PART A: Which TWO sentences best describe main themes of the poem?


Answer 1
I can’t see the poem, all I can say is, look for words in specific that have to do with the topic.

Related Questions

Which best reflects the writer's POV of "tol"?

A. Disappointed that a child choosing objects can determine their future
B. Disappointed at the food choices for the celebration
C.Enjoys the thought of having cake and ice cream at the celebration
D. Seems to be positive about what some of the objects mean to a child's future
E. Seems to be negative because children don't really understand the significance of their choices​





the author doesn't say anything negative about the occasion, only comments on the food  that is served. "I think cake and ice cream are better, don't you"

What is your interpretation of the picture? What does the target board mean relative to research?

Please help me...


In my opinion I think the target board could mean someone aiming their shot at their individual goal. He might miss sometimes but eventually he’s going to hit his goal .

Read the excerpt from Chapter 2 of Wheels of Change .

Smith blamed the bicycle for the downfall of women's health, morals, and religious devotion. Her accusations brought a swift and impassioned response. The Reverend Dr. A. Stewart Walsh, a respected clergyman in New York City and a cyclist himself, wrote a letter to the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle declaring, "I have associated with thousands of riders . . . and I have not seen among them . . . anything that could begin to approach the outrageous and scandalous indecency of the resolutions of the alleged rescue league."

The underlined portion of the excerpt is best characterized as a

short-term effect of Smith’s activism to promote regulations on women riding bicycles.
short-term effect of Smith’s attempts to limit women’s use of the bicycle.
long-term effect of Smith’s advocacy for more conservative cycling clothes for women.
long-term effect of Smith’s anti-bicycle activism aimed at women.



its a




the answer is B. Short-term effect of Smith’s attempts to limit women’s use of the bicycle.


A is incorrect, it's B on edge

Guaranteed 100%

Example sentence of obsequious



The obsequious villagers touched their caps but sneered behind her back. — "George Sand," 1980, in V. S. Pritchett: A Man of Letters, 1985Nash's other hand flashed forward a lighter with the obsequious speed of a motor salesman.

Do you think it will affect how future elections will be held?








Thanks for the points

Which phrase describes faults?
cause gaps in the geologic record 
cause rocks to break and move
are older than surrounding rocks
are igneous rocks that form beneath Earth’s surface​



Cause rocks to break and move



B.) cause rocks to break and move


Just took the test and got 100%

Which is an informal way to ask for something? *

Could you...?
Would you...?
Can you...?


I’d believe the informal would be “Can you...?”

Which of these contains a comma-splice?
Select one:

Isaiah told the funniest joke. Everyone was laughing.

Isaiah told the funniest joke, everyone was laughing.

Isaiah told the funniest joke everyone was laughing.

Isaiah told the funniest joke, so everyone was laughing.


Answer: The second one




4 because it cant be 2 because even though it has a comma it is still a run on sentence just like 3 because they are two separate phrases and should be separated by a semi colon, however that is not a choice. While 1 clearly separates each phrase with a period it still doesn't seem to make a complete sentence. 4 on the other hand clearly shows a complete sentence while connecting the two phrases with "so". This makes it were they are not separate phrases. Two other things that could separate them are a semi colon and the word and.

Grilling chicken is easy. First, give yourself plenty of time. If the temperature rises much past 350 degrees, you may burn your chicken. So, keep the temperature low, and give yourself plenty of time to cook the chicken. Set your burners on low and leave the chicken on the top rack. Flip your chicken every 15 to 20 minutes. During final twenty minutes of cooking, brush some barbeque sauce on your chicken. Now prepare to eat a delicious meal!

What is the point of the view?


2nd person pov because of the use of “you” and “your”

Which area of a notes organizer would contain the following information? Urban- city, metropolitan Suburban- outskirts of a large town Rural- farmland a. Content c. Summary b. Topic d. Vocabulary Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



D. Vocabulary


A vocabulary, also known as a wordstock, is a list of words a person is familiar with. If you had a section in your note organizer titled Vocabulary, here you would write words you've learned with definitions or other words that could help you remember their meaning. This is where you'd write the given information.




took the test ;)

Take a look at this writing prompt.
Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against school uniforms,
Which statement describes a source that would be
appropriate for gathering information about this topic? online news article that gives facts and data
proving that uniforms help students to remain focused while in school

B.a movie that shares an entertaining story about a student who broke the school rule and wore regular clothes to

C.a personal letter from a principal who believes uniforms are inexpensive

D.a blog that includes quotes from one student's parents about school clothing





Just so you don't have to think of the essay yourself here.




