Differentiate. y = (x2 - 2x + 6) et O (2x - 2) ex (x2 + 4x + 4) ex O (x2 + 4) ex + 4x + 6​

Differentiate. Y = (x2 - 2x + 6) Et O (2x - 2) Ex (x2 + 4x + 4) Ex O (x2 + 4) Ex + 4x + 6


Answer 1


y' = (x² + 4)eˣ

Step-by-step explanation:

Power rule: y' = f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x)

[tex]\frac{d}{dx} [e^x]=e^x[/tex]

Step 1: Write equation

y = (x² - 2x + 6)eˣ

Step 2: Differentiate

Power rule: y' = eˣ(2x - 2) + eˣ(x² - 2x + 6)Factor out eˣ: y' = eˣ[2x - 2 + x² - 2x + 6]Combine like terms: y' = eˣ(x² + 4)Rewrite: y' = (x² + 4)eˣ

Related Questions

What is the slope of y-5= 3x + 4?





Step-by-step explanation:

3x + y-5



At one gas station gas cost $2.75 per gallon write an equation that relates the total cost C to the number of gallons of gas purchased G write as algebraic expression with variables for an answer


the answer is $2.75G=C

Find the equation of a line passing through the point (6,9) and (0,0)




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the required line as per slope-intercept form is 3x - 2y = 0.

What is the equation of a line passing through two points?

The equation of a line that passes through points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) is defined as:  

m = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

Here, 'm' is the slope and 'c' is the y-intercept of the given line.

Therefore, the slope of a line that passes through (6, 9) and (0, 0) is

= (0 - 9)/(0 - 6)

= 3/2

Now, the general form of a line is y = mx + c. Here, 'm' is the slope and 'c' is the y-intercept of the line.

The line passes through the point (0, 0).

Therefore, 0 = (3/2) × 0 + c

⇒ c = 0

Now, the equation of the straight line is

y = (3/2)x + 0

⇒ 2y = 3x

⇒ 3x - 2y = 0

Learn more about equation of a line here: https://brainly.com/question/25283605


the of a rectangle is 42 square centimeters .it lenngth is 7 centimeters . what is the width of the rectangle



6 centimeters

Step-by-step explanation:

Area = Length * Width

42 = 7 * Width

Width = 42/7

Width = 6 centimeters

Given: angle EGF = 60° and Angle AGF = 90°. Prove: AGB = 30
I need two column proof btw


Step-by-step explanation:

you you can state that angles in a triangle add up to 180° and 180 degrees - 90 + 60 is equals to 30 degrees

In a coordinate plane, plot the points and sketch angle. Write the coordinates of a point that lies in the interior of the
angle and the coordinates of a point that lies in the exterior of the




Step-by-step explanation:

How much money will it cost to buy the paint? Show all work



Step-by-step explanation:


diameter = 30 ft

r = 30/2 = 15 ft

Area = πr²

         = 3.14 * 15*15

         = 706.50 square feet


base (b) = 30 ft

height (h) = 20 ft

Area = [tex]\frac{1}{2}bh[/tex]


       = 300 square feet

Area of four triangles  = 4 * 300

                                    = 1200  square feet

Area to be painted blue = area of circle + area of 4 triangles

                                        = 706.50 + 1200

                                        = 1906.50 square feet

Area painted by one bucket blue paint  = 350 sq. feet

Number of paint buckets needed = 1906.50 ÷ 350

                                                       = 5.44

                                                       = 6

6 buckets of blue paint is needed.

Cost of 6 buckets of blue paint = 85.50 * 6

                                                    = $ 513

Each part of the design needs two coats.

So Cost for  two coats = 2 * 513

                                     = $ 1026


Side  =  40 ft

Area of square = side *side

                         = 40*40

                         = 1600 sq. ft

Area of square to be painted yellow = area of square - area of circle

                                                           = 1600 - 706.50

                                                          = 893.50 sq.ft

Area painted with  one bucket of yellow paint = 250 sq. ft

Number of yellow paint buckets needed = 893.50 ÷ 250

                                                                    = 3.574

                                                                    = 4

4 buckets of yellow bucket is needed

Cost of 4 buckets of yellow bucket = 64.50 * 4

                                                          = $ 258

Each part of the design needs two coats.

So Cost for  two coats = 2 * 258

                                     = $ 516

Help Please! :(

108 students went on a field trip. Three buses were filled and 27 students traveled in cars. How many students were in each bus?
Please include algebraic equation and answer.




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x.

6(x – 1) = 9(x + 2)


Answer: -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Distribute 6 to x and -1


Distribute 9 to x and 2


Add 6 to both sides


Subtract 9x from both sides


Divide -3 from both sides


The answer is -8 hope that helps lol

Which number has the same absolute value
as 8



Step-by-step explanation:

Max deposited $1,300 into an account that pays 4.5% interest, compounded daily. At end of six years he has a balance of ?



The final balance is $1,692.94.

The total compound interest is $392.94.

