carried by ticks and transmitted through bite of an infected tick


Answer 1

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a type of bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacteria is carried by ticks and transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. It is most commonly spread by the black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick.

When a tick carrying the bacteria bites a person, the bacteria is able to enter the body through the person’s skin. If left untreated, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body and cause a wide range of symptoms, including fever, fatigue, joint pain, and a characteristic circular rash.

In some cases, Lyme disease can cause more serious complications, including neurological problems and joint inflammation. Treatment for Lyme disease typically involves antibiotics, although it can be difficult to diagnose in its early stages.

Learn more about Lyme disease visit:


Answer 2

Several diseases like lyme disease, mounted spotted fever and tularemia are carried by ticks and transmitted through the bite of an infected tick.

Ticks are considered to be a transmitting agent for several diseases like lyme disease, mountain spotted fever and tularemia if a person is bit by one of the infected tick then the person is supposed to be get infected by the disease. The bacteria which give rise to these diseases considers the it takes to be an ideal host for their nourishment.

Some of the many common symptoms of these typical disease are fever headache fatigue and sometimes the skin rashes are also observed.

To know more about Lyme disease, visit,


Related Questions

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition a system in which non-english speaking students are taught in their native language.


A system in which non-english speaking students are taught in their native language is called as bilingual education.

The term "bilingual education" describes the teaching of academic material in two languages, a student's native language and a second language. Depending on the model's end purpose, different amounts of each language are used.

The employment of many program models is possible in bilingual education. The goal of English Language Learners (ELL) programs historically has been to aid pupils in making the switch from their native tongue to English.

When a kid first enrolls in school, their home language may be used in part or entirely; but, later on, only the school language is used. This is known as transitional bilingual education. The aim of transitional bilingual education is to swiftly move pupils into English-only settings. Bilingual education for early exit is another name for this.

Learn more about bilingual education here:


To save themselves from their enemies, many animals remain -immobile- and blend in with their surroundings so their enemies cannot see them.

What is the meaning of immobile?
not moving
fast moving
rarely moving
slow moving



A. not moving

I think A. Not moving
I hope this helps
I hope u have a good afternoon!

10. How did Katherine succeed at NASA despite the discrimination she faced as a Black
woman? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


The use of geometry in space flight has been studied by Katherine. NASA put Katherine's calculations to use, and it worked! Astronauts were sent into Earth orbit by NASA.

What was one of Katherine Johnson's greatest achievements with NASA?

One of Johnson's numerous significant technical contributions to NASA spaceflight missions was the trajectory of astronaut Alan Shepard's historic 1961 journey, which saw Shepard become the first American in space.

What impact did Katherine Johnson have on black history?

An African American lady who worked for NASA contributed to the lunar missions and helped place an astronaut in orbit around the Earth. The first manned flight was largely dependent on Katherine Johnson's calculations of orbital paths.

To know more about NASA visit:          


Which alliterative phrase from the poem creates a peaceful mood?


“About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,”
“About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,”

“And the sabbath rang slowly”
“And the sabbath rang slowly”

“Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,”
“Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,”

“And nightly under the simple stars”
“And nightly under the simple stars”



“And nightly under the simple stars” is the alliterative phrase from the poem that creates a peaceful mood. therefore D is correct.

What is the alliterative phrase?

Alliteration, which translates from Latin as "letters of the alphabet," is a literary device. When two or more words with the same initial consonant sound are combined, as in "fish fry," it happens. The following statement uses alliteration: Peter Piper gathered a peck of pickled peppers.

Since not all neighboring words that share initial consonants are alliterative, the sound, not the letter, is the most crucial component of alliteration meaning. "Thirty typists" is not an example of alliteration since the sounds of the letters "th" and "ty" are different.

Words that start with vowels or vowel sounds are included in some definitions of alliteration, although others claim that alliterative words can only start with consonants. These definitions sometimes refer to nearby words that share vowel sounds as having "assonance."

