As the venture becomes established and starts growing, which of the following types of experience becomes increasingly important?
A. Technical
B. Financing
C. Managerial
D. Marketing


Answer 1

Managerial (C) becomes important when the business is getting established and growing.

Managerial as a Business Element to Develop

As a business is established and starting to grow, effective managerial is crucial to ensure that the business can continue to grow and prosper. Some of the key areas where effective management is important to include:

Strategic planning: As a business starts to grow, it's important to have a clear strategic plan in place to guide future growth and development. This includes setting goals and objectives, identifying target markets, and developing a competitive strategy.Resource allocation: As a business grows, it's important to effectively allocate resources, such as personnel, finances, and materials, to ensure that the business can continue to operate and grow.Organizational structure: As a business grows, it's important to establish a clear organizational structure to ensure that tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined and that communication and decision-making are efficient.Performance management: As a business grows, it's important to effectively manage the performance of employees to ensure that productivity and efficiency are maintained.Risk management: As a business grows, it's important to identify and manage potential risks to the business in order to minimize their impact.Adapting to change: As the market and environment changes, it's important for the management to adapt the business accordingly to stay competitive and ahead of the curve.Keeping up with industry standards: As a business grows, it's important to stay current with industry standards and best practices in order to maintain its competitive advantage.

Learn more about business here:


Related Questions

Devi and Laurel are having a disagreement. Devi says that writing is a natural talent people are born either with or without. Laurel, however, thinks it’s a skill that can be nurtured and developed. Which approach to writing would Laurel MOST likely agree with?
Group of answer choices







Incoherent is the answer


They Say/I Say book, 5th edition. Page 30, chapter 1
2b. Summarize Goldsmith’s argument by using the following template for introducing an ongoing debate
• In discussions of how the internet affects people, one controversial issue has been ____. On one hand, ___ argues _____. On the other hand, _ contends ___. Others even maintain ___. My own view is ____


In discussions of how the internet affects people, one controversial issue has been the impact on social interactions and relationships. On one hand, some argue that the internet has made it easier for people to connect and communicate with others, regardless of geographic location. On the other hand, others contend that the internet has led to increased social isolation and decreased face-to-face interactions. Others even maintain that the internet has had a neutral impact on social interactions and relationships. My own view is that the impact of the internet on social interactions and relationships is complex and multifaceted, and likely varies depending on the individual and their use of the technology.

What is the internet?

A global computer network that uses standardized communication protocols to connect interconnected networks and provide a range of information and communication services is known as the internet.

Learn more about internet on:


2. Rewrite the following sentences using adverbial forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Pure honey is not available in the market. (ready)

2. All the villagers were afraid of the serpent. (mortal)

3. Ruby called out to her mother. (loud)

4. Products manufactured are released for sale in the market. (perfect)

5. We should not follow anybody. (blind)

6. I am from the state of Rajasthan. (final)

7. The miscreant has confessed his guilt. (original)

8. The manager deals with all kinds of customers. (amiable)



1. Ready-made pure honey is not available in the market.

2. All the villagers were mortally afraid of the serpent.

3. Ruby loudly called out to her mother.

4. Products manufactured are perfectly released for sale in the market.

5. We should not blindly follow anybody.

6. I am finally from the state of Rajasthan.

7. The miscreant has originally confessed his guilt.

8. The manager amiably deals with all kinds of customers.


Tuesdays With Morrie: Explain the “tension of opposites.”


Morrie explains his theory in Tuesdays With Morrie on the "tension of opposites," meaning that life pulls alternately back and forth, like a wrestling match. Love, he says, always wins, when Mitch reminds of his love books.

Analysis of the Event  

Morrie reunion with Mitch shows  enormous transformation he has undergone since he has last seen him. He has not seen his professor for sixteen years, yet he want  to finish the phone conversation he was  having  before he acknowledge Morrie.

The manner and behavior that Mitch exhibits at the beginning of the book is different from his behavior as it was described in the flashbacks to his time in collage years to understand the drastic transformation he has undergone in growing older.

