Describe the factors that influence the development and type of soil in a certain area.


Answer 1

Soil research has shown that soil profiles are influenced by five separate, yet interacting, factors: parent material, climate, topography, organisms, and time. Soil scientists call these the factors of soil formation

Answer 2


Factors that determine a soil's characteristics include: the type of parent rock from which the soil forms, the climate in the area, the slope of the land, the type and amount of vegetation, and the length of time the rock has been weathering.



Related Questions

C) Explain the difference in how the plant and the woman get glucose molecules to use for energy





The woman eats and digests food to get glucose while the plant can undergo photosynthesis which forms glucose.

The plant and the woman utilize different mechanisms for accumulating glucose in their body to use for energy.

What is Glucose?

Glucose may be defined as the main type of sugar in the blood which provides immediate energy to the body's tissues to perform metabolic activities.

Plants utilize the process of photosynthesis to construct their food
(glucose) with the help of carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight, while the woman eats food products which are then digested into the stomach, and glucose is synthesized which is then transported into the bloodstream.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Glucose, refer to the link:


PLS help me for my assignment, here's a lot of points :D

What are examples of social, ethical, economical and legal issues of embryonic screening?



Privacy and Confidentiality. Privacy has many dimensions. ...

Socially Vulnerable Populations. ...

Health Insurance Discrimination. ...

Employment Discrimination. ...

Individual Responsibility. ...

Race and Ethnicity. ...

Implementation Issues.

b) How does the thermal energy of solid water change as it melts?


When ice melts, it’s temperature remains constant until all the ice turns to water.


Hi! So solid water would be ice, the particles in ice are very close together which makes it firm and makes it ice. When you put the ice in the microwave, (Microwave has heat so it would be thermal energy!) the particles in the ice mover a tiny bit away from each other which then makes it water. Then, if you boil the water, the particles that are in the water move far away from each other and it turns into steam!

Hope this helps!! Stay safe! <3

According to the Cell Theory, what is NOT one of the three main tenants?

1. viruses - which are not alive - not made of cells

2. The cell is the smallest living unit in all organisms

3. All living things are made of cells

4. All cells come from other pre-existing cells


1. Viruses, they are not related to Cell Theory

when we observe an organism or environment what are we observing A. changes B. similarities C. colors​



II really have no idea but it might be A?


If I'm wrong I'm so sry T-T


A. changes


i took the test and i got it correct trust me

How are chloroplasts like mitochondria?
Group of answer choices

They both contain DNA.

They are both found in animal cells.

They look alike.

They can both use energy from sunlight.


Answer: Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, produce energy for plant cells. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA and can function independently of the eukaryotic host cell. Hope this helps! I don't like giving direct answers I feel you should have a chance to learn.


Please answer quickly!!!!!

Which property of argon makes it useful for potassium-argon dating?

It decays into potassium.

It is an unstable element.

It remains trapped in rock.

It is useful only for dating newer rock.



The correct answer is c, plz give me brainlest


got 100 percent on the quiz

A property of argon that makes it useful for potassium-argon dating is that it decays into potassium. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is Radioactive dating?

Radioactive dating may be defined as a type of methodology for dating rocks and minerals with the help of radioactive isotopes. This method is useful for igneous and metamorphic rocks, which cannot be dated by the stratigraphic correlation method used for sedimentary rocks.

Potassium-argon dating is a method of determining the time of origin of rocks by estimating the ratio of radioactive argon in order to radioactive potassium in the rock. This dating method is typically based on the decay of radioactive potassium-40 to radioactive argon-40 in minerals and rocks.

Therefore, a property of argon that makes it useful for potassium-argon dating is that it decays into potassium. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Potassium dating, refer to the link:


Kidneys remove what kind of waste from the body?



