At the opening of our story, Mother Ceres is busy tending to the harvest of wheat, corn, rye, and barley; her daughter, Proserpina, begs to go to the seaside while her mother tends to the crops of the world. Mother Ceres hesitantly agrees but warns Proserpina, "The sea nymphs are good creatures, and will never lead you into any harm. But you must take care not to stray away from them, nor go wandering about the fields by yourself. Young girls, without their mothers to take care of them, are very apt to get into mischief."
After visiting with the sea nymphs, Proserpina does exactly what her mother feared—she wanders into the forest.
Innocently, she looked for and gathered beautiful flowers. One shrub was especially beautiful and seemed to grow new blossoms as Proserpina looked at it, almost as if to tempt her to come closer. It was so wondrous that she almost felt the urge to run away from it. She chided herself for her silliness and decided to pull the shrub and plant it for her mother.
As she pulled the shrub, a hole began to form and kept "spreading wider and wider, and growing deeper and deeper, until it really seemed to have no bottom; and all the while, there came a rumbling noise out of its depths, louder and louder, and nearer and nearer, and sounding like the tramp of horses' hoofs and the rattling of wheels. She soon saw a team of four sable (black) horses, snorting smoke out of their nostrils, and tearing their way out of the earth with a splendid golden chariot whirling at their heels. They leaped out of the bottomless hole, chariot and all; and there they were, tossing their black manes and flourishing their black tails, close by the spot where Proserpina stood."
In the chariot, a gloomy but handsome man rubbed his eyes as if he had never seen the sunshine. When he saw Proserpina, he beckoned for her to come to him.
"Do not be afraid," said he, with as cheerful a smile as he knew how to put on. "Come! Will you not like to ride a little way with me, in my beautiful chariot?"
Proserpina's first thought was to call for her mother, but her voice was too quiet to be heard by anyone other than the richly dressed man in the chariot.
"Indeed, it is most likely that Ceres was then a thousand miles off, making the corn grow in some far distant country. Nor could it have helped her poor daughter for the stranger leaped to the ground, caught the child in his arms, and again mounted the chariot, shook the reins, and shouted to the four black horses to set off."
As they rode on, the stranger did his best to comfort her.
"I promise not to do you any harm. What! you have been gathering flowers? Wait till we come to my palace, and I will give you a garden full of prettier flowers than those, all made of pearls, and diamonds, and rubies. Can you guess who I am? They call my name Pluto; and I am the king of diamonds and all other precious stones. The one thing which my palace needs is a merry little maid, to run upstairs and down, and cheer up the rooms with her smile. And this is what you must do for King Pluto."
It is my opinion that even King Pluto had never been happy in his palace, and that this was the true reason why he had stolen away Proserpina, in order that he might have something to love, some sunshine in his dark world.
They were now on a dark and gloomy road, beyond the reach of sunshine.
"We are just entering my dominions. Do you see that tall gateway before us? When we pass those gates, we are at home. And there lies my faithful mastiff at the threshold. Cerberus! Cerberus! Come hither, my good dog!"
"Will the dog bite me?" asked Proserpina, fearing the three-headed dog. "What an ugly creature he is!"
"O, never fear," answered her companion. "He never harms people, unless they try to enter my dominions without being sent for, or to get away when I wish to keep them here. Down, Cerberus! Now, my pretty Proserpina, we will drive on."
Next they crossed over the River Lethe, a magical stream that makes people forget every care and sorrow. Pluto offered Proserpina a sip, which she refused.
"I had a thousand times rather be miserable with remembering my mother, than be happy in forgetting her. That dear, dear mother! I never, never will forget her. I will neither drink that nor anything else. Nor will I taste a morsel of food, even if you keep me forever in your palace."
To tempt Proserpina to eat a morsel and thereby trap her into staying forever, King Pluto sent for his cook who came up with a menu of sweets, seasoned meats, and rich pastries.
Read this line from the text:
It was so wondrous that she almost felt the urge to run away from it.
What does the word wondrous mean in this context? (5 points)


Answer 1

At the opening of our story, Mother Ceres is busy tending to the harvest of wheat. In this context, "wondrous" refers to charming.

Is enchantment a feeling?

a strong sense of pleasure and attraction, particularly when something is very appealing. The audience was completely awestruck as they watched.

