consider the following computer output. source df ss ms f p-value factor ? 117.4 39.1 ? ? error 16 396.8 ? total 19 514.2 a. how many levels of the factor were used in this experiment? b. how many replicates did the experimenter use? c. fill in the missing information in the anova table. d. what conclusions can you draw about differences in the factor-level means?


Answer 1

The computer output provided.

It seems that the experimenter used one factor in the experiment.

It is unclear how many levels of the factor were used, as this information is missing from the output.

The total number of observations in the experiment, which is not given. Estimate the number of replicates based on the degrees of freedom for error, which is 16.

Assuming that each replicate had equal sample size, we can calculate the total number of observations as follows:
[tex]Total observations = (df for error + df for factor) + 1[/tex]
[tex]Total observations = (16 + df for factor) + 1[/tex]
[tex]Total observations = 17 + df for factor[/tex]
Since we do not know the value of df for factor, we cannot determine the exact number of replicates.

We can say that the experimenter used at least 17 observations in total.
To fill in the missing information in the ANOVA table, we need to know the number of levels of the factor and the number of replicates. Assuming that there were k levels of the factor and n replicates, we can calculate the following:
[tex]SS factor = MS factor \times (n - 1) \times k[/tex]

[tex]MS factor = SS factor / (k - 1)[/tex]
[tex]F = MS factor / MS error[/tex]

P-value = probability of obtaining an F-statistic as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis is true
Without knowing the values for k and n, we cannot fill in the missing information in the ANOVA table.
Finally, based on the information given, we cannot draw any conclusions about differences in the factor-level means. We need more information about the experiment, such as the hypothesis being tested, the nature of the factor, and the specific levels being compared, in order to make any meaningful conclusions.

For similar questions on computer


Related Questions

Shyla‘s research shows that 8 empty cans can make 1/4 pounds of aluminum. Shyla wants to know how many cans you can take to make 5 pounds of aluminum. How many cans are there per pound of aluminum?

Can(s) per pound of aluminum.

(Me) Now, the math is pretty simple. It would take 160 cans for 5 pounds right? Could someone please check my math, or explain it!


a) 160 cans are needed to make 5 pounds of aluminum

b) There are 32 cans per pound of aluminum.

To determine how many cans are needed to make 5 pounds of aluminum, we need to use the given information that 8 empty cans make 1/4 pound of aluminum. We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of cans needed:

8 cans : 1/4 lb = x cans : 5 lbs

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify

8 cans × 5 lbs = 40 cans

1/4 lb × x cans = 5 lbs

x cans = 5 lbs / (1/4 lb) = 20 lbs

Therefore, 20 × 8 = 160 cans are needed to make 5 pounds of aluminum.

To find out how many cans are there per pound of aluminum, we can use the inverse of the given information:

8 cans : 1/4 lb = 32 cans : 1 lb

So, there are 32 cans per pound of aluminum.

Learn more about proportion here


find the best estimate for the unicity distance for affine cipher. group of answer choices 1.33 2.35 3.33 2.66 1.75


The closest answer choice to this value is option 1, 33. Therefore, the best estimate for the unicity distance for an affine cipher is 33.

To find the best estimate for the unicity distance for an affine cipher, we can use the following formula:

Unicity Distance  (U) = (keyspace / entropy) × log2(1 / redundancy).

Given the answer choices:
1. 33
2. 35
3. 33
4. 26
5. 17.5

For an affine cipher, the keyspace is 26^2 (since there are 26 possibilities for both 'a' and 'b' in the equation

y = (ax + b) mod 26).

The entropy of English text is roughly 1.5 bits/character, and the redundancy is approximately 0.7.

Using the formula, we have:

U = (26^2 / 1.5) × log2(1 / 0.7)

U ≈ 33.49

Therefore, the best estimate for the unicity distance for an affine cipher is 33.

for such more question on unicity distance


three hundred students in a school were asked to select their favorite fruit from a choice of apples, oranges, and mangoes. this table lists the results. if a survey is selected at random, what is the probability that the student is a girl who chose apple as her favorite fruit? answer choices are rounded to the hundredths place.