Step-by-step explanation:

1,300 x 0.045=___ x 6

The weekly demand function for x units of a product sold by only one firm is
p = 800 − 0.5x dollars, and the average cost of production and sale is C(with a line on top) = 300 + 2x dollars.

(a) Find the quantity that will maximize profit.

(b) Find the selling price at this optimal quantity.

(c) What is the maximum profit?



a) x = 798   is the quantity that maximizes the profit

b)po(x) = 401 $/unit

c)P(max ) = 636105 $

Step-by-step explanation:

The weekly demand function is equal to the price by unit and the Revenue function is weekly demand times quantity of units then:

R(x) = p(x) * x

R(x) = ( 800 - 0,5*x ) * x

R(x) = 800*x - 0,5*x²

The equation for the profit is:

P(x) = R(x) - C(x)

P(x) = 800*x - 0,5*x² - ( 300 + 2*x)

P(x) = 798*x - 0,5*x² - 300

a) P(x) = 798*x - 0,5*x² - 300

Taking derivatives on both sides of the equation:

P´(x) = 798 - x

If P´(x) = 0     then    798 - x = 0

x = 798   is the quantity that maximizes the profit

b) Selling price for the optimal quantity is:

p(x) = 800 - 0,5*x

p(x) = 800 - 0,5* 798

po (x) = 800 - 399

po(x) = 401 $/unit

c) Pmax = ?

P(x) = 798*x - 0,5*x² - 300    by subtitution of  x = 798

P(max) = 636804 - 399 - 300

P(max ) = 636105 $

a) The quantity that will maximize profit is [tex]100 \ units[/tex].

b) The selling of at this optimal quantity is [tex]\[/tex][tex]750[/tex] per unit.

c) So, the maximum profit is [tex]\[/tex][tex]25000[/tex].

Demand Function:

A demand function is a mathematical equation that expresses the demand for a product or service as a function of its price and other factors such as the prices of the substitutes and complementary goods, income, etc.

The given demand function,


So, the revenue function is,


[tex]\Rightarrow[/tex]Average cost is


So, the total cost function is,

[tex]C\left ( x \right )=\bar{C}.x \\ C\left ( x \right )=300x+2x^{2}[/tex]

a) Profit function:

[tex]P\left ( x \right )=R\left ( x \right )-C\left ( x \right ) \\ =800x-\frac{1}{2}x^{2}-300x-2x^{2} \\ P\left ( x \right )=500x-\frac{5}{2}x^{2}[/tex]

For maximum,

[tex]{P}'\left ( x \right )=0 \\ 500\left ( 1 \right )-\frac{5}{2}\left ( 2x \right )=0 \\ 500-5x=0 \\ x=100[/tex]

b) Selling Price:

[tex]P=800-\frac{1}{2}x \\ at \ x=100 \\ P=800-\frac{1}{2}\left ( 100 \right ) \\ =\$ 750[/tex]

c) Maximum Profit:

[tex]P\left ( x \right )=500x-\frac{5}{2}x^{2} \\ P\left ( 100 \right )=500\left ( 100 \right )-\frac{5}{2}\left ( 100 \right )^{2} \\ P\left ( 100 \right )=\$ 25000[/tex]

Learn more about of Demand Function: https://brainly.com/question/25938253

help please will mark brainliest ​



step 2

Step-by-step explanation:

sorry if im wrong. Please mark me brainleast  

It’s step 2
Hope this helped ! :)

Alice drops a rubber ball from a height of 4 feet. The equation t2=4/16 represents the amount of time, in seconds, it takes for the ball to reach the ground. How long will it take the ball to reach the ground?

A 1/4 second
B 1/2 second
C 2 seconds
D 4 seconds



Letter B

Step-by-step explanation:


I belive the answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

The ___ is the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body.




Step-by-step explanation:

The axons  is the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body.

Answer: axon

Step-by-step explanation:

I just know cause I'm a different breed

fun quashen first to answer correctly is getting 20 points ( usely you get 5 i am giving 20 ) do it correct and fast .​



the answer is D

Step-by-step explanation:

How can you use a number line to find the sum of -8 and 9?



The answer is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

If you look at the number line and start counting from -8 and count 9 to the right then the number that you end on is the answer.

A Norman window has the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. If the perimeter of the window is 8 ft, find the value of x so that the greatest possible amount of light is admitted.


Answer: x = 2

If x is the width of the window, the value for x that results in the greatest area-- presumably admitting the greatest amount of light.

Step-by-step explanation:

Initial calculations to find a starting value for w.

Determine dimensions that will have a sum of 8 as the perimeter. The length of the arc plus three sides of the rectangle.