Why does Brayden MOST LIKELY throw the juice pouch into the river?



Because he thinks he is a rebel and wants to show off to his gf that he breaks the laws by littering.


You do not give much context.

If a room is called a bed, bed is called a window, window is called a flower and flower is called a cooler, on what would a man sleep on?



The man would sleep on the window.


Because beds are now called windows

a window. he would be sleeping on a bed but it's called a window in this question so window.

4. Do you think Ray’s idea of taking over Macdonald is a successful venture combining the idea-driven opportunities with the market-driven opportunities





In three to four sentences, evaluate the effectiveness of this piece of propaganda from World War II. Consider the motive and appeal of the persuasive techniques and visual elements.



This poster effectively uses fear to encourage Americans to buy war bonds. Small children play while a dark swastika looms over them, which suggests that they are in great danger. Also, the text “don’t let that shadow touch them” suggests that the Nazis could reach America one day. As a result, the poster implies that even innocent children are not safe from the terrors of war. It promotes the idea that the only way to save them is to buy war bonds. Together, the image and text strongly persuade the audience to support the war effort against Nazi Germany.  




This poster effectively uses fear to encourage Americans to buy war bonds. Small children play while a dark swastika looms over them, which suggests that they are in great danger. Also, the text “don’t let that shadow touch them” suggests that the Nazis could reach America one day. As a result, the poster implies that even innocent children are not safe from the terrors of war. It promotes the idea that the only way to save them is to buy war bonds. Together, the image and text strongly persuade the audience to support the war effort against Nazi Germany.


EDGE 2021 :)


What does the following sentence mean to you?

“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.”



can we do like a question for question thing like u answer me math question and i answer this one? Hopefully so but in the meantime here


What this sentence means to me is that writers are great at making up scenarios lies and secrets so it is hard to find one who is a true friend and loyal.

~Brianna/edgumacation :)

To me, it means that it is rare to find a true friend who is good at articulating their words. They know how to communicate effectively, so misunderstanding would be a rare occurrence. And being a good writer means you know how to separate daily conversational slang from professional writing. That friend knows how to draw the line when it comes to other people.

btw, if this is for an essay, i recommend changing some of these words because i sound redundant saying "rare" twice

Choose the correct answer. Which sentence best expresses the central idea of the passage? A. The Cassini mission, funded by different space organizations, was launched in order to study the different moons of the planet Saturn to explore the ringed OB. The goal of the ambitious Cassini mission, funded by different space organizations, planet Saturn and study it in detail. OC. NASA launched the Cassini spacecraft with the intention of studying the planet Saturn and its moons. OD NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian space agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) collaborated in order to launch the Cassini mission that would study the planet Saturn.​


Answer:  I agree.  I think it is C  NASA launched the Cassini spacecraft with the intention of studying the planet Saturn and its moons.


The Greek root ology means “the study of.” The suffix -ist means “one who studies or practices something.” Using those definitions and context clues, define archaeologist.

Archaeologists have dug up a stone that was used for iron-working, hundreds of miles away from the only other known Viking site in North America.

the study of rocks and land forms

someone who studies the earth and the different types of soil in certain regions

someone who studies ancient artifacts and remains to learn about human history

the study of ancient artifacts and remains of people who died long ago


AusggUiJsygahui pcppuddpududueuupsyspu

Write a summary of “The Seventh Man” that includes key events and details but not personal opinions or judgments.


Answer: The story "The Seventh Man" from Haruki Murakami begins with a meeting where there are seven people, and each of them is to speek. The main character of the story is the last person to talk: the Seventh Man.

The man tells how, when he was ten years old, a typhoon and a tsunami struck his hometown. After the typhoon ended, he and his best friend, who he simply calls "K", went out to assess the damages it caused. However, when they were outside, a gigantic tsunami started to form. The man realized this, and wanted to warn K, but instinctively ran away in fear. The tsunami caught both of the boys, but only the narrator survived.

