as the temperature of a volume of air increases, the air molecules move faster, making them more tightly packed and thus increasing the air's density. true or false


Answer 1

As the temperature of a volume of air increases, the air molecules move faster, making them more tightly packed and thus increasing the air's density. false

As the temperature of a volume of air increases, the air molecules move faster, which causes them to spread out and occupy a larger volume. This decrease in the air's density is due to the fact that the pressure of the gas is determined by the number of gas molecules present in a given volume, and an increase in temperature reduces the number of molecules per unit volume, resulting in a decrease in density.

This relationship is described by the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, and directly proportional to its temperature and the number of molecules present.

Learn more about temperature


Answer 2

False. The air molecules move more quickly when the temperature of a volume of air rises, which causes them to spread out more and decrease the density of the air.

The mass of a gas's molecules and how tightly they are packed affect the gas' density. The average kinetic energy of a gas's molecules rises as its temperature rises, which causes the molecules to move faster and farther away from one another. This indicates that the density of the gas is decreasing since there are less molecules present in a given amount of gas. On the other hand, as a gas's temperature drops, its molecules move more slowly and pack closer together, increasing the gas' density.

learn more about density here:


Related Questions

rank the following types of radiation in order of increasing energy per photon: a. radar signals b. radiation in a microwave oven c. gamma rays from nuclear radiation


The order of increasing energy per photon is radar signals (lowest), radiation in a microwave oven, and gamma rays from nuclear radiation (highest).

To rank the following types of radiation in order of increasing energy per photon, we have: a. radar signals, b. radiation in a microwave oven, c. gamma rays from nuclear radiation.

1. Radar signals: These have the lowest energy per photon among the three mentioned types of radiation. Radar signals are a type of radio wave, which are on the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

2. Radiation in a microwave oven: Microwaves have higher energy per photon compared to radar signals but lower than gamma rays. They are located between radio waves and infrared waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.

3. Gamma rays from nuclear radiation: These have the highest energy per photon among the three types of radiation. Gamma rays are on the higher end of the electromagnetic spectrum and are produced by nuclear reactions, cosmic rays, and other high-energy processes.

Learn more about energy:


do photoelectrons from metal 1 have a higher speed, a lower speed, or the same speed as photoelectrons from metal 2?


photoelectrons from metal 1 have a higher speed, a lower speed, or the same speed as photoelectrons from metal 2, If the kinetic energy of photoelectrons from metal 1 is higher than that of metal 2, then the photoelectrons from metal 1 have a higher speed. If the kinetic energy is lower, they have a lower speed. If the kinetic energies are equal, the photoelectrons have the same speed.

we need to consider the following steps:

1. Determine the work function of both metals (the minimum energy required to release an electron from the metal surface). The work function is specific to each metal.
2. Identify the energy of the incident light, which should be the same for both metals to make a fair comparison.
3. Use the photoelectric effect equation: Kinetic energy of photoelectrons = Energy of incident light - Work function of the metal.
4. Compare the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons from both metals.

If the kinetic energy of photoelectrons from metal 1 is higher than that of metal 2, then the photoelectrons from metal 1 have a higher speed. If the kinetic energy is lower, they have a lower speed. If the kinetic energies are equal, the photoelectrons have the same speed.

Learn more about photoelectrons at


as per subpart b, a physician who is a member of the research team on a study involving nonviable neonates may assist the treating physicians in determining whether neonates are nonviable. True or false?


True a significant factor in algal blooms and the excessive growth of aquatic vegetation that results in competition for sunlight and congestion.

What exactly is a contest?

Job competition is fierce. Computer firms compete fiercely with one another. The two businesses are in opposition to one another.It can also be described more broadly as the either direct or indirect relationship between species that affects fitness when they share a resource.When there is monopolistic competition, several vendors offer differentiated goods—goods with minor differences but similar functions.

An organism is what?

Therefore, every animal, plant, mould, protist, organism, or archaeon found on Earth would be considered an organism. There are numerous methods to categorise these species.a single organism that uses its organs to carry out its life's functions

To know more about organism visit:


fish are hung on a spring scale to determine their mass (most fishermen feel no obligation to truthfully report the mass). what is the force constant of the spring in such a scale if it the spring stretches 8.30 cm for a 12.5 kg load?


The force constant of the spring in such a scale if it the spring stretches 8.30 cm for a 12.5 kg load would be 1479.28N.

