Billie Jo’s father becomes hard to reach after her mother’s death. how does he change again by the end of the book? (out of the dust)


Answer 1

In the novel "Out of the Dust" by Karen Hesse, Billie Jo's father, referred to as Daddy, goes through a significant transformation after the tragic death of her mother, Ma. Initially, Daddy becomes distant and withdrawn, focusing on his work and struggling to deal with his grief. The relationship between Daddy and Billie Jo becomes strained, as they both struggle to cope with their loss.

However, by the end of the book, Daddy gradually changes again as he starts to heal and come to terms with his grief. He begins to reconnect with Billie Jo and becomes more attentive to her needs. A significant turning point occurs when a new woman named Louise enters their lives. Louise's presence helps Daddy open up emotionally and become more available for Billie Jo. The two start rebuilding their relationship, eventually finding solace and healing in each other's company.

So, Daddy changes from being distant and withdrawn to opening up emotionally and reconnecting with his daughter by the end of "Out of the Dust."

Answer 2
Billie Jo’s father at the end of the book became more willing to change and be their for his daughter

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In "The Worst Birthday," the point of view contributes to how the events are described in the passage in several ways. The story is told from the point of view of Harry, the protagonist, which allows the reader to experience the events of the story through his perspective. Harry's feelings and emotions are conveyed throughout the story, which helps the reader to understand the impact of the events on him.

For example, in the beginning of the story, Harry's excitement for his birthday is described, which sets the tone for the story. As the events unfold and Harry's day gets worse, his frustration and disappointment are emphasized through his thoughts and actions. The use of first-person point of view also allows the reader to empathize with Harry and feel his emotions as he experiences them.

Additionally, the point of view contributes to how the other characters in the story are described. Harry's interactions with his family and friends are portrayed through his point of view, which allows the reader to see how he perceives their actions and words. The reader is also able to gain insight into Harry's relationships with the other characters and how they contribute to his experiences on his birthday.

Overall, the first-person point of view in "The Worst Birthday" contributes to how the events are described in the passage by allowing the reader to experience the story through Harry's perspective and understand his emotions and relationships with the other characters.

Answer:Harry, the protagonist, provides the narrative's point of view, allowing the reader to experience the story's events from his perspective. Harry's thoughts and feelings are expressed throughout the narrative, which aids the reader in comprehending how the events affected him.please please please please mark me brainliest I'm begging you please.
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