The man carried the guilt of having abandoned his friend with him throughout all his life. He developed a terrible fear of water and for the next forty years he had no happiness.

After the man's parents died, he came back to his hometown where, after finding some old drawing K had done, he went to the shore and understood that he had been foolish to not face his fears.

At the end of the story, the setting returned to the meeting where the Seventh Man was proclaiming that the worst thing a man can do is live in fear and let that steal something precious away for him.

The correct response is - Seven persons are present at the meeting that kicks off Haruki Murakami's story "The Seventh Man," and each of them is expected to speak. The Seventh Man, who spoke last in the narrative, is the primary character.

What is a Judgement?

There are two types of judgments: discriminatory judgments and evaluative judgments. Discriminatory judgments—such as, "I prefer X over Y"—reflect individual preferences and arbitrary viewpoints.

Your ability to make wise decisions under stressful circumstances or quandaries depends on your judgment skills and mental tools. These abilities can be put to use in making decisions, ranking factors, arriving at conclusions, and establishing personal judgments.

The man describes how a tsunami and a typhoon struck his hometown when he was ten years old. He and his best friend, whom he refers to only as "K," went outside after the typhoon passed to evaluate the damage it had inflicted. But as soon as they were outside, a massive wave began to form. Upon realizing this, the man attempted to alert K but instantly fled out of panic. Only the narrator survived the tsunami that took both of the boy's hostages.

To read more about Judgement, refer to -


What does Anne combine with bits of old soap to make hair shampoo for Mrs. Van Daan?



Toilet water






What was Trujillo's relationship like with the United States




Documentation on relations between the United States and the Dominican Republic is presented in an accompanying microform publication. A narrative summary, based upon that documentation, is provided below, along with a purport list of the documents published in the microform supplement. The document numbers cited in the summary correspond to the document numbers in the purport list and the microform supplement.

Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo had ruled the Dominican Republic since 1930. While promoting himself as “the Benefactor,” Trujillo’s rule had become increasingly harsh and dictatorial. His attempts to strike at exiled dissidents in the United States had caused serious strain in relations with Washington. The Eisenhower administration faced one overwhelming problem in the Dominican Republic: how to ease Trujillo out of power without allowing pro-Fidel Castro/anti-American elements to take over.

In late January 1958, the Director of the Office of Middle American Affairs surveyed U.S.-Dominican relations and highlighted the principal U.S. interests in the Dominican Republic: its strategic position in relation to the Panama Canal, a U.S. guided missile tracking station on the northeast coast, and general Dominican support for U.S. policies. The Director recommended that U.S. Ambassador Joseph S. Farland meet with Trujillo in an attempt to normalize relations. Farland was encouraged by his discussion with the Generalissimo in early February to believe that a better relationship was possible. (DR–1) Trujillo, however, proved sensitive to U.S. congressional criticism and supposed slights against his family so that relations did not improve markedly. (DR–2, 3)

On June 14, 1959, a small group of insurgents invaded the Dominican Republic by air. The Dominican Army eventually defeated the invasion. (DR–8) Notwithstanding the fact that invasion did not generate popular support, the Department of State became increasingly concerned that the Trujillo regime was about to fall. In January 1960, Department officials raised the issue at the National Security Council. [Page 807]Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Livingston Merchant told the Council that the U.S. objective was to ensure that a successor regime would be friendly to the United States and not sympathetic to Castro or communism. The problem was, according to Merchant, that Trujillo had so stifled moderate opposition that most dissident groups were either Communist or Communist-infiltrated. The Department recommended that U.S. policy during the coming months should be to coalesce non-Communist business, professional, and academic groups into an opposition. (DR–10)

ok ok soo what is a GIRAFFE again



So... Yeah..


U wanna know about Giraffe..

It's an tall animal with a big neck and legs..

That's it..

U got ur answer..

Which passage is chronological?

Which passage is compare and contrast?

Which passage is sequence?

Which passage is cause and effect?

Which passage is problem and solution?

Which passage is chronological?

Passage #1 – Chemical and Physical Changes

All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter’s identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.

Passage #2 – The Best PB & J Ever

When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Passage #3 – Bobby Fischer

Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, “One day, I just got good.” That may be a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.

