Does being complacent during a time of violence or disorder make you complicit in (or responsible for) that violence? Why/why not?


Answer 1

We can see here that being complacent during a time of violence or disorder may make an individual complicit in the violence, but it does not necessarily make them solely responsible for it.

What is violence?

Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.

Complicity refers to being involved in or contributing to a wrongdoing, whether intentionally or unintentionally. By being complacent during a time of violence or disorder, an individual may indirectly contribute to the harm caused by others by failing to take action to prevent it or by not speaking out against it.

In situations where violence or disorder is present, individuals have a responsibility to prioritize their own safety and well-being.

Learn more about violence on


Related Questions

In an argument of at least 300 words and using evidence from the text, make a case for whether it is actually in Quentin's best interest to
continue his search for Margo or whether he would be better off focusing on other aspects of his life. Explain the criteria you are using and the
reasoning behind your answer.




In the novel "Paper Towns" by John Green, Quentin embarks on a journey to find his childhood friend Margo, who has disappeared. The question of whether it is in Quentin's best interest to continue his search for Margo or to focus on other aspects of his life is a complex one.

One criterion to consider is the impact that the search for Margo has on Quentin's mental health. Throughout the novel, Quentin becomes increasingly obsessed with finding Margo, neglecting his schoolwork and relationships with friends and family. This obsession takes a toll on his mental health, causing him to become paranoid and anxious. Therefore, it could be argued that it is not in Quentin's best interest to continue his search for Margo, as it is negatively affecting his well-being.

Another criterion to consider is the impact that the search for Margo has on Quentin's personal growth. Throughout his journey, Quentin learns important life lessons about the nature of relationships and the importance of accepting others for who they are. These lessons have the potential to positively shape his identity and future relationships. Therefore, it could be argued that it is in Quentin's best interest to continue his search for Margo, as it has the potential to positively impact his personal growth.

Ultimately, the decision of whether Quentin should continue his search for Margo or not depends on his personal priorities and goals. If he values his mental health and stability above all else, then it would be in his best interest to focus on other aspects of his life. However, if he values personal growth and self-discovery, then it may be in his best interest to continue his search for Margo.

In conclusion, the question of whether it is in Quentin's best interest to continue his search for Margo or to focus on other aspects of his life is a complex one. By considering the impact on his mental health and personal growth, we can argue for both sides. Ultimately, the decision should be based on Quentin's personal priorities and goals.

Analyze What theme is suggested by ""The Monkey’s Paw""? Provide examples that show how the author develops the theme through the characters and plot


"The Monkey's Paw" may deal with the idea that individuals shouldn't try to alter the normal flow of life and death. The characters' acts. The author is able to explore this idea thanks t.

o the story's plot. First off, Mr. White's initial fascination with the monkey's paw and his desire to use it to grant himself wishes represent the tendency of people to want to control and affect their environment, even when doing so may have negative consequences. His son Herbert displays more doubt and reluctance, displaying a more cautious approach to change. The results of Mr. White's use of the monkey's paw provide credence to the idea. Although his first money wish is fulfilled, his child also tragically perishes as a result.

learn more about author  here:


A common literary device in modernist poetry is allusion. Why were allusions used so frequently by modernist poets?


Answer:believed that a person could find meaning and wisdom only in himself or herself



The power of friendship

What did Winston first assume must have been the nature of the note?

Select one:
a. something political
b. something work-related
c. something romantic
d. something about his family


According to  Winston, the poor are where hope is found. The proles might band together to overthrow the Party because they make up 85% of Oceania's population.

Winston makes a decision on his journal's intended audience.

The only person Winston considers to be on his side, O'Brien, Winston understands he is writing the diary for as he reflects a little on the Party's power over mind. He ends this entry by saying, "Freedom is the freedom to say.

Why is Winston's decision to create a journal significant?

He keeps a diary because it is the only way he can express himself without being promptly apprehended by the Thought Police (although they do eventually find it).

To know more about Winston visit :-


between 1872 and 1900, mongooses were introduced into most caribbean islands. they were introduced in order to protect sugar cane fields from pit vipers. which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?



Mongooses were introduced into most Caribbean islands between 1872 and 1900 in order to protect sugar cane fields from pit vipers.


