Do you feel that Thomas Jefferson made the right decision with the Louisiana Purchase?

Explain your position:


Answer 1

This is very subjective so I'll present you some arguments for both sides and let you decide.


The Louisiana Purchase was an extremely important event in American history and is widely regarded as the greatest achievement in Jefferson's presidency. It was an extraordinary opportunity to double the size of American in a single transaction for just about 3 to 4 cents an acre. It definitely made sense that Jefferson took up this opportunity to expand westward, where the land could be made productive and migrated into.


1. The Louisiana Purchase may have been unconstitutional, and it went against Jefferson's strict Constitutional interpretation: the Constitution does not give the president explicit power to purchase large plots of land.

2. The Louisiana Purchase would expand government control, something that generally contradicts Jefferson's antifederalist principles.

The above two would set precedents that weakened the Antifederalists.

3. Federalists would threaten serious secession following the purchase, which threatened the Union. Talks of secession were diverted, however, after Alexander Hamilton was shot and killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.

Related Questions

The expression "the lost generation" refers to the high number of European young men killed in World War I the victims of the Holocaust the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who died in the first uses of the atomic bomb the people whose adolescence was during the Great Depression and/or World War II


The Greatest Generation, also known as the G.I. Generation or the World War II generation, is the Western demographic cohort that came after the Lost Generation.

Which generation was born between the Great Depression and World War II?

The term "Greatest Generation" refers to those Americans who grew up during the Great Depression and fought in World War II, or whose labor contributed to its victory. Former NBC Nightly News anchor and author Tom Brokaw is credited with coining the phrase "the Greatest Generation" in his book of the same name.

World War II belongs to what generation?

The Greatest Generation, also known as the G.I. Generation and the World War II generation, is the Western demographic cohort that came after the Lost Generation and before the Baby Boomers. before the Silent Generation. People born between 1901 and 1927 are considered members of the generation.

To know more about  Greatest Generation visit:-


Answer: The lost generation refers to all the young soldiers who lost their lives or got wounded in World War 2


WHY are some people like Mohandas Gandhi against the caste system?



Mohandas Gandhi was against the cast System due to these reasons below


Mohandas Gandhi was against the caste system for several reasons. Firstly, he believed that the caste system was a form of discrimination and inequality that violated basic human rights. He saw the system as inherently unjust, with people being born into a particular caste and being forced to stay in that caste for their entire lives, regardless of their abilities or achievements.

Secondly, Gandhi believed that the caste system was hindering India's progress and development. He felt that the rigid division of society into different castes was preventing people from working together and creating a cohesive, united nation.

Thirdly, Gandhi believed that the caste system went against the teachings of Hinduism, the dominant religion in India. He believed that the caste system had been misinterpreted and that the original intention was for each caste to have its own role and function in society, rather than for one group of people to be superior to others.

Overall, Gandhi saw the caste system as a barrier to social progress, national unity, and spiritual growth. He worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the injustices of the caste system and to promote the idea of social equality and harmony in India.

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian independence leader, was against the caste system because he believed it was a major obstacle to the social and economic progress of India. Gandhi believed in the concept of "untouchability," which was a system of social segregation based on one's birth into a particular caste, and he worked to eliminate it. He believed that every individual, regardless of their caste or social status, deserved respect and equal treatment. Gandhi also believed that the caste system was a tool used by the British colonial government to divide and rule India. He called for the abolition of the caste system and worked towards the upliftment of Dalits (formerly known as "untouchables") and other oppressed sections of society.

Who was the US President during the depression and how did the role of the Federal government change during this time?


The US President during the Great Depression was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served from 1933 until his death in 1945.

During this time, the role of the Federal government changed significantly. In response to the economic crisis, Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of programs and policies aimed at stimulating economic growth and providing relief to those in need.

One of the most significant changes was the expansion of the role of the Federal government in regulating the economy. The government created a number of new agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), to oversee and regulate various industries.

