Children's prejudices, including socialization and attitudes, are influenced by all of the following EXCEPT ______.
a. family
b. culture
c. media images
d. mental illnesses


Answer 1

The answer is mental illnesses. Children's prejudices are influenced by their family, culture, and media images, among other factors. Mental illnesses may affect a child's behavior and perceptions, but they are not a direct influence on their prejudices.

What are mental illnesses?

Changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior (or a combination of these) are symptoms of mental diseases. Distress and/or difficulty coping with daily tasks at work, in the family, or in social situations can be symptoms of mental diseases.

What do you mean by emotion?

Emotion is a multifaceted experience of consciousness, body feeling, and action that expresses a person's unique interpretation of an object, occasion, or situation.

What does being in trouble mean?

emotional, social, spiritual, or bodily suffering that can make someone feel down, scared, nervous, depressed, or lonely. Distressed people may also believe that they cannot handle or cope with changes brought on by daily tasks or a sickness like cancer.

To know more about mental illnesses:


Related Questions

a mixture of belief and emotion that summarizes our evaluation of objects and predicts or directs our future actions is called a(n) question 16 options: a) self-assertion. b) attitude. c) reaction disposition. d) cognition.


An attitude is a combination of beliefs, emotions, and values that shape our thoughts and behaviors towards objects, people, or situations. It represents our overall evaluation or judgment of something, and is often formed through our past experiences and social influences.

Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral, and can influence our future actions and decisions. For example, if we have a positive attitude towards exercise, we are more likely to engage in physical activity in the future. Attitudes can also change over time and be influenced by new information or experiences. Overall, attitudes play an important role in shaping our perceptions and actions towards the world around us.

Learn more about social influences.


knowledge that is derived from previous experience and learning, and available to recall via language or numerical symbols is called . responses


The learning and information gained during a lifetime as a result of education, experience, and life experience is referred to as crystallised intelligence.

What exactly is crystallised intelligence?

Gc stands for crystallised intelligence, and it is reflected in a person's general knowledge, vocabulary, and reasoning based on learned information. It is one of the two components of general intelligence postulated by Cattell (1971), together with fluid intelligence (see Fluid Intelligence). Crystallised Intelligence, on the other hand, can be used to recall historical events and dates, remember geographical locations, expand one's vocabulary, and recite poetry poems. Crystallised intellect is essentially one individual's "encyclopaedia." It represents their accumulated knowledge over the years, which includes anything from complicated concepts taught in school to fundamental understanding such as "birds have feathers."

To know about intelligence visit:


when your dog's veterinarian advised you to feed your dog in the morning instead of in the evening, it took several days for your dog to stop salivating late in the afternoon as you stirred around in the kitchen. this is an example of


When your dog's veterinarian advised you to feed your dog in the morning instead of in the evening, the dog's behavior of salivating late in the afternoon is an example of classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an animal or person learns to associate a previously neutral stimulus (such as the sound of stirring in the kitchen) with a biologically significant stimulus (such as being fed).

Over time, the neutral stimulus becomes associated with the biologically significant stimulus, and can elicit a response (such as salivation) on its own.In this case, the dog had learned to associate the sound of stirring in the kitchen with being fed in the evening. When the feeding schedule was changed, the dog continued to salivate at the previously associated time, even though it was no longer receiving food at that time.

To know more about veterinarian, click here.


In Merton's strain theory, which category involves individuals accepting the societal goal but using new ways of reaching that goal?


In Merton's strain theory, the category that involves individuals accepting the societal goal but using new ways of reaching that goal is called Innovation.

In the context of Merton's strain theory, innovation refers to a mode of adaptation where individuals continue to accept the societal goals but use unconventional or deviant means to achieve those goals.

For example, an individual who desires financial success and social status (societal goals) but lacks access to legitimate means of achieving those goals, may resort to illegal or deviant means such as theft, fraud, or other criminal activities to attain financial success (unconventional means).

Merton argued that individuals who face strain between societal goals and the means to achieve those goals may choose innovation as a way to achieve success or social recognition.