The sentences are combined by using the coordinating conjunction "in order to," which shows the reason or purpose for the introduction of mongooses. Additionally, the time frame of "between 1872 and 1900" is placed at the beginning of the sentence to provide context and set the stage for the explanation of why mongooses were introduced. By combining the two sentences in this way, the information is presented in a clear and concise manner that effectively conveys the purpose of introducing mongooses to the Caribbean islands.

How is Mr Pirzada's pocket watch different from the one he wears on his wrist? What does the pocket watch help Lilia understand about Me. Pirzada and his situation?


Mr Pirzada's pocket watches are different from the ones he wears on his wrist as he wears two watches.

In the short story "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dinner" by Jhumpa Lahiri, he is seen wearing two watches—one on his wrist and one in his pocket. The pocket watch is a passed-down family treasure, whereas the wristwatch is just a regular timepiece. Because it acts as a link to his Dacca home and family, the pocket watch has a special meaning for Mr Pirzada. Lilia discovers Mr Pirzada's pocket watch and inquires about it to learn more about its importance. He describes to her how his grandfather left watch to him and how it came to be.

The pocket watch additionally enables Lilia to comprehend Mr Pirzada's circumstances in the US. She understands that he lives distant from his family and that he worries about the unstable political climate in Dacca, which is rife with violence. She starts to feel sorry for Mr Pirzada and worries about his welfare. In some ways, the pocket watch represents Mr Pirzada's displacement and isolation in a strange country, and Lilia's understanding of this aids in her growth of greater respect for him as a person.

Read more about Mr Pirzada on:


Do any of the events, issues, or conclusions concern America today in the song Vietnam by Jimmy Cliff?


We can see here that truly the issues and themes presented in the song "Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff are still relevant to America today. The song addresses the impact and consequences of war, particularly on those who are directly affected by it.

What is song, Vietnam?

"Vietnam" is a song by Jamaican reggae musician Jimmy Cliff, which was released in 1969. The song is a protest against the Vietnam War, and it became an anthem of the anti-war movement.

The lyrics of the song condemn the war and its devastating effects on both American soldiers and Vietnamese civilians.

The song also highlights the idea of social justice and the need to stand up against injustice and oppression, which is still an important issue in America today.

Additionally, the song speaks to the idea of peace and the need for diplomacy and nonviolent conflict resolution, which are issues that are still relevant in America's foreign policy today.

Learn more about song on


What is the author’s main purpose in mentioning the strong wine that Euanthes’s son gives to Odysseus in lines 41–60 of Book 9?



In lines 41-60 of Book 9 of Homer's "The Odyssey," the author mentions the strong wine that Euanthes's son gives to Odysseus. The main purpose of this mention is to emphasize the importance of hospitality in ancient Greek society.

In ancient Greece, hospitality was a sacred duty, and guests were treated with the utmost respect and kindness. This scene highlights the generosity and hospitality of Euanthes's son, who provides Odysseus with a gift of strong wine. The wine is significant because it is a symbol of hospitality and generosity, and it also plays a role in the plot later on in the story.

Additionally, the mention of the strong wine also serves to illustrate the dangers of overindulging in alcohol. Odysseus's men drink too much of the wine and lose control, leading to disastrous consequences for their journey. This emphasizes the importance of moderation and self-control, which were also valued in ancient Greek society.

Overall, the main purpose of mentioning the strong wine in lines 41-60 of Book 9 is to highlight the importance of hospitality and generosity in ancient Greek society, while also emphasizing the dangers of overindulgence and lack of self-control.

Write me a 7 slide presentation only about snow!



Slide 1: Introduction

Title: The Wonderful World of Snow

Introduce the topic of snowExplain why it is an interesting and unique phenomenonPreview what the presentation will cover

Slide 2: Formation of Snow

Title: How Snow Forms

Discuss how snow forms from water vapor in the atmosphereExplain the process of nucleation and how ice crystals formShow a diagram of the process

Slide 3: Types of Snow

Title: Different Types of Snow

Discuss the different types of snow, such as powder, packed, and wet

Explain the characteristics of each type and when they typically occur

Show pictures of each type of snow

Slide 4: Snowflakes

Title: Unique Snowflakes

Discuss the uniqueness of snowflakes and how they are formedShow pictures of different snowflakes and discuss their intricacyExplain how each snowflake is unique

