Which is the best description of civil liberties?
A natural rights
OB prileges
Oc rights guaranteed by law
OD democratic goals
OE trial procedures


Answer 1


natural rights would be the correct answer

Answer 2


Your answer is: C) Rights guaranteed by law


Hope this helped : )

Related Questions

After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763. Why did this anger the colonists?

It took away their representation in Parliament.

It forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers.

It passed a tax on items such as newspapers, wills, and contracts.

It did not allow them to settle on land west of the Appalachian Mountains.


Answer: Now they were being asked to restrict their desires to expand and explore. This angered the colonists. They felt the Proclamation was a plot to keep them under the strict control of England and that the British only wanted them east of the mountains so they could keep an eye on them.


im big brain

How did Nick Joaquin narrate the events about the death of President Magsaysay?




No homo

In what type of government does the head of state serve a fixed term?
In a(n)
system, the head of state serves a fixed term.



A head of state is the public persona who officially embodies a state in its unity and legitimacy. Depending on the country's form of government and separation of powers, the head of state may be a ceremonial figurehead or concurrently the head of government and more.

In American history, the Connecticut Compromise is also known as __________.
the Magna Carta
the Great Compromise
the Declaration of Independence
the Constitution of the United States


The great compromise


It was known as The Great Compromise of 1787

Explanation: i just listen to three lessons to learn this on edg -_-ll

Did the little ice age cause voluntary or involuntary migration ? explain





The Little ice age made the Baltic Sea freeze over, maybe it was climate change and we still don't know why it happened in the first place.The Little nice age started in Europe 1300 AD and then expanded it lasted until about 1850 AD.

The little ice age caused involuntary migration among several species of living organisms because they had to migrate in order to get to warmer places where they can survive and get eating substances.

What is migration?

Migration is a process or action performed by the people of a population of a place in order to get better opportunities for the survival, employment, education, and so on.

There can be several reasons for the people to migrate. The place from where people have migrated is known as a place of origin whereas the place people migrate to is known as a place of destination.

Thus, Numerous kinds of living things migrated involuntarily during the small ice age because they were forced to do so in order to reach warmer climates where they could survive and find food.

Learn more about the ice age here:



What did President Magsaysay do the day before
he died?



Magsaysay was appointed military governor of Zambales after his outstanding service as a guerilla leader during the Pacific War.



He left Manila and headed towards Cebu City, where he spoke at 3 educational institutions.

A leader of a nation believes that it is in the country's best interest to build as many ships and tanks as possible to make sure that no other country dare attack it. This leader
is promoting

A. Isolationism
B. Militarism
C. Nationalism
D. Progressivism



the answer to this question is B


which president got stuck stuck in a bathtub?



William Howard Taft



william howard taft


What was one negative effect of interconnected trade?



One negative effect of the interconnected trade was diseases like small pox, measles, malaria and black death was easily spread. And Europeans used the diseases against Native Americans.


Because they were trading with different people, germs from other areas spread to the lands where the disease and/or germs were not already present. Causing the people of that land to get the diseases.

Hope this helps! :)

Diseases like smallpox, measles, malaria, and the black death were spread readily as a result of the connected trade, which was not a good thing. The diseases were also employed by Europeans against Native Americans.

What is trade?

Transferring goods and services from one person or institution to another includes trade, frequently in exchange for cash. A system or network that permits trading is referred to as a market by economists.

In ancient times, human connection was the first step toward trade. Prior to the invention of modern currency, gift economies in which individuals exchanged products and services from one another were the means of exchange for prehistoric people.

Trade is essential to the prosperity of the United States because it boosts economic expansion, promotes domestic employment, raises living standards, and enables citizens to sustain their families with reasonably priced goods and services.

Diseases were one adverse result of the related trade. Germs from other regions were brought to the places where the sickness and/or germs were not previously present since they were dealing with various populations. causing the infections to spread among the locals.

To learn more about trade



How did the US Constitution and the Magna Carta both limit the power of leaders?
O Both gave people a voice in government.
O Both created separate branches of government.
O Both established checks and balances on the people.
O Both formed judicial systems ruled by a congress.


Answer:it is A


___Rebellion did not succeed in removing white settlers from the trans-Appalachian region.
1. Conestogas's
2. Pontiac's
3. Paxton's
4. Liberty's
5. Greenville's





Actually who can help with ww1 history it’s due in an hour


Dude i love WW1 i can help if you want

What was the next step after all the moisture was removed from the body



Even so, unused canopic jars continued to be part of the burial ritual. The embalmers next removed all moisture from the body. This they did by covering the body with natron, a type of salt which has great drying properties, and by placing additional natron packets inside the body.


Bodies left in hot, arid environments typically mummify in about two weeks, whereas the process takes several months in enclosed areas. Remains in mild environments last about three months.

What did the Egyptians do to dry out the body?

They accomplished this by covering the body in natron, a type of salt with excellent drying properties, and inserting additional natron packets into the body. When the body had completely dried out, embalmers removed the internal packets and washed the natron off the body lightly.

The embalmers massaged the skin to make it supple after the body had completely dried. To make the body appear more fleshy and realistic, they perfumed it and stuffed padding beneath the skin. The mummies were then given a makeover by embalmers, who used blush and other paints, as well as false eyes, on them.

