At 35°C, a saturated solution of sodium nitrate (NaNO) contains 100 grams of solute in 100 ml of water. How many grams of sodium nitrate must be added to saturate the solution at 50°C?


Answer 1

The mass of sodium nitrate that must be added to saturate the solution at 50°C would be 14 grams.

Saturated solutions

The solubility of a compound typically increases with temperature, so more solute can dissolve in the solvent as the temperature increases. To calculate how much sodium nitrate needs to be added to saturate the solution at 50°C, we can use the solubility data and the fact that the amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent is dependent on the temperature.

First, let's calculate the solubility of sodium nitrate at 50°C. According to the solubility curve for NaNO3, the solubility of NaNO3 at 35°C is 88 g/100 mL, and at 50°C it is approximately 114 g/100 mL. Therefore, we know that a saturated solution at 50°C can dissolve up to 114 g of NaNO3 per 100 mL of water.

Since the original solution contains 100 g of NaNO3 in 100 mL of water at 35°C, we know that it is already saturated at that temperature. To calculate how much more NaNO3 we need to add to saturate the solution at 50°C, we can use the following equation:

mass of NaNO3 added = (desired amount of NaNO3) - (initial amount of NaNO3)

mass of NaNO3 added = (114 g/100 mL × 100 mL) - (100 g/100 mL × 100 mL)

mass of NaNO3 added = 14 g

Therefore, we need to add 14 grams of sodium nitrate to the solution at 50°C to saturate it.

More on saturated solutions can be found here:


Related Questions

The structural layers of the sun are shown in the cross-sectional diagram. An image of six concentric circles is shown. The six layers thus formed are of varying thickness. The layers in order from inside out are labeled, A, B, C, D, E, F. Which layer represents the corona? C D E F


The outermost of the six sun layers with the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, layer F in the cross-sectional figure symbolises the corona.

Is the corona of the sun referred to as such?

The Sun's atmosphere's outermost region is called the corona. The brilliant brightness of the Sun's surface often obscures the corona. Without employing specialised equipment, it is challenging to see. A total solar eclipse, however, makes the corona visible.

What takes place within the corona layer?

The term "corona" refers to the topmost region of the Sun's atmosphere. It rises hundreds of kilometres above the Sun's surface and gradually changes into the solar wind, which travels across our solar system.

To know more about sun layers visit:-


True/False: Paraffin wax (d = 0.910 g/cm3) would float in ethanol (d = 789 kg/L)


The claim that paraffin wax would float in ethanol (d = 789 kg/L) is accurate.

In ethanol, does paraffin wax float?

A 40–50% aqueous solution would have a density that could be adjusted to be just below that of paraffin wax, while regular alcohol (ethanol) has a density of roughly 0.8. The wax would then begin to sink. Warming causes the wax's density to significantly decrease (more than ethanol does), causing it to float.

Does ethanol allow you to float?

Even with your lungs completely expanded, you cannot float in 80-proof (or 40%) alcohol since your body weighs more than the booze and will sink if you stop swimming.

To know more about paraffin wax visit:-


Liquid octane CH3CH26CH3 will react with gaseous oxygen O2 to produce gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 and gaseous water H2O. Suppose 6.9 g of octane is mixed with 42.2 g of oxygen. Calculate the maximum mass of carbon dioxide that could be produced by the chemical reaction. Round your answer to 2 significant digits.


The maximum mass of carbon dioxide that could be produced from 6.9 g of octane and 42.2 g of oxygen is 21.3 g, rounded to 2 significant digits.

What is Octane?

Octane is a hydrocarbon with the chemical formula [tex]C_{8} H_{18}[/tex] It is an organic compound belonging to the alkane group, which means it consists of only carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms bonded together by single covalent bonds. Octane is a colorless liquid with a molecular weight of approximately 114 g/mol and is commonly used as a component in gasoline or fuel for internal combustion engines.

From the balanced equation, we know that 1 mole of octane reacts with 12.5 moles of oxygen to produce 8 moles of carbon dioxide. Therefore, 0.0605 mol of octane would require 0.0605 mol x 12.5 = 0.75625 mol of oxygen to fully react.