This may happen when individuals are unable to attain their goals through conventional means, such as education, employment, or other legitimate channels, due to social or economic barriers. As a result, they may turn to deviant or unconventional means as a way to achieve their desired goals.

It's important to note that Merton's strain theory is a theoretical framework that has been subject to critique and has limitations in explaining all forms of deviant behavior.

Other factors, such as individual motivations, socialization, and cultural norms, also play a role in shaping deviant behavior.

Nonetheless, the concept of innovation as a mode of adaptation in Merton's strain theory helps us understand how individuals may respond to strain in society by using unconventional means to pursue societal goals.

To learn more about innovation, refer below:


when jeremy began dating a catholic schoolmate, his parents expressed disapproval, announcing they expected him to marry a woman from their mormon community. jeremy's parents are exemplifying which of these characteristics of families?


Families use interpersonal communication to create boundaries, is the characteristics exemplified by Jeremy's parents.

According to the question, Jeremy's parents voiced displeasure when he started dating a catholic schoolmate, saying they wanted him to marry a member of the Mormon faith. This is a perfect illustration of how families may set up barriers between different faiths through interpersonal communication.

Hence, we can conclude that  Jeremy's parents are exemplifying interpersonal communication to create boundaries.

What is interpersonal communication in the family?

When parents and kids speak to one another, this is referred to as interpersonal communication.

When two people or a small number of people communicate interpersonally, messages are sent and received, and then there is an immediate response.

To know more about Interpersonal Communication visit:


which of the following consists of differences such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and physical disabilities that are observable, typically unchangeable, and easy to measure? a. surface-level diversity b. deep-level diversity c. affirmative action d. social integration


Surface-level diversity refers to differences such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, physical disabilities, etc. that are observable, typically unchangeable, and easy to measure.

The correct option is A.

It is the most visible form of diversity, and it is often the first step in creating a diverse workforce. While surface-level diversity is important, it is not the only form of diversity. Deep-level diversity looks beyond surface-level characteristics and focuses on diversity of thought, experience, and perspectives. It includes areas such as cognitive style, personality, values, beliefs, and life experiences.

Affirmative action is a set of policies or programs designed to increase the representation of historically underrepresented groups. It is often used to create a diverse workplace. Social integration is the process by which people of diverse backgrounds come together and interact, forming relationships and creating a sense of community.

The correct option is A.

To know more about Affirmative action, click here:


The mark and authentication of the Hebrew prophets' moral authority were the signs of ________________
Choose matching definition
st. thomas aquinas
the greeks
oratorical gifts


The mark and authentication of the Hebrew prophets’ moral authority were the signs of oratorical gifts

The term "authority" in sociology and political science refers to a person or group's legitimate power over others. In a civil state, the government's executive or judicial branches are used to exert power. In the context of governance, the phrases "authority" and "power" should not be used interchangeably.

The terms "authority" and "power" refer to the capacity to carry out an approved task, either through compliance or obedience, and respectively the political legitimacy that confers and defends the ruler's right to exercise governmental power. As a result, "authority" refers to the capacity to make decisions as well as the legal authority to do so and to order their execution.

Learn more about authority here:


The mark and authentication of the Hebrew prophets' moral authority were the signs of oratorical gifts.

A protracted, formal speech is called an oratory. It frequently a touch puffy and exaggerated, giving the impression that the speaker genuinely enjoys the sound of his own voice. The word oratory comes from the Latin oratorius, which means "speaking or pleading." In reality, speeches by orators frequently leave audiences pleading for the speech to finish.

To read more about Formal Speech click here


among college students, the main reason cited for a couple breaking up was __________.


Among college students, the main reason cited for a couple breaking up was typically a lack of communication.

Communication is a critical component of any relationship, and when couples do not communicate effectively, misunderstandings and conflicts can arise. Common communication issues include not listening to each other, not expressing needs and feelings clearly, and not being able to resolve conflicts in a constructive way.

Other reasons cited for couples breaking up may include infidelity, conflicting goals or values, and changes in personal circumstances or priorities. However, lack of communication is often viewed as the underlying issue that contributes to these other problems.

