steady state angle achieved for each case of B will be different. By plotting the response, we can see how the trajectory of the lower leg changes over time and how it reaches a final steady state angle.

In part B of the simulation, the person is told to let their leg fall to vertical. We need to modify the SIMULINK file to account for this change. By doing so, we can plot the response and determine the final steady state angle achieved in this case.

Overall, by modifying the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl" and simulating the pendulum test, we can quantify the degree of spasticity in patients with neuromuscular disorders and gain valuable insights into their neuromuscular stretch reflex.

Learn more about SIMULINK


Step 1: Understanding the Situation
In Unit 3, you read a little bit about Rhonda, a woman who runs a small website development business that has annual revenues of about $500,000. You learned that Rhonda pays herself an annual salary of about $100,000.

While Rhonda’s business is doing pretty well and allows her to live comfortably, she has encountered a problem—she doesn’t know how to grow the business at this point.

Rhonda has been considering hiring some new salespeople to find more customers because her current staff have the availability to take on more work. However, hiring more salespeople is expensive and the cost would come out of what Rhonda pays herself. On the other hand, it could eventually lead to more business in the future and a higher salary for herself in the long run.

Step 2: Working through the Process
Rhonda is facing a complex situation and needs help figuring out what to do. Imagine that she hires you to help her tackle this challenge and make the right decision.

You will use the steps of a rational decision-making process to explore, evaluate, and ultimately offer Rhonda your professional opinion on how she should handle the situation.

For the purposes of this activity, you should list all seven steps in the rational decision-making process and provide an evaluation of the situation according to each step. For example, for Step #1: Defining the Problem, you would do exactly that. Briefly explain and define the problem that Rhonda is facing and trying to solve.

For the last few steps of the process, testing the solution and implementing it, you will obviously not be able to actually do this but you should hypothesize what these steps might look like if this were happening in real life. Furthermore, some of the steps may require only a 1-paragraph explanation while others may require 2–3 paragraphs. Please make sure to fully and comprehensively explore each step; if you do this, then whatever the length each answer is will be appropriate.

Step 3: Reflecting
Once you have completed all steps in the process, please compose 2–3 paragraphs reflecting on how and why rational decision making is essential to running a successful business.

Please refer to the rubric below for more information on how you will be graded.


The steps are:

Defining the ProblemIdentifying AlternativesWeighing the AlternativesWhat is rubric?

A rubric is a tool used to evaluate a student's performance on a specific task. It is typically a grid or chart that grades a student's work on a scale from excellent to poor. Rubrics are used to provide a clear and consistent set of criteria for assessing a student's work.

Step 1: Defining the Problem. Rhonda is facing the challenge of how to grow her business. She is considering hiring additional salespeople to increase her customer base. But she is concerned about the cost of hiring additional staff and the fact that it may take some time for the investment to pay off.
Step 2: Identifying Alternatives
Rhonda has two main alternatives: she can hire additional salespeople or she can continue to operate the business as-is. Alternatively, keeping the business as-is may be less risky, but it may also prevent her from growing the business and increasing her profits.

Step 3: Weighing the Alternatives
Rhonda needs to weigh the pros and cons of both alternatives. If she hires additional salespeople, she will likely be able to bring in more customers and revenue in the long run, but she will have to sacrifice some of her own salary.

To learn more about customer


What is the kpi payouts


KPI payouts refer to the amount of money or incentives that an employee receives based on their performance against key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are specific metrics that are used to measure an employee's success in achieving their job responsibilities and goals. KPI payouts are typically tied to performance-based bonuses, commissions, or other incentives that are designed to reward employees for achieving or exceeding their performance targets. The amount of KPI payouts can vary depending on the company, the industry, and the individual employee's role and responsibilities.

Answer: KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a performance measure commonly used by corporate units to evaluate employee performance. As a result, paying for performance means that the employer company will base the appropriate salary for its employees on the results of the measurement indicators achieved in each period.

Explanation: you're welcome:)

Dion has created a SWOT analysis for his business plan. In which section of his business plan will he place his analy
О А.
0 с.
OD. marketing and sales
executive summary
company description
market research


In a case whereby Dion has created a SWOT analysis for his business plan the section of his business plan that he will  place his analysis is company description.

What is  SWOT analysis?

The SWOT analysis is an important tool for evaluating the internal and external factors that affect a business. By identifying its strengths and weaknesses, a company can determine how to capitalize on its advantages and improve its weaknesses. By identifying opportunities and threats, a company can develop strategies to take advantage of market trends and mitigate risks.

Therefore, Dion's SWOT analysis will help readers of the business plan to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of his business, and how he plans to leverage these factors to achieve his goals.

