Caught by a Tree
from Chatterbox 1906

A natural history student was one afternoon, during a prolonged drought, hunting for ferns in a dense wood. Towards evening, it grew suddenly dark, and a few drops of rain gave warning that a storm was coming. At that moment, the student's eye fell upon a big, hollow tree-trunk on the ground.
Striking a match, the man peered within, and saw, as he thought, a convenient place of shelter. With feet foremost and arms pressed closely to his side, he wormed himself into the log.
Presently the rain came down in torrents, and the student congratulated himself on having found so snug a shelter.
Fatigued with his long tramp, he fell asleep. How long he slept he did not know, but by-and-by he was awakened by a sharp pain in his head, and a feeling of cramp in his whole body. The rain was still falling, the darkness was intense. The bodily discomfort was, of course, due to the man's cramped position; the pain in his head was caused by a continual drip of water from above on to his forehead.
He drew his head back out of the way of the drops, and, in spite of his uncomfortable position, actually fell asleep again! But the next time he awoke, the pain in his head was intolerable. It seemed impossible to get out of reach of those maddening drops, and "wherever they fell," says the student, "they seemed like a sharp iron boring into the skull."
But the worst was yet to come. When the poor fellow tried to crawl out of the log, he was unable to do so! The opening by which he had so foolishly entered had been only just large enough to admit his body, and the wood, shrunken by the long drought, had in the rain swelled to such an extent that he was now caught, as he says, "like a rat in a trap."
Throughout the night the wretched victim shrieked, struggled, pushed, kicked, and wriggled in vain. He could not raise his hands to tear at the wood.
Happily, he was discovered the next morning through the good services of a rescue dog, which led a search-party to the spot.

Select all the correct answers.
In what two ways does the setting influence the plot of the story?
The setting adds an element of danger and suspense.
The setting adds to the urgency of the search-party that is looking for the lost student.
The setting creates the events that allow the dog to find the student trapped in the tree trunk.
The setting creates the circumstances that lead to the student taking shelter in the tree trunk.
The setting reveals the many hardships in the life of the student.


Answer 1


There is two answers:

*The setting creates the circumstances that lead to the sunlight taking shelter in the tree trunk

*The setting adds an element of danger and suspense



Answer 2


The setting creates the circumstances that lead to the student taking shelter in the tree trunk, and The setting adds an element of danger and suspense.


I did it on study island and got right. pls mark brainliest

Related Questions

Main Idea

Read each paragraph and choose the main idea.

Sandy sings in the church choir. She sings a solo every week.Everyone looks forward to hearing her sing. Last Sunday Mrs Smith said Sandy has the voice of an angel" we all agreed with her. I think she will be famous one day.


The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.The church has a choir

b.sandy goes to church

c.sandy is a great singer

d.Sandy song a solo each week


Tommy ran down the street chasing his dog. "Bobby! Bobby!" he yelled. He knew he should have checked the gate before letting Bobby into the back yard. His mother has told him a hundred times. How had he forgotten?If he had closed it,Bobby would still be in the  backyard

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Bobby ran away,

b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

c.Tommy was forgetful

d.Tommy's mother was bossy.

Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field and waited. She didn't like waiting alone. All of the other kids had been picked up by their parents. Where was her mother? Suddenly, her mother came running to her, "Oh Joy,I'm so sorry. Next time I will make myself a note"

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

b.Joy hated sitting alone.

c.Joy plays baseball.

d.Joy's mother writes notes.

I went to the ice cream shop and ate a huge sundoe. When I got home, supper was ready, Mom had cooked my favorite meal, No matter how I tried, I couldn't make myself eat.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.I like ice cream.

b.Mom is a good cook.

c.I was too full to eat supper

d.I was sick.



1. c.sandy is a great singer

2.b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

3.a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

4. c.I was too full to eat supper


1. This passage is describing Sandy as a great singer and why she is a great singer. She sings in a church choir and she sings solo every week. Everyone thinks that she is a great singer and that she was the voice of an angel. They are describing her as someone who is successful and they are believing that she will be famous one day.