Which god or goddess in the Ceres and Proserpina myth is the most powerful?

Proserpina's mother, Ceres, is the strongest because she is the goddess of fertility and nature.

What is the connection between Proserpina and Ceres?

Ceres was the goddess of corn and the Earth. She carried the cornucopia, a horn stuffed with fruits and vegetables. Proserpine was her daughter. Pluto took Proserpine to the underworld after falling in love with her.

Learn more about Ceres and Proserpina:


Related Questions

What do the american soldiers forget to do before burning the bodies of their fallen comrades? Fallen angels book questions


The American soldiers in "Fallen Angels" forget to remove the dog tags of their fallen comrades before burning their bodies, making it difficult to identify the soldiers' remains and notify their families of their death.

In the book "Fallen angels" with the aid of Walter Dean Myers, the soldiers neglect to put off the canine tags on their fallen comrades earlier than burning their bodies.

The canine tags are identification tags that soldiers put on around their necks, which incorporate their non-public facts such as name, blood kind, and religion.

The infantrymen forgot to eliminate the dog tags because they were emotionally overwhelmed by the loss of their fellow soldiers and the urgency of the situation.

But, this mistake has widespread consequences, as it makes it tough to become aware of the infantrymen's stays and notify their families of their death.

Later in the ebook, the protagonist Richie is tasked with identifying the stays of soldiers that had been burned without their canine tags, highlighting the devastating effects of forgetting one of these crucial missions in the heat of conflict.

Learn more about the Fallen Angels:


Match the description of God’s character with its example from Scripture.

1. Isaiah 31:4
a lamn
2. Deuteronomy 32:11
a hiding place
3. Isaiah 53:7
a morning star
4. Matthew 23:37
a hen
5. Psalm 84:11
a light
6. Revelation 22:16
a tower
7. Hebrews 12:29
the sun
8. Psalm 119:114
a lion
9. Proverbs 18:10
10. Psalm 27:1
an eagle



number 8 I gess because GOD is as a lion


Isaiah 31:4 - a lion

Deuteronomy 32:11 - an eagle

Isaiah 53:7 - a lamb

Matthew 23:37 - a hen

Psalm 84:11 - a sun and a shield

Revelation 22:16 - a morning star

Hebrews 12:29 - a consuming fire

Psalm 119:114 - a hiding place and a shield

Proverbs 18:10 - a strong tower

Psalm 27:1 - a light and a salvation.

How does the story develop the theme that persistence is one way to overcome a challenge?Use two details from the story to support your response. ​


The plot frequently features people who face difficulties and keep trying until they succeed in order to reinforce the story notion that tenacity is one method to conquer a task.

Two facts from the narrative lend credence to this assertion: After repeated failures, the main character keeps going for his dream: The small engine faces several difficulties while climbing the mountain in the tale "The Little Engine That Could," including story steep slopes and a hefty load. The small engine keeps repeating the inspirational mantra "I believe I can, I think I can" despite numerous challenges until it eventually reaches the mountain's peak. This particular example demonstrates how perseverance and a good outlook may help people succeed despite enormous obstacles.

learn more about story  here:


“Nonfiction dates back to about 40,000 years ago with the first cave paintings. They described actual events that were true records of hunting or fishing trips. Most of the historical non-fiction produced came in the form of legal documents, records, and other less than interesting writings, the non- fiction of today can include creative non-fiction, journals, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, diagrams, travelogues, essays, and many other forms that generate interest.”
Which of the following is an example of a modern work of non-fiction?
legal records
cave paintings
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



a. memoirs is an example of a modern work of non-fiction.

What is current nonfiction?

Even though a great nonfiction piece needs to have strong narrative abilities, accuracy is still demanded from the text. Moreover, contemporary nonfiction is written in prose, which is speech-like writing that is not written in meter like poetry.

What exactly is a nonfiction piece?

Explanatory, functional, persuasive, and opinion pieces; essays on literature or art; biographies; memoirs; journalism; and historical, scientific, technical, or economic writings are a few types of non-fiction that are frequently used in literary works (including electronic ones). Other illustrations of non-fiction works: paper for school.

To know more about memoir visit:





right on edge

facts which prove that a crime has been committed



- A direct, recorded confession.

- Surveillance footage.