Learn more about SWOT analysis at:


what is the difference between a reciewable practice and criminal
conduct under the competition act


The main difference between a reviewable practice and criminal conduct under the Competition Act is the severity and legality of the actions involved

A reviewable practice under the Competition Act refers to a business conduct or practice that may raise concerns about anti-competitive behavior, but does not necessarily violate the law. The Competition Bureau may investigate and potentially challenge the practice through legal action, but it does not result in criminal charges.

On the other hand, criminal conduct under the Competition Act refers to a violation of the law that is considered a criminal offense. This may include practices such as price-fixing, bid-rigging, or deceptive marketing practices. Criminal conduct can result in significant fines and even imprisonment for individuals found guilty of the offense.

In summary, reviewable practices are non-criminal violations of the Competition Act that may be subject to legal action, while criminal conduct involves serious violations of the law that carry criminal penalties.

To know more about Criminal conduct on below link :


Sweet Taste has the capacity to produce either 45,000 corncob pipes or 21,000 cornhusk dolls per year. The pipes cost $3.00 each to produce and sell for $7.50 each. The dolls sell for $10.00 each and cost $4.00 to produce. Required Calculate the contribution margin per unit and the total contribution margin for Pipes and Dolls. Assuming that Sweet Taste can sell all it produces of either product, should it produce the corncob pipes or the cornhusk dolls?


For Pipes and Dolls, the contribution margin per unit and the overall contribution margin are $4.50 and $6.00, respectively.

What are contribution margin and gross margin?

Gross margin encompasses all costs related to a particular product, whereas contribution margin just accounts for a good's variable expenditures.

The contribution margin is the amount of revenue left over after subtracting the variable expenses associated with producing an item or service. This indicator is used to determine how much of each transaction goes toward covering fixed costs and, ultimately, increasing the bottom line of the business.

The portion of sales revenue known as "Contribution" that goes toward covering fixed expenses rather than paying for variable charges.

Particulars                                                                Pipes            Dolls

Selling price per unit                                               $7.50           $10.00

Less: Variable cost of production per unit            ($3.00)         ($4.00)

CM per unit                                                               $4.50           $6.00

Particulars                                                       cornhusk dolls     corncob pipes  

Number of units produced                                   21,000                  45,000

Multiplied by:                                                         $6.00                    $4.50

Contribution margin (per production unit)       $1,26,000         $2,02,500

Learn more about contribution margin:


Throughout this semester, you will develop a business plan for a business that you are thinking about opening, or one that you would be interested in owning. Following the Sample Student Business Plan in back of your textbook, complete the following. Submit in PowerPoint format.

Cover page
full legal name of your organization/business
name of majority owners
date of plan
Executive Summary
Description of your business idea and the nature of the target market
Type of organization (e.g. C Corporation, LLC, sole proprietorship)
Brief description of the products and/or services you will offer
Key success factors
Short-term business goals (less than one year)
Resources and skills that you and other owners and managers have that will help you make your organization successful, plus other skills needed and how they will be obtained
Mission statement for your corporation in 21 to 40 words that clearly states your competitive advantage, strategy and tactics
Company description
What industry are you in?
In what state are your registering or do you intend to register?
What is the geographic reach of the organization
Describe your target customer along as many dimensions as you have defined (demographics, geographic, needs, trends)
Define/describe your competition, both direct and indirect
Describe any international competitors who may be able to access your customers. How do you intend to compete against them?
What products/services do you intend to market?
Explain how your product will meet a customer need
Describe the features and benefits of the product/service your business will focus on selling
What, if any, copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property do you own or expect to own?
Describe your record keeping system, including the software you will use and whether it is specific to your industry
List the types of bank accounts you will need to open for your business
Estimate how much capital you will need and how you will go about obtaining the funds.


only 9 points for a whole presentation is unbelievable


Business Plan for "Healthy Eats Cafe"

Cover page:

Healthy Eats Cafe

Majority owners: John Doe and Jane Smith

Date of Plan: April 10, 2023

Executive Summary:

Healthy Eats Cafe is a new concept in the fast-casual dining industry, offering fresh and healthy meals for customers on-the-go. Our target market is health-conscious individuals who seek delicious and nutritious food options that fit their busy lifestyles. Healthy Eats Cafe will be established as a limited liability company (LLC), and our menu will feature a variety of salads, sandwiches, and smoothies made with locally-sourced ingredients. Our key success factors include a unique and differentiated menu, convenient location, and exceptional customer service. Our short-term business goals include securing a prime location, establishing relationships with local suppliers, and building a loyal customer base. The owners bring extensive experience in the food industry and possess skills in management, finance, and marketing. We will also hire additional staff with experience in culinary arts and customer service.