To know more about Communication:


Among college students, the main reason cited for a couple breaking up was typically due to communication issues or lack of trust. Other common reasons include differences in goals or values, infidelity, and growing apart.

The conveyance of information is commonly defined as communication. The phrase can either apply to the message itself, or to the branch of study known as communication studies, which investigates these transmissions.

Communication in our daily lives helps us develop connections by allowing us to share our experiences and needs, as well as connect with others. It is the essence of life, allowing us to express our emotions, convey information, and share our opinions. We must all communicate.

To read more about Communication click here


__________ include self-instructional training which teaches children to use verbal cues, to process information and to remind themselves of how to approach a new task.


Cognitive behavior modification  includes self-instructional training which teaches children to use verbal cues, process information, and to remind themselves of how to approach new tasks.

This method focuses on helping individuals recognize and change negative thought patterns, ultimately improving their behavior and overall well-being.  It is a form of therapy that is used to treat a variety of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and phobias.

One technique used in cognitive behavior modification is self-instructional training, which is a form of behavior modification that teaches children how to use verbal cues to process information and remind themselves of how to approach a new task. This technique is particularly effective for children who have difficulty with attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Self-instructional training involves teaching children to talk themselves through tasks or situations, using statements such as "What do I need to do next?" or "How can I approach this problem?" This helps them to become more self-aware and to think about their actions in a more logical and constructive way.

The goal of self-instructional training is to help children develop positive self-talk, which can help to reduce anxiety, increase self-confidence, and improve performance. This technique has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings, including schools, clinics, and at home.

In summary, cognitive behavior modification and self-instructional training are powerful tools that can help children to develop the skills they need to succeed in life. With the right guidance and support, children can learn to overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential.

To know more about self-instructional training refer here:


paula is able to effectively persuade and motivate employees and customers in many different cultures.


Paula's ability to effectively persuade and motivate employees and customers in many different cultures can be attributed to her strong interpersonal and communication skills, cultural awareness, and adaptability.

She likely takes the time to understand the cultural nuances and communication styles of those she interacts with, allowing her to tailor her approach and messages accordingly.

By understanding and respecting the values, beliefs, and norms of different cultures, Paula can tailor her approach and messaging to resonate with her diverse audience. This enables her to engage with individuals from various backgrounds and achieve her persuasion and motivation goals.

Additionally, Paula may have a natural charisma and ability to build rapport with people from diverse backgrounds, making it easier for her to influence and inspire them. Ultimately, Paula's success in cross-cultural persuasion and motivation is likely a combination of her skills, knowledge, and personality.

To know more about communication skills refer here:


how do mobile media devices and mobile-friendly platforms impact social media communication? what are the major changes and trends?


Mobile media devices and mobile-friendly platforms have had a significant impact on social media communication by increasing accessibility, convenience, and mobility.

People can access social media on the go, anytime and anywhere, through their smartphones or tablets, leading to a more constant and widespread use of social media. This has resulted in an increase in user-generated content, such as images and videos, and has led to the rise of visual communication and storytelling.

Moreover, mobile media devices and mobile-friendly platforms have facilitated the creation of niche communities and groups, enabling people to connect and share their interests more easily. Mobile devices have also made it easier to engage with social media in real-time, such as live streaming or interactive polls.

Learn more about  Mobile media devices


which field of anthropology studies the practices, beliefs, economics, politics, and gender roles of living people?



socio- cultural anthropology


this field of anthropology deals with man and his culture and the practices beliefs economics etc are all elements of culture

the stone-tool tradition associated with homo erectus charcterized by stone bifaces is the


The stone-tool tradition associated with Homo erectus, characterized by stone bifaces, is known as the Acheulean tradition.

Tool Technology: The Acheulean tradition is known for its distinctive bifacial tools, which were typically large and characterized by their symmetrical, tear-drop or ovate shapes.

These tools were crafted by striking rocks together to produce sharp-edged flakes, which were then further shaped by removing flakes from both sides, resulting in a bifacial tool with cutting edges on both sides.

The tools were typically made from hard rocks such as quartzite, basalt, and flint, which were readily available in the environments where Homo erectus lived.