The probability that a student selected at random is a girl who chose apple as her favorite fruit is 0.32, or 32% rounded to the nearest hundredth.

To calculate the probability that a student is a girl who chose apple as her favorite fruit, we need to use the information provided in the table. First, we need to find the total number of girls who participated in the survey, which is the sum of the number of girls who chose apples, oranges, and mangoes as their favorite fruit, i.e., 46 + 41 + 55 = 142.

Next, we need to find the number of girls who chose apples as their favorite fruit, which is 46. Therefore, the probability that a student is a girl who chose apple as her favorite fruit is given by:

Probability = Number of girls who chose apples / Total number of girls in the survey

Probability = 46 / 142

Probability = 0.32

This means that out of all the girls who participated in the survey, 32% of them chose apple as their favorite fruit.

To learn more about probability click on,


Complete question is:

three hundred students in a school were asked to select their favorite fruit from a choice of apples, oranges, and mangoes. this table lists the results.

               Boys Girls

Apple    66     46

Orange   52     41

Mango    40     55

if a survey is selected at random, what is the probability that the student is a girl who chose apple as her favorite fruit?

Determine the domain of the following graph:
ܐ ܣ ܣ ܟ ܬ ܬ { ܣ ܣ
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


The domain of the following graph is equal to [-11. -3]

What is a domain?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a domain refers to the set of all real numbers (x-values) for which a particular function is defined.

How to identify the domain any graph?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the horizontal portion of any graph is used to represent all domain values and they are both read and written from smaller to larger numerical values, which simply means from the left of any graph to the right.

By critically observing the graph shown in the image attached above, we can reasonably and logically deduce the following domain and range:

Domain = [-11, -3].

Range = [-5, 0].

Read more on domain here:


what minus 1 1/2 equals 3 3/4



5 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

brainliest+ 100 points
Take a ss of the work and do it the work on the ss or type


4. Note : area =length* breath


here x is 5ft.

living room : 10*14=140 ft²

kitchen + dining room : 8*5+6*5=40+30=70ft²

living room+kitchen+dining room: 140+70=210ft²

Bedroom+Bathroom+Closet:10*10+6*5+4*5=150 ft²

living room + kitchen + dining room +Bedroom + Bathroom+Closet : 210+150=360ft²


x is unknown

bedroom : 10*10=100ft²

bathroom+closet : 6*x+4*x=6x+4x=10x ft²

living room+kitchen+dining room:10*14+8*x+6*x=


Bedroom+Bathroom+Closet: 100ft²+ 10x ft²

living room + kitchen + dining room +Bedroom + Bathroom+Closet : 140ft²+(14x)ft²+ 100ft²+ 10x ft²

=240ft²+ 24x ft²


4. Note : area =length* breath


here x is 5ft.

living room : 10*14=140 ft²

kitchen + dining room : 8*5+6*5=40+30=70ft²

living room+kitchen+dining room: 140+70=210ft²

Bedroom+Bathroom+Closet:10*10+6*5+4*5=150 ft²

living room + kitchen + dining room +Bedroom + Bathroom+Closet : 210+150=360ft²


x is unknown

bedroom : 10*10=100ft²

bathroom+closet : 6*x+4*x=6x+4x=10x ft²

living room+kitchen+dining room:10*14+8*x+6*x=


Bedroom+Bathroom+Closet: 100ft²+ 10x ft²

living room + kitchen + dining room +Bedroom + Bathroom+Closet : 140ft²+(14x)ft²+ 100ft²+ 10x ft²

=240ft²+ 24x ft²

Suppose you need to pump air into a basketball that is completely deflated. The deflated basketball weighs 0. 615 kilograms. After being inflated, the ball weighs 0. 618 kilograms. The basketball has a diameter of 0. 17 meters. What is the density of air in the ball? Assume the ball is perfectly spherical. Round your answer to two decimal places


The density of air in the inflated basketball is approximately 1.17 kg/m³, rounded to two decimal places.

