Dear Editor:
(1) It's a crime that the apartment managers where my family lives will not let us compost our food scraps. (2) In this day and
age, when recycling is all the rage, you'd think they would get with the program and let us have composters. (3) There's plenty of
room on our back balconies for small compost units. (4) I know it's too much to ask that the managers provide them, but I'm sure
the tenants would be willing to fork out a few bucks for them. (5) As it is, tons of trash just go straight to the landfill. (6) If we could
turn all that into compost, we could add rich soil to the gardens around our apartment units. (7) Then maybe we could grow
something nicer than those ugly little shrubs the management planted. (8) I recently read that garbage collectors for the city have
begun distributing and picking up compost containers. (9) They only pick up from houses and not from apartment
buildings. (10) Apartment dwellers should have the same rights as homeowners when it comes to composting
Adam Lawrence
Which statistic below provides the best support for this passage?
O At least we're doing a better job with paper-50% of all paper products in the United States are recycled.
O In the city of Santa Barbara alone, 25,000 tons of food scraps are hauled to the local landfill annually.
O A good-quality composter can cost from $40 to over $500, though cities sometimes offer discount coupons.
There are currently 8,550 curbside recycling programs, which is actually less than in 2003.


Answer 1

In the city of Santa Barbara alone, 25,000 tons of food scraps are hauled to the local landfill annually.

The correct option is B.

What does passage mean in story?

A passage, whether it be in fiction or non-fiction, is just a section or portion of a literary work, technically speaking. Contrary to certain claims, most paragraphs are at least one line length and sometimes longer.

What is the length of a passage?

The five lines of each paragraph provide you room to develop a thorough notion without making it difficult for the reader to understand what you're trying to communicate. Even while not all of your paragraphs must have exactly five phrases, this is a solid general rule to adhere to in the body of your essay.

To know more about Passage visit:


Related Questions

oe is the king of the porch in this chapter. (once again, note the porch.) what is janie doing while joe entertains the crowd? what is he talking about, and how is he talking?


Janie is silent and listening while Joe entertains the porch crowd. Joe is bragging and telling stories in a grandiose and performative way.

In this section of "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Joe is presiding over a gathering on the porch and amusing everyone with tales and extravagant antics. While her husband conducts court, Janie observes but keeps quiet. Joe performatively discusses his triumphs and successes while highlighting his riches and position.

He uses flowery words and theatrical gestures to emphasise his ideas when speaking in a grandiose way. At this moment, Janie remains silent, highlighting her growing discontent with her marriage and her yearning for deeper relationships.

Learn more about listening:


In this chapter, Joe is indeed the "king of the porch," as he holds court and entertains a crowd of listeners. Janie is present on the porch with the others, but she is not actively engaged in the conversation.

The above question is from 'Their Eyes Were Watching God'. The residents of the community simultaneously revere and dread Joe. Although they are appreciative of the improvements he has made to the community, they are wary of his influence on them. Joe not only rules Janie but also the residents of the town. The locals are perplexed as to how Janie manages to get along with such a controlling man given that she has such lovely hair yet is required to tie it up in a rag when working at the store. Although some residents are jealous of and hostile toward Jody because of his riches and power, no one dares to question him.

Joe is speaking in a grandiose and confident manner, sharing stories and dispensing wisdom. He speaks with authority and a sense of self-importance, which is why he is able to captivate the crowd and earn their admiration. However, Janie seems to be growing increasingly disenchanted with Joe's arrogance and is beginning to question his motivations and character.

To learn more about Their Eyes Were Watching God, click here:


if a researcher finds that texting while driving increases the chances of having an accident, then her research is said to have ______ validity.


When the researcher finds someone texting while driving then that research is also called as the external validity.

The reason why people must not use mobile phone or text while driving is it six times dangerous than drink and drive. Most of the teenagers has lost there life due to this mistake of using mobile phone or texting while driving the vehicle. It is also found that women do this mistake while driving the vehicle which causes sever damages in transportation.

The important reason why it is dangerous is because the people will be in distraction where there eyesight will be on phone more than they see road so almost 15% of the people have crashed due to use of mobile while driving. The impact for the crash is from the visual difference. There are many people who have lost there life due to this blunder.

This type of research is called as external research where the researcher will identify that the texting while driving is a dangerous thing as it leads to accidents. This is because the analyzed situation is by the third party agent, by a legal advisor or consultant whose research is based on the constitutional sections and laws.

