CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME THE CONSICE ANSWER AND DEFINITION will be greatly appreciated and marked brainiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME THE CONSICE ANSWER AND DEFINITION Will Be Greatly Appreciated And Marked Brainiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME THE CONSICE ANSWER AND DEFINITION Will Be Greatly Appreciated And Marked Brainiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer 1

Answer: C. The "wiser and better" person tells a lie, and the one "in disgrace" catches her in it.

Explanation: In this excerpt, the aunt tells Nicholas that there will be strawberry jam for tea, but Nicholas knows that there is already jam in the store cupboard and that his aunt had lied to them yesterday by saying there wasn't any. Nicholas calls her the "Devil" for lying and implies that the aunt is the one in disgrace for lying, while he is the one in the right for catching her in it. The situation is ironical because the aunt is the one who is supposed to be the "wiser and better" person, but in this case, she tells a lie and Nicholas, the one in "disgrace" catches her in it. I hope this helps!

Related Questions

the forcing of captured sailors to sail/ fight for a country that they are not a citizen of ____


The forcing of captured sailors to sail/ fight for a country that they are not a citizen of Press-ganging.

Press-ganging, also known as impressment, was a common practice in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially during times of war. It entailed conscripting men, often sailors, against their will into naval service.

Naval press gangs would typically go into ports and taverns and kidnap men off the streets, forcibly transporting them to ships to serve as crew members.

Press-ganging was frequently used to quickly and easily increase the number of sailors in a navy, but it was widely condemned because it violated the basic human rights of those forced into service.

The practice was met with opposition and was eventually abolished in the nineteenth century.

It was regarded as a cruel practice because it forced the separation of families and placed the press-ganged in a situation in which their lives were jeopardized and they were treated as property.

To know more about Impressment,


Impressment, also known as the press gang, is the forcing of captured sailors to sail or fight for a country that they are not a citizen .

This practice was used by European countries such as France, Great Britain, and Spain during the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time, captured sailors were forcefully recruited to sail or fight for a country they were not citizens of. This practice was also used by the United States during the American Revolution and the War of 1812.

Impressment was seen as an effective way to supplement a navy’s crew in times of war, and was generally considered legal in international law. Despite this, it was seen as a violation of human rights, as captured sailors were subjected to harsh conditions and were forced to serve in the navy of the country that captured them, and in some cases, even forced to fight against their own countries.

By the mid-19th century, international law abolished impressment, though some countries continued to use it in the 20th century.

Learn more about European visit:


what prompts simon wheeler to tell the story of jim smiley


At the request of a friend, the narrator addresses Simon Wheeler and asks about a man named Leonidas W. Smiley.

Instead of giving the narrator the information he's been asking for, Wheeler begins a big story about a man named Jim Smiley.

The flow of the story is-

Jim Smiley was a man who would gamble on anything.

He turned a frog into a pet and bet a stranger that his frog, Danl Webster, could jump higher than other frogs. - While Smiley wasn't looking, a stranger stuffed Danl Webster with quail grist and Smiley lost the bet.

Before we knew what happened, the stranger disappeared with his $40 he had earned by cheating.

The narrator is tired of a long story about Jim Smiley and his frogs and tries to escape Wheeler before starting another story.

The narrator realized that his friend was meant to suffer with Wheeler's boring story.

To learn more about Simon wheeler, here:


The narrator of the story is ask-ed by a friend to call on old Simon Wheeler and ask ab-out his friend's friend, Leonidas W. Smiley.

The narrator now sus-pects that his friend never knew any-body na-med Leonidas W. Smiley, and that this was the pre-text to get Wheeler to tell him ab-out another guy na-med Jim Smiley. The narrator's friend sug-gests that he ask about a fri-end with the same last name. The narrator's friend has instr-ucted him to ask Simon Wheeler ab-out a man na-med Leonidas W. Smiley.

The men-tion of the name Smiley prom-pts Wheeler to relate the story of Jim Smiley, his pen-chant for betting, his menagerie of unu-sual animals, and his jumping frog.

