calculate the location of the center of mass of a thin uniform meter stick of mass 78 g, on which are attached two masses, 20 gram at 15 cm position, and 21 gram at the 82 cm position. write your answer in cm from the zero cm position.


Answer 1

The center of mass of the meter stick with attached masses is located at 56.97 cm from the zero cm position.

How to calculate the center of mass of the meter stick?

The center of mass of the meter stick with the attached masses can be calculated as follows:

First, we need to find the total mass of the system:

[tex]m_t_o_t_a_l[/tex] = [tex]m_s_t_i_c_k[/tex] + [tex]m_1[/tex] + [tex]m_2[/tex]

= 78 g + 20 g + 21 g

= 119 g

Next, we need to find the position of the center of mass relative to the zero cm position. Let x be the distance of the center of mass from the zero cm position. We can use the formula:

x = ([tex]m_1[/tex] * [tex]x_1[/tex] + [tex]m_2[/tex] * [tex]x_2[/tex]) / [tex]m_t_o_t_a_l[/tex]

where x_1 and x_2 are the positions of the two masses relative to the zero cm position. Substituting the values:

x = (20 g * 15 cm + 21 g * 82 cm) / 119 g

= 56.97 cm

Therefore, the center of mass of the system is located at a distance of 56.97 cm from the zero cm position.

Learn more about Center of mass


Related Questions

if a star located 45 light years away from us exploded today, how long would it take before we can see the explosion?


The light from an explosion 45 light-years distant from us would take 45 years to get to us if it happened today. This is because light travels at a constant speed of about 9.46 trillion kilometers in one year (this is also known as a light-year).

A light-year is a unit of distance used to measure the vast distances between celestial objects in space. It is the distance that light travels in one year, which is approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles.

To put it into perspective, if we were to travel at the speed of light (which is impossible according to our current understanding of physics), it would take us one year to travel one light-year. This means that the light we see from the stars in the night sky has taken many years to reach us, and some of the stars we see may not even exist anymore. The concept of a light-year is crucial to our understanding of the universe and helps astronomers measure the distances between celestial objects such as stars, galaxies, and quasars.

To learn more about Light-years visit here:


a descending elevator moves downward at 5 m/s. 10 m from the ground floor, it begins decelerating to come to rest when it reaches that floor. if the mass of the elevator car is 1000 kg and the mass of its occupants is 500 kg, what net upward force acted on the elevator during its deceleration?


A net upward force of 1875 N acted on the elevator during its deceleration.

The net upward force on the descending elevator during deceleration,   and to determine its acceleration kinematic equation is used:

[tex]v^{2}[/tex] =[tex]u^{2}[/tex] + 2as

where v is the final velocity (0 m/s), u is the initial velocity (-5 m/s, negative because it's downward), a is the acceleration, and s is the distance (10 m), Here, acceleration

0 =[tex]-5^{2}[/tex] + 2a(10)
0 = 25 - 20a
20a = 25
a = 1.25 [tex]m/s^{2}[/tex] (upward, so it's positive)

Calculate the net upward force (F_net) using Newton's second law, F_net = m_total * a. The total mass (m_total) of the elevator and occupants is 1000 kg + 500 kg = 1500 kg. Therefore, the net upward force is:

F_net = 1500 kg * 1.25 [tex]m/s^{2}[/tex]
F_net = 1875 N

So, the net upward force that acted on the elevator during its deceleration is 1875 N.

Know more about Newton's second law here:


To stretch pizza dough into a perfect shape a chef throws the dough spinning around its symmetry axis with a rotational speed of 0. 42 rad/s. At the end of this process the pizza dough has a shape of a disk of radius r equal to 0. 23 m and a mass of 0. 34 kg. The pizza has a thicker circular rim of mass 0. 16 kg. What is the total rotational inertia of the pizza dough? (Hint : the rim can be approximated as a circular ring)


The total rotational inertia of the pizza dough is 0.0146 kg·m^2.