The New Deal also included a number of programs aimed at providing direct relief to the unemployed and those in need, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which provided jobs and training for young men, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which provided employment for millions of Americans through public works projects.

In addition to these programs, Roosevelt also implemented policies such as the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which set minimum wages and maximum work hours, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), which paid farmers to reduce production in an effort to raise crop prices.

Overall, the Federal government played a much larger role in the economy during the Great Depression, with the goal of stimulating growth and providing relief to those affected by the economic crisis.

The US President during the Great Depression was Franklin D. Roosevelt. During this time, the role of the Federal government changed significantly. The government implemented a number of programs and initiatives to help alleviate the suffering caused by the economic downturn, including the New Deal, which provided relief to those affected by unemployment and poverty. Additionally, the government increased its regulation of banks and other financial institutions in order to prevent another economic crisis from occurring.

What you think happened to the settlers at Jamestown?


The fledgling colony, which took the name Jamestown, was quickly under siege from Algonquian native raids, epidemic sickness, and internal political conflict.

Three ships—the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery—started their voyage to Virginia on December 6, 1606. To establish a settlement, 104 English men and boys traveled to North America in 1607. They decided to launch at Jamestown, Virginia, which bears their king James I's name, on May 13. It eventually turned into the first long-term English settlement in North America.

In their first winter, starvation and disease claimed the lives of more than half of the colonists. More colonists and fresh supplies were eventually transported over from Britain, and despite a fire destroying the old fort, the community discovered some

Under Captain John Smith's direction, the town eventually achieved stability despite a fire that destroyed the initial fort. Later, more colonists and fresh supplies were transported over from Britain. Pocahontas, the daughter of the Algonquian chief Powhatan, assisted Smith in negotiating a tense peace with the Indians before he left the colony and returned to England in September 1609.

To learn more about Jamestown


russian trade policy toward western europe differed most significantly from the trade policy described in the passage during most of the early modern period because russia


Trade policy at the EU level rather than the national level gives it more clout in negotiations with other nations and in multilateral organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO).

As opposed to other international trade agreements, why is the EU special?

Each agreement is unique and may include clauses addressing human rights, standards pertaining to subjects like intellectual property or sustainable development, or tariff reductions. Whenever the EU is negotiating trade agreements or laws, it also consults with the general public, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.

What are the main goods that Russia exports to the European Union?

Russia's main export to the European Union (EU) in 2021 was mineral fuels and mineral oils, valued at about 96.5 billion US dollars. Around 8.5 billion US dollars' worth of steel and iron were exported from Russia to EU countries.

Which products did Russia export to Europe?

Russia is a major supplier of fossil fuels to other European countries. 40% of the gas consumed in the EU was supplied by Russia, which also provided 90% of the oil and natural gas exported to the EU in 2021.

Learn more about European Union (EU):


The author does believe in and support the maintenance of a strong navy, since it is necessary to protect the extensive coastlines of the country and because its power cannot be used against the citizens on land.



it is true they need to fight on the frontlines and if they isnt a strong navy enemies could slip through and destroy the country from the inside out


What is the ultimate purpose of reading Proverbs?

Acquiring knowledge
Comparing the Old Testament to the New Testament
Living a godly life
Moving one step closer to reading the entire Bible


The right answer is (C), The ultimate purpose of reading Proverbs is to gain wisdom and guidance for living a godly life.

What proverbs means?

A proverb is, by definition, a proverbial saying or expression that conveys an accepted truth. Proverbs are based on common human experiences and frequently offer useful guidance.

Why should I study proverbs?

In other words, attentive Proverbs readers develop their ability to think methodically and conceptually about what it means to be a person in a fallen world. Here are a few illustrations to help make the argument. Let's start with this well-known adage of wisdom that appears at the book's beginning and conclusion. (1:7; 31:30).

