Consider the company, service, or product you chose in this reflection: How could it use data to improve customer experience? What kinds of data would it need to collect? How could insights from that data solve a problem? Now, write 2-3 sentences (40-60 words) in response to each of these questions. Type your response in the text box below.


Answer 1

Product A meal kit delivery service

How could it use product to improve customer experience?

The meal kit delivery service could use data to improve customer experience by analyzing customer preferences and behaviors to personalize the meal kit options and recommendations. They could also track customer feedback to identify areas of improvement and make changes accordingly.

How could insights from that data solve a problem?

Insights from the data collected could solve a problem by identifying patterns in customer feedback and preferences, which could lead to changes in meal options, ingredients, and recipes. Personalized recommendations based on the data collected could also increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The data could also be used to optimize the delivery process, resulting in more timely and accurate deliveries.

To know more about product visit:


Related Questions

INVESTIGATE : INSPECT – Do these words have


Neither similar nor contradictory meanings. Inspect means to closely examine something while investigate means to study or inquire into something in order to discover facts or information.

What is investigate?

Investigate is an action of seeking out information or facts. It involves researching and analyzing information from sources such as documents, eyewitness accounts, interviews, and other data. The aim of an investigation is to answer a question or to solve a problem. Investigations can be conducted by individuals, organizations, or the government. Examples of investigations include criminal investigations, academic research studies, and investigations into workplace discrimination or harassment. In each case, the investigator must collect data, analyze it, and draw conclusions based on the evidence. The final report of the investigation will detail the findings and may include recommendations for action.

While both words involve looking into something, their purposes are different. Inspect implies a more visual examination, while investigate implies a more thorough examination to uncover facts or information.

To learn more about investigate

Complete Question:
INVESTIGATE: INSPECT - Do these words have

Similar meanings

Contradictory meanings

Neither similar nor contradictory meanings

true or false. the sentence contains a verbal. swimming is fun in the summer





swimming is a participle



45. The author learns a lesson about culture from his grandmother. How does the author learn this lesson? How does the author show that this lesson has remained with him into his adult
life? Use details from the passage to support your response.
In your response, be sure to
• identify the lesson about culture that the grandmother teaches the author
• explain how the author learns this lesson
• explain how the author shows this lesson has remained with him into his adult life
• use details from the passage to support your response


1. The author learns a valuable lesson about culture from his grandmother by joining her in the kitchen to cook traditional meals.

2. The author states that even though he washes rice once when he wants to cook, his grandmothers' thoroughness in cooking may have sipped into his writing. He write many drafts of her work until he is satisfied.

3. The grandmother shows the author the richness of culture through her many cooking. The author's grandmother also shows the value of family bond/love through the many treats she prepares for her grandchild. Lastly, the grandmother's actions teaches the need of passing down knowledge and skill through team work.

4.  The author learnt these lesson by seating close to his grandmother during dinner, and being made to cook with his grandmother.

5. The author shows he has learnt the importance of family bond/ love by how he values his grandmothers treats even as an adult. He sees it as a act of love with he cherishes. "As expression of love, she kept me well supplied with...."

5b The author also shows he has learnt how to cook by preparing meals the way he has been taught while being away from his grandma.  

5c The author shows that he has learnt the importance of thoroughness by putting it to good use in what he is skilled at, which is writing. "I think some of the fussiness over the rice carries into my writing."

What are some values of cultural practices?

Culture practices are important to people as they provide a sense of identity, belonging, and community.

They can shape an individual's beliefs, values, and behaviors, and can help preserve cultural heritage and traditions.

Culture practices can also provide a source of comfort, inspiration, and creativity, and can promote understanding and tolerance between different groups.

By engaging in cultural practices, people can connect with their past, present, and future, and find meaning and purpose in their lives. Cultural practices help individuals and communities celebrate diversity and build a sense of shared history and experiences.

