Banned Books
What type of source did the author use to research the passage?
A. a magazine
B. a book
C. a newspaper
D. a website


Answer 1

D. a website.  This can be inferred from the fact that the passage is discussing a topic related to books, which would most likely involve online research to find accurate and up-to-date information.

What is passage?

Passage is a term used to describe a section of text or writing. It typically refers to a piece of writing that is part of a larger work, such as a book, article, or essay. Passages are usually composed of several sentences or paragraphs that are connected by a common theme, idea, or argument. Passages typically include details, descriptions, and explanations that support the central idea of the larger work. By reading a passage, readers can gain a better understanding of the overall work and the author's intended message.

To learn more about passage


Related Questions

A multimedia presentation uses more than one form of communication to connect with the audience. Effective multimedia elements include:
Graphis, such as _________________ or detailed lettering
_________________ clips
_________________ clips
(images, video, audio)


Audio, video, and images. In order to make a strong presentation, a multimedia presentation frequently combines visual components including photographs, video clips, and intricate writing.

What is multimedia?

In order to give the user a rich, immersive experience, multimedia is the utilisation of several forms of media, including audio, video, text, animation, graphics, and interactivity. It is employed to spread a message or tell a tale in a way that may be more engrossing and enjoyable than using only one media. It can be applied in a variety of settings, such as instruction, amusement, marketing, and training. A more dynamic learning environment can be created using multimedia to give users a more immersive and compelling experience.

Audio clips can be used to add background music or a narration to a presentation. Text can be utilised to offer more context to the content, and animations can be used to make the experience more dynamic and engaging.

To know more about multimedia, visit:


what tone of voice should a reader use when reading the passage aloud? humorous angered inspired nervous


Answer: Make your voice sound friendly and pop out to others.


Answer: inspired


its right edg 2023

the power of a dinner table selection test



I dont understand

Dinnertime can be a time for conversation, listening, and intercommunicating experiences, helping to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

What is the story of the power of a dinner table?

It was to bring attention to the consequences that poverty has on individuals and the power of one act of kindness to bring about change. He only wanted to discuss his dinner-table story. to discuss how entertaining Kathy and David's home was. The table offers a place to relax and talk without being overheard by others.

Dinnertime turns into a time for conversation, listening, and sharing our experiences. We can fully focus on the people we love while we are gathered over food at the table. The table helps to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

Learn more about the power of a dinner table, here:


The question is incomplete, Complete question probably will be:

What is the main idea behind the story of The Power of a Dinner Table?

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa. "Yasashi desho,” Obasan says. She has often spoken of my mother’s "yasashi kokoro,” her tender, kind, and thoughtful heart. She places the picture in my hand. "Here is the best letter. This is the best time. These are the best memories.” When would this be? I turn the photo around to see if there is any identification on the back, but there is none. What mood does the author’s use of short sentences create? confusion sadness sentimentality urgency

it's not awanser c​


The author’s use of short sentences create Urgency mood.

The correct option is D.

Who is called author?

A writer is a person whose works have been published. If a person writes and also develops the ideas and content for their published writings, they are also considered a writer.

Who should be an author?

Every person designated as an author should have contributed significantly, directly, and intellectually to the work. For instance, they ought to have helped with the ideation, design, analysis, and/or interpretation of the findings (in the case of a research report). Guest or honorary authors are not permitted.

To know more about Author visit:


The complete question is -

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa.

"Yasashi desho,” Obasan says. She has often spoken of my mother’s "yasashi kokoro,” her tender, kind, and thoughtful heart. She places the picture in my hand. "Here is the best letter. This is the best time. These are the best memories.” When would this be? I turn the photo around to see if there is any identification on the back, but there is none.

What mood does the author’s use of short sentences create?

A. Confusion

B. Sadness

C. Sentimentality

D. Urgency

What is a "satire tag", as described in this editorial


A satire tag is a label placed on an article, video, or other form of media that identifies it as a form of satire and warns readers that the content is meant to be humorous and not taken seriously.

Satire is a type of comic writing or performance that makes a statement on current affairs, politics, or society issues using exaggeration, irony, and hyperbole.

A satire tag informs readers that the content is meant to be amusing rather than serious or factual. It also enables the author to express their point of view or opinion without the reader taking it as an objective assertion of fact.

The author makes it easier for the reader to understand that the text is satire and not a statement of fact by including a satire tag.

To learn more about tag link is here


the primary reward for a successful playwright is the opportunity to transition to writing for television. true false


The statement "the primary reward for a successful playwright is the opportunity to transition to writing for television" is False.