Since we have only 1.32 mol of oxygen, which is in excess compared to the 0.75625 mol required by octane, oxygen is the excess reactant, and octane is the limiting reactant.

Now, we can use the stoichiometry of octane to carbon dioxide to calculate the maximum mass of carbon dioxide produced:

From the balanced equation, we know that 1 mole of octane produces 8 moles of carbon dioxide.

Molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) = 44.01 g/mol

Maximum moles of carbon dioxide produced from octane = 0.0605 mol x 8 = 0.484 mol

Maximum mass of carbon dioxide produced from octane = 0.484 mol x 44.01 g/mol = 21.3 g

Remember to round the final answer to 2 significant digits as requested.

Learn more about Octane from the given link


Question 2 (1 point) 6. Rebecca has written a story. Which sentence from the story shows that it is fiction? I got Max when he was a kitten. He is black with a white spot on his chest. Max told me that he got his white spot by jumping through the snow. His spot makes him the cutest cat in the world! He is black with a white spot on his chest I got Max when he was a kitten Max told me that he got his white spot by jumping through the snow. His spot makes him the cutest cat in the world!​


The sentence that shows that the story is fiction is "Max told me that he got his white spot by jumping through the snow." This is because cats cannot talk, and this statement is not based on reality.

Which of the conditions is always true at equilibrium?


It's important to note that equilibrium is a dynamic state, meaning that while the conditions mentioned above are true, there may still be continuous microscopic fluctuations or changes within the system, but the macroscopic properties remain constant.

What is Equilibrium?

Equilibrium refers to a state of balance or stability in a system where there is no net change or overall tendency for change to occur. In various scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and biology, equilibrium is a fundamental concept that describes the balance between opposing forces or processes.

Balance of forces: The net force acting on the system is zero. This means that the forces acting in opposite directions are balanced, and there is no overall acceleration of the system.

Balance of torques: The net torque (or moment) acting on the system is zero. This means that the torques acting in opposite directions are balanced, and there is no rotational acceleration of the system.

Learn more about Equilibrium from the given link


Balance the following equation:
NHa(g) + F2(g) - NaF4(g) + HF(g)
a. How many moles of each reactant are needed to produce 4.00 moles of HF?
b. How many grams of F2 are required to react with 1.50 moles of NH;?
c. How many grams of N2F4 can be produced when 3.40 grams of NHs reacts?


Answer:NH3: 4.00 moles

F2: 4.00 moles

Explanation:The balanced equation for the given chemical reaction is:

NH3(g) + F2(g) → NF3(g) + HF(g)

According to the balanced equation, 1 mole of NH3 reacts with 1 mole of F2 to produce 1 mole of NF3 and 1 mole of HF.

To produce 4.00 moles of HF, we need to determine how many moles of NH3 and F2 are required. Since the mole ratio between NH3 and HF is 1:1, we would need 4.00 moles of NH3. Similarly, since the mole ratio between F2 and HF is also 1:1, we would need 4.00 moles of F2 as well.

So, the answer is:

NH3: 4.00 moles

F2: 4.00 moles

A reaction has a standard free‑energy change of −17.40 kJ mol−1(−4.159 kcal mol−1).
Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 25 °C.



At 25 oC, the reaction's equilibrium constant is Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Cu+2 (aq) + 2Ag. (s). Eocell is equal to 0.47 V, R is 8.134 JK-1, and F is 96500 C at 25oC.

What is the antilog of four?

Antilogarithm is the value that a certain logarithm represents. For instance, x corresponds to the antilogarithm for y if log x = y. An antilogarithm of the stated number is an integer whose logarithm equals the specified number. Since 10,000 (104) has a logarithm of 4, 10,000 has an antilogarithm of 4.

Antilog of 7.06 with K equal to 1164

You must calculate K using the relationship Go = -RTlnK.  In this example, 8.315 j K-1mol-1 should be used as R, therefore lnK = Go/ -RT = -17.5 x 103 jmole-1 / (-8.315 j K-1mol-1 x 298 °K) = 7.06

An antilog on a calculator is what?