The rotational inertia of the dough can be calculated using the formula for the rotational inertia of a solid disk rotating around its axis:

I_dough = (1/2) * m_dough * r^2

Substituting the given values, we get:

I_dough = (1/2) * 0.34 kg * (0.23 m)^2 = 0.0105 kg·m^2

The rotational inertia of the rim can be approximated as that of a circular ring rotating around its axis:

I_rim = m_rim * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2)/2

Substituting the given values:

I_rim = 0.16 kg * ((0.23 m)^2 + (0.02 m)^2)/2 = 0.0041 kg·m^2

Therefore, total rotational inertia of pizza dough:

I_total = 0.0105 kg·m^2 + 0.0041 kg·m^2 = 0.0146 kg·m^2

To know more about rotational inertia, here


how are the masses of supermassive black holes related to the masses of the bulges of their surrounding galaxies and what does this suggest about the role of supermassive black holes in galaxy evolution.


Supermassive black holes are closely related to galactic evolution through their tightly correlated masses with galactic bulges.

How do supermassive black holes and galactic bulges relate, and what does this mean for galaxy evolution?

Observations have shown that there is a tight correlation between the mass of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of a galaxy and the mass of the galactic bulge. This correlation, known as the M-sigma relation, suggests that the formation and evolution of SMBHs and galactic bulges are closely linked.

The M-sigma relation suggests that the growth of the SMBH and the galactic bulge are linked through a process known as "feedback." Feedback occurs when energy or matter is expelled from the central region of the galaxy by the SMBH, which then interacts with the gas and dust in the surrounding region, either preventing or enhancing the formation of new stars. This process helps regulate the growth of both the SMBH and the galactic bulge and also influences the overall evolution of the galaxy.

Furthermore, studies have also shown that the M-sigma relation holds not only for nearby galaxies but also for distant, high-redshift galaxies, suggesting that the correlation between SMBHs and galactic bulges has been in place for most of cosmic history. This highlights the important role that SMBHs play in shaping the evolution of galaxies over time.

Overall, the M-sigma relation and other related observations provide strong evidence for a symbiotic relationship between SMBHs and galactic bulges and suggest that these massive black holes play a crucial role in the formation, evolution, and regulation of their host galaxies.

Learn more about black holes


what is the distance the masses on the right of the fulcrum need to be to balance with the two masses on the left?


Distance the masses on the right of the fulcrum need to be to balance with the two masses on the left is (3.5kgm - x kg * d m) / 1kg

In order for a lever to be balanced, the moments on either side of the fulcrum need to be equal. The moment is calculated by multiplying the distance from the fulcrum by the mass of the object. Therefore, to balance the two masses on the left of the fulcrum with the masses on the right, we need to calculate the moment on each side and make them equal.

Let's assume the masses on the left of the fulcrum are 2kg and 3kg, and the masses on the right are x kg and y kg, respectively. If the distance between the fulcrum and the 2kg mass is 1m, and the distance between the fulcrum and the 3kg mass is 0.5m.

we can calculate the moments on each side as follows:

Moment on the left side = 2kg x 1m + 3kg x 0.5m = 2kg + 1.5kg = 3.5kgm

Moment on the right side = x kg * d m + y kg * e m

where d and e are the distances between the fulcrum and the masses on the right.

To make the moments equal, we can set them equal to each other:

3.5kgm = x kg * d m + y kg * e m

If we know the mass of one of the objects on the right, we can solve for the distance needed for the other mass to balance the lever. For example, if we know the mass of the object closest to the fulcrum is 1kg.

we can rearrange the equation to solve for e:

e = (3.5kgm - x kg * d m) / 1kg

Once we know the distance needed for the other mass, we can set up the lever accordingly and it should be balanced.

The Question was Incomplete, Find the full content below :

A balanced lever has two weights on it, the masses on the left of the fulcrum are 2kg and 3kg, and the masses on the right are x kg and y kg. If the distance between the fulcrum and the 2kg mass is 1m, and the distance between the fulcrum and the 3kg mass is 0.5m.what is the distance the masses on the right of the fulcrum need to be to balance with the two masses on the left?

know more about mass of the object here:


a resistance r and a 3.2 h inductance are in series across a 60-hz ac voltage. the voltage across the resistor is 29 v and the voltage across the inductor is 33 v. assume that all voltages in this problem are rms voltages. (a) what is the resistance r?