Handaxe and Cleaver: The handaxe is one of the most iconic tools of the Acheulean tradition. It is a large bifacial tool with a pointed tip and a cutting edge on both sides, which may have been used for various tasks such as butchering, woodworking, and processing plants.

Cleavers, on the other hand, are large bifacial tools with a straight cutting edge on one side and a chopping edge on the other, which may have been used for heavy-duty tasks such as butchering large animals or processing wood.

Technological Advancement: The Acheulean tradition represents a significant advancement in stone-tool technology compared to earlier traditions.

The production of large bifacial handaxes and cleavers required a high level of skill and planning, as well as the ability to visualize the final form of the tool before it was fully shaped.

This suggests a higher level of cognitive and motor skills among Homo erectus compared to earlier hominin species, and reflects an important step in the evolution of human tool-making abilities.

To learn more about cognitive, refer below:


Guerra de Malvinas 2 de abril escribir un mensaje para los veteranos de guerra


War Veterans, On behalf of the entire nation, I offer my deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation for your service during the Falklands War .

Your courage and bravery are truly admirable and will never be forgotten. Your role in defending our country was invaluable, and it is with utmost respect that we honor you today. We recognize and remember the sacrifices made by you and your loved ones in order to secure victory for our nation.

We thank you for giving so much of yourselves to protect us all. Your patriotism, heroism, and dedication continue to serve as an inspiration to us all. Thank you again for your service during this difficult time in our history – it will never be forgotten. Sincerely, A Grateful Nation

To know more about Falklands War visit:


describe factors that sparked the emergence of the lifespan perspective, and explain the four assumptions that make up this point of view.


The lifespan perspective emerged as a result of several factors, including advances in medicine, increased longevity, and changes in societal attitudes towards aging.

The lifespan perspective recognizes that development is a lifelong process that is influenced by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Here are the four assumptions that make up this point of view:

Lifelong Development: The lifespan perspective recognizes that development is a lifelong process that begins at conception and continues throughout the entire lifespan. This perspective acknowledges that development can occur at any age and is influenced by a variety of factors throughout a person's life.

Multidimensional Development: The lifespan perspective recognizes that development is multidimensional, meaning that it involves changes in a variety of domains, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Each of these domains is interconnected and influences one another.

To know more about   lifespan     here


an impairment in the process of speech, language or hearing is a type of ? group of answer choices a. physical disability b. communication disability c. learning disability d. psychological disability


Option b is correct. An impairment in the process of speech, language or hearing is a type of communication disability.

A person's social, emotional, and academic development may be hampered by communication challenges caused by a speech, language, or hearing disability.

Congenital problems, brain injuries, strokes, and degenerative diseases are only a few of the causes of communication impairments. People who have communication problems could have trouble using nonverbal cues, comprehending others, or expressing themselves clearly.

Additionally, they could have trouble reading, writing, and using technology. Disabilities in communication can significantly affect a person's quality of life and capacity for social participation.

Learn more about Communication


Herzberg's theory focused on the environment where work is done. high returns to stakeholders. Human relations is the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Maslow's hierarchy lists the most basic needs people strive to satisfy first at the top of the pyramid.


According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Motivation-Hygiene, a person's relationship to work is fundamental, and their attitude towards it can make the difference between success and failure. At the summit of the pyramid in Maslow's hierarchy are the needs that people attempt to fulfil first.

The term "motivation" refers to what propels a person's behaviour. It is the driving force behind people's behaviour. For instance, motivation can help you get that job promotion or continue your weight loss. To put it simply, motivation encourages you to take actions that advance you towards your objectives.

Motivation encompasses all of the factors—biologic, emotional, social, and cognitive—that influence how people behave.In addition, motivation consists of components that direct and maintain goal-directed behaviour. Even so, it is uncommon for these motives to be obvious. We frequently have to infer about people's motivations based on their outer acts as a result.

Learn more about Motivation here:


Herzberg's theory, also known as the Two-Factor theory, focuses on the environment where work is done and its impact on employee satisfaction and motivation. It emphasizes the importance of factors such as job satisfaction, working conditions, and opportunities for growth in an organizational setting.

