citrate test consider the uninoculated tube. a) is it a positive or a negative control? b) what information is provided by the uninoculated control?


Answer 1


A) It is a Negative Control

B)  It provides a baseline color (green) for "no change' in the medium. This allows detection of slight color changes in the experimental tubes that might not be apparent without comparison to the original color. It also verifies the sterility of the medium.

Related Questions

What group of organisms can be further classified into Kingdoms?(1 point)


Archaea is the group of organisms that can be classified further into kingdoms.

the extra atp that your mitochondria make will be stored in a molecule that works as an energy reservoir. this molecule is called


The extra ATP that the mitochondria produce will be stored in a molecule that serves as an energy reserve, this molecule is known as ADP. ADP stands for adenosine diphosphate).

ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that carries energy, it is a nucleotide that has been modified. The modified nucleotide has two additional phosphate groups attached to it. Energy is required to add the two phosphate groups to the nucleotide, as well as to remove them. The cells' main energy source is ATP, it is required for cellular processes such as biosynthesis, muscle contraction, and the generation of nerve impulses. The energy provided by ATP is utilized by the cell to complete its functions.

Learn more about ATP:


what scientists are credited with the base-pairing rules?


The base-pairing rules are credited to the scientists James Watson and Francis Crick. Watson and Crick were two English scientists who, together with Maurice Wilkins, co-discovered the structure of the DNA molecule.

What is DNA? The DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is the genetic material of the majority of the living organisms. This material is usually located in the cell nucleus, where it houses the genetic code that controls the synthesis of proteins and the general cell functioning. DNA consists of two long chains that wind around each other, forming a double helix. These chains are made up of nucleotides that contain a sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous base . The discovery of the structure of DNA revolutionized biology and led to the study of molecular genetics. Watson and Crick published a paper in 1953 that proposed the structure of DNA. The paper proposed that DNA consisted of two chains that were held together by pairs of bases. The bases were adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, and they paired up in a specific way: adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine. This pairing was referred to as the base-pairing rules. The base-pairing rules have been critical to the study of genetics and the development of new technologies, such as gene therapy and genetic engineering. They have also been critical to the study of evolution, as they have allowed scientists to compare the DNA of different organisms and determine their relationships.

for more such questions on  scientists .


dna contains the instructions needed for an organism to do all but which of the following? a: survive b: develop c: reproduce d: breath


The answer to the given question is "d. breath" since DNA does not provide the instructions for the organisms to breathe. The breathing process is regulated by the respiratory system, which consists of organs such as lungs, trachea, and bronchi. The respiratory system is responsible for taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, which is necessary for maintaining the body's metabolic functions.

The instructions that are contained in DNA are responsible for a wide range of functions in organisms. These functions include the ability to survive, develop, reproduce, and perform other necessary functions to support life on Earth. The only function that is not included in the instructions contained in DNA is the ability to breathe.

The DNA is a nucleic acid and contains the genetic information or instructions for the development, growth, reproduction, and survival of an organism. These instructions are coded in the form of genes, which are responsible for producing proteins that perform different functions in the body. These functions include everything from controlling the chemical reactions that occur in cells to regulating the expression of specific genes.

Here you can learn more about DNA


How long is an average life cycle for a rotifer?
5 to 45 days
5 to 45 months
5 to 45 years
5 to 45 weeks


5 to 45 days. They usually live for about 12 or more days

The average life cycle for a rotifer is 5 to 45 days. This means that from the time of birth to the time of death, the rotifer can live anywhere within this range, but on average their lifespan falls within this timeframe. Rotifers are small aquatic animals that reproduce quickly and have a short lifespan. Their lifespan can vary based on factors such as environmental conditions and food supply. However, in general, they live for a relatively short period compared to other organisms like humans who have a lifespan of decades....


in mammalian cells, where is the atp synthase protein complex located? inner membrane of mitochondria outer membrane of mitochondria cytoplasmic membrane mitochondrial matrix


The ATP synthase protein complex in mammalian cells is located in the inner membrane of mitochondria.

The ATP synthase protein complex is located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria in mammalian cells. The inner mitochondrial membrane is where most of the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation occur, which is the final stage of aerobic respiration. ATP synthase is an integral protein located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This protein uses energy from a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to synthesize ATP.The ATP synthase protein complex is responsible for producing ATP, which is the primary energy currency of cells.