To determine the force constant of the spring in the fisherman's scale, we can use Hooke's law, which states that the force applied to a spring is directly proportional to the amount it is stretched.

The formula for Hooke's law is F = -kx, where F is the force applied, k is the force constant of the spring, and x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position.

In this case, we know that the spring stretches 8.30 cm (or 0.0830 m) for a load of 12.5 kg.

We can convert this to force using the formula

F = mg, where m is the mass of the object and g is the acceleration due to gravity[tex](9.81 m/s^2).[/tex]

Therefore,[tex]F = (12.5 kg)(9.81 m/s^2) = 122.63 N[/tex].

Using Hooke's law, we can rearrange the equation to solve for k:

k = -F/x.

Plugging in the values we have, we get

k = -(122.63 N)/(0.0830 m) = -1479.28 N/m.

Therefore, the force constant of the spring in the fisherman's scale is approximately 1479.28 N/m.

This means that for every 1 meter the spring is stretched, it will apply a force of 1479.28 N.

It's important to note that fishermen may not always report the mass accurately, but the force applied to the spring will still be proportional to the true mass.

For more such answers on Force Constant


The current through one resistor in a parallel resistor circuit is always (need help ASAP)

a. The same as the current in the other resistors in the circuit

b. Equal to the total current in the circuit.

c. More than the total current in the circuit.

d. Less than the total current in the circuit


In a parallel resistor circuit, the current through one resistor is not always the same as the current in the other resistors in the circuit. The correct answer is: d.

In a parallel resistor circuit, the current is split between the different branches of the circuit. The total current in the circuit is equal to the sum of the currents in each branch. Each resistor in a parallel circuit has a different resistance, which determines how much current flows through it. The resistor with the lowest resistance will have the highest current flowing through it, while the resistor with the highest resistance will have the lowest current flowing through it. Therefore, option d is correct.

To know more about parallel resistor circuit, here


7. a high-frequency photon is scattered off of an electron andexperiences a change of wavelength of 1.7 x 10-4 nm at whatangle must a detector be placed to detect the scattered photon(relative to the direction of the incoming photon)?


The detector must be placed at an angle of approximately 0.003 degrees relative to the direction of the incoming photon to detect the scattered photon.

This formula relates the change in wavelength of the scattered photon to the scattering angle and the rest mass of electron.

Δλ = h/mc (1 - cosθ)

Rearranging the formula to solve for θ, we get:

cosθ = 1 - (Δλ mc)/h

Plugging in the given values, we get:

cos\theta = 1 - [(1.7 * 10^{-4} nm) * (9.11 * 10^{-31} kg) * (3 * 10^{8} m/s)] / \\(6.626 * 10^{-34} J.s)

cosθ ≈ 0.999996

θ ≈ 0.003 degrees

To know more about wavelength, here


inelastic collisions in one dimension: a 5.00-kg ball is hanging from a long but very light flexible wire when it is struck by a 1.50-kg stone traveling horizontally to the right at 12.0 m/s. the stone rebounds to the left with a speed of 8.50 m/s, and the ball swings to a maximum height h above its original level. the value of h is closest to


We can solve this problem using conservation of momentum and conservation of energy.

First, we can find the initial momentum of the system before the collision:

[tex]p_i = m_stone * v_stone[/tex] = 1.50 kg * 12.0 m/s = 18.0 kg m/s

After the collision, the stone rebounds to the left with a speed of 8.50 m/s, so we can find its final momentum:

[tex]p_f = m_stone * v'_stone = 1.50 kg * (-8.50 m/s)[/tex]= -12.75 kg m/s

The ball and the stone move together after the collision, so their final velocity is the same. Let's call it v_f. We can find the final momentum of the system:

[tex]p_f = (m_ball + m_stone) * v_f[/tex]

Since momentum is conserved, we can set p_i = [tex]p_f[/tex]and solve for v_f:

[tex]v_f = p_i / (m_ball + m_stone) = 18.0 kg m/s / (5.00 kg + 1.50 kg)[/tex]= 3.0 m/s

Now we can use conservation of energy to find the maximum height h that the ball reaches. At the maximum height, all of the kinetic energy has been converted to potential energy:

[tex]1/2 * (m_ball + m_stone) * v_f^2 = (m_ball + m_stone) * g * h[/tex]

Solving for h, we get:

[tex]h = v_f^2 / (2 * g) = 3.0 m/s^2 / (2 * 9.8 m/s^2) = 0.153 m[/tex]

So the value of h is closest to 0.153 m.