 Tuesdays With Morrie is a novel  memoir authored  by Mitch Albom,and was published by Doubleday in 1997. It is  based on a series of conversations between a dying professor, Morrie Schwartz, and the author, Mitch Albom

.Learn more about Tuesdays With Morrie


In which of the following words does the suffix create a word different from the root version?
(A Staircases
B Answered
C Hopeless
D Correcting)


The word Hopeless suffix create a word different from the root version.

In linguistics, a suffix is ​​an affix that follows the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings that indicate the grammatical case of nouns, adjectives, and verb endings that form verb conjugations. Suffixes can contain grammatical or lexical information.

Inflectional or grammatical suffix. Such inflections change the grammatical properties of words within syntactic categories. Derivation suffixes can be divided into two categories: class modification derivation and class preservation derivation.

Especially in the study of Semitic languages, suffixes are called affirmatives because they can change the form of words. In Indo-European studies, a distinction is made between suffixes and endings (see Proto-Indo-European tribes). Suffixes can contain grammatical or lexical information.

To know more about suffix click here:


A) A Tale of Two Cities: Heathcliff's character was influenced by the culture of the Earnshaw household. abused by Hindley because of a horse.

Heathcliff is forced to perform laborious outside work after Mr. Eqrnshaw's death and cannot be seen with Catherinr due to rank. influences his character due to a desire for retribution.

Why does Heathcliff get abused by Hindley?

Hindley immediately treats Heathcliff with hostility and abuse because he is jealous of Heathcliff's closeness to Mr. Earnshaw. This eventually gives way to Mr. Earnshaw choosing Heathcliff over Hindley and Catherine as his favorite child, making Hindley even more hateful of his "foster-brother."

To learn more about Heathcliff's character here:


Why is the novel called WALK TWO MOONS?


The reason why the novel was called Walk Two Moons comes from the saying that don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins.

What is the subject of the book Walk Two Moons?

The context ofthe story is base on Sal who travels with her grandparents from Ohio to Idaho in an effort to find her missing mother's whereabouts. Sal shares the bizarre and intriguing tale of her friend Phoebe while they are traveling. Sal's own story starts to come to light as the kilometers go by, while Phoebe's tale gets crazier and crazier.

We typically have one full moon per month, so if we were to walk for two moons, it would likely equate to two months of walking. The word "moons" appears in the title, which suggests that nature will play a significant role in this novel.

Learn more about Walk Two Moons at:


Can you tell me the Allusions and a little explanation as to what it means and what it is referring to please?

Yea, yea I'm out that Brooklyn, now I'm down in Tribeca
Right next to DeNiro, but I'll be hood forever
I'm the new Sinatra, and, since I made it hereq4
I used to cop in Harlem
Catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whippin' Pastry
Cruisin' down 8th St., off white Lexus Drivin' so slow, but BK is from Texas
Me, I'm out that Bed-Stuy, home of that boy Biggie
Now I live on Billboard and I brought my boys with me
Say whaDup to Ty-Ty, s(ll sippin' Mai Tai's
SiZn' courtside, Knicks and Nets give me high five


Allusion is a figure of speech where an item or circumstance from a different context is subtly or indirectly referenced.

What is allusion and what is its significance?

The audience is expected to draw the obvious connection. The connection is typically referred to as a reference when it is clearly stated by the author.

Allusion is when a writer uses a well-known person, character, setting, or event to help the reader understand their work better. But allusions aren't just for writing; we frequently employ them in speech as well. Allusions are a clear and effective way to convey a lot of meaning.

Learn more about allusion on:


Tuesdays With Morrie: How did Morrie's childhood shape him into the man he became? Make sure you use evidence from the book to support your answer.


Morrie's childhood experiences, including the death of his mother when he was young and the poverty he faced, greatly influenced the development of his philosophy on life.

What did Morrie Learn?