Learn more about the body here:



Which Amendment is this from?
“All persons born of naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction therefore, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. […] nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law […]”



It is the 14th Amendment

Is this statement True Or False? A complex civilization can be defined as a city with a large population.


False a complex civilization has urban development, social structure, government, a system for communication etc

According to Andrews’s report from July 28, 1835, slave traders maintained high prices for slaves by:

A. colluding on prices.
B. killing “excess” stock.
C. negotiating with owners of large plantations.
D. offering bribes to state officials.


It would be C I believe

Why is pride considered such a bad character trait in the ancient world?


Pride is an emotional state deriving positive affect from the perceived value of a person or thing with which the subject has an intimate connection. It may be inwardly or outwardly directed. With a negative connotation pride refers to a foolishly[1] and irrationally corrupt sense of one's personal value, status or accomplishments,[2] used synonymously with hubris. With a positive connotation, pride refers to a content sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging.

what events led to the stock market crash?



By then, production had already declined and unemployment had risen, leaving stocks in great excess of their real value. Among the other causes of the stock market crash of 1929 were low wages, the proliferation of debt, a struggling agricultural sector and an excess of large bank loans that could not be liquidated.


hope this helps!

How do stereotypes about girls' mathematical skills affect them early on in life and later on
in their careers?
pls helppppp



It can affect your career choice by giving you fear you may never live up to expectations, and it can affect your well-being


What explorer was the first to draw a map of the Gulf and Texas coast


Alonso Álvarez de Piñeda was the first explorer to do that.

Which type of conflict occurs when two people are on the same team but are not working toward a common goal?
ΟΑ. .
property dispute
O B. Jealousy
O c.
lack of collaboration
power struggle



C. lack of collaboration


Collaboration is the method of two or more people or organizations operating collectively to complete a task or accomplish a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation.When there is no collaboration there is a lack of communication and task cannot be accomplished and problems our within a team.


C. lack of collaboration


Collaboration is the method of two or more people or organizations operating collectively to complete a task or accomplish a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. When there is no collaboration there is a lack of communication and the task cannot be accomplished and problems are within the team.


Early photographers had to work with whoch of the following in order to produce photographs?
Answers: Chemicals Flowers Computers or all of the above.








because if anyone has seen this people use a certain room to where you could place your photo and the photo would appear in liquid.(ex: stranger things Jonathan takes photo then places in liquid and the photo appears)

how were plantations in the southern colonies different from small farms



platations in the southern colonies were different from small farms


The primary difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was __________.
military funding
a standard national currency
state representation in Congress
control of heavily used waterways



C) State Representation in Congress


The Virginia Plan advocated for two legislative houses of which membership would be based on population. The New Jersey Plan advocated for one legislative house of which membership would be equal for all states.

- Hope this helps.

I’m timed help

How did the Crusades change trade in Europe?
They increased demand for European products in the Holy Land.
They brought traders who took business from European merchants.
They created demand for luxury items brought back by the soldiers,
They were expensive, so there was less money to use for trade.


The Crusades changed trade in Europe as they increased demand for European products in the Holy Land.

This is further explained below.

Crusades trade relationship:

Generally, The pope and the kingdoms of Western Europe gained increased influence as a direct result of the Crusades.

This was only one of the numerous ways that the Crusades impacted the world. In addition, Europeans started commercial relations with Middle Eastern countries. Sugar, lemons, and spices were among the goods that Western Europeans started buying, which led to a rise in trade.

In conclusion, it was difficult to get these products in the Western sections, there was, of course, a greater demand for them.

Read more about Europeans




I believe it's B, "They increased demand for European products in the Holy Land"


Good Luck and Hope This Helps!!

a. How did Santa Anna hide from the Texan army at San Jacinto? He hid under the rubble of Vincent's bridge. b. He hid in the swamp. He disguised himself in a Texan soldier's uniform and hid among the trees. d. He disguised himself in a Mexican soldier's uniform and hid in the tall grass. C.​








Which statement best completes the diagram based on the Zhou dynasty's
understanding of the Mandate of Heaven?
China is struck by
disasters and invasions.
O A. The Chinese people use oracle bones to communicate with
B. The Chinese people vote for a new person to get the Mandate of
C. The Chinese people give up on the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.
D. The Chinese people believe heaven does not approve of their



Option: D. The Chinese people believe heaven does not approve of their



Zhou Dynasty came into power in China after defeating the Shang Dynasty. Zhou claimed its right to rule china based on the idea of the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven recognised only one ruler of China at a time. According to this idea, the ruler governs as the Son of Heaven with the permission of the gods. When famine and flood happened, taken as a sign that the ruler had lost its connection with Heaven.


The Chinese people believe heaven does not approve of their leader.

What was the cause of the Norman invasion of Britain?
O Pope Alexander II ordered the Normans to invade.
O There was no clear heir to the English throne.
O The Norman church wanted to gain more followers.
O The king of England was attempting to end corruption.



It is B trust me


because when I got wrong it this question ask my teacher to help and my teacher show me the answer.


The answer is A Pope Alexander II ordered the Normans to invade.


im sorry if im wrong

An Empire is defined as:
A civilization in which survival is based on a river.
A complex society with three levels of government.
A civilization that conquers and rules other civilizations.
The rules, meanings, and values that are expressed in the ways people live.



A civilization that conquers and rules other civilizations.

What is the most important way the Islanders make a living?


The answer is D, fishing
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