It does this by harnessing the energy released during the electron transport chain to pump protons out of the inner mitochondrial membrane. This creates a proton gradient, which is used to power the ATP synthase protein complex, causing it to produce ATP. Therefore, the ATP synthase protein complex is essential for the production of ATP in mammalian cells.

For more such questions on ATP synthase , Visit:


What group has two pairs of antennae?


The group that has two pairs of antennae is the crustaceans.

Crustaceans are a type of arthropod that has a tough, flexible exoskeleton and two pairs of antennae. The crustacean group includes a wide range of organisms, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps, crayfish, and krill. The majority of these animals live in aquatic environments, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers.

They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their exoskeletons may be transparent or brightly colored. Crustaceans are known for their two pairs of antennae, which are sensory organs that detect changes in the environment.

These antennae are frequently long and flexible, allowing them to detect prey or predators from a distance. Crustaceans can be found in almost every body of water, from freshwater to saltwater. In the animal kingdom, they are one of the most diverse and adaptable groups.

To know more about crustaceans:


in the dark reactions (also known as the calvin cycle), sugar precursor molecules are made and exit the cycle. however, one of these precursor molecules remains in the cycle. why is this important?


This important because the remaining molecule is necessary for the continuation of the cycle and for the production of new sugars. Without this molecule, the cycle would be interrupted and no more sugars would be produced.

It is difficult to determine the specific molecule being referred to in this statement without further context. However, based on the mention of the cycle and the production of sugars, it is possible that the molecule being referred to is ATP (adenosine triphosphate) or NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), both of which are involved in the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Learn more about molecule at:


Parents from previous generations had their own worries at the time about raising
children. What is one concern that parents from past generations had to deal with?



Parents from past generations had to deal with various concerns related to raising children, depending on the time period and cultural context. Here are some examples:

Safety: In the past, children faced more dangers from diseases, accidents, and other hazards. Parents had to take extra precautions to ensure their children's safety, such as keeping them away from strangers, supervising their playtime, and providing proper healthcare.

Education: In some cultures and time periods, education was not accessible to everyone, and parents had to fight to ensure their children received a decent education. In other cases, children were expected to work from an early age, and schooling was seen as a luxury.

Discipline: Parents from past generations also had to deal with disciplinary issues. However, the methods of discipline were often more physical and severe than what is acceptable today. Spanking, whipping, and other forms of physical punishment were common, even for minor misbehaviors.

Societal pressure: Parents were often under pressure from society to raise their children according to certain norms and expectations. For example, in some cultures, girls were expected to be docile and obedient, while boys were encouraged to be tough and independent. Parents who deviated from these norms risked being ostracized by their communities.

Economic hardship: In times of economic hardship, parents had to make difficult choices to provide for their families. Some had to leave their children behind to work in other towns or countries, while others had to send their children to work at an early age to help support the family

explain your understanding of energy flow in an ecosystem links to an external site.. give relevant examples.


Energy flow in an ecosystem is the process of energy transfer from one organism to another.

Energy enters an ecosystem from external sources, such as sunlight, and then moves through organisms and components of the environment in a particular pattern.

For example, energy is transferred from plants to herbivores, then to carnivores, and eventually lost as heat energy when the organisms die. In this way, energy flows from one organism to another and is recycled within the ecosystem.

An example of energy flow in an ecosystem is a food chain. A food chain is a linear sequence of organisms in which each organism consumes the one before it, transferring energy from one organism to the next.

At the base of the food chain are the producers, such as plants, which convert energy from the sun into organic material. Herbivores eat the producers and are eaten by carnivores. Energy is transferred from the plants to the herbivores and then to the carnivores, and eventually lost as heat energy.

Another example of energy flow in an ecosystem is the carbon cycle. In the carbon cycle, carbon is cycled from one organism to the next in a series of chemical reactions.

Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants, which convert it into organic material. Herbivores then eat the plants and the carbon is passed up the food chain. Eventually, the carbon is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide when the organisms die.

In conclusion, energy flow in an ecosystem is the process of energy transfer from one organism to another. Examples of energy flow include food chains and the carbon cycle.

To know more about the ecosystem, refer here:


which phase on the growth curve for a bacterial population contains a high number of viable cells for the longest time


The growth curve for a bacterial population contains a high number of viable cells for the longest time on the stationary phase.