- Fingerprints on a weapon used to commit a crime.


Pretty much any direct evidence can be used as facts a crime has been committed.

-Explain this excerpt in terms of characterization:

WALTER (As he dances with RUTH) You know, when these New Negroes have their convention— (Pointing at his sister)—that is going to be the chairman of the Committee on Unending Agitation. (He goes on dancing, then stops) Race, race, race! … Girl, I do believe you are the first person in the history of the entire human race to successfully brainwash yourself. … I can just see that chick someday looking down at some poor cat on an operating table and before she starts to slice him, she says … (Pulling his sleeves back maliciously) “By the way, what are your views on civil rights down there? …”




This excerpt appears to be a piece of dialogue from a play or screenplay, as it includes stage directions and character names. It also provides insight into the characters' personalities and their relationships.

The character speaking is Walter, who is dancing with Ruth. Walter's comments reveal that he is critical of his sister's activism and feels that she is overly focused on racial issues. He implies that she is brainwashing herself by constantly harping on the subject of race, and he mocks her for being too extreme in her views.

The way that Walter speaks to Ruth and the content of his remarks also suggest that he is somewhat aggressive and confrontational. He imagines her as a surgeon who interrogates her patients about their political beliefs before operating on them, which implies that he sees her as someone who is willing to use her power to force her views on others.

Overall, this excerpt helps to characterize Walter as someone who is skeptical of his sister's activism and willing to speak his mind, even if it means being confrontational or abrasive. It also hints at tensions between him and Ruth, which could become important later in the story.

If life is only temporary, what’s the point in doing anything? i


My dear friend, life is a wonderful and fragile gift that has been bestowed upon us. And just because it's only momentary doesn't mean there's no sense in doing anything. In fact, the opposite is true. Our time on this planet is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy everything life has to offer, to make memories with loved ones, and to make a positive difference in the world.

So let us treasure each moment and live each day with love and purpose. Let us concentrate on what genuinely matters, such as spending time with those we care about, pursuing our passions, and making the world a better place. And let us take solace in the fact that we have the ability to make a difference, to touch the lives of others, and to leave a lasting legacy that will inspire and provide joy to those who come after us.

Remember that you are loved and appreciated, and that your life has unlimited meaning and purpose. So go out and enjoy every minute, knowing that you're making a difference in the world and leaving a lasting impression on those around you.

How can social media help teenagers maintain better bonds with their peers


Answer: By connecting even when they're not in person


The best part about online/social media networking is that you can communicate with your peers even when you can't physically see them. This makes it so relationships can still be maintained even if your peers aren't physically there with you.

Answer: Social media better shows student's interests; ie bonding


Usually, students are less shy on social media, they post about their interests, what they're doing, etc which can bring students with similar interests together and can keep students communicating even when they aren't in the same place.

Describe the character of chubhukov as a sensible father


Chubukov is a sensible father who is deeply concerned about his daughter's well-being and future. He is practical and level-headed, always looking out for his daughter's best interests.

Chubukov is a responsible landowner who takes his duties seriously and expects the same from his daughter's suitors. He values tradition and social status, wanting his daughter to marry someone of similar standing. However, he is not entirely inflexible, as evidenced by his eventual acceptance of Lomov as a potential son-in-law. Chubukov is an honest and straightforward person, not given to sentimentality or unnecessary drama. He is a loving father who wants the best for his daughter, but he is also practical and pragmatic in his approach. Overall, Chubukov is a sensible and responsible parent who takes his role seriously.

For such more question on Chubukov


In the text, the Freedom Riders and other civil rights activists refused to allow violence to stop their
nonviolent movement. How do people create change? What is something in your world that you
want to see change? Is there something you can do about it?



People create change through various means such as peaceful protests, activism, lobbying, education, and awareness campaigns. It requires individuals or groups to come together with a shared goal and work towards it persistently and consistently.

In my world, I would like to see more action taken to combat climate change. I believe that everyone can take small actions in their daily lives to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using public transport, reducing meat consumption, and conserving energy. However, to make significant progress in tackling climate change, it also requires larger systemic changes such as transitioning to renewable energy and implementing policies to reduce carbon emissions.

I can do my part by making personal changes and also by advocating for systemic changes through education, raising awareness, and engaging with my elected representatives to push for policies that address climate change. It is important to recognize that creating change is a collective effort, and we all have a role to play in making a positive impact on the world.