The reports done by the external validity is by studies and findings that are done about the case. It is also important to note that the reports are based on general analyses that are affected by the environment. So driving and texting is legally not correct and also punished offence that has to be taken a legal action.

There are many ways for any external research method that can be said as:

Forming questionsTaking interviewsTesting the victimConducting surveyConnecting through mail or telephone      

Hence external validity is very important to build the persons profile and also conduct research over the case. So the external validity is out of the communication with third party.

To read more about the external validity or the research about texting while driving follow the link below:


If a researcher finds that texting while driving increases the chances of having an accident, then her research is said to have predictive validity.

According to Texas Transportation Institute researchers, texting or reading while driving causes a driver's reaction time to slow down by two times. The study shows that texting while driving impairs reaction time to road hazards to a higher extent than many experts had previously thought. keeping your speed consistent while texting, and tending to slow down to lessen the demand of the simultaneous duties. A driver can fix driving mistakes (like the propensity to swerve when texting) by slowing down. Additionally, texting drivers saw larger speed variations than non-texting drivers.

To know more about thought refer :


Read the passages given below. There are some errors. Underline the error
and write the correction in the space provided. One has been done as an example.
(a) The Navy has changed its rules but appointed two
women to be in charge of warships but look after 12
crew members. Both women are in their late twenties
or have considerable experience. There are now about
700 women at sea but discussions are taking place
as to whether they are to be allowed to serve on
board submarines and keep to the warships only.
(b) A 14-year old boy has become the world's youngest
millionaire but has made his money by selling


(a) The Navy has changed its rules and appointed two women to be in charge of warships and look after 12 crew members. Both women are in their late twenties and have considerable experience. There are now about 700 women at sea, but discussions are taking place as to whether they are to be allowed to serve on board submarines or keep to the warships only.
(b) A 14-year-old boy has become the world's youngest millionaire but has made his money by selling. (Correction: Either "selling goods" or "selling something" should be added to make the sentence complete and grammatically correct.)

the walls children always had plenty of ___________ no matter where they lived.



i don't know the context necessarily of this, but i would put opportunity in that blank considering there is no backstory. :)


In "Araby," at the end of the story the young boy
a. decides to bring Mangan's sister
b. buys nothing
c. leaves Ireland
d. decides his uncle is a fool
e. buys a chalice


b. buys nothing.

Araby; mangan's sister; vendors

At the end of "Araby," the young boy realizes the futility of his quest to buy a gift for Mangan's sister at the bazaar called Araby. The bazaar is closing, and most of the vendors have already packed up and left. The boy feels disillusioned and ashamed, realizing that his infatuation with Mangan's sister was misguided and that his pursuit of her was a fantasy. He leaves the bazaar without buying anything and feels a sense of bitterness and resentment towards himself, his uncle, and the world around him.

To know more about araby:


The child discovers in "Araby" that his affection for Mangan's sister is in vain, despite the event's exotic-sounding name, and that he will not have enough money to buy a gift for her. The correct answer is b. buys nothing.

He is unaware that Mangan's sister harbours romantic affections for him as well. He just finds out that she is sad that she can't go to Araby because of a prior obligation. By the time "Araby" comes to a close.

The young kid has come to terms with the futility of his attempt to purchase a gift for Mangan's sister at the Araby fair. The majority of the vendors had already finished packing up and leaving the bazaar as it closes.Realising that his obsession with Mangan's sister was misdirected and that his pursuit of her was a fiction, the youngster is disheartened and ashamed. He walks out of the market empty-handed, feeling furious and resentful towards himself, his uncle, and the world in general.

To know more about Araby visit:


How is Desert Ridge Middle School different from Kansas School in Insignificant Events In The Life Of A Cactus?


Desert Ridge Middle School is larger, has more students, and has more resources than the Kansas school in "Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus."

In Kansas, Aven struggled with adapting to her new school, which lacked basic resources like soap in the bathroom. At Desert Ridge, Aven has access to more resources, like a science lab and a photography club. The school is also larger, with more students, which creates more opportunities for Aven to meet new people and make friends.

Overall, the differences in the schools highlight the challenges Aven faces as a new student, as well as the opportunities and resources that become available to her when she moves to a larger and better-resourced school.

