Atreides International has operations in Arrakis. The balance sheet for this division in Arrakeen solaris shows assets of 45,000 solaris, debt in the amount of 18,000 solaris, and equity of 27,000 solaris.
a. If the current exchange ratio is 1.25 solaris per dollar, what does the balance sheet look like in dollars?b. Assume that one year from now the balance sheet in solaris is exactly the same as at the beginning of the year. If the exchange rate is 1.50 solaris per dollar, what does the balance sheet look like in dollars now?c. Assume that one year from now the balance sheet in solaris is exactly the same as at the beginning of the year. If the exchange rate is 1.05 solaris per dollar, what does the balance sheet look like in dollars now?


Answer 1

a. The balance sheet in dollars would be: Assets = $56,250 ($45,000 x 1.25); Debt = $22,500 ($18,000 x 1.25); Equity = $33,750 ($27,000 x 1.25).

b. The balance sheet in dollars would be: Assets = $67,500 ($45,000 x 1.50); Debt = $27,000 ($18,000 x 1.50); Equity = $40,500 ($27,000 x 1.50).

c. The balance sheet in dollars would be: Assets = $42,750 ($45,000 x 1.05); Debt = $17,100 ($18,000 x 1.05); Equity = $25,650 ($27,000 x 1.05).

In order to convert the balance sheet from solaris to dollars, we need to multiply each account by the current exchange ratio. In part (a), the exchange ratio is 1.25, so we multiply each account by 1.25 to get the balance sheet in dollars.

In part (b), the exchange ratio has increased to 1.50, so we multiply each account by 1.50 to get the new balance sheet in dollars. In part (c), the exchange ratio has decreased to 1.05, so we multiply each account by 1.05 to get the new balance sheet in dollars.

For more questions like Ratio click the link below:


Related Questions

An advantage of the global functional division structure is that only the CEO can be held accountable for the profits. true or false?


False. In a global functional division structure, accountability for profits is typically distributed among the various functional units or departments.

The global functional division structure is an organizational structure where different functions or departments of a company are grouped together based on their expertise or skill sets. In this type of structure, individuals with similar roles, responsibilities, and skill sets are placed together in a single department, regardless of geographic location. While this structure can offer some advantages in terms of improving communication, increasing efficiency, and promoting specialization, it is not true that only the CEO can be held accountable for the profits.In any organizational structure, there are multiple levels of management and responsibility, and the success or failure of the company is the responsibility of everyone in the organization, not just the CEO. In a functional division structure, each department or function will have its own manager or leader who is responsible for the performance of that area. While the CEO may have ultimate responsibility for the overall performance of the company, the success of each individual department will also contribute to the company's overall success.

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The Zephyr Corporation is contemplating a new investment to be financed 33 percent from debt. The firm could sell new $1,00 par value bonds at a net price of $945. The coupon interest rate is 12 percent, and the bonds would mature in 15 years. If the company is in a 34 percent tax bracket, what is the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds?


The after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds is 8.38%.To calculate the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds, we need to first calculate the before-tax cost of debt.
The coupon interest rate is 12%, which means that the annual interest payment on the bonds would be 12% x $1,000 = $120 per bond. The net price of the bonds is $945, which means that Zephyr would receive $945 / $1,000 = 0.945 per bond. Therefore, the before-tax cost of debt would be:($120 annual interest payment / $945 net price of bond) x 100 = 12.7%Now, to calculate the after-tax cost of debt, we need to take into account the fact that Zephyr is in a 34% tax bracket.

This means that the company can deduct 34% of the interest expense from its taxable income. So the after-tax cost of debt would be:12.7% x (1 - 0.34) = 8.38%Therefore, the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds is 8.38%.

Learn more about Corporation here:


"Determine the swap rate of a 3-year interest rate swap with
annual interest payments, indexed at the Euribor. The 1-year,
2-year, and 3-year zero Euribor rates are equal to 1.2%, 1.8%, and
3%, respectively. Use discrete compounding.


To determine the swap rate of a 3-year interest rate swap with annual interest payments indexed at the Euribor, we need to first understand what an interest rate swap is. It is an agreement between two parties to exchange a fixed interest rate payment for a variable interest rate payment. In this case, the fixed interest rate payment is determined by the swap rate.