By elevating a logarithm above its base, one can find an antilog, which is the opposite of a logarithm. For instance, 10y = 5 is the antilog with y = log10(5). If y = ln(x), where y is time, and x is the value that needs to grow, then the natural logarithm can be used to determine how long it will take to reach a particular level of growth.

To know more about antilog visit:


The table shows the number of charged particles in an ion.

Charged Particles
Charge on Particle Number of Particles
Positive 3
Negative 2

A negatively charged substance is brought near the ion. What will most likely happen?
The negatively charged ion will repel the substance.
The negatively charged ion will attract the substance.
The positively charged ion will repel the substance.
The positively charged ion will attract the substance.


The answer is D. It’s positively charged because there are more positive than negative ions and remember opposites always attract because it wants to be balanced, attracting the negative ion.

Answer: three


The satellite image above shows the San Francisco area along the West Coast. What feature is marked by "X"?

A. A bay
B. A fresh water lake
C. A mountain
D. A volcano


probably option A
A bag because it broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards

A student determines there are 5.45 mg of vitamin C in a 45.7 mL juice sample.
How many mg of vitamin C would there be in a standard serving of the juice?


A typical serving of the juice would provide about 29.8 milligrammes of vitamin C.

How is the vitamin C content in juice determined?

Subtract the total amount of iodine drops from the quantity of drops required to produce 1 mg of vitamin C in the reference sample. For instance, if your reference sample needed 2 drops for every 1 mg of vitamin C and your test fruit needed 10 drops of iodine, the equation would be Per ounce of fruit juice, there are 5 mg of vitamin C (10/2=10).

We need to know the volume of a normal serving in order to determine the quantity of vitamin C in the juice. Let's presume that a serving size is 250 mL.

5.45 mg / 45.7 mL = x mg / 250 mL

5.45 mg * 250 mL = 45.7 mL * x

1362.5 mg/mL = 45.7 mL * x

x = 1362.5 mg / 45.7

x = 29.8 mg

To know more about vitamin C visit:-


Can someone help me with this I am too lazy to work it out



acid +metal ----->salt +hydrogen

2. A student prepared a 0.500 M solution of an unknown acid, and measured the pH as 3.56 at 25°C. (a) What is the acid dissociation constant of this unknown acid? (b) What percentage of acid is ionised in this solution​


To solve this problem, we can use the following equation that relates the pH of a solution to the acid dissociation constant (Ka) and the concentration of the acid:

pH = -log[H+]

where [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.

(a) To find the Ka of the unknown acid, we need to first find the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. We can do this by taking the inverse of the pH and converting it to a concentration:

[H+] = 10^(-pH) = 10^(-3.56) = 2.17 × 10^(-4) M

What is the acid dissociation constant of this unknown acid?

The acid dissociation constant (Ka) can then be calculated using the equation:

Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]

where [A-] is the concentration of the conjugate base of the acid and [HA] is the concentration of the undissociated acid. Since we don't know the values of these concentrations, we need to use the fact that the solution is 0.500 M to make an assumption about the degree of dissociation (α) of the acid:

α = [A-]/[HA]

Since the solution is not extremely dilute, we can assume that the degree of dissociation is small and that the concentration of the undissociated acid is approximately equal to the initial concentration of the acid. Therefore, we can write:

[A-] ≈ 0.500α

[HA] ≈ 0.500 - 0.500α

Substituting these expressions into the equation for Ka, we get:

Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA] ≈ ([H+][A-])/0.500α

≈ ([H+]/Ka)(0.500α)/(1-α)

Solving for Ka, we get:

Ka ≈ H+/0.500α

Substituting the values we have calculated, we get:

Ka ≈ (2.17 × 10^(-4))(1-α)/(0.500α) = 4.37 × 10^(-5)

Therefore, the acid dissociation constant of the unknown acid is approximately 4.37 × 10^(-5).

