Children from very troubled homes will find the most help from:

a peer
a trusted adult
educational television
none of these


Answer 1

Answer:  a trusted adult or educational television

Related Questions

What challenge did soldiers face on the eastern front?
A. Supply lines were completely shut down.
B. The summer heat was intense and slowed progress.
C. Underdeveloped roads slowed troop movements.
D. Most major battles were fought on the eastern front.



A and B


pls mrk me brainliest

What tactic involved "Blitzkrieg"?

a. Pushing through all of the army through a narrow line of territory into the heart of the enemy.
b. Pushing through an army of a wide front line into the heart of the enemy.
c. Surprise attack on a country.
d. Go in, go out!


The tactic involved "Blitzkrieg" is best described as surprise attack on a country. The Option C is correct.

What was the strategy called Blitzkrieg?

Blitzkrieg is a term used to describe an offensive strategy that uses mobile and maneuverable forces such as armored tanks and air support to strike a quick, focused blow at an enemy.

Such an attack should result in a quick victory while minimizing the loss of soldiers and artillery. Blitzkrieg is most famous for describing Nazi Germany's successful tactics in the early years of World War II, when German forces swept through Poland, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and France with astonishing speed and force.

Read more about Blitzkrieg


what legislation put immigration under the control of the department of homeland security ?



The homeland legislation act of 2002



Homeland Security Act of 2002 | Homeland Security. A . gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Which of the following is one of the main ways that interest groups participate in Supreme Court cases?
Question 32 options:


filing amicus curiae briefs


lobbying the justices


giving monetary contributions to the court


protesting in front of the Supreme Court building





Explain the concept of Separation of Powers and how it protects and preserves the rule of law.



Separation of powers is a fundamental principle of democratic governance that seeks to prevent concentration of power in any one branch of government. The concept was introduced by the French philosopher Montesquieu and is enshrined in many modern constitutions. According to the principle, the government is divided into three branches - the legislative, executive, and judiciary - with each branch having a specific function and being independent of the other branches.

The legislative branch is responsible for making laws, the executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws, and the judiciary branch is responsible for interpreting and applying the laws. Each branch is accountable to the people through various checks and balances.

This separation of powers ensures that no single branch of government can become too powerful, and that each branch can serve as a check on the others. For example, the legislature can pass laws, but the executive can veto them. The judiciary can strike down laws that are unconstitutional. This system of checks and balances helps prevent abuse of power and ensures that no one branch can dominate the others.

By dividing the power of government, the separation of powers also protects the rule of law. The rule of law is the principle that all individuals, including those in positions of power, are subject to the law and no one is above the law. The separation of powers helps to uphold this principle by ensuring that no single individual or group can become too powerful and exempt from the law.

In summary, the concept of separation of powers is a critical component of democratic governance. It helps prevent concentration of power in any one branch of government, ensures that each branch of government has a specific function, and preserves the rule of law by preventing abuse of power.


In a story or novel, the author puts characters in situations that make a point. What point did Cooper want to make in the scene of settlers shooting pigeons?


Cooper's settlers shoot the pigeons to defend their crops, among other things. If you had to seed your wheat twice and three times, as I have done, you wouldn't be as heavily feeling the divils, Kirby explains Leatherstocking.

What is the fundamental tenet of the pioneer James Fenimore Cooper?

Cooper's main subject is the untamedness that opposes the industrialized society. In contrast to how the settlers saw the wilderness as being tamed by their presence, Natty imagines a future in which civilization and nature may coexist. The unique contribution that this vast, unexplored wilderness brings to the complexity of America is something that he would like to preserve in an ideal world.

Why did The Pioneers act in a certain way?

Instead of being motivated by patriotism or a sense of pride in one's country, the pioneers were motivated to travel and establish in the West by personal economic opportunities. The region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean was seeing an increase in population.

Learn more about industrialized society:


A Colorado baker refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding reception on the grounds that it violated his religious beliefs. He was found in violation of Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act but argues that being forced to create an expression (a cake in this instance) that goes against his religious beliefs is a violation of the 1st amendment’s free exercise clause. Therefore, the baker did not have to make the cake for the homosexual wedding because it went against his 1st Amendment rights.