C) is the correct answer and other answers are not correct because they are considered as details that are leading her to the reputation of a great singer.

2. This passage is telling the readers that Tommy forgot to do an important thing which is closing the gate because of his dog. It is the main idea of the passage because in it we can see that his mother told him a hundred times to close it but he forgot. The central idea of the text is that he forgot to close the gate and his dog escaped.

3. The main idea of this paragraph is that Joy's mother forgot to pick her up and because of that Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field waiting for her mother. Her mother is sorry that she forgot to pick her up and she told her that next time she will make her a note so she does not forget.

4. The main idea of this paragraph is that the person had eaten a huge sundae in an Ice Cream shop and because of that he was not able to eat his favorite meal that his mother had cooked. He tried but he was already full and that is why he could not do it. Other answers are incorrect because they are not mentioned in the passage.

Paragraph about comparison and contrast,


comparison- is when two things are alike
contrast- is when they’re not the same they’re different

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How does the POV help show the relationship between Ponyboy and Darry? What does the reader understand that Ponyboy does not?
In ch. 2, Ponyboy and Cherry are in line for popcorn, what perspective is Hinton trying to show when she writes, “you don’t see a kid grease and a Socy cheerleader together often”?
3. “Things gotta get better, I figured. They couldn’t get worse. I was wrong.” Chapter 3 ends with this



she trying to show ponys perspective because gresers and soces don't really hang together


The following passage appears in an online article. Paraphrase the information for your research report about DNA
Scientists believe some day farmers will grow plants with black leaves. These leaves would be able to change sunlight into energy. F. Dyson, a genetics expert,
claims. "This would help reduce poverty in rural parts of the world because farmers could grow black plants and sell them at a healthy profit. He also sees a day
when termites will eat rusty metal and trees will produce liquid fuel "The secret lies in DNA says Dyson



Dyson believes that altering DNA may change the course of the world. If a specific gene is adjusted in a species, the offspring of said species will change to correlate with the mutation. This eventually transforms the species as a whole into something it originally wasn't at the beginning of its existence.




This quote does not seem outdated to me. To this day, Americans still value and are very representative of their freedom. This has been repetitively shown through many civil rights movements which are all about social equality. These include rights for African Americans, LGBTQs, other social groups, as well as constitutional rights. Still up to the present, we have been given the freedom to express what we believe in.


This quote in fact is not outdated. It in fact does still apply to the United States today. Many different social backgrounds have all came and succeeded. Like Asians, African Americans, LGBTQ, etc. All created their own businesses or joined other businesses to make money and do whatever, they pleased. Like for example, lets take Former President Obama. He was African American where the U.S. hated before and now respect. He was African American a totally different skin than white (I'm Asian btw please don't report me for being racist) and yet he somehow still succeeded into becoming the most powerful man in almost the entire world for 8 entire years just because, the American people liked him.


Why do the nuns "congratulate“ the girls on learning to ride bicycles? *

Pls help if u read the story st Lucy txt



The nuns see riding a bicycle as part of “being human” (p. 238). ... Once the girls learn to “be human,” they will “never forget,” just as once they learn to ride a bicycle they will never forget: “Being human is like riding this bicycle.

Which answer choice is the best revision of the nonstandard sentence shown
We coulda, I dunno, gone to
the store before we got home.

A. I dunno, we could've gone to the store.
We could of, I don't know, gone to the store before we got home.
We could have gone to the store before we got home.
I don't know, we could of gone to the store before we got home.



d.  I don't know, we could have gone to the store before we got home.


Answer: I don't know when we will see each other again.


You chopped your hair (like really short) and you hate it ; you worry what others will think. What kind of conflict is this and why? ( man vs self man vs man man vs society man vs nature)



man vs. Society I think



Man vs Society


Because its you versus your perception of what others will think

Rifkin calls his essay “A Change of Heart about Animals.”



