Which Article of the United States Constitution creates the Executive Branch of government?
O a. Article 11
O b. Article 1
O c. Article v
O d. Article 111


Answer 1


O a. Article 11

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what prompted the US to change from isolationism to war?



During the 1930s, the combination of the Great Depression and the memory of tragic losses in World War I contributed to pushing American public opinion and policy toward isolationism. Isolationists advocated non-involvement in European and Asian conflicts and non-entanglement in international politics



There were a couple of factor, one of the most memroable was the bombing on peral harbor by Japan, and the Zimmermann telegram. The Zimmermann telegram was a messeage from the German foreign scretary, Arthur Zimmermann, who tried to encourage Mexico to forge an alliance with Germany and bomb America. This message was then leak to America, and a copy was released to the public on the newspaper, creating a public outcry for war against Germany.

What was the impact of the boycotts created by the Stamp Act Congress? *



The stamp act was repealed


How to stop false information and how to stop it from spreading


Make sure whatever the person says is true opu have to do that ur self if it dose not sound right or it’s crazy don’t tell anyone else and forget about it.
It’s called not gossiping.....


Correct the people. Tell them that this information is/isn't false (depending on what the topic is about).


If people don't believe what you are saying is correct, back yourself up with trustworthy articles, evidence, and unbiased information. Also, don't come off negative as people don't like it when other people are negative, and that will make them become even more negative.

In this quotation, Paine argues that the American desire for independence is universal, or shared by everyone. only the concern of Britain and the colonies. X different from those of people in other countries. too complicated for most people to understand.​



universal, or shared by everyone.


that's the answer because i took the test and i got it right with that answer.


universal, or shared by everyone.


The phrase "Renaissance Man" has been used to describe Leonardo da Vinci. Why is this phrase used to describe Leonardo da Vinci?



Renaissance Man meaning "A person with many talents or areas of knowledge" which considering Leonardo da Vinci was a man of many talents and very knowledgeable people would call him a "Renaissance Man".

-Best Regards

i’m learning about the renaissance times right now. you could say because he was an artist and he knew more than most people knew at the time

Are the bill of rights necessary



Federalists argued that the Constitution did not need a bill of rights, because the people and the states kept any powers not given to the federal government. Anti-Federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty.




Which geographic features gave rise to early civilization?



The first civilizations appeared in major river valleys, where floodplains contained rich soil and the rivers provided irrigation for crops and a means of transportation.

Hope this helps!




The first one is cape bojador = prince henry

THe third one is hispaniola = Isabella


How did the Sons of Liberty enforce boycotts of British products? *
5 points
by not allowing British ships into colonial ports
by advertising the boycotts in the local paper
through persuasion and intimidation
they represented the wealthy who were buying the products



The answer would be C: through persuasion and intimidation


Thesis for "In what ways did the French and Indian war alter political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies"​ 2 sentences



The French and Indian War altered the relationship between Britain and its American colonies because the war enabled Britain to be more "active" in colonial political and economic affairs. This happened by imposing regulations and levying taxes unfairly on the colonies, which caused the colonists to change their ideology from toleration to resentment toward Britain.

How has the United States population density been compared to other Countries?

A. The United States is the most populated country.
B. It is generally lower than most countries.
C. The population density in the United States is three times greater today than last decade.​



the answer is Cccc

it's the correct answer

C. The population density in the United States is three times greater today than the last decade

Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.
P.S. The map is below this whole question :) (image)

The Pacific Ocean is located at number _____ on the map above, while the Atlantic Ocean is located at number _____.


1 . . . 2


1 . . . 3


2 . . . 1


3 . . . 1

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



For you, it's A, since you put Pacific Ocean (1) first, instead of Atlantic Ocean (2). If you did Atlantic Ocean (2) first, the answer would be C. Also, sorry I'm late, I just came up on this question on E g e n u i t y.


a (a)


Which of these was originally called new amsterdam?
A) New Jersey

B) New York

C) Philadelphia

D) Rhode Island





becuase i already this in school

What is the only part of government that can "declare war"


Answer: Congress


The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.




What did de Niza say he saw at Hawakuh?



Seven golden cities of Cibola


Seven golden cities of Cibola

Why were the Intolerable Acts so important and why were they important to the Colonists?



The Intolerable Acts were punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party. The laws were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in the Tea Party protest in reaction to changes in taxation by the British Government.