(b) To find the percentage of acid that is ionized in the solution, we can use the equation:

α = [A-]/[HA] = 10^(-pKa + pH)/(1 + 10^(-pKa + pH))

where pKa is the negative logarithm of the acid dissociation constant. Substituting the values we have calculated, we get:

α = 10^(-(-4.36) + 3.56)/(1 + 10^(-(-4.36) + 3.56)) ≈ 0.008

Therefore, the percentage of acid that is ionized in the solution is approximately 0.8%.

Learn more about dissociation constant from


To solve this problem, we can use the following equation that relates the pH of a solution to the acid dissociation constant (Ka) and the concentration of the acid:

pH = -log[H+]

where [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.

(a) To find the Ka of the unknown acid, we need to first find the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. We can do this by taking the inverse of the pH and converting it to a concentration:

[H+] = 10^(-pH) = 10^(-3.56) = 2.17 × 10^(-4) M

What is the acid dissociation constant of this unknown acid?

The acid dissociation constant (Ka) can then be calculated using the equation:

Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]

where [A-] is the concentration of the conjugate base of the acid and [HA] is the concentration of the undissociated acid. Since we don't know the values of these concentrations, we need to use the fact that the solution is 0.500 M to make an assumption about the degree of dissociation (α) of the acid:

α = [A-]/[HA]

Since the solution is not extremely dilute, we can assume that the degree of dissociation is small and that the concentration of the undissociated acid is approximately equal to the initial concentration of the acid. Therefore, we can write:

[A-] ≈ 0.500α

[HA] ≈ 0.500 - 0.500α

Substituting these expressions into the equation for Ka, we get:

Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA] ≈ ([H+][A-])/0.500α

≈ ([H+]/Ka)(0.500α)/(1-α)

Solving for Ka, we get:

Ka ≈ H+/0.500α

Substituting the values we have calculated, we get:

Ka ≈ (2.17 × 10^(-4))(1-α)/(0.500α) = 4.37 × 10^(-5)

Therefore, the acid dissociation constant of the unknown acid is approximately 4.37 × 10^(-5).

(b) To find the percentage of acid that is ionized in the solution, we can use the equation:

α = [A-]/[HA] = 10^(-pKa + pH)/(1 + 10^(-pKa + pH))

where pKa is the negative logarithm of the acid dissociation constant. Substituting the values we have calculated, we get:

α = 10^(-(-4.36) + 3.56)/(1 + 10^(-(-4.36) + 3.56)) ≈ 0.008

Therefore, the percentage of acid that is ionized in the solution is approximately 0.8%.

Learn more about dissociation constant from


Is V(SO4)2 ionic or covalent?


Since vanadium is a transition metal and sulfate is an anion, we can insist that V(SO4)2

is an ionic compound.


V(SO4)2 is ionic


In this compound, Vanadium (V) is a transition metal with an oxidation state of +5, and sulfate (SO4) is a polyatomic ion with a charge of -2. The compound is formed by the transfer of two electrons from each sulfur atom to the vanadium atom. This results in the formation of two V3+ cations and one SO42- anion, which combine to form V(SO4)2.

Ionic compounds are formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms or ions, resulting in the formation of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. These oppositely charged ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces, forming a crystalline lattice structure.

In conclusion, V(SO4)2 is an ionic compound formed by the transfer of electrons from the sulfate ion to the vanadium ion.

What happens to the pH when a a small amount of acid is added to a buffered solution?

A.the pH goes up to 14.

B.The pH goes down to 1.

C.The pH stays about the same.

D.The pH goes to 7.


C. The pH stays about the same.

A buffered solution resists changes in pH upon addition of small amounts of acid or base. The buffer system in the solution will react with the added acid, keeping the pH relatively constant


C.The pH stays about the same.


Buffer reactions maintain stable pH of solutions.

Consider the reaction described by the chemical equation shown.

C2H4(g)+H2O(l)⟶C2H5OH(l)Δ∘rxn=−44.2 kJ

Use the data from the table of thermodynamic properties to calculate the value of Δ∘rxn
at 25.0 ∘C.