Questions: So who is in the right? What do you think about this constitutional issue and what would you decide if you were on the Supreme Court?


Answer: I would agree with the Supreme Court


I would agree with the Supreme Court because the baker cannot be forced to bake a cake for anyone; he gets to decide who he does business with.

what are some ways the website has enhanced citizen participation in the political process?


1. Increased Accessibility: provides citizens with easy access to information about proposed and current legislation, as well as other activities taking place in Congress.

What is legislation?

Legislation is the process of making or enacting laws. It is the act of making official rules and regulations that are enforced by a governing body. Legislation is important for setting out the laws that must be followed in a given society and for providing a framework for governing.

This makes it easier for citizens to stay informed and engaged in the political process.

2. Improved Transparency: provides transparency about how their representatives are voting and how Congress is working. This encourages citizens to hold their representatives accountable and to better understand what their representatives are doing on their behalf.

3. Enhanced Citizen Participation: provides resources for citizens to contact their representatives and provide feedback, offer support for or oppose legislation, or suggest amendments. This encourages citizens to be more involved in the political process.

4. Improved Communication: provides a platform for citizens to communicate with their representatives and to learn more about the political pro

To learn more about legislation


Explain the different and similar roles of government regulation of technology as outlined in the John Burke and J.P. Nettl readings.



The John Burke and J.P. Nettl readings present different perspectives on the role of government regulation of technology, but both authors highlight the importance of government intervention in ensuring that technology is used for the benefit of society.

Burke argues that government regulation is necessary to prevent the negative consequences of technological innovation, such as pollution, and to ensure that technological progress benefits society as a whole. He suggests that the government should work with businesses to develop regulations that encourage innovation while minimizing negative externalities. Burke also emphasizes the importance of democratic participation in decision-making about technological innovation to ensure that the public interest is served.

On the other hand, Nettl takes a more critical view of government regulation and argues that government intervention can hinder technological progress. He suggests that centralized economic systems, such as those in the Soviet Union, are less efficient at allocating resources and fostering innovation than market-based systems. Nettl also suggests that government regulation can stifle innovation by creating barriers to entry for new firms and limiting competition.

Despite these differences, both Burke and Nettl highlight the importance of balancing the benefits and risks of technological innovation. Both authors recognize that government regulation can help to ensure that technology is used in ways that benefit society while minimizing negative externalities. Additionally, both authors acknowledge the potential for unintended consequences of technological innovation and emphasize the importance of democratic participation in decision-making to ensure that the public interest is served.

In summary, while Burke and Nettl present different perspectives on the role of government regulation of technology, they both emphasize the importance of balancing the benefits and risks of technological innovation and ensuring that technology is used for the benefit of society.

Describe five of the geometric figures that von Petzinger found in the European caves.

Why is the repetition of images over time and in different places important?

What are the challenges of studying and understanding these early forms of communication?


Answer:Triangle: This geometric figure is one of the most commonly found shapes in the European caves. It is often depicted in a variety of sizes and orientations.

Cross: Another common shape found in the European caves is the cross. It can be depicted in many different styles, including simple and complex designs.

Circle: The circle is also a frequently found shape in the cave art. It can be depicted as a simple outline or as a complex pattern.

Zigzag: The zigzag shape is often found in the cave art of northern Spain. It is typically depicted as a series of sharp angles that create a jagged line.

Diamond: The diamond shape is also common in the European caves. It is often depicted in a variety of sizes and orientations, and sometimes features additional geometric patterns within the shape.

The repetition of images over time and in different places is important because it suggests that these geometric figures were meaningful and significant to the people who created them. It may indicate the existence of a shared symbolic language or system of communication that was used across different communities and time periods.