To learn more about inelastic collisions  here


2.5-Newton's Third Law
An astronaut in deep space is at rest relative to a nearby space station. The astronaut needs to
return to the space station. A student makes the following claim: "The astronaut should
position her feet pointing away from the space station. Then, she should repeatedly move her
feet in the opposite direction to each other. This action will propel the astronaut toward the
space station." Is the student's claim correct? Justify your selection.


The student's claim is incorrect. According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

How is Newton's Third Law explained for a spacecraft?

In this case, the force exerted by the astronaut on her feet is equal and opposite to the force exerted by the feet on the astronaut. Therefore, moving her feet in the opposite direction to each other will result in equal and opposite forces, which will cancel each other out and not propel the astronaut towards the space station.

To propel herself towards the space station, the astronaut needs to exert a force in the direction opposite to the direction of the space station. This can be achieved by using a jetpack or another propulsion system.

Find out more on space station here:


22. radio waves are diffracted by large objects such as buildings, whereas light is not noticeably diffracted. why is this? a) radio waves are unpolarized, whereas light is normally polarized. b) the wavelength of light is much smaller than the wavelength of radio waves. c) the wavelength of light is much greater than the wavelength of radio waves. d) radio waves are coherent and light is usually not coherent. e) radio waves are polarized, whereas light is usually unpolarized.


Radio waves are diffracted by large objects such as buildings, whereas light is not noticeably diffracted, because b) the wavelength of light is much smaller than the wavelength of radio waves.

The diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through small openings, and the amount of diffraction is proportional to the size of the obstacle or opening and the wavelength of the wave. Since radio waves have much longer wavelengths than visible light, they are more easily diffracted by large objects such as buildings. On the other hand, visible light has a much smaller wavelength than radio waves, which makes it less prone to diffraction. Polarization and coherence are not directly related to diffraction.

Polarization refers to the direction of oscillation of the electromagnetic waves, while coherence refers to the consistency of phase between waves. Therefore, the correct answer is b) the wavelength of light is much smaller than the wavelength of radio waves. Radio waves are diffracted by large objects such as buildings, whereas light is not noticeably diffracted, because b) the wavelength of light is much smaller than the wavelength of radio waves.

Learn more about polarization at:


A tank of helium gas used to inflate toy balloons is at a pressure of 15.5x106 Pa and a temperature of 293 K. The tank’s volume is 0.020 m3. How large a balloon would it fill at 1.00 atmosphere and 323 K?


Under the circumstances, a balloon with a volume of 0.035 m³ could be filled from the helium gas tank.

A weather balloon with a 2000L volume has what pressure?

At an altitude of 1000 metres, where the atmospheric pressure is measured to be 60.8 kPa, a weather balloon with a 2000-liter volume and a pressure of 96.3 kPa ascends.

PV = nRT

n = PV/RT = (15.5x10⁶ Pa x 0.020 m³) / (8.31 J/K/mol x 293 K) = 0.0148 mol

Next, we can use the ideal gas law again to find the new volume of the helium at the given conditions:

(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2

We can solve for V2:

V2 = (P1V1T2)/(P2T1) = (15.5x10⁵ Pa x 0.020 m³ x 323 K)/(1 atm x 293 K) = 0.035 m³

To know more about circumstances visit:-


social cognition and third wave cognitive frames


Social cognition refers to how individuals perceive, process, and use information about other people and social situations.

Third wave cognitive frames refer to newer approaches in cognitive psychology that focus on the context in which thoughts and emotions arise, rather than simply examining them in isolation.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how social cognition and third wave cognitive frames are related:

1) Social cognition is a broad field that encompasses various cognitive processes involved in social interaction, such as perception, attention, memory, and decision-making.

2) One of the key areas of research in social cognition is the study of social schemas, which are mental structures that help individuals organize and interpret information about social situations and people.

3) Third wave cognitive frames build on social cognition research by emphasizing the importance of context in shaping cognitive processes.

This includes considering factors such as cultural norms, personal values, and social relationships.

4) Third wave cognitive frames also highlight the role of emotions and mindfulness in cognitive processing.

For example, mindfulness practices can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, which can in turn enhance their social cognition abilities.

6) Another aspect of third wave cognitive frames is the concept of cognitive fusion, which refers to the tendency for individuals to identify with their thoughts and emotions, rather than seeing them as transient experiences.