The Resistance r is 56.97 ohms

To solve this problem, we can use Ohm's Law and the equation for the voltage across an inductor in an AC circuit.

First, let's find the current in the circuit. We know that the voltage across the series combination of the resistor and inductor is the sum of the voltage across the resistor (29 V) and the voltage across the inductor (33 V):

V_total = V_R + V_L
V_total = IR + IXL
where I is the current in the circuit, X_L is the inductive reactance (which depends on the frequency and inductance of the inductor), and R is the resistance.

Since the circuit is operating at a frequency of 60 Hz and the inductance is 3.2 H, we can find the inductive reactance using the formula:

X_L = 2πfL
X_L = 2π(60)(3.2)
X_L ≈ 120.96 Ω

Now we can solve the current:

V_total = IR + IXL
62 = I(R + 120.96)
I ≈ 0.509 A

Next, we can use Ohm's Law to solve for the resistance:

V_R = IR
29 = (0.509)R
R ≈ 56.97 Ω

Therefore, the resistance in the circuit is approximately 56.97 ohms.

Know more about Ohm's Law here:


your friend says that the emf induced in a coil supports the changing flux through the coil rather than opposes it. according to your friend, what happens when the magnetic flux increases slightly?


When your friend says that the emf induced in a coil supports the changing flux through the coil rather than opposes it, when the magnetic flux increases slightly, the induced emf would support the change in magnetic flux rather than opposing it.

Lenz's Law states that the induced electromotive force (emf) in a coil always opposes the change in magnetic flux through the coil. In reality, when the magnetic flux increases slightly, the induced emf generates a current that creates a magnetic field with the opposite polarity to the initial magnetic field. This opposition helps maintain a stable equilibrium.

However, if we assume your friend's scenario, when the magnetic flux increases slightly, the induced emf would support the change in magnetic flux rather than opposing it. This would mean that the generated current would create a magnetic field with the same polarity as the initial magnetic field, causing the magnetic flux to increase even more. This continuous increase in magnetic flux would lead to an unstable system with no equilibrium. This scenario is not in line with the laws of electromagnetism, and it highlights the importance of Lenz's Law in maintaining balance in electromagnetic systems.

Learn more about Lenz's Law at:


A student at a concert notices that a balloon near the large speakers moving slightly towards, then
away from the speaker during the low-frequency passages. The student explains this phenomenon by
noting that the waves of sound in air are longitudinal waves. Explain longitudinal and transverse waves
with the help of example. Describe the factors that effect propagation of sound waves?


Longitudinal waves oscillate in the same direction as the wave propagation, while transverse waves oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, and factors that affect propagation of sound waves include medium, frequency, humidity, and obstacles in the path.

Longitudinal waves are waves that oscillate in the same direction as the direction of wave propagation. An example of a longitudinal wave is a sound wave traveling through air. As sound waves travel through the air, the air particles oscillate back and forth along the same direction as the wave propagation. This creates regions of high pressure (compressions) and low pressure (rarefactions) as the wave moves through the air.

The propagation of sound waves is affected by several factors. One of the most important factors is the medium through which the sound wave travels. Sound waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases, but they propagate differently in each medium due to differences in the medium's properties, such as density and elasticity.

Other factors that affect the propagation of sound waves include the frequency and amplitude of the wave. Higher frequency waves tend to travel further, while higher amplitude waves tend to travel shorter distances. Additionally, the temperature and humidity of the medium can also affect the propagation of sound waves. In general, sound waves travel faster in warmer and more humid environments.