Slide 5: Snow Activities

Title: Fun in the Snow

Discuss the different activities that can be enjoyed in the snowExplain how to properly prepare for each activity to ensure safetyShow pictures of people participating in different snow activities

Slide 6: Effects of Snow

Title: The Effects of Snow

Discuss the impact that snow can have on the environmentExplain how snow can affect travel and transportationShow pictures of snow-covered landscapes and vehicles stuck in snow

Slide 7: Conclusion

Title: The Beauty of Snow

Summarize the information presentedEmphasize the beauty and uniqueness of snowEncourage the audience to enjoy and appreciate snow when it occurs

Which of the following words shares a word part - prefix, suffix, or root with "acceptance"? - A. affirmation B. progressive C. reluctance





How does kermode characterize the specific language patterns of macbeth


Kermode argues that Macbeth has an "intensification of syntax" and "repetitions of key words" that contribute to the sense of tragedy in the play (Kermode, 1966).

He also notes that Shakespeare uses polysyndeton, a technique that involves the use of multiple conjunctions and anaphora, the repetition of a word at the beginning of successive clauses, to convey emotion and significance.

Shakespeare's mastery of language and dramatic structure may be seen in the distinctive language patterns of Macbeth, according to famous literary critic Frank Kermode. Shakespeare uses poetic devices like metaphor, alliteration, and repetition to create a haunting and unforgettable mood in Macbeth, according to Kermode, whose observation that the language is "unmistakable and individual" in the play.

For such more question on Macbeth:


what can you use in your writing to evoke a better sense of mood?



Explanation: Typically you'd use a positive tone, positive keywords, and NOUNS.

Write a theme statement for Dracula below. Use the log/theme map


Dracula stands for evil, or for ways that he seeks to impose his dominance and authority over others.

What aspect of terror is the theme of Dracula?

Fear of being powerless, dread of being pursued, fear of lacking safety or trust, and so forth. The figure of Count Dracula vividly illustrates the genius of Bram Stoker's Dracula, offering the reader a clear illustration of what might be thought of as the scariest thing, other than death itself.

Why is the subject of love in Dracula?

The good and the pure are surrounded by love in this book. It does not, however, exist among the UnDead since love and evil cannot coexist. Only Arthur is meant to be Lucy's spouse out of the three men who fell in love with her. Others forge close friendships.

To know more about Dracula theme visit:


50 points

Answer the following….

Identify the three factors that you think have the greatest effect on a teens, body image explain what role you think each factor plays in determining body image and whether the effect is positive or negative



There are several factors that can affect a teenager's body image, but three of the most significant factors are:

1. Media: The media, including TV shows, movies, magazines, and social media, often present unrealistic and idealized images of beauty and body shape. This can lead to a negative effect on a teenager's body image, as they may feel pressure to conform to these standards, which can result in feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

2. Family and peers: Family and peers can have a significant impact on a teenager's body image. If a teenager's family or friends place a lot of emphasis on appearance or make negative comments about their own or others' bodies, this can contribute to a negative body image in the teenager. On the other hand, positive reinforcement and supportive comments from family and peers can have a positive effect on a teenager's body image.

3. Personal experiences: Personal experiences, such as bullying, trauma, and illness, can have a significant impact on a teenager's body image. Negative experiences can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and a distorted body image, while positive experiences can lead to increased self-confidence and a positive body image.

It is important to note that the effect of these factors can be positive or negative, depending on how they are experienced and perceived by the teenager. For example, exposure to positive and diverse representations of beauty and body shape in the media can have a positive effect on a teenager's body image, while exposure to unrealistic and idealized images can have a negative effect. Similarly, positive reinforcement and supportive comments from family and peers can have a positive effect, while negative comments and criticism can have a negative effect.

In summary, the media, family and peers, and personal experiences are three factors that can have a significant effect on a teenager's body image, and it is important to be aware of the potential positive and negative effects of these factors in order to promote a healthy and positive body image in teenagers.