While some playwrights may find the transition to television rewarding, the primary reward for a successful playwright often lies in the recognition, satisfaction, and impact their work has on the audience within the realm of theater. The phrase "playwright" describes. A primary reward is like a wheelwright, who builds and composes a wheel. Every character in a play has their own unique way of thinking and speaking, and their motivations make sense given our broad understanding of psychology and human nature. Characterization depth. Plays are written to be performed rather than just read, which makes writing plays different from other literary forms. The ability to transfer to writing for television is the main benefit for a good playwright.

To know more about primary reward  refer :


Read the excerpt from chapter 7 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa. There have been a few others. So counting that last fast visit, there have been nine trips in all. And in between visits, there’s the army, the navy, the air force of letters—all the Aunt Emily correspondence jamming up our small metal box in the Granton PO. What is the effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters” and "jamming up” to describe Aunt Emily’s correspondence? It creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale, and suggests that it is invading Nomi’s life. It creates an overwhelmed mood, using military terminology to show Aunt Emily as more accomplished in her career than Nomi is. It creates an uneasy mood, showing that the author is disapproving of how mail is being delivered. It creates an uneasy mood, suggesting that the author wants these letters to create a conflict.​


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


How does the third paragraph in the article (Dr. William Baer) connect with the subsection Nature vs. Medicine


Ivermectin, Albendazole, and Clindamycin (Triple Therapy) is a systemic treatment that improves the removal of maggots, early healing, and alleviation from discomfort and related symptoms.

What applications do maggots have in medicine?

Maggots remove damaged and contaminated tissue from wounds or debride wounds under medical supervision. They are still used to treat a variety of chronic wounds, such as burns, gangrenous bed sores, venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, and more.

What is maggot therapy and how is it used now to treat wounds?

The process of wound debridement is the main objective of maggot therapy. Due of their extremely necrophagous nature (ability to quickly eat and ingest dead tissue), L sericata larvae are able to debride quickly and effectively.

To know more about Medicine visit:-


Can yall tell me the answers because i be unsure the answers.


Option B: it is much easier to be true to yourself than to conform to what others expect is the correct answer to the theme of the poem.

What is the poem "Identity" by Julio Noboa Polanco about?

"Identity" by Julio Noboa Polanco is a poem that challenges the notion of conformity and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. The speaker argues that it is better to be true to oneself, even if that means standing out and being different, than to sacrifice one's identity for the sake of fitting in. The poem suggests that true happiness and fulfillment can only be achieved by embracing one's individuality and living life on one's own terms. The speaker encourages the reader to reject the pressures of society and instead celebrate their individuality and unique identity.

Part B: "If I could stand alone, strong and free" seems appropriate.

Weed emphasises pain of isolation.

Learn more about Julio here:


major collection is much slower because it involves all


Major collection is a garbage collection technique used in computer memory management.

Unlike minor collection, which only scans a portion of the heap memory, major collection involves scanning the entire heap to identify and reclaim unreachable objects. This process can be much slower than minor collection, as it requires the examination of all live objects in the heap.

However, major collection is necessary to free up large amounts of memory and prevent memory leaks. It is typically triggered when the heap reaches a certain threshold of allocated memory and can result in a noticeable pause in the execution of the program.

Learn more about Major collection


3 unit 6
Harvey is putting together a slideshow for his presentation on adopting a dog. He has three main points, a few photos, and some contact information for places in the community to adopt. What should be on each slide?

his full script

all three points and a few photos

only one idea, point, or photo

just photos, no need to add words to his slides


all three points and a few photos


A strong research paper should have a clear and specific research topic or thesis statement, in-depth examination of pertinent sources, a logical and well-organized format, and accurate citation of sources. The need of creating a solid research topic or thesis statement that can be backed up by reliable information from reliable sources is emphasised throughout the learning unit. Also, the Learning Unit provides guidance on how to do efficient source analysis and research, including how to find and assess sources, take efficient notes, and synthesise data. The Learning Unit emphasises the value of accurate source citation and referencing and provides instructions on how to steer clear of plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

To know more about Research, click on the link :


Why did the chicken eat chicken


Answer: because it was hungry



Cannibalism usually occurs when the birds are stressed by a poor management practice.