Δ∘rxn= ? J⋅K−1

Calculate Δ∘rxn.

Δ∘rxn= ? kJ

In which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C
and standard pressure?


The direction of the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C and standard pressure is reverse.

What is the direction of the reaction?

To calculate the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C, we can use the equation:

Δ∘rxn(T2) = Δ∘rxn(T1) + ΔH∘(products) - ΔH∘(reactants)


T2 is the desired temperature (25.0 ∘C), T1 is the standard temperature (usually 25 ∘C), ΔH∘(products) is the enthalpy change of formation of the products, and ΔH∘(reactants) is the enthalpy change of formation of the reactants.

Using the data from the table of thermodynamic properties, we can look up the enthalpy change of formation values for C2H4(g), H2O(l), and C2H5OH(l):

ΔH∘f(C2H4(g)) = 52.26 kJ/mol

ΔH∘f(H2O(l)) = -285.83 kJ/mol

ΔH∘f(C2H5OH(l)) = -277.69 kJ/mol

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ + (-277.69 kJ/mol) - (-52.26 kJ/mol)

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ - (-277.69 kJ/mol) + 52.26 kJ/mol

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ + 277.69 kJ/mol + 52.26 kJ/mol

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = 233.23 kJ/mol

So the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C is 233.23 kJ/mol.

In which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C and standard pressure?

Since the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C is positive (233.23 kJ/mol), the reaction as written is not spontaneous at this temperature and standard pressure. The correct answer is "reverse."

Learn more about enthalpy change here:


2AI + 6HCI=2AlCl3 + 3H₂
3. Aluminum reacts with HCI to produce aluminum chloride (AICI3) and hydrogen gas (H₂).
Calculate the number of moles of HCI required to react with 0.62 moles of Al.


3.0 moles of [tex]Al[/tex] can fully react with hydrogen chloride to produce 4.5 moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]. Thus, 0.93 moles will be produced by 0.62 moles of [tex]Al[/tex].

STOICHIOMETRYBased on this inquiry, how does aluminum react with hydrogen chloride to produce aluminum chloride and hydrogen gas[tex]Al +6HCl= AlCl_{3} +3H_{2}[/tex]According to this equation, 3 moles of hydrogen gas are produced during the reaction of 2 moles of aluminum ([tex]Al[/tex]).As a result, 3 moles of aluminum will result in 3 3 2 = 4.5 moles of hydrogen gas.As a result, the entire reaction of 3.0 moles of [tex]Al[/tex]with hydrogen chloride can produce 4.5 moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex].The proportion of reactants to products before, during, and after chemical processes is known as stoichiometry.

For more information on stoichiometry kindly visit to


40 grams of KCl are dissolved in 100 mL of water at 45C.
How many additional grams of
KCI are needed to make the solution saturated at 80 C?


40 grams of KCl are dissolved in 100 mL of water at 45C. 5g of  additional grams of KCI are needed to make the solution saturated at 80 C as the solubility of KCl is 45g/ml

A uniform combination of a number of solutes within a solvent is referred to as a solution. One frequent illustration of a Solution is adding sugar cubes into your cup of tea and coffee. Solubility is the quality that makes sugar molecules more soluble.

In water, potassium chloride (KCl) dissolves. Its water solubility, like that of all other solutes, depends on temperature. The solubility of a salt increases as the solvent's temperature rises. This is fairly simple to experience with sugar. 40 grams of KCl are dissolved in 100 mL of water at 45C. 5g of  additional grams of KCI are needed to make the solution saturated at 80 C as the solubility of KCl is 45g/ml.

To know more about solubility, here:


How much heat is released when 60.0 g of ethanol cools from 70 °C to 43 °C?
a) 1,600 J
b) 1500 J
c) 810 J
d) 750 J


The heat released is 1600 joules, so the correct option is the first one.

How much heat will be released?