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Questions 44-55. Read the following passage from Ralph Ellison’s Living With Music (1955) carefully before you choose your answers. That the speaker “sympathized with” the drumk’s “obsession” (lines 22-23) is ironic chiefly because the drumk
Select one:
a. Agitated the speaker purposely and distracted him from his writing
b. Was not “poetic” ( line 4) and had no basis for his obsession
c. Actually disturbed the speaker less than did the singer
d. Had little “sensitivity” (line 7) and was undeserving of sympathy
e. Was a major source of the noise from which the speaker wished to escape





at the end of this excerpt, what encouraging signs does douglass find


While the douglass Declaration of Independence, the lofty ideals it upholds, and the brilliance of American institutions inspire me, the clear trends of the time also lift my spirits.

What kind of speech could Douglass give that would be simple and enjoyable?

What sort of "simple and enjoyable" speech aspires Douglass to deliver? - He would like to give a speech that would be helpful to the populace. Douglass questions how Southern legal systems establish the humanity of slaves.

According to Douglass, the Declaration of Independence had unambiguously stated that the right to liberty was an inherent right. Disagreeing with Garrison, Douglass additionally thought that the U.S. Constitution's authors intended to eventually abolish slavery.

What did Frederick Douglass think of the July Fourth quiz?

The Fourth of July, according to Douglass, serves as a reminder to black people of what they lack while white people get to enjoy the holiday.

To know more about  Douglass visit:


how many townspeople kept the nine black students from entering school?


A lot num-ber of towns people kept the nine black stud-ents from enter-ing school. On 4 Sep-tember 1957, the first day of school at Central High, a white mob gather-ed in front of the school.

The Gover-nor Orval Faubus dep-loyed the Arkansas National Guard to pre-vent the black stud-ents from entering. At the end of the scho-ol year, Ernest Green beca-me the first African American to gra-duate from Central High School. King attend-ed his graduation cere-mony. In honor of their moment-ous contributions to history and the integr-ation of the Arkansas public sch-ool system, in 1958 the Little Rock Nine were hono-red with the NAACP’s high-est honor, the Sping-arn Medal.

To know more about little rock nine click below:


explain what debt americans owe the marchers on washington, and why they owe that debt. support your answer using information from the speech.


The debt that Americans owe to these marchers refers to the sacrifices and contributions made.

What was the debt about?

The marchers on Washington refer to several historical events in which individuals and groups have gathered in Washington D.C. to demand civil rights and social justice. The debt that Americans owe to these marchers refers to the sacrifices and contributions made by these individuals and groups in the struggle for equality and the betterment of society.

This debt is owed because the actions and activism of these marchers led to significant changes in laws and societal attitudes, which have benefited not only the marginalized groups they fought for, but all Americans. Examples include the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Rights Movement.

Learn more about Washington on:


How does society view the greasers and the socs and how are the socs and greasers a menace to society? Give quotes from the book the outsiders.



sorry i need points

Most people think the greasers are a disgrace to society because they are poor and like to steal, but the Socs are more of a disgrace than the greasers.

Answer: In the book "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, the greasers and the Socs are rival gangs from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The greasers are from the East side of town, and are considered to be from the lower class. They are often viewed as being tough, rough, and uneducated. On the other hand, the Socs, short for "Socials", are from the West side of town and are considered to be from the upper class. They are often viewed as being rich, privileged, and arrogant.

In the book, the greasers and the Socs are constantly at odds with each other, and their clashes are a source of concern for the community. The following quotes from the book illustrate how society views the two groups:

"Socs are always jumping greasers and destroying them for the fun of it." (Ponyboy Curtis, the book's narrator)

"The Socs are always looking for a fight and the greasers are always ready for one." (Ponyboy Curtis)

"They're all alike, all the Socs, with their white bucks and madras and their corvairs and their attitudes. They think they're so hot stuff because they get away with everything." (Ponyboy Curtis)

Explanation: In this novel, the Socs and greasers are a menace to society because they are always fighting and causing trouble, and the violence that they inflict on each other is a source of fear and concern for the community. The Socs are portrayed as bullies who enjoy causing trouble, while the greasers are portrayed as victims of this violence, but who are also capable of violence and causing trouble.