Why do you think the story starts with the man’s thoughts about doing the dishes? In say yes by Tobias wolf


Answer :

Tobias Wolff's story "Say Yes" begins with the man's thoughts about cleaning the dishes because it sets the setting and develops the couple's relationship. At the start of the story, the couple stands at the sink in the kitchen, doing the dishes together, creating a sense of equality and shared understanding. The man is pleased with himself for being a thoughtful husband who assists with domestic tasks. This immediately falls apart when they consider interracial marriage, which causes a schism, the core conflict. Ann reacts strongly to her husband's opposition to interracial marriage, which surprises him.

correct the misplaced modifier : the man was stopped for speeding in the blue sweater


C for the most part it had me confused to, but my sis and my dad helped me

find the best matches the bold words

a) monarchy: royalty
b) people : democracy
c) dictatorship : queens
d) oligarchy: animals


Based on analogies, the best match for MATRIARCHY: WOMEN is a) monarchy: royalty

What are Analogies?

Analogies are comparisons between two things that are otherwise dissimilar, but share some common characteristics.

The best match for MATRIARCHY: WOMEN is a) monarchy: royalty based on analogies, as matriarchy is a form of government or social structure in which women hold the highest positions of authority, and monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch, who is usually a king or queen, holds supreme authority.

Both terms refer to a hierarchical power structure in which one gender or individual holds the highest authority.

Learn more about analogies on:


51.Marcia's identity statuses are based on A. Tajfel's social identity theory. B. Selman's theory of perspective taking. C. Erikson's theory of identity development. D. Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Children


According to Marcia's identity of status is based on Erikson's theory of identity development.

John Marcia has developed a theory that is based on the self development that identify the self identity for self development. In these statues he defines the identity observation from Erikson's identity theory. In this theory he defines the four most important things.

The four key important things that are mentioned in the identity theory is:

DiffusionAchievement in identityMoratoriumForeclosure

They are few important things that are stated by Erikson's identity theory.  The main intention of Marcia is to achieve something good in the identity of people. Marcia always worked for the psychological well-being in the identity of a person. He stated that it is very important to have a diffusion in the identity also the identity created by an individual must improve them to grow effective.

On 1966 Marcia had stated the theory of identity in the adolescent age as it is the most important stage in a human life because the youth starts to gain there own identity and also there will be a growth in there mindset. So on 1950 Erikson had stated the importance of the self development and identity improvement statues.

The character of a person is identified by there personal choice and culture of an individual this is because it shows the identity of a person. The identity of a person will vary from one profession to another for example academic, medical, lawyer and other services providers, hence it is very important to have the better identity to lead a proper life i human life time.

The identity of a person is also based on the practices that are followed and also the interest of a person, so it is very important to create a character that involves the better and positive identity for an individual according to the identity theory given by Marcia and Erikson status of identity theory.

To know more about Marcia's identity statuses and Erikson's theory of identity development follow the link below:


What passage below shows
how de Vaca's feelings of
concern for others was
influenced by the Native
(See the indicated paragraphs
to check the entire reference.)
A. Par 13: "They thought themselves very
rich with the little bells and beads we gave
B. Par 14: "We lifted the barge out of the
sand...and had great work to set her afloat"
C. P:20: "to see like unto brutes,
yet so deeply moved by pity.... increased my


"To see like brutes, yet so profoundly moved by pity...increased my feelings" How the Native Americans affected de Vaca's sense of care for others.

Which verse best conveys this information?

According to the inquiry, the 23rd passage would offer the best evidence to back up the assertion that "de Vaca's encounter with the native Americans might be the cause of Vaca's kind and generous treatment of them in his later life." This is demonstrated by the passage's details, such as "we got to their it," which demonstrate how the experience helped him grasp the life, culture, and values that they, although being indigenous, provide to others. As a result, this not only affirms but also justifies.

To know more about  Vaca's feelings  visit:


Arrange the pieces below to emphasize who/what did the action. Do not change the meaning or tense. - Jonathan Joestar's giant sunflowers are watered by me every other day.

Word menu - Drag any unnecessary words here.
will be


Answer: If it's who did the action then it's "Jonathan Joestar’s giant sunflowers were watered by me every other day." That's the best I can give you with these details


6 unit 6
Jorge just found out that he has to give a big presentation this afternoon with slides. He’s not very familiar with any type of presentation software. What would be the BEST way for him to put the program together on time?

Call in an expert to teach him how to design the slideshow.

Use the templates supplied in the program.

Take a class on using the software.

Start from scratch and just try to figure it out.


You can learn how to write compelling speeches and give them using your unique delivery style by studying and putting the methods in this book to use.

What role does presentation software play in the learning and teaching process?