He learned to value the importance of human connections and the need to find meaning and purpose in one's life. These experiences also helped him to become a more empathetic and compassionate person, which is evident in his teachings and his relationships with others

Morrie experienced many dramatic events as a child that helped to mold him into the man he is today. Morrie's family was impoverished, his mother had passed away, and his brother had polio. When Eva entered Morrie's life, it was a small blessing that ended up being a big blessing.

Leane more about Tuesdays With Morrie on:


"Nothing to see here" by Kevin Wilson
This novel offers a unique perspective on the complexities of love and what it means to look beyond a person’s differences. What sort of preconceived notions does Lillian bring to this job? How do Bessie and Roland challenge those notions?


Lo no no NOOO nov ofders amaa

It's been a long time i haven't been on brainly" But i need help on this one

How does the stage direction on page 28, "Mr. Dussel looks at Mr. Frank, then back at Anne, silent," develop the reader’s understanding of characters, beyond what is communicated through dialogue? Explain your thinking.



The stage direction on page 28 develops the reader’s understanding of the characters beyond what is communicated through dialogue by showing the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters. Through this stage direction, the reader can see Mr. Dussel’s conflicting feelings, as he looks first at Mr. Frank and then back at Anne. This indicates that Mr. Dussel is struggling with his feelings, likely feeling a sense of admiration for Mr. Frank's loyalty to Anne but also feeling pity for Anne in her situation. Through this stage direction, the reader can gain insight into the characters’ inner lives and motivations, beyond what is communicated through dialogue.


1. Write down the expressions used in the dialogue that you feel are part of the rules and procedures of a formal meeting.​


"Good morning/afternoon," "Let's start," "I'd like to welcome each and every one," and "I'd like to thank everyone for coming today" are the expressions or formal meeting.

What would a formal meeting look like?

Among others, the following list includes examples of formal meetings: Board conferences, Departmental or team meetings and also quarterly assessments

What guidelines apply to a casual meeting?

Compared to formal meetings, informal meetings are significantly more relaxed and have less rules and requirements. The only regulations are those that currently exist in your organization, including respecting one another's viewpoints and refraining from talking over one another.

What factors determine a formal meeting's success?

The meeting involves everyone working together. Inspire everyone to take part and to exchange ideas.

To know more about Expressions of formal and informal, visit:


In paragraph 5, what does the author reveal by comparing the way men and women are represented in history books?


A Room of its Own by Virginia Woolf is a key work in the history of women's activism. Through a unique and highly interesting examination of the psychological and material conditions anticipated for creation of literature, it looks at the historical context of women writers.

Is writing a job?

The work of authors and journalists is anticipated to increase by 4% between 2021 and 2031, which is approximately average over all occupations. Over the next ten years, there are expected to be, on average, 15,200 opportunities for writers and authors.

How does an author differ from a writer?

A poet is a person whose works have been published. When someone writes, they are considered writers since they develop the ideas and content for their published works as well. Since most authors also write, not all journalists may claim to be authors.

To know more about Author visit:



not polite.


We can see here that the word, customary, an adjective is closest to meaning with B. normal.

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Examples of adjectives include "big," "red," "happy," and "delicious."

Adjectives are often used to provide more information about the noun or pronoun they modify, and they usually come before the noun or pronoun in a sentence. For example, in the sentence "The big dog barked," "big" is an adjective that describes the noun "dog."

We see that customary means something that is accordance to the usual, normal practice. Thus, normal is the correct answer.

This question wants us to find the word from the options that is cloest in meaning to the adjective, customary.

Learn more about adjective on


Read the claim below.
Smartphones have made it harder for people to think clearly.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


The piece of evidence that best supports this claim is this:

B. Since smartphones first became popular, the average person's attention span has fallen from twelve seconds to eight.

What is the best-supporting claim?

A supporting claim is one that is meant to back up the evidence provided by the author of a text. In the above sentence, we learn that smartphones are a primary reason why people can no longer think clearly.

The evidence that backs this up is the fact that people's attention span has fallen significantly over a span of time. This is a valid supporting statement.