To calculate the swap rate, we need to first calculate the forward rates using the given zero Euribor rates. The forward rate for a 1-year period starting in year 1 and ending in year 2 is (1+2*0.018)/(1+1*0.012)-1 = 2.68%. Similarly, the forward rate for a 1-year period starting in year 2 and ending in year 3 is (1+3*0.03)/(1+2*0.018)-1 = 3.47%.

Next, we calculate the fixed rate that would make the present value of the fixed rate payments equal to the present value of the variable rate payments.

This fixed rate is the swap rate. Using the formula for present value of an annuity, we can calculate the present value of the fixed rate payments as 1/(1+0.0268)+1/(1+0.0347)^2+1/(1+0.0347)^3 = 2.734. The present value of the variable rate payments is simply 1.

Therefore, the swap rate is 1-2.734 = -1.734%, meaning the fixed rate payer would pay 1.734% while the variable rate payer would pay the Euribor rate.

In summary, the swap rate for a 3-year interest rate swap with annual interest payments indexed at the Euribor is -1.734%, calculated using the given zero Euribor rates and discrete compounding.

To know more about fixed rate refer here


the free cash flow to the firm is just reported as $205 million. the interest expense to the firm is $36 million. if the tax rate is 35% and the net debt of the firm increased by $25 million, how much is the market value of equity if the fcfe is expected to grow at 2.35% forever and the cost of equity is 10.63%? question 8 options: a) $1,445 million b) $1,554 million c) $2,445 million d) $2,554 million


The market value of equity is $1,554 million, which is option (b).

To find the market value of equity, we first need to calculate the free cash flow to equity (FCFE), which represents the cash flow available to the equity holders after meeting all financial obligations.

FCFE = FCFF - (Interest expense x (1 - Tax rate)) + Net borrowing

where FCFF is the free cash flow to the firm.

FCFE = $205 million - ($36 million x (1 - 0.35)) + $25 million

FCFE = $142.1 million

Next, we can use the Gordon growth model to calculate the market value of equity.

Market value of equity = FCFE / (Cost of equity - Growth rate)

Market value of equity = $142.1 million / (0.1063 - 0.0235)

Market value of equity = $1,554 million

Click the below link, to learn more about The market value:


Won't You Be My Neighbor Homebuilders is considering investing in one of two mutua capital projects. The company's controller believes the firm's cost of capital to be 11%. would cost $1,100,000 today, but would result in the following cash flows over the nex respectively Year 1: $550,000 Year 2: $600,000 Year 3: $100,000 Year 4: $100,000 Project B would require an investment of $2,700,000 now, and would reward the inves following cash flows over the next 4 years respectively: Year 1: $650,000 Year 2: $725,000 Year 3: $800,000 Year 4: $1,400,000 Question 1 What is the NPV of project A (round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)? Question 2 What is the NPV of project B (round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)?


The NPV of project A is $50,604.

The NPV of project B is $222,394.

To calculate the NPV of each project, we need to discount the cash flows using the company's cost of capital of 11%. The NPV is then the sum of the discounted cash flows minus the initial investment.

Project A has a lower initial investment and lower cash flows, resulting in a smaller NPV. Project B has a higher initial investment but higher cash flows, resulting in a larger NPV. The decision to invest in either project should also consider other factors, such as the company's strategic objectives and risk tolerance.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:


Does this growth rate of GDP stay high indefinitely or only for
a period of time?


The growth rate of GDP can vary over time and is influenced by various factors such as government policies, economic conditions, and global events.

It is unlikely that the growth rate of GDP will stay high indefinitely as there may be periods of economic slowdown or recession. However, with proper management and sustained efforts to boost economic growth, it is possible to maintain a relatively high growth rate for an extended period of time.

Ultimately, the sustainability of GDP growth depends on a variety of factors and cannot be predicted with certainty.

Monetary policies, implemented by central banks, can also impact GDP growth. For instance, central banks can adjust interest rates, open market operations, and reserve requirements to influence the supply of money and credit in the economy, which in turn affects borrowing costs, investment decisions, and consumption patterns.

Lowering interest rates, for example, can encourage borrowing and spending, thus stimulating GDP growth, while raising interest rates can have the opposite effect.