To read more about the alliterative phrase, refer to -


I read an interesting story about a beast as savage as a tiger that lived in a forest. People who lived near the forest were afraid of the beast because of its scary appearance and actions. One day, a young girl was playing her guitar near the woods when the beast came by. Rather than attack, the beast laid down peacefully and listened. The beast was not so savage after all.

What is the meaning of as savage as a tiger as it is used in the paragraph? A. fierce
B. mysterious
d. huge

help pleaseeeeeee!



its either b or d


if it was cruel or fierce it would have devoured her immediately

Watching Janelle ice skate for the first time was like watching a newborn calf take its first steps. Which word best explains how the simile describes Janelle?

hurry i need help



they are both trying new things , both of these have there first time, both taking new steps



Whoever was watching Janelle thinks watching her makes her look like baby calf taking its first steps.

Changes in incentives Suppose that an increasing number of traffic collisions observed on state roads lead the governor to implement the rule that all registered vehicles must be equipped with front and side airbags. These airbags reduce the probability of serious injury in a motor vehicle collision by 62%. The new airbags (Increase/decrease) the probability that a driver will be injured in a traffic collision, but also give motorists an incentive to drive more (Increase/decrease), which could potentially (Increase/decrease) the number of car accidents that occur on state roads.


The likelihood that a motorist may sustain injuries in a traffic accident is reduced by the new airbags. But also encourage drivers to drive more, which may lead to an increase in the frequency of collisions on public roadways.

Vehicles with airbags fitted can better protect its occupants in the case of an accident. In the case of a collision, they are normally placed in the front and sides of the car and are made to deploy rapidly. The airbags are activated in the event of an accident by the airbag control module after sensors in the car recognise the hit. The bags quickly expand, cushioning the passengers and assisting in lowering the force of impact. In order to offer the most protection for car occupants in the case of an accident, airbags are made to function in concert with other safety equipment like seat belts and crumple zones.

learn more about airbags here:


what is sweeter than honey and stronger than a lion?


Samson was known as sweeter than honey and stronger than a lion.

God anointed Samson, a Dan tribe member and the son of Manoah. Most of us are familiar with Samson's tale. Samson demonstrates power in ways that most men are unable to, only to be defeated by the woman he loved, Delilah. He has a tremendously poor reputation.

We use Samson as an example to berate haughtiness and decry vanity. Samson had a natural ability to be strong. We all remember Samson as the fool who paid for it. Even though Samson's life has received a lot of criticism, Hebrews 11:32 lists Samson as one of the elders who, through faith, had attained the recompense.

To learn more about the Bible:


How would you explain the connection of afterlife to media and information.literacy?


The connection of afterlife to media and information literacy is that media and information can shape our beliefs and understanding of what happens after death.

How to explain the connection?

For example, certain religious texts or media may depict a certain version of an afterlife, which can influence an individual's understanding and belief in it. Additionally, media can also play a role in spreading information about near-death experiences or other afterlife-related topics, which can impact how people think about and approach the concept of afterlife.

Therefore, media and information literacy, which involves critically evaluating and understanding the information that is presented to us, is important in understanding and navigating beliefs and ideas about the afterlife.

Learn more about information literacy on:


Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating. " She [Ferguson] bought honey wheat bread, not realizing that at her age she needed much more fiber. She was unaware of her carb intake. And she had no idea that on weekends, when she was completing chores and running errands, forgetting to eat was causing problems. "I'd just eat once a day, but then my body would go into starvation mode," she said. So she developed a meal plan and discovered an app for her phone, My Fitness Pal, that she can set to remind her when to eat and what to eat. She can also scan food to determine whether she's met her daily need. "So after I have breakfast and lunch, and if I've had too many carbs, by dinner I know I have to cut back," she said. How does the author support her argument that people can become healthier by making small changes?


The author supports her argument that people can become healthier by making small changes by citing the example of Ferguson, who improved her health by making small changes to her diet.

Ferguson realized she needed more fiber in her diet and became more conscious of her carb intake, according to the author.

She also used an app called My Fitness Pal to remind herself to eat regularly, which helped her avoid going into starvation mode.

She could also determine whether she had met her daily needs by scanning her food and making adjustments accordingly.