The challenges of studying and understanding these early forms of communication include a lack of contextual information, such as written records or cultural artifacts, that could help to explain the meanings behind these images. The fact that these images were created thousands of years ago also makes it difficult to know exactly what the creators were trying to convey, as their worldview and cultural context may have been vastly different from our own. Finally, interpreting the meanings of these images requires a certain level of subjectivity and speculation, as we can never know for certain what the original intent behind them was.


1) Crosses: This geometric figure appears in many European caves and is often associated with hunting or weaponry. It is speculated that the cross may represent a spear or arrowhead, or could have been used as a symbolic representation of a successful hunt.

2) Dots: Small dots or circles appear frequently in cave art across Europe. They are often used to create patterns or to fill in negative space. It is believed that dots may have been used to represent stars, or could have been used as a form of counting or record keeping.

3) Spirals: Spirals appear in many European caves and are often associated with fertility or water. The spiral is a common symbol in many ancient cultures and is believed to represent the cyclical nature of life.

4) Ladder-like shapes: These ladder-like shapes appear in many European caves and are often associated with shamanistic or spiritual beliefs. They may have been used as a symbolic representation of a journey between the physical and spiritual worlds.

5) Handprints: Handprints are a common feature of European cave art, and are often found alongside other geometric figures. It is believed that handprints may have been used as a form of signature or personal mark.

The repetition of images over time and in different places is important because it suggests that these early humans had a shared visual language or system of communication. This shared visual language may have allowed for the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and knowledge between different groups of people.

The challenges of studying and understanding these early forms of communication include the fact that we have limited information about the people who created these images and their cultural context. Additionally, many of the images are highly symbolic and may have had multiple meanings or uses. It can also be difficult to interpret the images without imposing our own modern cultural biases and assumptions. Finally, the fact that these images were created over such a long period of time and in different locations adds to the complexity of understanding their significance and meaning.

Introduction—Provide an overview of both the Federalists’ and Anti-Federalists’ positions on the government. Reference key thinkers and political writings of each position. Briefly state, for each branch of government, whether the Federalists and Anti-Federalists of early America would support its current power and capabilities. Later in your paper, you’ll go into more detail about why they would or wouldn’t.



During the formation of the United States of America, two major factions emerged: the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists were supporters of a strong central government, while the Anti-Federalists believed in decentralized power, giving more autonomy to individual states. The Federalists were led by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, while the Anti-Federalists included influential thinkers like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Samuel Adams.

Regarding the current power and capabilities of each branch of government, the Federalists would likely support the current power and capabilities of the Executive Branch, as they believed in a strong executive power. On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists would likely have concerns about the current power and capabilities of the Executive Branch, as they were wary of centralized power and feared that it could lead to tyranny.

In terms of the Legislative Branch, the Federalists would support its current power and capabilities, as they believed in a strong national government with a robust legislative branch. The Anti-Federalists, however, would likely have concerns about the current power and capabilities of the Legislative Branch, as they feared that it could become too powerful and infringe on the autonomy of individual states.

Finally, regarding the Judicial Branch, the Federalists would support its current power and capabilities, as they believed in a strong, independent judiciary to interpret and enforce the law. The Anti-Federalists would likely also support the Judicial Branch, as they recognized the importance of a fair and impartial legal system.

In the following sections of this paper, we will explore in more detail why the Federalists and Anti-Federalists would or wouldn't support the current power and capabilities of each branch of government.


Answer: During the early years of American democracy, two groups emerged with distinct perspectives on the role and scope of the federal government: the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, argued for a strong central government that could effectively govern the states and protect the nation's interests. They supported the ratification of the Constitution and believed that the separation of powers and checks and balances would prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists, including Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Samuel Adams, feared that a strong central government would become tyrannical and infringe upon the rights of individuals and states. They believed that the Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights that would protect citizens' individual freedoms and that states should retain more power.

Regarding the current power and capabilities of each branch of government, Federalists would likely support the executive branch's extensive powers and the ability of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution broadly

brainlieast is very much appreciated.

Which rivers flowed through the area disputed by the Ottomans and Safavids?