Find more useful exercises on culture;


expalin the relationship tonthe last paragraph of jamaican fragment​



Jamaican fragment is a story of a man who everyday saw two boys – one white and one black playing together.One day he saw that white boy though small ordering the big boy and later is obeying the former like a servant in the man’s opinion.It made him feel sad may be because he was black himself or are familiar with them.Later he came to know that both these kids are brothers from same parents and their mother is Jamaican.It is a fragment of Jamaican origin


Tom Stoppard uses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s dialogue in Hamlet to develop characters who are


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern toy with both options, but they do not succumb to either hedonism or despondence. Instead, they grow as people.

How do the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern change throughout the play?

Characters from Hamlet, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. They were called by King Claudius to entertain the prince and, if possible, uncover the reason of his apparent insanity. They are Hamlet's childhood companions.

Regarding Hamlet, who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

Hamlet had known Rosencrantz and Guildenstern for a long time. They are invited by Claudius and Gertrude to investigate Hamlet's illness and the source of his "madness." After realising their motives and eventually confronting them, Hamlet arranges for their execution.

To know more about Rosencrantz visit:-


Complete the question:-

Tom Stoppard uses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s dialogue in Hamlet to develop characters who are?

In the opening sentence, the author assumes which of the following about his audience?
A country founded on the principle of individual freedom—“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”1—has both a gift and a problem. “No man is an island,” the English poet John Donne wrote in the seventeenth century, but in the late eighteenth century, at least in America, you very nearly could be, at least physically. The continent was so immense, the forests so thick, and the land so fertile, that a man could literally live alone. Strictly speaking, if survival was all that mattered, he did not even need a market to sell to. He had everything he needed in the woods, streams, and fields.

This was how Americans saw themselves, or claimed to see themselves. In his first Farewell Address—the one in 1783, when he resigned his commission as commander in chief of the continental army—General George Washington envisioned his disbanded troops heading out to the “extensive and fertile Regions of the West,” which would “yield a most happy Asylum to those, who, fond of domestic enjoyment are seeking for personal independence.”

This independence was not only geographical, it was psychological, spiritual, political—and legal. With the colonial grants wiped away by revolution, new American landowners could buy and hold land in “fee simple,” just the way the highest-ranking feudal lords had done at the top of Old World society. Every man was his own lord and vassal. He could make whatever money he could, and keep most of it as his own. There would be taxes in the New World, but they were not “direct.” Indeed, for the first century of its existence, Washington derived the bulk of its revenue from global trade—from import tariffs and duties—and from sales of federal land.

The spirit of economic individualism was always with us, and by the middle of the nineteenth century it had become a kind of secular religion in the world of business, even when the aim of big business was to snuff out the very entrepreneurialism that nurtured commerce to begin with. In 1886, at the height of the first Gilded Age, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the Southern Pacific Railroad—and, by extension, all profit-making corporations—were entitled to be viewed as individual persons in the eyes of the law. We were the first country in the world to view them that way, but it made sense: Individualism was Us, even if Us was a corporate leviathan. Americans have never fully accepted the idea that tax tables should be designed, and revenues disbursed, in a way that makes government the redistributor of wealth and guarantor of income. “Fairness” is one thing, redistribution another.

There was another view—a counterpoint—and much of our history is about the struggle of communal thinking to gain sway in the economic life of America. The question has never been whether Americans would pitch in to help each other—but rather the extent to which government could require them to do so. Observers from Tocqueville onward have commented on our willingness, even eagerness, to join voluntary associations, from civic groups to teaching circles. Americans give more to charity per capita than citizens of any other country. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett2 established the wealthiest charitable foundation in history. We may “bowl alone” more often these days, as author Robert Putnam gloomily puts it in his metaphor for anomie,3 but we also worry about the fact that we do so. Walt Whitman,4 our bard of brotherhood, saw no conflict between his own credo of the individual and his love of all mankind. “[W]hoever walks a furlong without sympathy,” he wrote in “Song of Myself,” “walks to his own funeral drest in a shroud.”

But what is the government’s role in reconciling two age-old American concepts: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” and “united we stand”?

A)They are familiar with the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

B)They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism.

C)They hold individual freedom in high regard.

D)They view individual freedom as both a gift and a problem.

E)They are probably unfamiliar with the principle of individual freedom.





They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism. hence the option C is correct.