Density of air in the inflated basketball, we can follow these steps:
Calculate the mass of air added to the basketball by finding the difference in weight between the inflated and deflated basketballs.
Inflated weight: 0.618 kg
Deflated weight: 0.615 kg
Mass of air added = Inflated weight - Deflated weight = 0.618 kg - 0.615 kg = 0.003 kg
Calculate the volume of the basketball, assuming it is perfectly spherical.

We can use the formula for the volume of a sphere:
Volume = (4/3) × π × r³, where r is the radius of the sphere.
The basketball has a diameter of 0.17 meters, so its radius is half of that:
Radius (r) = 0.17 m / 2 = 0.085 m
Now, we can calculate the volume:
Volume = (4/3) × π × (0.085 m)³ ≈ 0.00257 m³
Finally, calculate the density of the air in the ball using the formula:
Density = Mass / Volume
Density = 0.003 kg / 0.00257 m³ ≈ 1.17 kg/m³

For similar questions on Decimal


Transformations Task Card # 29 What is the image of point (3,4) after a dilation of 2? New Coordinate​



(6, 8)

Step-by-step explanation:

A dilation scales an object on the coordinate plane using the scale factor, causing it to get bigger or smaller.

We are given that the point (3, 4) is dilated by 2; since 2 is greater than 1, this is an enlargement (in which the figure gets bigger).

So, all we need to do is multiply each of the coordinates by 2, like so:


Thus, the image of the point (3, 4), after being dilated by 2, is (6, 8).




r = 2

center: ( -7,0 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the trigonometric equation for all values -6π≤x≤6π


the solution set for the trigonometric equation is:{x | x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π, for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π}.

Trigonometric calculation.

First, we can isolate sin(1/4)x by dividing both sides by 2:

sin(1/4)x = sqrt(3)/2

To solve for x, we need to find all angles that have a sine of sqrt(3)/2. This corresponds to the 60-degree angle in the first quadrant and the 300-degree angle in the fourth quadrant. However, we need to take into account the period of the sine function.

The period of sin(1/4)x is 2π/(1/4) = 8π, which means that the function repeats every 8π. Therefore, the solutions for x are:

x = (2kπ + π/3)/ (1/4) or x = (2kπ + 5π/3)/ (1/4)

where k is an integer.

Simplifying, we get:

x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π

for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π.

Therefore, the solution set for the equation is:

{x | x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π, for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π}.

Learn more about trigonometric below.


The Bermuda Triangle is a part of the Atlantic Ocean reputed to cause mysterious navigational problems for ships and airplanes. The sides of
the Bermuda Triangle run from Miami, Florida, southeast to San Juan, Puerto Rico; then north to Bermuda, Bermuda; and then southwest back
to Miami. The region is roughly equilateral with each side about 1000 miles long. A coordinate grid is placed on a map so that Miami is at
(0,0) and San Juan is at (10,0). What are the coordinates of Bermuda?


The coordinates of Bermuda are approximately (5, 995.037).

How to calculate the coordinates of Bermuda

Since the Bermuda Triangle is roughly equilateral with each side about 1000 miles long, we can assume that the distance between Miami and Bermuda is approximately 1000 miles.

Since the coordinates of Miami are (0,0) and the coordinates of San Juan are (10,0), we can use the distance formula to find the coordinates of Bermuda.

