6) Sometimes it is difficult to read a piece of code and understand what the code will do. For this reason, you may want to add notes to yourself (or to someone else that may read the code) that show up in the code, but not when you run the program. What are these notes called and what symbol do you use to write them


Answer 1


The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The notes that are used in a piece of code to understand the difficulty of coding or for others to read it is called comments.

Comments in code help in understanding the code, they help others to read the code and understand the logic written behind it. Comments also help the programmer to read his code himself for understanding purposes. Comments in coding used for understanding the purpose of code and what the code will do. The comments written in the program cannot execute or shown when you run the program.

Comments in coding/program can be used in two ways in almost all programming languages. You can use comments on a single line and in multiple lines.

To show a comment on a single line, you can use the double backslash "//" .

To make a comment on a single line. for example

//here the calculation start or some other understandable comments.

if the comments are more than one line then you can use "/*    */" symbols to write comments on multiple lines

for example:

/* this is the code

that calculate the sum and average of students grades

it also displays the grade in letter


Related Questions

Which selling method is most likely to irritate potential customers? A. Running a trade fair booth B. Cold calling C. Running a flea market booth D. Telemarketing to people who are interested in the product. ​





Answer:    B.   Cold Calling


In business, cold calling means to contact people who haven't actually proved to be interested in their products/services. A salesperson may try cold calling to try and convince the person to be. This may be irritating to potential customers because instead of finding it out for themselves, the salesperson is shoving information down their throats.

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

um can anyone who is really into science and physics answer this question



What question?


Which of the following statements are true regarding cognitive impairments? Select 3 options.
Speech input devices help those who are cognitively impaired understand the contents of the screen.
Delivering content in different ways, such as using video, animations, and text, helps promote cognitive accessibility.
To improve cognitive accessibility, the developer should focus on a clear and consistent design.
Even though there are different causes for cognitive impairment, many of the resulting functional issues are similar.
Cognitive issues are learning disabilities caused by genetic disorders.



The correct options are;

Delivering content in different ways, such as using video, animations, and text, helps promote cognitive accessibility

To improve cognitive accessibility, the developer should focus on a clear and consistent design

Even though there are different causes for cognitive impairment, many of the resulting functional issues are similar


Cognitive impairment is the condition of a person having difficulty in concentrating, learning, recalling from memory, or making functional decisions. Depending on the severity, cognitive impairment may be classified as severe or mild

Symptoms includes, loss of memory, asking the same questions or telling the same story frequently, unable to recognize people they already know, or places they have already been to, having problems with vision and being unable to plan or see tasks through


The correct options are;

Delivering content in different ways, such as using video, animations, and text, helps promote cognitive accessibility

To improve cognitive accessibility, the developer should focus on a clear and consistent design

Even though there are different causes for cognitive impairment, many of the resulting functional issues are similar


Which of the following are examples of formal education? Check all of the boxes that apply. attending a college course at an accredited college attending a continuing education course reading a nonfiction book following a blog of an expert in the field​


the answers are:

- attending a college course at an accredited college

- attending a continuing education course

Examples of formal education will be attending a college course at an accredited college and attending a continuing education course.

What is formal education?

Formal education is the organized educational concept that integrates specialized training for occupational, academic, and formal development and goes from elementary (and in some countries, from nursery) school through university.

Features of formal education are given below.

The organization of formal schooling is pyramidal.It is purposeful and well-planned.Planned fees are consistently paid.Its grading scale is based on time.It is curriculum-driven and subject-focused. The syllabus has to be covered within a specific time period.The professors instruct the youngster.

Studying a degree course at an approved university or taking an ongoing education course are forms of formal education.

More about the formal education link is given below.



the hardware device that allows the user to see the results after processing is the monitor,scanner,webcam,Camara​




A device is one that is an external device and includes Printer, monitor, keyboard, and scanner. The input device includes the mouse and other point devices.

The camera is also an input device, a web-cam is a external device. The external device that lets the user see the output or the result on the screen is monitor.

Hence the option A is correct.

Learn more about the device that allows the user to see the results.


What file format is used to help prevent other people from editing a final document?



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is PDF.

Because PDF file format does not allow you to edit something in it. It prevenst others from editing in it. In a PDF file, you cannot add text, pictures, etc as like in a word document.