The bаcteriаl growth curve represents the number of live cells in а bаcteriаl populаtion over а period of time. There аre four distinct phаses of the growth curve: lаg, exponentiаl (log), stаtionаry, аnd deаth.

The initiаl phаse is the lаg phаse where bаcteriа аre metаbolicаlly аctive but not dividing.The exponentiаl or log phаse is а time of exponentiаl growth.In the stаtionаry phаse, growth reаches а plаteаu аs the number of dying cells equаls the number of dividing cells.The deаth phаse is chаrаcterized by аn exponentiаl decreаse in the number of living cells.

For more information about bаcteriаl growth curve refers to the link:


in the binomial name for the common fruit fly, drosophila melanogaster, which two taxonomic levels are provided in the name?


The binomial name for the common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, provides two taxonomic levels in the name: the genus and species.

Binomial nomenclature is the system of naming species with a scientific name consisting of two parts: a generic name and a specific name, which together define the species.

The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN), which applies to all organisms traditionally treated as plants, also allows for names to be assigned to taxonomic ranks other than species. However, it is customary for the binomial system to be used in all ranks, including the rank of species.

Binomial names, often known as scientific names, consist of two parts: the first part is the generic name or genus name, which identifies the genus to which the species belongs, and the second part is the specific name or species epithet, which identifies the species within the genus.

The word "binomial" comes from the Latin "bi-" meaning "two" and "nomen" meaning "name."

To know more about Binomial nomenclature here:


short preganglionic neurons and long post ganglionic neurons correctly describes the anatomical makeup of:


Short preganglionic neurons and long post ganglionic neurons correctly describes the anatomical makeup of the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is made up of two branches, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Each branch has preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. The preganglionic neurons in the autonomic nervous system are typically shorter than the postganglionic neurons, and they connect to the postganglionic neurons at ganglia, which are clusters of neurons outside the brain and spinal cord.

The postganglionic neurons then go on to connect to their target organs, such as the heart, lungs, or digestive tract.

Learn more about sympathetic nervous system at:


Choose the correct statement(s) regarding the changes that take place in bones as a person ages. Check all that apply.
a. Adults have fewer bones because many bones fuse through the years.
b. At birth there are about 270 bones, but fewer bones form during childhood
c. The adult pelvis is a single hip bone, which results from the fusion of three childhood bones.
d. The fusion of several bones, completed by late adolescence to the mid-20s, brings about the average adult number of 206.


The human body has roughly 270 bones at birth, but some of these bones fuse together as the child develops. As a result, adults have less bone mass than children.

Why do adults have less bones than children?

Because some bones combine to form one bone as children age, babies have more bones than adults do. Babies have more cartilage than bone, which explains this. Around 305 bones are present in newborns

What is necessary for normal bone formation in sufficient amounts?

The two main components of the crystalline component of bone, calcium and phosphate, are necessary for normal bone development and mineralization. Rickets and/or osteomalacia can be caused by insufficient mineralization.

To know more about bones visit:-


which of the four histones has the largest tail? do histone tails play an important role in the organization of core nucleosome particle? how do histone tail modifications contribute to chromatin structure


Of the four kinds of histone proteins, histone H3 is distinctive in at least two ways. First, it possesses the longest N-terminal tail with 59 amino acids, filled with positively charged residues.

The nucleosome's histone tail secondary structure. Histone tails are known to have a crucial role in nucleosome dynamics and hence in gene expression and transcription.

Various forms of histone alterations. Phosphorylation of histone tails gives a negative charge to the histone tails, therefore affecting the conformation of chromatin structure and interactions with transcription factors. There are two primary ways that histone alterations work.

The first involves the modification(s) that, either locally or broadly, directly affect the general structure of chromatin. The second step entails modifying the regulation in a positive or negative way.

Learn more about histones Visit:


6. the instructions for making hemoglobin and other macromolecules in this same category are found in which organic molecule?


The instructions for making hemoglobin and other macromolecules in this same category are found in DNA.

DNA is an organic molecule made up of nucleotides that carry the genetic code for all living organisms. The nucleotides are arranged in a double helix, and the code for making hemoglobin and other macromolecules is stored in the form of a four-letter alphabet - A, T, C, and G - that are found in the nucleotide base pairs.

DNA is a long polymer of nucleotides that encodes the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known living things and many viruses.The instructions for the synthesis of the protein hemoglobin and other macromolecules in this same category are provided by DNA.