To learn more about The Life Of A Cactus, here

The Dies irae section of Mozart's Requiem is a rhymed Latin poem. Select one: True False.


Answer: True


Read chapter 1-4 of journey to center of the earth and answer this question

Would the passage about Harry be considered direct or indirect characterization?



if you answer this question to take my points and its not correct or absurd i will report you


The passage about Harry be considered as indirect characterization.

Direct characterization is when an author or narrator explicitly states a character’s traits or qualities. Indirect characterization is when an author or narrator reveals a character’s traits or qualities through the character’s thoughts, words, and actions.

In the passage about Harry, the narrator does not explicitly state any traits or qualities about the character. Instead, the narrator reveals Harry’s character through his actions. For example, the narrator mentions that Harry was “keenly observant” and “eager to explore”.

These actions suggest that Harry is an adventurous and curious person. Therefore, the passage about Harry would be considered indirect characterization.

To learn more about Direct and Indirect characterization link is here


What happened when researcher upvoted posts early on?

A) They became popular more quickly than other posts

B) They were shared more often but not necessarily upvoted

C) They were viewed to have more validity than other posts

D) They became overall more popular than downvoted posts


They became popular more quickly than other posts happened when researcher upvoted posts early on. Option A is correct.

In the article, "The Science Behind Why No One Agrees on the Best Time to Post on Social Media," the researchers found that when they upvoted posts early on, those posts became more popular than other posts that were not upvoted. This is because upvoting gives posts more visibility, and once a post receives some initial traction, it is more likely to continue to gain popularity.

This phenomenon is known as the bandwagon effect, where people are more likely to follow or support something that is already popular. Therefore, the act of upvoting a post early on can greatly influence its success and popularity on social media platforms. Hence Option A is correct.

To learn more about bandwagon effect, here


In the Passage, how does the narrator's point of
view MOST impact the story?
A) His initial doubt gives way to excitement, which
then excites Cavor.
B) His enthusiasm about traveling into outer space
makes him overlook the danger in Cavor's plans.
C) His better understanding of mechanics makes him
take the lead in designing Cavor's sphere.
D) His lack of confidence leads him to doubt the plan,
which disappoints Cavor.


His lack of confidence leads him to doubt the plan, which disappoints Cavor is most impact the story.

What is story?

Story is a narrative of events, real or imaginary, which is connected and has a beginning, middle and end. It is used to entertain, inform, and engage an audience. Stories can be told in many ways, from books and movies to songs and plays. They can be humorous, inspiring, educational, or even frightening. A good story will have characters with whom the audience can identify, conflict, a resolution, and a message that resonates with the audience. Storytelling can be a powerful tool for understanding and sharing experiences, values, and beliefs.

To learn more about story


why does squealer "cast a very ugly look at boxer with his little twinkling eyes"? what can you infer?


Based on the information given, it is possible to infer that Squealer may be feeling some negative emotions towards Boxer. The above question is from Animal Farm.

The fact that he casts an "ugly look" could suggest that he is annoyed or frustrated with Boxer, while his "twinkling eyes" could indicate a sense of superiority or manipulation. It is also possible that Squealer is trying to hide his true feelings and is using his body language to convey a different message. Without more context, it is difficult to know for sure what is happening at this particular moment.

Squealer argues adamantly that Snowball was working with Mr. Jones before the uprising ever started, according to Napoleon. Boxer is pleased by this because Napoleon said so, but Squealer gives him a dirty look as he warns the animals to watch out for Snowball's covert agents who are hiding out all over the property.

Squealer argues adamantly that Snowball was working with Mr. Jones before the uprising ever started, according to Napoleon. Boxer is pleased by this because Napoleon said so, but Squealer gives him a dirty look as he warns the animals to watch out for Snowball's covert agents who are hiding out all over the property.

To learn more about Animal Farm, click here:


which of the following is not depicted on the shield of achilles? a. a thrice-plowed field b. a lion wandering in search of its cubs c. an old fisherman and young boy being robbed by foxes d. two cities: one with a wedding and trial and one under siege e. harvesting a vineyard


The harvesting of a vineyard is not depicted on the Shield of Achilles; the shield features five other primary images.

The Safeguard of Achilles is a popular image portrayed in Homer's legendary sonnet, The Iliad. Among its numerous unpredictable plans, the safeguard doesn't portray a collecting of a grape plantation.

