Before 1763, why was it difficult for Britain to enforce its taxes on trade? The government’s enforcement was often minimal because the costs of enforcing the tax often surpassed the revenue generated from them Colonists often bribed corrupt custom’s officials to look the other way when it came to enforcing the law Smugglers brought to trial were often acquitted by local American juries All answers are correct


Answer 1

They needed to find a means to pay off that debt, so they asked their colonists to do it instead. Even though it violated Englishmen's rights, a variety of taxes were implemented throughout the colonies.

How did the British try to control trade?

England established laws, statutes, tariffs, and levies all with the purpose of monopolising commerce and exerting control over the American colonies in order to perpetuate mercantilism.

Britain had spent enormous sums throughout the Seven Years' War, both on its own troops and on aid to its allies. In that little period, the British national debt had quadrupled, and further taxes had been imposed to pay it.

The colonists of America organised a protest in response to the actions of Parliament. A network of covert organizations called the Sons of Liberty was established across the colonies with the intention of scaring the tax collectors for Parliament.

Learn more about taxes on trade:


Related Questions

After being repressed for 250 years (~65 – 313 CE), what do you think were the key factors that enabled Christianity by the fourth century to become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire? Give evidence to support your conclusions.


By the fourth century, Christianity had established itself as the official faith of the Roman Emperor thanks to a number of important circumstances.

Would Christianity overtake other religions in the Roman Empire by the fourth century?

The influence of Emperor Constantine, he embraced Christianity inside the early fourth century and later proclaimed it the preferred religion of the empire, was one of the most crucial elements.

By establishing bishops and establishing a hierarchical structure, the church was able to bring its people together and promote its message, and by using Latin as a shared language.

Also, a diverse group of people from many socioeconomic levels and backgrounds, including slaves and women, were drawn to Christianity. Many people who have been disillusioned with the political system found its message promoting equality and compassion.

To know more about Christianity visit:


True or False
If I cannot tell if it is a T or F then I will count it wrong. Make it clear or write the entire word.
16. The United States declared war on North Vietnam.
17. The U.S. successfully contained communism by pushing the communists out of
Vietnam and into China.
18. Nixon's policy of Vietnamization allowed South Vietnam to take a successful
stand against communism.
19. Thousands of Americans lost their lives in Vietnam.
20. The Vietnam War was part of the larger struggle of the Cold War.
21. The draft was not needed in the Vietnam War since public support generated enough
volunteers for the military.
22. The United States withdrew troops from South Vietnam at the request of the South
Vietnamese government.









In five paragraphs , compare and contrast the role television, music, movies, and the suburbs played in developing conformity and a counterculture in America during the 1950s.



The 1950s in America saw the emergence of a unique cultural landscape characterized by the pursuit of conformity as well as a counterculture. This era was heavily influenced by the proliferation of television, music, movies, and the suburbs, each playing a distinct role in shaping societal norms.

Television emerged as a powerful force in shaping public opinion and perpetuating conformity. The medium provided a platform for advertising and created a sense of national unity through the dissemination of information and entertainment. The majority of programming emphasized traditional family values and reinforced the ideal of the “perfect” American lifestyle.

In contrast, music and movies provided an outlet for dissent and rebellion against the prevailing norms. Rock and roll music, for example, provided a subculture for young people seeking to reject mainstream values and express themselves through music and fashion. Movies, on the other hand, often depicted anti-authoritarian themes and presented an alternative perspective on social issues.

The suburbs, a product of the post-World War II era, played a significant role in promoting conformity. These residential areas were designed to provide a uniform and comfortable lifestyle for middle-class families. They reinforced traditional gender roles and the nuclear family structure, promoting conformity to social norms.

However, the suburbs also provided a breeding ground for countercultural movements. The monotony and isolation of suburban life often left young people feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. This led to the emergence of subcultures that rejected the mainstream values of conformity and sought alternative forms of expression.

In conclusion, the cultural landscape of 1950s America was shaped by the interplay between conformity and counterculture. Television and the suburbs reinforced traditional values and promoted conformity, while music and movies provided an outlet for rebellion and dissent. The tension between these forces contributed to the emergence of a unique cultural landscape that continues to shape American society today.

Evaluate the extent to which the environment influenced the development of different regions of the English colonies along the Atlantic coast in the 17th and 18th centuries.