To know more about sound wave, here


Ben and Jerry are standing on an ice rink discussing who has the best skates. Ben says he will go faster due to his superior skates and gives Jerry a shove to prove his point. Ben has a mass of 150 kg and a velocity of 11 m/s after he pushed Jerry. What was Jerry's mass if he has a velocity of 15 m/s>


Therefore, Jerry's mass is approximately 118.4 kg.

What does mass mean in plain terms?

It is the most fundamental characteristic of matter and one of the fundamental quantities in physics. Mass is a term used to describe how much matter is there in a body. (kg). The mass of a body is constant over time.

The following is the equation for momentum conservation:

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1' + m2v2'

We are aware of Ben's 150 kg mass and 11 m/s post-push velocity. Additionally, we are aware of Jerry's post-push velocity, which is 15 m/s. To find Jerry's mass, we can rewrite the equation as follows:

m2 = (m1v1 + m1v1' - m2v2') / v2

Substituting in the known values:

m2 = (150 kg * 0 m/s + 150 kg * 11 m/s - m2 * 15 m/s) / 15 m/s

Simplifying and solving for m2:

m2 = (150 kg * 11 m/s) / (15 m/s + 1) ≈ 118.4 kg

To know more about mass visit:-


does the mass of an object affect the magnitude of a sonic boom created by it entering the atmosphere


Yes, the mass of an object can affect the magnitude of a sonic boom created by it entering the atmosphere.

Step 1: Understand the terms

Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, usually measured in kilograms.

Magnitude is a measure of the size or strength of a particular event or phenomenon.

Sonic boom is a loud noise resulting from the shock waves created when an object, like an aircraft or meteor, travels through the air faster than the speed of sound.

Step 2: Sonic boom formation

When an object enters the atmosphere and travels faster than the speed of sound, it compresses the air in front of it, creating shock waves.

here shock waves propagate through the air and eventually reach the ground, producing a sonic boom.

Step 3: Mass's effect on magnitude

The mass of the object influences the amount of kinetic energy it possesses when entering the atmosphere.

A more massive object will have greater kinetic energy, which will in turn cause stronger shock waves to form.

As a result, a heavier object will produce a sonic boom with a higher magnitude compared to a lighter object traveling at the same speed.

In summary, the mass of an object does affect the magnitude of a sonic boom created by it entering the atmosphere, as a more massive object will produce stronger shock waves and a louder sonic boom.

To know more about sonic boom :


imagne that your friends cat was cloned. would it be the same


If my friend's cat was cloned, the resulting cat would be genetically identical to the original cat. However, this does not mean that the cloned cat would be exactly the same as the original cat in terms of its behavior, personality, or even appearance.

Environmental factors and experiences can have a significant impact on an animal's development and behavior, so even genetically identical cats can have differences in their behavior and personality. Additionally, the cloning process itself can introduce some genetic and epigenetic changes that may affect the cloned cat's development and behavior. Therefore, while the cloned cat may look and behave similarly to the original cat, it would not be exactly the same.

Learn more about Environmental factors


T/F: Science proceeds by presuming that observed patterns in nature cab be attributed to an underlying physical explanation.


Hope this will help u ..

the fundamental, resonant wavelength of a pipe open at both ends that is 1 m long and 0.1 m in diameter is:


The fundamental resonant wavelength of a 1-meter long pipe open at both ends is 2 meters.

To find the fundamental resonant wavelength of a pipe open at both ends, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = 2 * Length of the pipe / Harmonic number

Since you're looking for the fundamental resonant wavelength, the harmonic number (n) is 1.

Given that the length of the pipe (L) is 1 meter:

Wavelength = 2 * 1 / 1

Wavelength = 2 meters

So, the fundamental resonant wavelength of a 1-meter long pipe open at both ends is 2 meters. The diameter of the pipe (0.1 meters) doesn't affect the wavelength in this case.

More on wavelength:


what is the cost of operating a 64.21-watt freezer for a month if the cost of electricity is $ 0.02 per kwh? assume we take a month as 30 days.


The operating cost is approximately $0.93.

How much does it cost to run a 64.21-watt freezer for 30 days, given that electricity costs $0.02 per kilowatt-hour (kWh)?