By practicing cognitive defusion techniques, individuals can learn to distance themselves from their thoughts and emotions, and become more flexible in their social interactions.

7) Overall, the integration of social cognition and third wave cognitive frames highlights the complex interplay between cognitive processes, emotions, and social contexts.

By taking a more holistic approach to studying cognition, researchers and practitioners can develop more effective interventions to enhance social cognition and improve social functioning.

To know more about Social cognition :


which type of spectrum contains dark bands that represent wavelengths intercepted by a material between a radiation source and the earth?


The type of spectrum being referred to is an absorption spectrum. Here are the steps involved in creating an absorption spectrum:

1) A radiation source emits a continuous spectrum of light, which contains all wavelengths of visible light.

2) The light from the radiation source passes through a material, such as a gas, liquid, or solid.

3) The material absorbs certain wavelengths of light that are specific to its chemical composition.

These absorbed wavelengths correspond to the energy levels of the electrons in the material's atoms or molecules.

4) The remaining light that passes through the material is a spectrum that has dark bands or lines where the absorbed wavelengths should be. These dark bands represent the wavelengths that were absorbed by the material.

5) The resulting spectrum is an absorption spectrum that can be used to identify the elements or compounds present in the material.

To summarize, an absorption spectrum contains dark bands that correspond to the specific wavelengths of light that are absorbed by a material between a radiation source and the earth. By analyzing the absorption spectrum, scientists can identify the composition of the material.

To know more about absorption spectrum :


the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at the location of the loop is 1.69e-5 t. calculate the maximum emf induced in the coil by the earth's field.


The maximum EMF induced in the coil by the Earth's magnetic field is zero.

We can use Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction to calculate the maximum EMF induced in the coil by the Earth's magnetic field. Faraday's law states that the EMF induced in a coil is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the coil.

Assuming the loop is a circle of radius r, the magnetic flux through the loop due to the Earth's magnetic field is given by:

Φ = B * A * cosθ

where B is the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field, A is the area of the loop, and θ is the angle between the normal to the loop and the direction of the magnetic field. Since the loop is lying flat on the ground, θ = 0, and cosθ = 1.

The area of a circle is A = π[tex]r^2[/tex], so we have:

Φ = B * π[tex]r^2[/tex]

The rate of change of the magnetic flux through the loop is given by the time derivative of Φ:

dΦ/dt = d(B * π[tex]r^2[/tex])/dt = π[tex]r^2[/tex] * dB/dt

Since the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field is constant, dB/dt = 0, so the rate of change of the magnetic flux is zero.

Therefore, the maximum EMF induced in the coil by the Earth's magnetic field is zero.

Learn more about magnetic field


why should ay be close to 9.8 m/s2, with the other two being close to 0? why should all three gyroscope values be essentially 0?


The values you mentioned are related to the motion of a typical object near the surface of the Earth.

The acceleration due to gravity, represented by "g", is approximately 9.8 [tex]m/s^2[/tex] at sea level. This value is constant and acts vertically downward, so it's common to see it represented as a negative value in equations. If an object is at rest on a level surface, then its acceleration in the x and y directions should be close to zero. This is because the object is not moving in those directions, so it's not accelerating.

Regarding the gyroscope values, a gyroscope is a device that measures angular velocity or rotation rate. If a gyroscope is at rest or is not undergoing any rotation, its output should be zero. This is because there is no change in angular velocity to measure. So, if all three gyroscope values are essentially zero, it suggests that the device is not rotating or undergoing any significant angular velocity changes.

In summary, the values you mentioned are related to the motion of objects on or near the Earth's surface, and their values reflect the physical laws that govern that motion.

Learn more about gyroscope


A train car with a mass of 2000 kg is traveling east at 10 m/s. It is approaching another train car with a mass of 1000 kg also traveling east at 3 m/s. After the trains collide, the more massive train car continues east at 6 m/s. What is the new velocity of the less massive train car?


The new velocity of the less massive train car has a velocity of 10 m/s after the collision.

What is velocity?

Velocity is a measure of the rate and direction of an object's motion. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Velocity is typically represented by the equation v = s/t, where v is the velocity, s is the displacement (or distance travelled), and t is the time taken. Velocity is often confused with speed, which is the measure of the magnitude of an object's motion. Speed is a scalar quantity and is represented by the equation s = t/v.