To calculate the heat released when 60.0 g of ethanol cools from 70 °C to 43 °C, we can use the formula for heat transfer:

q = m * C * ΔT


q = heat transfer (in joules)m = mass of the substance (in grams)C = specific heat capacity of the substance (in J/(g°C))ΔT = change in temperature (in °C)


Mass of ethanol (m) = 60.0 g

Specific heat capacity of ethanol (C) = 1.0 J/(g°C) (at constant pressure)

Change in temperature (ΔT) = Final temperature - Initial temperature = 43 °C - 70 °C = -27 °C

Note that the negative sign in ΔT indicates that heat is being released (i.e., the substance is cooling).

Plugging in the given values into the formula:

q = 60.0 g *1.0 J/(g°C) * (-27 °C)

q ≈ -1600 J

The negative sign is for notation, here we can see that the amount of heat is 1600 joules, so the correct option is the first one.

Learn more about heat at.


The diagram below illustrates that the mass of an atom of element X is equivalent to the total mass of 7 hydrogen atoms. X H H H H H H X H 14​


The total mass of protons and neutrons makes up an element's atomic mass. Lithium is the element X; it has a mass of 6.941 u.

What is element?

When an atom has the same number of protons in its atomic nucleus, it is said to be an element. The number of protons in the nucleus of each element's atoms, or atomic number, serves as the element's sole means of identification.

Seven hydrogen atoms will weigh 7.056 g as each hydrogen atom has an atomic mass of 1.008. The periodic chart shows that an atomic mass of 7.056 g is the one that is closest to that of a lithium atom (6.941 u).

Seven hydrogen atoms have a mass comparable to one lithium atom in the periodic table, based on their mass. With an atomic mass of 6.941 g/mol, the lithium atom bears the atomic number 3.

Lithium is  the name of element X.

To know more about elements, visit:


Which of the following represents beta decay
OA. Tc-TC+y
O B.
B. 14Gd→ 144Sm+ He
O C. 160Eu+e→ 169 Sm
O D.
164Gd→ ¹6 Tb + e


The correct answer that represents beta decay is

D. 164Gd → 164Tb + e,

What happens in beta decay

In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton, and an electron (or beta particle) and an antineutrino are emitted from the nucleus.

In this case, a neutron in the 164Gd nucleus is converted into a proton, and an electron is emitted from the nucleus, resulting in the production of 164Tb.

Option A is not a valid representation of any known type of radioactive decay.

Option B represents alpha decay, in which an alpha particle is emitted from the nucleus.

Option C represents electron capture, in which an electron is captured by the nucleus.

Learn more about beta decay at


Which statements best describe plasmas? Check all that apply.
• Plasmas have a definite volume.
• Plasmas can change shape.
• Plasmas contain ionized particles
• Plasmas are abundant on Earth.
• Plasmas are good insulators


The statement "Plasmas can change shape" and "Plasmas contain ionized particles" best describe plasmas.

What is plasmas?

Plasma is a state of matter that is similar to gas but differs in that it contains ionized particles, which are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained one or more electrons. This results in a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons, making plasma electrically conductive.

Plasma can be found in many natural phenomena such as lightning, stars, and the aurora borealis, and it is also used in various technological applications such as plasma TVs, fusion reactors, and fluorescent lights. Because of its unique properties, plasma has many interesting and useful applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.

Learn about plasmas here


At 25 ∘C
, the equilibrium partial pressures for the reaction


were found to be A=5.63
atm, B=5.00
atm, C=5.47
atm, and D=5.63

What is the standard change in Gibbs free energy of this reaction at 25 ∘C ?

Δ∘rxn= ? kJmol


The reaction's equilibrium partial pressures are at 25 °C. The calculated PA value for 3A(g)+4B(g)2C(g)+3D(g) is 5.56 atm.


For elements within their standard condition, G0f G f 0 is taken to be zero. As a result, the reaction's standard modification of Gibb's free energy around 25 degrees Celsius becomes 98.746 kJ.

What do you mean by equilibrium?

