do you think right and duties are interconnected? How? explain with an example​


Answer 1


Rights and duties are closely related and cannot be separated from one another. Both go side by side. These are the two sides of the same coin. If the state gives the right to life to a citizen, it also imposes an obligation on him to not to expose his life to dangers, as well as to respect the life of others.


The right of one is related to the duty of the other:

If one has the right, the other has the duty related to that right. If one enjoys the right, it becomes the duty of the other not to prove an obstacle in the enjoyment of his right. For example, if I enjoy the right to life it is the duty of others not to cause any harm to my life.

Related Questions

describe how you use energy in your life everyday ​


Explanation:  Things that use energy in your life everyday:



Working from home on your laptop/Computer

Running appliances

Watching tv

washing clothes

Heating and lighting the home

(Hope this helps!)

Answer: Every day, you use energy-the part of the physical world that allows objects to move and to do work.

Explanation: We humans get our energy from the food we eat, which is used to build tissues and move our bodies. In addition to the energy in our food, we use a variety of energy sources to power machinery, heat our homes, communicate, grow crops, travel from place to place, and perform the many other activities of daily life.



for 1, as far as i know, rights, and laws.

The English slave trade became part of the Atlantic commercial system known as the what?
A. Middle passage
B. Sugar Trade
C.Trans- Oceanic Trade
D. Triangular Trade​





Using four sentences or more, briefly describe the qualifications for a career in firefighting.


When it comes to firefighting, you dont exactly need any particular qualifications. However, you will be expected to sit tests at a similar level to English and maths GCSEs. That will follow with a test to assess your mechanical reasoning. Also, you will need the Postsecondary nondegree for education.


The qualifications for a career in firefighting is that you need minimum education of a high school diploma or a equivalency certificate.


What is an example of cultural change due to cultural adoption?
A. Implementing the food of another culture into one's diet
B. Using an automobile to go on a date
C. Gaining for women the right to vote
D. Treating other cultures as inferior



Option: A. Implementing the food of another culture into one's diet.


The cultural changes began to take place when new developments seen in society. The cultural changes happen in society when there is a change in individual and community behaviour. The changes in the individual lead to the reconstruction of the culture in society in terms of introducing new technologies, globalization, economic conditions etc. Cultural adaptation happens when we accept other cultures and utilize them in our lives. Eating food of another culture is one of the examples of cultural adoption.

If sin A=3/5
and sinB =5/13
then the value of sin(A + B) is:




The value is 0.0171

In my opinion this should be the answer

One of the biggest problems to consider when starting a sole proprietorship
is that:
A. regulations will be complex and strict.
B. the business may struggle to raise money.
C. owners are likely to have many disagreements.
D. the business will be controlled by many stockholders.




The biggest problem in establishing the organization in the sole proprietorship is the business may struggle to raise money.

A sole proprietorship is the type of organization that is being guided and controlled by a single person as the owner. The individual owner or the entrepreneurship is the person that manages the whole business and the economic activities.

In this type of organization, there is no restriction or the legal deviation or difference between the owner and the business or the legal entity that is defined as corporate or company.  

Therefore, the correct option Is B.  

To know more about the sole proprietorship, refer to the link below:

Pakisagot po thankyou po



The possible problem is 1


A researcher is conducting a study to determine how knowledgeable teenagers are about making good food choices. She decides to interview teenagers eating at a fast food restaurant. The results may be biased because this is a



convenience sampling


Convenience sampling is a kind of non-probability sampling that involves the sample from that part of the population that is under consideration.

A researcher is conducting a study to determine how knowledgeable teenagers are about making good food choices. She decides to interview teenagers eating at a fast food restaurant. The results may be biased because this is a convenience sampling.

1) Whom did the Thirteen Colonies depended upon to
protect them from Native Americans and other
European countries (like France and Spain)?



britain I think

Mention the difference between law and rules ?



law is you can get arrested rules you can only get punished

What would you say is okay for the government to record and monitor?

Do they need certain reasons to do so?



Monitoring can determine the extent of compliance with company policies and programs overseeing information security. Monitoring may also deter unlawful appropriation of personal information, and potential spam or viruses.

The term "methodological atheism" refers to the idea that:
a. a true scholar of religion is an atheist and uses their atheism as a basic methodological tool.
b. the academic (historical-critical) scholar of religion must be skeptical of every claim they encounter.
c. theologians are unable to do historical-critical work because they are unable to put aside their own beliefs when they investigate the ancient texts or cultures of their particular tradition.
d. scholars, both theologians and academics, must be skeptical of all methodological claims made within such fields as sociology, anthropology, and history, so as to differentiate the study of religion from those fields.


Answer:a true scholar of religion is an atheist and uses their atheism as a basic methodological tool.


According to Peter Berger (1969) the study of religion must be approached with methodological atheism.

This implies according to him, the process of bracketing the ultimate status of religious definition of reality.

Other scholars such as Smart (1969) has referred to this as methodological agnostism.

what type of research is a demographer most likely to do


Demographers are population specialists who collect and analyze vital statistics related to human population changes, such as births, marriages, and deaths.


analyze things in our population


Which phrase correctly describes the Cold War?
A) a direct conflict between the Soviet Union and the countries in Eastern Europe
B) a period of partnership between the United States and Soviet Union
a period of war that took place in the cold regions of the Soviet Union
D) a period of tension and rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union



I believe it would be D.