Read the passage. The Lyme Mystery In the mid-1970s, doctors were baffled when residents of Lyme, Connecticut, and neighboring towns developed a set of strange symptoms, including leg pain, swollen joints, and rashes. Suspecting a reason beyond mere coincidence, a Yale University research team systematically reviewed the cases. They discovered that all the victims had lived in wooded areas and that disease outbreaks had peaked in the summer and early fall, suggesting a connection to an insect. In addition, the number of cases occurring east of the Connecticut River outnumbered those occurring on the west side. This information led to the hypothesis that the mysterious condition was related to deer ticks, since deer and the black-legged ticks they carry were more prevalent on the east side of the river. Later research proved this hypothesis correct. The black-legged tick was found to carry bacteria that, when transmitted to humans through bites, cause the condition now known as Lyme Disease. What is the main idea of the passage? Researchers discovered that a strange illness was caused by bacteria in the bite of the black-legged tick. Because many victims lived in wooded areas, researchers suspected that a strange illness was caused by an insect. Researchers discovered that a strange illness was more common east of the Connecticut River than west of it. Submit Questions


Here are some questions you can frame from the paragraph:

1 ) Identify a synonym of "Baffled"

a) Shocked
b) Surprised
c) Confused
d) Experienced

2) Identify the True statement
a) After Conducting the Study, The Yale students discovered that Disease outbreaks peaked in the winter and early fall.
b) Deer and black - Legged ticks were Prevalent on the west side of the river
c) The Lyme Mistery was started when the Residents of Lyme, Connecticut experienced Rashes and pain near the stomach
d) The Black Legged Tick was found to carry bacteria that Caused the Lyme Disease

3) Why was the Lyme disease more prevalent in the eastern sides of the river than the western side of the river? (2 answers are correct)

a) The Deer were less in number
b) The Deer were more in number
c) Deer carrying more Black legged ticks were prevalent in the eastern side
d) Deer carrying more Black legged ticks were prevalent in the Western  side

1 - C
2 - D
3- B,C

In one paragraph, what is the relationship between power and freedom​


Answer: Freedom is being able to make decisions that affect mainly you; power is being able to make decisions that affect others more than you.

Help pls i need it rn

Read a non-fiction and fiction stories. Use story map to identify the elements of the story if fiction story and if it is a biography use a timeline. Put it in a short coupon band. If both fiction story you can use story map.​


Fiction, in general, refers to stories that are based on true events, whereas nonfiction refers to stories that are fictionalized.

Do I need to read fiction and nonfiction?

Both fiction and non-fiction open two eyes for the reader. If he drops one and sticks with the other one indefinitely, he misses something. You may improve your imagination by reading fiction, and you can learn from the biographies of famous people by reading non-fiction. Reading both fiction and non-fiction simultaneously is my advice.

In what way do you read both fiction and nonfiction?

It can be challenging to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction for both writers and readers. Generally speaking, nonfiction refers to genuine stories that are centered on real events and people, whereas fiction refers to narrative, settings, and characters that are the product of the author's imagination.

To know more about fiction non-fiction stories visit:


hello can you make a not so long story of a movie or book judging or criticizing it pleaseee I will give crown please help help


The comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of literary works is referred to as literary criticism.

What is a story's plot?

A tale plot is what? A story's storyline is essentially what occurs in the narrative. The sequence of events that occur is more properly referred to as the plot. The narrative advances due to the activity in the story.

What standards are there for film criticism?

Directing, acting, plot, and cinematography are the topics that are most frequently covered. The writing's wit or intelligence, emotional effect, authenticity in respect to the subject matter, and originality are some more generic qualities.

To know more about book judging visit:


Read the excerpt from How Hurricanes Form.

Hurricanes are often compared to engines. Just like engines, they need a type of fuel. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters near the equator. For hurricanes, their fuel is warm, moist air. When hurricanes form, the warm, moist air above the ocean rises upward from close to the surface of the water. Because the warm air rises, it results in less air under the surface of the water. This area with less air is known as an area with low pressure.

Air from areas surrounding this low pressure space pushes in to the area. This fills the low pressure area. The new air in this space becomes warm and moist and also rises. As the air continues to rise, the air surrounding the space swirls in to take its place. This process of air swirling in to replace air that has risen continues. Eventually, the moisture in the air forms clouds.