Let (x,y) be the coordinates of Bermuda. Then the distance between Miami and Bermuda is given by:

d = √[(x - 0)^2 + (y - 0)^2] = √[x^2 + y^2]

Similarly, the distance between San Juan and Bermuda is given by:

d = √[(x - 10)^2 + (y - 0)^2] = √[(x - 10)^2 + y^2]

Since the distances between all three points are equal and approximately 1000 miles, we can set the two distance formulas equal to each other and solve for x and y:

√[x^2 + y^2] = √[(x - 10)^2 + y^2]

Squaring both sides, we get:

x^2 + y^2 = (x - 10)^2 + y^2

Expanding the right side and simplifying, we get:

x^2 + y^2 = x^2 - 20x + 100 + y^2

Simplifying further, we get:

20x = 100

x = 5

Substituting x = 5 into one of the distance formulas and solving for y, we get:

√[5^2 + y^2] = 1000

Simplifying and solving for y, we get:

y = √(995^2) ≈ 995.037

Therefore, the coordinates of Bermuda are approximately (5, 995.037).

Learn more about coordinates at


A sector of a circle has a central angle of 120°.
Find the area of the sector if the radius of the circle is 8cm. (Round your answer to two decimal place.)


Rounding to two decimal places, the area of the sector is approximately 67.02cm².

What is area?

Area is a measurement of the size of a two-dimensional surface, such as the surface of a flat object or the ground. It is expressed in units of square units, such as square meters or square feet.


To find the area of the sector of a circle, we need to know the measure of the central angle and the radius of the circle. In this case, we are given that the central angle is 120° and the radius of the circle is 8cm. We can use the formula for the area of a sector of a circle:

Area of sector = (central angle/360°) x πr²

where r is the radius of the circle and π is a constant approximately equal to 3.14.

Plugging in the values we have:

Area of sector = (120°/360°) x π(8cm)²

Area of sector = (1/3) x π(64cm²)

Area of sector = (1/3) x 201.06cm²

Area of sector = 67.02cm²

To know more about area of sector,


Determine two coterminal angles (one positive and one negative) for each angle. Give your answers in radians. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)


The two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

What is coterminal angles ?

Coterminal angles are two or more angles that have the same initial and terminal sides, but differ by a multiple of 360 degrees or 2π radians. In other words, coterminal angles are angles that overlap each other when drawn in standard position (with their initial side on the positive x-axis).

To find two coterminal angles with 3/4 radians, we can add or subtract multiples of 2π radians (which is equivalent to a full circle).

One positive coterminal angle is obtained by adding 2π radians to 3/4 radians:

3/4 + 2π = 3/4 + 8π/4 = 3/4 + 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 + 2π = (3π + 4)/4

Therefore, one positive coterminal angle is (3π + 4)/4 radians.

One negative coterminal angle is obtained by subtracting 2π radians from 3/4 radians:

3/4 - 2π = 3/4 - 8π/4 = 3/4 - 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 - 2π = (-5π + 4)/4

Therefore, one negative coterminal angle is (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

Hence, the two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

To know more about coterminal angles  visit:


Write the equation of the line that passes through the point (0, 4) and is parallel to the line with equation y=5x+3


You have the slope of the given line which is 5 (the coefficient of x), and you are given a point (0,4). Use the formula to find the equation of a straight line using a point and slope. y-y1=m(x-x1).
Sorry if my english is a bit weird, i hope that helped!

3. Which of the following is not true about the
number line below?
The absolute value of point A is positive
The opposite of point A is positive
The additive inverse of point A is -1


The statement that is not true about point A on the number line is none of the above. All of the given statements are true.

How to determine the following that is not true about the number line

On the number line provided, point A is located at -1, which means it is one unit to the left of 0.

A) The absolute value of point A is the distance between A and 0 on the number line, which is 1 unit. Since the absolute value of any number is always positive, it is true that the absolute value of point A is positive.

B) The opposite of a number is its reflection across 0 on the number line. The opposite of -1 is 1, which is positive. Therefore, it is true that the opposite of point A is positive.