What is a Symbolism?

Symbolism is the use of symbols or objects to represent abstract ideas or concepts. It is a literary technique that allows writers to convey complex meanings and ideas through the use of symbolic imagery.

In literature, symbolism can take many forms. It can be a recurring motif or image, such as a rose representing love or a dove representing peace. It can also be a more abstract concept, such as the use of colors to represent different emotions or states of mind.

The use of symbolism allows writers to convey meaning on multiple levels. For example, a character in a story may be described as wearing a red dress.

On a literal level, the dress is simply a piece of clothing. However, on a symbolic level, the color red can represent passion or danger, giving the description of the character added meaning.

Learn more about Symbolism here:


Predict Consequences
How does a minimum wage
above the equilibrium rate affect the labor market?
A. It leads to an excess supply of labor.
B. It leads to a higher equilibrium wage for labor.
C. It leads to a lower equilibrium wage for labor.
D. It leads to a decreased supply of labor
Check Answer


D. It leads to a decreased supply of labor.

How does minimum wage affect employment?

Unemployment results from a minimum wage that is set above equilibrium since it reduces employers' demand for labor and forces some people out of their positions. Low-wage employees are priced out of the market because minimum salaries drive up labor costs above their marginal productivity. According to some hypotheses, the cost of the minimum wage can be offset up to a certain point by a combination of lower salary increases for better paid employees, lower profit margins, improved productivity, and/or decreased employee turnover. Depending on how much the minimum wage is raised, there is a possibility that unemployment will rise. The idea is that raising the minimum wage will increase expenses for firms, causing them to hire fewer workers.

To know more about Unemployment visit:


Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.

What type of evidence does Machiavelli most use to support the argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved?


Machiavelli makes the case that new rulers can act cruelly using rational justification.

Machiavelli's argument:

They contend that while a king who is despised is less likely to hold onto power, one who is feared can. Scientific research serves as the foundation for empirical evidence. He contends that fear is a more powerful motivator than love, making it the best weapon for leaders. According to Machiavelli, it is preferable for a ruler to be universally feared rather than deeply loved since the former maintains power via duty and the latter through dread of retribution. Machiavelli emphasized the "necessity" of employing harsh force or trickery deliberately, even the annihilation of entire noble families, to preclude any prospect of a challenge to the prince's power in his capacity as a political theorist.

To know more about Machiavelli visit:


Its b correct answer





cause i think b is the correct answer

someone help me answer both of the two answers because I need to turn this in


The main ideas of the sections "The Dead Zone" and "Threat of Invasion" are similar in that they both discuss the negative impacts of human activities on the environment.

What is Threat of Invasion?

Threat of invasion is a term used to describe the danger a nation may face of being attacked or taken over by another country. It usually refers to military action and can range from an armed invasion to a non-military, non-violent takeover. It is a serious security concern for any nation and can have significant diplomatic, economic, and political implications.

The section "The Dead Zone" focuses on the destruction of marine ecosystems caused by ocean pollution, while the section "Threat of Invasion" discusses the destruction of terrestrial ecosystems due to agricultural runoff, overfishing, and other human activities.
The ideas in the section "Supporting Life" are different from the ideas in the previous two sections. This section discusses how human activities can benefit the environment, such as creating protected areas, sustainable development, and restoration of habitats. This section focuses on positive human impacts on the environment, while the previous two sections focus on the negative impacts.

To learn more about Invasion

Which symptom must you report your manager?
a. A rash
b. Fatigue
c. Diarrhea


A could possibly be the answer


it's C


well you dont a worker having to use the bathroom every 10 mins do you? (hope this helps)

Which of the following inferences most likely explains Katniss's reaction in the following excerpt from Chapter 2?
And then I see her, the blood drained from her face, hands clenched in fists at her sides, walking with stiff, small steps up toward the stage,
passing me, and I see the back of her blouse has become untucked and hangs out over her skirt. It's this detail, the untucked blouse forming a
ducktail, that brings me back to myself.
A. Seeing the untucked blouse looking like a ducktail reminds Katniss that she must protect Prim.
OB. Katniss is upset that Prim has walked past her without any acknowledgement of her older sister.
OC. Watching how terrified Prim is has forced Katniss to accept that she is likely to lose her younger sister to the Hunger Games.
OD. Katniss is jealous that Prim was selected for the Hunger Games and decides that she is going to do what she has to in order to grab the spotlight.