Mission statement:

At Healthy Eats Cafe, we are committed to providing our customers with delicious, fresh, and healthy meal options that fit their busy lifestyles. Our competitive advantage lies in our unique menu and exceptional customer service. Our strategy is to offer high-quality food made with locally-sourced ingredients at an affordable price. We will use digital marketing and social media to reach our target market and build brand awareness.

Company description:

Healthy Eats Cafe is in the fast-casual dining industry and will be registered in the state of California. Our geographic reach will initially be focused on the San Francisco Bay Area, with plans to expand to other regions in the future. Our target customers are health-conscious individuals between the ages of 18-45 who seek nutritious and delicious meal options. Our competition includes other fast-casual dining options such as Sweetgreen, Chop't, and Tender Greens. Indirect competitors include traditional fast-food restaurants, as well as meal delivery services. There are no significant international competitors in our target market.


Healthy Eats Cafe will offer a variety of salads, sandwiches, and smoothies made with locally-sourced and organic ingredients. Our menu will be designed to cater to the needs of health-conscious individuals who seek nutritious and delicious food options. Our products will meet a customer need by providing a convenient and healthy alternative to traditional fast-food options. The features and benefits of our products include high-quality ingredients, unique flavor profiles, and customizable options. We currently do not own any intellectual property related to our products. Our record-keeping system will be based on Quickbooks software, customized for our industry. We will need to open a business checking account, a merchant services account, and a line of credit. We estimate that we will need $500,000 in capital to launch our business, which will be obtained through a combination of owner investment and a small business loan.

Overall, Healthy Eats Cafe aims to fill a gap in the fast-casual dining industry by providing healthy and delicious meal options that fit the busy lifestyles of our target market. With a unique menu, exceptional customer service, and a commitment to using locally-sourced ingredients, we believe we can establish ourselves as a leader in the industry and achieve long-term success.

1.a) True or False: A firm is in the value destroying stage whenROIC < WACCb) True or False: ROIC and size are not correlated


The statement "A firm is in the value destroying stage when ROIC < WACC" is true because the ROIC is a measure of how effectively a company generates profits from its capital investments, while the WACC represents the cost of that capital. The statement "ROIC and size are not correlated" is false because there can be a correlation between ROIC and size in certain industries and situations.

If the ROIC is less than the WACC, it means that the company is not generating sufficient returns on its invested capital, and is effectively destroying value for its shareholders.

In some industries, such as manufacturing or retail, larger companies may benefit from economies of scale, which can lead to higher ROIC. In other industries, such as technology or biotech, smaller companies may have a competitive advantage due to greater flexibility and innovation, which can also lead to higher ROIC.

However, there is no clear or consistent relationship between ROIC and company size, and other factors such as industry structure and competitive position may play a more significant role in determining a company's ROIC.

Learn more about ROIC


State the minimum monthly income, an hourly wage per hour, needed to cover monthly expenses for the family used in part a and explain how to calculate the hourly wage based on the monthly income and state the hourly wage. assume that each full-time worker works four 40 hour work weeks per month and each part time worker works two 40 hour weeks per month.


Divide wages by using hours and that is your hourly rate. If you work longer hours at positive times of the month, then track your time for a month, and divide your annual pay by way of 12.

How do you calculate hourly charge from monthly income?

Get the hours per months = Hours in Year ÷ 12 (months) Get Hourly Pay = Monthly Salary ÷ Hours Per Month.

Daily fee of pay for a monthly-rated employee is calculated the usage of the formulation below: Regular Days Rate of pay = Employee's Monthly Rate of pay / 26 days.

The ADW calculated is the price of pay mirrored in the system. This is the formula used: Total Wage (for the applicable period) / Number of Days (same relevant period)

Learn more about hourly rate from monthly income here:

1. To what degree are trends in business and developments in technology forcing workers to write more than ever before? What evidence supports this trend? (Obj. 1)


The trend of increased writing requirements due to business and technological developments is significant.

What is business?

Business is the production or purchase and sale of goods and services with the ultimate goal of making a profit. Businesses can be divided into two main categories: those that produce goods and those who provide services. Goods-producing businesses create tangible products, such as furniture, clothing, and cars. Service-providing businesses provide services, such as consulting, accounting, and legal services.

Technology has allowed for an increase in the amount of data collected and processed, requiring workers to synthesize this information into written reports. Additionally, the trend towards remote working has increased the need for written communication and collaboration as a way to bridge physical distance. This has resulted in an increase in the need for written communication in the workplace, as well as an increase in the amount of written communication. Evidence of this trend can be seen in the rise of services such as online collaboration tools, and the prevalence of email and other written forms of communication in the workplace.