The area disputed by the Ottomans and Safavids is the region of Mesopotamia, and the two rivers that flow through it are the Tigris and Euphrates.


What power did the judiciary act of 1789 grant to the Supreme Court in regards to state government



See Below


The Judiciary Act of 1789 granted the Supreme Court the power to hear appeals from the state courts in certain cases involving federal law. Specifically, the act provided that the Supreme Court had the power to review the decisions of state courts on any question of federal law, including the interpretation and application of the United States Constitution and federal statutes.

This meant that if a case was decided in state court, but it involved a question of federal law, the losing party could appeal to the Supreme Court for review. The Supreme Court could then decide whether the state court's decision was consistent with federal law, and if not, it could reverse or modify the decision.

The power of the Supreme Court to review state court decisions on federal law issues is known as appellate jurisdiction, and it is a key part of the system of checks and balances established by the Constitution. The Judiciary Act of 1789 helped to clarify the scope of the Supreme Court's jurisdiction and establish its role as the final arbiter of federal law in the United States.

Learn more about the Judiciary Act of 1789 here :

Which was a failed attempt at world peace organized by the U.S. during the 1920's?







Two events in 1920 kicked off the era of change that Americans experienced. On August 18 the Nineteenth Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote. And on November 2 the first commercially licensed radio broadcast was heard, from KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

look at the picture


The solution for this question is option c. Congress repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts is not a consequence of the War of 1812.

what was the war of 1812?

The War of 1812 was a military conflict fought between the United States and Great Britain and their respective allies from 1812 to 1815.

The main causes of the war were British interference with American trade, impressment of American sailors into the British navy, and British support of Native American tribes that were resisting American expansion into their lands.

The war was fought on land and sea, with notable battles including the Battle of New Orleans, the Battle of Lake Erie, and the burning of Washington, D.C.

The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, which restored the status quo ante bellum, or the situation before the war. The war is significant in American history because it solidified American independence from Great Britain and set the stage for westward expansion and territorial acquisition in the 19th century.  

To know more about war of 1812 visit:


DIRECTIONS: Matching Match each item with the correct statement.
1. a Republican president who opposed patronage
2. composer who was called the "King of Ragtime"
3. founder of the Tuskegee Institute
4. believed wealthy Americans should use their
wealth to help people help themselves
5. argued that society progressed because only
the fittest people survived
6. Journalist who launched a crusade against
7. perhaps the best-known American realist
8. Populist and Democratic presidential nominee
In 1896
9. wrote that "color discrimination is barbarism"
10. opened Hull House in Chicago
A. Andrew Carnegie
B. W.E.B. Du Bois
C. James A. Garfield
D. Thomas Eakins
E. Jane Addams
F. Scott Joplin
G. William Jennings Bryan
H. Ida B. Wells
I. Herbert Spencer
J. Booker T. Washington


Conkling and President Garfield engaged in a heated and public feud over favoritism in Conkling's native New York after the Republican win in November 1880.

Whose moniker "king of ragtime" was it?

Scott Joplin, an African-American pianist and composer, is known as the "King of Ragtime". He played a role in the acceptance of a new musical period. His well-known ragtime song, The Maple Leaf Rag, was first released in 1899, which you might be familiar with.

What did Booker T. Washington bring to the Tuskegee community?

Washington advocated tenacity, hard effort, and a practical education as means of obtaining financial independence. His energy and vision helped Tuskegee grow into a significant African-American presence and educational center.

James A. Garfield-  a Republican president who was against favoritism

Scott Joplin- A musician dubbed the "King of Ragtime"

Booker T Washington- The founder of the Tuskegee

Andrew Carnegie- thought that affluent Americans should use their riches to enable others to assist themselves

Herbert Spencer- asserted that civilization developed because only the strongest individuals lived.