Which sentence from paragraph 5 best illustrates the author's feeling that her life experiences have made her more confident?

A. During our visit we commented to each other how the colors, unlike the desert's browns and dull greens, were an elegant mix of reds, pinks, and yellows.

B. In high school, I was standing on top of the rocks, but no incisions had been made - no canyon had been formed.

C. There was a river and it was flowing, but I did not see the layers beneath.

D. I have faith that in the end that process will reveal magnificent layers that inspire rather than repress and remain buried.​


The sentence that best illustrates the author's feeling that her life experiences have made her more confident is " In high school, I was standing on top of the rocks, but no incisions had been made - no canyon had been formed." option B

How to identify authors feeling in a text?

To identify the author's feelings in a text, look for:

Emotive language (e.g. "heartfelt," "passionate")Descriptive words that express emotions (e.g. "joyful," "sad")Tone (e.g. bitter, sarcastic, optimistic)Sentiment expressed towards certain people, places, or eventsUse of figurative language to convey emotions (e.g. metaphors, similes)Consider the context and cultural background of the author as well.

Find more information on how feelings are expressed by authors;


Which of the following statements would the poem's speaker most likely agree with?
A. Virtue is something that will find you effortlessly.
B. Blindly striving for virtue can lead people astray.
C. Virtue can help people live well, even if some things in the world are unknowable.
D. People should just act however they want.


The statement that the poem's speaker would most likely agree with is this:

C. Virtue can help people live well, even if some things in the world are unknowable.

Which statement will the poet agree with?

A vital lesson that the poem's speaker will most likely agree to is that virtue can help people live a fulfilled life. While many things about life are not knowable, a virtuous person will be able to get along well in life than others.

Virtue can help you to make wise decisions and avoid experiencing harsh realities of life. So, option C is a statement that the poem's speaker will accept.

Learn more about virtue here:


ignore this. I ended up finding the answer. :)


It's acceptable to use expressions like "please disregard my prior email" or "please disregard my email from yesterday."

What should you say in a mistakenly sent email response?

Regarding [Recipient], My earlier email was not intended for you, therefore I'm writing to apologies. Unluckily [wrong explanation]. I am aware that getting emails you don't need can be annoying, and I promise to do better going forward.

It's acceptable to use expressions like "please disregard my prior email" or "please disregard my email from yesterday." This clarifies the message's purpose for readers. To make sure readers fully understand, you might additionally mention the rationale for ignoring the other email.

To learn more about expressions refer to:


Copy and complete the Venn diagram below to show what the feral cats and the dingoes in Australia have in common and how they are different.


Answer: Paws, legs, eyes, tails, ears, hearts, stomaches, bones, ect. Just list off a bunch of body parts.


how many officials are on the field during a football game


In football the Officials are commonly referred to by the broad name of referees, but fact, there is only one referee on the field throughout a game.

Each official, including the referee, umpire, head linesman, line judge, back judge, field judge, and side judge, has a specific title and set of duties. They are made up of a video assistant referee, two linesmen, a "fourth official," and one referee (VAR).

The head official, the referee, is in charge of maintaining score, calling goals and fouls, as well as starting and ending play. The linesmen help the referee identify fouls and call violations like offsides. Although they are all considered "officials," the eight-person crew for an NFL game has a variety of titles.

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In footballs only one referee on the field throughout a game.

Each official has a particular title and set of responsibilities, including the referee, umpire, chief linesman, line judge, back judge, field judge, and side judge. They consist of one referee, two linesmen, a "fourth official," a video assistant referee, and two linesmen (VAR).

The referee is in charge of keeping score, deciding on goals and fouls, as well as initiating and stopping play. The linesmen assist the referee in calling fouls and other infractions, such as offsides. The eight members of the crew for an NFL game hold a variety of positions even though they are always referred to as "officials." Three officials are often used every game in middle schools and youth leagues.

For such more question on game:


What is another activity Scott may perform within this role?