C) The additive inverse of a number is the number that when added to it gives a sum of 0. The additive inverse of -1 is 1, which means -1 + 1 = 0. Therefore, it is true that the additive inverse of point A is -1.

Therefore, the statement that is not true about point A on the number line is none of the above. All of the given statements are true.

learn more about number line at


Find the domain for each expression. 1/x


The domain of function 1/x is (-∞, 0) U (0, ∞), which means all real numbers except 0.

What is a domain?

In mathematics, the term "domain" refers to the set of possible input values for a function, equation, or expression. The domain represents the valid inputs that can be used to evaluate the function or expression and obtain a meaningful output.

For example, consider the function f(x) = x^2. The domain of this function is all real numbers because we can plug in any real number for x and obtain a valid output. However, if we consider the function g(x) = 1/x, the domain of this function is all real numbers except x = 0, because division by zero is undefined and we cannot evaluate the function at that point.

According to the given information

The expression 1/x has a domain of all real numbers except x = 0. This is because division by zero is undefined, so the expression is not defined for x = 0. For all other values of x, we can evaluate 1/x and get a real number. Therefore, the domain of 1/x is (-∞, 0) U (0, ∞), which means all real numbers except 0.

To know more about the domain visit:


A student was asked to form different triangles with angle measures of 90 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees. She incorrectly said this triangle is the only triangle with angle measures of 90 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees. What mistake might she have made


The student's mistake might have been that she assumed that there is only one possible triangle with angle measures of 90 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees. However, this is not true.

what is triangle ?

A triangle is a three-sided polygon, which is a closed two-dimensional shape with straight sides. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry and is used in various fields such as mathematics, physics, engineering, and architecture.

In the given question,

The student's mistake might have been that she assumed that there is only one possible triangle with angle measures of 90 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees. However, this is not true. In fact, there are infinitely many triangles with these angle measures, since the length of the sides can vary.

The most well-known triangle with angle measures of 90 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees is the 30-60-90 triangle, which has specific side ratios of 1:sqrt(3):2. But this is just one possible example of a triangle with those angle measures, and it is not the only one.

It is important to note that in a triangle, the angles determine the shape and the side lengths determine the size. Therefore, if two triangles have the same angle measures, they will be similar, but they may not necessarily be congruent unless they also have the same side lengths.

To know more about triangle , visit:


A function passes through the points (6, 6),
(7, 4.74), and (8, 3.75).
What is the rate of change to the nearest hundredth?


Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the rate of change of the function is -1s.13.

What is function?

A function is a relation between a set of inputs (called the domain) and a set of possible outputs (called the range) with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. A function can be thought of as a machine that takes an input and produces a unique output. The input is also known as the independent variable and the output is known as the dependent variable, since it depends on the input.

To find the rate of change of the function passing through the points (6, 6), (7, 4.74), and (8, 3.75), we can use the formula:

rate of change = (change in y) / (change in x)

Let's calculate the change in y and change in x between each pair of points:

For (6, 6) and (7, 4.74):

change in y = 4.74 - 6 = -1.26

change in x = 7 - 6 = 1

For (7, 4.74) and (8, 3.75):

change in y = 3.75 - 4.74 = -0.99

change in x = 8 - 7 = 1

Now we can plug in the values to find the average rate of change:

rate of change = (change in y) / (change in x)

= (-1.26 - 0.99) / (1 + 1)

= -2.25 / 2

= -1.125

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the rate of change of the function is -1.13.

To know more about function visit:


the average car can go 25 miles on one gallon of gas. You can write an equation to show the relationship between the amount of gas you buy and how far you can travel



Step-by-step explanation:

the inword

a recent survey revealed that 30% of us households own one or more cats. you visit 50 random households. what is the mean number of households that will have one or more cats? 15 what is the standard deviation of the number of households that will have one or more cats? 3.2 round your answer to 1 decimal place. suppose that 10 of the 50 random households had one or more cats. would you consider this unusual?


