Compare effigy mounds and Nazca Lines. What is one thing that both of these artforms have in common?

Both can be seen from the sky, such as when flying in an airplane.

Both are commonly created in the shape of turtles or other animals with shells.

Both are present today and easily found in the upper Midwest of the United States.

Both are created by removing the top reddish pebble layer to show whiter ground below.


Answer 1


D. Both are created by removing the top reddish pebble layer to show whiter ground below.


Both effigy mounds and Nazca Lines are created by removing the top layer of reddish pebbles to reveal a lighter-colored ground below, resulting in visually striking designs that are best appreciated from an aerial perspective.

Related Questions

During the Neolithic period, monuments were created. What were these monuments made from?

twigs and reeds covered in white plaster


large blocks of stone

small, soft stones from nearby caves


c. large blocks of stone

One of the regions of Melanesia known for its artistic traditions and creations is the Sepik region of New Guinea. When exploring the art of the Sepik region, which of these statements is TRUE about their art?

Most of their creations were simply created to be looked at and admired; they were never meant to be used.

Their pieces of art were not decorated at all and were quite plain with rather muted colors.

While some artistic items were used in daily life, others were created for installation in ceremonial houses and used for rituals.

Their art has always had a very distinct and easily recognizable style.


Option c is entirely right. While some creative pieces were used in everyday life, others were designed for installation in ceremonial houses and usage in ceremonies.

What is the Sepik region's art?

Figures from the Iatmul are among the most well-known of the Sepik River's artworks. Sculptures are often intricately carved works of art. Flowing curvilinear motifs have been painted on the sculptures. The Iatmul are a big population, with many of their settlements located along the Sepik River.

Around the Sepik River, around 200 diverse communities speak different languages. The variety of artistic styles observed across these organisations is as predicted, but three aesthetic aspects appear to be common to nearly all of them.

To know about Sepik visit:



C. While some artistic items were used in daily life, others were created for installation in ceremonial houses and used for rituals.


27. Choose a marking tool with a similar color to the fabric yet still visible


When choosing a marking tool for fabric, it is important to consider the color of the fabric and the color of the marking tool.

How to choose a marking tool with a similar color to the fabric?

When choosing a marking tool for fabric, it is important to consider the color of the fabric and the color of the marking tool. If the fabric is light in color, a marking tool with a similar color or a white marking tool can be used. If the fabric is dark in color, a marking tool with a contrasting color that is still visible can be used.

For example:

A silver or white marking tool can be used on dark fabric, while a black or blue marking tool can be used on light fabric. It is also important to test the marking tool on a small area of the fabric before using it on the entire project to ensure that it is easily visible and does not damage the fabric.

Learn more about tools in:


write note on crop propagation​



Crop propagation, also known as plant propagation, is the process of multiplying and reproducing plants to create new individuals with desirable traits.

Fragments from pictorial stained glass have been found that date back to the 10th century.




There have been discoveries of stained glass fragments dating to the tenth century. false

When were those graphic stained glass fragments discovered?

The earliest pieces of ancient pictorial stained glass that are currently known to exist date to the 10th century. Five prophet panels at Augsburg, which date back to the late 11th century, include the earliest preserved figures.

When was glass produced?

Glass has always been present in nature, but the very first human-made glass dates back to Mesopotamia, the region between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, where artisans developed the technique for creating glass by blending sand, soda, and lime.

To know more about stained visit:


All totem poles were created as items of worship.





B. False


You can look it up online.

Question 12 (1 point)
Carlos is walking through a park when he notices a bicyclist fall and hurt himself. He
looks around, and he is the only person present. According to social psychology,
what is Carlos most likely to do?
1) Carlos will most likely turn the other way and hope the bicyclist did not see
2) Carlos will most likely offer help.
3) Carlos will most likely hide and wait to see if anyone else shows up to help.
4) Carlos will most likely let the bicyclist take care of himself.



the 2nd would be the one in the choice

Which of the following scenarios best shows the relationship between art, commerce, and technology?


Relationship between art, commerce, and technology an artist have agreed to work together to produce an album that is fully digital, option c is correct and backup vocals produced digitally.  

What connection exists between technology and the arts?

Today's artists produce work that involves technology as well as a representation of something in their imaginations. As an illustration, painters can now create their paintings using digital tablets and software.

What role does technology play in art in the twenty-first century?

In essence, technology aids an artist's creativity by expanding their possibilities while also reducing any potential issues. It significantly lowers the difficulty of creating art as a result.

To know more about commerce, and technology visit :-


Take a look at this piece of art:

Painting of a woman sitting next to two babies and another woman on the grassy bank of a stream.