The total momentum of the two train cars before the collision is calculated by multiplying the mass of each car by its velocity.

The total momentum of the system before the collision is 2000 kg x 10 m/s + 1000 kg x 3 m/s = 23000 kg m/s.

The total momentum of the system after the collision is 2000 kg x 6 m/s + 1000 kg x v, where v is the velocity of the less massive train car after the collision.

Therefore, we can set up the equation 23000 = 12000 + 1000v and solve for v.

v = 10 m/s.

To learn more about velocity


compared to the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a 1-kilogram iron block, the buoyant force on a nearby 1-kilogram helium-filled balloon is group of answer choices the same. considerably less. considerably more.


The buoyant force on a 1-kilogram helium-filled balloon will be considerably more than the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a 1-kilogram iron block.

The buoyant force is the force exerted by a fluid, such as air or water, on an object that is submerged in it. It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

In this case, we are comparing the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a 1-kilogram iron block to the buoyant force on a nearby 1-kilogram helium-filled balloon.

Helium is a gas that is much less dense than air, which means that it will displace a larger volume of air than the iron block of the same mass.

Therefore, the buoyant force on the helium-filled balloon will be considerably more than the buoyant force on the iron block. This is because the buoyant force is directly proportional to the volume of fluid displaced by the object.

To learn more about : buoyant


a 100-kg astronaut throws a 1-kg wrench with a force of 1 n. what is the acceleration of the wrench after the wrench leaves the astronaut’s hand?


To find the acceleration of the 1-kg wrench after it leaves the 100-kg astronaut's hand when thrown with a force of 1 N, you can use Newton's second law of motion:

Newton's second law of motion, also known as the law of acceleration, states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, the second law can be expressed as:

Force = mass x acceleration.

Step 1: Identify the known values.
Force (F) = 1 N
Mass (m) = 1 kg

Step 2: Use Newton's second law of motion to calculate acceleration (a).
F = m * a
1 N = 1 kg * a

Step 3: Solve for acceleration (a).
a = F / m
a = 1 N / 1 kg
a = 1 m/s²

The acceleration of the wrench after it leaves the astronaut's hand is 1 m/s².

To learn more about Newton's second law of motion. Please Visit:


Newton's second law of motion can be used to determine the acceleration of the 1-kg wrench after it leaves the 100-kg astronaut's hand when thrown with a force of 1 N:

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass, according to Newton's second rule of motion, commonly referred to as the law of acceleration. The second law can be defined mathematically as:

Mass times acceleration equals force.

Determine the values that are already known.

Mass (m) = 1 kg and Force (F) = 1 N

Step 2: Determine the acceleration (a) using Newton's second rule of motion.

F = m * a

1 N = 1 kg * a

Calculate acceleration (a) in step three.

a = F/m, a = 1 N/kg, a = 1 m/s2, etc.

After leaving the astronaut's hand, the wrench accelerates at a rate of 1 m/s2.

learn more about Newton's second law of motion here:


a woodchuck runs 19 m to the right in 4.8 s, then turns and runs 12 m to the left in 5 s. Part (a) What is the magnitude of the average velocity of the woodchuck in m/s?
v=____. PART B What is its average speed in m/s?


The magnitude of the average velocity of the woodchuck is 0.71 m/s. The average speed of the woodchuck is 3.2 m/s.

Right distance = 19m

Time is taken to cover distance = 4.8s

Left distance = 12m

Time is taken to cover distance = 5s

total displacement = 19 m to the right - 12 m to the left = 7 m to the right

A. To calculate the magnitude of the average velocity, we need to find the total displacement and divide it by the total time.

The total time it took for the woodchuck to run both distances is:

The total time = 4.8 s + 5 s

The total time = 9.8 s

The magnitude of the average velocity is:

v = displacement/time

v  = 7 m / 9.8 s

v = 0.71 m/s

B. To find the average speed, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time.

The total distance traveled is = 19 m + 12 m = 31 m

The total time it took for the woodchuck to run both distances is:

The average speed = total distance / total time

The average speed = 31 m / 9.8 s = 3.2 m/s

Therefore we can conclude that the magnitude of the average velocity is 0.71 m/s and the average speed is 3.2 m/s.

To learn more about average speed


if successful, leibnez's argument proves the existence of a necessary, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal creator of the universe. true or false?


If successful, Leibniz's argument, also known as the Cosmological Argument, does aim to prove the existence of a necessary, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal creator of the universe. The statement is true.