Learn more about claims here:


If you pull on an object hanging from a forcemeter, would this give you an accurate reading of the objects weight? .say why or why not


We can see here that pulling on an object hanging from a forcemeter would not give an accurate reading of the object's weight.

What is a forcemeter?

A forcemeter is a device used to measure force or tension, not weight. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object, typically measured in units such as pounds or kilograms. A forcemeter measures force in units such as newtons or pounds-force, and it is used to measure tension or compression in a material. So, it would measure the force applied when you pull on the object but not the weight of the object itself.

We see here that that just hanging it wouldn't give the accurate reading needed.

Learn more about force on


Which two examples of rhetorical language most directly convey the idea that Lincoln is working towards the reconciliation of the North and South?


He illustrates the parallels between North and South using ethos. To remind his audience, Lincoln employs rhetorical devices like references, repetition, and antithesis.

An effective rhetorical example, what is it?

To inspire citizens to take action, politicians issue rallying cries. Advertisers use enticing phrases to persuade customers to buy products. Lawyers employ emotional arguments in an effort to convince a jury. All of these are examples of rhetoric, which refers to language that is intended to persuade, inspire, or teach.

What does being rhetorical mean?

No of the subject or setting in which the issues arise, being rhetorical enables students to recognize rhetorical issues and provide arguments in response to them.

To know more about rhetorical visit:


I need help asapp… how Jesse continues to benefit from Pete's lecture as he cares for the dolphin. On holtmcdougle.


When Jesse encountered the distressed Dolphin, he recounted all of the survival tactics that Pete thought of when he had a similar experience. The faint recollections helped Jesse to save the Dolphin.

How did the lecture prove useful?

The lectures proved useful to Jesse when he saw a Dolphin that was on land and could not breathe properly.

Even though he was bored with Pete's lectures, he now tried to recollect some of the tips that Pete gave him about saving an endangered Dolphin. he applied all of these and was soon able to save the Dolphin from harm.

Learn more about Dolphins here:


I’m the poem”if—“ how does the speaker use juxtaposition


Juxtaposition is the practice of juxtaposing two items in order to emphasize their contrasts. It is employed rhetorically by writers. Contrasting aspects like riches and poverty, beauty and ugliness are common in writing.

What kind of juxtaposition is that?

Only because space is dark at night can you see the stars' lights. Contrast may be made by combining two different items or ideas. Contrast is the term for this action.

Uses for juxtaposition:

Juxtaposition is the practice of juxtaposing two unrelated objects to emphasize their contrasts. This tactic encourages the reader subtly to contrast and compare two or more aspects of a tale, including as characters, places, events, moods, and more.

To know more about juxtaposition visit:


Which of the following are recommended reasons to keep the speaking outline free of too much details? To enhance effectivedirect communicationto help maintain eye contact with the audience.


The recommended reasons to maintain the outline of the speaking free of too many details are:

"To help speakers maintain eye contact with the audience"."To enhance effective, direct communication".

Keeping the speaking outline free of too many details helps speakers maintain eye contact with the audience because it allows them to focus on the audience rather than on reading from a script. When a speaker is constantly looking down at notes, it can break the connection with the audience and make it difficult for them to engage with the material.

Furthermore, a speaking outline free of too many details enhances effective, direct communication because it allows speakers to be more present in the moment and respond to the audience's reactions and questions. When a speaker is bogged down in too many details, it can be difficult for them to stay on track and convey their message clearly. A more streamlined outline allows speakers to be more flexible and responsive, which can make their presentation more engaging and effective.

Learn more about speech-making here:


1. What is Phelps’ main argument? Underline/highlight the sentence that best shows this.


According to Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, God will punish the United States for tolerating homosexuality, especially in the military. Phelps and his followers frequently picket at military funerals to express their opinions.

What is an Argument?

This refers to the term that is used to show the use of words to state an opinion or statement and defend it or try to convince a person about it with supporting details.