Why other options are not correct.

In RTF (rich text format) and TXT file format, you can easily edit the content in these file formats. Furthermore, RWP  files are the storage of the contents of these RapidWeaver websites. All the website contents are saved using this format that includes information about images, pages and style sheets, etc, and information in it can be easily editable.

What is the definition of a noob? Please help. Define it in your own words but in an appropriate way, thank you very much!



A person that is different from others by the way they look, act, ect.

What type of space is often the main focal point of the composition in graphic design?






It’s positive spaces I got it correct.

What is the quickest way to remove all filters that have been applied to a worksheet?



Click the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group.



Go to the filter option, click sort/filter and unfilter.

4.5 Code Practice

Write a loop that inputs words until the user enters STOP. After each input, the program should number each entry and print in this format:

#1: You entered _____
When STOP is entered, the total number of words entered should be printed in this format:

All done. __ words entered.

Sample Run
Please enter the next word: cat
#1: You entered cat
Please enter the next word: iguana
#2: You entered iguana
Please enter the next word: zebra
#3: You entered zebra
Please enter the next word: dolphin
#4: You entered dolphin
Please enter the next word: STOP
All done. 4 words entered.


In python 3:

i = 0

while True:

   word = input("Please enter the next word: ")

   if word == "STOP":


   i += 1

   print("#{}: You entered {}".format(i, word))

print("All done. {} word(s) entered.".format(i))

I hope this helps!

The program is an illustration of loops.

Loops are used to perform repetitive operations.

The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This gets input for the first word

word = input("Please enter the next word: ")

#This initializes count to 0

count = 0

#The following iteration is repeated until the user enters "STOP"

while word != "STOP":

   #This prints the word entered

   print("You entered",word)

   #This increments count by 1

   count += 1

   #This gets input for the next words

   word = input("Please enter the next word: ")



#This prints the count of all words

print("All",count,"words entered!")

At the end of the program, the number of valid inputs is printed.

Read more about similar programs at:


Which of the following is not expected of employees’ oral communication skills in the workspace



Yes, choose C since it's not an oral requirement, but a written one.

The oral communication skills in the workspace should not involve writing.

The information regarding oral communication skills is as follows:

Active listener.Clarification.Asking open-ended questions.In this, the communication could be done in a clear way.The appropriate language should be used.Also, the laws & regulations should be communicated.

Therefore we can conclude that the oral communication skills in the workspace should not involve writing.

Learn more about the communication here: brainly.com/question/12349431

what do you call the two parts of lift that go down a mine


The sheave wheel is a pulley wheel that sits above the mine shaft. The hoist cable passes over the sheave wheel and then down the shaft of the mine.
(copied from google)

hey yall i need help with email plz explain to me what happened


Answer: Oh looks like they disabled it :/ you should wait a little while so they can fix it I’m guessing



Hi, I can try to help you.

I am on the software development club of my high school, and I also attended a summer camp at Google's headquarters. The steps below are written by me.


I have lots of experience with computers and Google. Generally, this problem usually happens when there's too much happening with your google account. This could happen from too many devices being logged into your account, or from sending/receiving a very large amount of messages. One common thing that happens is that there can be too many cookies and your computer cache may become full.

I recommend taking these steps:

1. Make sure you're not logged into your account on too many devices. If you are, for example, logged into the account on an iPad, iPhone, Macbook air, and a Mac, then you need to log out of the account on the devices you're not using at the time.

2. Clear your browsing history and cache. On a Macbook, just go to the top bar and click "History." Then, click "Show Full History" and then click "Clear Browing Data and Cache." This can resolve the issue.

3. If the issue is not resolved, restart your computer. This helps by rebooting your computer, and often you just need to restart it to resolve the issue.

4. If that hasn't worked, then I recommend that you wait. Generally, Google will unfreeze your account in a couple hours or so. If the above steps don't work, I recommend just waiting it out.

I hope this helps! If you feel this helped, feel free to give me Brainliest. :)

How Do I connect my apple keyboard to my computer? BTW it's saying that cannot connect to the device.



try the bluetooth one


hope it works

Try with Bluetooth connection or else if the keyboard is wireless, one small pen drive like thing they have given so attach it in your computer, it will surely work.
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