The most likely inference that explains Katniss's reaction in the excerpt is A. Seeing the untucked blouse looking like a ducktail reminds Katniss that she must protect Prim.

Katniss is initially stunned and disoriented when she sees Prim walking towards the stage as a tribute for the Hunger Games. However, the detail of the untucked blouse resembling a ducktail jolts her back to reality and reminds her of her responsibility to protect her younger sister. This detail triggers a memory of when she and Prim were playing together, and Prim had a similar hairstyle that resembled a ducktail.

This memory reinforces Katniss's protective instincts towards Prim and prompts her to volunteer as tribute in place of her sister. Overall, the detail of the untucked blouse serves as a poignant reminder to Katniss of her love and obligation towards her sister.

To learn more about inference, here


In "Every Picture Tells a Story," what did Stephanie learn about photography from the exhibit?
Select all that apply.
Every Picture Tells a Story
Photographers can set up scenes in their photographs.
Photography is interesting when it tells a story.
Professional photographers take thousands of shots to get the right one.
Photographers should always take pictures of their own neighborhoods.


Every picture tells a story
professionals photographers take thousands of shots to get the right one

Find one of the words above in a dictionary. Write the
meaning below.


The word I can found from the dictionary is Obsession.

What is Obsession?

Obsession refers to a persistent, intrusive, and distressing thought, feeling, or impulse that dominates a person's consciousness and interferes with their ability to function in daily life. Obsessions can take many forms, such as excessive worry about a particular issue or fear of something happening to oneself or others. These thoughts or feelings may be irrational or uncontrollable, causing significant distress, anxiety, and disruption to normal activities.

Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are often linked and may be symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Treatment for obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors often includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Learn more about dictionary at:


The site development team for a large hotel chain is meeting to consider locations for a
new hotel on the Florida Gulf Coast. Bryce is the newest member on the team and has
been comparing pros and cons for each location in preparation for his first team meeting.
He wants to make a good impression on the other team members who have much more
experience than he does. Bryce has identified a site that seems to him to be the best
location for the new hotel. In the meeting, he makes a pitch for the site unaware the team
already rejected it due to environmental issues that would add significant costs to the site
preparation and construction.
Which response to Bryce's site suggestion best conforms to acceptable behavior norms for
team meetings?
A. "Several of us liked that location, too, until we discovered it has environmental problems
that would be costly to fix. It would be a good site except for that."
B. "Bryce, that's a really bad suggestion for reasons you should have discovered if you had
talon time to do a little racoarah "


"Several of us liked that location, too, until we discovered it has environmental problems that would be costly to fix. It would be a good site except for that."

What is environmental problems?

Environmental problems are issues relating to the degradation of the natural environment, including air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. They can be caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, overpopulation, and deforestation, as well as natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. These issues can lead to significant health risks, economic losses, and ecological damage. It is important to work towards solutions that will reduce the negative impacts of humanity on the environment and protect the health of both humans and other species. This can be done through policy changes, improved management of resources, and individual action.

To learn more about environmental problems


Which word has the same long vowel sound as table?
O poem
O acorn
O deny
O fever​



The long vowel sound in the word "table" is the sound of the letter "a" pronounced like "ay". This sound can also be found in the word "fever", making the correct answer option D. The other answer options do not contain the same long vowel sound as the word "table".

Answer: The word with the same long vowel sound is "fever".

Explanation: The word table has the sound of the vowel "e". "fever" does contain the sound of the same vowel "e". While the word "poem" has the "ow" sound, which is pronounced as a long "o" sound. Another word "deny" has the "i" vowel sound, which is pronounced as a short "e" sound.

While the word "acorn" has the "a" vowel sound.