The wind and the clouds that form create a system. A system is a pattern of weather. The system of clouds and winds continues to spin and grow. The water evaporating from the ocean's warm surface acts as the fuel, which is what helps this spinning and growing. The system rotates faster and faster until the eye of the storm forms in the center area. Ironically, the eye of the storm is the calmest part, and it has very low air pressure. The higher pressure above the hurricane continually flows down into the eye.

a view of a hurricane from space with the eye of the hurricane visible in the center of the hurricane

Based on the information in the text, what makes the eye of the storm the calmest part of the hurricane? (2 points)

It has the highest air pressure of the hurricane.

It has the lowest air pressure of the hurricane.

It is the largest part of the hurricane in the center.

It is the smallest part of the hurricane in the center.


The hurricane's eye the calmest region, according to the text's facts, is Its air pressure is the lowest of the hurricanes.

When does a hurricane become the calmest?

The calmest region of a storm is called an eye, and it typically forms when maximum sustained wind speeds exceed 74 mph (119 km/h). Nonetheless, an eye shape is It is still unclear what causes the development of eyes.

What does a hurricane's eye look like?

The core of a powerful tropical cyclone has an area called the "eye" that is generally round, with favorable weather and relatively mild winds. Winds may extend well into the eye even when they are calm at the axis of rotation.

To know more about hurricanes visit:-


mythical hero using audacity deception desolate exploits oblivious somber steadfast valliant​



Chrck the photo qnd pls give ma brinaliest .

what can you do about the corruption in you country(Philippines)


There are several actions that concerned individuals can take to help address corruption in the country:

Report corruption: Individuals who have knowledge of corrupt activities can report them to relevant authorities,Support anti-corruption initiatives: There are many organizations and initiatives that work to combat corruption in the Philippines.

What is corruption?

Corruption is the misuse of power or authority for personal gain, often involving dishonest or illegal activities. It is a form of unethical behavior in which an individual or group uses their influence or position to gain benefits or advantages that are not deserved or earned.

Other ways are:

Demand transparency and accountability: Pressure on government officials and institutions to be transparent and accountable can help reduce corruption. Advocacy efforts can be directed towards lobbying for policy changes, reforming the electoral system, and calling for greater accountability from public officials.Educate others: Raising awareness and educating people about the impacts of corruption can help to foster a culture of integrity and promote greater public scrutiny of corrupt activities.

Authorities to report corruption to are the Ombudsman or the Commission on Audit, or to anti-corruption agencies such as the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC).

Learn more about corruption on


ANSWER ASAP I WILL MARK BRAINIEST Which response most accurately explains how Mundra develops

a theme of the story?

By completing tasks that would be impossible for


Mundra develops the theme of the story by demonstrating the power of resilience and perseverance in the face of difficult circumstances.

He perseveres in spite of the odds, not giving up until he achieves his goal. Through Mundra's determination and courage, he is able to overcome the obstacles that are set in his path, showing the reader that it is possible to accomplish anything if you have the will and drive to do so.

Resilience and perseverance are two important characteristics that may help people overcome obstacles and accomplish their goals. Resilience is defined as the ability to recover from tough conditions and setbacks, whereas perseverance is defined as the ability to persevere in the face of hurdles and problems.

For more such questions on Resilience, click on:


Restate and answer the question: Why is having access to clean water important?



The question is "Why is having access to clean water important?"

Access to clean water is important because it is essential for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. Water is a vital resource that our bodies need to function properly, and contaminated water can lead to illnesses and infections. Additionally, clean water is important for agriculture, industry, and other human activities that require a reliable water supply. Access to clean water also has economic and social benefits, as it can improve living conditions and promote economic growth.



The importance of having access to clean water cannot be overstated. Clean water is essential for maintaining good health, preventing the spread of diseases, and promoting economic development.

Access to clean water is important because it is essential for the basic functioning of the human body. Drinking contaminated water can cause a range of illnesses, including diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. These illnesses can be particularly harmful to vulnerable populations such as young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems.

In addition to the health benefits, access to clean water is also important for economic development. Communities that have access to clean water can use it for agriculture, industry, and other economic activities. This can lead to increased productivity and economic growth, which can in turn improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

Overall, access to clean water is a fundamental human right and is essential for the well-being of individuals and societies.