Using this specific example, the author demonstrates how small changes such as becoming more aware of one's dietary needs and using tools such as apps can have a significant impact on one's health.

The author also implies that by paying attention to their eating habits and being mindful of their food intake, people can improve their health.

To know more about Healthy Eating,


In the vignette "mango says goodbye sometimes," what does esperanza do that allows mango to set her free?


Esperanza is aware that one day she will leave Mango Street with her books and paper because she is too powerful to be imprisoned there indefinitely. That what she does to allow mango to set her free.

Esperanza explains that she enjoys telling herself stories. She tells tales about wearing her "sad brown shoes" while walking. She begins by stating that she will be telling the story of a "girl who didn't want to belong," before repeating the first chapter's passages about the other streets she has lived on. The house on Mango Street is the one she remembers most. She claims that writing about the house gives her a small amount of freedom. Esperanza is aware that one day she will leave Mango Street with her books and paper because she is too powerful to be imprisoned there indefinitely.

But she is aware that even as she departs, she will undoubtedly return in search of the "left behind," or those who lack the strength to flee on their own.

Learn more about The house on Mango Street here:


How does the order of events create tension or surprise in the passage?

by placing King Richard's speech to his army after Norfolk shares the warning note
by waiting until King Richard is ready for battle to learn of Lord Stanley's betrayal
by making King Richard wait until after the battle to kill Lord Stanley's son
by having King Richard describe his battle plans to Ratcliff and Norfolk


The order of events create tension or surprise in the passage by waiting until King Richard is ready for battle to learn of Lord Stanley's betrayal.

What is passage?

Passage is a term used in literature to refer to a section of a written work, such as a novel, poem, story, or essay. It is typically composed of a series of sentences or paragraphs that form a distinct unit of thought. Passages are often used to convey a certain theme or idea, and they can help to break up a piece of writing into more manageable chunks. Passages can also be used to highlight a particular topic, point, or idea. Passages are often composed of descriptive language, dialogues, and other literary devices in order to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. Passages can also be used to provide background information or to illustrate a particular situation. Passages can be of any length, from a single sentence to a few paragraphs.

To learn more about passage



B. by waiting until King Richard is ready for battle to learn of Lord Stanley's betrayal.

Hope this helps!


Read each quotation, and determine which literary device is used. "the waves beside them danced; but they / out-did the sparkling waves in glee" "she walks in beauty, like the night"


The sentence, "the waves beside them danced; but they / out-did the sparkling waves in glee" "she walks in beauty, like the night" used Anthropomorphism as the literary device.

The phrase "literary device" refers to all of the tactics, styles, and strategies that an author use to improve their work. Humankind has gathered quite a few of these writing methods over millennia of literature in hundreds of different languages, and they continue to change.

Anthropomorphism occurs when non-human entities, such as animals or objects, show human characteristics such as speech, ideas, complicated emotions, and, in rare cases, even wearing clothes and standing upright.

While most fairy tales involve animals that act like people, the Beauty and the Beast films anthropomorphize everyday things such as talking clocks and singing teapots.

A literary device is anything that can transform dull or flavorless writing into rich, fascinating literature!

Learn more about Anthropomorphism here


Correct the text by inserting a comma

I wonder Mona if you've thought through the implications of your actions.


I wonder Mona, if you've thought through thr implications of your actions

To study is a good habit of a student.






NOUN am sure


give me brainlist please

Question 3
The writer of Revelation is describing to his readers what he saw in


In Revelation, the author shares his Christian beliefs and visions from the Bible with his audience.

Why did he write the Book of Revelation, and what comfort does he provide his readers?

To what end was the Book of Revelation written? Which guarantees does he provide to his readers? The goal was to uplift Christians suffering because of their faith in Jesus. He gives his readers the assurance that Christ will one day give them a place in paradise as a reward for their faith in him.

When God reveals something to you, what does it entail?

By way of revelation, God reveals Himself to humanity. It has a wide variety of possible causes. Moses and Joseph Smith are only two examples of prophets who had direct conversations with the Creator. For others, angels have communicated with them on a personal level.