To learn more about Vowels:

(d) Rewrite in reported speech
xvi ) They said, “We want to learn English."
(xvii) Raju said to me, “I am not going to help you​


These are the phrases from the reported speech: They stated that they wished to study English (xvi). (xvii) Raju informed me that he would not be assisting me.

How does "rewrite" work in direct speech?

To report anything in our own terms, we employ indirect speech. Using the simple past tense, reported speech is created in the present simple tense. 'That' is used as a conjunction after the inverted commas have been removed. The phrase would transform into She was informed that she had a letter from the postman.

What does reported speech Rule 5 entail?

Exceptions to Rule 5: Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Modal changes as a result of conversion. The modals employed in the sentences alter as the transition from direct speech to indirect speech occurs, as in: Can changes to could. as of May.

To know more about reported speech visit:


Adolf Hitler
PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? A. "After high school, Hitler moved to Vienna, where he worked odd jobs and lived in homeless shelters. He applied to art school for painting twice but was rejected both times" (Paragraph 3) B. "He captured the crowds' spirit, blaming minority groups for economic troubles and the loss of the war." (Paragraph 7) C. "During the Holocaust, as it came to be known, Hitler ordered the death of 6 million Jews; it was one of the deadliest genocides in history." (Paragraph 13) D. "By 1945, the German capital Berlin was surrounded by enemy troops, and total defeat was certain. Hitler died in an underground bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945." (Paragraph 14)


From 1933 until his death  in 1945, Adolf Hitler, a German politician of Austrian descent, ruled as dictator of Germany.

The son of Adolf Hitler.

According to rumors, Charlotte Lobjoie, a Frenchwoman, and Adolf Hitler had a son together named Jean-Marie Loret. Jean-Marie Loret was born in March 1918 and passed away at the age of 67 in 1985. Loret was married multiple times and gave birth to as many as nine kids.

What type of leadership did Hitler exhibit?

Hitler was primarily focused on taking personal control. He held ultimate authority, which extended downward, in accordance with his so-called Leader Principle

To know more about Adolf Hitler visit:


Congress is pitching a law to make social media platforms require an age of 18 and up in order to have a social media account. Do you agree or disagree? Write a letter to the President of the United States arguing for or against the social media age requirement. Use information from the passages to guide your writing.



The President

White house

United States

Subject: Regarding social media age requirement


Cyberbullying is especially prevalent among children between the ages of 13 and 17. Children publish or say things that are hurtful to other people. Harassment, humiliation, taunting, and aggressiveness are all forms of cyberbullying. Teens who are subjected to cyberbullying appear to lack confidence. Teens' usage of social media may also have a detrimental impact on them by diverting them, preventing them from sleeping, and subjecting them to bullying, rumors, unrealistic expectations of other people's life, and peer pressure. So I agree with the law to make social media platforms accessible only to people over the age 18.

Yours responsible citizen

To know more about Letters visit:


Closed circuit TV is the same as having another security guard and is not a supplement or an addition 4 True O False​



False, bro.
CCTV ain't the same as having an extra security guard, man. It's more like an added layer of surveillance, you know what I mean? It can help keep an eye on things in areas that might be tough for guards to cover, and it can record video for later review. But it's not a replacement for a real live security guard who can take action and make decisions on the spot, dude. So, yeah, CCTV can be a cool addition to a security setup, but it's not the same as having another guard, ya feel me?

what signs tell that a person loss weight by exercise?


Muscles and longer cardiovascular endurance would tell a person they lost weight by exercise.

in a complete ebc what do you feel is best organic or conventional farming? be specific and ise evidence from the article to support your answer





what's the importance of English in modern society



It is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Last but not least, it is the language of international communication, the media, and the internet. Whether it is for professional or personal reasons, understanding the importance of English will help you reach your goals.

what did lincoln mean when he said "We shall not fail—if we stand firm, we shall not fail." in his house divided speech



Hope this helps


Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "House Divided" speech on June 16, 1858, after he had been nominated as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate in Illinois. The speech contained the famous quote, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," which referred to the growing tensions between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery.

The quote you mentioned, "We shall not fail—if we stand firm, we shall not fail," is also from this speech. Lincoln was emphasizing the importance of standing firm in the face of the great challenge that lay ahead in the fight against slavery. He believed that the country could only be saved if people were willing to take a firm stand and not back down in the face of opposition.