To know more about proverb visit :


Which phrase best completes the graphic organizer to show the new
opportunities available to women during the war?
New Opportunities for Women During World War II :
Jobs in new industries
Military programs, like WAC and WAVES
OA. Loss of jobs
OB. Government jobs
OC. Authorized for combat
OD. College education on G.I. Bill


Government jobs provided new opportunities for women during World War Two.

During World War Two, what brand-new opportunities were available to women?

For each branch of the military, women's auxiliary branches have been established. A few examples include the Women's Army Corps (WAC), Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES), and Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP). Despite being prohibited from entering combat areas, many women trained to be nurses to care for injured soldiers.

How did World War One affect the opportunities available to women?

When America joined the First World War, there were more women in the workforce. Sales, clerical work, textile and apparel manufacturing, as well as other occupations besides those traditionally associated with women, like domestic work and teaching, are now open to women.

Learn more about First World War:


Answer: B.) government jobs

Explanation: bc

One gang of particular note, __, became the symbol of the Mexican-American pride during the Zoot Suit riots because they battled the U.S. Sailors. This gang remains powerful in a number of East Los Angeles neighborhoods today


One gang of particular note, Pachucos, became the symbol of the Mexican-American pride during the Zoot Suit riots because they battled the U.S. Sailors. This gang remains powerful in a number of East Los Angeles neighborhoods today.

The gang of particular note is the Pachucos, which became the symbol of the Mexican-American pride during the Zoot Suit Riots in the 1940s. Today, the Pachucos remain powerful in a number of East Los Angeles neighborhoods.

For more such questions on Symbol of the Mexican-American pride.


Which of the following is not one of da Vinci's contributions to technology ? effect of the moon on tides a. modern theory on the formations of the continents C. precise observations of human anatomy ideas for space travel b d.​



Effect of the moon on tides is not one of da Vinci's contributions to technology.

What did some European imperialists use to justify imperialism?

A:the philosophy of Karl Marx
B:social Darwinism
C:democratic reform
D:utopian ideas



It's B!


European imperialists used "Social Darwinism" to justify imperialism, which claimed that some races were superior to others, and it was the duty of superior nations to civilize and develop inferior peoples. This ideology supported imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Hope this helps! If, not then I'm sorry! :]

1. Why were the camps commonly referred to as “concentration camps”?

2. Choose one of the concentration camps discussed in the articles and follow the links to learn more about this camp. Describe the camp, including where it was located and what the experience of those brought to the camp would have been.

3. What were the first concentration camps like? What were they used for?

4. How did the camps change after WW2 broke out in 1939?

5. Choose one artifact from the Nazi Camps – Artifact/Document page and describe what you chose.

6. What might prisoners in the concentration camps have experienced during the last year of WW2?


1. "Concentration camp" refers to a type of prison that incarcerates big groups of people, frequently based on their political or ethnic backgrounds.(for more detail scroll down)

What defined WW2?

The Second World War, also known as World War II, was an international conflict that spanned nearly the entire globe from 1939 to 1945.

2-Auschwitz was a collection of Nazi extermination and concentration centers that were situated in Poland. Those who were transported to the camp would have been subjected to cruel and inhumane conditions, such as starvation, forced labor, medical experimentation, and mass execution in gas chambers. Over 1.1 million individuals, mostly Jews, are thought to have died at Auschwitz.

3-The Nazis created the first concentration camps in 1933 and used them to hold political opponents and dissidents. They were defined by cruel and degrading practices, such as executions, torture, and forced labor.

4-After World War II began in 1939, the concentration camps became deadlier, and the "Final Solution" was put in place, which resulted in the mass murder of Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups.

6-As the Nazis worked to eliminate as many people as they could before the war's end, prisoners in concentration camps probably endured even worse conditions of forced labor, starvation, illness, and death during the final year of the war. Numerous people endured gruesome medical tests, forced marches, and mass killings.