Leibniz's cosmological argument, also known as the Principle of Sufficient Reason, aims to demonstrate that there must be a necessary, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal creator of the universe. According to the argument, every contingent thing in the universe has an explanation for its existence, and this explanation must ultimately rest on a necessary being that exists by its own nature and does not depend on anything else for its existence. This necessary being, by definition, must possess the attributes mentioned above. Therefore, if the argument is successful, it would indeed prove the existence of a necessary, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal creator of the universe.

To learn more about Cosmological Argument, refer:-


a binary star system in the constellation orion has an angular separation between the stars of 10-5 radians. assuming a wavelength of 500 nm, what is the smallest aperture (diameter) telescope that will just resolve the two stars? (1 nm


The smallest aperture (diameter) telescope that will just resolve the two stars is 5 cm.

The angular resolution (minimum resolvable angle) of a telescope can be calculated using the Rayleigh criterion, which states that two objects can be just resolved when the center of the diffraction pattern of one is directly over the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of the other. The formula for the angular resolution is:

θ = 1.22 λ / D

where θ is the angular resolution, λ is the wavelength of light, and D is the diameter of the aperture (telescope).

Substituting the given values, we get:

θ = 1.22 x 500 nm / Dθ = 0.61 µrad / D

The angular separation between the stars is given as 10-5 radians. To resolve the stars, the angular resolution of the telescope must be equal to or smaller than this value. Therefore:

θ = 0.61 µrad / D ≤ 10-5 radiansD ≥ 5 cm

Therefore, the smallest aperture (diameter) telescope that will just resolve the two stars is 5 cm.

To learn more about telescope, here


A plane lands on the runway and slows from 758 km/sec to 30 km/sec in 48 seconds, what is the plane’s acceleration?


The acceleration of the plane is: -55,090 km/(hour)²

What is an acceleration?

The initial velocity of the plane (758 km/sec) is much greater than the maximum possible speed of an airplane. It is possible that the initial velocity was meant to be 758 km/hour instead.

Assuming that the initial velocity was meant to be 758 km/hour and final velocity is 30 km/hour, the acceleration of the plane can be calculated using the formula:

acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Here, final velocity = 30 km/hour, initial velocity = 758 km/hour, and time = 48 seconds converted to hours is 48/3600 = 0.01333 hours.

Therefore, the acceleration of the plane is:

acceleration = (30 - 758) / 0.01333

acceleration = -55,090 km/(hour)²

The negative sign indicates that the plane is decelerating or slowing down. However, this answer seems unlikely as the acceleration is very high and may not be possible for an airplane to achieve. It is possible that the initial velocity was meant to be a lower value.

What is velocity?

Velocity is a physical quantity that describes the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

In other words, velocity is the speed of an object in a particular direction. For example, a car moving at 60 km/hour to the east has a velocity of 60 km/hour to the east.

Velocity can be calculated as the change in position divided by the change in time:

velocity = change in position / change in time

The standard unit of velocity is meters per second (m/s) in the SI system, but it can also be expressed in other units such as kilometers per hour (km/hour) or miles per hour (mph).

To know more about velocity, visit:


Complete question is: A plane lands on the runway and slows from 758 km/sec to 30 km/sec in 48 seconds, The acceleration of the plane is: -55,090 km/(hour)².

A cylindrical beaker of mass 50kg, cross sectional area 25cm3 and height 10cm is filled with oil of density 0.8g/cm3.(i):what is the total mass. (ii) A piece of aluminum of mass 66g and density 2.2g/cm3, is lowered carefully into the beaker. What volume of oil overflows?. (iii) What is the final mass of the beaker and its contents after the outside has been wipe to remove overflow liquid?​



(i) The volume of the cylindrical beaker is given by:

V = A x h = (25 cm^2) x (10 cm) = 250 cm^3

The mass of the oil in the beaker is given by:

m_oil = density x volume = (0.8 g/cm^3) x (250 cm^3) = 200 g

The total mass of the beaker and oil is therefore:

m_total = m_beaker + m_oil = 50 kg + 0.2 kg = 50.2 kg

(ii) The volume of the aluminum is given by:

V_aluminum = m_aluminum / density = 66 g / (2.2 g/cm^3) = 30 cm^3

When the aluminum is lowered into the beaker, it displaces an equal volume of oil. Therefore, the volume of oil that overflows is 30 cm^3.