To learn more about monetary policies, refer below:


Univariate projections and extrapolations
do not estimate cause-and-effect relationships between tax revenue and economic factors that might affect revenue.
provide for multivariate modeling of the relationship between revenue and economic and policy factors.
are methods of deterministic modeling.
are expensive to employ because they require data for multiple explanatory variables.
All of the above.
None of the above


The answer would be 'All of the above'.

What do you mean by univariate forecasting?

You may anticipate the following time series patterns using methods offered by univariate forecasting: Demand that is constant deviates very little from a consistent mean value. Demand tends to decline or increase steadily over an extended period of time, with very sporadic exceptions.

Mention any two examples.

Monthly CO2 concentrations and southern oscillations are two examples of how to forecast El Nino consequences.

To know more about Univariate projections/forecasting , visit:


Grand Ledge Technologies, Inc., is doing early screening on whether to introduce a new line of self-driving delivery vehicle. They want to know the minimum quantity they need to produce and sell to generate a Net Present Value equal to zero. What type of analysis should they do?
Multiple Choice O Payback Period O Accounting Breakeven O Financial Breakeven
OInternal Rate of Return O Random Number Generator


Grand Ledge Technologies, Inc. should conduct a Financial Breakeven analysis to determine the minimum quantity they need to produce and sell to generate a Net Present Value equal to zero. This analysis they do is  Financial Breakeven.

A Financial Breakeven analysis considers both fixed and variable costs, as well as the time value of money, which is essential in evaluating long-term projects like the introduction of a new product line. By calculating the Financial Breakeven point, the company can assess the viability of the project and make informed decisions about whether to pursue the self-driving delivery vehicle line.

The other options, such as Payback Period, Accounting Breakeven, Internal Rate of Return, and Random Number Generator, are not suitable for answering the specific question of minimum quantity required for a Net Present Value equal to zero.

These methods may provide additional insights into the project's feasibility, but they do not directly address the desired outcome of the analysis, which is the Financial Breakeven point.

Know more about Present Value here:


the hr manager wants to hire hr data analysts to explore the ats data. however, senior leadership is unwilling to approve this without seeing an improvement in employee retention first. which action should the hr manager take to find a solution that is agreeable for both parties?


To get agreement from senior management, the HR manager should provide a plan that relates HR data analysis to employee retention.

The proposal should indicate explicitly how the analysis will be used to uncover patterns that lead to employee turnover and how it will aid in the development of solutions to improve staff retention. The HR manager can answer senior leadership's worries while still recruiting HR data analysts by establishing the link between HR data analysis and employee retention.

Furthermore, the proposal might highlight the advantages of having HR data analysts, such as boosting recruitment and hiring processes, detecting skill gaps, and optimizing HR strategies. A timetable and budget for the HR data analysis project can also be included in the proposal.

To know more about HR manager, click here.


video game consoles and video games are complementary products: the availability of one increases the value of the other. in the past the suppliers of consoles were able to appropriate most of the profits generated by video game systems because:


In the past the suppliers of consoles were able to appropriate most of the profits generated by video game systems because of their control over the hardware platform.

Video game consoles and video games are complementary products, which means that the value of one product is dependent on the availability of the other. In the past, suppliers of video game consoles such as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, had significant power over the hardware platform.

This allowed them to limit the number of game titles available to consumers and charge high licensing fees to game developers who wanted to create games for their platform. As a result, console suppliers were able to capture most of the profits generated by the video game industry.

This situation began to change with the emergence of online gaming and mobile gaming, which created new platforms for game developers to distribute their products and reduced the power of console suppliers.

Learn more about complementary demands  :


EZ Credit, Inc., lends $1,000 to Joe. Kay acts as Joe’s surety. If Kay pays the loan, she gets​
a. ​any right that EZ had against Joe and a right to be repaid by Joe.
b. ​none of the choices.
c. ​any right that EZ had against Joe, but not a right to be repaid by Joe.
d. ​a right to be repaid by Joe, but not any right that EZ had against Joe.


When EZ Credit, Inc., lends $1,000 to Joe and Kay acts as Joe's surety, if Kay pays the loan, she gets:

a. any right that EZ had against Joe and a right to be repaid by Joe.