To know more about WW2 visit :


In a drawing containing a triangular mountain, the point of the triangle creates what type of movement in the drawinf


Answer: I’m pretty sure it’s actual movement

Explanation: wish you the best of luck

How did Mexico encourage Americans to move to Texas?


Answer: The Mexican government gave large land grants to agents, called empresarios, who contracted to travel East to recruit settlers.


historians estimate that around 1 million slaves were shifted from older slave states into the expanded lower south between 1800 and 1860. which of the following are trends that historians associate with this time period?


The trends that historians associate with this time period are that there was a shift from tobacco to cotton production in the South, and the demand for slaves in the Southwest increased.

Historians estimate that approximately 1 million slaves were transferred from older slave states to the expanded lower south between 1800 and 1860. This was due to two reasons. First, the shift from tobacco to cotton production was taking place in the South. Second, the demand for slaves in the Southwest increased.

This migration of slaves was primarily caused by the growth of the cotton industry in the South. With the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, cotton production skyrocketed, necessitating a large supply of workers. At the time, tobacco was the principal crop grown in the Chesapeake Bay region and other regions, but soil depletion and a drop in tobacco prices led to a shift toward cotton production.

In the meantime, the Southwest was expanding, and as a result, so was the need for slaves. The Southwestern states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas became the primary destination for slaves. As a result of this transfer, the slave population in the Southwest increased dramatically. So, there was a shift from tobacco to cotton production in the South, and the demand for slaves in the Southwest increased.

To know more about history, refer here:


Who succeeded George Washington
as President of the United States?
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. James Monroe
C. John Adams



I believe it was John Adams

Hope this helps <3

Roy is an archaeologist. During a recent archaeological dig in China, he discovered a clay tablet that contained a series of diagrams about plants and trees. After further investigation, he discovered that the tablet contained records kept by a renowned gardener from ancient China.

Based on this information, what type of primary source is this tablet?


This tablet's primary source is of the nature of personal records.

What are primary sources of personal records?

Occasionally, people leave behind personal recordings of the events they attended or witnessed. Letters, emails, diaries, photos, and daily plans are among the items that they contain. Just two instances of personal records are driver's licenses and student ID cards.

Personal records are regarded as a type of primary source where the data is based on the writers' personal research or observations. Professionals working in the relevant fields typically create personal records.

The term "primary source" (also known as "original source") is used in the academic study of history to refer to any object, document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, recording, or other item of material that was created during the time period being examined. It serves as an authentic resource for knowledge on the topic.

Learn more about primary source:


Hi can someone help me out. This is due by the end of the day. ​



What do you need help with?


I will try to help

give me 3 civic action issues that are easy to write about for my civic action project


Answer: Here are some:


The term civic engagement doesn't have a standard definition and it could be applied to a range of activities. Examples include local clean-ups, tutoring, donating blood, membership in community associations, voting, census participation, writing lawmakers, protests, and civil disobedience.

I hope this can help you! Good luck with your project! <333

What is individualism, and how did it represent a change in European thought?





Individualism is an important concept in both economics and politics.  Similar to collectivism it is a foundational principle to understand most ideological systems.  At its heart, individualism is a set of principles centered on the belief in the moral worth of the individual.  This means, that economic or political systems based on the principles of individualism favor policies that limit the control of the government and instead allow more freedoms for the individual person.

On the economic or political spectrums, individualism is positioned on the right side.  This is because the right side of the spectrum is most often associated with limited government intervention in both economic and political affairs.  Therefore, people who support the principles of individualism argue in favor of self-reliance and independence.  This means that they support the idea that individual people should be responsible for their own well being and not count on the government (or any other outside agency) to assist them in their lives.  Self-reliance is best understood as the concept upon which people take care of their own interests without assistance.  Economically, this would mean that people should not rely on the government for programs such a welfare and instead support themselves financially.  As such, it is generally agreed that individualism is made up of several different main principles, including:

Economic FreedomPrivate OwnershipCompetitionSelf-InterestSelf-RelianceIndividual Rights and FreedomsRule of Law


Rise of individualism’ in developed societies can simply

be taken for granted. According to them, the satisfaction of personal interests is now the constant preoccupation of everybody. People think first of them- selves, of their own welfare and personal development. The sense of collective belonging and commitment to the service of country—or even to one’s own social group and to those who are disadvantaged—are leftovers from bygone  days. Furthermore, many observers claim that this rise of individualism is due to the development of a process of individualization.

hope that may help you

Individualism is a philosophical and social movement which emphasizes the importance of individual autonomy and freedom.