To learn more about Revelation, visit:


how is mrs. mallard's character developed? do you see examples of exposition, where the narrator simply tells us information about the protagonist? in addition, does chopin portray particular emotional responses, thoughts, and actions to reveal mrs. mallard's character? if so, how so? how does she employ point of view in this story?


Early in the story, the narrator tells the audience that Mrs. Mallard, the protagonist, suffers from heart issues.

The narrator reveals to the audience early on in the story that Mrs. Mallard, the protagonist, has heart problems. The narrator claims that Richards is her friend and Josephine is her sister. One way that Chopin revealed Ms. Mallard's personality was in how she handled losing her husband. Mrs. Mallard started to cry, but she realized she would finally be able to appreciate her independence when she went back to her room. "Free!"

Mrs. Mallard cries out. "I feel liberated in body and spirit!" After learning the news, her thoughts were all over the place. She was ecstatic but also worried about what was going to happen. The point of view in this story is not seen through the eyes of any specific character. Since there is a narrator who describes what is happening and how Mrs. Mallard feels or thinks, I think it is written in the third person.

To know more about Exposition, refer to this link:


You are the secretary of the scripture union in your school “Write out the minutes of the third meeting you held last week.


We can see here that as the secretary of the scripture union, here is a guide to help you write the minutes of the last meeting:

Begin with a summary of the last minute.Then continue with stating the person that handled the opening prayer.Then note down the names of people that contributed and what they actually contributed during the course of the meeting.

Who is a secretary?

A secretary is a professional who performs administrative tasks such as typing, filing, answering phones, scheduling appointments, and maintaining records. They also often serve as the primary point of contact for visitors, customers, and other external contacts.

Secretary work as personal assistants to executives and managers, and they also work in various organizations and industries such as law firms, schools, and government agencies. They are responsible for keeping the office running smoothly and efficiently by handling a variety of tasks, including scheduling meetings, making travel arrangements, and keeping track of important documents.

We see that the above ideas on writing a meeting's minutes will go a long way to help any secretary.

Learn more about secretary on


25. When I saw Mr Mesfin, I realized that he_________ much in all those years.
A) didn't change
B) was not changed
C) hadn't changed
D) not changed​



C) When I saw Mr Mesfin, I realized that he hadn't changed much in all those years.


Hope it helps! =D

What is the rhyme scheme of "A Psalm of Life"?



The poem adheres to a strict ABAB rhyme scheme throughout each stanza.




THINK QUESTIONS According to the author, how do scientists typically refer to Henrietta Lacks? Cite details from the text to support your response.​





what parallels do you see between the story king nestor tells about agamemnon, clytemnestra, and orestes and the current dilemma faced by odysseus, penelope, and telemachus? why does nestor tell the story? of what use is this information to telemachus? what, if anything, does it signal to the reader?


Telemachus' task is similar to Orestes': he must expel the invaders who have occupied his father's home in order to exact revenge on his father. Nestor deduces that Telemachus should be careful not to leave his house unattended for an extended period of time lest he return to find it stolen from him from the tale of Agamemnon's demise.

According to Greek mythology, Clytemnestra was the wife of Agamemnon, the general of the Greek armies in the Trojan War and the daughter of Leda and Tyndareus. While Agamemnon was in war, she took Aegisthus as her lover. Agamemnon was killed by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus after his homecoming.

To know more about Clytemnestra click here:


How many words can be taught in depth per week in the primary grades?


The concept here is Primary grades, which describes the Kindergarten to Grade 3 years in elementary school. The answer is, 8-10 words per week.

In primary school, about 8-10 words per week can be taught in depth. Other words must be learned informally through speaking, listening, and reading texts.

The term primary level describes the years from kindergarten to the 3rd grade of primary school. ; it is not a separate or add-on program. During this learning phase, children grow and develop rapidly.

Elementary or primary education includes grades 1 through 4-7, depending on the state and school district policies. Middle schools serve preschool children and young teens in grades 5 through 9, with the majority attending grades 6 through 8.