Those who want to deliver information to an audience can do so with the aid of presentation software. It includes templates and tools for adding text, photos, music, video, and graphs as well as other types of content. With presentation software, teachers can make their lessons more engaging.

What exactly is a role-playing method?

During role-playing exercises, students can act out a situation or assume the part of a particular character. These roles in the play may be played by single students, pairs of students, or groups of students.

To know more about Presentation software visit:-


In the sixteenth paragraph, one of Ellen and Matthew’s sons has a reaction to what his cousin Wilse says in the previous paragraph. What does this reaction reveal about the family, and how the character of Bill Creighton stands apart from what the rest of his family believes? Highlight textual evidence to support your ideas and write annotations to explain your choices.


Jethro defends Bill, but when the man claims that Bill Creighton is the one who needs to be punished the most out of Travis Burdow and Bill, Jethro walks away.

What is the subject of Across Five Aprils chapter 5?

The price of coffee is rising as we speak in March 1862. Ellen is determined to give up her beloved cup and deal with her headaches without it, but Matt asks Jethro to ask John's wife Nancy if they might borrow some after noticing his wife was in discomfort.

What can you say in a nutshell about Across Five Aprils?

The protagonist Jethro Creighton, who was nine years old at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, is the focus of the coming-of-age story Across Five Aprils. As his brothers, Jethro observes.

To know more about Creighton visit:


Karmina is writing a summary of "Discovery in the Yard" Which words in the passage should she highlight as being important for her summary?


I don’t understand, maybe insert the passage???

Why does Gregor cover the picture of the woman in the fur coat with his body?

A. To prevent the removal of the picture from his room

B. To hide the picture from Grete
so she won't be jealous

C. To allow himself to believe he is
a normal man

D. To cool his body against the glass in the frame


Answer: A. To prevent the removal of the picture from his room.

Explanation: In the story "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kaf-ka, Gregor Samsa, the main character, undergoes a physical transformation into a giant insect.  As the story progresses, Gregor's relationship with his family deteriorates, and he becomes isolated in his room.  The picture of the woman in the fur coat holds sentimental value to Gregor, as it represents his past life and humanity.

By covering the picture with his body, Gregor is attempting to protect it from being taken away by his family.  He is clinging to a sense of his previous identity and the emotional connection he has to the picture. In this way, Gregor is trying to hold onto some semblance of normalcy and familiarity in his new insect form.

Learn more about "The Metamorphosis" here:

4. (a) Summarize What two key ideas are presented in lines 1-26? (b) Analyze What contrast is drawn between elves and holy folk? (c) Make Inferences What irony is presented in lines 25-26? What does that statement suggest about the teller of the tale?​


The narrator's desire to tell a story and the importance of storytelling in preserving tradition. Elves are portrayed as playful and holy folk as devout. The irony in lines 25-26 is that the narrator claims to not know any stories, despite having just told one. This could suggest either false humility or greater storytelling skills.

The two key ideas presented in lines 1-26 are the introduction of the Green Knight, and his challenge to King Arthur's court to participate in a beheading game, where the Green Knight will allow the challenger to strike him with his axe on the condition that the Green Knight will return the blow in one year's time.

The contrast drawn between elves and holy folk is that while elves are known for their trickery and deceit, the Green Knight is portrayed as a holy figure, with his green complexion possibly symbolizing his connection to nature and fertility.

The irony presented in lines 25-26 is that the Green Knight has just challenged the entire court to participate in the beheading game, yet the only person to step forward as a challenger is the young and inexperienced Sir Gawain. This statement suggests that the teller of the tale may be setting up Gawain for a test of his bravery and honor, as he is the only one who has taken up the Green Knight's challenge.

To know more about Inferences, here


an error in recall is most likely to occur with a word that ______. shares first letter rhymes looks similar has the same meaning


An error in recall is most likely to occur with a word that looks similar to the correct word.

When trying to recall information, we often rely on visual and phonological cues to help us retrieve the correct information from memory. Words that look or sound similar to the target word can be easily confused with the correct word, leading to errors in recall.

For example, words such as "witch" and "which" or "lose" and "loose" are frequently confused with each other due to their similar spelling and pronunciation. Words that share the same first letter or meaning may also be confused, but errors in recall are generally more common with words that look or sound similar.

To know more about error recall:


An error in recall is most likely to occur with a word that looks similar to another word.

This is because our brains may easily confuse two words that have similar spelling or pronunciation, leading to errors in recall.