DNA is a macromolecule composed of nucleotide subunits, with each nucleotide consisting of a sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine). These nitrogenous bases, combined in a sequence determined by the genetic code, provide the blueprint for constructing proteins such as hemoglobin.

Learn more about DNA here:


which of the following statements about blood is true? question 7 options: blood is about 92 percent water. blood is slightly more acidic than water. blood is slightly more viscous than water. blood is slightly more salty than seawater.


The statement about blood that is true is that the blood is about 92 percent water.

Blood is about 92 percent water. This means that most of its mass is composed of water, and that it has a similar chemical makeup as water. Blood is also slightly more acidic than water, with a pH of 7.35-7.45. It is also slightly more viscous than water, meaning it has a thicker consistency. Finally, blood is slightly more salty than seawater. This is due to the presence of electrolytes and other elements in the blood, such as sodium, potassium, and chloride.

Overall, these characteristics of blood provide it with the unique properties it needs to fulfill its purpose in the human body. Water, electrolytes, and other chemicals present in the blood are used to maintain pH balance, provide nutrients to the body, and carry away waste products.

Learn more about blood here:


What are gases in an acid rain and what's the effect of acid rain?


Acid rain is a type of precipitation that has a higher than normal acidity due to the presence of certain gases in the atmosphere, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). These gases are released into the atmosphere primarily through the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, as well as from natural processes like volcanic eruptions.

When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with water vapor and other chemicals in the atmosphere, they form acids like sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids then fall back to the Earth's surface as acid rain.

The effects of acid rain can be damaging to both the environment and human-made structures. Acid rain can lower the pH of lakes and rivers, which can harm aquatic life and reduce biodiversity. It can also damage forests and soil, making it harder for trees and plants to absorb nutrients and grow. In addition, acid rain can corrode buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and maintenance.

In humans, acid rain can cause respiratory problems and aggravate existing health conditions like asthma. It can also contribute to the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the atmosphere, which is linked to a range of health problems, including heart disease and lung cancer.

which of these statements about aquatic biomes is accurate? which of these statements about aquatic biomes is accurate? the ocean is so vast that it is not influenced by human impacts.


The claims made concerning aquatic biomes are all false.

False, Nutrients are no longer accessible to creatures once they reach the bottom of lakes.

False, Because of its size, the ocean is unaffected by human activity.

The first claim, "Nutrients are no longer accessible to creatures after they drop to the bottom of lakes," is false. It is true that nutrients may at first settle at the bottom of lakes, but they may be recycled back into the ecosystem through procedures including upwelling, decomposition, and nutrient recycling by benthic species.

The second claim—that because the ocean is so big, human influences do not affect it—is false. Human activities like pollution, overfishing and climate change have a significant influence on the ocean and can result in biodiversity losses, food chain disruptions, and changes in the ocean's chemistry.

Learn more about aquatic biomes at


The question is-

Which of these statements about aquatic biomes is true? Select True or False for each statement. T/F Once nutrients sink to the bottom of lakes, they are no longer available to organisms and the ocean is so vast that it is not influenced by human impacts.

factors that aid venous return include all except . group of answer choices urinary output pressure changes in the thorax activity of skeletal muscles venous valves


Factors that aid venous return include all except a. urinary output.

The blood circulatory system in the human body is responsible for the supply of oxygen to tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body. Blood flow through veins and capillaries is slower than blood flow through arteries. Venous return is the volume of blood returned to the heart per unit time from the periphery. It is determined by two factors that are the pressure difference between the peripheral venous system and the right atrium and the resistance to blood flow between the two sites.

Pressure changes in the thorax is factors that aid venous return, the pressure difference between the right atrium and the peripheral veins is increased when the intrathoracic pressure decreases during inspiration. It promotes venous return by increasing the pressure gradient between the peripheral veins and the right atrium. Activity of skeletal muscles also factors that aid venous return, the contraction of skeletal muscles causes the peripheral veins to compress and blood to be forced to the heart. The last factors that aid venous return is venous valves, valves in peripheral veins prevent backflow of blood in the veins due to gravity, the valves ensure blood flow in the correct direction. Thus, all the factors aid venous return except urinary output.

Learn more about skeletal muscles at:


Structures represented in the illustration below are found in the lower epidermis of a plant leaf. The illustration shows the response to a certain environmental condition. What are the structures that point T and Q and what would the response represented in the illustration most likely be caused by?