(iii) The final mass of the beaker and its contents is the sum of the mass of the beaker, the mass of the oil remaining in the beaker, and the mass of the aluminum:

m_final = m_beaker + m_oil + m_aluminum = 50 kg + 0.17 kg + 0.066 kg = 50.24 kg

To calculate the mass of the remaining oil, we need to subtract the volume of aluminum from the volume of the beaker and multiply by the density of the oil:

V_remaining_oil = (A x h) - V_aluminum = (25 cm^2 x 10 cm) - 30 cm^3 = 220 cm^3

m_remaining_oil = density x V_remaining_oil = 0.8 g/cm^3 x 220 cm^3 = 176 g

Therefore, the final mass of the beaker and its contents after the overflow liquid has been wiped off is 50.24 kg, and there is 176 g of oil remaining in the beaker

a father with twice the mass of his daughter is watching her skate as he is standing still on ice with his skates on. she approaches him with speed v and then grabs him so that it is a perfectly inelastic collision. at what speed do the two of them move, i.e. what is their center of mass velocity? assume the ice is frictionless and there is no wind resistance.


The center of mass velocity after the perfectly inelastic collision is Vf = v/3.

To determine the center of mass velocity after the perfectly inelastic collision between the father and daughter on frictionless ice with no wind resistance.

Step 1: Assign variables to the given information.
Let the mass of the father be 2m and the mass of the daughter be m. The daughter approaches the father with a speed of v, and the father is initially at rest.

Step 2: Apply the conservation of momentum principle.
In a collision, the total momentum before the collision equals the total momentum after the collision. Let Vf represent the final velocity of both the father and daughter after the collision. The initial momentum is given by:

p_initial = (mass_daughter × v_daughter) + (mass_father × v_father)

Since the father is initially at rest, his initial velocity is 0:

p_initial = (m × v) + (2m × 0) = m × v

Step 3: Calculate the total momentum after the collision.
After the collision, the combined mass of the father and daughter is 2m + m = 3m. The final momentum is:

p_final = (mass_combined) × Vf = (3m) × Vf

Step 4: Set the initial momentum equal to the final momentum and solve for the final velocity, Vf.
m × v = (3m) × Vf

Divide both sides by 3m:

Vf = (m × v) / (3m)

The mass m cancels out:

Vf = v / 3

You can learn more about the center of mass at:


a 0.639 h inductor is connected in series with a fluorescent lamp to limit the current drawn by the lamp. if the combination is connected to a 59.9 hz, 169 v line, and if the voltage across the lamp is to be 24.7 v, what is the current in the circuit? (the lamp is a pure resistive load.)


The current in the circuit is 0.698 A.

We can start by finding the reactance of the inductor using the formula:

XL = 2πfL

where XL is the inductive reactance, f is the frequency, and L is the inductance.

XL = 2π(59.9 Hz)(0.639 H) = 240.3 Ω

Since the lamp is a pure resistive load, its resistance is equal to the voltage across it divided by the current flowing through it:

R = V/I

where R is the resistance, V is the voltage, and I is the current.

R = 24.7 V / I

The total impedance of the circuit is given by:

Z = √([tex]R^2[/tex]+ X[tex]L^2)[/tex]

Since the inductor and lamp are connected in series, the current flowing through both is the same, and we can use Ohm's Law to find the current:

I = V/Z

Substituting in the values we have:

Z = √(R^2 + X[tex]L^2[/tex]) = √[(24.7 Ω/I[tex])^2[/tex] + (240.3 Ω[tex])^2[/tex]] = 242.2 Ω

I = V/Z = (169 V)/(242.2 Ω) = 0.698 A

Therefore, the current in the circuit is 0.698 A.

Learn more about Ohm's Law,


moment of inertia times angular velocity; measured in units of mass times units of velocity or expressed as kilogram-meters squared per second in si; a vector quantity.


The quantity that is expressed as the product of moment of inertia and angular velocity is known as angular momentum.

Angular momentum is a vector quantity and is measured in units of mass times units of velocity, which is equivalent to kilogram-meters squared per second in SI units. It represents the rotational analog of linear momentum and is important in understanding the conservation of angular momentum in rotating systems.
The concept of angular momentum, which involves moment of inertia and angular velocity. Angular momentum (L) is the product of an object's moment of inertia (I) and its angular velocity (ω). It can be represented mathematically as:
L = I * ω
To know more about moment of inertia:


The moment of inertia times angular velocity is a measure of rotational motion and is expressed as the ˘ of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity. The units of velocity are typically meters per second (m/s) or radians per second (rad/s), depending on the context.