First, we need to calculate the energy consumption of the freezer in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month. We can use the following formula:

[tex]Energy (kWh) = Power (W) x Time (h) / 1000[/tex]

where the power of the freezer is 64.21 watts, and the time it runs is 30 days x 24 hours/day = 720 hours.

[tex]Energy (kWh) = 64.21 W x 720 h / 1000 = 46.3152 kWh[/tex]

Therefore, the energy consumption of the freezer in one month is 46.3152 kWh.

To find the cost of operating the freezer for a month, we can multiply the energy consumption by the cost per kWh:

[tex]Cost = Energy (kWh) x Cost per kWh[/tex]

[tex]Cost = 46.3152 kWh x $0.02/kWh = $0.926304[/tex]

Therefore, the cost of operating a 64.21-watt freezer for a month, assuming the cost of electricity is $0.02 per kWh, is approximately $0.93.

Learn more about operating cost


A book sitting on a desk with the surface area of the cover of .05 m^2. The atmospheric pressure is 100kPa. What is the downward force of the atmosphere on the book?




Because it say "the downward force of atmosphere" we use ATP



F=ATP × area

 100,000pa×0.05m2 =5000N

sunlight shining through a thin, cool gas produces a(n) continuous spectrum. emission line spectrum. absorption line spectrum.


Sunlight shining through a thin, cool gas produces an absorption line spectrum.

Which spectrum does sunlight shining through a thin, cool gas produces?

When white light passes through a thin, cool gas, some of the light is absorbed by the gas atoms, causing dark lines to appear in the spectrum known as an absorption spectrum. These dark lines represent the wavelengths of light that were absorbed by the gas. This type of spectrum is known as an absorption line spectrum. In the case of sunlight passing through Earth's atmosphere, the gases in the atmosphere absorb specific wavelengths of light, creating a series of dark lines in the spectrum. These dark lines are called Fraunhofer lines and are used to identify the chemical composition of the Sun and other stars.

Learn more about absorption line spectrum


what focal length of corrective lens should this person use to make the far point distance infinite?


To determine the focal length of a corrective lens required to make the far point distance infinite, we need to follow these steps:

1) Measure the person's far point distance: This can be done by having the person read letters on an eye chart or by using a refractometer.

Let's assume the person's far point distance is 3 meters.

2) Determine the person's current corrective lens prescription: If the person already wears corrective lenses, their current prescription can be used to calculate the required focal length of the corrective lens.

If they do not wear corrective lenses, this step can be skipped.

3) calculate the person's current refractive error: This can be done by subtracting the measured far point distance from infinity (1/∞) and converting the result to diopters.

For example, if the person's far point distance is 3 meters, their refractive error would be -0.33 diopters (1/3m = 0.33 D).

4) Determine the focal length of the corrective lens required to make the far point distance infinite: This can be done by adding the person's refractive error to the desired focal length of infinity (1/0 = 0 D).

For example, if the person's refractive error is -0.33 diopters, the required focal length of the corrective lens would be 0.33 meters or 33 centimeters.

Therefore, the person would need a corrective lens with a focal length of 33 centimeters to make their far point distance infinite.

To know more about focal length of a corrective lens :


a student is designing an investigation of the distribution of charges in conductors. she will use two conducting spheres mounted on insulating stands in the investigation. the conducting spheres are shown. the student wants to separate the charges of the spheres as shown. what should the student do in her investigation to produce these results? responses she should place a positively charged rod near the left sphere. she should place a positively charged rod near the left sphere. she should place two positively charged rods near each sphere. she should place two positively charged rods near each sphere. she should place two negatively charged rods near each sphere. she should place two negatively charged rods near each sphere. she should place a negatively charged rod near the left sphere.


The correct response would be: "She should place a positively charged rod near the left sphere."

What is Charges?

In physics, charges refer to the fundamental property of matter that gives rise to electric interactions. Charges can be positive or negative, and they are responsible for the phenomenon of electric force, which is the force that acts between charged objects.