A erroneous, unusual, or contentious usage, such as an improper verb tense or an improperly placed modifier, is referred to as a grammatical error in prescriptive grammar. referred to as a use error. Grammar correctness and errors are contrasted.

An error in applied linguistics is an unintentional departure from a language variety's inherent rules made by a learner of a second language. These mistakes are the result of the learner not understanding the correct rules of the target language variety.

Various Errors. Based on the source from which they originate, errors can be divided into three categories: Gross Errors, Minor Errors, and Minor Errors. Random Mistakes. Systematic mistakes.

To know more about Grammatical error, click here


which statement best characterizes how persuasive speaking and informative speaking compare to each other?



"Persuasive speaking aims to persuadcspeaking aims to educate or inform the audience."


Persuasive speaking and informative speaking differ in their goals and purposes. Informative speaking aims to educate or inform the audience about a particular topic or issue, while persuasive speaking aims to persuade or convince the audience to take a particular action or adopt a certain viewpoint.

While informative speeches are designed to provide objective information and present facts, persuasive speeches are designed to use rhetorical techniques such as emotional appeals, logical reasoning, and evidence to sway the audience towards a particular point of view or action.

Therefore, the statement that best characterizes how persuasive speaking and informative speaking compare to each other is: "Persuasive speaking aims to persuadcspeaking aims to educate or inform the audience."

Why is the burglar so interested in having mr pottle's dog


The burglar might be interested in using Mr. Dot Dot Dot Pottle's dog as a guard dog to discourage or warn him of potential threats while committing crimes. The dog, on the other hand, might be considered a priceless asset.

What is a burglar in crime?

As of right now, a burglary is defined as an unauthorized intrusion (trespass) onto something belonging to someone else with the express purpose of committing a felony offence on the victim's property. Even if a violent crime might be the intended felony, theft is the one that is done most frequently.

Who is the cat burglar king?

In his lifetime, Peter Scott, also known as the "King of Cat Burglars," spent it breaking into the mansions of the wealthy and famous, getting into all sorts of odd situations, and making claims that he had been "sent by God to take back a particular amount during the wealth that the absurdly rich stole from the rest of us."

To know more about Burglar visit:


All American boys book essay


Two adolescent lads, one black and one white, must deal with the fallout in Jason Reynolds and Brendon Kiely's excellent book All American boy.

What does "all American boy" mean?

When you call someone a "all-American boy" or "all-American girl," you're saying that they appear to possess all the traits that average Americans admire, such excellent looks and love for their country.

What is the plot of the play All American Boys?

The narrative of the violent arrest of a Black adolescent, the white teen who witnesses it, and how it affects their communities over the course of a week is told in ALL AMERICAN BOYS, a new TYA production based on the best-selling novel.

To know more about American boys visit:-


The complete question is:-

What does "all American boy" mean?

Essay will be about, "The Whisperers: Private Life In Stalins Russia, by Orlando Figes", and "Animal Farm, by George Orwell"
Your essay should be a literary analysis of two selections you have read, examining how the authors explore the issue of when it is appropriate to challenge the rules.

Your literary analysis will need to include:
⚫ an introduction that
presents a reasonable claim, expressed in a clear thesis statement names the author and title of each text you have selected to support your claim

body paragraphs (three minumum) that
present a thorough analysis of your claim contain textual evidence and details to support your claim

citations for your evidence
demonstrate a logical organization of ideas ⚫ a conclusion paragraph that

restates your thesis statement ⚫ effectively wraps up your essay
⚫ leaves your reader with a lasting impression, perhaps through an interesting final thought a works cited page
Down Below is the grading rubric that your instructors will use when grading your essay.

Purpose and Focus:
The topic is clearly stated and relates to the prompt. The essay maintains focus on the main idea throughout.

The essay has a clear progression of ideas from beginning to end. Strong transitions are used between ideas.

specific, relevant analysis to develop the topic.

The essay thoroughly develops the topic with well-chosen, relevant and sufficient concrete details, quotations and/or factual information.

Use of Language:
Excellent command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar and usage; need little editing.


When it comes to breaking the rules, the authors of "The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia," a nonfiction book by Orlando Figes, and "Animal Farm," a novel with allegoric overtones by George Orwell, discuss the topic in their respective works.

What is the Animal Farm authors' point of view?

In his short story Animal Farm, George Orwell used third person omniscient point of view, allowing the reader to hear the thoughts of multiple characters. Due to the narrator's objectivity, this enables the reader to form their own opinions.

What is the author's motivation behind writing Animal Farm?