What is the name of this painting?

The Vi*gin on the Rocks

The Birth of Venus


Mona Lisa




The Vi*gin on the Rocks


I am AP art history student, none of the other 3 match the image (I know the other 3 artworks well)

You are looking for a painting that demonstrates the rococo characteristic of secular themes with a lighthearted element. What painting would illustrate both of these characteristics?

The Family of Charles IV

Liberty Leading the People

The Raft of the Medusa

Pilgrimage to Cythera



D. Pilgrimage to Cythera


"Pilgrimage to Cythera" is a painting by Jean-Antoine Watteau, a prominent Rococo artist known for his depictions of idyllic and lighthearted scenes. The painting portrays a group of elegantly dressed individuals in a pastoral setting, journeying to the mythical island of Cythera, associated with love and pleasure in Greek mythology. The painting captures a sense of romance, fantasy, and escapism, which are typical themes in Rococo art. It portrays a secular scene with a lighthearted and playful tone, characteristics that are often associated with Rococo art style. Therefore, "Pilgrimage to Cythera" would be the most appropriate painting to illustrate both the rococo characteristic of secular themes and a lighthearted element.

Take a look at this piece of art:

Painting of Jesus sitting at a long table with his apostles on either side of him.

What is the name of this painting?

The Vigin on the Rocks

The Last Supper

The Birth of Venus

Mona Lisa


B, the last supper. The Last Supper is the Paintint
The name of the painting is B. The Last Supper

Henri Matisse was part of a movement known as 'Fauvism', which in French translates to "wild beasts". options: True or False


False. Henri Matisse was a member of a movement known as "Fauvism," which is French for "wild beasts."

Henri Matisse was a proponent of the Fauvism movement.

Henri Matisse, André Derain, and Maurice Vlaminck are some of the most well-known Fauve artists who established the movement's distinctive aesthetic. Actually, the term "Les Fauves" refers to "wild beasts"; it was used to describe Matisse's and the other artists' choice of colors, implying that their creations were brutish and undeveloped.

Is the French word for "Fauvism" "wild beast"?

The word "fauvisme" means "wild beast" in French, where it derives from. The phrase "Donatello in the middle of the fauves!" is credited to French art critic Louis Vauxcelles, who made the statement at the Salon in 1905 after spotting a statue in the quattrocento style among works by Matisse and his friends.

To know more about Henri Matisse visit :-


While your class is touring a museum, the tour guide tells you that much of prehistoric art remains a mystery, but he can tell you a lot more about ancient art. Why is there more information available about ancient art than prehistoric art?

Ancient art is more valuable than prehistoric art, so people spend money to further research the pieces.

The greater amount of remains and ruins belonging to ancient societies help piece together the function and meaning of the art.

Archaeologists find more value in studying ancient times than prehistoric times.

The prehistoric cultures recorded their history in writing that no one can comprehend.


A. There is more information obtainable about antiquity than about prehistoric art B. There are more ruins and relics from ancient societies, which helps us understand the purpose and significance of the art.

How did prehistoric humans utilize art to represent their everyday lives?

Prehistoric art provides insight on early humans' daily routines. For instance, several paintings on the cave walls depicted various creatures, including livestock, buffalo, hyenas, wolves, and foxes. This demonstrates the value these species held for the ancient humans.

What use did art serve during the primordial era?

The pieces of art from the prehistoric period depict how humans lived in that time. These works of art are crucial for people today to understand and discover what individuals In the beginning, do to survive. These works of art also reflect the early peoples' religious and cultural traditions.

To know more about prehistoric visit:


What is Picasso know for?



Here is the answer


Pablo Picasso revolutionized the art world and to many is THE artist of the 20th century. He is famous for his role in pioneering Cubism with Georges Braque and for his melancholy Blue Period pieces. Original signed Picasso lithographs and prints are a sure investment.

Towards the end of his life, Matisse began working with collages instead of painting due to health-related issues. options: True or False


False: Matisse started creating collages towards the end of his life rather than continuing to paint because of health-related issues.

Does Matisse create collages?

Using paper and scissors, Matisse created the new art form. He started making decoupage, or cut-paper collages, with the aid of his assistants. Due of his health issues, which prevented him from painting in the traditional method, Matisse was motivated to begin creating collages.

What did Matisse consider to be the aim of art?

Matisse famously declared that he wanted his art to be "of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter," and this aspiration impacted many, such as Clement Greenberg, who turned to art for consolation from the chaos of the modern world.