Human relations is the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizational settings, aiming to improve communication, collaboration, and overall productivity. This approach takes into account the psychological and emotional aspects of workplace relationships.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that lists the most basic needs people strive to satisfy first, starting at the bottom of the pyramid. These needs include physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. In an organizational setting, addressing these needs can help enhance employee motivation and overall job satisfaction.

In summary, Herzberg's theory focuses on the work environment and its impact on employee motivation, while human relations studies the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations. Maslow's hierarchy of needs emphasizes the importance of addressing basic human needs to improve motivation and well-being in organizational settings.

To read more about Two-Factor theory click here


o effectively communicate with a public, it is important to recognize that ________. group of answer choices


In order to effectively communicate with a public, it is important to recognize that audience may have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge levels, and the message should be tailored to meet their needs. The correct option is A.

To communicate effectively with the public, it is crucial to understand that the audience may have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge levels. Therefore, the message should be tailored to meet their needs and be easily understandable.

Using complex jargon and technical terms may hinder effective communication as it can lead to confusion and disinterest from the audience. Additionally, public communication should not be a one-way process but involve feedback and engagement from the audience to ensure that the message is well-received and understood.

The correct option is A.

-----------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"In order to effectively communicate with a public, it is important to recognize that ?

A) The audience may have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge levels, and the message should be tailored to meet their needs.

B) Effective communication requires the use of complex jargon and technical terms to demonstrate expertise.

C) Public communication efforts should be one-way and not involve feedback or engagement from the audience.

D) Understanding cultural norms and values is not necessary for effective public communication."-------------

To know more about effectively communicate , click here.


a sailor who willfully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class a or c school


A sailor who fully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class "A" or "C" school is known as option A: fault of member.

A formal class "A" or "C" school is a program of study that imparts the technical know-how and abilities needed for particular Navy ratings or programs. Each Navy enlisted employment (rating) has two schools: an A school where sailors learn the fundamentals and a C school where they receive advanced training.

To complete Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) criteria of a command's billet file, the majority of C school quotas are used. A C school may be taken into consideration en route to the next command if there is a genuine need for a new NEC and if a school quota is open during the appropriate transfer window.

To know more about Navy, refer:


Complete question is:

A sailor who willfully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class "A" or "C" school is known as which of the following terms?

A. fault of member

B. no fault of member

C. Retention eligible member

D. “Improper extension

A sailor who willfully commits an action that results in their attrition from a formal Class A or C school is demonstrating intentional behavior leading to their removal or withdrawal from a specialized training program.

To actively change or modify a certain behavior in order to accomplish a particular goal or end is known as intentional behavior change. This can entail modifying current habits somewhat or starting whole new activities. Intentional behavior change can be difficult since it calls for a lot of drive, self-control, and self-awareness. But with the correct attitude and assistance, it can be a powerful tool to change potentially hazardous or unwanted behaviors and enhance general health and well-being.

But intentional behavior could negatively impact their professional development and career in the Navy.

To learn more about Intentional behavior, click here:


jordan is performing a cognitive-behavioral treatment for fetishistic disorder called , which involves fantasizing about high heels along with sexually appropriate objects until the shoes start to become boring to think about.


Jordan is performing a cognitive-behavioral treatment for fetishistic disorder called habituation therapy, which involves fantasizing about high heels along with sexually appropriate objects until the shoes start to become boring to think about

The cognitive-behavioral treatment that Jordan is using for fetishistic disorder is called "imaginal desensitization," which involves pairing the fetishistic object (in this case, high heels) with sexually appropriate stimuli until the shoes lose their appeal and become less arousing.

This technique is designed to help individuals with fetishistic disorder overcome their obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and to gradually reduce their reliance on the fetish object for sexual satisfaction. By gradually exposing themselves to the object in a controlled setting and develop healthier sexual behaviors and attitudes.

Overall, imaginal desensitization can be a helpful treatment option for individuals struggling with fetishistic disorder, and can lead to significant improvements in their overall well-being and quality of life. This approach helps decrease the intensity of the fetish by pairing it with more appropriate stimuli, ultimately reducing its significance and impact on the individual's life.