Ida B Wells- Writer who led an anti-lynching campaign

Thomas Eakins- Maybe the most well-known realist painter in America

Grover Cleveland and James B Weaver- Populist and Democratic presidential nominee In 1896

Du Bois- Wrote that "color discrimination" is a barbarism

Jane Adams- inaugurated Hull House in Chicago

Learn more about Scott Joplin:


What is a characteristic that pulled the Greek city-states together?

national anthem

poetry of Homer

food growth and preparation



Poetry of Homer


Homer was a Greek poet who lived in the 8th century BCE and is known for his epic poems, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey". These works were incredibly influential in Greek culture and helped to unite the various city-states. The events and themes in Homer's poetry provided a shared identity and cultural touchstone for the Greeks, even as they engaged in constant warfare with each other.

Question 4
Which BEST describes Martin Luther's original goal in writing the Ninety-Five Theses?

A to defend himself from charges of heresy
B to persuade non-Christians to convert to Christianity
C to start a new Protestant religion
D to call for reform within the Catholic Church





Luther's Ninety-Five Theses were a list of criticisms and objections to various practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church, particularly the sale of indulgences, which were seen as corrupt and exploitative. Luther's intent was to spark a debate and discussion within the Church about these issues and to encourage reforms that would address these concerns. His initial goal was not to break away from the Catholic Church or to establish a new religion, but rather to reform the existing Church from within. However, his criticisms eventually led to a broader reformation movement and the establishment of Protestantism as a separate branch of Christianity.

look at the picture




The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, in Boston, Massachusetts. The most characteristic feature of the Boston Tea Party was the colonists' act of dumping crates of British tea into Boston Harbor. This action was a defiant response to the Tea Act, which had been passed by the British Parliament and was seen by the colonists as an unjust imposition of taxes without representation. The Boston Tea Party is also significant for the spirit of resistance and rebellion that it embodied, as well as for its role in galvanizing support for the American Revolution.

during the han dynasty people thought a poem should be meaningful to later
generations. How does this poem meet that goal?


Han poetry has a strong folk ballad tradition influence, which is seen in the poetry collections Nineteen Old Poems and the yuefu of the Music Bureau.

Who holds a position of significance in the Han dynasty?The peasant rebel leader Liu Bang, also known as Emperor Gao or Gaodi (reigned from 202 to 195 BC), is credited with founding the Han empire. Emperor Wu, also known as Wudi, ruled for 54 years, making him the dynasty's longest-reigning emperor (141–87 BC).The three-tiered social structure in Han China was unique. The top of this hierarchy was made up of aristocrats and officials, then skilled people like farmers and ironworkers. Unskilled labourers like slaves and servants made up the lowest social class. In every hierarchy, the emperor was at the top.The People's Republic of China, where they make up roughly 92% of the population, is home to the majority of the estimated 1.4 billion Han Chinese people that live in the world.

To learn more about Han dynasty, refer to:

Which of the following problems does Truman blame on Republicans?
the creation of labor unions

the failure of New Deal work relief programs

the Great Depression

All of these choices are correct


the answer is c
hope this helps

In a feudal system, who has the greatest authority?


The king would have the greatest authority.




However, this can be dependent on the structure of any given country/kingdom. In a Feudal hierarchy pyramid, the King (monarchy) has the most power, followed by Vassals, who provide troops to the king, followed by Knights (professional soldiers), and then Peasants (common folk, drafted soldiers).

In terms of how the king receive the greatest authority, it is in combination with the standard religion in the region, as well as the relations the ruling entity has with those with power. One of the most important aspect to understand about the kinghood is that most kings use some form of religion to assert their authority, also commonly referred to as The Divine Right of Kings, which worked in most religious demographics, essentially giving legitimacy to the ruling entity through giving oneself the right to rule based on a common belief.

On the topic of vassals and knights, it is important to understand that both sides provide not only loyalty, but also some sort of benefit to each other. Kings typically would look for loyalty and the usage of a vassals resources, whether for their land for food, or their population for taxes and conscription when in the season of war. Vassals would then typically draw troops from either conscription, or from knights, which are seasoned soldiers who have been trained (most likely throughout their whole life) to be professional soldiers, and typically provide their own sets of equipment for usage. However, it is noteworthy that professional armies were extremely expensive to maintain, and so only large and rich communities and nations could afford such expenditures (such as France, for example).