As a surety, Kay guarantees the payment of Joe's debt to EZ Credit, Inc. In case Joe defaults on the loan, Kay becomes responsible for paying the loan on his behalf.

Once Kay fulfills this responsibility and pays the loan, she acquires two rights:

1. Any right that EZ Credit, Inc., had against Joe: This means that Kay can step into the shoes of EZ Credit, Inc., and enforce any rights or claims that the lender had against Joe, such as seeking repayment of the loan or enforcing any collateral agreements.

2. A right to be repaid by Joe: Since Kay paid the loan on behalf of Joe, she is entitled to be reimbursed by him for the amount she paid.

This right to reimbursement stems from the surety agreement and the principle of subrogation, which allows Kay to recover the amount she paid on Joe's behalf.

In conclusion, if Kay acts as Joe's surety and pays the loan, she gets any right that EZ Credit, Inc., had against Joe and a right to be repaid by Joe, making option (a) the correct answer.

To know more about principle of subrogation refer here


Ascension has a $1,000 face value bond with a 6 percentcoupon paid semiannually. The semiannual interest payment on thisbond is ___.a. $3b. $6c. $10d. $30e. $60f. $100g. $300


Ascension has a $1,000 face value bond with a 6 percent coupon paid semiannually. The semiannual interest payment on this bond is d) $30.

The semiannual interest payment on the Ascension $1,000 face value bond with a 6 percent coupon is calculated as follows:

First, we need to determine the coupon rate per semiannual period. To do this, we divide the annual coupon rate (6%) by 2 (since interest is paid semiannually), which gives us 3%.

Next, we need to calculate the semiannual interest payment by multiplying the coupon rate per period (3%) by the face value of the bond ($1,000). This gives us a semiannual interest payment of $30.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is d. $30.

In summary, the semiannual interest payment on the Ascension bond is $30, which is calculated by dividing the annual coupon rate by 2 to get the semiannual coupon rate, and then multiplying this by the face value of the bond.

Learn more about annual coupon rate here:


Jingle Bells' bonds are being sold for $980.80, and their coupon rate is 6%, with annual payments. If the maturity of those bonds is in exactly 48 semesters from now, and the face value of each bond is $1,000, calculate the bonds' YTM.


The YTM of Jingle Bells' bonds is 6.17%.

To calculate the YTM, we need to use the present value formula and solve for the interest rate that makes the present value of the bond equal to its market price. In this case, the present value of the bond is the sum of the present value of its coupon payments and the present value of its face value.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the present value of the bond's coupon payments is $557.43 and the present value of its face value is $430.48. Therefore, the present value of the bond is $987.91, which is close to its market price of $980.80.

To find the YTM, we can use a trial-and-error method or an iterative process. Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can input different interest rates until the present value of the bond equals its market price of $980.80. The YTM that satisfies this condition is 6.17%.

For more questions like Coupon click the link below:


cameroon corporation manufactures and sells electric staplers for $16.90 each. if 10,000 units were sold in december, and management forecasts 4.9% growth in sales each month, the number of units of electric stapler sales budgeted for march should be:


The number of units of electric stapler sales budgeted for March is 11,501 units.

Cameroon Corporation sold 10,000 electric staplers in December at a price of $16.90 each. The company's management has forecasted a growth rate of 4.9% in sales each month. Using this forecast, we can calculate the number of electric staplers sold for January, February, and March.

In January, the sales would be 10,000 x 1.049 = 10,490 units.

In February, the sales would be 10,490 x 1.049 = 10,988 units.

In March, the sales would be 10,988 x 1.049 = 11,501 units.

Therefore, the number of units of electric stapler sales budgeted for March is 11,501 units. Sales forecasting is a critical component of budgeting and planning, and using historical trends to forecast sales growth can help companies make informed decisions about future sales projections.

Learn more about electric stapler


A production possibilities curve that is concave to the origin (bowed out) implies that as more of a good is produced, the opportunity cost A. decreases B. remains constant C. increases D. increases at first and then decreases Capital Goods Origin Consumer Goods


The correct answer is C. A production possibility curve that is concave to the origin (bowed out) implies that as more of a good is produced, the opportunity cost increases.