To learn more about business

Scarcity exists when there are,
resources to meet unlimited needs and wants. Because of
, we must make choices about how to use resources. All the options for using resources that are not
Marginal means using one
"is the next-best alternative for the use of resources.
v unit of a resource.


This concept of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost is fundamental to economics and helps us understand how resources are allocated in a world of limited availability and unlimited demand.

What is Scarcity for the question context?

Scarcity exists when there are limited resources to meet unlimited needs and wants. Because of this limitation, we must make choices about how to use resources effectively. All the options for using resources that are not chosen are referred to as the opportunity cost.

What is Marginal for the question context?

Marginal refers to using one additional unit of a resource, and the opportunity cost is the next-best alternative for the use of resources. In other words, when we choose to allocate resources towards one particular use, the opportunity cost is the value of the next-best alternative foregone.

Read more about fundamentals


You work in a customer services department and have been assigned to answer a complaint from a customer. The customer, Mr. Fitzpatrick, ordered a chainsaw three weeks ago and has not received it. He wants to know where the chainsaw is and when he is getting it.
Using business writing and coherent paragraphs, craft a message to the customer. Complete and submit your message for possible credit.
Developing Paragraphs:
• Develops coherent paragraphs by linking ideas, keeping paragraphs unified & varied sentence/paragraph length.
• Demonstrates the use of an effective topic sentence.
• Applies connecting words to link sentences.
• Crafts the message using active voice.
• Constructs powerful sentences with emphasized important ideas, repetition, and words that label.
• Applies an appropriate conclusion.



The message is as follows:

Mr. Fitzpatrick, I’m so sorry your ordered chainsaw hasn’t arrived. I know how frustrating this must be. I’ve tracked the package and it’s currently listed as processed. I am attaching a link here so that you can track its progress.

Please contact me directly if your order hasn’t arrived within the given timeframe. In the meantime, I will do everything I can to locate your package.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


No explanation is required to support the answer.

A new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is named


The name of the new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is “Inspire the Best.”

What is the program about ?

Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, has implemented various programs and initiatives aimed at improving employee engagement and development, including programs focused on feedback and coaching.

Some of the programs that Merck has implemented in the past include the "360-Degree Feedback Program" and the "Performance Coaching Program." These programs are designed to provide employees with feedback and support to help them grow and develop in their roles.

Find out more on employee feedback at


The firm's cost of capital is affected by two sets of factors - one that is under the firm's control, and the other that is not under the firm's.
• the factors that are under the firm's control
• the factors that are not under the firm's control


The factors that are under the firm's control and can affect the cost of capital include the company's capital structure, dividend policy, and investment decisions.

What are the factors that are under the firm's control?

The capital structure refers to the mix of debt and equity financing used to fund the firm's operations. By choosing the optimal capital structure, the firm can lower its cost of capital and maximize shareholder value. The dividend policy also plays a role in determining the cost of capital since it affects the firm's ability to attract investors.

If the firm has a history of paying regular and increasing dividends, it may be able to attract more investors and lower its cost of capital. Lastly, the investment decisions made by the firm also have an impact on the cost of capital since they determine the expected return on investment. If the firm makes investments with high expected returns, it may be able to lower its cost of capital since investors will demand a lower return to compensate for the lower risk.

Read more about cost of capital


"A service is rented rather than owned." Explain what this
statement means, and use examples to support your explanation.


The statement "a service is rented rather than owned" means that services are not physical assets that can be owned or possessed like tangible goods.

Why is this so ?

Services are intangible activities or performances provided by one party to another, which can be consumed or utilized for a specific purpose or period of time.

For example, a person can rent a car service from a car rental company for a specific period of time, but they do not own the car itself. The person is paying for the use of the car, the fuel, and any associated services like insurance, but they are not taking ownership of the car.

Similarly, a person can rent a house cleaning service from a cleaning company to have their house cleaned regularly, but they do not own the cleaning equipment or the cleaning supplies used by the service provider.

Find out more on services at


True or False: Your personal brand statement will be wording that is unique to you
and that clearly describes your strengths, passions, and who you plan to serve.





it’s true thank me laterrrrr

Suppose the CPI was 110 last year and is 121 this year.

Instructions: In part a, enter your answer as a whole number. In part b, round your answer to 1 decimal place. If you are entering any negative numbers be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of those numbers.

a. What is this year’s inflation rate?
____ %

b. In contrast, suppose that the CPI was 110 last year and is 108 this year. What is this year’s inflation rate?
____ %
c. What term do economists use to describe this second outcome?
Inflation or Deflation


The inflation rate is 10%, which can be computed the second answer is -1.8%. third outcome called deflation.

