D are thinking of 33 Doctors say if we want to stay healthy, we ...........void eating too much red meat. A B C D had to have to don't have needn't have $4 Only people know that Julia was born in Holland. A a few B a little C some of D not many 5 I really love watching the Tomb Hunter films, A but if they were scary B though they are scary C unless they were scared although they are scared D​


Answer 1

Past research has red meat to increased risks of , cardiovascular healthy and certain . The studies have also pointed to an elevated  of mortality from red meat intake.

What health issues does red meat cause?

However, it's also high in saturated fat, and some processed varieties may be high in sodium and preservatives, affect health. Furthermore, several observational studies link red consumption to higher of heart disease, certain cancers.

Is it OK to eat red meat twice a day?

Red is an excellent source of protein and iron for your body, but too much of it good for you. Although you can safely eat two small servings of red meat daily.

To know more about healthy visit :-



Related Questions

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A. Personal Problem or Dilemma:

I am having a difficult time deciding whether to accept a job offer from a new company or stay in my current job.

How to explain the information

B. Analysis:

Describe the problem or dilemma:

The problem is that I am torn between accepting a job offer from a new company or staying in my current job. This decision is causing me stress and anxiety as it will have a significant impact on my career and personal life.

Why does this it exist? What caused it? Who is involved?

This dilemma exists because I have been offered a new job with better pay and benefits, but I have also been with my current company for a long time and have established relationships with my colleagues. I am the only one involved in this decision-making process, but it will affect my family and my financial situation.

What is your goal or desired outcome i.e. how will you know when the problem or dilemma is "solved"?

My goal is to make a decision that will benefit my career and my family in the long run. I will know the problem is solved when I have made a decision that I feel confident and comfortable with.

What options do you have?-brainstorm!

Accept the new job offer

Stay in my current job

Negotiate with my current employer for better pay and benefits

Take some time to think about the decision and not rush into it.

What are the consequences, (pos, and neg.), of each?

Accepting the new job offer:


Better pay and benefits

Opportunity for growth and development

Chance to work with a new team and gain new skills


Leaving behind established relationships with current colleagues

Risk of not fitting in with the new team and company culture

Uncertainty about job security in a new company

Staying in my current job:


Familiarity with the company and colleagues

Job security and stability

Opportunity to maintain work-life balance


Limited growth and development opportunities

Possible stagnation in career growth

No increase in pay or benefits

Negotiating with my current employer for better pay and benefits:


Improved compensation and benefits

Opportunity for growth and development within the company

Maintaining established relationships with colleagues


Risk of rejection of the negotiation

Possibility of creating tension with the employer

Taking some time to think about the decision and not rush into it:


Opportunity to consider all options and potential outcomes

Reduced stress and anxiety from rushing into a decision

Increased confidence in the final decision


Learn more about dilemma on;



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A. We can see here that a personal problem or dilemma that one can face is a difficulty in time management due to a heavy workload and multiple responsibilities.

What is dilemma?

Dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. It is a complex and challenging problem that requires careful consideration of the available options and their potential consequences. Dilemmas can arise in various contexts, including personal relationships, business decisions, ethical issues, and social situations.

B. This problem exists because of a combination of factors such as a busy work schedule, household responsibilities, and other commitments. The person involved in this problem is the one who has to manage their time effectively. The goal is to be able to complete all tasks on time and achieve a work-life balance.

The options include prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, and setting realistic deadlines. The consequences of each option vary from positive, such as reduced stress and increased productivity, to negative, such as additional workload and possible conflicts with others. People who might provide assistance include colleagues, friends, and family members who can offer support and advice.

C. The best course of action is to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities where possible. This will help to manage the workload effectively and reduce stress levels. Setting realistic deadlines and breaking down tasks into smaller manageable chunks will also help in achieving the desired outcome.

D. To carry out the decision, the person can start by making a to-do list and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. They can delegate responsibilities where possible and communicate effectively with colleagues and family members. The person can also seek assistance from mentors, coaches, or counselors to help them manage their time better. By following these steps, the person can achieve their desired outcome of managing their time effectively and achieving a work-life balance.

Learn more about dilemma on https://brainly.com/question/20177663


How do floods affect water systems??????

. What are the main causes of flooding in your area?

. What types of contaminants can be found in floodwater?

. How does exposure to flood water affect human health?

. What are the long-term impacts of flooding on the environment?

. How can we prevent or mitigate the effects of flooding in the future?????


Floodwater frequently contains dangerous substances when they build up, including chemicals, gasoline, animal waste, pathogens.Floodwaters can ruin animal habitats.Nonstructural techniques decrease damage by removing people and property from danger zones.

What is the primary reason for floods in India?

Rivers carry large loads of material from catchments. These, together with rivers' insufficient carrying capacity, are to blame for flooding, backed-up drainage systems, and riverbank erosion.

What effects do floods have on the water?

Floodwaters' detrimental effects on coastal marine environments are mostly brought on by the addition of too much silt, too many nutrients, and contaminants like chemicals, heavy metals, and trash.

To know more about floods affect water systems visit:-




1. Form a valid deductive argument with this statement as your conclusion "University students are brilliant"

2. Form a deductive argument which commit the fallacy of denying the antecedent.

3. Find the missing premise of this enthymeme "All politicians are corrupt", "Therefore, all politicians will go to hell"

4. Form a hypothetical syllogism using these elements 【Lecturer, intelligent and academics】

5. Form a valid deductive argument using this statement as a conclusion "All human beings reproduce"


If the honesty of the premises requires the truth of the conclusion, the deductive argument is said to be valid.If they apply their information in the right way, university students can be outstanding.

What characteristics characterise a corrupt politician?

Political corruption is the illegal use of authority for personal benefit by government employees or those connected to them through their networks.

What exactly does it mean to be intelligent in the classroom imply?

This is distinct from social, everyday, successful, or practical intelligence and is characterised as intellectual performance in a closed system on academic tasks or issues that have established goals, a fixed structure, and known elements.

To know more about  deductive argument visit:



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