By stating that "we shall not fail," Lincoln was expressing his confidence that, if people remained steadfast in their opposition to slavery and committed to the cause of preserving the Union, they would ultimately emerge victorious. His words were a call to action, urging his fellow Americans to unite and work towards a common goal, with the conviction that they would ultimately succeed if they did not waver in their determination.

During the United States's second war with Great Britain, before the British set fire to public buildings in Washington, D.C., the president's wife saved a significant portrait of the nation's first president: George Washington.

adapted from Letter from Dolley Madison, First Lady of the United States, to Her Sister
August 23, 1814

My husband left me yesterday morning to join General Winder. He inquired anxiously whether I had courage or firmness to remain in the President's house until his return on the morrow, or succeeding day, and on my assurance that I had no fear but for him, and the success of our army, he left, beseeching me to take care of myself, and of the Cabinet papers, public and private. I have since received two dispatches from him, written with a pencil. The last is alarming, because he desires I should be ready at a moment's warning to enter my carriage and leave the city, because the enemy seemed strong than had at first been reported, and it might happen that they would reach the city with the intention of destroying it. I am accordingly ready as I have pressed as many Cabinet papers into trunks as to fill one carriage; our private property must be sacrificed, as it is impossible to procure wagons for its transportation.
Three o'clock. Will you believe it, my sister? We have had a battle, or skirmish, near Bladensburg, and here I am still, within sound of the cannon! Mr. Madison comes not. Two messengers, covered with dust, come to bid me fly; but here I mean to wait for him. At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with the most valuable portable articles belonging to the house. Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine. Our kind friend, Mr. Carroll, has come to hasten my departure and is in a very bad humor with me, because I insist on waiting until the large picture of General Washington is secured, and it requires to be unscrewed from the wall. This process was found too tedious for these perilous moments; I have ordered the frame to be broken, and the canvas taken out. It is done! The precious portrait has been placed in the hands of two gentlemen of New York for safekeeping. And now, dear sister, I must leave this house.

Which evidence does the author use to support the idea that she felt fearless?
Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine.
At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with the most valuable portable articles belonging to the house.
Our kind friend, Mr. Carroll, has come to hasten my departure and is in a very bad humor with me . . .
Two messengers, covered with dust, come to bid me fly; but here I mean to wait for him.


Before the British torched the Washington Portrait by Gilbert Stuart in 1814, Dolly Madison rescued it from the White House.

When the British army burned down the White House in 1814, who was the wife of the US president who managed to salvage priceless paintings?

First Lady Dolley Madison is credited with saving the painting from almost certain destruction during the War of 1812. On August 24, 1814, Mrs. Madison gave the order to save the Washington portrait and official documents from British control before leaving the property.

Why did Dolley Madison save the George Washington portrait?

Dolley made the decision to leave the couple's personal things behind as British forces gathered in the distance in order to protect the full-length portrait of former president and national symbol George Washington from destruction by vindictive British soldiers.

To know more about Dolley Madison visit:-


Place each statement in the correct box in the table according to the ways the
texts present information.
"Malala's Fight for
Both Texts
"The Freedom Train
Keeps Rolling"
:: describes actions taken to try to escape harm
:: describes intent to silence an outspoken person
:: provides details about helping Hindu hotel patrons
#describes courageous actions taken to help others
provides details about speech critical of the Taliban


"Malala's Fight for Education" describes the intent to silence an outspoken person.

Both texts describe actions taken to try to escape harm.

"The Freedom Train Keeps Rolling" hence provides details about helping Hindu hotel patrons.

Which specific challenges faced Malala during her education?

Malala Yousafzai, a well-known Pakistani advocate for women's education, is a significant figure in the 21st century's social justice movement. After being wounded in 2012 for fighting Taliban restrictions on female education in her native Pakistan, however, Malala Yousafzai rose to prominence as a global representative of the battle for girls' education. Even though Malala was just 15 when she was shot for her activism and 16 when she released her memoirs, her tale is well-known worldwide. She was enrolled in school when the Taliban took over her town in 2008. The fundamentalists promised severe punishments for anyone who disobeyed their regime, which forbade girls from attending school among other things.