The environment had a significant impact on the development of different regions of the English colonies along the Atlantic coast in the 17th and 18th centuries.

What is Environment?

Environment refers to the physical, biological, and social surroundings in which an organism, community, or society exists. It encompasses the natural elements such as air, water, land, flora, fauna, as well as the built environment created by human activities such as cities, buildings, infrastructure, and cultural practices.

The environment played a significant role in shaping the development of the English colonies along the Atlantic coast of North America in the 17th and 18th centuries. The natural environment, including the geography, climate, and resources of each region, influenced the economic activities, social structure, and cultural practices of the colonies.

Learn more about Environment from the given link


In what ways might Chinese policies have encouraged business and trade during the Tang Dynasty?



Chinese policies supported commerce and trade in a number of ways throughout the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE). For example...

The Tang Dynasty oversaw the construction of the Grand Canal, which connected the Yangtze River in the south with the Yellow River in the north. This river helped to promote trade and commerce in China by offering an effective route of transporting commodities from the north to the south.

They promoted overseas trade and merchants: The Tang Dynasty promoted foreign trade by making the port of Guangzhou (Canton) the main hub for international trade. More international merchants came to China to conduct business as a result of the government issuing licenses and protecting foreign merchants and their merchandise. Additionally, the government devised a framework for international trade levies that brought in money for the government and helped to regulate the trade system.

Hope this helps!

in your own word explain Napeloen steps in progressive liberalisation of his empire​


Napoleon's steps towards progressive liberalization of his empire aimed at centralizing power, modernizing institutions, promoting equality, and fostering economic and social development.

What is Liberalization?

Liberalization refers to the process of loosening or removing restrictions or regulations in various areas, such as politics, economics, trade, or social policies, with the aim of promoting greater freedom, competition, and openness. It often involves reducing government intervention, allowing for more private sector participation, and increasing individual or market freedoms.

Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military and political leader who rose to prominence in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, implemented a series of steps towards progressive liberalization of his empire during his rule.

Learn more about Liberalization from the given link


What is the main focus of each of the following ideologies, and who is most famous for defining them?


Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology inside the socialist movement, whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order founded round frequent ownership of the capacity of production, distribution

Who is famous for his thoughts about capitalism and communism?

Karl Marx (1818-1883) used to be a philosopher, author, social theorist, and economist. He is well-known for his theories about capitalism, socialism, and communism.

The beliefs of communism, most famously expressed by using Karl Marx (opens in new tab), core on the thinking that inequality and suffering end result from capitalism.

Learn more about Communism here:

What political and economic issues arose in Western Countries after WWI?


The aftermath of World War I led to significant political and economic issues in many Western countries. Here are a few examples:

1. Political instability: The war had shaken the political systems of many countries, and the period after the war was marked by instability and unrest. In countries such as Germany, Italy, and Russia, this instability led to the rise of extremist political movements and the emergence of authoritarian governments.

2. Economic challenges: The war had severely disrupted the economies of many countries, leading to inflation, unemployment, and debt. The need to rebuild after the war put further strain on economies, as did the effects of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

3. Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty of Versailles, which ended the war, imposed heavy reparations on Germany and led to resentment and economic hardship in that country. It also led to the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires, creating new political and economic challenges in Europe and the Middle East.

4. Women's suffrage: The war had opened up new opportunities for women to work and participate in public life, and the post-war period saw the extension of voting rights to women in many Western countries.

5. International relations: The war had fundamentally altered the balance of power in Europe and marked the beginning of a new era of international relations. The League of Nations was established in an attempt to promote peace and cooperation among nations, but it ultimately proved ineffective in preventing the outbreak of World War II.

Overall, the aftermath of World War I led to significant political and economic challenges in many Western countries, and the effects of the war were felt for many years after its conclusion.

What economic issues happened after World War 1?

Stock prices collapsed first, by the end of 1919. The downturn in wholesale prices came 6 months later. By the autumn of 1920 a severe industrial depression had developed. Factory employment dropped 30 percent from March 1920 to July 1921.


What economic problems did Europe face after ww1?

In the years following World War I, there was spiraling hyperinflation of the German currency (Reichsmark) by 1923. The causes included the burdensome reparations imposed after World War I, coupled with a general inflationary period in Europe in the 1920s (another direct result of a materially catastrophic war).


