
Answer 1


Im gonna say that its A

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I need help on this asap





just dont

what is the theme of the story in cats save the day??



It was Saturday morning in the Da Silva household, and Bianca was daydreaming as she waited

for her family to come down for breakfast. Her mind was filled with the things she learned at

school that week and what she would do for the weekend. Her mind was so busy, and she had

so many rushing thoughts, that she didn’t see the neighbor’s cat climb through the window.

The next minute, the spotty cat was curling around Bianca’s legs. Bianca, as if falling from the

sky, snapped out of her daydream and saw the feline smiling up at her.


i found it out by the book have

Would appreciate by marking me the brainiest

Please give 3 themes to the book Mystery on Church Hill. And when it was demonstrated in the story.
Also is the conflict character vs ? what is it.



Since his wife, Michelle, left seven years ago, Jeffy Coltrane has worked to maintain a normal life for himself and his eleven-year-old daughter, Amity, in Suavidad Beach. It’s a quiet life, until a local eccentric known as Spooky Ed shows up on their doorstep.

Ed entrusts Jeffy with hiding a strange and dangerous object—something he calls “the key to everything”—and tells Jeffy that he must never use the device. But after a visit from a group of ominous men, Jeffy and Amity find themselves accidentally activating the key and discovering an extraordinary truth. The device allows them to jump between parallel planes at once familiar and bizarre, wondrous and terrifying. And Jeffy and Amity can’t help but wonder, could Michelle be just a click away?

Jeffy and Amity aren’t the only ones interested in the device. A man with a dark purpose is in pursuit, determined to use its grand potential for profound evil. Unless Amity and Jeffy can outwit him, the place they call home may never be safe again.


When revising and editing word choice, a writer should

1. replace clichéd expressions with engaging phrases.
2. confirm that the text’s organizational structure is clear.
3. choose and narrow down the topic to write about.
4. ensure that the body of the text includes supporting details.





I took the test I hope this helps!



1. replace clichéd expressions with engaging phrases.


between a sign
and a symbol.​



Symbols provide a deeper meaning than a sign. Take for example a stop sign. Everyone knows you have to stop. Look at the cross (Christian cross), you can interpret plenty of meaning. The cross is not concrete and people interpret the cross in many ways.

Pick the sentence that avoids redundancy and wordiness.
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks turned the same rosy red flush as his red T-shirt
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt.
When Luther realized his embarrassing mistake, his cheeks began turning the same rosy color as his T-shirt.
When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks turned the same rosy red glow as his red T-shirt.



The second one


The other sentences keep describing the color of his cheeks and shirt and in the second one, it describes his cheeks being flushed, meaning red, and how it's the same color as his shirt.


When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt.


Bewildered is a term used to characterize a set of disconnected words. We can also say that verbiage is a speech without nexus or even an insignificant conversation, speech or talk. On the other hand, redundancy is an unnecessary repetition of ideas, also called vague pleonasm or tautology.

Following this reasoning we can see that only the sentence "When Luther realized his mistake, his cheeks flushed, turning the same color as his T-shirt." is the only option that has neither wordiness nor redundancy.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

An individual drama, such as a Greek drama, consists of several parts. The are the people whose words and actions are represented by actors. The set of lines spoken in the play are called . All the written text

of the play is contained within the .


Characters are those people who are played by actors on stage

Dialogue refers to the speech spoken by two or more people

Screenplay (or script)


Which moral was Aesop most likely teaching in "The Bundle of Sticks"?
-Parents are wise.
-Greed is dangerous.
-Children are disobedient.
-Strength is in unity.​



Strength is in Unity



the last one im pretty sure correct me if im wrong

Which detail from The Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass best supports the inference that he had previously tried to escape from slavery?



One ex-slave who became very important in the abolitionist movement was Frederick Douglass. You will read about his life from his birth in approximately 1818 to the time when his first autobiography Opens in modal popup window was published (1845). By that time, Douglass had earned his freedom, worked for several years, and made an important speech to a white audience.

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was so well written that many people doubted whether the writer had really been a slave. And it was so successful that Douglass had to flee to England to avoid being caught by slave hunters who were chasing him in the North. Eventually, several British friends paid Douglass's former master for Douglass's freedom, and Douglass returned to the United States as a legally free man.

In 1860, Douglass worked for the presidential campaign of Abraham Lincoln. During the Civil War that soon followed, Douglass recruited Union soldiers, including black soldiers, for two regiments in Massachusetts.

Douglass went on to publish two updates to his autobiography later in life—one in 1855 (still pre-Civil War) and another in 1881. He published a newspaper, gave lectures, and spoke out for human rights around the world.