1. The mean number of households that will have one or more cats is 15.

2. This means that getting 10 or fewer households with cats out of 50 is not extremely unusual, as there is a 5.3% chance of it happening by random chance alone.

The mean number of households that will have one or more cats can be calculated as:

Mean = (30/100) x 50 = 15

Therefore, the mean number of households that will have one or more cats is 15.

The standard deviation can be calculated using the formula:

Standard deviation = [tex]\sqrt{(npq)}[/tex]

where n is the sample size (50), p is the probability of success (30/100 = 0.3), and q is the probability of failure (1 - p = 0.7).

Standard deviation = sqrt(50 x 0.3 x 0.7) = 3.08

Rounding to 1 decimal place, the standard deviation is 3.1.

If 10 of the 50 random households had one or more cats, we can calculate the z-score as:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where x is the observed number of households with cats (10), μ is the mean (15), and σ is the standard deviation (3.1).

z = (10 - 15) / 3.1 = -1.61

Looking up the z-score in a standard normal distribution table, we find that the probability of getting a z-score of -1.61 or lower is 0.053.

This means that getting 10 or fewer households with cats out of 50 is not extremely unusual, as there is a 5.3% chance of it happening by random chance alone.

However, it is somewhat lower than the expected value of 15, which suggests that the sample may not be fully representative of the population.

For similar question on mean.


Select the correct answer. Sides of three square rooms measure 14 feet each, and sides of two square rooms measure 17 feet each. Which expression shows the total area of these five rooms? A. (3 × 14^2) + (2 × 17^2) B. (2 × 14^3) + (2 × 17^2) C. (3 × 17^2) + (2 × 14^2) D. (3 × 14^2) × (2 × 17^2) Reset Next


The correct expression showing the total area of the five rooms is A. (3 x 14²) + (2 x 17²), which simplifies to 1918 square feet.

What is expression?

An expression is a combination of numbers, symbols, and operators (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) that represent a mathematical calculation. An expression can be a single number, a variable, or a combination of both, and can be used to represent mathematical formulas, equations, or relationships.

In the given question,

C. (3 × 17²) + (2 × 14²)

To find the total area of the five rooms, we need to add the area of each room. The area of a square is found by squaring the length of one side.

For the three rooms with sides of 14 feet each, the area of each room is:

14^2 = 196 square feet

So the total area of these three rooms is:

3 × 196 = 588 square feet

For the two rooms with sides of 17 feet each, the area of each room is:

17^2 = 289 square feet

So the total area of these two rooms is:

2 × 289 = 578 square feet

Therefore, the total area of all five rooms is:

588 + 578 = 1166 square feet

Option C, (3 × 17²) + (2 × 14²), gives the correct expression for this calculation.

To know more about expression, visit:


Tell whether the angles are complementary or supplementary. Then find the value of x

response - correct

The angles are complementary.

Question 2


The value of x is 50°.

Describe Complementary Angles?

Complementary angles are a pair of angles whose sum is equal to 90 degrees. In other words, when two angles are complementary, they add up to a right angle. One of the angles is said to be the complement of the other.

For example, if angle A measures 30 degrees, its complement angle B measures 60 degrees because the sum of the two angles is 90 degrees. In this case, angle A is the complement of angle B, and angle B is the complement of angle A.

Complementary angles can be found in many real-world situations, such as in carpentry, where two pieces of wood may be cut at complementary angles to form a right angle joint. Complementary angles are also used in trigonometry, which deals with the relationships between angles and sides of triangles.

Complementary angles are important in geometry because they are a fundamental concept that helps to explain the relationships between angles in different geometric shapes. Additionally, they are used in many calculations and formulas involving angles, such as finding missing angles in triangles or using trigonometric functions to solve problems in physics, engineering, and other fields

Complementary means sum of two angles is 180°.

And, Complementary means sum of two angles are 90°.

Here, clearly you can see that it's supplementary.