How to calculate CPI?

a) The formula to CPI is

[tex]CPI= \frac{current CPI-past CPI}{past CPI}[/tex]

[tex]CPI= \frac{121-110}{110}[/tex]

CPI= 0.1 or 10%

b) [tex]CPI= \frac{current CPI-past CPI}{past CPI}[/tex]

[tex]CPI= \frac{108-110}{110}[/tex]

CPI= -0.18%

A decrease in the economy's overall price level is referred to as deflation, whereas a temporary slowdown in price inflation is known as disinflation. A decrease in the money supply, reductions in government and consumer expenditure, and reductions in corporate investment can all contribute to deflation, which is bad for an economy.

A progressive drop in consumer prices for products and services is known as price deflation. This is frequently brought on by the deflationary gap, also referred to as the demand gap, which is characterized by high supply and low demand. Consumers and businesses hold on to their money rather than spending it because they anticipate a decrease in pricing.

To know about consumer price index visit:


It has been said that most systems fail because system builders ignore organizational behavior problems. Why might this be so? Add refrence


organizational behavior problems

Organizational behaviour issues may be overlooked by system builders for a number of reasons, which can ultimately result in system failure.

What do you mean by Organizational behaviour ?

One factor that contributes to this is that some system developers are only concerned with the technical components of a system and may lack knowledge or experience about how human behaviour affects the system.

A mismatch in understanding the organisational needs and potential behavioural difficulties may also result from a lack of interaction and cooperation between both the system developers and also the organization's stakeholders, particularly employees and management.

Organizational behaviour concerns may also be unreported since they are sometimes more challenging to recognise and resolve than technological problems. Complex human connections and cultural norms can play a role in problems with organisational behaviour.

To know more about Organizational behaviour  visit:


Below is the balance sheet for a bank. Under "Other" it has listed "$X" just think of
this as the dollar amount needed to make the balance sheet balance. It is not
important what that value is for this question.
Reserves 38
Securities 49
Using the balance sheet above, find the level of required reserves for this bank if the
required reserve ratio = 8%
(Give answers to 2 decimal places as needed)
Your Answer:


The level of required reserves for this bank is $18.40.

What is level of required reserves for this bank?

To calculate the level of required reserves for the bank, we need to use the required reserve ratio and the total deposits listed on the balance sheet.


Required reserve ratio = 8%

Deposits = $230

Formula: Required Reserves = Required Reserve Ratio * Deposits


Required Reserves = 0.08 * $230

Required Reserves = $18.40 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

So, the level of required reserves for this bank is $18.40.

Read more about required reserves


please explain the difference between cost pool and revenue


A cost pool and revenue are two different concepts related to accounting and finance.

What is Revenue?

Revenue refers to the total amount of money earned by a business from the sale of goods or services. It is the income generated from the primary activities of a company before any deductions are made for expenses. Revenue is typically reported on a company's income statement and can be calculated by multiplying the price of a product or service by the number of units sold.

A cost pool is a grouping of individual costs that are related to a particular activity or cost center within a business. It is a method of allocating indirect costs to products or services based on their use of resources. For example, a manufacturing company may have several cost pools, such as direct labor, factory overhead, and materials. Each cost pool contains expenses that can be attributed to a specific area of the business.

Learn more about Revenue from the given link


Being the low cost provider in an industry gives a company ability to
A. Wield heavy influence in setting industry’s price floor
B. Helps protect profit margin against bargaining power of customers
C. Makes it harder for new entrants to take away customers
D. Provide a defense against attemp of substitute
E.all of the above





If the marginal cost of a single firm is given by MC=2Q+1, find the horizontal summation if there are ten firms


In economics, an increase in production quantity causes an adjustment to the total cost known as the marginal cost, sometimes known as the cost of producing more. When there are 10 firms, the horizontal summation would be Q - 5P - 5, as the marginal cost of a single firm is given by MC=2Q+1.

Why do you use the term marginal cost?

The marginal cost can be used by businesses to assess how the volume produced affects the cost and, ultimately, earnings. The expense spent by a business when it has to produce more units of any goods or services is known as a marginal cost. It is computed by deducting the full cost of producing the extra goods and dividing that amount by the change in the total quantity of the goods produced. The marginal cost of manufacturing is another name for it.