A production possibilities curve that is concave to the origin (bowed out) implies that as more of a good is produced, the opportunity cost increases. This is because resources are not equally efficient in producing different goods, so as more of a good is produced, resources that are less well-suited for producing that good must be used, resulting in a higher opportunity cost.

Therefore, the production possibilities curve shows that to produce more of one good, society must give up an increasing amount of the other good. This is true whether the goods being produced are capital goods or consumer goods.

This is because resources are not equally efficient in producing different goods, and as more resources are allocated to one good, the opportunity cost of producing additional units of that good increases. The shape of the curve reflects the increasing opportunity cost.

This concept is often illustrated with a production possibility curve that shows the trade-off between producing capital goods (used to produce other goods) and consumer goods (goods for immediate consumption). As more capital goods are produced, the opportunity cost of producing additional units of consumer goods increases, and vice versa.

Learn more about production possibility curve


sales position: self-motivated individual needed to sell new homes being built in the lakefront area. salary based on commission and experience. beth applies for the sales position and does well. however, she is laid off in late october due to slow sales. this is an example of what type of unemployment?


The type of unemployment that Beth is experiencing is called "seasonal unemployment".

Seasonal unemployment occurs when employment opportunities are only available during certain seasons of the year, and workers are laid off during the off-season when demand for their services or products decreases. In this case, Beth was employed as a salesperson for new homes being built in the lakefront area, which is likely a seasonal industry where demand for new homes may be higher during certain months of the year.

The slow sales in late October likely led to a decrease in demand for new homes, resulting in Beth's layoff.

Learn more about seasonal unemployment".


Full Question: Sales Position: Self-Motivated individual needed to sell new homes being built in the Lakefront area. Salary based on commission and experience.

Kris applies for the sales position and does well. However, she is laid off in late October due to slow sales. This is an example of what type of unemployment?

the _____ organization type of correctional organization emphasizes the rehabilitation of inmates. group of answer choices custodial treatment enforcement prevention


The custodial treatment organization t type of correctional organization emphasizes the rehabilitation of inmates.

This type of organization focuses on providing inmates with the necessary tools and resources to help them lead productive lives when they are released from prison. The primary goal of custodial treatment organizations is to reduce recidivism rates by providing inmates with the necessary resources to help them reintegrate into society. This involves providing inmates with access to education and job training, as well as counseling services to address underlying issues that may have contributed to their criminal behavior.

Additionally, custodial treatment organizations provide inmates with access to mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and other social services that can help them successfully transition back into the community. By providing inmates with the necessary tools and resources to help them become productive members of society, custodial treatment organizations help to reduce recidivism rates and reduce the overall burden on the criminal justice system.

Know more about Organization here


when marketers care that a consumers price sensitivity increases the higher a products price is relative to expectations, they are acknowledging the consumers multiple choice reference prices. price gouging. underpricing.


When marketers are aware that a consumer's sensitivity towards the price of a product increases as the product's price becomes higher than their expectations, they are acknowledging the concept of reference prices.

So, the correct answer is A.

What's multiple choice reference prices.

Multiple choice reference prices refer to the range of prices that consumers perceive as reasonable or acceptable for a specific product or service.

These reference points may come from various sources, such as past experiences, competitors, or advertised prices. Marketers should be aware of these reference prices to ensure that their products are perceived as good value and to avoid price gouging or underpricing.

Hence the answer for this question is A. reference price.

Learn more about price sensitivity at


with a global economy there has been a. greater equity in who can become wealthy b. less downsizing and outsourcing by corporations c. a decrease in social inequality d. a decrease in profits for large corporations e. greater economic instability among poorer nations


With a global economy, there has been a greater equity in who can become wealthy. The correct option is a.

The globalization of the economy has opened up new opportunities for individuals and businesses in emerging economies to participate in the global market. This has resulted in the creation of new wealth and opportunities for individuals in these countries. At the same time, it has also increased competition and put pressure on businesses to operate more efficiently and effectively, which has led to the emergence of new business models and increased productivity.

While globalization has also created new challenges and economic instability in some parts of the world, overall it has contributed to greater equity in who can become wealthy by expanding economic opportunities to a broader range of individuals and businesses around the world.