What was the major political and economic effect of World War I?

The war resulted in the death of empires and the birth of nations, and in national boundaries being redrawn around the world. It ushered in prosperity for some countries, while it brought economic depression to others.

1. What are the citizen's opinions of their leader, Kim Jong IL?


It is crucial to remember that North Korea is a very authoritarian state and that open criticism of the government is not accepted. The propaganda apparatus of the nation aims to establish a cult of personality around the ruling Kim family by portraying them as infallible and untouchable.

It is difficult to determine the true feelings of North Korean residents towards their leader, Kim Jong-il, given the country's extreme authoritarianism and the severe limits on press freedom and free speech.

The goal of the regime's propaganda machine is to elevate the Kim family to the status of an invincible cult of personality, and any criticism or dissent is harshly punished. It is also difficult to gather reliable information on the residents' opinions because the nation is essentially cut off from the outside world and its citizens are subject to strict government control and surveillance.

Speaking negatively about one's leader or the government was not acceptable, and North Korean civilians were subject to severe government supervision and censorship.

It is critical to remember that propaganda and the lack of access to fair information may have a significant influence on any opinions or information regarding Kim Jong-il and the North Korean leadership.

learn more about Kim Jong IL here


How many ounces of gold did Alfred Doten pay god his horse?How much was that in dollars?


Alfred Doten paid God his horse with eight ounces of gold, which was worth $3,744 dollars in 1848.

At the time, gold was valued at $468 per ounce. This was a significant sum of money for the time, especially considering the fact that the average daily wage was only $1.25. Doten likely paid this sum because the horse was of very high quality, and because the horse had been trained to be used in the freight business. The amount of money paid for the horse was a testament to Doten's commitment to quality and success in his business endeavors.

The amount paid for the horse shows how highly valued horses were in the 19th century, as well as how much people were willing to invest in them. The amount of gold paid for the horse also indicates how valuable gold was during that time period.

To know more about gold , click here:


What did President Nixon believe would be a benefit resulting from improved relations with the Chinese?


a-the potential for the Chinese vote on the United Nations Security Council

b-increased foreign trade with another capitalist country

c-increased foreign trade with another capitalist country

d-improved world opinion of the United States


The correct response is:

a- the potential for the Chinese vote on the United Nations Security Council.

President Nixon believed that improved relations with China would lead to the potential for China's vote on the United Nations Security Council. This was one of the reasons behind his efforts to establish diplomatic relations with China in the early 1970s, which ultimately led to the normalization of relations between the United States and China.

Nixon saw China as a potential ally against the Soviet Union during the Cold War and believed that closer relations with China could provide strategic benefits for the United States, including increased influence in international organizations such as the United Nations.

what factors did the Senate take into account in voting in favor or against these nominees? Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Merrick Harland


When voting on judicial nominees, the Senate takes into account several factors, including:

1. Qualifications: The Senate considers the nominee's education, experience, and legal background, as well as their temperament, ethics, and overall fitness to serve as a federal judge.

2. Ideology: The Senate considers the nominee's political and judicial philosophy, as well as their views on controversial issues such as abortion, gun control, and civil rights.

3. Partisan politics: The Senate considers the nominee's political affiliation and how their confirmation might affect the balance of power on the Supreme Court.

4. Public opinion: The Senate considers how the nominee is perceived by the public and how their confirmation might be viewed by different constituencies.

In the cases of Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Merrick Garland, the Senate's considerations varied depending on the nominee and the political climate at the time of their nominations. Sotomayor and Kagan faced scrutiny over their liberal views and their potential impact on the Court's balance, while Garland faced opposition from Republicans who refused to consider his nomination during an election year. Ultimately, the Senate's votes on these nominees reflected a combination of these factors and the political dynamics of the time.

Young men had to sign up for the draft, which meant they could be called to go to war in Vietnam even if they did not want to fight. Many who were against the war burned their draft cards and fled to Canada or other countries. Do you think they did the right thing? Why or why not? In 3-5 sentences, explain your answer.



I believe they did not do the right thing. I believe this due to the fact that them avoiding going to war will just transfer over to other young men who may end up having to take their place. While they avoid going to war, others won't be so lucky, and there is a possibility of a shortage of soldiers.