Healthy kidneys filter about a half cup of blood every minute, removing wastes and extra water to make urine. The urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through two thin tubes of muscle called ureters, one on each side of your bladder. Your bladder stores urine.


hope this helps have a good day


they remove the waste called urea


Which sentence correctly explains the process and conditions needed for sleet to form? (15 pointsss :)

Group of answer choices:

A. During thunderstorms and extremely cold temperatures, water droplets freeze in layers and form balls or chunks of ice.

B. Both the temperature of the cloud and the temperature of the air must be below freezing in order for the flakes to fall from the sky.

C. A liquid form of precipitation that is formed in above freezing temperatures becomes heavier as it falls the ground in the form of raindrops.

D. Ice crystals melt as they fall through a warm layer of air and then refreeze into small ice pellets as they pass through a colder layer of air.


green was not the impostor


u are all idiots



Which organelle should be listed under both in the diagram?



animal and plant cells

Define the term hominin.



a primate of a taxonomic tribe ( Hominini ), which comprises those species regarded as human, directly ancestral to humans, or very closely related to humans.

I hope it helps

Thank U


✭The Hominini, or hominins, form a taxonomic tribe of the subfamily Homininae ("hominines"). Hominini includes the extant genera Homo (humans) and Pan (Chimpanzees and Bonobos), but excludes the genus Gorilla (gorillas).

✭The term was originally introduced by John Edward Gray (1824), long before any details on the speciation of Pan and Homo were known. Gray's tribe Hominini by definition includes both Pan and Homo. This definition is still adhered to in the proposal by Mann and Weiss (1996), which divides Hominini into three subtribes, Panina (containing Pan), Hominina ("homininans", containing Homo "humans"), and Australopithecina (containing several extinct "australopithecine" genera).



If Cytosine makes up 33% of a DNA sample, what percentage of the DNA is made up of thymine containing nucleotides?



Since cytosine and guanine are present in equal amounts, we can simply divide their sum by 2. The final composition is 22% adenine, 22% thymine, 28% cytosine, and 28% guanine.


Compared to the Sun, the star Betelgeuse is
A. Less luminous and warmer
B. Less luminous and cooler
C. More luminous and warmer
D. More luminous and cooler


The answer to that is A

Red supergiant star Betelgeuse is around 764 times as massive as the Sun. To put that into perspective, the diameter of Mars' orbit around the Sun is 328 times that of the Sun. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the comparison of Sun and star Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse is 640 light years away from the sun. Given that the star is only 10 million years old, it will die young like earlier supergiants.

The sun, in contrast, is only approximately halfway through its life and is nearly 4.6 billion years old.

Betelgeuse is one of the gleaming stars in the night sky and can be seen clearly on the right shoulder of the constellation Orion.

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant that is 1,400 times bigger than our Sun and thousands of times brighter.

Therefore, Compared to the Sun, the star Betelgeuse is  Less luminous and warmer.

Learn more about Betelgeuse here:


Can someone answer this!!!!!!





Diffusion is the net movement of anything from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

When the [tex]O_{2}[/tex] moves in, the [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] moves out.

Scientists core a Redwood tree in the California Redwood forest. The core of this particular tree has 1115 rings. How old is the tree in years?



1115 years.


One ring equak one cycle year.

2. What are 3 examples of lipids and what functions do they serve in organisms' bodies?



Examples of lipids include fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins

The functions of lipids include storing energy, signaling, and acting as structural components of cell membranes.

2. Which of the following statements is true of tertiary
consumers in an ecosystem?
A) There are more secondary consumers than
tertiary consumers.
B) They are caten by secondary consumers.
C) They contain the most biomass out of all of the
D) They are the largest trophic level.
E) This level of the food chain has the highest
amount of diversity.


The answer would be B.
Hope this helps have a great day:)

They attract secondary consumers, this applies to the tertiary consumers of the ecosystem.

What do you mean by ecosystem?

An ecosystem consists of all the organisms and the physical environment with which they interact. These biotic and abiotic components are interconnected through nutrient cycles and energy flows. Energy enters the system through photosynthesis and is incorporated into the plant tissue.