Hence, it can be seen that Fred Phelps believes that the United States should not be tolerant of homosexuality.

Read more about arguments here:


TRUE/FALSE. A no stop limit is the maximum time I can spend at a given depth and still ascend directly to the surface.


TRUE, the no-decompression limit is the maximum amount of time a diver can spend underwater and ascend directly to the surface without requiring decompression stops.

The "No Deco Limit" (NDL) or "No Deco Limit" is the interval of time a diver can theoretically spend at a given depth without making any decompression stops while ascent. Decompression practice by divers involves planning and monitoring the profile given by the selected decompression model algorithm or table. This results in the asymptomatic and harmless release of excess inert gas dissolved in the tissue as a result of breathing at higher ambient pressures. Follow approved procedures for atmospheric pressure, available equipment, diving conditions, and equipment and profiles used. There is a wide range of choices in all these aspects.

For more information on no-decompression limit see:


Which excerpt from O’Connor’s “Good Country People” best reveals the irony of the main character’s name, Joy?
Mrs. Hopewell thought of her as a child though she was thirty-two years old and highly educated.
She would make these statements, usually at the table, in a tone of gentle insistence as if no one held them but her.
And when Joy had to be impressed for these services, her remarks were usually so ugly and her face so glum...
She saw it as the name of her highest creative act.


The irony of Joy's name is revealed in the way she behaves towards her mother, Mrs. Hopewell.

Which excerpt from O’Connor’s “Good Country People” best reveals the irony of the main character’s name, Joy?"She would make these statements, usually at the table, in a tone of gentle insistence as if no one held them but her. And when Joy had to be impressed for these services, her remarks were usually so ugly and her face so glum..." This excerpt best reveals the irony of the main character's name, Joy, because it contrasts her actual behavior and attitude—which is far from joyful—with her name.Even though Joy is thirty-two years old and highly educated, Mrs. Hopewell still sees her as a child.This is seen in the way Mrs. Hopewell "gently insists" on her remarks, as if no one holds them but her. Joy responds to such insistence with "ugly" remarks and a "glum" face.Despite the fact that Joy has a name that connotes happiness and delight, her actions show that she is anything but joyful. This irony is further highlighted when Mrs. Hopewell decides to name the baby that Joy gave birth to “Hope,” seeing it as “the name of her highest creative act.”The fact that Mrs. Hopewell is the one to name her grandchild “Hope” while her own daughter, Joy, is anything but joyful, serves to emphasize the irony of Joy's name.

To learn more about O’Connor’s “Good Country People” refer to:


How does the title of the poem you selected for the TOASTT in this lesson relate to the poem?

A word is dead by Emily Dickinson


The title has a very direct connection to the poetry because it refers to one of the characters in the poem and the late lover of the protagonist.

Why did Emily Dickinson write the poem because I could not stop for death?

The 1847 death of Olivia Coleman, the attractive older sister of Emily's close friend Eliza M. Coleman, who passed away from a tubercular hemorrhage while out riding in a carriage, has been suggested by academics as the inspiration for Dickinson's carriage ride with Death.

According to Miller, "scholars concur that Dickinson addressed literary themes typical of her time—love, death, sentiment, war, and religion—but they frequently claim she did so 'differently' than her contemporaries.

Learn more about Emily Dickinson here:


which two ways would the passage be different if it were told from the point mof view of a third person narrator


The two ways the passage would be different if it were told from the point mof view of a third person narrator is

The readers would not know Buffalo Bill's feelings and thoughts. The readers would understand the facts in an objective manner.

What stands for Buffalo Bill?

The context of the passager is based on the personification of frontier values and all the unadulterated independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency featured in wild west virtues, Buffalo Bill symbolized the essence of the American people.

When telling a story in the third person, the narrator stands apart from the action and describes the characters' deeds by using their names or the third-person pronouns he, she, or they. The three subtypes of third-person narrative are omniscient, limited, and objective.

Learn more about  third person at:


although mike didn't want to walk home it proved to be a blessing in disguise when he found a ten dollar bill on the side walk?