The length of the arc is  half the circumference of the circle, the width is the diameter. So, modifying the equation: C= πd,  a = πw/2

Three sides of a rectangle (presumably a square for the initial calculation) 3w

Initial equation: 3w + πw/2 = 8    Substitute 3.14 for π  and solve for w

2(3w) + 2(3.14w/2) = 2(8)   multiply all terms by 2 to eliminate denominator

6w + 3.14w = 16   combine like terms

9.14w  = 16   divide both sides by 9.14

w ≈ 1.75

Calculate the area using this value:

Area of semicircle:  πr²/2   r= 1.75/2  

3.14(.875)²/2 ≈ 1.203

Area of rectangle  1.75 × 1.75 = 3.0625

Total Area with width 1.75  :  4.265 ft²

Increasing the width to 2

The length of the arc becomes 3.14   This is twice the area of the semicircle.

3.14/2 = 1.57

The height of the rectangle reduces to 1.43

1.43 × 2 = 2.86

Total area with width of 2 ft   2.86 + 1.57 = 4.43 ft²

So 2 ft seems to be the optimal width.

!!!!Please help!!!!Choose the answer that best represents the situation described below
Casey is taking pictures outdoors. She knows that the darker it is outside, the
stronger she needs to set her flash,
A. The amount of light outside is a function of the strength of flash
she needs
B. The strength of flash needed is a functlyn of the shutter speed of
her camera
C. The strength of flash needed is a function of the amount of light


It is a ..............

what is the slope of this line -1/3, -2/3,2/3,1/3






Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helps!

Answer: It's 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following is a true statement?
6/9 = 1/3
1/4 > 1/3
13/15 > 4/5
5/6 > 10/12



13/15 > 4/5 is a true stament.

Step-by-step explanation:

The left side is 0.86 repeating turned into a decimal. which means 0.86 is greater than the right which the right is 0.8 turned into a decimal. which in this case this means that the given stament is always true.

Jumping makes a frog so tired, each successive jump is 2/3 the distance of the previous hump. If a frog jumps 24 cm on its first jump, how far will the frog travel after four jumps?


7 cm, after 4 jumps the frog 7.111... cm.

What is 4/15 / -3.4



Factor the numerator and denominator and cancel the common facotors which would give you 0.07843137

A camera has a listed price of 873.95 before tax. If the sale taxes rate is 6.5, find the total cost of the camera with sales tax included. Round your answee to the nearest cent. As necessary.




Step-by-step explanation:

So if you move the decimal in the percentage over to the right by two then you have your sales tax rate in decimal form (0.065), you can then multiply that by the listed price and you'll have about 56.80675 so this number will be the sales tax price, then you may add this to the listed price and your answer will be 930.75675, then once you round up it will be $930.76.

How many values are in the range 35 to 95?

A) 62
B) 61
C) 60
D) 59




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer:  61


Work Shown:

a = smallest integer = 35

b = largest integer = 95

c = number of integers between 'a' and 'b' (including both endpoints)

c = b-a+1

c = 95-35+1

c = 61

The +1 is to count the starting value.

Consider the set {1,2,3,4,5}. If we don't have the +1, then we would have 5-1 = 4, but there are actually 5 items here. So we add 1 to fix this.

PLEASE HELP! 6TH GRADE MATH please write done what number you're doing



# 10 is 4/3 or 1 and 1/3

#11 is 4/10 or 2/5

#12 is 2 and 3/4

#13 is 36/12 or 3 and 1/12

Step-by-step explanation:

i am not 100% sure on #13 btw

hope this helped!

p.s it would be cool if you gave me brainliest.


Hey your answers on there are correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

Write 1/8% as a decimal number Enter your number in the box



it is 0.125

Step-by-step explanation:


What is 1.6 + 4x > 14.




1.6 + 4x = 14


1.6 + 4x = 14

Solving for variable 'x'.

Move all terms containing x to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '-1.6' to each side of the equation.

1.6 + -1.6 + 4x = 14 + -1.6

Combine like terms: 1.6 + -1.6 = 0.0

0.0 + 4x = 14 + -1.6

4x = 14 + -1.6

Combine like terms: 14 + -1.6 = 12.4

4x = 12.4

Divide each side by '4'.

x = 3.1


x = 3.1

Step-by-step explanation:

An analyst wants to include the level of education to a regression model. The level of education has 4 possible values: HS, BS, MS, and PhD. How many dummy variables must the analyst add to the regression model to account for this variable




Step-by-step explanation:

An analyst wants to include Level of Education in a regression model.

Level of Education has 4 possible values - HS, BS, MS, PHD

How many dummy variables must the analyst add to the regression model, in order to account for the variable LEVEL OF EDUCATION?

Since LOE has 4 possible values, (4 - 1 = 3) dummy variables will be added to the regression model.

If the dummy letter is M for instance, and 1 represents the presence of a particular LOE and 0 represents the absence of that LOE;

M1 = 1 when LOE is HS   but =0 when LOE is otherwise

M2 = 1 when LOE is BS   but =0 when LOE is otherwise

M3 = 1 when LOE is MS   but  =0 when LOE is otherwise

So, when M1, M2, M3 are equal to 0, the PHD value is represented.

Which transformation of a shape may result in a new shape not congruent with the original shape?
O dilation
O reflection
O rotation
O translation




Step-by-step explanation:

dilation will make the shape larger or smaller which will change the shape.

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