It sees individual interests, needs and desires as central to life and society, rather than the collective concerns of larger groups. This idea arose and spread during the Enlightenment era in Europe as a reaction to the traditional emphasis on authority and tradition in existing religious, political and social systems.

This change in thought revolutionized politics, philosophy, and science and helped to pave the way for democratic forms of government. It provided the basis for modern ideas of individual liberty, rights and responsibilities and the importance of free thinking.

To know more about  Enlightenment era, click here:


As a result of Mikhail Gorbachev coming to lead the USSR,


Gorbachev rise to power

He served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 and additionally as head of state beginning in 1988, as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet from 1988 to 1989, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet from 1989 to 1990 and the only President of the Soviet Union from 1990 to 1991.

En que aspectos de la obra de Salvador dalí se manifiestan las ideas expuestas por arnold hauser


Translation-In what aspects of Salvador Dalí's work are the ideas expressed by Arnold Hauser manifested?

The ideas related to surrealism Salvador Dalí's work showcase the ideas expressed by Arnold Hauser manifested.

As a literary and cultural movement that grew out of Dadaism activities during World War One, surrealism first appeared in the late 1910s and early 1920s. The best-known works of art and writings were created by artists who depicted bizarre, absurd scenes, sometimes with photographic accuracy and frequently by inventing strange creatures out of commonplace items.

Salvador created many of the most recognizable realist images, such as his double images and the melting clock, which serves as the movement's unmistakable symbol. The major Surrealist figures relocated to New York with the start of World War Two, but Peggy Guggenheim and Julien Levy's galleries helped to revive the movement. Surrealism is still alive and well today, having a profound impact on politics, philosophy, social theory, as well as the visual, literary, film, and musical arts.

Learn more about surrealism visit


How did Immigration influence the growth of the United States?


Immigration helped failing neighborhoods make a return in many center cities by increasing population and promoting economic growth; and immigration was a factor in the drop in violent crime in metropolitan America from the late 1990s to the early 2000s.

What are the four kinds of immigration?

To begin, consider the four sorts of immigration status: citizens, residents, non-immigrants, and undocumented. The attributes of each status are discussed more below. These are persons who were born in the United States or who were "naturalized" after three or five years as permanent residents. You must be sponsored or have an immigration petition filed for you. Wait until your petition is accepted and a visa in your category becomes available. Then, from within the United States, apply for a Green Card. You will still be required to undergo a medical examination, attend an interview, and await a judgment on your application.

Know more about population Visit:


In the concluding sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward James Brudenell is chiefly one of

A wry detachmen

B embarrassed apology

C inquisitive perplexity

D strong resentment

E surprised confusion


The correct option is A. The speaker's attitude toward James Brudenell is chiefly one of wry detachment.

Detachment is a state of being dispassionate or indifferent to something or someone. It refers to the ability to let go of emotional attachment, desires, and expectations, and to view situations and people objectively, without being influenced by personal feelings or biases.

Detachment can be a useful skill for managing difficult emotions, reducing stress, and maintaining healthy relationships. By detaching from negative thoughts or emotions, one can observe them from a more objective perspective and avoid becoming overwhelmed by them. In relationships, detachment can help prevent unhealthy codependency or overly intense attachments.

However, detachment can also be taken too far, leading to a lack of empathy or disconnection from reality. It is important to find a balance between detachment and emotional engagement and to practice detachment in a way that is healthy and beneficial. Mindfulness practices, therapy, and meditation are all effective tools for cultivating detachment and developing a greater sense of inner peace and clarity.