To know more about health-related issues visit :-


Question 6 of 30
Match each artistic movement with a work of art that represents it.
The Death of Marat by
Jacques-Louis David
The Third of May, 1808 by
Francisco de Goya
The Stone Breakers by
Gustave Courbet
Water Lilies by Claude


The artistic movement with a work of art that represents includes:

Romanticism: The Third of May, 1808 by Francisco de GoyaImpressionism: Water Lilies by Claude MonetRealism: The Stone Breakers by Gustave CourbetNeoclassicism: The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David.

What is artistic movement?

An art movement is a tendency or a style of art with a particularly specified objective and philosophy that is adopted and followed by a group of artists during a specific period that may span from a few months to years or maybe even decades.

Read more about artistic movement


As soon as Mrs. Peal asked the question, Jack felt the knot in his stomach. He felt that knot because he knew he had been caught. He had gotten onto her roof from the elm tree in his backyard and had broken one of her roof tiles when he had landed. Mrs. Peal wasn't home at the time, but the damage was obvious when she pulled into the driveway.
Jack had already gotten in trouble for climbing on his own roof. Mrs. Peal knew that because she had called his mother when she'd seen him playing on the roof one day.
Jack liked the adventure of being up high where he could get a bird's-eye view of the world. He felt invisible. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he was always careful, and the trees in the yard gave him such an easy way to get to the roof.
But here was Mrs. Peal: "Jack, did you get on my roof?"
"No, ma'am, I didn't get near your roof," he lied.
"Then tell me how you think that roof tile up there got broken," she said, pointing to the spot. "It's right under the branch of your favorite elm tree."
"I don't know, Mrs. Peal, maybe a squirrel fell or maybe something fell out of an airplane," he said. His stomach was really churning, and all he could think of was getting away from his neighbor.
Mrs. Peal laughed and shook her head. "When was the last time you saw an airplane flying over my house?"
"Sometimes airplanes fly so high you can't see them," Jack said.
"Don't make it worse for yourself by lying to me, Jack," she said. "You look me right in the eyes and tell me you didn't break the tile when you jumped out of the tree." She took his shoulders in both hands and looked Jack right in his eyes.
Jack knew he'd been caught and exhaled deeply. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Peal. I didn't mean to break your tile. I can just see so much farther from your roof than my roof."
"Jack, you're not supposed to be on the roof, period," Mrs. Peal said. "You know your parents have told you to stay off the roof."
"Are you going to tell my parents?" Jack asked.
"Yes, because they've asked you not to climb on it, but I'll also tell them how much fun you have, how careful you are, and that it isn't very far from the ground." Mrs. Peal replied. "You should talk to them about it, too."
Jack felt the knot in his stomach loosen, knowing that Mrs. Peal might help him change his parents' thoughts about climbing.
How does Mrs. Peal resolve the conflict?
She makes Jack look her in the eyes and tell her the truth.
She gets Jack's parents to pay for repairing her roof.
She threatens to tell Jack's parents if he doesn't confess.
She laughs at the silly explanation that he offers.


Mrs. Peal resolve the conflict by option C. She threatens to tell Jack's parents if he doesn't confess.

What does admitted under pressure mean?

A constrained admission is an admission gotten from a suspect or a detainee through torment (counting improved cross examination procedures) or different types of pressure. A forced confession is not valid as a means of revealing the truth, depending on the degree of coercion used. Coercive methods of police interrogation lead to false confessions. Confusion, lying to the defendant about the evidence, threatening the defendant with lengthy prison terms, and physically or mentally exhausting the defendant are some of the methods .

To learn more about evidence visit :


According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences,
a. emotional intelligence is highly correlated with general intelligence
b. each intelligence has a distinct course of development
c. traditional intelligence tests accurately assess the complexity of human behavior
d. all forms of intelligence have the same neurological basis


According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, (b) each intelligence has a distinct course of development.

Howard Gardner's theory proposes that intelligence is not a single, overarching ability, but rather a collection of distinct abilities that fall into various categories termed as 'multiple intelligences.' Gardner identified eight different types of intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Each intelligence has its distinct course of development and neural basis. Emotional intelligence is not considered a type of intelligence by Gardner, but it refers to a set of emotional and social skills that allow individuals to understand, manage, and express their emotions effectively. Traditional intelligence tests are not always entirely adequate in assessing the complexity of human behavior because they may overlook certain types of intelligence, such as emotional or social intelligence.

Your classmate Josephine went to the museum to explore the cultures of the Great Plains in the modern United States and their beautiful beadwork. She shares with you the facts she learns about their beadwork. Which of her “facts” is CORRECT?

Beaded artwork was often created by men.

Most beadwork featured bright colors and sparkly gems.

Patterns using flowers and leaves were sometimes used.