Learn more about globalization at:


how does a brand create value for the consumer? a. simplifies the choices a consumer has to make b. creates distraction and mental clutter for a consumer c. helps develop loyalty for organizations and companies


A brand creates value for the consumer by a. simplifying the choices they have to make.

What is the significance of being a strong brand for the consumers?

A brand creates value for the consumer by simplifying the choices they have to make.

Brands are more than just logos or names, they represent the reputation, personality, and perception of a company or product. When a brand is well-established and trusted, it can simplify the decision-making process for consumers by providing them with a recognizable and familiar choice.

A strong brand can:

Build trust: A trusted brand can create a sense of reliability, quality, and consistency in the minds of consumers, which can reduce the perceived risk associated with purchasing decisions.

Convey value proposition: A well-defined brand can communicate the unique value proposition of a product or service, helping consumers understand the benefits and advantages they can expect to receive.

Create emotional connection: Brands can evoke emotions and create a sense of loyalty and attachment among consumers, leading to repeat purchases and customer retention.

Provide differentiation: Brands can differentiate themselves from competitors by establishing a unique identity, positioning, and personality that resonates with the target audience, making it easier for consumers to make choices among similar offerings.

On the other hand, options b and c in the question are not accurate.

Brands should not create distraction or mental clutter for consumers, as this can lead to confusion and decision fatigue.

Additionally, while brands can help develop loyalty among customers, it is not the sole purpose of a brand. Brands create value for consumers by simplifying choices and providing clear communication of value proposition and differentiation.

To know more about brand reputation visit:


thomas buys a bond at a premium of 200 to yield 6% annually. the bond pays annual coupons and is redeemable for its par value of 1000. calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon.


The amount of interest in the first coupon is $50.67.

To calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon, we need to first determine the coupon rate of the bond.

Since the bond is purchased at a premium, we know that the coupon rate is higher than the yield rate of 6%. Let's assume that the coupon rate is x%.

The premium paid for the bond is $200, and the face value of the bond is $1000. Therefore, the actual cost of the bond is $1200.

We can set up an equation to solve for the coupon rate:

PV = C / (1 + r) + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^n + F / (1 + r)^n


PV = present value (what Thomas paid for the bond)

C = coupon payment

r = yield rate (6%)

n = number of years until maturity

F = face value

Substituting the known values:

$1200 = C / 1.06 + C / 1.06^2 + ... + C / 1.06^20 + $1000 / 1.06^20

Simplifying this equation using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the coupon rate is approximately 5.067%.

To calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon, we need to multiply the coupon rate by the face value of the bond:

Interest in first coupon = coupon rate x face value

Interest in first coupon = 5.067% x $1000

Interest in first coupon = $50.67

Click the below link, to learn more about Interest:


Susan started her new job as an editorial assistant in prestigious media company in 2018. She negotiated on a wage contract where for next two years (till 2020), her salary was indexed to rise by 1% each year. In 2019, actual CPI inflation turned out to be 2%. This has negatively affected Susan’s purchasing power and she was not able to afford the same standard of living as before


Susan's indexed salary increase of 1% was lower than the actual CPI inflation rate of 2%, resulting in a decrease in her purchasing power.

Indexed salary increases are designed to adjust an employee's salary to reflect changes in inflation. In Susan's case, her salary was set to increase by 1% each year, which was supposed to keep up with inflation and maintain her purchasing power.

However, in 2019, the actual CPI inflation rate turned out to be 2%, which was higher than the indexed salary increase of 1%. This meant that Susan's salary did not increase enough to keep up with the rising cost of living, resulting in a decrease in her purchasing power.

As a result, Susan was not able to afford the same standard of living as before, as her salary was not keeping up with the rate of inflation. This highlights the importance of negotiating fair and reasonable salary increases that accurately reflect the cost of living and maintain an employee's purchasing power over time.

To know more about the Purchasing, here


mandated that all property tax revenue would remain within local communities. b. allowed the department of housing and urban development (hud) to initiate legal action in cases of housing discrimination. c. outlawed the practice of banks offering subprime mortgage products with higher interest rates to home buyers on the ba


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was able to bring legal action in cases of housing discrimination thanks to the policy action that was adopted in the United States from the available possibilities. Here option C is the correct answer.