MC = 2Q + 1

For a single firm P = MC

P = 2Q + 1

2Q = P - 1

Q = 0.5P - 0.5

When they are 10 firms,

(0.5P - ).5)10

Q - 5P - 5 ( Horizontal summation)

To learn more about marginal cost, visit:


The Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) reported the following information for a sample of 250 customers
on the number of hours their cars are parked and the amount they are charged:
Number of hours Frequency Amount charged
1 20 3.00
2 38 6.00
3 53 9.00
4 45 12.00
5 40 14.00
6 13 16.00
7 5 18.00
8 36 20.00


a. Convert this information on the number of hours parked to a probability distribution. Is this a
discrete or continuous probability distribution?
b. Find the mean and the standard deviation of the number of hours cars are parked. How long is a
typical customer parked?
c. Find the mean and standard deviation of the amount charged.


A. According to the question, this is a discrete probability distribution is given below:

What is discrete probability?

Discrete probability is a type of probability theory that deals with discrete events. These events are distinct and separate from one another, meaning that the outcome of one event has no effect on the outcome of another event. Discrete probability focuses on outcomes that are countable, such as the number of heads when flipping a coin.

Number of hours Frequency Probability

             1                      20             0.08

             2                     38             0.152

             3               53             0.212

             4               45              0.18

             5               40              0.16

             6                13             0.052

             7                 5              0.02

             8                36              0.144

Total 250 1.00

b. Mean = 4.2 hours

Standard Deviation = 2.15 hours

A typical customer is parked for 4.2 hours.

c. Mean = RM 10.56

Standard Deviation = RM 5.47

To learn more about Standard Deviation


1. If a company becomes its own supplier so it can control its inputs, then it is adopting the ( ).
A. horizontal integration strategy B. retrenchment strategy
C. concentration strategy
D. backward vertical integration strategy

2. Problems arise when errors are made in rejecting candidates who would have performed successfully on the job are called ( ).
A. accept errors B. correct decision C. reject errors
D. accept and reject errors

3. According to Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture, if people in a country look after their own and family interests, then it is a kind of _____ culture.
A. individualistic B. collectivistic C. achievement D. high power distance

4. In which situation can the following conflicts be functional? Task conflict, relationship conflict, and process conflict.
A. low levels, almost always dysfunctional, low levels
B. low-to-moderate levels, almost always dysfunctional, low levels
C. low levels, low levels, low levels
D. low levels, low levels, low-to-moderate levels

5. Which of the following theories is the best-documented personality-job fit theory. ( )
A. Big five model B. MBTI C. Holland’s theory D. Poter’s five forces model

6. According to Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory, if employees lack the abilities to do the job, however they’re very willing to do the job, then the manager should adopt ( ) leadership style.
A. telling B. selling C. participating D. delegating

7. In traditional goal setting, the flow of goals is ()
A. from bottom to top B. in horizontal direction
C. in diagonal way D. from top to bottom

8. “Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it” is the function of ( ). And “motivating, and any other actions involved in dealing with people” is the function of ( ).
A. organizing, leading B. leading, organizing
C. planning, leading D. organizing, planning

9. According to Woodward’s findings on technology and structure, in the following choices, which can mechanistic organization be most effective. ( )
A. unit production B. mass production
C. process production D. none of them

10. Who made contributions to the study of behavioral approach? ( )
A. Frank Gilbreth B. Hawthorne C. Weber D. Henri Fayol

Part B Gap filling (25’)

1. An attitude is made up of three components: ______________, _______________, and ________________. (3’)

2. An employee always arrives late for work, then this behavior (his/her late for work) can be perceived as high in ________________ (select among distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency), and according to the attribution theory, it can be attributed as _____________ caused behavior. (2’)

3. What are the 3 types of communication networks? They are_____________, _______________, and ________________. (3’)

4. In the direction of communication flow, if communication crosses both work areas and organizational levels, then it’s __________________________. (2’)

5. When managers are making decisions, they use a more realistic approach, which means they are limited by their ability to process information, and accept solutions that are good enough. In this situation, they are following a ______________________________ approach. (2’)

6. Adam smith published ________________________________ in 1776. And “father” of scientific management, whose name is ____________________________ published _________________________ in 1911. (3’)

7. Lower-lever managers are more involved in ____________________ problems (choose between structured and unstructured), they usually rely on _____________ decisions (choose between programmed and nonprogrammed). In developing plans, lower-lever managers are often involved in _____________________ (choose between strategic planning and operational planning). And they use ______________ skills (choose from conceptual, human, and technical) more than middle-and-top managers. (4’)

8. If you are a manager in a company, you want to retain competent and high-performing employees, so you can use the HRM activities of __________________________________________, ___________________________________________, and career development. (2’)

9. Organization changes often need someone to act as catalyst and assume the responsibility for managing the change process, that is, a __________________. (2’)

10. What are the five forces in Michael Porter’s five forces model. Please list two of them: __________________, ____________________. (2’)

Part C Short answer questions 5*5

1. What are the 5 methods in overcoming the barriers in communication?

2. What should we do with cash cows according to the BCG Matrix?

3. What is business model? And simply describe the two things it focuses on.

4. What are the 4 moderators in deterring ethical and unethical behavior?

5. Assume two organizations both have 4096 employees. If one organization has a span of four and the other a span of eight. Then how many levels and managers does each organization have.