Beaded artwork was never created for practical items.


The fact that is correct of beadwork from the Great Plains is C. Patterns using flowers and leaves were sometimes used.

What artwork happened in the Great Plains ?

Beaded artwork from the Great Plains region of the modern United States was created by Native American tribes and is known for its intricate designs and use of bright colors. However, Option A is incorrect as beadwork was traditionally created by women, not men.

Option D is also incorrect, as beadwork was often created for practical items such as clothing, moccasins, bags, and other accessories. In addition, beadwork was also used for ceremonial purposes, including in the creation of regalia worn during important rituals and ceremonies.

Find out more on the Great Plains at


What is a TRUE statement about canoes in Micronesia?

They were built using nails or metal fasteners.

Building and crafting canoes was viewed as a low-status task.

Canoes were often painted blue or green.

Canoes in Micronesia are outrigger canoes.





canoes in mirconesia are outrigger canoes

Strings can be played by using which of the following methods?


Plucking, strumming, bowing, hammering-on and pulling-off and tapping

Take a look at this piece of art:

Painting of a deceased man surrounded by priests in gold robes and a large group of nobles. Above in the sky, Jesus, Mary, and angels look on.

Who created this piece of art?


El Greco


Jacopo da Pontormo


Answer: I believe the answer to your question is B, El Greco

Explanation: I've seen that piece before and learned about in art class.

Please tell me if I'm wrong :)

Question 10 of 30
The Medici family influenced the development of Renaissance art by:
OA. founding the first national museum.
B. conducting important scientific experiments.
OC. selling Italian art in northern Europe.
OD. providing patronage for Renaissance artists.


The 15th and 16th centuries are known as the Renaissance, a time in European history that marks the passage from the Middle Ages to modernity. The Renaissance was characterized by an attempt to resurrect and outdo the concepts and accomplishments of ancient antiquity.

The French term "renaissance" means "rebirth." It alludes to a time in European history when the knowledge and wisdom of the Classical era flourished.

Different nations experienced the Renaissance at different times; Italy was the first to experience it, starting in the 14th century, whereas England did not experience it until the 16th century. The Renaissance had ended by the early 17th century, according to the majority of historians.

Learn more about the Renaissance here:


Which dancer was the favorite partner of Marie Sallé?



Manon (Marie) Grognet,


a dancer and colleague Sallé had met in London.


After Sallé's return to Paris in 1735, rumors began to spread of an affair between her and Manon (Marie) Grognet, a dancer and colleague Sallé had met in London.


Which of the following rhythms takes the pattern: quarter, eighth, eighth, half? A. A white piece of paper with musical notes. B. A white piece of paper with musical notes. C. A white piece of paper with musical notes. D. A white piece of paper with musical notes.



A quarter note is a filled in circle with a line, 2 eighth notes together are 2 filled in circles with a line connecting the two notes at the top and a half note is an empty circle with a line.


Quarter note, two eighth notes tied together, half note (aka open quarter note)

Take a look at this piece of art:

Large heads carved out of stone rest in various positions on a steep, grassy slope.

This art form perhaps represents the most famous example of Oceanic art.

What is the name of these monoliths?






Answer: I think it's B, Moai. I'm not completely sure though.

Please tell me if I'm wrong :)

Answer: B, Moai


What is the name of one of the most famous examples of a Benin mask?




The Great Zimbabwe


Answer:The Great Zimbabwe


The Great Zimbabwe


Option C is correct. Idia is the name of one of the most famous examples of a Benin mask.

The mother of Oba (King) Esigie, who governed the kingdom of Benin in Nigeria more than 500 years ago, was Queen Idia, according to art historians. During ceremonies, Oba Esigie wore this mask around his neck to honor his mother and portray her as a strong leader and reliable advisor. Idia, the first Iyoba (Queen Mother) of the Benin Empire, is depicted in a little ivory sculpture portrait that resembles an African mask. During the Benin Expedition in 1897, the British stole the masks from the Oba of Benin's palace. The masks may have been used in rituals like the Emobo purifying ceremony to drive out evil spirits and the Ugie Iyoba celebration of the Oba's mother.

To learn more about Benin mask, click at:


Write a short funny rap song (examples in images)



There once was a man named Ned Whose feet were too big for his bed So he cut them off and his friends did scoff, but at least he didn't bump his head.


Your classmate Tamira is discussing Renaissance art sculpture and is discussing a sculptor from this period. Which artist is she MOST LIKELY discussing?




Jan van Eyck


A. Donatello

Donatello was an Italian sculptor of the Renaissance period. He studied classical sculpture and used this to develop a complete Renaissance style in sculpture.