Now, 76° + 2x + 4 = 180°

= 2x = 180 - 80

= x = 100/2

= 50°

To know more about angles visit:


The complete question is:

Find the missing side or angle. Round to the nearest tenth. A=45° B=100° c=15 a=[?]​


The offered triangle's missing side measures 18.5 inches.

Two angles and one side of a triangle are measured as follows: A = 45°, B = 100°, and c = 15.

We need to find the side a. [opposite to angle A]

The Law of Sines indicates that we can use this formula to get the missing side (a) in the triangle given:

[tex]\mathrm{\frac{a}{sin(A)} = \frac{c}{sin(C)}}[/tex]

where A is the angle opposite side A, C is the angle opposite side C, and an is the unknown side.

Let's plug in the values we have:

A = 45°

B = 100°

c = 15

Now, we can find angle C using the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°:

C = 180° - A - B

C = 180° - 45° - 100°

C = 35°

Now we can apply the Law of Sines to find side a:

[tex]\mathrm {\frac{a}{sin(45)} = \frac{15}{sin(35)}}[/tex]

To find a, let's first calculate the values of sin(45°) and sin(35°):

sin(45°) ≈ 0.7071

sin(35°) ≈ 0.5736

Now, solve for a:

[tex]\frac{a}{0.7071} = \frac{15}{0.5736}[/tex]

a ≈ (15 × 0.7071) / 0.5736

a ≈ 18.54

Rounding to the nearest tenth:

a ≈ 18.5

So, the missing side (a) is approximately 18.5 units.

Learn more about Law of Sines click;


In an all boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 71 inches and a standard deviation of 4.5 inches. Out of the 1912 boys who go to that school, how many would be expected to be between 61 and 70 inches tall, to the nearest whole number?​


The range of heights between 66 inches and 76 inches indicates the center 95% of males' heights from this school.

What do we mean by interval?

All the numbers between two specific integers are referred to as an interval.

All actual values between those two are included in this range.

The class interval is calculated by deducting the upper limit from the class' lower limit.

The following is the formula for the class interval: Upper limit - Lower limit equals the class interval.

Let x represent the heights of the male students at this institution.

The Empirical Rule states that given the mean and standard deviation:

1) Approximately 68% of the x values fall within the range of the mean plus or minus one standard deviation.

2) Nearly 95% of the x values fall within the range of the mean plus or minus two standard deviations.

3) Nearly 99.7% of the x values fall within a range of 3 standard deviations either above or below the mean.

Considering the data provided:

mean = 71 inches

Standard deviation = 2.5 inches

We want to know where 95% of the x values fall. The variation from the mean is 2 standard deviations. Therefore,

2 standard deviations = 2 × 2.5 = 5 inches


71 - 5 = 66 inches and

71 + 5 = 76 inches

Therefore, the range of heights between 66 inches and 76 inches indicates the center 95% of males' heights from this school.

Know more about intervals here:


Complete question:

In an all-boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 71 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. Using the empirical rule, determine the interval of heights that represents the middle 95% of male heights from this school.

the ratio of a time a student spends on their art project to time spent on their science project is 3:4.The total amount of time the student spends on projects for these 56 min.How much does the students spend on projects for each subject


Answer: the student spends 24 minutes on their art project and 32 minutes on their science project.

Step-by-step explanation:


The student spends 24 minutes on their art project, and 32 minutes on their science project

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we can utilise the unitary method, a process by which we find the value of a single unit, from the value of multiple units and thus, the value of multiple units from the value of a single unit.

If the total number of units in the ratio is (3+4)=7, then 7 units = 56 mins.

If 7 units = 56 mins,

then 1 unit = 56/7 mins = 8 mins.

Therefore, 3 units = 8×3 = 24 mins,

and 4 units = 8×4 = 32 mins.