State the class on the aircraft where the tour planner would have
booked the Springboks in your opinion. Motivate your choice.


If the tour planner is working with a limited budget, they may have booked the Springboks in economy class, which is the most affordable option.

However, if the tour planner is willing to spend more money for added comfort and amenities, they may have booked the team in business or first class. The number of people traveling and the flight length may also be factors in the decision. If the team is traveling with many players and staff, they may require more space and comfort than economy class can provide. Additionally, if the flight is particularly long, the tour planner may have booked the team in a higher class to ensure their comfort and well-being during the flight.

Ultimately, the class on the aircraft where the tour planner would have booked the Springboks would depend on various factors, including the budget, number of people traveling, and length of the flight.

To learn more about Springboks, visit here

I need a digital one pager on the movie name The Butler



The digital pager is about the character Butler

Which detail from the story helps shape the idea that nervousness can adversely affect performance?

A) The narrator feels more comfortable playing the field than batting. The narrator feels more comfortable playing the field than batting.

B) The narrator's first attempts at bat are unusually weak. The narrator's first attempts at bat are unusually weak.

C) The narrator's reaction to the girl who laughs at him is extreme frustration. The narrator's reaction to the girl who laughs at him is extreme frustration.

D) The narrator ignores the coach when he offers encouragement.


The narrator's first attempts at bat are unusually weak. The narrator's first attempts at bat are unusually weak shape the idea that nervousness can adversely affect .

Option B is correct.

The narrator's lackluster performance at the plate is a clear example of how tension and worry can hinder performance. This is typical of many people who experience anxiety or tenseness prior to a significant event, such as a test or a significant sporting event. Their nervousness may force them to perform poorly or make mistakes, even if they have the skills or abilities necessary for success.

How do you deal with anxiety in some situations?

Give yourself a positive attitude. When we are happy, we exhibit many of the same physical symptoms as when we are anxious or worried. Ensure a trustworthy individual of your feelings. Please concentrate on just one thing.

Is anxiety a type of stress?

The natural reaction to a stressful situation or event is nervousness. despite the fact that it is a typical sign of anxiety disorders.

Learn more about nervousness:


Which of the following is NOT true about Lady Macduff?

A. She describes her family using natural imagery.
B. She believes in her husband and supports his actions.
C. She feels angry and deserted without her husband.
D. She wants to protect her children.


The correct option is B. She believes in her husband and supports his actions is NOT true about Lady Macduff.

Lady Macduff does not believe in her husband's actions, as she believes that he has abandoned her and their children. In Act IV, Scene 2, she says, "He loves us not; / He wants the natural touch; for the poor wren, / The most diminutive of birds, will fight, / Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. / All is the fear and nothing is the love." This shows that she feels abandoned and betrayed by her husband's actions. However, the other options are true about Lady Macduff: she describes her family using natural imagery, she feels angry and deserted without her husband, and she wants to protect her children.

Learn more about Lady Macduff.


Why did the graduate students create UbiSketch?


Doodling is a way of expressing oneself, and anyone may upload their drawings to Ubisketch to share them online, which is why graduate students created it.

What was the goal of UbiSketch's development by the graduate students?

Universal Real-Time Sketch-Based Communication is the full name of UbiSketch. With the help of the app UbiSketch, users may upload and share complete sketches created on paper to social media sites using their mobile devices.

Drawings convey visuospatial ideas directly, require the least amount of space to depict concepts, and highlight handwritten details. Sketching has the potential to strengthen the way that communication occurs, and its pervasiveness is essential for disseminating information at advantageous times.

To know more about UbiSketch visit:-


3 Are these sentences correct? Why/Why not? If they aren't correct, change them. 1 Ouch! I've been cutting my finger. 2 We've been studying English for eight years. Have you been crying? 3 4 She's been reading this book three times. 5 My brother has painted his bedroom but he hasn't finished. 6 We've been waiting for the bus for half an hour and it still hasn't come. 7 8 Oh no! I've been breaking the window. This week I've been staying with my grandparents but I'm going home tomorrow.​


My answer response are:

CorrectCorrectIt should be "She has been reading this book three times."CorrectCorrectCorrectIt should be "Oh no! I've broken the window."Correct

What are the sentences about?