The personalities and events of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath are represented by the characters and events in Animal Farm. Orwell wanted to convey a story, so he penned Animal Farm.

To know more about authors visit:-


a type of speech organization which breaks down the persuasive speech into a series of five steps is called the


Monroe's Motivated Sequence. This sequence was developed by Alan H. Monroe in the 1930s and is still used today. The five steps are:

1. Attention: The speaker must grab the audience's attention and introduce the topic.

2. Need: The speaker must explain why the audience needs to be persuaded on the topic.

4. How do Finn's feelings about Gren change
throughout the story?
O A. Finn views Gren as a rival at school in the
beginning of the story but eventually views
him as a friend.
OB. Finn is intimidated by Gren in the beginning
of the story and decides to change who he is
to be tough like Gren at the end.
O C. Finn views Gren as a friend in the beginning
of the story, but eventually realizes Gren will
not be friends with him publically.
O D. Finn questions Gren's intentions in the
beginning of the story but comes to realize
how much fun he can have with Gren.


Finn's feelings about Gren change throughout the story by: Finn is intimidated by Gren in the beginning of the story and decides to change who he is to be tough like Gren at the end.
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You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.Write one (1) complete sentence to state which country you and your friend are going to visit and what time of the year or season you are going to travel. Remember to use the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive. (e.g., My friend and I are going to travel to Ecuador this summer.)Write one (1) complete sentence about something that can be found in the countryside of the country you are going to visit and what it is like. Remember to use the correct form of the verb estar to talk about location and the correct form of the verb ser to describe. Dont forget to make your adjective agree with the noun. 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He summarizesthe current role by writing:"Instinct approaches are regarded as the best approaches to explain complex human behavior.""Instinct approaches to motivation are less prominent than they used to be.""Instinct approaches have been abandoned and are only of historical interest.""Instinct approaches are regarded as the best approaches to explain complex human behavior.""Instinct approaches to motivation are gaining strength in psychology Identify and briefly describe four types of requirements that may be defined for a computer base system a student was given the nine-dot problem to solve as part of a research project at the university's cognitive science lab. after reading the instructions and looking at the puzzle, the student quickly came up with the answer. which part of the student's brain played a key role in helping them devise a creative solution to the problem? when comparing europe to the us, which country makes companies prove that chemicals like ddt and pcps are safe rather than harmful? limiting access to alcohol appears to be the most effective means of reducing the incidence of binge drinking in college students. true or false 2) describe and name the different types of collision. in which are the linear momentum and kinetic energy conserved? What factors did President Trump take into account in nominating Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to fill Supreme Court vacancies? under what circumstances did the vacancies become available? what were the results? and why? what factors did senators take into account in voting for or against these nominees? MIRR unequallives.Grady Enterprises is looking at two project opportunities for a parcel of land the company currently owns. The first project is a? restaurant, and the second project is a sports facility. The projected cash flow of the restaurant is an initial cost of $1,430,000 with cash flows over the next six years of $240,000 ?(year one), $210,000 ?(year two), $250,000 ?(years three through? five), and ?$1,730,000 ?(year six), at which point Grady plans to sell the restaurant. The sports facility has the following cash? flows: initial cost of $2,300,000 with cash flows over the next four years of ?$440,000 ?(years one through? three) and $3,070,000 ?(year four), at which point Grady plans to sell the facility. The appropriate discount rate for the restaurant is 10.0?% and the appropriate discount rate for the sports facility is 12.5?%.What are the MIRRs for the Grady Enterprises? projects? What are the MIRRs when you adjust for the unequal? lives? Do the MIRR adjusted for unequal lives change the decision based on the? MIRRs????Hint:Take all cash flows to the same ending period as the longest project. In Cladistics, a ______ is any aspect of the phenotype, including morphology, physiology, behavior and DNA. what practice is concerned with enhancing a person's abilities and skills to lead and help a company meet its goals? The aggregate demand curve shifts left if eitherA. speculators gain confidence in U.S. assets or foreign countries enter into recession.B. speculators lose confidence in U.S. assets or recessions in foreign countries end.C. speculators lose confidence in U.S. assets or foreign countries enter into recession.D. speculators gain confidence in U.S. assets or recessions in foreign countries end. the marginal utility from an additional unit of a good is positive when consumption of an extra unit of the good causes disutility. T/F Help please! I'll give brainliest as well if you show work/explain :) what type of metamorphism would most likely take place in the rocks underlying a continental plate experiencing the subduction of an oceanic edged plate ?