All things considered, the safeguard incorporates five essential pictures: a city settled and a city under attack, a threefold furrowed field, a lord passing judgment on a legitimate debate and regulating a wedding, a chase after wild creatures, lastly, an old angler and a young man being ransacked by foxes.

These pictures on the safeguard represent the expansiveness and intricacy of life, including both the quiet and the turbulent parts of human life. The shortfall of a grape plantation recommends that horticulture and the normal world were not among the safeguard's essential worries.

To learn more about an example of lion depiction, refer:


if a person displays an allergic reaction to the mere sight of an artificial flower, the allergic reaction is most likely a _____.


If a person displays an allergic reaction to the mere sight of an artificial flower, the allergic reaction is most likely a  psychosomatic.

A psychological or psychosomatic reaction is more probable than an actual allergic reaction to occur when someone experiences an allergic reaction at the mere sight of an artificial flower.

This is due to the fact that since fake flowers don't produce pollen or other allergens, they aren't known to trigger allergic reactions.

The artificial flower's components, such as the dyes or chemicals employed in the production process, may, in rare instances, cause a hypersensitive reaction in certain people.

Nonetheless, it is still more likely to be a psychosomatic reaction rather than a true allergic reaction.

A bodily reaction or symptom known as a psychosomatic reaction is one that is thought to be brought on by or influenced by psychological or emotional factors, such as stress, anxiety, or emotional trauma.

To know more about psychosomatic visit:


identify the kind of logical fallacy found in the following statement:
Some parents first noticed changes in their child's behavior and personality in the weeks or months after they were
vaccinated, and this led them to believe that the shots had caused the illness.


The kind of logical fallacy that is found in the provided statement is:  "post hoc ergo propter hoc," which means "after this, therefore because of this."

What is the meaning of this fallacy?

The fallacy, "post hoc ergo propter hoc," assumes that just because one event occurred after another, the first event caused the second event.

In this sentence provided, the parents assume that the vaccine caused the changes in the child's behavior and personality simply because those changes occurred after the child was vaccinated. In relaity, there may be other factors that caused the changes, and the vaccine may not be the cause.

Learn more about logical fallacies here:


Which universal theme does this poem touch upon?
A greed
B growth
C obsession
D fear


The universal theme that the poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci" by John Keats touches upon is C) obsession.

What is the poem about?

The poem portrays the speaker's obsessive infatuation with a mysterious woman who ultimately leaves him feeling helpless and abandoned.

In "La Belle Dame sans Merci," the speaker describes his encounter with a beautiful and mysterious woman who he refers to as "La Belle Dame sans Merci," which means "the beautiful lady without mercy" in French. The speaker becomes infatuated with her, describing her as "full beautiful, a fairy's child" and "a lovely lady, garmented in light."

Learn more about theme on


La Belle Dame sans Merci

what universal theme does this poem touch upon?

A greed

B growth

C obsession

D fear

if you are asked to submit an annotated list of sources, what should you add to your source list

a. Headers that show the type of each source, such as primary or secondary

b. A paragraph summarizing each source as it relates to your research question

c. Additional sources that brought in the focus of your research topic

d. A question that each source raises, but does not quite answer


The thing to include will be B. a paragraph summarizing each source as it relates to your research question

How to explain the information

When submitting an annotated list of sources, it is important to include the following:

a. Headers that show the type of each source, such as primary or secondary. This helps the reader to quickly understand the type of source being used.

b. A paragraph summarizing each source as it relates to your research question. This provides a brief overview of the source's content, helping the reader to understand how it contributes to your research.

Learn more about source on


How does Ms. Walker respond to
Hester's idea?

•She agrees to Hester's project even though she is unsure about it.

•She tells Hester she will do well on the next test if she studies hard.

•She allows Hester to make a movie if she finishes her homework.

•She offers to help Hester write the
script even though she is busy.


She agrees to Hester’s project even though she is unsure about it.

(FROM: Shading The EartH)
Select one technical word or phrase from the fourth paragraph and one from the fifth paragraph of "Shading the Earth." Identify the terms' meanings, using context clues and, as necessary, reference materials. What effect do such technical words have on the tone and impact of the article?


Authors can convey their feelings about a topic by using tone words to indicate whether they have a good, negative, or neutral opinion.

How does a word's or phrase's tone impact its meaning?