Horizontal integration is a business approach when one company expands its operations in an industry at the same rate.

How do horizontal strategies work?

A horizontal integration approach is used when a company buys a related company that is at the same level of the value chain as it is and offers a comparable kind of value. The purchased company need not compete directly with the target. When a business expands by acquiring a rival firm in the same sector, this is known as horizontal integration.

What growth plan does horizontal integration have?

Many businesses employ the growth strategy known as horizontal integration to get an advantage over their rivals and strengthen their position within their respective industries. By acquiring another business that operates at the same level of the value chain, they accomplish this.

To know more about Horizontal integration visit :-


On Gothic cathedrals, there are often waterspouts sculpted from stone that extend out from the building and may have a scary appearance. What are these structures called?



ribbed vaults

flying buttresses



These tructures are simply called, gargoyles

Thet has been a growing issue at your store during hours of operation when there are few colleagues stated at the store. Due to the lack of stat, there is
less chance of spotting that
What would you be most and east likely to co
Move a coleague from the register to the floor. This may lead to longer lines, but will reduce thelt and provide good service to customers
Conduct training with colleagues to ensure they are using appropriate asset protection techniques, such as being aware of one's
Ty to deter that by posting signs and making announcements to potential shopiters about security cameras and the monitoring
Limit the quantity of trequenty stolen tems on shelves. While this may convenience some of your customers, it will also help reduce


Answer: what exactly do I write about?


Most likely to conduct training with colleagues to ensure they are using appropriate asset protection techniques, as it can proactively address the issue of theft without compromising customer service. Least likely to limit the quantity of frequently stolen items on shelves, as it may inconvenience customers and affect sales negatively.

The question is discussing various strategies to mitigate theft in a retail setting due to few employees being present during certain hours. One strategy is to redistribute staff responsibilities and move a colleague from the register to the floor. This may slow down checkout times, but will likely decrease theft and improve overall customer service.

Another strategy is to conduct training with colleagues to enhance their asset protection skills. This includes steps like increasing vigilance and awareness of their surroundings. This approach relies on preventative measures.

A third approach is to deter theft by posting signs and making announcements about the presence of security cameras and ongoing surveillance. This acts as a deterrent by making potential shoplifters aware that they're being watched.

Finally, the store can limit the quantity of frequently stolen items displayed on shelves. While this might inconvenience some customers, it will also likely reduce theft.

Learn more about Issue of theft  here:


Question 12 (4 points)
A country's trade balance will fall if either
investment or saving rise.
investment falls or saving rises.
Saving falls or investment rises.
investment or saving fall.


The only response that accurately predicts when a nation's trade balance would decline is "Savings decreases or investment rises."

The concept of rise in investment

The trade balance is the difference between a country's exports and imports of goods and services. If a country's exports exceed its imports, it has a trade surplus, and if its imports exceed its exports, it has a trade deficit.

Investment and saving are two important macroeconomic variables that can affect a country's trade balance. Investment refers to the amount of money that businesses and governments spend on capital goods, such as machinery, buildings, and infrastructure. Saving, on the other hand, refers to the portion of income that households and businesses do not spend and instead put into savings accounts or invest in financial assets.

If investment rises, businesses and governments are buying more capital goods, which can increase production and exports. Similarly, if saving falls, households and businesses are spending more money on consumption, which can increase imports. Both of these scenarios can lead to a trade deficit.

Learn more on rise in investment here:


Draft an individual investment policy statement as a guide to your future investment planning. What will be the advantages of having an investment policy statement?


Your financial future is guided by a strong IPS. An investment policy statement can be a crucial and practical tool since it establishes the basis for a client-financial adviser relationship and offers a clear course of action. The IPS information includes information on the advisor's decision-making process.

What exactly is an investment policy statement?

It is a contract between a client and a financial advisor stating how the advisor will help the client achieve their financial objectives. It needs to be customized based on the client's unique financial and investment information as well as the financial advisor's fees. Financial advisors use an Investment Policy Statement or IPS as a strategic document to lay forth principles that can help launch and manage a client's investment program.