In the given structure T represents Guard cells while Q represents Stoma.

The structures represented by points T and Q in the illustration below are found in the lower epidermis of a plant leaf. Point T represents a guard cell, and point Q represents a stoma (also called a stomatal pore). The response shown in the illustration is most likely due to the lack of available water.

Guard cells are specialized cells found in the lower and upper epidermis of leaves in plants. They are responsible for regulating the opening and closing of stomata, which are tiny pores on the surface of leaves that allow for gas exchange between the plant and the environment.

Guard cells are kidney-shaped and contain chloroplasts, which enable them to photosynthesize and produce energy for their function. When they are turgid (swollen with water), the stomata open, allowing for the exchange of gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor. When they are flaccid (lacking water), the stomata close, preventing water loss and conserving water within the plant.

The opening and closing of stomata is regulated by changes in turgor pressure within the guard cells, which is influenced by environmental factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels. Guard cells play a crucial role in plant survival by maintaining the balance between gas exchange and water conservation.

Stomata (singular: stoma) are tiny pores or openings found in the leaves, stems, and other above-ground parts of plants. Stomata are surrounded by a pair of specialized cells called guard cells that regulate their opening and closing.

Stomata are the main sites for gas exchange in plants, allowing for the uptake of carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis, and the release of oxygen produced during photosynthesis. They also play a role in transpiration, which is the loss of water vapor from the plant through its leaves.

The number and distribution of stomata on a plant can vary depending on factors such as species, age, and environmental conditions.

Learn more about guard cells:


Energy from cellular metabolism is converted to ATP by respiring organisms. Place the following steps in the correct order. Events (5 items) (Drag and drop into the appropriate area) - Influx of Hthrough ATP synthase drives ATP production - NADH and FADH are oxidized by electron transport proteins. - An electrochemical gradient of protons is established (â–³p). - Glycolysis and TCA cycle generate NADH & FADH
- Electron transport releases energy that is used to translocate H+.


Correct order:

Glycolysis and TCA cycle generate NADH & FADH --> NADH and FADH are oxidized by electron transport proteins. --> Electron transport releases energy that is used to translocate H+. --> An electrochemical gradient of protons is established (â–³p). --> Influx of H+ through ATP synthase drives ATP production.

The main source of energy for cellular functions is ATP, which is produced by cells through the process of cellular respiration. Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (also known as the TCA cycle or Krebs cycle), and oxidative phosphorylation are the three primary phases of the reaction (which includes the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis). The majority of the ATP is created in the electron transport chain, which is the last phase of cellular respiration.

A large enzyme complex called ATP synthase crosses the inner mitochondrial membrane. It drives the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate using the energy from the proton gradient. Once H+ enters ATP synthase, a rotor-like structure rotates within the enzyme complex, changing the active site's shape and catalysing the creation of ATP. The ultimate consequence is the creation of ATP, which is subsequently utilized to fuel energetically demanding cellular functions.

To know more about ATP


the food web below shows the flow of energy through a sagebrush-steppe ecosystem. what is the maximum percentage of the energy that would be received by the coyote?


The maximum percentage of energy that would be received by the coyote in this sagebrush-steppe ecosystem is 10%. This is because coyotes are the top level predators, meaning that they only receive energy that is passed down to them by the previous trophic levels.

The first trophic level is the primary producers, in this case the sagebrush, which makes up the majority of the energy in the ecosystem (80%). The primary consumers (the grasshoppers) then consume the sagebrush and receive 10% of its energy, which is then passed down to the secondary consumers (the rodents) who in turn receive 10% of the energy, which is finally passed down to the tertiary consumers (the coyotes), receiving the remaining 10% of the energy.

Here you can learn more about trophic levels


what tools are typically used for transferring small amounts of bacteria from one culture medium to another? multiple select question. inoculating needle


In order to transfer small amounts of bacteria from one culture medium to another, the most commonly used tools are an inoculating needle and a loop.

An inoculating needle is a metal or plastic needle with a sharp tip and is used to carefully transfer bacteria from one medium to another. The loop is a sterile, loop-shaped metal wire which is heated in a flame and then cooled to pick up the bacteria, and then the bacteria are transferred to the new medium.  In order to use the tools properly, one must first flame-sterilize the inoculating needle and loop by heating them until they are red-hot. Once cooled, the needle and loop can be used to transfer the bacteria from one medium to another.  Once the bacteria has been transferred to the new medium, it should be incubated in order to allow the bacteria to grow. Following a proper sterile technique when transferring bacteria between cultures is important in order to prevent contamination.