Sheriffs, on the other hand, is not talked about in many cases when describing the feudal system, as they mostly served a local community role in maintaining the status quo in regions controlled by the king.


Learn more about the feudal system, here:

Isabella d'Este is a patron. Based on your interpretation of her letters, what is your explanation of the patronage system?​


The Marchesa of Mantua and a significant figure in Italian Renaissance culture was Isabella d'Este. She was a political figure who ruled Mantua as regent for her husband and son in the early 16th century. She is renowned as a trendsetter and patron of the arts, popularizing clothes and artistic forms.

What does Isabella de Este ask of him in her letter to whom?

Leonardo spent many months in Mantua beginning in late 1499, where he met Isabella and created a full portrait drawing of her. The marchioness wrote to the artist in the years that followed to request that he work on other paintings and projects.

Mother of seven children, Isabella d'Este (Gonzaga) was a prominent and intelligent politician, philanthropist, and patron of the arts. She was referred to as "The First Lady of the Renaissance" and was linked to almost every Italian tsar either via marriage or birth.

To know more about Isabella de Este, refer to:


Why did President Wilson have a hard time getting the population to believe that neutrality was the best option during the war?

A) There was a large French presence in America, and people were afraid to go against it.

B) The Germans had attacked American ships that were trading with the Allies.

C) Many people were immigrants and as such sided with their homeland, which caused civilian conflicts.

D) All the propaganda displayed encouraged siding with one country or the other, which people did.


The answer is B. (Sorry if it’s wrong)




An animal is sheltered with only dog and cats and has a radius of cats to dogs that is 9 to 7


If the shelter οnly hοuses dοgs and cats, the ratiο οf dοgs tο tοtal animals is 7:16. Hence, οptiοn C is cοrrect.

What is ratiο?  

A ratiο in mathematics demοnstrates hοw many times οne number is present in anοther. Fοr instance, if a bοwl οf fruit cοntains eight οranges and six lemοns, the ratiο οf οranges tο lemοns is eight tο six (that is, 8:6, which is equivalent tο the ratiο 4:3). The ratiο οf οranges tο the tοtal amοunt οf fruit is 8:14, and the ratiο οf lemοns tο οranges is 6:8 (οr 3:4). (οr 4:7).

A ratiο can have any number οf quantities, such as cοunts οf peοple οr things οr measurements οf length, weight, time, etc. Bοth numbers must be pοsitive in mοst situatiοns.

Ratiο οf cats tο dοg = 9:7

Tοtal number οf cats = 9x

Tοtal number οf dοgs = 7x

Tοtal animals = 9x + 7x = 16x

Ratio of dogs to total animal = [tex]\dfrac{7x}{16x}[/tex]

Ratio of dogs to total animal = [tex]\dfrac{7}{16}[/tex]

                                                = 7:16

Thus, If the shelter only houses dogs and cats, the ratio of dogs to total animals is 7:16. Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about ratio


Complete question:

An animal shelter has a ratio of cats to dogs that is 9:7. If the shelter only houses dogs and cats, what is the ratio of dogs to total animals?

A. 7:9

B. 7:2

C. 7:16

D. 9:16

Not long after Elie and his father are separated from his mother, they are greeted by a family member who asks if they have news of his wife and children. Elie responds, "Yes, my mother did hear from them. Reizel is fine. So are the children...". What does this statement show about Elie's transformation through his experiences so far?

He still has hope that their extended family is fine.

He can still remember hearing the good news about the man's wife and children.

He believes that giving the man hope is more important than telling the truth.

He thinks lying to the man will help them get a better work detail.


He can still remember hearing the good news about the man's wife and children  show about Elie's transformation through his experiences so far.

What is transformation?

Transformation is the process of changing or developing something, such as an idea, attitude, or object, in a significant and often radical way. It involves a fundamental change in structure, form, or outlook, leading to a dramatic alteration in appearance, behavior, or character. Transformation is a process that can be applied to many different types of situations, including physical, mental, and spiritual contexts. It is often seen as a journey of self-discovery and growth, allowing individuals to explore the different facets of their identity and to reach their true potential.