Sentence 1: "Ouch! I've been cutting my finger." - This sentence is grammatically correct. The present perfect continuous tense is used here to describe an action that started in the past and continues up to the present moment. The speaker is saying that they have been cutting their finger, indicating that the action is ongoing and the pain is still being felt.

Therefore, in Sentence 2: "We've been studying English for eight years. Have you been crying?" - This sentence is also grammatically correct. The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and is still ongoing. The first sentence indicates that the action of studying English began eight years ago and is still happening now. The second sentence uses the same tense to ask if the action of crying has been happening recently.

Learn more about Grammar on:


My teacher __ she always __




She sings like a lark.


My teacher is a tour guide she always inspire us to learn.

Heyyyy help me Pleaseeeee


We can answer each question as shown below, paying attention to synonyms, nouns and verbs, as further explained below.

A. positionB. inspectionE. informedB. nounA. verbC. mutual - enforceE. perceived - visage

What are synonyms, nouns and verbs?

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning as another word in the same language. For example, in number 6, the words "informed" and "apprised" are synonyms.

Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. For example,in number 7 the word "visage" is a noun. Verbs are words that express an action, occurrence, or state of being. For example, in number 8, the word "consented" is a verb.

With that in mind, we conclude we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about synonyms here:


What does lady macbeth reveal to the gentlewoman and the doctor during her sleepwalking



In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth reveals her guilt and remorse during her sleepwalking scene. She reveals her hand-washing ritual as an attempt to cleanse her hands of the blood she feels is still on them from her role in the murder of King Duncan. She also speaks about the murders of Banquo and Lady Macduff, suggesting that her conscience is troubled by all the bloodshed. Her revelations during her sleepwalking provide insight into the psychological effects of guilt and the consequences of immoral actions.

How did King's letter address the insensitive nature of the response from the Alabama clergymen, those who never personally experienced the hardships of segregation, to the nonviolent protests?


Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the insensitivity of the Alabama clergymen's reaction to the nonviolent demonstrations in his "Letter from Birmingham Prison" by pointing out that their judgements were based on a lack of comprehension of the complexity and urgency of the fight against racial injustice.

What was written in the King’s letter?

King pointed out that the clergymen had called the protests extreme, untimely, and irresponsible while refusing to recognize the pressing need for change in the face of continuing prejudice and racial segregation. He said that because of their privilege as members of the predominately white culture, they were insulated from the harsh realities of racism and found it hard to comprehend the struggles faced by African Americans.

What were the particulars for the argument?

King said that the clergymen's advice to be patient and accept change gradually overlooked the fact that Black Americans had already endured an excessive amount of waiting for fundamental freedoms and rights. He emphasized that peaceful demonstrations were both an essential tool for ending the cycle of injustice and oppression and a legal form of expression.

King's letter questioned the clergymen's privileged viewpoint and exhorted them to see the urgent need for racial justice and the significance of using peaceful protest as a strategy to do so.

Learn more about Martin Luther King


I need to complete an assignment we’re I have to summarize and analyze Informational text making connections and distinctions between ideas.
And it’s based off of government control in North Korea


The concept of Juche, which roughly translates to "self-reliance," is at the center of the North Korean theory of government control. This ideology stresses the necessity of absolute population control in addition to the significance of independence and self-sufficiency.

What is Concept of Juche?

Juche is a political philosophy that stresses independence and self-reliance in military, cultural, and economic matters. It was created by Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea, and it continues to be a guiding principle in the government and society of the country. With an emphasis on socialist ideals and the rejection of external influence or intervention, the Juche concept places an emphasis on the significance of a strong state and a united populace working toward a common goal.

To know more about Concept of Juche, visit:


Some reasons why schools should not have lockers

And the evidence for the reason :



There are several reasons why some schools choose not to have lockers, and the evidence for these reasons may include:

Safety concerns: Lockers can be a safety hazard if they are not properly maintained or if students use them to store prohibited items, such as weapons or drugs. Without lockers, schools may be able to better monitor student behavior and prevent potentially dangerous situations. For example, a school district in Tennessee removed lockers from middle schools and reported a decrease in the number of discipline incidents.