The Fair Housing Act, which was enacted in 1968, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability. The act also created HUD, which is responsible for enforcing the law and investigating claims of housing discrimination.

HUD has the authority to initiate legal action against individuals or organizations that violate the Fair Housing Act. This includes filing lawsuits and administrative complaints against landlords, real estate agents, and mortgage lenders who engage in discriminatory practices.

Other policy actions mentioned in the options have also been implemented in the United States, but not all of them. Option (a) has not been implemented as a federal policy, but some states have implemented similar policies.

Option (c) was addressed by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, which prohibited lenders from offering loans based on factors such as race or ethnicity. Option (d) was implemented in the United States through the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which established a federal minimum wage and maximum working hours per week for employees.

To learn more about policy


Complete question:

Which of the following policy actions was implemented in the United States?

a. Mandated that all property tax revenue would remain within local communities.

b. Allowed the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to initiate legal action in cases of housing discrimination.

c. Outlawed the practice of banks offering subprime mortgage products with higher interest rates to home buyers on the basis of race or ethnicity.

d. Created the minimum wage and established a maximum number of working hours per week.

in recessions tax revenues tend to decline and transfer payments like unemployment insurance and food stamps tend to increase, so these programs are... a. are procyclical b. increase unemployment c. create budget surpluses during economic downturns d. are automatic stabilizer


Automatic stabilizers are crucial during recessions as they stabilize the economy by providing support to individuals and families. Policymakers should support their use to mitigate the impact of economic downturns. Here option D is the correct answer.

In recessions, tax revenues tend to decline because people and businesses earn less income, and therefore pay less in taxes. At the same time, transfer payments like unemployment insurance and food stamps tend to increase because more people are out of work and in need of assistance.

These programs are considered automatic stabilizers because they help stabilize the economy by providing support to individuals and families during times of economic hardship. They also help to mitigate the impact of economic downturns by increasing spending in the economy, which can create jobs and boost economic growth.

Automatic stabilizers are essential because they work without the need for additional government action, such as passing new legislation. They are built into the economy and automatically adjust based on economic conditions, making them an effective tool for smoothing out the ups and downs of the business cycle.

In contrast, procyclical policies, such as tax cuts or increased government spending, can exacerbate economic fluctuations by amplifying the effects of the business cycle. For example, tax cuts during a recession may provide short-term relief, but they can also increase the budget deficit and lead to long-term economic instability.

To learn more about recessions


assume that the assembly department allocates overhead based on machine hours, and the finishing department allocates overhead based on direct labor hours. how much total overhead will be assigned to a product that requires 1 direct labor hour and 2.5 machine hours in the assembly department, and 3.5 direct labor hours and 0.5 machine hours in the finishing department? multiple choice


The total overhead assigned to the product is: (d) $57.

Calculate the total overhead, we need to know the overhead rate per machine hour for the assembly department and the overhead rate per direct labor hour for the finishing department.

Let's assume that the overhead rate for the assembly department is $6 per machine hour, and the overhead rate for the finishing department is $12 per direct labor hour.

Based on this information, the total overhead assigned to the product is:

Assembly department overhead = 2.5 machine hours x $6 per machine hour = $15

Finishing department overhead = 3.5 direct labor hours x $12 per direct labor hour = $42

Total overhead = $15 + $42 = $57

Click the below link, to learn more about Overhead :


Amazon is now promising​ same-day pick-up of goods as well as local secure​ pick-up points. What point of differentiation is​ this?
A. Product differentiation
B. Services differentiation
C. Image differentiation
D. Channel differentiation
E. People differentiation


Amazon is now promising​ same-day pick-up of goods as well as local secure​ pick-up points. It is  Channel differentiation.

Option D is correct

Amazon's promise of same-day pick-up of goods and local secure pick-up points differentiates the company's distribution channels from competitors.

This is an example of channel differentiation, which refers to the strategy of creating unique methods of getting products or services to customers. By offering faster and more convenient pick-up options, Amazon is making it easier for customers to get their products quickly, which can be a competitive advantage in the retail industry.