The units of moment of inertia are kilograms times meters squared (kg x m²). When these units are multiplied together, the resulting unit is kilogram-meters squared per second (kg x m²/s), which is the SI unit for angular momentum. Since angular momentum is a vector quantity, it has both magnitude and direction.

I is the moment of inertia, a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion, and is typically determined by the object's mass distribution and geometry.

ω is the angular velocity, a measure of how fast an object rotates about a specific axis, and is typically expressed in radians per second (rad/s).

To learn more about Angular velocity Here:


If a spacecraft is moving at 20,000 mph (in space), it will continue to move at 20,000 mph when its engines shut off.
Which Law explains this?
Choose matching definition
Newton's first law of motions
All of these
Sum to you equal weight


If a spacecraft is moving at 20,000 mph (in space), it will continue to move at 20,000 mph when its engines shut off.

The law that explains this is Newton's first law of motion.

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will continue in motion with the same speed and direction, unless acted upon by an external force.

In the case of the spacecraft moving at 20,000 mph, it will continue to move at that speed when its engines shut off, because there are no external forces acting upon it in the vacuum of space.

To know more about Newton's first law of motion:


10. A roller coaster accelerates at 8.75 m/s² from rest to a final velocity of 70 m/s. How long does it
take to speed up?


A roller coaster accelerates at 8.75 m/s² from rest to a final velocity of 70 m/s it takes 8 sec to speed up.

How to calculate time?Using the equation v = u + at, we can find:70 m/s for final velocityThe roller coaster starts at rest, therefore u = starting velocity = 0 m/s.8.75 m/s2 for acceleration and time, respectivelyWhen we solve for t, we obtain:t = (v - u) / at = (70 m/s - 0 m/s) / 8.75 m/s2 t = 8 sec.In light of this, the roller coaster's acceleration takes 8 seconds.The rate of change in an object's velocity with respect to time is known as acceleration in mechanics. The vector quantity of accelerations. The direction of the net force that is acting on an object determines its acceleration.

For more information on time of roller coaster kindly visit to


Most battery-powered devices won?t work if you put the battery in backward. But for a device that you plug in, you can often reverse the orientation of the plug with no problem. Part A Explain the difference. a. You can often reverse the plug in the wall because it is an AC. However, a battery is a DC. b. Battery-powered devices are low-powered. c. Battery-powered devices have many defects in their construction d. You can often reverse the plug in the wall because it is a DC. However, a battery is an AC.


Battery-powered devices require the correct orientation of the battery to function properly.

The difference between being able to reverse the orientation of a plug in a wall outlet versus a battery has to do with the type of electrical current being used.

Wall outlets provide AC (alternating current) power, which means that the direction of the electrical flow switches back and forth rapidly. This means that the orientation of the plug doesn't matter, since the current will flow in either direction.

In contrast, batteries provide DC (direct current) power, which means that the electrical flow only goes in one direction. If a battery is inserted backwards, the current will flow in the wrong direction and the device won't work properly or may even be damaged. Therefore, battery-powered devices require the correct orientation of the battery to function properly.

Learn more about Battery-powered devices


For battery-powered gadgets to operate properly, the battery must be positioned correctly.

The type of electrical current being utilised determines whether a plug in a wall outlet can be turned around vs whether a battery can.

The electricity that comes out of wall plugs is AC (alternating current), which means that the flow of electricity rapidly changes direction. Because the current can flow in either direction, the plug's orientation is irrelevant.

Batteries, on the other hand, deliver DC (direct current) power, which refers to electrical flow that only occurs in one direction. The device won't function properly or might even be harmed if a battery is inserted backwards since the current will flow in the wrong direction. As a result, batteries must be oriented appropriately for battery-powered gadgets to work properly.

Learn more about Battery-powered devices here:


13. what type of lens is used to make a magnifying glass? a) converging b) diverging c) either type would work equally well.


Option (a).

A converging lens is used to make a magnifying glass, which works by bending light to create a magnified image.

The curved surface of the lens helps to focus and magnify the object being viewed.

Learn more about lens


What does freezing in the water cycle mean


Answer: Changing state from a liquid to a solid

Explanation: When liquid water loses thermal energy, it gets cold and undergoes freezing.

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