Okay? What do you need to know?


Name a movie, book, or TV show you're familiar with. Next, identify a theme that is explored in that work and tell how that theme was communicated.



Harry potter


Harry Potter is a popular book and movies and the theme connects to fantasy

The phrase “soaked in the beauty ” shows that Elder Brother —



The Elder Brother is really handsome


Because soaked in beauty means your really pretty or handsome like you were born with beauty.

Which best states the central idea of the passage?



I personally believe that the answer is D.


It explains how they have many event and celebrations, along with hosting the Olympic games and the World Cup Soccer Tournament.

Hope this helps!


D I think

Explanation: because the cental idea should be short sweet and too the point

DIRECTIONS: Read the selection, and answer the following questions.

The Tropics in New York
Claude McKay

Bananas ripe and green, and ginger-root,
Cocoa in pods and alligator pears,°
And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit,
Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs,

5 Set in the window, bringing memories
Of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills,
And dewy dawns, and mystical blue skies
In benediction° over nun-like hills.

My eyes grew dim, and I could no more gaze;
10 A wave of longing through my body swept,
And, hungry for the old, familiar ways,
I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.

2. alligator pears: avocados, tropical fruits. All the foods mentioned in this stanza grow in Jamaica, the Caribbean island where the poet was born.
6. rills: streams; brooks.
8. benediction: blessing.

The title of the poem, “The Tropics in New York,” is ironic because —
it is a very unusual title for a poem
sometimes it gets extremely hot in New York
we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York
the weather is a lot nicer in the tropics



The title of the poem is ironic because C) we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York.


The title is oxymoron because as we know tropics never grew in New York and never will.

The whole extract in the scribbler's dream written by Lawrence darmani symbolizes the need for



"The scribbler's dream" written by Lawrence darmani symbolizes the need to express oneself through writing.


In "The scribbler's dream" the poet reflects on a dream that is stuck in the scribbler's mind and needs to be expressed through writing. The dream needs to be told, filling pages and pages until filling the voids on the shelves. However, the poet shows how the scribbler lost his practice and sensitivity in writing, making the pen heavy in his hands, but the need to write remains alive and crying out for it to be quenched.

Reading Informational Text Unit Test In one to two sentences, identify a text that you have read recently that falls into the category of narrative nonfiction. Which characteristics of the text tell you that it is an example of narrative nonfiction? FIRST ANSWER GETS A BRANILY



One text which falls neatly into the category of narrative nonfiction genre is

Thirteen Days  by Robert F. Kennedy.


The following qualities give off the above text as narrative nonfiction:Besides having a theme, it features the use of multiple literary devices like metaphors and imageries. For example, see the following excerpt:

"Now, as the representatives of the CIA explained the U-2 photographs that morning, . . . we  realized that it had all been lies, one gigantic fabric of lies."

It also features well-developed characters . It cuts across as a novel, rather than a compendium of historical factsthe writing style features a very engaging dialogue. There is a clear narrative which the scenes follow


Was Mawi's father was a good dancer? In of beetles and angles



false ig


True I think it’suhggvggc

Which of these is an example of drawing conclusions?
What do you think are some of the greatest dangers of a tsunami?
Have you ever been in a place where a tsunami took place?
Can you imagine what the people must have done when they realized what was happening?
both a and b





Because A and B both cause you to think about what would happen. Since someone could easily answer C. but A and B causes you to think about it more.

write an informal letter to your teacher telling her how you spend your Dussehra holidays​


Well I spend time with my family and friends


Respected Ma'am, I am Nischal kafle, a student of Class IXth A, at your school. Through this letter, I would like to give you a short account of how I spent my Dussehra holidays. ... This is the short account of how I spent my Dussehra holidays

click the picture please​



i think it's noun clause

hope this helps

Answer: I think it is noun clause


Which element is used in these lines?
Read the lines from An Essay on Man.
In doubt to deem himself a god, or beast;
In doubt his mind or body to prefer;
O repetition
O rhyme
O free verse
O heroic couplet



Explanation:Took the quiz

Repetition element is used in these lines. So, the correct option is A.