Learn more about bacterial culture:


like the incisors, when viewing a canine from the proximal view, what shape is the crown outline?


The crown outline of a canine viewed from the proximal view is crescent-shaped.

The canine tooth is the largest of the four types of teeth located between the incisors and premolars. The crown of the canine tooth is crescent-shaped when viewed from the proximal view.Incisors are the front teeth in your mouth that are used to cut and bite food. They are located in the middle of the mouth and are used for biting and cutting. The front four teeth in the upper and lower jaw are known as incisors

There are eight incisors in an adult human mouth. The upper incisors are known as central incisors, while the lower ones are known as lateral incisors. The human incisors are flat and have a chisel-like edge that is sharp. They are positioned in the front of the mouth and are used for biting and cutting food.

Canines, also known as cuspids or eye teeth, are the pointy teeth located between the incisors and the premolars in the human mouth. There are two on the top and two on the bottom in the adult human mouth. They are thicker and stronger than the incisors, making them ideal for tearing meat from bones.

They have long roots, allowing them to fit tightly into the jawbone. The shape of the crown outline of the canine teeth, like the incisors, is triangular when viewed from the proximal view.

Learn more about teeth here:


petrochemicals are derived from which of the following of resources? group of answer choices none of these seawater petroleum trees atmosphere


Petrochemicals are derived from petroleum, which is a naturally occurring liquid found in underground reservoirs.

Petroleum is composed of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, which are molecules composed of hydrogen and carbon. Hydrocarbons can be further broken down into various products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, and petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are derived from petroleum by distillation, a process in which petroleum is heated to separate the different components. These components are then combined in various ways to create useful products, such as plastics, synthetic fibers, detergents, and fertilizers.

None of the other answer choices are valid sources for petrochemicals. Seawater, trees, and atmosphere contain no hydrocarbons and therefore cannot be used to make petrochemicals.

For more such questions on Petrochemicals.


is the disease shown in the following pedigree caused by a dominant or a recessive allele? why? based on this limited pedigree, do you think the disease allele is rare or common in the population?


The disease shown in the pedigree is caused by a dominant allele. This is due to the fact that only one of the two parents needs to be carrying the dominant allele in order for their child to be affected. Based on this limited pedigree, it is difficult to tell whether the disease allele is rare or common in the population.

If the disease is caused by a dominant allele, we would expect to see affected individuals in every generation, as every affected individual would have inherited the disease allele from an affected parent. In this pedigree, we do not see affected individuals in every generation, which makes it less likely that the disease is caused by a dominant allele.

If the disease is caused by a recessive allele, we would expect to see affected individuals in every generation only if both parents are carriers of the disease allele. In this pedigree, we see unaffected parents producing affected children, which is more consistent with a recessive mode of inheritance.

Based on this limited pedigree, it is difficult to determine whether the disease allele is rare or common in the population. We do not have enough information about the frequency of the disease in the general population or the degree of relatedness between the individuals in the pedigree to make an accurate assessment of allele frequency.

Learn more about pedigree at:


polar bodies are cell structures that are typically found inside an ovum. true or false


Answer: yes

Explanation: the polar body is small haploid cell that is creaat t the same time egg cell during oo genesis but generally doesnot have to fertilize

question 1. how does nature (genes/biology) influence our gender? how does nurture (our environment) influence our gender?


Nature (genes/biology) decides the fundamental basis of our gender and nurture (environment) can influence how gender develops .

The influence of nature (genes/biology) and nurture (our environment) on our gender can be described as follows:

Nature: Genes, chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive anatomy all play a part in the growth and development of our gender. Genetics can decide whether someone is born male or female, and the chromosomes they inherit from their parents can decide the physical sex characteristics.

Nurture: The environment can affect gender growth and development in various ways. People's families, peer groups, social roles, media, and culture all contribute to gender development. Parents' attitudes towards gender roles, as well as their children's relationships with male and female peers, can influence the development of gender.

In summary, nature (genes/biology) decides the fundamental basis of our gender and nurture (environment) can influence how gender develops.