Your tone helps to make meaning clear and to transmit it when you speak to others. Depending on how you choose to communicate it, a sentence as straightforward as "I don't know" might be interpreted in a variety of ways.

The tone of writing is influenced by what?

The tone of a piece of writing can be expressed by an author's use of sentence structure, word choice, and literary devices like figurative language.  It offers information on the author's viewpoint on the subject.

To know more about figurative language visit:-


tractable means

A. contraband
B. uncommon
C. deplorable
D. susceptible


The word Tractable means D. susceptible.

What does Tractable mean?

Tractable means easy to deal with or control, manageable, or easily influenced or persuaded. The word "susceptible" means likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing, which is the closest in meaning to "tractable."

Contraband refers to goods that are prohibited by law; uncommon means rare or not often found; and deplorable means very bad or regrettable. These words are not related in meaning to "tractable."

Example of the word Tractable in sentences are;

The new employee was very tractable and quickly adapted to the company's procedures and policies.

The children were tractable and followed their teacher's instructions without causing any trouble.

Find more exercises related to the word Tractable;


1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?
2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.
3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.
4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.
5. Determine the molar mass of Co.
6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.


1. 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms of chlorine.

What is atoms?

Atoms are the smallest and fundamental units of matter. They are composed of three particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge. Atoms are responsible for the chemical properties of all matter, as they combine to form molecules. These molecules interact with each other to create the physical and chemical properties that we observe in the world around us. Even though atoms are incredibly small, they are the building blocks of matter and are essential for life.

2. 15.50 mole of oxygen has a mass of 32.00 g.

3. There are 1.10 x 1025 moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.

4. 147.82 g of sulfur contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms of sulfur.

5. The molar mass of Co is 58.93 g/mol.

6. The formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2 is 310.18 g/mol.

To learn more about atoms


(a) Interpret In step 4, the author writes about the “challenge of building resilience.” What does “building resilience” mean in practical terms? (b) Assess What seems to be the most critical factor in building resilience?


"building resilience" means developing the ability to bounce back from difficult situations. It involves cultivating mindset and developing skills that allow an individual to cope with stress, adversity, and uncertainty.

What seems to be the most critical factor in building resilience?

The text suggests that several factors contribute to building resilience, including having a supportive social network, maintaining a positive outlook, practicing self-care, and cultivating problem-solving skills. However, the most critical factor in building resilience is perhaps one's mindset or attitude towards adversity. Those who view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning and believe in their ability to overcome obstacles tend to be more resilient than those who have a negative outlook or feel helpless in the face of adversity. Thus, developing a growth mindset and a sense of self-efficacy may be the most important factors in building resilience.

To know more about building resilience visit:


T.E.D Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things this speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to include the minute: second mark (ex:8:49) to denote the two specific moments you discuss here

Title: The best Kindergarten you've ever seen

* Ted talk video* Takahar Tezuka

1. Tezuka uses personal anecdotes to connect with the audience and establish common ground.

2. He shares stories about his own childhood and his experiences as a parent, which helps to create a sense of empathy and trust between him and the audience.

Where is a minute: second mark from the video?


Tezuka asks the audience to imagine what their ideal kindergarten would look like.

TED Talk

Takaharu Tezuka demonstrates his abilities as a persuasive public speaker in his TED Talk, "The Best Kindergarten You've Ever Seen," by involving the audience in various ways. Through personal anecdotes, he engages the audience by talking about his own upbringing and experiences as a parent. By doing this, he builds the audience's sympathy and trust. Additionally, he engages the audience by asking them to picture their ideal kindergarten at 4:15, which fosters a feeling of connection and involvement. At 8:40, Tezuka employs humour to engage the audience by telling a realistic and entertaining tale about his daughter's kindergarten experience. This fosters a spirit of unity and helps to remove any boundaries.

To know more about Ted, click on the link :


Select the verb :

Gregory Eddie had planted an apple tree in the yard.


Planted is the verb in this sentence.

Match the text features to their definitions.