By bringing a positively charged rod near the left sphere, it will induce a redistribution of charges in the conductive sphere. The positive charges in the left sphere will repel the positive charges in the rod, causing the electrons in the left sphere to move away from the rod and distribute themselves more evenly across the surface of the sphere, leaving the side facing the rod with a net positive charge.

Learn more about Charges from the given link


Write formulae for these compounds:
carbon monoxide
nitrogen dioxide sulfur trioxide
silicon dioxide
carbon tetrachloride
carbon dioxide


The chemical formula for the compounds are

Carbon monoxide: CO

Nitrogen dioxide: NO2

Sulfur trioxide: SO3

Silicon dioxide: SiO2

Carbon tetrachloride: CCl4

Carbon dioxide: CO2

What is chemical formula

A chemical formula is a symbolic representation of the chemical composition of a substance, indicating the elements present in the substance and the ratio in which they are present.

It consists of chemical symbols and numerical subscripts that indicate the number of atoms or ions of each element present in a molecule or formula unit of a compound.

For example, the chemical formula for water is H2O, which indicates that a water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Learn more about chemical formula


Forces and Motion:Question 5 A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg block. Calculate the acceleration of the object​


The acceleration of the 5 Kg object, given that a force of 20 N acts upon it, is 4 m/s²

How do i determine the acceleration of the object

First, we shall list out the given parameters from the question. This is shown below:

Force acting on object (F) = 20 NMass of object (m) = 5 KgAcceleration of object (a) =?

The acceleration of the object can be obtained as illustrated below

Force = mass × acceleration

Divide both side by mass

Acceleration = Force / mass

Inputting the value of force and mass, we have:

Acceleration = 20 / 5

Acceleration = 4 m/s²

Thus, the acceleration of the object is 4 m/s²

Learn more about acceleration:


What specific evidence does Norton offer for her



Norton suggests that the slave, Tituba, was not actually from the Barbados and that she was in fact and American Indian. Her evidence to support this bold statement was that most slaves in Massachusetts during this time period were from North America, more specifically from Florida and Georgia.

A man pushes a box across a floor. As he increases the force he applies horizontally to the box
the kinetic friction increases

the kinetic friction may increase or decrease depending on the velocity of the box

the kinetic friction decreases

the kinetic friction remains the same


A man pushes a box across a floor. As he increases the force he applies horizontally to the box the kinetic friction remains the same.

suppose you have a circular loop of wire sitting in a magnetic field, as shown. the magnitude of the magnetic field is decreasing. what does the curly electric field look like?


The curly electric field look like a circular loop of wire in a decreasing magnetic field

A manifestation of the fundamental relationship between electricity and magnetism, as described by Faraday's and Lenz's laws. When a circular loop of wire is placed in a magnetic field and the magnitude of the magnetic field is decreasing, it causes a change in magnetic flux through the loop.

According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, this change in magnetic flux induces an electromotive force (EMF) in the loop, which in turn causes an electric current to flow in the wire.  As a result of the current flowing in the wire, a curly electric field is generated around the loop. The direction of this electric field is such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux that induced the current in the first place. This phenomenon is known as Lenz's law.

The curly electric field is not a constant field, but rather a changing field that varies with time. As the magnitude of the magnetic field continues to decrease, the induced EMF and the corresponding electric field will also decrease, eventually reaching zero when the magnetic field is completely removed.

Overall, when the magnetic field's magnitude decreases, a curly electric field is generated in the circular wire loop due to the change in magnetic flux. This electric field creates a current that opposes the change in the magnetic field, following Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction and Lenz's Law

Know more about Faraday's law here:


a motorcycle passing by your apartment emits a sound with an intensity level of 70 db. if two identical motorcycles passed by together, what would be the intensity level of the resulting sound?


The intensity level of the resulting sound is approximately 73 dB, the correct option is (e)

To calculate the intensity level of the resulting sound, we use the formula:

L = 10 log(I ÷ I0)

where L is the intensity level in decibels, I is the intensity of the sound wave in watts per square meter, and I0 is the reference intensity, which is equal to 1 x 10⁻¹² watts per square meter.