In this role, Scott may be tasked with presenting plaques to employees who have achieved annual service milestones.

Scott works as a restaurant manager. Managers' responsibilities include retaining employees through recruitment, selection, mentoring and training. He ensures a safe and legal workplace. Create opportunities for personal development. Employee performance is achieved by expressing job expectations, planning, monitoring and evaluating job performance.

Fundamentally, management is a discipline made up of her five broad functions: planning, organization, staffing, leadership, and administration. These five traits are part of a larger set of practices and beliefs for being a great manager.

To know more about Manager role, visit,


What is the meaning of the quote “I should like to have them order me out to help put down an insurrection of the slaves, or to march to Mexico; — see if I would go”; and yet these very men have each, directly by their allegiance, and so indirectly, at least, by their money, furnished a substitute." From David Henry Thoreau's essay.


The quote is from David Henry Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience," and it is a commentary on the hypocrisy of those who support the government and its actions, such as the Mexican-American War and the subjugation of enslaved people, while not personally participating in them.

What is the quote?

Generally, Thoreau argues that these individuals claim to support the actions of the government, but do not actually take part in them, instead opting to hire a substitute to fight in their place.

He suggests that if they truly believed in the righteousness of the government's actions, they should be willing to personally participate in them.

Read more about quote


When Crooks tells Lennie that George is not coming back, Lennie:

gets angry.

tries to kill Crooks.

starts screaming and calls for Slim.

says he already knows George is gone.


When Crooks tells Lennie that George is not coming back, Lennie: says he already knows George is gone.

Who is George?
is a name that can refer to many different people. It can refer to a fictional character like George from the children's book The Little House on the Prairie. It can also refer to an historical figure such as George Washington, the first president of the United States. It can also refer to a modern person such as George Clooney, an actor, director, and activist. It can also refer to a relative or friend in one's life. George is a name with a long history and has been used to represent many different people throughout the ages. It is a name that carries a lot of weight and is often remembered and respected.

To learn more about George


Interpret Reread lines 74–82. Swanson writes that Davis was "sterner.

How is the connotation of stern different from words such as harsh and

authoritarian that have similar denotations?


Stern has a more positive connotation than harsh or authoritarian, which have the opposite connotations.

Davis's actions indicate that he is scared to lose because he decided that he and his cabinet shouldn't stay for the surrender.

Black people needed and benefited from having slave owners in charge of them, according to slave owner Davis, who also believed that white people were superior to black people.

Lincoln believed that slavery was wrong and that the American founding fathers had not intended for slavery to last forever in the country.

Lincoln added that any new state seeking to enter the Union had to make slavery illegal.The black community was joyful and acting as such.

People from all the churches flocked to the streets to celebrate among themselves and pray for the arrival of the Union Army.

To know more about the swanson writes visit:


Stern has a more positive connotation than harsh or authoritarian, which has opposite connotations is a major difference.

Compared to harsh or authoritarian, which have the opposite connotations, stern has a more positive connotation.Due to his decision that he and his cabinet shouldn't stay for the surrender, Davis's actions show that he is afraid to lose.According to slave owner Davis, who also thought that white people were superior to black people, black people needed and benefited from having slave owners in charge of them.Lincoln thought that slavery was wrong and that it was not what the American founding fathers had intended for slavery to be in the nation for all time.Lincoln further stated that to become a member of the Union, a new state had to outlaw slavery.The black community exuded happiness and acted as such.People from every church flocked to the streets to celebrate with one another.

To know more about the swanson writes visit:


Which of these groups were
among the Prophet Muhammad's
first followers?
A. the people of Africa
B. the tribes of Persia
C. his friends and family


The Bedouin Arabs were among the Prophet Muhammad's first followers.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a religious, political, and social leader born in 570 AD in Mecca. He is regarded by Muslims as the last messenger and prophet of God. Prophet Muhammad is believed to have been chosen by God to spread His message to the world. He began receiving revelations from God at the age of 40, which he shared with others and which became the basis of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Muhammad was known for his commitment to justice and equality, and his teaching of compassion and respect for all people.