What is Repetition element?

In literature, deliberate repetition of sounds, words, and phrases is referred to as repetition. The intention may be to animate the reader, encourage slower reading, create rhythm, or aid with paragraph retention.

Using the same word or phrase again in writing or speaking is a literary tactic known as repetition. Repetition is a technique used by writers of various genres, although it is especially common in oratory and spoken word, where a listener's attention span may be shorter.

The literary world is full of repetition. It is most frequently used in speeches and poems to add rhythm or emphasise certain words or phrases.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Repetition, here:



The riverbeds were dry as a bone this spring.​



This is a simile


WHY you ask well this sentence is comparing using the word as.


where did you have your first meal at a restaurant?
when when did you have your first meal at a restaurant?



golden coral


I was 4 years old

yarr mere yarr........​


erm what you okay bro?

he following sentence has a misplaced modifier.

The group members met on Saturday working on the project together.

Which revision corrects the error in the sentence?

The group members who were working on the project together met on Saturday.
Working on the project together on Saturday, the group members met.
On Saturday, the group members who were working on the project met together.
The group members met working on the project together on Saturday.





The group members who were working on the project together met on Saturday.

Type a paragraph of what you see has happened to the price of milk over the last year. Why was it so low in April?

Please help fast! First person to answer gets brainliest!!)



One area that has been filled with uncertainty over the past few months is the milk markets. On March 4, just before the pandemic hit, the 12-month average for Class III milk futures on the cme averaged $16.65 per hundredweight. By April 30, that 12-month average Class III milk futures price had fallen to $14.73 per hundredweight. Today, on June 30, the 12-month average Class III milk futures price has more than rebounded to $17.14 per hundredweight, with the Class III price for June and July forecasted to be above $20.


What is Robert reaction to the crash? How does he feel when he learns it’s was not real



you cant answer this question without the story. need more background information.


Reference to the context of the poem Andrea del Sarto by Robert browning.


Answer and Explanation:

In the poem "Andrea del Sarto" by Robert browning, we can see references to great artists like Michelangelo and Rafael. This is because the speaker of the poem, Andrea del Sarto himself, is an artist and considers that he has higher quality techniques and skills than Michelangelo and Rafael, but does not have the delicacy, the soul, the ability to convey their feelings and sensitivity. This makes him a good artist, but he has bad works, which do not touch people. The speaker states that these artists were not married, did not have a wife to limit them, but he did and that was what prevented him from being as transcendent as the great artists.

Although it makes him sad, he says he does not regret the time he spent with his wife.

You should not read your speech word for word from your slides
True or false






You should go into more detail when speaking than what you have on your presentation or slides

as a general rule where in your essay is it best to place your thesis statement ?
A) anywhere at all , because the best thesis statement is implied , not specified
B) in the very last sentence of the conclusion
C) in the second or third paragraph of the body of the essay
D) in the 1st introductory paragraph of the essay



D) in the 1st introductory paragraph of the essay



which news headlines is most clearly biased?​


The news headlines that is most clearly biased is City council neglects the poor. The correct option is D.

What is bias?

Bias is a tendency or preference for a specific perspective, belief, or attitude, which often results in an unfair or unbalanced view of a situation.

Bias can be conscious or unconscious, and it is influenced by a number of factors, including personal experiences, cultural values, political affiliations, and social norms.

Because it presents a negative and one-sided view of the city council's actions, the statement "city council neglects the poor" may be considered biassed.

It implies that the city council deliberately and consistently fails to meet the needs of the poor, without taking into account any other factors that may be contributing to the situation.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding bias, visit:


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