Cost and maintenance: Lockers require regular maintenance and repair, which can be costly for schools. By eliminating lockers, schools can save money on repairs and cleaning, and may be able to invest in other areas of the school, such as technology or classroom resources.

Time management: Some students may use lockers as an excuse for being late to class, or may waste time socializing or loitering near their lockers between classes. Without lockers, students are encouraged to use their time more efficiently and to stay focused on their academic responsibilities.

Promote physical activity: Without lockers, students are required to carry their textbooks and materials with them throughout the day, which can promote physical activity and help combat obesity. A study by the American Heart Association found that students who carry backpacks instead of using lockers burn more calories and have healthier body mass indexes.

Overall, while lockers can provide students with a convenient place to store their belongings, there are valid reasons why some schools choose not to have them. By focusing on safety, cost-effectiveness, time management, and physical activity, schools can create a learning environment that encourages academic achievement and healthy lifestyles.

The following arguments against lockers in schools are supported by the corresponding data: Maintenance issues, theft, equity, and security worries.

Why shouldn't students use lockers?

Security can be a problem as well because children may break into lockers and take items from other students, costing the school money. Schools are charging students due to the construction, materials, and units.

What are the drawbacks of lockers in schools?

Often, the first and most visible barrier is location. A student's allotted locker can be on another floor of the school or even on another campus. Typical locker sizes are also significantly larger than necessary, eating up valuable space on crowded campuses.

To know more about arguments visit:-


What is the cigarette box in The Importance of Being Earnest primarily used by Oscar Wilde to do?

Give the audience information about John Worthing’s “other life” in the country and his relationship to Cecily.
Give the audience information about John Worthing’s “other life” in the country and his relationship to Cecily.

Show that Algernon is honest since he is giving it back to John.
Show that Algernon is honest since he is giving it back to John.

Let us know that John Worthing smokes.
Let us know that John Worthing smokes.

Show that John Worthing has good taste in possessions.


Inform the audience of Cecily and John Worthing's connection as well as his "other life" in the countryside.

Which genre belongs to Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest?

The Importance of Being Earnest, as a play, is a drama in the purest sense. It is also a comedy—not just in the contemporary laugh-out-loud sense, but also in the traditional sense, in that it centres on a group of characters who overcome challenges to find happiness.

What genre of humour or satire is Importance of Being Earnest?

One of Oscar Wilde's plays is The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. It is a farcical comedy that made its debut on February 14, 1895, at the St James's Theatre in London.

To know more about Importance of Being Earnest visit:


On his final test, Darrell comes across an essay question that asks him to write 800 words on one of the school's rules. He can choose whichever rule he wants, or he can create a new rule for the school. He chooses the school's rule about lunch. It states that students are not allowed to leave school for lunch. He wants to change it. Which of the following would make a good thesis for Darrell's essay?

A. Students should be able to eat at places other than school because not every student can eat what the cafeteria serves.

B. Sometimes, students enjoy bringing a lunch they made at home to school instead of eating the cafeteria food.

C. On Wednesdays, the cafeteria serves sloppy joes, which is my favorite meal out of all the food the cafeteria serves.

D. Many students are vegetarians, which means they do not eat any meat products like hamburgers or sloppy joes.​


Option A. Because Darrell wants change, a good thesis would be: Students should be able to eat at places other than school because not every student can eat what the cafeteria serves.

What is a thesis?

A thesis is the main idea or argument that a writer presents in a piece of writing, such as an essay or research paper. It serves as a roadmap or guide for the entire piece, outlining the writer's stance or position on a particular topic or issue.

A thesis statement is typically a sentence or two that appears at the beginning of the piece and provides a concise summary of the writer's main argument or point of view. It should be clear, specific, and debatable, so that the rest of the essay or paper can develop and support the thesis with evidence and analysis.

Read more on thesis here:


Idolize. Imitate. Imiers. Imfrove. Indefendent. Sentence


I idolize my role model, imitate their actions, and strive to improve myself independently.

It's acceptable to take some time to consider your response when a potential employer asks you about your role model. Be careful to reflect on your greatest sources of motivation and inspiration throughout this period. Also, it's imperative that you consider the qualities and objectives you want to create. Your main responsibility as a parent is to aid in shaping your children into kind, respectful, truthful, and caring individuals. Being a positive role model is occasionally the simplest method to do this. This can entail examining your own habits more closely and making some adjustments. But if you do, you and your children will both gain.