Answer:  They decided to make an offer to buy the house, but when they did, they found that someone else had already bought it. Someone beat them to the punch.


mark me brainiest please

Which two statements best capture the themes of

the story?

A. Adventure can be found in unexpected places.

D. Nothing is as important as the people you love.

C. Seeing through others' eyes can affect your own perspective.

B. Everything in life eventually passes away.


Everything in life eventually passes away. Seeing through others' eyes can affect your own perspective.

What is meant by eyes?

You can see thanks to the function of your eyes. They receive light from the environment and transmit visual data to your brain. Your eyes have a 200-degree field of view, which includes the front and sides of you.The visual system's organs include the eyes. They give living things the ability to see, to take in and process visual information, and to perform a number of photoresponse functions that are not dependent on vision. Light is detected by the eyes, which transform it into neuronal electro-chemical impulses.The simplest eyes, known as pit eyes, are eye-spots that can be positioned inside of pits to minimize the angle of light that enters and influences the eye-spot and enable the organism to determine the angle of  incoming light.

To learn more about eyes refer to


This list reflects the order in which events in "The Leap" are mentioned in
the selection. Move the events into the chronological order in which they
actually occurred in the timeline.
-Anna loses her sight.

-The narrator lives in the West.

-Anna saves herself during a trapeze act when lightning strikes the
tent pole.

-Anna leaps into a burning house to save her daughter.

-The narrator listens to her mother's heartbeat.


The chronological order in which the events occurred in “The Leap” is:

Anna saves herself during a trapeze act when lightning strikes thetent pole.
Anna leaps into a burning house to save her daughter.
The narrator listens to her mother's heartbeat.
The narrator lives in the West.
Anna loses her sight.

What is “The Leap” about?
Louise Erdrich's novel "The Leap" is about a woman who recounts her mother's past and the sacrifices she made for her daughter after being transported back in time by the environment around her. The daughter rehashed Anna's, the mother's, story and revealed a wonderful secret amid the suspenseful build-up. This narrative contains a striking plot, a fascinating topic, a stunning conclusion, and internal tensions. One of the components that keeps the tale going is the plot. The daughter is sewing in her room at the beginning of the narrative when she smells smoke coming from below and gets a flashback to her mother's past. When she was a member of the Flying Avalons, her mother shared the tale of how she met her first husband.

To learn more about “The Leap” from the given link

This list reflects the order in which events in "The Leap" are mentioned inthe selection. Move the events into the chronological order in which theyactually occurred in the timeline.-Anna loses her sight.-The narrator lives in the West.-Anna saves herself during a trapeze act when lightning strikes thetent pole.-Anna leaps into a burning house to save her daughter. -The narrator listens to her mother's heartbeat.

make a sentence with swoop​



the eagle was able to swoop in to get the fish

Answer: I got all my shopping done in one fell swoop.


Please help lol. No rush. Thank you so much.


Ch/at in games can help players build self-esteem is the statement that is best supported by the P/o essay. Option D

What is in-game ch/at?

Generally, In-game ch/at refers to the feature in video games that allows players to communicate with each other through text or voice while they are playing the game.

This feature is typically accessed through a button or key on the controller or keyboard and allows players to type or speak messages that are then displayed to other players in the game.

It is a useful tool for coordinating strategies and tactics, socializing with other players, and providing feedback or reporting issues. Some games also have built-in voice ch/at functionality to make it even easier for players to communicate.

Read more about in-game ch/at


The underlined word in the sentence below is a
After their tedious three-day hike, all the hikers were exhausted.
O Predicate nominative
O Object complement
O Predicate adjective


After their tedious three-day hike, all the hikers were exhausted - Predicate adjective.

What distinguishes predicate adjectives?

Attributive adjectives are those placed in the first position, before the noun. PREDICATIVE adjectives are those found in the second position, following the noun. Observe that the predicative adjectives do not follow the noun right away. They adhere to a verb instead.