To learn more about transformation


write two paragraphs explaining What was the impact of Jim Crow laws on interracial


           The Jim Crow Laws had a profound and lasting effect on interracial relationships in the United States. After the law was enacted, it became illegal for African Americans to marry or have any kind of intimate relations with white individuals in any of the southern states where the law was in place. This meant that individuals in such relationships could not live together as a married couple, could not partake in any kind of public demonstration of love and affection, and could even be arrested for their involvement with one another. The Jim Crow Laws thus successfully separated the races and created a great rift between them by limiting their ability to form even the most basic forms of relationships.

             The passage of the Jim Crow Laws has far-reaching effects not just on interracial relationships, but also on the overall perceptions of race in the US. Stereotypes such as the notion that white people were superior to African Americans were perpetuated. Additionally, African American individuals had fewer legal rights in terms of marriage and other forms of social interactions with white individuals. Given their lack of ability to fight back against the law, this meant that the racism and hatred prevalent in society during that time only worsened. The Jim Crow Laws thus contributed to creating a hostile and sometimes violent environment towards interracial relationships and continue to be a blight (disruption) on the history of race relations in the US.

What state borders California to the north?

Unlimited Attempts Remain

Multiple Choice
Multiple choice questions offer three to five choices per question. You just need to click in the bubble next to your answer choice. Make sure you have read the question or instructions carefully.


Answer: Oregon borders California to the north.


Mexico is not a state of the U.S.

Arizona is to the east of California.

Nevada is also to the east.

Oregon is to the north.

Hope this helps!!! :)

Was the camp completed before the Japanese prisoners arrived



No, they were not completed before Japanese prisoners arrived.


The internment camps were hastily erected, and the government was in a rush to quickly relocate Japanese-Americans during World War II in fear of national security after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, hence the camps were not completed before the arrival of the forced internees.

Please please please answer soon I'm timed 39 minutes I'll give brainly!!!! What was one reason European countries wanted to establish colonies in Africa? Africa had limited resources, so Europe could sell raw materials in Africa. Africa had limited trade routes, so Europe could develop new routes in Africa. Africa had large populations that European countries could employ as laborers. Africa was filled with dense forests that would discourage other countries from settling.​


One reason European countries wanted to establish colonies in Africa was that Africa had abundant natural resources such as gold, diamonds, copper, rubber, ivory, and other valuable minerals that European countries could extract and exploit for their own economic gain

Reason European countries wanted to establish colonies in Africa

The fact that Africa was rich in natural riches, including gold, diamonds, copper, rubber, ivory, and other valuable minerals, which European nations could take and use for their own economic advantage, was one of the reasons why they desired to establish colonies there.

The exploitation of these resources was viewed as a chance for European nations to gain more power and wealth.

Moreover, colonies in Africa offered European nations captive markets to sell their manufactured goods, which drove them to seek out additional markets for their products.

Learn more about colonies at:


Other Questions
Calculate the Total amount that Theo has to pay back if she takes the loan Bailey works at an athletic store. He earns $90 per day plus an 11% commission on his sales. On Thursday, Bailey has $500 in sides. How much money does Bailey earn on Thursday, including his commission What are the main landmarks along the way? What does Baldwin seeas significant about each one? Which sentence uses a prepositional phrase correctly?ResponsesA Under the refrigerator, Louis found the game piece.Under the refrigerator, Louis found the game piece.B The small bird has bright blue feathers in the cage.The small bird has bright blue feathers in the cage.C We sat on the sofa and ate popcorn in the living room.We sat on the sofa and ate popcorn in the living room.D We found the missing key behind the sofa. 100 POINTS PROJECT PLEASE HELP... I WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST. For this assignment, you will read an op-ed piece and write a response using original research to eitherdefend or challenge the authors claims. (Below the op-ed is attached)You will be documenting your sources in a graphic organizer and keeping track of how you applied thereading strategies when conducting your research. You will also be documenting and describing the waysthe sources may have caused you to reflect on and adjust your choice to defend or challenge the authorsclaim.You will write your own opinion piece that either defends or challenges the authors claim, using youroutside sources as evidence. Then, you will provide your own original commentary to tie your evidence toyour claims.Assignment InstructionsFor this project, you are expected to submit two things.1. Your graphic organizer with sources2. Your written response to the op-edStep 1: Prepare for the project.a) Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.b) If anything is unclear, be sure to ask your teacher.Step 2: Read the op-ed article, The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements, by Lily Lou.a) Use all the close reading strategies you have learned so far.b) Annotate and/or take notes on the article.c) Decide if you will defend or challenge Lous claim. What is physical significance of dimension of physical quantity NEED QUICK! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! Find [gf](x) for f(x) = 2x+5 and g(x) = x - 3.Show all work. description on how you r write to brother in another city describing the bicycle in details and begging him to buy for you Please help given mts & sqp find sp halfway through her swing, when the golf club is parallel to the ground, does the acceleration vector of the club head point (a) straight down, (b) parallel to the ground, approximately toward the golfer's shoulders, (c) approximately toward the golfer's feet, or (d) toward a point above the golfer's head? explain. How might the MEEI administrators use the information from thesplit-cost accounting system Construct a polynomial function with the started properties. Third-degree, with zeros of 3 , 1 , and 2 , and passes through the point (3,5) A small hotel in a popular resort area has 20 rooms. The hotel manager estimates that 15% (1 ???? = 0.15) of all confirmed reservations are "no-shows." Consequently, the hotel acceptsconfirmed reservations for as many as 25 rooms (???? = 25). If more confirmed reservations arrivethan there are rooms, the overbooked guests are sent to another hotel and given acomplimentary dinner. If the hotel currently has 25 confirmed reservations, finda. the probability that no customers will be sent to another hotelb. the probability that exactly 2 guests will be sent to another hotelc. the probability that 3 or more guests will be sent to another hotel.Let ???? be number of customers who confirmed the reservations and showed up. Then ???? has abinomial distribution with parameters ???? = 0.85 and ???? = 25. Recall the formula for P(???? = x).For question (a). find P(???? 20). Why?For question (b). find P(???? = 22). Why?For question (c). find P(???? 23). Why?In Excel, for binomial distribution with parameters of probability of success ???? and number oftrials ????, the formulas:For PDF: P(???? = x) is binom.dist(x, n, ????, 0) andFor CDF: ????5(x) = P(???? x) is binom.dist(x, n, ????, 1).Note that P(???? x) = 1 P(???? < x)P(???? > x) = 1 P(???? x)P(???? < x) = P(???? x 1) in discrete case One yoar consumars spent an avernge of $21 on a mead at a testurant. Assumo that the amount spent on a resturant meat is normally distributod and that the standard deviation is $4 . Complete parts (a) through (c) bolow a. What is the probability that a randomly selected person spent more than $24? P(X>$24)= (Round to four decimal places as needed.) b. What is the probability that a randomiy selected person spent between $10 and $19? P($10 Students should predict the headings for their notes because a teacher is not likely to give any clues as to what the main ideas are during a lecture. true false Which development in technology led to new scientific experiment that involved modifying organisms to have specific traits? what is 12/37 divided by 5/18 Identify the radii of the given circle check all that apply Please Help!! A Ferris wheel ride varies sinusoidally. When loading, people are 4 feet above the ground. The radius of the Ferris wheel is 60 feet. The ride takes 4 minutes to complete one revolution. if a person starts the ride 10 feet off the ground, give the cosine function of the ride. f(x)=Acos(Bx-C)+DI have found:A=60Period=4B=/2I cannot find C and D. HELPP PLSS The following tree diagram represents the possibilities of two spins on a fair spinnerA. What are the number of outcomes in the sample space? B. How many favorable outcomes for spinning the same color twice in a row? C. How many favorable outcomes for spinning blue?