Contrast the arts of drawing and painting. What is one thing that makes them different from each other?

Painting can be used to tell a story; drawings cannot tell a story.

Some painters draw to begin their paintings; most artists who draw do not paint to begin their drawings.

Drawing was used on the inside of caves; painting was not used inside caves.

Some artists who draw choose to draw on a canvas; painters do not use canvas.


Compare and contrast painting with drawing. C. Painting was not employed inside caves; instead, drawings were used.

What distinguishes a painting from a drawing?

The chosen medium and surface make the distinction between drawing and painting. Painting uses wet media, which includes the use of acrylic or oil painting on wood, canvas, or a copper-based surface, whereas drawing primarily uses dry media, such as a pen, charcoal, nor chalk on an absorbent surface.

What do contrast and difference in art mean?

Contrast in art is often regarded as the golden rule of creation because it is one of the fundamental foundations of the arts. Contrast is essentially defined as the juxtaposition of differences utilized to accentuate the qualities of one thing The variety and contrast in the artwork are strongly tied to one another.

To know more about Painting visit:


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lavonna is two months pregnant with normally developing fraternal twins, one male and one female. at this point in her pregnancy, ____. how many kilograms of nickel must be added to 5.66 kg of copper to yield a liquidus temperature of 1200c? how many kilograms of nickel must be added to 2.43 kg of copper to yield a solidus temperature of 1300c? for marx, inequality was more important than political liberty because political liberties just gave people the right to engage in greater inequality perpetrated by the state. group of answer choices true false a large corporation has modified its network to allow users to access network resources from their personal laptops and smart phones. which networking trend does this describe? refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other unsolicited conduct of a sexual nature. group of answer choices sexual harassment sexual opportunism gender bias sexual coercion the parent of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) is prescribed pemoline for treatment. when evaluating the laboratory studies of the child, which result will the nurse report to the health care provider? Who is a pioneer of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy? A. sigmund freud B. b. f. skinner C. donald meichenbaum D. carl rogers the art of the so called barbarians is characterized by its Lightning is to thunder as lunch is to: a. Appetizer b. Breakfast c. Soda d. Dinner which of the following is true about a fractional reserve banking system? the central bank does not allow for this type of system. it allows banks to loan out a portion of deposits and therefore create money. there are no regulations concerning the portion of reserves banks must hold. it is likely to fail as most people demand all of their money each day. high quality charcoal that is light weight and easily broken is made from ______. multiple choice question. A point that moves on a coordinate line is said to be in simple _________ ___________ if its distance d from the origin at time t is given by either d = a sin t or d = a cos t. 2. The designers need to know the total surface area of theentire robot in order to determine painting costs. If it costs$0.02 per square centimeter, determine the cost to painteach action figure.12 cm3. The designers also need to determine the total amountof plastic to be used in the molds for each robot. If each cubic centimeter ofplastic costs $0.03, determine the total cost to mold each action figure.4. The designers are discussing the best figure to use for the neck of the robot.They have narrowed their decision to three options: a right circular cone witha radius of 1 cm and a height of 2 cm, a square pyramid with base edge 2 cmand a height of 2 cm, and a right hexagonal pyramid with base edges of 1 cmand a height of 2 cm. Which figure will cost the least amount to produce?Justify your answer. the world's strongest magnet can produce a steady field of 45 tesla. if a circular wire loop of radius 10.0 cm were held steady in this non-changing magnetic field what current would be induced in this loop? the world's strongest magnet can produce a steady field of 45 tesla. if a circular wire loop of radius 10.0 cm were held steady in this non-changing magnetic field what current would be induced in this loop? 1.41 amps 14.1 amps 0,45 amps no current would be induced. Marginal benefit minus price equals: A.consumer surplus. B.economic equity. C.producer surplus. D.economic efficiency. Give an example of a time when a state had a law (or a hypothetical example) that was in conflict with federal law. Should the state be allowed to keep their law different, or should the federal government have the power to make them change it? Explain. Please if anyone could help with this assignment im really struggling 6. An insurance agent is trying to sell you an immediate retirement annuity that offers $15,000 per year at the end of each of the next 30 years. The price of the investment proposed by the agent is $250,000. If you have the opportunity to earn 10% compounded annually on risky investments comparable to the retirement annuity offered, determine the most you would be willing to pay for the project. Would you buy it? If P(A)=0.3, P(B)=0.2 and P(AB)=0.2 determine the following probabilities:(a) P(A')(b) P(AB)(c) P(A'B)(d) P(AB')(e) P[(AB)'] What was the main goal of Japanese modernization?