Hope this helps!

The answer is ( D)Hope this helps!

Colonel Miles Quaritch wants Jake to do all of the following except __________ as part of the Avatar Program.



Colonel Miles Quaritch wants Jake to do all of the following except get soft on the Na'vi as part of the Avatar Program.


In the story of the Avatar, Colonel Miles Quaritch is the Chief of Security and is in charge of all military operations.

Jake Sully (a former U.S. Marine with Paraplegia) is drafted to work with Colonel Quaritch. With an objective to go undercover using a Na'vi body called an Avatar, he is sent in to gather information about the Na'vi people.

Initially, the Colonel is impressed with Jake as he works efficiently, blending in and gathering intelligence from the Na'vi people so much so that the Colonel even promises to help him regain his legs.

Jake's work, however, becomes inimical to the Colonel's concerns as he discovers that the Colonel has no interest whatsoever in the Na'vi people but in their resources and is willing to exterminate the Na'vi people by force to gain access.


A measure of an individuals overall intelligence as opposed to specific abilities is called



General intelligence is the measure of an individual's overall intelligence.


General intelligence was thought to be your underlying and overall intelligence and it is also known as the G-factor.  It represents how well you tend to perform on cognitive tests in general.  If you tend to excel in one area your general intelligence can also be relatively high as you perform not poorly on other tests as well. Like an athlete can at different sports. Your intelligence quotient or (IQ) is a measure of individual intelligence plotted on a statistically normal curve that compares you to the general population.  More recently, scholars like Howard Gardner are questioning this view on human mental capacities. Gardner suggests that we have multiple intelligences such as visual-spatial and logical-mathematical.

Examine the photo of a factory’s smokestacks.

Two factory smokestacks emitting smoke.

What direct negative effect does this factory have on the environment?

urban sprawl
overuse of resources
introduction of nonnative species





The smoke directly contributes to pollution.


Examine the photo of a factory’s smokestacks.

Two factory smokestacks emitting smoke.

What direct negative effect does this factory have on the environment?


urban sprawl

overuse of resources

introduction of nonnative species


The answer should be POLLUTION hope this helps!

In a study, participants were asked to watch a video of two teams- one in white outfits and one in black outfits passing a ball to each other. Participants were asked to count the number of times the white team successfully passed the ball. During the video, a woman in a black gorilla suit walked through the middle of the two teams and stopped to thump her chest. After the video, only about half the participants reported that they had noticed the woman in the gorilla suit What phenomenon was this study examining?
a. habituation
b.just noticeable difference
c. bottom-up processing
d. inattentional blindness



Option d (inattentional blindness) is the right approach.


Inattentional or Unintentional blindness, sometimes recognized as optical blindness, seems to be an occurrence in which the afflicted participant can not see new objects in their visible spectrum that unexpectedly arise.This occurrence is thought to have become a consequence of intense stimulation throughout the field and may cause the individual throughout their proximity to miss significant, however unpredictable, objects.

The other options given weren’t connected to the example mentioned. So, the best option would be the one above.

why is it important to vote​



It is important to vote because you are choseing what will be the future of you Country or state. You will be making a dicision of what example as you want for future generation and what will benifit the country more in all, moral,economic,political.ect


Voting is important due to the fact that it will determine who will be the rightful leader of the United States. It can make us or break us. It determines what will happen with the education systems, taxes and bills. Voting for a president will determine the next 4 years of what happens to us as American citizens.  you should be able to make your voice count for the president you want.


Many Anglo Americans were attracted to the new settlement in Texas because of the cheap farmland. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F







Explanation:  It got me a 100% and btw before anyone says i copied the other guy on i did not i got it straint from edge 2020 so dont say i copied.


Which product would have a low level of elasticity?
A. A product that has steady demand, even as prices change
B. A product that sees rising demand as prices fall
C. A product that sees a major change in demand based on its price
D. A product that sees falling demand as prices rise


A low level of elasticity is defined as a product that has steady demand, even as prices change. Option A is correct.

What is elasticity?

Elasticity is a term used in economics to describe how much one economic variable changes in reaction to a change in another.

The elasticity of demand is will be low if there is no close substitutes available of any product and vice versa.

A product that has steady demand, even as prices change, have the low elasticity of demand, as the demand is not increased or decreased in relation to change in price.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about elasticity, refer to:

How to know if I have a good research problem?


When you have a good research problem you have three borders of your thing that you want to resolve the thing has to be on topic not off-topic it has good punctuation and yeah

How can teachers interact with children through play?



they can teach through games like uno or chess or they can do it in a way that can explain something important kinda like a play.


made a guess

Normally teachers would look and see what children are attracted to as for toys, for example if i saw tony at the park playing with a super mane doll i’ll go over there and be someone else related to that and fight with them as a playful way.