This seems like an open ended question, so I may he wrong to some!

How did Japan use the restrictions of the peace treaties for its own benefit?
A. Began spending more money building a navy to create jobs
B. They were welcomed into the League of Nations without an emperor
C. Converted all of the spending from military to business and infrastructure
D. They grew more food on the limited space they had than they did with their empire


C- because Japan was not allowed to build an army; Japan went through a boom in business and infrastructure after WW2

What are some lies people believe in today in the U.S. that shape how people view others



there are certain misconceptions or false beliefs that some people in the U.S. may hold, which can shape how they view others. It's important to note that these beliefs are not universal and may not be held by everyone. It's also essential to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives. Here are a few examples:

Stereotypes and Prejudices: Stereotypes are oversimplified beliefs or assumptions about certain groups of people, often based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. Prejudices are preconceived opinions or attitudes, usually negative, towards individuals or groups based on these characteristics. Stereotypes and prejudices can shape how people view others by leading to biased judgments, discriminatory behavior, and unfair treatment.

Xenophobia and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment: Some people in the U.S. may hold beliefs that certain groups of immigrants or foreigners are inherently undesirable, dangerous, or burdensome to society. These beliefs can contribute to xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment, which can shape how people view immigrants and foreigners, and influence immigration policies and practices.

Racial Bias: Racial bias refers to the presence of systematic and often unconscious attitudes, beliefs, or prejudices that favor or discriminate against individuals or groups based on race. Racial bias can shape how people view others by influencing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards individuals or groups of different races. It can manifest in various forms, such as racial profiling, discrimination, or disparities in treatment and opportunities.

Confirmation Bias: Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek or interpret information in a way that confirms one's existing beliefs or biases while disregarding or discounting information that challenges them. This can shape how people view others by reinforcing their existing beliefs or stereotypes and limiting their openness to different perspectives or experiences.

Misinformation and Fake News: Misinformation and fake news are false or misleading information that is spread with the intention to deceive or mislead others. People may believe in misinformation or fake news that portrays certain groups of people in a negative or biased light, leading to distorted perceptions and judgments about those groups.

What factors precipitated the development of the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899? Discuss how thus new law changed the way juvenile offenders were treated when compared to adult offenders.




Prior to this law, all persons, regardless of age were processed in the adult criminal justice system. The Juvenile Court Law of Illinois was designed to eliminate every vestige of a criminal procedure from the management of juvenile delinquents. The law was expressly framed to avoid treating a child as a criminal. Toward this end, the proceedings were divested of all the features that attached to a criminal proceeding. Instead of a complaint or indictment, a petition was suggested; instead of a warrant, a summons. The child was not to be arrested, but was to be brought in by the parent or guardian, or by a probation officer. The bill expressly prohibited keeping a child in any jail or enclosure where adults were confined. When the child was brought into court, the inquiry was with reference to the condition of the child. Instead of a prosecutor, there was a probation officer, who was there not to convict the child but to represent the child's interests. Instead of a jury of 12 men, there was either a jury of six men or no jury at all. The child was not to be convicted, but was to be found dependent, delinquent or truant, or discharged. The child was not to be sentenced to a reformatory or prison, but committed to the care of a probation officer or to the care of a friendly institution. All the proceedings were to be informal. This book further examines the results obtained by the operation of the juvenile court, a day in the juvenile court (June 10, 1901), juvenile court laws adopted in other States, juvenile probation, Illinois Juvenile Court Law in force July 1, 1907, and samples of juvenile court forms in use in the first decade of the 20th century in Illinois.

What was one effect of the Fifteenth Amendment?

Immigrants faced less discrimination.

Black voters helped bring the Republican Party to power in the South.

Electors selected the president and vice president on separate ballots.

American Indian tribal land was divided into individual plots.



black voters helped bring the Republican Party to power in the South


One effect of the Fifteenth Amendment was that black voters helped bring the Republican Party to power in the South. The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1870, granted African American men the right to vote. This amendment was a significant step forward in the fight for civil rights and marked a significant expansion of democracy in the United States. The amendment allowed black voters to exercise their right to vote and participate in the political process, which helped to bring the Republican Party to power in the South. This, in turn, helped to bring about significant changes in the political, social, and economic landscape of the region.

Why is real GDP per capita more useful?