To know more about Primary grades,


The full receiving and return address, including names, along with the highest classification level and dissemination markings are required to be on the outer layer of classified documents double wrapped for mailing.
True or False


It is true that the full receiving and return address, including names, along with the highest classification level and dissemination markings are required to be on the outer layer of classified documents double wrapped for mailing.

Document formatting refers to how the document appears on the page, such as choosing fonts, font sizes, appearance (such as bold or italic), spacing, margins, alignment, columns, indents, lists, etc. .

Documentation style is the preferred method of citing sources read, summarized, or used in citations by the author of the paper. Complete receiving and return addresses, including names, must be on the outer layer of classification information double-bagged for shipment, along with the highest classification level and distribution tag is a correct format that is mentioned in the statement, so, it is true.

To know more about writing, visit,


Then I urged them to cut and run, set sail,
but would they listen? Not those mutinous fools;
there was too much wine to swill, too many sheep to
down along the beach, and shambling longhorn cattle.
And all the while the Cicones sought out other Cicones,
called for help from their neighbors living inland.
Which sentence states implicit information
can learn from the passage?
• A. Odysseus's men were carelessly greedy.
• B. The Cicones called for reinforcements to help them battle
• C. Odysseus's men did not listen to his orders.
© D. Odysseus ordered his men 2O sail away from the Cicones.


The sentence that conveys the implicit understanding we can deduce from the passage is A. Odysseus' men were recklessly greedy.

What does the passage attempt to convey?

The provided extract reveals that the speaker ordered his soldiers to leave the area where they were, but that they disregarded his orders.

Because the men were so avaricious, they stayed to take everything they could. The language of the passage implies the same. The English language and literature are used in a wonderful way.

The passage's subject is what the author is writing about. For instance, "pirates versus ninjas" is one theme. The argument of a passage, which is also frequently referred to as the major assertion or the thesis, expresses the author's perspective on the subject.

To know more about Odysessus visit:


Which of the following are true of epic similes? Select all that apply.

Use "like" or "as" to compare two things.
Are also known as Homeric similes.
Extend over several lines of the poem.
Are only used to describe gods and goddesses.
Are used frequently by Homer in The Odyssey.


True of epic similes are - Are used frequently by Homer in The Odyssey.

What do Homeric and epic similes mean?

Epic similes, also known as Homeric similes, are lengthy metaphors that frequently span multiple lines and are typically utilized in epic poetry to accentuate the heroism of the subject and add decorative elements.

In this magnificent simile, what two things are being compared?

1535–1539, Odysseus' Revenge In this magnificent simile, what two things are being compared? Odysseus likens the mass of the dead and dying suitors to a mass of fish that have just been plucked from the water and are fighting for their very existence.

A Homeric (or epic) simile is a complex contrast between two things that are weird or new to the audience and something that is more familiar to them. As an illustration, Homer says that the Cyclops devouring the men is similar to a "mountain lion devouring its prey, bones and all."

To know more about epic poems visit:


Which is the best statement to include in the conclusion of your compare-and-contrast essay about email and the telephone?

For business use in which a record of the communication is essential, email wins, but for friendly communication, you still cannot beat the telephone.

The choice is up to you; send an email, or dial a number.

I only check my email every couple of days, so if you want to reach me, give me a call, because I will answer and be ready to talk right away.


Answer: I think A

Explanation: just a guess

Talking about coursework with friends does not count as proactive communication. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. True or False


It is untrue that discussing homework with friends does not qualify as proactive communication.

A customer relationship lifecycle technique used to boost client loyalty is proactive messaging. It is associated with the concept of proactivity in organizational psychology, which contends that people should act proactively rather than reactively. Businesses may establish a pleasant customer experience and increase repeat business by taking the time to listen to their consumers, responding immediately, and offering useful answers.

Proactive communication will also help you organize your customer service resources, which will increase your efficiency because problems are frequently a lot easier to resolve when addressed before they become critical. This translates to a happier and more productive staff.