To learn more about Detachment visit here:


Complete Question:

In the concluding sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward James Brudenell is chiefly one of

A wry detachment

B embarrassed apology

C inquisitive perplexity

D strong resentment

E surprised confusion

what specific concerns led Roosevelt to take on trusts such as railroad companies


The strength and sway of big businesses, like the railroads, and their potential to hurt the economy and the general populace, worried President Theodore Roosevelt.

In the late 19th century, these organizations had reached previously unheard-of levels of size and influence, and he thought that they were monopolizing important markets and engaged in unethical business practices that hurt consumers and smaller companies.

One of the major concerns of president Roosevelt was that railroads companies have formed a cartel that fix their prices and then dictate them to farmers, manufacturers, and other businesses,

He was also concerned about the rampant corruption in railroad companies. He was concerned about the monopoly of railroad companies and their bad impact on the American economy.

To know more about the railroad companies of the US-

Can I get some sauce code recommendations? Not horror or messed up type of things, I mean like the real deal good stuff. Because i'm tired of getting the same boring things that you can predict


Here are some code recommendations for you, Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it perfect for building small to medium-sized web applications.

Vue.js - Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is easy to learn and use, and has a great balance between flexibility and ease of use.

Express.js - Express.js is a popular web framework for Node.js. It is minimal and flexible, making it easy to build web applications of any size.

PyTorch - PyTorch is an open-source machine learning framework developed by. It is known for its ease of use and flexibility, making it a great choice for both beginners and experts in machine learning.

Spring Boot - Spring Boot is a popular Java web framework that simplifies the process of building web applications. It provides a lot of features out of the box, such as auto-configuration and production-ready metrics.

Ruby on Rails - Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework for the Ruby programming language. It is known for its "convention over configuration" approach, which allows developers to focus on writing code instead of configuring the framework.

Angular - Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework. It is widely used for building complex single-page applications and has a rich set of features and tools.

For such more question on Python


Which issue delayed the us annexation of texas? a. a border disputeb. american indian raids c. texas's debt d. slavery


Border Dispute is the issue that delayed the US annexation of Texas. The correct option is a.

A border dispute between Texas and Mexico caused the United States to postpone annexing Texas. Following its 1836 declaration of independence from Mexico, the Republic of Texas sought annexation by the United States.

The Mexican government yet maintained that Texas was part of its territory and asserted a border that extended further north than Texas claimed. The formal annexation of Texas into the United States was postponed due to the border dispute until 1845 when the U.S. Congress accepted the annexation resolution.

Thus, the ideal selection is option a.

Learn more about the border dispute in Texas here:


Why did Eve eat the apple



The Old Testament tells of Adam and Eve, our progenitors. They lived in paradise in total innocence until the serpent (Satan) told them to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. As punishment for their disobedience, God banished them from Paradise.


Brainliest would be appreciated


Which physical feature would make it difficult for outsiders to attack a settlement in the Fertile Crescent?



The Fertile Crescent, which is located in the Middle East, is characterized by its hilly terrain and river valleys. The physical feature that would make it difficult for outsiders to attack a settlement in this region is the presence of natural barriers such as mountains, rivers, and valleys. Settlements located in areas surrounded by these features are naturally protected from potential invaders, making it difficult for outsiders to launch an attack. Additionally, the hilly terrain makes it difficult for outsiders to navigate and approach settlements undetected. Therefore, the geography of the Fertile Crescent provides a natural defense against external attacks.

Which group was mainly targeted by the Holocaust?
OA. Jewish people
B. Military leaders
OC. People of Japanese descent
OD. German soldiers



A. Jewish people is the right answer.

During World War II, Nazi Germany killed and hurt Jews in a planned way. This was called the Holocaust. The Nazi regime, which was led by Adolf Hitler, believed in a racial hierarchy that put the Aryan race at the top and saw Jews as an inferior and dangerous group that threatened the purity of the German nation. Because of this, Jews were singled out for discrimination, exclusion, and, in the end, death in concentration camps.