Real GDP per capita is generally considered to be more useful than nominal GDP per capita because it adjusts for inflation and differences in population size.

Nominal GDP per capita is simply a measure of the total economic output in a country divided by the total population, without taking into account changes in the price level or cost of living. Therefore, nominal GDP per capita can be misleading as it does not reflect changes in the purchasing power of the population over time.

On the other hand, real GDP per capita adjusts for inflation, which means it reflects the actual changes in the production of goods and services, taking into account the actual cost of living. This makes it a more accurate measure of a country's economic growth and prosperity.

Additionally, real GDP per capita accounts for differences in population size, allowing for a more accurate comparison of the economic performance of different countries over time.

Overall, real GDP per capita is a more reliable measure of a country's economic performance and standard of living than nominal GDP per capita.

How did laws change regarding children under the age of 12?
O A. They would soon be required to learn a trade
• B. They were now required to work more hours
• C. They would soon be required to have a college degree
D. They were now required to attend school more


I’m unsure about what the context was here but I’m assuming it would be answer choice D.
A could also be a good pick but it’s unlikely children under the age of 12 would be learning the valuable art of trade. The answer isn’t B because children were never REQUIRED to work and it cannot be C because 12 years olds cannot get a degree

Why was the United States afraid of Cuba? Select 2 answers.

Question 1 options:

The United States was practicing communism and didn't like that Cuba was a democracy.

Cuba is 90 miles away from the coast of Florida.

The United States thought that Napoleon's ghost was haunting Cuba.

Fidel Castro, who overthrew the previous Cuban government, began diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.



The United States thought that Napoleon's ghost was haunting Cuba.

Fidel Castro, who overthrew the previous Cuban government, began diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.


Cuba's alliance with the Soviet Union was the main reason the United States viewed Castro as a security threat–a fear that was arguably vindicated during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962

Significance of battle of cambrai 1917


The Battle of Cambrai in 1917 was significant for its introduction of new warfare tactics, limited successes of those tactics, impact on World War I, lessons learned, and historical significance.

What is Battle?

A battle typically refers to a violent encounter or conflict between opposing forces, such as armies, navies, or other organized groups, with the goal of achieving victory or overcoming an enemy. Battles can occur on land, sea, or air, and may involve various types of weapons, strategies, and tactics.

The Battle of Cambrai was notable for the use of innovative tactics and technology. It saw the first large-scale use of tanks in a coordinated manner, with over 400 British tanks deployed in a surprise attack against German lines.

Learn more about Battle from the given link


In 2002, President Bush specifically singled all of the following
countries as "an axis of evil" except for which?
O Iraq
O North Korea
O Syria
O Iran


The country that President Bush did not say was "an axis of evil" was C. Syria.

What did President Bush mean by "an axis of evil" ?

In his State of the Union address in 2002, President George W. Bush specifically mentioned three countries as "an axis of evil," which he identified as posing a significant threat to the United States and international security. The three countries that he mentioned were Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.

Notably, Syria was not mentioned in the "axis of evil" statement made by President Bush in 2002. However, Syria has been a significant player in the politics of the Middle East, and its government has been accused of supporting terrorism and human rights violations, which has led to tensions with the United States and other countries.

Find out more on President Bush at


Question 3 of 15
The federal and state court systems are:
OA. generally independent, though the state court systern has more
jurisdiction than the federal court system.
B. closely tied together, and both court systems hear similar cases
regardless of whether they are criminal or civil.
C. completely independent, and neither hears cases originally tried in
the other system.
D. generally independent, though the federal court system can
overrule state court decisions that violate the U.S. Constitution.


Option (d), The federal and state court systems often function independently of one another, notwithstanding the federal court system's power to reverse unlawful decisions made by state courts.

What sets federal courts distinct from state courts in the United States?

The way federal courts work differs from state courts in a number of ways. The primary difference between civil proceedings and criminal trials is the kind of cases that can be addressed under the federal system.

State laws created state courts, which are now in existence and have a wide range of jurisdiction. These courts may handle cases involving anything, including family law disputes and criminal trials. Contrarily, federal courts were established by the United States Constitution and have far less power.

Learn more about federal and state court systems:


It is estimated that roughly _____ Africans died along the Middle Passage on their way from West Africa to the West Indies, South America, or America's southern colonies.