Look at the time line to get an idea of where Frederick Douglass belongs in a historical context. Be sure to click the area between 1845 and 1865 for details about Douglass's role in the years leading up to, and including, the Civil War.


Hope this help

what is falling action? ​



Events leading to the end of the story


Falling Actions

2 Free Market Economy Summary: Imagine you are a business owner. You have a set of goods you sell, make, or produce in some way. Your store can be whatever you like including one that sells goods, one that sells services, or a corporation of some sort. Using what you have learned about the free market economy and reflecting upon the work from earlier this week, summarize how your business would function under each form of economic system. Give examples of what it would look like. Be creative in your narrative as this is supposed to be a fun and creative writing using what you have learned. Traditional: I Free Market: Command: Mixed:​



Note, a free-market economy is an economy that little government control over the supply and demand of most goods and services.

Since we operate under a free market economy, we would have or expect to have competitors who sell similar goods and services as we do. We would expect the prices of goods and services to change based on supply/demand factors. And lastly, as a corporation of some sort, we are going to enjoy the freedom to expand our operations without government restrictions.

Type your response in the box. Reread the poem "Winter-Time C" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Then copy and paste the last two stanzas into the answer field and scan them. Identify the stressed and unstressed syllables as well as the meter. When you scan the stanzas, remember to highlight or bold the stressed syllables and place foot markers in the appropriate spots. Lord's the first stanza of the room ac an cyarople.​



When to | go out, | my nurse | doth wrap

Me in | my com | -forter | and cap;

The cold | wind burns | my face, | and blows

Its frost | -y pep | -per up | my nose.

Black are | my steps | on sil |-ver sod;

Thick blows | my frost |-y breath | abroad;

And tree | and house, | and hill | and lake,

Are frost |-ed like | a wed | -ding-cake.

Have a nice day! Most importantly, don't let your teacher find out.

Answer:Black are | my steps | on sil |-ver sod;

Thick blows | my frost |-y breath | abroad;

And tree | and house, | and hill | and lake,

Are frost |-ed like | a wed | -ding-cake.


What is the significance of the phrase “I don’t see” at the beginning of the poem "Escape"?

It shows that the speaker wants to view herself the way others do.

It shows that the speaker refuses to discover who she really is.

It emphasizes how much the speaker struggles to know herself.

It emphasizes how little the speaker understands about others.


The third one is the answer

The significance of the phrase “I don’t see” at the beginning of the poem "Escape" is it emphasizes how much the speaker struggles to know herself. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

The poem "Escape" written by Elinor Wylie portrays the scene as being about a postal worker who escapes an uncomfortable employment trap. It describes on the emotion she experiences upon hearing the word "escape."

In the poem, the employee is described as comparing social confinement to being tortured. She cannot rebel against tradition and live a free life any more than a prisoner can leave their cell.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Inference, here:



if i was going to express my opinion about this topic it would would mostly about how the US has been treating black people all this years it was not only george floyd who was gun shot they have been mistreating black people and had blamed them for the things they haven't done just because they are black it doesn't mean they are different or they don't deserve to have the humans equality and right the black people should be respected and have all the rights that other people have. my contention would be that keep protesting the safe way because violence is not going to do anything then making worst if we protest with violence and they will make reports saying that they are protesting just because they want to steal and destroy things.



The United States of America have been treating African Americans systemically worse than the general population for years before people woke up after the shooting of George Floyd.  It has been shown in many of the states largest cities, black communities were policied differently, not treated with the same financial funding for education and other social programs that white communties recieved.  With the recent events of George Floyd and countless other victims of police brutality, protests should remain peaceful, respectful and organized. These type of silent protests lead to more respect from both sides whether you agree or not and doesn't distance others who are on the fence of the issue at hand, systemic racism in the United States.


How does this image help the reader to understand seismographs?


Because it shows that measures and records details of earthquakes such as force and duration

Answer: Because it shows that measures and records details of earthquakes such as force and duration.


How many times did your uncle who writes children's fiction......that prize? a) award b) was awarded c) win d) was rewarded​



its win because the other ones dont make sense

He spread his arms wide against the ocean sounds: the rush of the waves, the manic giggles of the gulls, the sighing of the sea breeze against the granite. He put his back to all of Phippsburg – Lord, to the entire continent – till with a shrug he sloughed off its heavy stillness and looked for a way to climb down to the water. –Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, Gary D. Schmidt Which phrase reveals how the character feels about the ocean? ✔ "he spread his arms wide" Which phrase reveals how the character feels about Phippsburg? ✔ "he put his back to all" not a question but heres the answers ^^



"he spreads his arms wide"

"he put his back to all"


According to the excerpt from Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, the phrase that reveals how the character feels about Phippsburg are "he spreads his arms wide" and "he put his back to all".

This shows that the character feels welcome in Phippsburg.