Since the motorcycles emit identical sound waves, the intensity of each wave is the same. We can calculate the intensity of a single motorcycle's sound wave using the formula:

I = [tex](10^{L/10} )[/tex] x I0

where L is the intensity level of the sound wave in decibels. Substituting L = 70 dB and I0 = 1 x 10⁻¹² watts per square meter, we get:

I = (10⁷) x 1 x 10⁻¹²

= 1 x 10⁻⁵ watts per square meter

To calculate the intensity level of the resulting sound, we use the formula:

L = 10 log(2I ÷ I0)

where 2I is the intensity of the sound waves produced by two identical motorcycles. Substituting I = 1 x 10⁻⁵ watts per square meter and I0 = 1 x 10⁻¹² watts per square meter, we get:

2I = 2 x 1 x 10⁻⁵

= 2 x 10⁻⁵ watts per square meter

L = 10 log(2 x 10⁻⁵ ÷ 1 x 10⁻¹²)

= 10 log(2 x 10⁷)

= 10 (7.301)

= 73.01 dB

Therefore, the correct option is (e)

To learn more about intensity follow the link:


The complete question is:

A motorcycle passing by your apartment emits a sound with an intensity level of 70 dB. If two identical motorcycles passed by together, what would be the intensity level of the resulting sound?

a. 80 dB

b. 140 dB

c. 103 dB

d. 70 dB

e. 73 dB

a person in good physical condition can put out 100 w of useful power for several hours at a stretch, perhaps by pedaling a mechanism that drives an electric generator. neglecting any problems of generator efficiency and practical considerations such as resting time, answer the following. (a) how many people would it take to run a 5.00 kw electric clothes dryer? people



Approximately 50 people would be required to run a 5.00 kW electric clothes dryer for one hour, assuming that each person can produce 100 W of useful power for several hours at a time.


Power = Energy / Time

We can isolate the energy by multiplying both sides by time:

Energy = Power x Time

If we assume that the clothes dryer would run for 1 hour, the energy required would be:

Energy = 5.00 kW x 1 h = 5.00 kWh

Number of people = Energy required / Power per person

Number of people = 5.00 kWh / (100 W/person)

Number of people = 50 people

A student on a piano stool rotates freely with an angular speed of 3. 05 rev/s. The student holds a 1. 05kg mass in each outstretched arm 0. 789m from the axis of rotation. The combined momment of inertia of the student and the stool, ignoring the two masses, is 5. 33kg*m^2, a value that remains constant. As the student pulls his arms inward, his angular speed increases to 3. 54 rev/s. A) How far are the masses from the axis of rotation at this time considering the masses to be points
b) calculate the initial and final kinetic energies of the system


a) The distance of the masses from the axis of rotation is 0.620 m.

b) The initial kinetic energy of the system is 1.680 x 10² J and the final kinetic energy of the system is 2.020 x 10² J.

a) According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the initial angular momentum of the system is equal to the final angular momentum. Therefore, (I1ω1) = (I2ω2), where I1 is the initial moment of inertia, ω1 is the initial angular velocity, I2 is the final moment of inertia, and ω2 is the final angular velocity.

Since the moment of inertia of the two masses is (2mr²), where m is the mass of each mass and r is the distance of each mass from the axis of rotation, the final moment of inertia is (5.33 + 2m(0.620)²) kg*m². Solving for r, we get r = 0.620 m.

b) The initial kinetic energy of the system is (1/2)I1ω1² + (1/2)mv1², where m is the mass of each mass and v1 is the initial tangential velocity. The final kinetic energy of the system is (1/2)I2ω2² + (1/2)mv2², where v2 is the final tangential velocity.

Since the work done by the student in pulling the masses inward is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the system, we have W = (1/2)mv2² - (1/2)mv1². Solving for the initial and final kinetic energies, we get KE1 = 1.680 x 10² J and KE2 = 2.020 x 10² J.