Passage #4 – Save the Tigers

Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

Passage #5 – The Great Recession

Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses, intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees. Consumer spending then plummeted and most businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it’s hard to turn it around.

Passage #6 – Screen Protector

Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone’s screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone’s screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.



Which passage is chronological?  PASSAGE 3.

When a passage is chronological, the events in it are organized by time. In passage 3, the story tells us of Bobby Fischer's development in stages from when he is born to the ages of 6, 13, 14 and older.

Which passage is compare and contrast?  PASSAGE 1.

A compare and contrast passage picks two or more topics and by listing their properties, compares and contrasts them. This is the case in passage 1 where physical and chemical changes are compared and contrasted.

Which passage is sequence?  PASSAGE 2 and 6.

When a passage is in sequence, it means that the events are organized in order of how they happened or should happen. In passage 2 we see the order in which the narrator prepares their sandwich and in passage 6, the order in which a screen protector should be placed is demonstrated.

Which passage is cause and effect?  PASSAGE 5.

In a cause and effect passage as the term suggests, an event or topic is discussed by showing what caused it as well as the effect of this event. In passage 5, we see the cause of the Great Recession of 2008 as well as the effects it brought.

Which passage is problem and solution?  PASSAGE 4

Problem and solution passages tell of a problem and how it should be fixed. In passage 4, Dr Miller tells of a problem which is that tigers are vanishing and then goes on to state the solution to the problem as people needing to donate to the cause and writing to Congress as well.

The passage that's chronological is passage 3.

The passage that's compare and contrast is passage 1.

The passage that's a sequence is passage 2 and 6.

The passage that's a cause and effect is passage 5.

The passage that is problem and solution.

In passage 3, the passage is chronological. Passage 1 is a compare and contrast passage as the properties are compared and contrasted.

Passage 2 and 6 are in sequence as the events are organized based on how they happen. Passage 5 is a cause and effect. Lastly, passage 4 is a problem and solution.

Learn more about passages on:

How were Native Americans impacted by the Revolutionary War?

They lost a lot of land.

They gained lands taken by the French.

They avoided the war.

They were forced onto reservations by British soldiers.

plzzzzzzzzzz i will give you Brainliest



They lost alot of land.

Unit-7 {Adjectives }
An adjective is a describing word which describes noun or
tells us what kind of how much or how many and in what degree
something is. It is also a part of speech,
Examples a tall building, a new garden, an old man, a little water, some
Students, cold coffee, beautiful girl e.t.c​



................. ..

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word.
Once the judge nodded
a wave of relief swept the courtroom.



Option D is the correct answer




Which sentence BEST explains how the poster's metaphor, "Food Is Ammunition," is meant to affect its target audience?

It suggests that food is necessary to prevent starvation.
It suggests that food is necessary to win the war.
It suggests that food is dangerous when used inappropriately.
It suggests that food is necessary to fight disease.



The answer is B


Ammunition means "a supply or quantity of bullets and shells. Which relates to war. (I also just took the test and it said that this was the right answer)

Hope this helps :)

Answer: It suggests that food is necessary to win the war.

Explanation: By comparing food to ammunition, the poster establishes a relationship between eating and being a prepared soldier.

The United States was torn apart over the controversial issues of slavery. What issues divide the country today? How do people discuss or react to these issues.



There are a lot of issues that divide apart this country but, if I were to pick one  I'd pick diversity. :(


issues that divided the country today is skin color and also poor and richism because they treat them differently and judge them

What does Williams suggest about life in the country in the second stanza?



Williams introduces the idea that the relationship between humans and nature is not ideal and suggests that Williams is further developing Raleigh's critique of Marlowe's depiction of country life.


By ending the second stanza with the phrase “if ever this were true” (Williams, line 16), Williams suggests that the “loveliness” that poets such as Marlowe described was not only “long ago” (Williams, lines 11, 12), but also imaginary and may never have existed.

William indroduces life about the second stanza

In the story in the maze of doom was the daughter of king Minos a hero why or why not



She fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus and, with a thread or glittering jewels, helped Ariadne, in Greek mythology, daughter of Pasiphae and the Cretan king Minos. Ariadne's story was later taken up by European artists, writers, and  in the Mycenaean period, although it is not known where his cult originated.


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