A summary of investment policy statement

John Alberto, a 65-year-old individual investor

Individual, Taxable Portfolio

Condition: California

ID tax: xxx-xx-xxxx

$75,000 in current assets

Return Target: 8%

Worst-case scenario annual loss cap: 12–15%

To learn more about Investment Policy, visit:


Other Questions
In 1991, the moose population in a park was measured to be 4330. By 1999, the population was measured again to be 5850. Assume population continues to change linearly. A)find a formula for the moose population,P since 1991. B)what does your model predict the moose population to be in 2002? MULTIPLE CHOICE1. In 1990, Congress enacted the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act. This Act does not:a.encourage the federal agencies to use arbitration.b.authorize federal agencies to use mediation and conciliation.c.require the agencies to use alternative dispute resolution.d.All of the above A compound microscope is a two-lens system used to look at very small objects. Which of the following statements is correct? The objective lens is a short focal length, convex lens and the eyepiece functions as a simple magnifier. The objective lens is a long focal length, convex lens and the eyepiece functions as a simple magnifier. The objective lens and the eyepiece both have the same focal length and both serve as simple magnifiers. The objective lens is a short focal length, concave lens and the eyepiece functions as a simple magnifier. The objective lens is a long focal length, concave lens and the eyepiece functions as a simple magnifier. select the correct statement(s) regarding the use of centralized control over a lan, wlan, or wpan. a. centralized control represents a medium access mode in which each network node determines when it can place data onto a shared medium b. centralized control provides non-deterministic access to the medium c. the use of tokens or polling are used to enable centralized control d. all of the above are correct Last Tuesday, Cute Camel Woodcraft Company lost a portion of its planning and financial data when both its main and its backup servers crashed. 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Constant growth stocks 6 Super Carpeting Inc (CI) suot peid in dividend (D) of 1 pershare and its annun evidend is expected to grow as a constante (73.00 per year the required return (.) on sy stock 7.304, then the Interne value of cry Dershare Which of the following statement is true about the constant growth mode - when using a constant growth out to analyze stock, an increase in the required rate of retum occurs when the growth rate romans the same, this will lead to a decreased value of the stock - when using a constant growth out to analyze stock, if an increase in the required rate of return scars we the growth rate remaine the same, this will lead to an increased value of the stock. A stock will pay the following dividends over the next 5 years S4 in year 1.545 in year 2. $5 in year 3,555 in year 4 and 56 in year 5 Afterwards they will maintain a zero growth dividend policy R-15% Calculate the stock price -4 x- 4 0 graph the conjuntion ?? can someone help Suppose you constructed a machine that would let you release helium molecules with only a single speed. You use your machine to select 1000 helium molecules with a speed of 20.0 m/s and another 1000 helium molecules with a speed of 90.0 m/s. You mix these 2000 molecules in one rigid container.(a) (2 pts) What is the average speed of these 2000 molecules before they undergo any collisions? (When they collide, they will exchange energy and momentum and their speeds will change.)(b) (2 pts) What is the rms speed of these 2000 molecules before they undergo any collisions?(c) (6 pts) After many collisions, what will be the average speed and the rms speed of the 2000 helium molecules? Assume all of the collisions are elastic.Input only your answer to part (b) below, leaving off the unit. in an election citizens vote for the governor lieutenant and attorney general apexA.state B. LocalC. Federal D. National g what is the yield to maturity (ytm) of a $2500 par value bond that current sells for $2688.42, assuming that the bond has a coupon rate of 9.83% (annual payments) and 19 years remaining to maturity? a common method for referencing the elements in a list or string using numbersIterationIndexTraversalinfinite loop 16. Suppose you believe that Johnson Company's stock price is going to increase from its current level of $16 sometime during the next 5 months. For a total of $625 you can buy a 10-month call option giving you the right to buy 100 shares at a price of $21 per share. If you buy this option for $625 and Johnson's stock price in 10 months from now right before the maturity of this option is $20/share, would you exercise your call option and what would your net pre-tax profit or loss be? social media can contribute to the productivity of companies of all sizes and industries by: The primary gluconeogenic organ in animals is: A) skeletal muscle. B) kidney medulla. C) kidney cortex. D) liver. E) heart muscle Many people wrongly assume that a company will be ethical if ita. attracts high-profile investorsb .rewards employees for high performancec. provides adequate compensation to employeesd. simply hires ethical employeese. performs highly on the stock market In what situation do I place an a after a conjugated ar verb? For example, why would I put an a in Ellas pagan a el (al) supermercado? Why wouldnt I in Ella trabaja el supermercado? about a day after fertilization, the zygote undergoes ________, which is a rapid series of cell division. 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