Know more about   desensitization   here:


Jordan is performing a cognitive-behavioral treatment for fetishistic disorder called habituation therapy, which involves fantasizing about high heels along with sexually appropriate objects until the shoes start to become boring to think about.

The principle behind habituation therapy is that, over time, the person's brain becomes desensitized to the fetish object as it is consistently paired with sexually appropriate objects. This process ultimately results in the fetish object becoming less arousing and exciting, allowing the individual to develop healthier sexual associations and responses.

Through this therapeutic approach, Jordan is aiming to help the person suffering from fetishistic disorder to gradually overcome their fixation on high heels by blending them into a wider range of sexually appropriate stimuli. This can potentially lead to a more balanced and adaptive sexual life, reducing the distress and potential harm caused by the disorder.

In conclusion, habituation therapy is a cognitive-behavioral treatment that focuses on desensitizing individuals with fetishistic disorder to their specific fetish object, like high heels in this example. By repeatedly exposing the person to both the fetish object and sexually appropriate objects, the fetish object starts to lose its arousing appeal, helping the individual develop healthier sexual associations.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

Jordan is performing a cognitive-behavioral treatment for fetishistic disorder called ________, which involves fantasizing about high heels along with sexually appropriate objects until the shoes start to become boring to think about.

Know more about Cognitive-behavioral treatment here:


A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on _____. A. religious and ethnic background. B. age. C. economic position. D. caste.


A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on C. economic position.

Economic Position: Economic position, including factors such as wealth, income, and occupation, is a primary basis for class distinction in a class system.

Those with higher wealth, income, and prestigious occupations are typically placed in higher social classes, while those with lower economic resources and less prestigious occupations are placed in lower social classes.

Economic position often determines access to resources, opportunities, and privileges, and influences one's social status and lifestyle.

Social Mobility: In a class system, individuals may experience social mobility, which refers to the ability to move up or down the social class ladder based on changes in their economic position.

Social mobility can occur through factors such as education, career advancement, inheritance, and economic success or setbacks. Economic position is often seen as a significant driver of social mobility, as individuals with higher economic resources may have more opportunities to move up in social class, while those with lower economic resources may face barriers to upward mobility.

Other Criteria: While economic position is a primary factor in a class system, it is not the only criterion used for social ranking. Other factors such as occupation, education, social networks, race, ethnicity, gender, and cultural capital may also play a role in determining social class.

However, economic position often has a significant impact on an individual's overall social status and class placement.

To learn more about economic resources, refer below:


a deontological ethical theory is: a. intuition based b. outcome based c. character based d. duty based


A deontological ethical theory is duty-based. This means that the ethical theory is concerned with the rightness or wrongness of an action, rather than the outcomes or consequences that may result from the action.

According to deontological ethics, certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of the consequences. This is based on the idea that individuals have certain moral duties or obligations that must be fulfilled, regardless of the situation or circumstances. In deontological ethics, moral decision-making is guided by rules and principles, rather than intuition or character.

Deontological theories are often contrasted with consequentialist theories, which prioritize outcomes, and virtue ethics, which focus on character development. Immanuel Kant, a prominent philosopher in deontological ethics, believed that moral obligations arise from universal principles, known as categorical imperatives.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is d. duty-based.

For more such questions on deontological


individuals taking anticoagulants are often advised to avoid vitamin e supplements. what is the best explanation for this advice?


Individuals taking anticoagulants are often advised to avoid vitamin E supplements because vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding when taken in combination with anticoagulant medications.

Vitamin E has blood-thinning properties that can interfere with the effectiveness of anticoagulants and increase the risk of bleeding, especially if high doses of vitamin E are taken. Therefore, individuals taking anticoagulants should speak with their healthcare provider before taking any vitamin E supplements.

What is an anticoagulant?

An anticoagulant is a medication that helps to prevent blood from clotting. Blood clots can form in blood vessels and cause serious health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, and deep vein thrombosis. Anticoagulants work by inhibiting the formation of blood clots or by preventing existing clots from getting bigger. They are commonly used to treat conditions such as atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and after certain types of surgeries. Some examples of anticoagulant medications include warfarin, heparin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban. It is important to use anticoagulants under the guidance of a healthcare provider, as they can have serious side effects and interactions with other medications.