To know more about Proactive communication, refer to this link:


Who said it ? :From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife (Prologue)



The chorus in Romeo and Juliet

Narrative Perspective 1

Directions: Read the following passages and determine the narrative perspective, then

explain how you were able to identify the point of view,


1. The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum

The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with

them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very

kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way

in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that

he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not

mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire,

as he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up (49)

Narrative Perspective:

How do you know?


L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz The Scarecrow packed Dorothy's basket with nuts after discovering a tree full of them so she wouldn't be hungry for a while.

She felt the Scarecrow was being extremely kind and nice by doing this, but she couldn't help but laugh loudly at the clumsy manner the poor thing was picking up the nuts.

He dropped nearly as many as he placed in the basket because his padded hands were so clumsy. Although it took him a while to fill the basket, the Scarecrow was okay with it since it allowed him to stay away from the fire because he was afraid a spark may catch in his straw and burn him (49):

Third-person omniscient perspective is the narrative perspective.

This is narrative writing in which the narrator stands on the periphery of the action. The characters don't know anything, but the narrator does. It almost feels like God is telling the story or that you are a fly on the wall.

To know more about the Narrative perspective, visit:


The narrative perspective is third-person omniscient. In this type of narrative writing, the narrator observes the action from a distance. The narrator is aware of information that the characters are unaware of.

The Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum After finding a tree full of nuts, The Scarecrow filled Dorothy's basket with them so she wouldn't go hungry for a while.

She thought the Scarecrow was being quite lovely and kind by doing this, but she couldn't help but laugh out loud at how awkwardly the poor thing was scooping up the nuts.

His padded hands were so clumsy, he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. The Scarecrow was content with the time it took to fill the basket since it allowed him to keep away from the fire because he was scared a spark may catch in his straw and burn him (49).

To learn more about  narrative perspective here:


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A dot plot shows the number of pizza sold at a local restaurant each day one week. One Columbia of dots on the plot is much taller than the others explain what that means in the context of the data and of percents the time between changes, when ideas and beliefs are adapting to new material conditions Fill in the blank: a business decides what kind of data it needs, how the data will be managed, and who will be responsible for it during the stage of the data life cycle. 1 point - manage - analyze - plan - capture native americans were forced to move to indian territory, many cherokee died on the journey.T/F A(n) ________ is a list of questions developed by a researcher that can be administered in paper form. Name TWO things chemical and nuclear reactions have IN COMMON/SHARE. now it's time to consider the heart! we know by now that the first cavity is ventral. and we also know that the second cavity is thoracic. but, what's tricky here is that the pericardial cavity is actually within the mediastinum! so, finish the following: which of the four perceptions of the health belief model ties individual health choices to whether the person thinks he or she is at risk for a problem? Someone help please I dont get it you work at a computer repair store. you have just upgraded the processor (cpu) in a customer's windows-based computer. the customer purchased the latest amd ryzen processor, and you installed it in the computer. but when you power the computer on, you only see a blank screen. which of the following is most likely causing the computer to display the blank screen? (select two.) What can the government do to regulate cryptocurrency? Pls help me find the answer to this I could figure it out What is the mass of O2 needed when 8.75 * 10^70 molecules of CH4 combust to form CO2? a child is crying when the nurse enters the examination room. what response should the nurse make in order to minimize the child's distress related to the physical examination? a line with slope 3 is 2 units away from the origin. find the area of the triangle formed by this line and the coordinate axes. 6. A parabola has focus (-1, 6) and directrix y = 4. Determine whether each point onthe list is on this parabola. Explain your reasoning.a. (-1,5)b. (1,7)c. (3,9) Why does Frederick Douglass choose not to write all the details of his escape in his narrative? Why does he specifically criticize the Underground Railroad? The ______ tax rate is the percentage of the last dollar you earned that must be paid in taxes.Multiple ChoiceA. residualB. totalC. standardD. averageE. marginal Sandra measures the diameter of a hula hoop as 0. 7 m. Write and solve an equation to determine the radius of the hula hoop. the civil rights organization that was made up mainly of religious leaders and older adults, was known for nonviolent protests, and its leader, dr. martin luther king, jr. T/F