To know more about Prophet Muhammad

From Wilkie’s perspective, why were officials in New Orleans motivated exaggerate or tell lies?


According to the state governor and the man in charge of the troops on the ground during the disaster, misinformation during hurricane Katrina about how lawless New Orleans had become made the situation significantly worse.

Ten years ago this month, a hurricane that had wreaked havoc on the area was coordinated by Lieutenant General Russel Honoré with the help of about 300 members of the national guard. The bulk of looters were looking for basic necessities like food, water, diapers, and medicine, he claimed, despite the fact that television footage did show people stealing electronics and other valuable items from nearby retail establishments. Two unarmed individuals were killed at the time in an incident on Danziger Bridge by local police.

To know more about New Orleans refer to the link below :


ayudenme porfa, no le entiendo


We can complete the sentences with verbs in parentheses having in mind the differences between the use of the simple present and the present continuous.

Ted is taking a shower right now.What are we having for dinner tonight?My brother has a daughter and a son.I am not solving some math problems at the moment.My grandfather often comes over for dinner at the weekends.My school begins at nine every day.What time do you wake up on weekdays?What are you doing tomorrow night?I don't usually work on Sundays, but today I am working.She is not sleeping now, she is studying.How often does she review her lessons?I am not going on holiday this summer.Can you speak slowly, please, I don't understand you.She works as a secretary in a big company.Miss Clara takes a violin lesson every Wednesday.The sun is shining, but I don't have time to go to the beach.Don't forget to take your coat, it is cold outside.Do you see those men at the door? They are looking at us very strangely.This flower smells so good.The coat over there does not belong to me.Vegetarians are people who don't eat meat.Who is sitting in my chair?Why are you wearing my coat? Oh, I'm sorry! It looks like mine.

Simple Present vs. Present continuous

The simple present tense is used to refer to actions that are true in the moment of speaking. They can, thus, indicate universal truths or habitual actions, such as:

Dogs bark and birds fly.Jane always goes to school in the morning.

On the other hand, the present continuous tense has two different uses. First, it can indicate an action that is in progress at the moment of speaking. Second, it can indicate a future action. For example:

I am writing right now.I am traveling to Europe tomorrow.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly completed the sentences.

Learn more about the simple present here:



Which sentence from the passage best shows how a

change of setting leads to the main conflict?

A "'Come on, Lacey, we're going to be late,' said Eric,

annoyed that his little sister kept stopping to look at the vendor's carts when he was due

at the meadow to sing with his school chorus. "

B "Most artisans had open stalls, but this was a tent with ornate walls fringed with gold

tassels. "


"Eric whirled around to see a man in a brown leather vest reading from a scroll: 'Eric, a

boy apprenticed to Randolph the silversmith, has fled from the neighboring town. ""

D "Close on his sister's heels, Eric rushed through its heavy doors and slammed them shut. "


The correct option is C.

C. "Eric whirled around to see a man in a brown leather vest reading from a scroll: 'Eric, a  boy apprenticed to Randolph the silversmith, has fled from the neighboring town. "

Conflict is defined as a conflict between the protagonist and a rival power in a story (character, society, or nature).The major struggle of the novel, when Eric (the protagonist) faces off against the "guy in brown leather," is best illustrated in the aforementioned statement.When opposing beliefs or behaviours give rise to dispute or discontent, conflict results. Find out what causes interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and intragroup conflict. Current armed conflicts are listed along with their death tolls in this list of ongoing armed conflicts. The following are the inclusion criteria: Armed conflicts involve the use of force, whether government- or non-government-sponsored, between two or more organised armed organisations.

To know more about inclusion refer :


I was listening to how some people can get married in a castle if they want an old-fashioned yet traditional setting for their ceremony. Medieval castles offer unique activities. As we walked down the long halls I noticed pictures of horses on the wall right before I raised my hand my classmate sally then ask '' if the knights wear armor does the horse wears armor to?'' The person in charge of the guide then answered and said "of course they have to not to get injured as the jousting events happens.'' and was still was rambling on how we could try on the amour and try the medieval style when you sign up to be a student at the Tower of London. . I still raised my hand to ask '' when was the jousting tournament?'' The guider explained when was the first jousting tournament of Dover Castle in Kent, England held its first ever jousting tournament. In August 2017. I read in one of my books before coming here to know a little before discovering other information which i knew that four of the best knights would come from different countries to battle and be watched by spectators.