To know more about Genes refer here :


the process in which the genealogy of any pair of homologous alleles merges in a common ancestor is:


The process in which the genealogy of any pair of homologous alleles merges in a common ancestor is called coalescence.

Coalescence occurs when two or more alleles or allelic lineages of the same gene merge over time and can be used to estimate the time of the common ancestor. It occurs because the alleles are passed down from generation to generation. When two alleles coalesce, the pair can be traced back to a single ancestor. This is because each allele has a certain probability of being passed from parent to offspring, and as the alleles move from generation to generation, eventually two alleles from different individuals are likely to end up in the same individual, which indicates a common ancestor.

Coalescence is an important concept in population genetics, as it can be used to estimate the time to the most recent common ancestor of a population.

Learn more about coalescence at:


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No, x represents the total yards of fabric used.O No, x represents the total amount of fabric shealready has. which quotation supports the inference that one may be able to recognize which alaskan tribe made a totem pole by looking at it for what mileages will company a charge less than company b? use for the number of miles driven, and solve your inequality for . Jessica went deep sea diving. She make the first stop on her descent at 25 meters below the surface of the water. From that point she dives down further, stopping every 5 meters. If she makes 4 additional stops, which number represents her position, relative to the surface of the water?*A 45B 20C -20D -45 If f(x)=3-2x and g(x)= 1x+5 what is the value of [f-g](8)? How many solutions and what is the solution? please help you flip a coin 4 times and get 4 heads in a row what is the probability that the 5th coin flipped is a head On a distance time graph of an objects motion distance is usually what what are the null and alternative hypotheses? let the probability the shares held will be worth more after the split. Even when a good database blueprint is available, an applications programmer's view of the data should match that of the manager and the end user.a. Trueb. False Find the value of x in a triangle, 142 degrees and 112 degrees are intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed by or aligned with those of the organization. multiple choicea. Coalition Formationb. Power Basec. Upward Influenced. Organization politicse. Ingratiation suppose the gasoline tax is increased. will gasoline sellers, workers, or consumers be most impacted? use the concept of elasticity to explain your answer. Fill-In The Blank: Replication, RNA, and Transcription DNA Structure Word Bank: You can use a term more than once. Backbone DNA ligase cytosine deoxyribose DNA DNA polymerasedouble helix hydrogen helicase nitrogenous base nucleotides 5 to 3 Okasaki fragments protein parent strands purines making proteins3 to 5 pyrimidines ribose RNA 2 identicalsingle strand storing thymine uracil lagging strandleading strand nucleus cytoplasm mRNA RNA PolymeraseDNA must replicate as part of cell division. The enzyme that causes DNA to unwind is called (1) helicase. It breaks the hydrogen bonds between the complementary nitrogenous base pairs, separating the double helix into two _(2)______________________. Each of these parent strands serves as a template for new DNA. The enzyme that connects complementary bases of free nucleotides is called (3)________________________. The new complementary strands are made in the (4)_______________direction. Thus, the parent strand is read in the (5) ___________direction. The (6) _________________is made in one continuous strand and follows in the same direction as helicase. The (7) ____________ is created in pieces, called (8) ____________. To connect these pieces, (9) __________ is used to insert the missing nucleotides. The end result is (10) ______________ copies of the original DNA molecule. This entire process takes place in the (11) _________________. Ribose nucleic acid, (12)__________________ for short, is composed of the same subunits as DNA, except that the thymine bases are replaced with (13)______________________ bases and the sugar backbone is composed of a (14)______________________ sugar. RNA forms a (15)____________________________ structure. While DNA is responsible for (16)______________________ the genetic code, RNA uses the genetic code for _(17)_______________________________. The process of transcription occurs in the _(18)____________. The purpose of this process is to copy a specific code in the DNA (called a gene) into (19)___________. Transcription begins when an enzyme called (20)_____________ opens DNA and reads the DNA in a (21) ______________ direction. As it does so, it creates an mRNA strand in the (22)___________ direction. When this process is completed, mRNA will eventually leave the (23)__________. MRNA will carry the DNA code on how to make a specific (24) ________ Alen has read 60% of a book. He has 32 more pages to finish. How many pages are there in the book? In this course, glossary terms are__A: italic green typeB: bold green typeC: underlined with a dotted lineD: italic red type Prove that the two triangles are congruent. Be sure to include each step in the proof.