It is a situation in which opposite forces or behaviors are in equilibrium and can be either static (like when forces act on a body and the resultant is zero) of dynamic. (as in a reversible chemical reaction when the rates of reaction in both directions are equal)

What is equilibrium, and what is its equation?

This static as well as dynamic equilibrium of every one of the the external and internal variables in the system is described by the equilibrium equation. The equilibrium equation in the static situation is. [6.23] K denotes the stiffness matrix of the system, u is the vector carrying nodal displacements, where F denotes outside forces.

To know more about equilibrium visit:


What happens when a solid is dissolved into a liquid?


The solid has broken down into pieces so small that its particles spread all throughout the new mixture

Draw both enantiomers of the following compound​


Enantiomers rotate the plane of polarized light in opposite directions, and this property is used to distinguish between them in a process called optical rotation.

What are the enantiomers of a compound?

Enantiomers are pairs of molecules that are non-superimposable mirror images of each other.

They are isomers, meaning they have the same molecular formula and connectivity but differ in their three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in space.

Enantiomers exhibit identical physical and chemical properties, except for their interaction with plane-polarized light (a type of light that oscillates in a single plane).

Learm= more about enantiomers at:


What two salts have the same solubility at approximately 23 C?


Answer silver chloride (AgCl) and lead chloride (PbCl2).


Two salts that have the same solubility at approximately 23°C are silver chloride (AgCl) and lead chloride (PbCl2).

Both AgCl and PbCl2 have very low solubilities in water at room temperature, and their solubilities are similar at around 23°C. They are both sparingly soluble salts, meaning they dissolve only to a limited extent in water to form a saturated solution.

It's important to note that solubility can vary depending on the specific conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and presence of other substances. The solubility of salts can also be affected by factors such as pH and the presence of other ions in solution. Therefore, it's always best to consult reliable sources, such as reference tables or experimental data, for accurate solubility information at a given temperature.

Round to 2 significant


5,250. The number was rounded up from 5,249 because the last digit, 9, is greater than or equal to 5.

What is rounded up?

Rounding up is a mathematical operation that involves increasing a number to its nearest whole number. It is commonly used when dealing with money, measurements, or statistics. When rounding up, the number is increased to the next highest whole number. For example, if a number is 6.7, it would be rounded up to 7. Rounding up is often used when dealing with exact measurements or estimates to simplify the calculations. It can also be used to make the results of a calculation easier to understand. In the case of money, rounding up can be used to round a number to the nearest dollar. This prevents dealing with fractional amounts of money. Rounding up can also be utilized in statistical analysis, such as in the calculation of mean or median. This simplifies the data and prevents dealing with fractions or decimals.

To learn more about  rounded up


Calculate the standard change in Gibbs free energy for the reaction at 25 °C. Refer to the ΔG°f values. 2C2H6(g)+7O2(g)⟶4CO2(g)+6H2O(g)


According to the question the standard change in Gibbs free energy is 2818.4 kJ/mol.

What is energy?

The capacity to perform work is energy. It is a characteristic of all matter and can assume many different shapes. It exists in a variety of shapes, including those of light, heat, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and nuclear. Energy is the ability to accomplish work and is measured in joules, which are equivalent to the amount of work completed when one newton of force is applied over a one metre distance.

The following equation can be used to get the reaction's standard change in Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) at 25°C:

ΔG° = [4 ΔG°f ([tex]Co_2[/tex]) + 6 ΔG°f ([tex]H_2o[/tex])] - [2 ΔG°f ([tex]C_2H_6[/tex]) + 7 ΔG°f ([tex]o_2[/tex])]

At 25°C, ΔG°f ([tex]Co_2[/tex]) = -393.5 kJ/mol, ΔG°f ([tex]H_2o[/tex]) = -237.2 kJ/mol, ΔG°f ([tex]C_2H_6[/tex]) = -85.2 kJ/mol, and ΔG°f ([tex]o_2[/tex]) = 0 kJ/mol.