To know more about vitamin E, visit:


you are watching tv when a commercial advertising a new pizza place comes on. you decide you want pizza, so you listen to the restaurant's phone number and then recite the number to yourself. just as you are about to dial, your cell phone rings and you talk on the phone for a few minutes. what is most likely to happen after you finish your call? select one: a. you remember the phone number, so you call and order. b. out of habit, you call your favorite pizza place (whose number you have memorized), forgetting you wanted to try the new place. c. you have forgotten the phone number. d. you think you probably remember the number and try calling, and you are correct.


d. You have forgotten the phone number is most likely to happen after you finish your call.

Transportation, industrialization on a large scale, mass communication, and an income culture are some of the advantages of rational-legal power. Other results from rational-legal authority include equal opportunity and education promotion.

Weber defines rational-legal authority as power-created respectable by-laws, rules in writing, and regulations. Power is vested in a specific logic, system, or ideology in this form of authority, rather than necessarily within an individual who implements the intricacies of that theory.

Rational-legal authority (also called bureaucratic authority) is a type of leadership in which decisions are decided in accordance with laws and regulations rather than the personal whims of people in power.

Learn more about phone numbers here:


Complete question:

You are watching TV when a commercial advertising a new pizza place comes on. You decide you want pizza, so you listen to the restaurant's phone number and then recite the number to yourself. Just as you are about to dial, your cell phone rings and you talk on the phone for a few minutes. What is most likely to happen after you finish your call?

a. You remember the phone number, so you call and order.

b. Out of habit, you call your favorite pizza place (whose number you have memorized), forgetting you wanted to try the new place.

c. You think you probably remember the number and try calling, and you are correct.

d. You have forgotten the phone number.

nrem sleep is a period of sleep . group of answer choices associated with lucid dreaming that always occurs immediately after rem sleep that overlaps rem sleep outside periods of rem sleep


Option b is correct. NREM sleep is a period of sleep that always occurs immediately after rem.

Slower brain waves, lessened muscle activity, and a drop-in heart rate and breathing are its defining features. The brain consolidates memories and absorbs information from the day during NREM sleep.

It is also believed to be crucial for physical healing and maintenance. when dreaming can happen when you're in NREM sleep, it usually isn't as vivid as it is when you're in REM sleep.

While NREM and REM sleep do overlap occasionally when REM sleep is not present, it is crucial to remember that lucid dreaming is not always connected to any stage of sleep.

Learn more about NREM


Complete question

NREM sleep is a period of sleep........

a. associated with lucid dreaming.

b. that always occurs immediately after rem.

c. sleep that overlaps rem sleep

d. outside periods of rem sleep

T or F: The U.S. trade deficit has shrunk significantly in recent decades.


The statement "The U.S. trade deficit has shrunk significantly in recent decades." is False.

The U.S. trade deficit has actually grown significantly in recent decades. A trade deficit occurs when a country imports more goods and services than it exports. In the U.S., this deficit has been fueled by a variety of factors, including the rise of globalization, the decline of manufacturing industries, and the increasing popularity of imported goods among American consumers.

While there have been periods of relative stability in the U.S. trade deficit, such as in the 1990s, the overall trend has been towards a widening deficit. In fact, the U.S. trade deficit hit a record high of $621 billion in 2018.

This has led to concerns among some policymakers and economists about the long-term health of the U.S. economy, as a large trade deficit can lead to a decline in the value of the dollar, inflation, and a loss of jobs in certain industries.

Overall, it is important for policymakers and citizens alike to understand the complexities of trade deficits and their potential impact on the economy. While there is no easy solution to reducing the U.S. trade deficit, it is clear that it will continue to be a significant issue for years to come.

To know more about U.S. trade, visit:$#


According to your text, the key to solving the Wason four-card problem is. A. a mental model. B. a categorical syllogism. C. the law of large numbers.