The term "ecosystem" was first used in 1935 in a publication by British environmentalist Arthur Tansley. The term was coined by Arthur Roy Clapham, who coined the word at Tansley's request.

The main ecosystem types  are forest, desert, rainforest, grassland, tundra, savanna, and mountain ecosystems.

Learn more about ecosystem:


Essay on atoms 70 words



The atom, the basic building block of matter, consists of a core nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Inside the atom nucleus contains a mixture of positively charged protons, and electrically neutral neutrons. All atomic electrons bind to the nucleus through electromagnetic force. A ground of electrons bound together will form individual molecules. An atom with an equal number of protons and electrons will hold neutral. An ion has positive or negative charge, either through a lack of electrons or an electron excess. The number of protons determines the formation of chemical elements, while as the number of neutrons determines the element's isotope. Most of the atom's mass has a concentration compacted within its nucleus; however, protons and neutrons hold about the same mass. Electrons bound to atoms hold a percentage of stable energy levels, otherwise known as orbitals, which undergo transitory processes through absorbing or omitting photons with equal energy levels. Electrons determine an element's chemical properties, thus influencing an atom's magnetic properties.


describe the 4 steps of the nitrogen cycle :)


Nitrogen cycle consists of four main steps namely:

Nitrogen Fixation
Ammonification/ Decay

Hope this helps :)

What factors affect gravitational force?



[tex]mass \\ weight \\ presence \: of \: other \: field \: forces[/tex]

When dealing with the force of gravity between two objects, there are only two things that are important – mass, and distance. The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them.

What would eventually happen to a cell left in a hypotonic solution?
a. The cell would not change
b. The cell would shrink and shrivel
C. The cell would get bigger and eventually explode


Answer: C. The cell would get bigger and eventually explode :) hope this helps


I am pretty sure its C


the cell get bigger and explodes

8. A scientist noticed that the number of salamanders in ponds in Manatee County was
declining. This was a(n): (1 point)
O Hypothesis
O Theory
O Observation


observation is the answer

hope this helps

In the United States, alcoholic beverages that are sold in stores display a government warning stating that pregnant women should not drink alcoholic beverages. This is because
it prevents cleavage division from occurring, so a zygote cannot become a blastocyst.
if a woman drinks alcohol while she is pregnant, she may not be able to ovulate again after childbirth.
studies have proven that alcohol consumption causes long-lasting disorders in the fetus.
the science of chemistry has shown that alcohol is a reactive substance that may interfere with the mother’s food digestion.



It should be "studies have proven that alcohol consumption causes long-lasting disorders in the fetus."


because everything the mother eats enters the child's body alchoholcan cause problems as if th e child were aready born and drinking.




Lipids have several functions, which include from water loss
B.control chemical reactions fight disease



D . Insulation


Which process does not release energy?

a photosynthesis

b lactic acid fermentation

c cell respiration

d alcoholic fermentation


Your answer is a hope this help

Blood isn't the only natural system that uses acid/base buffers. Limestone is made of calcium carbonate. How would you expect the pH of a lake with limestone bedrock to compare to other lakes after several years of acid rain?​


Since the lime stone acts as a filter I believe the pH would be around 4 to 9 it wouldn’t be too acidic because of the lime stone and it wouldn’t be too alkaline because there’s no chemicals in it

which lunar phase occurs when the moon is directly across from the sun with the Earth in the middle. During this phase we see light reflected off the entire near side of the moon


That would be a full lunar eclipse

What are some of the major forces that influence the movements of the oceans?


Wind and plates moving

Which text would MOST likely require the strongest reading skills?

A: a list of library books

B: a newspaper article

C: rules for a gym membership

D: a restaurant menu





The terms and conditions of contracts are very complex and hard to understand.

C, rules for a gym membership

Paleomagnetism is the study of





ancient study of both rocks and earth as a whole

B. Over the last 100 years
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