Explanation  hope this helps:)

Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern for many national leaders because it


(1) indicated there would be future conflicts over
the spread of slavery
(2) exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation
(3) pointed to the need for federal government
regulation of interstate commerce
(4) showed that frontier settlements were
vulnerable to raids by Native American Indians

Answer: exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation

What western tribe most resented the Cherokee presence in Indian Territory?
I will give Brainliest



ohhh your doing this too

The Osage tribe most resented the Cherokee presence territory.

Who was a great Greek engineer that designed levers, war machines and catapults?





Explanation :One of the greatest mathematicians of his age, Archimedes of Syracuse is better known for his war machines which utilized mathematic principles to bring about the destruction of the Roman army.

What made the people of Mexico declare Santa Anna the "Savior of the Country?"
He declared himself a conservative.
b. He defeated Spain in its final attempt to regain control over Mexico.
c. He joined the people to rise up against Iturbide's politics.
d. He abolished the Constitution.



Correct answer is b. He defeated Spain in its final attempt to regain control over Mexico.


A is not correct as Santa Anna wasn't conservative and also this didn't affect the attitude towards him.

B is correct answer as he defeated Spain in 1829, when they tried to reconquer Spain. He defeated them and was proclaimed "Savior of the country."

C is not correct as although he participated in the rebellion against Iturbide, he wasn't the one to overthrow him.

D is not correct as the repeal of the Constitution led to Texas revolution.




i won't be able to top the person above me.-

What is the role of the bourgeois/bourgeoisie in the French Revolution


Marx was one of many thinkers who treated the French Revolution as a revolution of the bourgeois. In Marxist theory, the bourgeoisie plays a heroic role by revolutionizing industry and modernizing society.

in the mid 1700s, how many Africans a year were being taken from Africa to the Americans​



whats the question? true or false?


I think you forgot to ask the question lol

Is the devinshire system slavery? Why or why not?


The Devshire system technically was slavery because Christian boys ages 8-20 would be forced into become soldiers for Ottomans army but there were some parents who would volunteer their sons for the service

Which of the following was NOT a Roman advance in architecture?

The use of concrete to use as building material.
The use of arches and columns to enhance support for structures.
The creation of domes to roof large spaces.
The creation of the flying buttress to increase space and decrease building material.


The creation of flying buttress to increase space and decrease building material.

How did the railroads react to state governments’ legislation during the Gilded Age?



Railroad companies challenged the new laws in the courts

hope this helps! :)


Railroad companies challenged the new laws in the courts. Why were political machines difficult to break up? They created a cycle of favors for votes.


Langston Hughes grew up poor and black during the time of segregation. He and his friends and neighbors longed for material items and a better life like that of some white men they observed. Hughes drew upon his life experiences when he created his works. Do you think Hughes knew someone like Roger or Mrs. Jones? Could he, himself, have been Roger? Could Mrs. Jones have reminded Hughes of his own grandmother? Use specific examples from the story as you think, critically, to explain your answer.


This question is about "Thank You, M'am"

Answer and Explanation:

1. It is likely that by living in a community that was experiencing financial difficulties and having many friends who could not get what they wanted, Hughes met someone like Roger, who had to steal if he wanted to achieve his desires. However, it is likely that he met kind and charitable people like Mrs. Jones, too.

2. It may be that Hughes was inspired by someone from his own family to create Mrs. Jones. His grandmother may have been that inspiration, since the author saw her as an admirable and very kind woman to those in need.


It may be that Hughes was inspired by someone from his own family to create Mrs. Jones. His grandmother may have been that inspiration since the author saw her as an admirable and very kind woman to those in need.


How is democracy in ancient Athens different from the democracy in America today? *

1) Ancient Athens's democracy was a constitutional democracy
2)Ancient Athens's democracy was a religious democracy.
3) Ancient Athens's democracy was a direct democracy.



3) Ancient Athens's democracy was a direct democracy.


Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.


direct democracy


Which of the following is an example of colonization?

A.Spain and England conference on thier expectaions of the next 100 years

B.Spain sends priests to the New World in hopes of civilizing the native savages C.France searches England to find vast amounts of fur. D.The English go in search of gold for the benefits of indigenous populations
The English go in search of gold for the benefits of indigenous populations


The answer is b, because they are trying to change them to how they seem fit
B.is the answer because they are forcing that and stealing recourses from the indigenous people

How did Winston Churchill die?



Churchill died on January 24, 1965, at age 90, in his London home nine days after suffering a severe stroke. Britain mourned for more than a week. Churchill had shown signs of fragile health as early as 1941 when he suffered a heart attack while visiting the White House.Apr 27, 2020


Help me please need it for now



its C because Yes




Protecting individual liberties

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