The other choices are wrong because they don't accurately describe the main group that the Holocaust was meant to hurt. The main people the Holocaust was meant to hurt were civilians, especially Jews. Military leaders were not the main focus of the Holocaust. People of Japanese descent were also not the main target of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a specific event that happened in Europe and was aimed at Jews. The Holocaust did not target German soldiers because they were part of the German army and the Nazi regime, which was responsible for the Holocaust.

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Write your answer in standard form.Part a: SHOW WORKPart b: Is the product of 3x 4 and 5x^22x+6 equal to the product of 4 3x and 5x^2 2x + 6? EXPLAIN.20 points, please show work. Thanks. new car dealer owner encourages the staff to maintain records on customer purchases. the goal is for the staff to contact these customers every three years to present new car models face-to-face. what type of promotion is this owner encouraging? public relations influencer marketing personal selling traditional advertising Management proposed the following regression model to predict sales at a fast-food outlet.y = 0 + 1x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + wherex1=number of competitors within one milex2=population within one mile (1,000s)x3=1 if drive-up window present0 otherwisey=sales ($1,000s).The following estimated regression equation was developed after 20 outlets were surveyed. = 10.9 4.2x1 + 6.8x2 + 15.7x3(a) What is the expected amount of sales (in dollars) attributable to the drive-up window?$(b) Predict sales (in dollars) for a store with four competitors within one mile, a population of 8,000 within one mile, and no drive-up window.$(c) Predict sales (in dollars) for a store with one competitor within one mile, a population of 3,000 within one mile, and a drive-up window.$ sherpath a 38-year-old patient declines prenatal diagnostic testing as result of a lack of family history of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. which nursing education is appropriate for this patient? What is the answer ?? Please help will mark Brainly 4. What is the area of the kite? Round to the nearest tenth. 905 in5 in. 6017. 1 in27. 1 in 2ObOd23. 4 in212. 4 in2 tkam Using textual evidence, research Miss Stephanie Crawfords understanding of Boo Radleys story. What happened? What is Boos story, according to Miss Stephanie Crawford? (see pages 11-12) 1. Analyze two passages about the Atlantic slave trade and then answer the questions. Passage 1: Olaudah Equiano This passage is from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano, an African man sold into slavery. The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship . . . waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror. . . . I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound by some of the crew; and I was now persuaded that I had got into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me. . . . I was soon put down under the decks, and there I received such a salutation in my nostrils as I had never experienced in my life: so that, with the loathsomeness of the stench, and with my crying together, I became so sick and low that I was not able to eat. . . . I now wished for the last friend, death, to relieve me; but soon, to my grief, two of the white men offered me eatables; and, on my refusing to eat, one of them held me . . . and laid me across I think the windlass, and tied my feet, while the other flogged me severely. . . . But still I feared I should be put to death, the white people looked and acted, as I thought, in so savage a manner; for I had never seen such instances of brutal cruelty; and this is not only shown towards us blacks, but also to some of the whites themselves.Passage 2: Alexander Falconbridge This passage is a firsthand account of a British doctor who worked aboard slave ships. He later became an advocate for ending the slave trade. On being brought aboard the ship, [the men] are immediately fastened together, two and two, by hand-cuffs on their wrists and by irons riveted on their legs. They are then sent down between the decks and placed in an apartment partitioned off for that purpose. The women also are placed in a separate apartment between the decks, but without being ironed. An adjoining room on the same deck is appointed for the boys. Thus they are all placed in different apartments.Questions:a. What is one historical argument a historian might make about the Atlantic slave trade based on these sources? b. What is one similarity and one difference in the way the two sources interpret the events described? Which element "X" forms an ionic compound with the formula X3P2?