"he spreads his arms wide"

"he put his back to all"


Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used. Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used.


Incomplete question. The Complete question reads;

Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used.

"It is difficult to imagine a time when we did not have cell phones. Many of us rely on our phones throughout the day in order to stay in contact with our business, friends, and families. Whether we like the cell phone or not, it has become an essential part of our society and there is little chance of its use being curtailed in the near future. Even children have begun to carry their own cell phones, not only for emergency and family use but to stay in touch with their friends through the use of text messaging. What are the positive and negative points of allowing a child to carry a cell phone?

There's no doubt that when it's necessary, a cell phone becomes an important tool for a child to use in the event of an emergency. We live in a very difficult and sometimes dangerous world. Having a means of contact with your child at all times through the use of a cell phone could be a matter of their personal safety. Children have used cell phones to contact their parents or officials in the event of a threatening situation and have even used the photo ability of the cell phone to ward off or identify predators. As children grow older, it is also often a good idea to give them a certain degree of relative freedom. Responsible cell phone ownership could provide this for your child.

On the other hand, owning a cell phone can have a lot of negative impact on a child as well. These phones can be a large distraction to them, both within the walls of the school system and outside. It becomes very easy for the child to receive text messages and pictures that the parents may not approve of. Along with that, there are also some health concerns, although unconfirmed, about the dangers of having concentrated cellular waves so close to a developing body on a regular basis. One option that may meld the two together is to have a cell phone for the child that is limited in its capability to send and receive calls. It would only be able to call out to emergency numbers and can only send and receive two pre-established numbers. This would give the parents some peace of mind, knowing that their child has a means to contact them in case of an emergency.

There are several lines of reasoning that may help you to come to a decision of your own. First of all, if you have children this needs to be a personal issue, one that you will decide for the benefit of your children and yourself. You will also have to make sure that the cell phones are used within the guidelines that are established for them in the school system. That's part of being a parent, the responsibility of making decisions for your child within certain guidelines."


1. This student could have used verifiable statistical data that shows, for example, the most popular reason why most parents allow their children to use Cell phones.

2. Also, the student could have narrated the real-life experience of a child who used their cell phone to contact their parents or officials in a threatening situation in other to support the student's view that cell phones are important.

3. The statement of a particular parent who experienced a situation where their child received text messages and pictures that the parents did not approve of could have been included, and this would have provided evidence for such claims.


1. The student could add more positives which then would make the negatives sound less negative and support both sides of this conflict.

2. The student could make this speech a little longer to establish a more understanding speech.

3. The student should not only focus on one or two negatives, he could take a little focus off of the two negatives and add another two.

4. The student can also look at the point of view of the children too. Despite the strong speech, it only looks at the perspective of the child as well.


copy and paste 100%

What name is given to a type of story that involves real people and events from history but focuses on made-up characters?



realistic fiction


uses real people and events but also adds made up characters

How does Canin develop the narrator in this passage



Found this on google, "In this passage, Canin begins to establish the relationship between the narrator of his story, a history teacher, and his student, Sedge wick Bell. ... Student learning is assessed via a Quick Write at the end of the lesson."

Hope this helps, have a great day, have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

Also Happy Halloween! :) :D :3

Selections must be from Unit 1: William Bradford (U1L2), Anne Bradstreet (U1L4), Phillis Wheatley (U1L4), Jonathan Edwards (U1L5), Olaudah Equiano (U1L6), Thomas Paine (U1L7), and Thomas Jefferson (U1L8).

12a. Identify two early American/colonial authors from the list above along with a text/excerpt they wrote. Possible Selections:

Author choice 1 and selection:

Author choice 2 and selection:

12b. What is similar and/or different about each author’s purpose in your two selections above? (Is it to inform, explain, persuade, create, express, reflect, etc.?)

12c. What is similar and/or different about each author’s audience in the two selections above? (Think about who the author is writing to.)

12d. What is similar and/or different about each author’s style in the two selections above? (Think about themes, word choice, tone, form, etc.)



William Bradford.

Anne Bradstreet.


Excerpt written by Willian Bradford, in the poem "A word to New England":

"Oh New England, you can not boast;

Thy former glory thou hast lost.

When H00ker, Winthrop, Cotton died,

And many precious ones beside,

Thy beauty then it did decay,

And still doth languish more away. "

William Bradford was one of the first American writers, being one of the most important in the literary production and in the general history of the country. He was a Puritan, served as governor of the Plymouth colony and is the author of the most important account of English colonists and the difficulties they faced on the new continent.

Excerpt written by Anne Bradstreet, in the poem "Upon a Fit of Sickness":

"Bubble blast, how long can'st last?

That always art a breaking,

No sooner blown, but dead and gone,

Ev'n as a word that's speaking.