A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence or clause to the predicate adjectives, which describe or alter the subject. Within the clause The adjective funny is a predicate adjective that modifies the subject joke and is linked to it by the linking verb was, and the joke was funny.

It is the portion of a sentence that identifies the someone, place, or thing carrying out an action or being spoken about. If the speaker or author uses a predicate adjective, it is in the second half of the sentence and it is followed by a verb that describes the action the subject is performing.

To know more about Predicate adjective visit:


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The production possibilities model shows an inverse relationship between the amount of one thing and the amount of something else that can be produced because(multiple choice):A. production of different types will compete for limited resources.B. the opportunity cost of producing more of something will fall.C. of diminishing returnsD. of diminishing returns. Please answer soon and fastif more pictures are needed please tell meA: if 1200 are in the district, how many students will be expected to opposeB: Based on the survey a student is more likely to be either undecided or opposed than in favor (agree or disagree) (why or why not) when marginal utility is zero, we know that total utility is: group of answer choices at its maximum. increasing negative decreasing let $n$ be a positive integer such that every digit in $n$ is a $1$ or a $2,$ and $n$ is divisible by both $4$ and $9.$ what is the smallest possible value of $n?$ https://web2.0calc/questions/ why would moles be common location for a melanoma to originate Which of these helps explain why mixed economies develop?answer choicesa. People become unhappy with aspects of their current economy.b. People are seldom exposed to the ideas and technologies of other cultures.c. Government control of an economy tends to make a nation more prosperous.d. Government control of an economy leads to a diversity of economic approaches. the mass of a glacier____when the accumulation of snow and ice during the winter months is larger than ice melt during summer months. fill in the blank with the best word choice from the list below. Disulfide bridges stabilize which of the following levels of protein structure?a) primaryb) secondaryc) tertiaryd) all of the abovee) none of the above the activity of making net payments to creditors and owners (excluding interest) is called a(n) blank activity in the accounting statement of cash flows. multiple choice question. How many orbitals have l = 2 and n = 3? Use the algebraic tests to check for symmetry with respect to both axes and the origin.y = x^4 - x^2 + 3 Please help, ignore the 7 Which statement best completes the graphic organizer to show the eventsthat led to the surrender of the Confederacy?Events Leading to Confederate Surrender Which of these countries has an economy most similar to that of the former Soviet Union? answer choices. Sweden. Norway. South Korea. North Korea. The local swimming pool is offering two programs. No membership fee and a $5 entrance fee per day OR a one time membership fee of $50 and an entrance fee of $3. 50. How many times will she need to go to make it worth paying the membership fee A box is attached to the ceiling and the wall with two ropes. The force of tension in the top rope is T1=3 N and the force of tension in the side rope is T2=1 N. If the box has a mass of m=2kg, what force FA do you have to apply to break the ropes and accelerate the box with a=1 m/s2? consider stanton's story. what is his spine? discuss a point in the video where stanton reveals his spine to the viewer. Here are the actual tabulated demands for an item for a nine-month period (January through September). Your supervisor wants to test two forecasting methods to see which method was better over this period. MONTH ACTUAL January 110 February 134 March 158 April 170 May 166 June 178 July 144 August 130 September 146 a. Forecast April through September using a three-month moving average. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. ) b. Use simple exponential smoothing with an alpha of 0. 20 to estimate April through September, using the average of January through March as the initial forecast for April. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. ) c-1. Calculate MAD for each method. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. ) c-2. Use MAD to decide which method produced the better forecast over the six-month period. Exponential smoothing. Three-month moving average Which excerpt from OConnors Good Country People best reveals the irony of the main characters name, Joy?Mrs. Hopewell thought of her as a child though she was thirty-two years old and highly educated.She would make these statements, usually at the table, in a tone of gentle insistence as if no one held them but her.And when Joy had to be impressed for these services, her remarks were usually so ugly and her face so glum...She saw it as the name of her highest creative act. body planes are surfaces along which the body or a structure is cut for anatomical or pathological study.