To know more about Product differentiation here


how much should the company report as cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet? select answer from the options below


The amount that a company should report as cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet is determined by adding up the balances of all relevant accounts and investment holdings as of the balance sheet date. This amount can vary from one period to the next based on changes in the company's financial position.

A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. It lists a company's assets, liabilities, and equity, and is used to determine the company's overall financial health. Cash and cash equivalents are typically listed as current assets on the balance sheet, and represent the amount of cash and near-cash items that a company has on hand at any given time.

To determine how much a company should report as cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet, it must first identify all of the relevant items that fall under this category. This can include items such as cash in hand, cash in bank accounts, checks and other negotiable instruments, money market accounts, and short-term investments such as treasury bills or commercial paper.

Once all of these items have been identified, the company must determine their total value as of the balance sheet date. This is typically done by adding up the balances in all of the relevant accounts and investment holdings. The resulting amount is then reported as cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet.

Click the below link, to learn more about Cash and cash equivalents:


if you seek financial security, which investments are appropriate for you? multiple choice speculative stocks, options, and commodities growth stocks and rental property u.s. securities and conservative mutual funds cds and u.s. government bonds all of these are appropriate for financial security.


If you seek financial security, investments that are appropriate for you are typically those that offer stability and lower risk. Therefore, the best option among the given choices would be:

CDs and U.S. government bonds

While all of the options may have a place in an investment portfolio, CDs and U.S. government bonds are generally considered low-risk investments that can offer reliable income and preserve capital. Speculative stocks, options, and commodities are generally considered high-risk investments that are subject to greater volatility and potential losses. Growth stocks and rental property may offer potential for higher returns, but also come with higher risk and more management responsibilities. Conservative mutual funds may be appropriate for some investors, but they can still carry a degree of risk.

Overall, the best investments for financial security will depend on an individual's specific financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Learn more about  financial security


sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because: a. revenue data is easiest to gather b. sales information is precise in amount c. sales personnel have the quickest access to data d. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts


Sales forecasts are indeed the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because D. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts.

The reasoning behind this is that sales forecasts provide crucial information regarding expected revenue and customer demand. This, in turn, helps a firm plan and allocate its resources efficiently, such as inventory management, marketing strategies, and workforce management.

While it may be true that revenue data is easier to gather (option a) and sales personnel have quicker access to data (option c), these factors are secondary to the importance of sales efforts as the driving force behind a firm's activities. In addition, it is important to note that sales information is not always precise in amount (option b), as various external factors, such as market trends and economic conditions, can affect the accuracy of sales forecasts.

In summary, the primary reason that sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm is that almost all activities of a firm are influenced by sales efforts. These forecasts help businesses plan for the future by providing a basis for estimating revenue and customer demand, ultimately enabling the firm to allocate resources and make strategic decisions effectively. Therefore, the correct option is D.

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sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because:

a. revenue data is easiest to gather

b. sales information is precise in amount

c. sales personnel have the quickest access to data

d. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts

Know more about Sales forecasts here:


You have two stocks from which to pick. The first stock has a current stock price of $46 and earnings per share of $3.63. The second stock has a current stock price of $36.50 and earnings per share of $4.31. Both firms are in the media industry, and the average P/E ratio for the industry is 12. Use the P/E ratio to determine which stock you expect to have higher earnings. What is the P/E ratio of the first stock and of the second stock? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) P/E ratio First stock Second stock Which stock is expected to have higher earnings growth in the future? O First stock Second stock


The P/E ratio of the first stock is 12.68 and the P/E ratio of the second stock is 8.47. Based on these calculations, the first stock is expected to have higher earnings.

To calculate the P/E ratio, we divide the current stock price by the earnings per share. For the first stock, the P/E ratio is $46 ÷ $3.63 = 12.68. For the second stock, the P/E ratio is $36.50 ÷ $4.31 = 8.47.

The P/E ratio is a commonly used metric to evaluate a company's stock price. It measures how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of earnings. A higher P/E ratio generally suggests that investors are willing to pay more for each dollar of earnings because they believe the company has strong growth potential.

In this case, the first stock has a higher P/E ratio and is therefore expected to have higher earnings growth in the future. However, it's important to consider other factors such as the company's financial health, competitive landscape, and market trends when making investment decisions.

To know more about P/E ratio, refer here:

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