The whil'st I live, this grace me give,

I doing good may be,

Then death's arrest I shall count best,

because it's thy decree. "

Anne Bradstreet is recognized as the first poet within the territory where the USA is today. She never went to school, but she learned to read and write with her father who was instrumental in her education and one of the main responsible for her ability. She was also a Puritan, but she was not well regarded by other Puritans for displaying behavior considered wrong for that society, such as a woman writing and showing love for her husband.

As a fictional writer, there are certain milestones you will need to reach for an effective?
A) Character description
B) Introduction
C) Conclusion
D) Plot



D) Plot


The plot is the gist, the point, and part of the theme of the book. And the storyline is how you get from point A to point Z. I.e., the plot is the entire forest, and the storyline, the trees. Both organization and structure come into play here as well, the organization being the roadmap that the structure bolsters up


Teens need adequate deep and REM sleep to rebuild long-term memory for learning, focus attention for driving and maintain health and fight obesity, said Dr. Matthew Edlund, director of the Center for Circadian Medicine and author of “The Power of Rest.” “From a public health standpoint, I look at this and I am scared stiff,” Edlund said. “They’re so connected to their machines that they’re treating themselves as though they don’t need any rest.”



Dr.Matthew Edlund is the director of the center for circadian Medicine and the author of

The Power Of Rest ...

He states....Teens need adequate amount of deep sleep to rebuild long term memory for learning and to maintain good health and fight obesity.

The above mentioned person fears the fact that the teens now spend their time in playing video games and are so attached to their gadgets / electronics that they don't rest and act as though their bodies don't nees any rest .

He means that teens are so immersed in these things that they don't sleep.

Hope you understood.

PLS HELP MEH ! Are a characters feelings the same as the tone of a story? Explain why or why not, and give an example.


yes, because it helps the reader have a better feel and bettering imagination for the story




The letters are uppercase which implies that the character is screaming. The punctuation at the end is an exclamation point which emphasizes the statement.

Why does Hitchcock call the art of suspense in his movies “letting the audience play God”? Analyze the meaning of the metaphor as Hitchcock intends it, referring to examples in the text.



he explains the ingredients for suspense in movies. The main ingredient is to 'let the audience play God', and by that he means that the audience knows all the secrets that the characters do not. ... In doing so, the audience knows the fate facing the characters.

I got a comment saying "it must be in english/spanish" does that mean one of them or both ?



one of them


One of them because its given you a choice to pick either of the two

How can self-talk be useful? How can it be harmful? How might the way you talk to yourself impact your life?



It can be useful to help motivate you

It can be harmful because it can cause you to believe something about yourself that isn't even close to being true ex: I'm the ugliest girl in the world.


What is Merriton going to investigate?

a. downstairs in his house to see what a noise is

b. outside to the edges of the marsh to look at the strange stars

C. throughout his house to see what his butler is doing

d. outside to see what flickering flames are near the marsh


Answer: d. outside to see what flickering flames are near the marsh

Explanation: Merriton was going to investigate flames that were flickering outside near the marsh just like a signal fire would do. Watching the flames for a good twenty minutes made him nervous and informed his decision to go see what was causing it.

3. Which word best describes the author's overall tone toward women in this text? A bitter OB depressing C flippant D matter-of-fact

( advice to the newly married lady) ​



D. Matter of fact


The matter-of-fact word best describes the author's overall tone toward women in this text. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is author's?

The writer of the story is referred to as the "author." The author is currently working on getting her manuscript published. The author is expected to compose the story based on her understanding. The author writes the articles entirely for financial gain. The author's primary body of work is in English literature.

Do they, in matter-of-fact, introduce a remark that expands on what was just said, or an explanation of it, or anything that contradicts. Something that is true as opposed to opinion or supposition. The intention was to provide medical advice to disadvantaged rural women who did not have access to a doctor.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on author's, here;


Read the excerpt from “Broken Chain.”

“Come on, man, let me use it,” Alfonso pleaded. “Please, Ernie, I’ll do anything.”

Although Ernie could see Alfonso’s desperation, he had plans with his friend Raymundo. They were going to catch frogs at the Mayfair canal. He felt sorry for his brother and gave him a stick of gum to make him feel better, but there was nothing he could do. The canal was three miles away, and the frogs were waiting.

Which message does Gary Soto want readers to take away?

Small gifts have great influence.
Achieving one's goals is unrealistic.
Friendship is something that everyone should value.
People place their own needs above those of others.



People place their own needs above others


Answer: Small gifts have great influence

Explanation: In the text is states " He had plans with his friend Raymundo "

I can infer that he didn't want to cancel his plans so instead he gave him some gum to lighten him up

Hope this helps, and good luck ^^

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