Build conflict to characters


The annual Summer Jousting Tournaments will begin at Hever Castle on 15 and 16 July.

When was the most popular time for jousting?

Jousts were a major feature of the European medieval tournament from the 13th to 16th centuries CE, where knights demonstrated their combat talents by riding against one another with wooden lances in a specified area known as the lists.

In fact, jousting was the first extreme sport in history. Jousting and other types of weapon training may be traced back to the Middle Ages and the advent of heavy cavalry (armored soldiers on horseback), the major combat weaponry of the time.

A mêlée is also known as a hastilude, tournament, or tournoi. The joust is a fight between mounted knights wielding wooden lances.

To learn more about jousting to refer:


the writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as needed. robots are no longer just the stuff of science fiction: increasingly intelligent and humanlike, they interact with people in new and surprising ways. should the writer keep or delete the underlined text?


The writer should A) keep it, because it uses descriptive language to convey the writer’s perspective on advances in robotics and set up the topic of the passage.

The use of vivid descriptions of a place, an object, or a person is known as descriptive language, and it is frequently used in speaking and writing. Adverbs, similes, metaphors, and adjectives are the four main types of descriptive language. One way to give writing more depth is by using descriptive language. It can be applied to both fictional and nonfictional writings. When you use adjectives, adverbs, or other descriptive verbs to add more detail to your writing, you are using descriptive language.

Noting that option A is valid due to the author's use of descriptive language to establish the passage's theme and convey the author's viewpoint on robotics advancements.

To learn more about descriptive language:


Note that the full question is:

The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as needed.Robots are no longer just the stuff of science fiction: increasingly intelligent and humanlike, they interact with people in new and surprising ways.

Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text?

A. Keep it, because it uses descriptive language to convey the writer’s perspective on advances in robotics and set up the topic of the passage.

B. Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony.

C. Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is not supported by evidence in the body of the passage.

D. Delete it, because it adds details that do not follow logically from the claim about robots that is made in the first part of the sentence.

E. Delete it, because it undermines the writer’s credibility by giving the impression that the writer is biased in favor of treating robots like humans.

what form of organization will give creditors the maximum protection in the event that ​, ​inc., fails and cannot pay its​ debts? TRUE OR FALSE


True , Partnership organization will give creditors the maximum protection in the event that ​, ​inc., fails and cannot pay its​ debts

Partnership, The most freedom to run the company anyway she sees fit is provided by this sort of organisation. What legal structure will provide creditors with the greatest level of security in the event that Taylor Signs, Inc. fails and is unable to make its debt payments. If a partnership fails and is unable to pay its debts, creditors may order the partners to use their personal assets to settle the partnership's obligations. Because there are two or more owners to share the business' debts, this type of structure provides more protection for creditors than a sole proprietorship. Members of a partnership are subject to limitless liability for their combined activities. 

To know more about protection refer :


by what percentage the soccer field is longer than american football field?


The length of the soccer field is 8.6 metres, or 9.4 yards, longer than the length of the American football field.

The length of the soccer field is 8.6 metres, or 9.4 yards, longer than the length of the American football field. Football fields are smaller and have a smaller surface area than soccer fields. A soccer field is 50 to 100 yards wide and 100 to 130 yards long. 360 feet (120 yards) length by 160 feet (53.3 yards) width is the size of a football field. A soccer field is wider than a football field, albeit they are roughly the same length. An American football field is exactly 120 yards by 53.3 yards, as another answer pointed out (and 20 of those yards are the "end zones"—"goal line to goal line" is only 100 yards).

To know more about albeit refer :


The law of demand states the following:

As the income of a consumer increases, the quantity of a good demanded increases.
As the price of a good increases, the quantity of the good demanded decreases.
As the price of a good increases, the quantity of the good demanded increases.
As the income of a consumer decreases, the quantity of a good demanded decreases.