Ava and a friend decide they are going to go to the fireworks on July 4th and steal as many phones as they can from spectators as they take photographs of the fireworks in the dark. They successfully take 2 or 3 without the somewhat inebriated individuals putting up much of a fight. During her final attempt to take a phone the victim starts to put up a fight and they each begin throwing punches. The friend finds a rock nearby and throws it at the head of a victim, leaving her unconscious and in a coma. If the victim dies, although Ava did not throw the rock, under what doctrine may she be held accountable?
a. principal liability
b. accessory after the fact
c. natural and probable consequences
d. derivative liability





Derivative Liability can be defined as a liability faced by accomplices of main perpetrator. It is an accountability that's held by aider of principal criminal under the law.

In the given case, main perpetrator is Ava's friend who threw rock at the head of the victim. But Ava will be held accountable for this crime for being an accomplice of her friend. So, in the given case, Ava will be held liable under the doctrine of derivative liability.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Whenever the bank mails a credit memo to the depositor indicating the amount of interest credited to the account, the transaction that would be entered in the accounting records of the depositor would include



debiting Cash and crediting Interest Earned.


In the case when the interest is credited so the transaction that could be entered in the records of the accounting of the depositor would be involves by debited the cash and crediting the interest earned.

The journal entry is shown below:

Cash Dr  XXXX

        To Interest Earned XXXX

(Being interest earned is recorded)

Here cash is debited as it increased the asset and interest earned is credited as it increased the revenue

3.Is there a significant relationship between job performance and job satisfaction
of the employees of ICAS?
Null hupothesis



The results were inconsistent.


According to the researches conducted by using employees of ICAS as a sample, the researchers fount that job satisfaction lead to increased job performance by some people and did not necessarily provide any effect to other employees.

From this, they derived a conclusion that job's satisfaction is only one of the many criteria's that can determine job's performance . For example, things such as self-motivation, personal economic situation, and the employee's personal principle could also play the role in affecting job performance.

what should be done to take care of our public properties? write any three ways ​


Answer:Write posters there to prevent folks from damaging.

Make a group that will help you abolish spoiling of public properties. People who do such acts must pay a fine.

You thank Sean for his candid comments. You definitely have a motivation problem in the Northeast Division. Now you need to decide which approach to take to resolve the problem based on the following advice of various managers: Vice President of Human Resources: "Your managers and employees will always underperform unless they are given specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback. I don’t think the Northeast Region has any system of this type." Midwest Division Manager: "Your managers and employees are underperforming because they aren’t being rewarded appropriately for good performance. Your employees don’t see how their effort results in performance, or how good performance results in rewards. Also, they don’t receive rewards that meet their personal needs or goals." Western Division Manager: "Your managers and employees feel like the commission system is unintelligible and unfair. This perception is sapping their desire to perform their jobs well." Now that you have decided which manager's advice to follow, which motivation theory should you choose to solve the problem?



Vroom’s theory of expectancy.


Vroom's theory of motivation corresponds to the employee's expectations regarding his work.

Through this theory, it is possible for the manager to better understand why the employees acted in a way at work, such as lack of motivation and low productivity.

He then developed through the theory of expectation that motivation at work depends on the perception that employees have of their effort at work, as they believe that their efforts at work will lead to positive results for the organization and consequently will lead to significant rewards for their performance .

Through this theory, then, the manager could assist in understanding and assessing the lack of motivation of employees, to have a greater dimension of their expectations and to be able to develop tactics for including greater autonomy at work, including challenges, etc., which could lead to an increase satisfaction with work, adjust the rewards system and consequently achieve the system of personal goals for each employee.




Mexico City, Mexico

Answer to: "What City is at approximately 23 degrees north?"

Answer:  Riyadh

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In a paragraph, describe how the Spanish and British settlers should have treated the NativeAmericans living near their settlements. 10. ) Match the definition with the correct term. 1.scoring a run 2.sacrifice bunt 3.passed ball, wild pitches and throwing errors 4.sacrifice flies 5.scoring position 6.fielder's choice, doubles, triples, or homeruns 8.grand slam 9.walks 10.advancing the runners 11.stealing a basea.when a catcher, pitcher or fielder makes an error and allows a runner to advanceb.when a batter hits a home run and there are runners on first, second, and third - which will score 4 runs totalc.when a runner touches home plated.types of hits in baseball or softballe.moving the runners from one base to the nextf.when the defense has a choice who to get out. 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Be sure to use the correct forms of the preterite tense.USE ONLY THESE VERBS. This is the list from the unit. aprender to learn beber to drink, sip comer to eat cometer to commit comprender to comprehend, understand correr to run deber to owe, to ought to depender to depend esconder to hide prometer to promise romper to break sorprender to surprise vender to sell abrir to open asistir to attend (classes) cumplir to complete, finish decidir to decide describir to describe descubrir to discover dividir to divide escribir to write existir to exist ocurrir to occur omitir to omit permitir to permit, allow, let persuadir to persuade prohibir to prohibit recibir to receive subir to rise, climb, go up, board vivir to live Which best explains why earthquakes sometimes occur in the same locations as mid ocean ranges and rift valleys The thin rigid "skin" that floats atop the layer below is the crust.TrueFalse Notice what tells you each of these facts. 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