Match Term Definition
Table of contents A) A presentation of data in visual form
Caption B) A note or comment added to a text
Illustration C) A title or brief explanation that appears next to or under an image, graph, or photo
Graph D) An outline of chapters or section titles and their corresponding page numbers
Annotation E) A drawing used to emphasize an aspect of the text


Text annotation is the process of adding a note or gloss to a text. It can take the form of underlining,  footnotes, tags, or links.

table of contents - e. chapter titles and the page it falls on.

headings - c. the titles of small sections of information.

captions - a. informative text underneath all images.

images - h. icons, photographs, informative charts.

data charts - f. numeric information in a visual form.

glossary - b. vocabulary words and definitions.

notes - d. citations and footnotes, endnotes, or annotations.

appendix - g. full-length study or article for further research.

Where do notes and comments differ?

Use a comment if you need to talk about data with other individuals. A reply box is absent from notes. Cells can only have notes or reminders added to them. Use a note if you don't need to discuss the info with anyone.

To know more about Text annotation visit :-


Evaluative questions that use the open and closed-end question formats to gain confirmation and to uncover attitudes, opinions, and preferences the prospect holds.


Evaluative questions that use the open and closed-end question formats to gain confirmation and to uncover attitudes, opinions, and preferences the prospect holds, discover perceptions and sentiments about the situation as it is rather than just broad facts.

Evaluative Questions:

Evaluative questions solicit a judgement. An opinion is what a person thinks or feels, and not everyone views circumstances in the same way. Evidence can be used to back up a position to make it more compelling and win over other people to your point of view.


What is your opinion of……?Do you think ---- is a good or bad thing….What changes would you recommend…why?

Open and close end questions:

"What do you think about this product?" is an example of an open-ended question. Closed-ended questions, on the other hand, typically only allow for a single word or a selection from a small number of multiple-choice options (for example, "Are you satisfied with this product?" Yes/No/Mostly/Not quite").

To learn more about open-end questions, refer:


Evaluative questions are a powerful tool for sales professionals as they provide insights into the prospect's preferences and attitudes. Open-ended questions allow prospects to freely express their thoughts and feelings, while closed-ended questions are useful for confirming details and gaining agreement.

For example, an open-ended question could be, "What do you think about our product?" while a closed-ended question could be, "Would you prefer the silver or black version of our product?"

By using both formats strategically, sales professionals can gain a better understanding of their prospect's needs and tailor their sales pitch accordingly.
Evaluative questions, which use both open and closed-end question formats, are a valuable tool in gaining confirmation and uncovering attitudes, opinions, and preferences held by the prospect.

Open-ended questions provide prospects with the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings in detail, allowing for deeper understanding and insight into their perspectives.

Meanwhile, closed-ended questions present a limited set of predefined response options, facilitating quick and specific feedback on particular aspects. By utilizing these two formats, you can effectively gauge the prospect's viewpoints and preferences, enabling better decision-making and tailored solutions to meet their needs.

To know more about sales professional, click here


a play that relates in some fashion to the current personal concerns of the audience is said to possess pertinence. true false





how does achebe develop and use a secondary character to convey a theme about mulple stories in things fall apart?



In Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart, the character of Obierika serves as a secondary character who plays an important role in conveying a theme about the interconnectedness of multiple stories.

Obierika is a close friend of the protagonist, Okonkwo, and serves as a foil to Okonkwo's rigid adherence to tradition and masculinity. Unlike Okonkwo, Obierika is more open-minded and willing to consider new ideas and perspectives. He is also a storyteller, and is often depicted sharing folktales and legends that illustrate important moral lessons and cultural values.

Through Obierika's storytelling, Achebe conveys the idea that multiple stories are interconnected and can inform and enrich one another. Obierika's stories often draw on a wide range of sources, including historical events, mythology, and personal experience, and demonstrate that each story is part of a larger cultural and historical context.

For example, when Okonkwo is exiled from his village, Obierika tells him a story about a man who was forced to leave his home and seek refuge in a new land. The story illustrates the idea that displacement and loss are universal experiences that can be found in many cultures and times. This story helps Okonkwo to see his own situation in a broader context and to empathize with others who have faced similar challenges.

Overall, through the character of Obierika and his storytelling, Achebe develops the theme that multiple stories are interconnected and can offer insight and perspective on one another. This theme is central to the novel's exploration of the cultural and historical forces that shape the lives of its characters, and underscores the importance of understanding the broader context in which individual stories take place.

What is the state of the community at the beginning of the play, as the play progresses and at the end of the play?

How did Salem allow outsiders to disrupt its sense of community?