According to my text, the key to solving the Wason four-card problem is a mental model. The problem requires participants to use their understanding of logical rules and apply them to a real-world scenario involving four cards with different numbers and colors. By creating a mental model of the situation, participants are able to eliminate possibilities and arrive at the correct answer.

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According to the text, the key to solving the Wason four-card problem is A. a mental model. The problem requires individuals to create a mental representation or model of the different possibilities and eliminate those that do not fit the given conditions.

This approach is different from the use of categorical syllogisms, which rely on deductive reasoning to draw conclusions from given premises. The law of large numbers, on the other hand, relates to probability and states that the more times an experiment is conducted, the closer the results will be to the expected value. While it may be applicable in some cases, it is not directly related to solving the Wason four-card problem. To provide more context, the Wason four-card problem is a classic problem in cognitive psychology and logic. The problem presents participants with four cards, each with a letter on one side and a number on the other side. The letters on the cards are A, B, C, and D, and the numbers on the cards are 3, 8, 4, and 7, respectively. Participants are then given a rule, such as "If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side," and are asked to select which cards they need to turn over to test the rule. In summary, the key to solving the Wason four-card problem is not the application of a categorical syllogism or the law of large numbers, but rather the construction of a mental model of the problem and the use of deductive reasoning to determine which cards need to be turned over to test the rule.

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suppose that judah wants to become a virtuous person but does not know where to begin. which of the following routes would a virtue ethicist be likely to recommend?group of answer choiceshe should go out into the world and begin to randomly select character traits, until at a certain point, through trial and error, he would have discovered virtue.he should look for an individual who embodies virtue and then imitate this person, much like an apprentice learns from a master of some skill.he should pray to a divine creator for the necessary moral knowledge.he should read and reread the works of immanuel kant until the truth about what it means to be virtuous becomes manifest.


Judah wants to become a virtuous person but does not know where to begin. The route a virtue ethicist is likely to recommend is should pray to a divine creator for the necessary moral knowledge. Option (c) is correct.

"Virtue ethics" holds that there are some standards towards which we should aspire and which permit the complete development of our humanity. These values include excellence and commitment to the common good. Through careful consideration of what we as humans have the capacity to become, these ideals are revealed.

"Virtues" are the attitudes, tendencies, or personality qualities that allow us to be and act in ways that help us realize this potential. They make it possible for us to live up to our values. Virtues include things like sincerity, bravery, empathy, compassion, generosity, loyalty, integrity, fairness, self-control, and wisdom.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct.

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because the fighting against the vietcong had no well-defined front lines, the u.s. military gauged success by the number of enemy killed, a measurement known as .


Because the fighting against the vietcong had no well-defined front lines, the u.s. military gauged success by the number of enemy killed, a measurement known as: Body count.

What is  body count?

The measurement known as "body count" was used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to gauge success because the fighting against the Vietcong did not have well-defined front lines. The body count was the number of enemy soldiers reported to have been killed, and it was used as a measure of progress in the war.

However, this measurement was controversial because it could be manipulated or inflated to make it look like the U.S. was winning the war, even if the situation on the ground was not improving.

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in his inquiry locke set out to examine the physical characteristics of the mind.


This statement is not entirely accurate. John Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" was not focused on the physical characteristics of the mind but rather on the nature of human knowledge and understanding.

Locke believed that knowledge is not innate but acquired through experience and observation. He argued that the mind at birth is like a blank slate, or "tabula rasa," and that all knowledge and ideas come from the sensory experience. Therefore, Locke's inquiry was more about the source and nature of knowledge rather than the physical aspects of the mind.

Learn more about Human Understanding


Through his exploration, Locke sought to understand the intricate workings of the human mind and how it influences our thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. By examining the mind in this way, Locke aimed to gain a deeper understanding of human nature and the world around us.

Because the mind is an abstract, difficult-to-measure concept, the phrase "physical characteristics of the mind" can be a bit confusing. The brain, which is the organ in charge of producing and processing thoughts, emotions, and other mental functions, does have some physical traits that are related to how it works. Understanding these features can help us better understand the nature of mental activity and how it interacts with the body. The physical properties of the mind are strongly related to how the brain functions.

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