As a result, the typical variation in Gibbs free energy is:

ΔG° = [-393.5 kJ/mol × 4] + [-237.2 kJ/mol × 6] - [-85.2 kJ/mol × 2] - [0 kJ/mol × 7]

ΔG° = -2818.4 kJ/mol.

To learn more about energy, visit:


2818.4 kJ/mol is  the standard change in Gibbs free energy for the reaction at 25 °C.

What does the name Gibbs free energy mean?

Because it is readily accessible at all times, Gibb's free energy is known as free energy. If necessary, the reaction can obtain this energy without exerting any effort. Enthalpy and the system's product of temperature and entropy are added to determine the change in Gibb's free energy.

Enthalpy and entropy are combined into a single quantity known as Gibbs free energy, or G. The product of the system's temperature and entropy, added to the enthalpy, equals the change in free energy, or G.


ΔG° = [4 ΔG°f (CO2) + 6 ΔG°f (H2O)] - [2 ΔG°f (C2H6) + 7 ΔG°f (O2)]

At 25°C, ΔG°f (CO2) = -393.5 kJ/mol,

ΔG°f (H2O) = -237.2 kJ/mol,

ΔG°f (C2H6) = -85.2 kJ/mol,

and ΔG°f (O2) = 0 kJ/mol.

ΔG° = [-393.5 kJ/mol × 4] + [-237.2 kJ/mol × 6] - [-85.2 kJ/mol × 2] - [0 kJ/mol × 7] = -2818.4 kJ/mol.

To learn more about entropy use:


Which element has an electron configuration of [Ne]3s²3p³?






The element with an electron configuration of [Ne]3s²3p³ is phosphorus (P).

At what temperature do saturated solutions of potassium nitrate (KNO3) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) contain the same weight of solute per 100 mL of water?


At 40°C is the temperature at which saturated solutions of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate contain the same weight of solute per 100 mL of water contain the same weight of solute per 100 mL of water.

Temperature is a unit of warmth or coldness that can be defined in the context of any number of arbitrary scales. It indicates the direction that heat energy will naturally flow, i.e., through a hotter (body) to a colder (body) body.

Temperature is not the same as the energy in a thermodynamic system; for instance, an iceberg has a significantly larger total heat energy than a match, despite the fact that a match is burning at an extremely high temperature. At 40°C is the temperature at which saturated solutions of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate contain the same weight of solute per 100 mL of water.

To know the temperature, here:


Phosphorus (P4) and oxygen react to produce diphosphorus pentoxide. How many grams of diphosphorus pentoxide are produced from the reaction of 38.76 grams of oxygen with excess phosphorus? Round your answer to the hundredths of a gram. Do not include units. Use the atomic masses in this PERIODIC TABLE. DO NOT ROUND THESE MASSES IN YOUR CALCULATION.


The mass of diphosphorus pentoxide produced is: 549.47 g

What is mass?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is typically measured in units of grams (g) or kilograms (kg). Mass is a scalar quantity and is different from weight, which is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and depends on both the mass of the object and the acceleration due to gravity.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between phosphorus and oxygen to produce diphosphorus pentoxide is:

[tex]4P[/tex] + [tex]5O_{2}[/tex] → [tex]2P_{4}O_{10}[/tex]

To solve the problem, we need to first calculate the amount of phosphorus required to react with 38.76 grams of oxygen. Since phosphorus is in excess, the amount of diphosphorus pentoxide produced will be limited by the amount of oxygen.

The molar mass of oxygen is 15.999 g/mol. Therefore, the number of moles of oxygen in 38.76 grams is:

38.76 g / 15.999 g/mol = 2.422 mol

According to the balanced equation, 5 moles of oxygen react with 4 moles of phosphorus to produce 2 moles of diphosphorus pentoxide. Therefore, the number of moles of phosphorus required is:

4/5 × 2.422 mol = 1.9376 mol

The molar mass of diphosphorus pentoxide is 283.886 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of diphosphorus pentoxide produced is:

1.9376 mol × 283.886 g/mol = 549.47 g

Rounding to the hundredths of a gram, the answer is:

549.47 g → 549.47

To know more about mass, visit:


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