The law of demand states that B. As the price of a good increases, the quantity of the good demanded decreases.

What is demand about?

Given a limited supply, the law of demand states that if more people want to buy something, the price will increase. Likewise, consumers will buy fewer goods, the more expensive they are, on average.

Together with the law of supply, the law of demand enables us to comprehend why prices are set at the levels they are and to spot opportunities to purchase or sell products, assets, or securities that appear to be overpriced (or to sell those that are perceived to be underpriced). For instance, a business might increase production in response to rising prices brought on by a spike in demand.

Learn more about demand on:


what's the closest description below to cicero's process? (be very thoughtful here, and compare each answer to the full quotation--and be sure to read your hint.) select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a i use a predetermined rule to determine which argument is right. b as a result of testing out the various positions and perspectives on an issue, the crux of the matter comes into view. c what cicero comes up with is the answer to the case -- the judgment that the jury should decide.


The closest description below to cicero's process Option A: i use a predetermined rule to determine which argument is right.

In order to produce the ideal form of governance, Cicero proposed that monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy "are made by an equal balancing and mingling." He argued that everyone should be included in this "mixed state," including the best men, monarchy, and the ordinary public. Roman philosopher Cicero identified five canons, or rules, of rhetoric in his essay De Inventione: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery.

Every speech consists of the speaker, the speech, and the audience as its three primary components. Cicero describes how each of these three factors will affect or discourage your audience from believing you and your message to be true.

To learn more about cicero's process Please click on the given link:


three things u need in your birthday party write a letter to your uncle


I don’t know ldmaosoossnnzmanwnrnfnfnanns

How does Rosemary react when Philip comments that the girl Rosemary brought home is "astonishingly pretty"? Why does she react this way?

Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


Rosemary is embarrassed and blushes. She reacts this way because she is uncomfortable with Philip's admiration of the girl and is not sure how to respond.

Evidence from the text that supports this is found in the following passage: “‘Astonishingly pretty,’ Philip said, and Rosemary blushed.”

Rosemary's reaction to Philip's admiration of the girl was one of embarrassment and blushing. She felt uncomfortable and unsure of how to respond. The blush was an indication of embarrassment and insecurity, as she was being compared to someone else. It showed her feelings of vulnerability and awkwardness in the situation.

Philip's compliments made her feel self-conscious, and her blush was a sign of her insecurity and embarrassment. Rosemary was trying to avoid being seen as unappreciative of Philip's compliments, as she was feeling uncomfortable and awkward. Her reaction to Philip's admiration of the girl was an indication of her insecurity and embarrassment.

Learn more about Rosemary visit:


Rosemary gets anxious, worried and possessive about her husband and so she quickly manages some money for Miss Smith and asks her to leave after having the tea.

The excerpt is taken from the story "A cup of tea" written by Katherine Mansfield. Rosemary is a high standard wealthy women who has enough than one can think of and so she always feel less even if she does something wholeheartedly. After looking of some antique gift, she encounters with Miss Smith and takes her home. But when her husband praises the beauty of Miss Smith (may be not intentionally), she feels insecure. She also puts the belongings of Miss Smith on the floor to convince herself that they are not same in standards, which also shows her class consciousness. When Miss Smith leaves the house, she even tries to get sensual with her husband to attract him towards her, so they he forgets about any lady who has come across him recently.  

Learn more about A cup of Tea at:


Luis' part time job of mowing lawns was ____ than his brother’s pool-cleaning buisness

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence above?
A. profitablest
B. most profitable
C. profitabler
D. more profitable



the correct answer is D.

Read this sentence.
Bob's new classmate is pushy. He insisted that Bob show him around school and would not leave him alone until he did.
What is the connotative meaning of the word pushy as it is used in the sentence?
O friendly
O energetic
O brave
O assertive


Im not sure.




Since the word "pushy" and "insisted" have been used in the sentence which shows the qualities of being assertive , hence the connotative meaning of the word pushy that is being assertive.

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