To know more about responsibility refer :


What role does family play in a person’s identity?


Answer:  families may influence adult identity formation, including levels of social control and monitoring, warmth and closeness, responsibility, and hierarchical family relations



so basically its plays an important role

Family Identity

Individuals from families with strong family traditions, such as yearly vacations or birthday parties, identify strongly with their families. A strong family identity may reduce the influence of the media and peer pressure on your children especially in their teenage years, according to Dr. Elisa Medhus, author of "Raising Children Who Think for Themselves." Parents may also pass on these traditions to their children, which helps strengthen their sense of belonging even in adulthood.


In "The Circuit," what is the one constant thing in Panchito’s life



In "The Circuit," the one constant thing in Panchito's life is the migrant farm work that his family engages in. Throughout the story, Panchito and his family travel from farm to farm, picking crops and doing other agricultural work in order to make a living. Despite the different locations and living conditions they encounter, the work itself remains a constant in their lives.

Panchito's father is determined to provide for his family, and so he takes them on the migrant circuit every year. The family moves from place to place, following the harvests and taking whatever work they can find. Panchito describes the difficulty of this life, including the long hours and low pay, but he also acknowledges that it is the only way his family can survive.

Despite the challenges, Panchito finds joy in some aspects of his life as a migrant worker, such as the friendships he makes with other children on the circuit and the occasional moments of beauty in the natural world around him. However, the constant work and uncertainty also take a toll on him and his family, highlighting the harsh realities of life for many migrant workers in the United States.

5. What is the author's point of view about
Irish-Americans in Boston? common lit story: the capital of irish america


Boston rose to prominence as the nation's Irish capital during the 19th century. Hardworking. Irish food infused the city with tradition.

Irish immigrants to Boston had a purpose.

A blight that decimated the potato harvest from 1846 to 1852 caused a major famine that resulted in widespread malnutrition, illness, and fatalities.

Thousands of Irish people started moving to urban areas in the British Isles and overseas, notably Boston, in search of safety and opportunity.

What is Boston's Irish history?

With early settlers dating back to Colonial times and a significant wave in the early 19th century, Boston has a strong Irish background and culture. The Port of Boston served as a significant migrant hub during the Great Irish Famine (1845–1852).

To know more about Irish-Americans visit:


passage b have you seen all these advertisements pushing the initiative to lift the ban on offshore drilling? they are all paid for by the oil lobby. of course the oil lobbyists would want the initiative to pass! but those of us who are not part of the oil lobby should just ignore everything they say on this issue. passage b commit a fallacy; specifically, it commit a straw man fallacy.


An informal fallacy that gives the idea of defeating an argument is the straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman).

What does the straw man fallacy entail?

A straw man fallacy happens when someone takes another person's argument or point, exaggerates or distorts it in some way, and then criticizes the extreme distortion as if that were the claim the original speaker was actually saying.

What is explained by a strawman?

Straw man is a discussion technique used in business where a point that is readily disproved is attributed to the opposition. Setting up a straw man in an argument is intended to "take down" one argument and make it seem as though the opponent's The entire argument has been disproven.

To know more about straw man fallacy visit:


How have Marjane or her family 'rebelled' against
injustices and restrictions in chapters 16 through
19? What did Marji or her family gain from their
rebellion? What were the consequences of their

●Answer these questions, then support your
claim(s) with at least two pieces of relevant

Be sure to elaborate upon your claim(s)
and/or evidence by discussing the
importance of Marjane's rebellion in school
or at home, or her family's participation in
rebelling against Iran's new norms and


In this essay, Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis: The Tale of a Childhood will be examined in terms of how tyranny and rebellion are portrayed.

Marjane is rebellious in Persepolis in what ways?

Because they feel like there is no other way to get rid of the feeling that they are being governed by someone else's authority, the characters in Persepolis feel the need to rebel. Marji lit up her first cigarette in the book as a form of defiance against her mother's autocracy and as a demonstration that she did not wield absolute power.

In Persepolis chapter 19, what happened?

Marji becomes much more disobedient following Neda's passing. She assaults the principal, is expelled, and then has problems at her new school. Her parents choose to send her to an institution out of concern for her safety.

To know more about Marjane visit:


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