During their trip through West Africa to what is now the West Caribbean, South America, via America's southern colonies, an estimated 1500-1900 Africans perished along the Middle Passage.

How many Africans died traveling throughout the Middle Passage?

Despite the captain's best efforts to keep as many slaves alive as possible, the Middle Passage had a high fatality rate. The exact number of Africans that perished on their voyage to the New World is unknown, although it is currently thought that between ten and twenty percent of those transported perished.

Between the 1500s and the 1800s, traders sent some 12 million Africans as personal property across the Atlantic.

The Middle Passage refers to the sequence of forced migrations that enslaved Africans underwent over a roughly 350-year period from Africa to the Americas.

learn more about Middle Passage:


FROM THE GREAT DEBATERS. Should the Wiley college debate team have agreed to debate Oklahoma City college at a location off campus? Why or why not?


The decision of whether to debate off-campus or not would have depended on the team's goals and values.

What is debate off-campus?

By agreeing to debate off-campus, the team could have demonstrated the power of their arguments and the value of equal rights and opportunities for all.

The decision of whether the Wiley College debate team should have agreed to debate Oklahoma City College off-campus is a complex one and depends on several factors.

On the one hand, agreeing to debate off-campus could have been seen as a compromise of the team's principles and a submission to segregationist policies. By agreeing to debate off-campus, the team would have implicitly acknowledged the legitimacy of segregation and discrimination, which would have been a setback for the civil rights movement.

On the other hand, by refusing to debate off-campus, the team may have missed an opportunity to promote their cause and showcase their talent to a wider audience. By engaging in debate and winning against segregationist opponents, the team could have demonstrated the power of their arguments and the value of equal rights and opportunities for all.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to debate off-campus or not would have depended on the team's goals and values. If their main priority was to stand up against segregation and discrimination, they may have refused to debate off-campus. If their priority was to spread their message and prove their worth as debaters, they may have agreed to debate off-campus.

In the context of the movie "The Great Debaters," the team ultimately decides to debate Oklahoma City College off-campus but not without challenging the segregationist policies of the time and making a stand for their principles.

To know more about debate, visit:


3. Explain two reasons why Frederick Douglass supported the Fifteenth Amendment.
(4 points)



He believed that the African American community had a more urgent need for enfranchisement. Douglass supported the 15th Amendment and argued that it was "the Negro's hour," and that Black male voting rights should come first.


Why was the abolitionists so impactful



because it is some how we can find out what Ambitions of Four score and 7 years ago blank brought from Earth on this content, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to proposition that all men are created equal.


The abolitionists saw slavery as an abomination and an affliction on the United States, making it their goal to eradicate slave ownership. They sent petitions to Congress, ran for political office and inundated people of the South with anti-slavery literature.

I need to buy a new .............

a) pair of jean

b) some jeans

c) jeans

d) none of the above



The answer is (a)

I need to buy a new pair of jean.

Answer: I need to buy a new pair of jean

I need to buy a new some jeans ( that doesn't sound right)

I need to buy a new jeans ( nope, doesnt even make sense)

so  a) pair of jean is the answer to ur question :)

Which nation occupied the German territory labelled 2?

A. Soviet Union
B. France
C. United States
D. Britain


Answer: The red area would be the Soviet Union!

Green is Britain, Yellow is United States, and Blue is France. Hope this helps!

The red area would be the Soviet Union, Green is Britain, Yellow is United States, and Blue is France. So, Soviet Union occupied the German Territory Labelled 2.

Germany was split into four occupation zones following World War II, each of which was under the jurisdiction of one of the four Allied powers: the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, and France. The French occupation zone is indicated on the map with the number 2.

At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the Allied nations decided to partition Germany into four occupation zones. Military occupation lines were used to separate the zones, with the Soviet Union occupying eastern Germany and the United States occupying the south, Britain occupying the northwest, and France occupying the southwest.

Until 1990, when Germany was reunited, the occupation zones persisted.

To know more about France:






What factors helped Haiti win independence from France?

The causes of the Haitian Revolution included the franchise's frustrated aspirations, the brutality of slave owners, and inspiration from the French Revolution.

I don't need Brainliest, give it to the next answerer :)


The enslaved people were inspired by the American Revolution and the French revolution, and was needed to actualize Haiti's goals.


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