Both texts describe courageous actions taken to help others

"Malala's Fight for Education" provides details about the speech critical of the Taliban

To learn more about Malala, visit:


Gertrude Stein wrote many novels, short stories, essays, poems plays, and one opera she is better known for her art collection.
Group of answer choices

a. Run-on sentence

b. Correct

Need a answer


In the 1920s, American author and poet Gertrude Stein gained notoriety for her modernist writings, enormous art collection, and literary salon.

Regarding Gertrude Stein, what did Picasso say?

Picasso persuaded her to sit for a portrait in 1905, and the resulting work was gloomy, weird, and not at all Cubist.

Picasso knew Gertrude Stein, right?

Gertrude managed to keep up her acquaintance with Picasso despite a few setbacks, and she kept collecting paintings up until her death in 1946 at the age of 72.

To know more about Gertrude Stein visit:


someone help me. what does it mean biography ?? what do I put


Answer: They basically mean to tell a real-life "story" about your country based on factual information. For example, what your country is, about its population size, general facts, what your country is known for, etc.


In the context of an essay about education in Cameroon, the instructions: "[write a] short biography about your country in 5 sentences" mean that we are to right an abbreviated history of the country.

An possible paragraph could be:

Cameroon was colonized by Germany in the 19th century, and it stayed a European colony until 1960. During its colonial period, the education system in Cameroon was modeled after that of France. After gaining independence, the government focused on expanding access to education by building new schools. Today, the education system in Cameroon is a mix of English and French systems, and the government strives to improve the quality of education through diverse policies and programs.


Extra note:

In the later (body) paragraphs you could elaborate on the different initiatives that the government has implemented recently, such as:

- Education Reform Support Project

- Education for All (EFA)

And, you might want to include what English and French traditions still exist in the education system, such as their grading scales.

Please help me
Exercise 2.
Match the sentence beginnings and endings, completing them with one of the verbs in the box. Use each modal verb once.


We can match the clauses and use the modal verbs provided int he picture by paying attention to the context and the uses of each modal verb.

I said I'd pay for her ticket but she wouldn't accept my offer.In just a few years from now everybody will be able to watch TV on their computers.I still remember how they would play together as well as children.Forecasters are warning of heavy snow (that) will cause dangerous driving conditions.Here's some really nice cheese that I don't think you could have tasted before.We live in an old house that used to belong to a politician.Writing my geography assignment shouldn't take me too long.

The uses of modal verbs

To understand the choices we have made when answering this activity, we must know what each modal verb expresses. Let's take a look:

Would - This verb can be used to express habitual actions in the past. In this sense, it has the same use of "used to." Example: We would visit my aunt every day. / We used to visit my aunt every day.Could - This verb indicates a possibility in the past. Example: She could have taken a different route, but it was too late.Will - This verb indicates a future action. Example: They will call you to let you know about their decision.Will be able to - This verb phrase indicates a future capability. Example: If you study now, you will be able to pass the exam.Should - This modal verb indicates an assumption about an action or a prohibition. Example: You shouldn't smoke. / This shouldn't take long, I will be right back.

With the explanation above in mind, it is possible to conclude that we have chosen correctly.

Learn more about modal verbs here:


Write a summarize about the article The Power of Pets
Health Benefits of Human-
Animal Interactions


Cortisol levels, a hormone linked to stress, have been proven to drop and blood pressure to drop when people interact with animals. Other research has revealed that animals can improve your mood, lessen loneliness.

Why do we summarize?

The goal of summarising is to offer context for your argument or thesis by quickly outlining the main ideas of a theory or work. To understand the author's intentions, read the piece first. This is an important step since a faulty reading might result in a flawed summary.

How to summarize an essay?

Name the essay's title, author, and thesis in the opening line of your synopsis. If you like, you can introduce your thesis in the second sentence rather than the first. State the key points that support the thesis in the remaining portions of the summary.

To know more about Summarize visit:


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