Thus, the student spends 24 minutes on their art project, and 32 minutes on their science project

Amy is sewing some pants for herself. This is the rule for how much fabric she needs to buy. • Measure from your waist to the finished length of thepants • Double this measurement • Add 8inches 1. Amy’s measurement from her waist to the finished length of the pants is 35inches. How many inches of fabric does sheneed?


Amy needs 78 inches of fabric for her pants if she follows the given rule.

Define inches ?

An inch is a unit of length that is equal to exactly 2.54 centimeters. It is commonly used in the United States and other countries that use the Imperial system of measurement.

To determine how much fabric Amy needs for her pants, we can use the rule provided to us. The first step is to measure from the waist to the finished length of the pants, which in this case is 35 inches.

Next, we need to double this measurement, which gives us 2 * 35 = 70 inches. This is because we need to account for the fabric that will make up both the front and back of the pants.

Finally, we need to add 8 inches to the doubled measurement, which gives us 70 + 8 = 78 inches. This additional 8 inches is to account for any seams, hems, or other finishing touches that may be required to complete the pants.

Therefore, Amy needs 78 inches of fabric for her pants.

To learn more about length visit the link :


Janelle opened a savings account with $500 that earns 0.3% simple interest annually. After how many years will the balance in the account be $510.50?


It will take 7 years for Janelle's savings account balance to reach $510.50 at an annual interest rate of 0.3%.

What is simple interest?

The interest rate on a loan or investment is calculated using the original principal amount. It does not take into account the effects of compounding, hence the interest charge or payment does not alter over time. Simple interest can be applied to several sorts of loans or savings accounts. It is computed only on the basis of the principal.

We can use the formula for simple interest to solve this problem:

Simple Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

where Principal is the initial amount in the account, Rate is the annual interest rate, and Time is the number of years.

Let's use the given information to find the time it takes to reach a balance of $510.50:

Simple Interest = $510.50 - $500 = $10.50

Principal = $500

Rate = 0.3% = 0.003 (since the rate is given as a percentage, we need to divide by 100 to get the decimal equivalent)

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

$10.50 = $500 * 0.003 * Time

Simplifying this equation, we get:

Time = $10.50 / ($500 * 0.003) = 7 years

Therefore, it will take 7 years for Janelle's savings account balance to reach $510.50 at an annual interest rate of 0.3%.

Learn more about simple interest on:


Solve for X, please write an explanation.


Step-by-step explanation:

2x+20  and 2x-4  are supplementary angles...they form a straight line and thus = 180 degrees when added together

2x+20      +    2x-4     = 180          simplify

4x + 16 = 180                               subtract 16 from both sides

4x  = 164                                     divide both sides by 4

x = 41 degrees

In a 10-kilometer race, there are no race
monitors for the first kilometer. After
that, there are race monitors every
0.25 kilometer, including at the finish
line. How many race monitors are there


Therefore, there are 37 race monitors in the entire 10-kilometer race.

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two expressions are equal. It usually contains one or more variables, and the goal is to find the value of the variable(s) that satisfies the equation. An equation can be written in various forms, such as standard form, slope-intercept form, or general form, depending on the type of equation and the information given. Equations are used in many areas of mathematics, science, and engineering to model and solve problems.


There are race monitors every 0.25 kilometers, so we can divide the race into segments of 0.25 kilometers.

The first segment is from 1 kilometer to 1.25 kilometers. Since there are no monitors for the first kilometer, we only need to count the monitors from 1 kilometer to the finish line.

To find the number of monitors from 1 kilometer to the finish line, we can subtract 1 from the total distance of the race and then divide by 0.25 (since there is a monitor every 0.25 kilometers after the first kilometer):

(10 - 1) / 0.25 = 36

So there are 36 race monitors from 1 kilometer to the finish line. But since there are no monitors for the first kilometer, we need to add 1:

36 + 1 = 37

To know more about equation,


help me please help answer the question below Do not round




Step-by-step explanation:




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