To learn more about angular momentum, here


1. you examine a test instrument commonly used to measure insulation resistance on equipment rated 600v or lower. the output of the test instrument is 1000 volts and the lead connections are?


The test instrument commonly used to measure insulation resistance on equipment rated 600V or lower has an output of 1000 volts and uses lead connections.

The test instrument being described is likely a megohmmeter or insulation resistance tester. These instruments are used to measure the insulation resistance of electrical equipment, which is important for ensuring the safety and proper functioning of the equipment.

The output voltage of 1000 volts is necessary to generate enough current through the insulation to accurately measure its resistance. The lead connections are used to connect the instrument to the equipment being tested, and they typically consist of two probes with insulated handles that are connected to the instrument by wires. The leads are carefully designed to minimize leakage current and ensure accurate measurements. Overall, these instruments play a crucial role in maintaining electrical safety and reliability.

To know more about instrument, here


. Ima shoved a box horizontally over the end of a cliff. The initial velocity was 10m/s and it took 5.4s to hit
the ground.

+ How tall was the cliff?

+ How far away from the base of the cliff did the box fall?


Based on the provided initial velocity; The cliff was approximately 143.1 meters tall., The box fell approximately 54 meters away from the base of the cliff.

How to solve the questions on velocity?

To find the height of the cliff, we can use the following kinematic equation for vertical motion:

y = y0 + v0_yt + 0.5a_y*t⁻².


y = final vertical position

y0 = initial vertical position (0, since we start from the top of the cliff)

v0_y = initial vertical velocity (0, since the box is shoved horizontally)

a_y = vertical acceleration (9.81 m/s², due to gravity)

t = time (5.4 seconds)

Plugging in the values, we get:

y = 0 + 05.4 + 0.59.815.4²

y = 0.59.8129.16

y = 4.90529.16

y = 143.1 m

To find how far away the box fell from the base of the cliff, we can use the following equation for horizontal motion:

x = x0 + v0_x*t


x = final horizontal position

x0 = initial horizontal position (0, since we start from the edge of the cliff)

v0_x = initial horizontal velocity (10 m/s)

t = time (5.4 seconds)

Plugging in the values, we get:

x = 0 + 10*5.4

x = 54 m

To know more about  initial velocity visit:-


A car with a mass of 1000 kg is traveling east at 4 m/s. Another car with a mass of 500 kg is traveling west at a speed of 3 m/s. The two cars collide. After the collision, the 1000 kg car has a velocity of 1 m/s east. What is the velocity of the 500 kg car after the collision?


Answer: the velocity of the 500 kg car after the collision is 3 m/s to the east.


Initial momentum = (mass of car 1 x velocity of car 1) + (mass of car 2 x velocity of car 2)

Initial momentum = (1000 kg x 4 m/s) + (500 kg x -3 m/s)   (Note that we use a negative velocity for car 2 because it is traveling in the opposite direction)

Initial momentum = 4000 kg m/s - 1500 kg m/s = 2500 kg m/s

After the collision, the total mass and total momentum of the system remain the same.

Final momentum = (mass of car 1 x velocity of car 1) + (mass of car 2 x velocity of car 2)

Final momentum = (1000 kg x 1 m/s) + (500 kg x v)  (where v is the velocity of the 500 kg car after the collision)

Final momentum = 1000 kg m/s + 500v

Since the total momentum is conserved, we can set the initial momentum equal to the final momentum:

Initial momentum = Final momentum

2500 kg m/s = 1000 kg m/s + 500v

Solving for v, we get:

v = (2500 kg m/s - 1000 kg m/s) / 500 kg

v = 3 m/s


Which of these objects is an insulator?
b. copper coin
d. steel fork
a. gold ring
C. glass rod





Glass is one of the objects included in an insular so glass rod will be the final ans.

Answer: C; glass rod.
Explanation: Glass is an insulator, while the others are conductors, meaning that it allows electrons to flow in. Insulators do the opposite, meaning that they block the flow of electrons. Hope that helped!
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