What conditions existed or were created within the community to allow Abigail and the other girls to gain power?

What is ironic about Abigail and the girls being able to seize power over the community?

What role did religion play in the process of seizing power?

What role did fear play in creating authority? How did some people choose to resist authority? Who are they and what form did their resistance take?

John and Abigail’s affair serves as a catalyst for the events of the play, yet historically no such affair ever took place. Why did Arthur Miller use his dramatic license to invent this relationship?

At the end of the play, John Hale has changed his opinion of the trials. What brings about this change?

John Proctor comes very close to admitting guilt so that he may live, and it’s at this moment that Reverend Parris tells him that his refusal to confess is vanity. John could lie, and confess, and stay alive for his wife and children. Do you agree with Parris?


The Salem community is close-knit and cohesive at the start of the play, with a feeling of community founded on Christian beliefs and principles. The court's presence and outside forces like Abigail Williams and her group of girls disturb this sense of community as the play goes on by bringing a source of authority that is not the Church.

Abigail and the other girls were able to become powerful due to a number of factors, including a lack of clear direction and authority from the Church, the prevalence of superstition in the area, and the rapid growth of fear and hysteria among the populace.

The irony of Abigail and the girls' power is that, despite the fact that their charges are unfounded, they are nonetheless able to use them to instill dread and distrust in the society and hence exert control over it.

Religion plays a significant part in the process of gaining control because Abigail and the girls use superstition, a fear of the Devil, and a belief in witchcraft to control the people of Salem. Because individuals are hesitant to express their doubts or refute the girls' charges, the girls are able to gain power because no one wants to dispute them.

Arthur Miller created the relationship between John and Abigail using his theatrical licence in order to highlight the potential repercussions of a lack of moral responsibility and to highlight the influence of falsehoods. When John Hale realizes the injustice of convicting innocent people and that the court has been tainted by a culture of retaliation and paranoia, he alters his opinion of the trials at the play's conclusion.

Even though he is facing certain death, John Proctor chooses not to confess out of a desire to uphold his moral integrity and good name. Depending on one's viewpoint, one may or may not concur with Parris' assertion that John's refusal to confess is motivated by vanity. John's choice can be seen by some as a brave and honorable act in the face of impending death, while it might be seen by others as a pointless gesture.

To learn more about Salem link is here


-ZebraTech is an IT company that provides information to its employees about the earnings of the company, its profits, expenses, etc. on a regular basis. In this scenario, the company can be said to follow which of the following styles of management?
A) Heralded management
B) Publicized management
C) Open book management
D) Cautious management
E) Provident management


Open book management, where the company shares financial information with employees, is being followed by ZebraTech to provide transparency and involve employees in decision-making processes. Thus the correct option is C.

ZebraTech manages by the Open Book Management method. To promote openness and include staff in decision-making, this management approach entails disclosing financial information to them. Open book management is a participatory management style that equips staff with the knowledge of the financial effects of their choices and motivates them to contribute to the growth of the business.

ZebraTech hopes to establish trust, promote a sense of ownership, and synchronise employee interests with business goals by providing financial information to its staff. This management approach is recognised to increase worker motivation, engagement, and retention, resulting in a more effective and successful organisation.

Learn more about decision-making:


In this scenario, the company can be said to follow Open book management style. So, The correct answer is C) Open book management.

Open book management is a management style where a company shares financial and other important information with its employees on a regular basis. This style aims to improve transparency, increase employee engagement, and promote a culture of teamwork and collaboration.
This style of management involves sharing financial information with employees to increase their understanding of the company's performance and to encourage their involvement in decision-making processes.

John Case of Inc. magazine created the phrase "open-book management," which he first used in 1993. Jack Stack and his colleagues at SRC Holdings have accomplished the concept's most obvious success.

To know more about Open book management style, click here:


true or false. according to smith (1999), nearly all of the differences in health outcomes between rich and poor in america can be attributed to differences in access to medical care.


According to Smith (1999), only a small percentage of the differences in health outcomes between rich and poor in America can be attributed to differences in access to medical care. False

Other factors, such as lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and social determinants of health (such as education, income, and housing), play a much larger role in shaping health outcomes.

In fact, many studies have found that improving access to medical care alone is not sufficient to address health disparities, and that a more comprehensive approach that addresses the broader social and economic determinants of health is needed.

Learn more about social determinants


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