Are Uniforms Needed by Deng

Schools all across the nation speak about how uniforms are favorable to the school environment and increase student safety. While there are a plethora of pros as to why uniforms are helping the school community and keeping a level playing field for the students, lots of issues come with uniforms. The argument that uniforms are put in place to prevent bullying seems invalid because schools with uniforms still experience bullying. School systems are deceiving when they say uniforms are created to make a level playing field in the school environment and prevent students from being distracted. Yet they ask us to branch off into our own appearance and portray ourselves, but with a uniform, we can’t have any social expression. Schools promote individuality but yet put us in a caged environment, wearing the same clothing, training us to listen to the bell to dismiss us, and any rebellion results in consequences. I do not believe uniforms improve attendance or deter crime; in all reality, uniforms are not a resolution to any of the issues, so what are school systems solving with uniforms?

Which sentence from the text best summarizes a central idea?


2 points

A Schools all across the nation speak about how uniforms are favorable to the school environment

B schools with uniforms still experience bullying

C Schools promote individuality but yet put us in a caged environment

D uniforms are not a resolution to any of the issues

Summarize the author’s message about school uniforms. Use evidence from the text to support your summary.

*Summarize the author’s message about school uniforms. Use evidence from the text to support your summary.

short response



The author argues that while school systems promote uniforms as a solution to issues such as bullying and distractions, they do not actually solve these problems. The author believes that uniforms do not promote individuality and instead create a caged environment, where rebellion results in consequences. The author also suggests that uniforms do not improve attendance or deter crime. The sentence that best summarizes the central idea is "uniforms are not a resolution to any of the issues." The author uses evidence such as the fact that schools with uniforms still experience bullying and the idea that uniforms limit social expression to support their message.

Select The four adjectives. Don't select any articles (a,an,or the). After two days of heavy snow, warren and I took the shiny new sleds out for a spin.


Answer: heavy, shiny, new, two

Explanation: Adjectives are describing words


Carolina is all about cardio and muscle-building workouts. She runs and lifts weights all week long. However, she thinks there is no point in doing a slow workout like yoga or making time to get her body composition analyzed. How could Carolina’s fitness levels improve if she begins to train and focus on flexibility and body composition in addition to her current focus on cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance? What health problems might Carolina face if she doesn’t pay attention to her flexibility and her body composition?




1. It would improve athleticism and form generally 2. She might be hurt

Exercises like weightlifting and aerobics are beneficial, but it's also beneficial to take a break and focus on other body areas.

Yoga stretches and builds muscles. She would enhance her balance and form by practicing yoga and improving her body composition. Her running and lifting form would appear better because the tiny muscles would also get stronger.

Caroline may be at danger for injury if she doesn't practice yoga or engage in body composition exercises. Your muscles experience micro-tears when you lift weights, therefore your body requires a pause to heal. Overworking your muscles increases your chance of ripping a muscle and suffering serious injury.

The monkey swung through that branch effortlessly and swiftly


The sentence "The monkey swung through that branch effortlessly and swiftly" describes the movement of a monkey swinging through a branch.

While the sentence suggests that the monkey was moving quickly, it does not provide specific information about the speed at which it was swinging. The speed at which a monkey can swing through the trees can vary depending on factors such as the species of monkey and the individual monkey's strength and agility.

For example, a larger, more muscular monkey may be able to swing faster than a smaller, less muscular one. Similarly, some species of monkeys are known for their agility and speed in the trees, while others move more slowly.

To know more about monkey swing, visit the link given below:


(Complete question)

The monkey swung through that branch effortlessly and swiftly. How fast can a monkey swing?

Put the verb in the correct tense.

1.He always thought stories (have)______ a happy ending.

2. She realized that the time she (spend)_______ with him was wonderful.

3. The manager said he (return)_____ by the time the meeting started.

4. He asked me if there (be) ______ any hope that the situation (change)______ for the better.

5. I was busy with my studies at the weekend but I (be free)______ next Saturday.

6. The students knew that the Moon (go)_______ round the Earth.

7.Tom asked the conductor what time the train (leave).______ for London.

8. I knew he (work)______ on that project since last Monday.

9. We learned that the famous musician (play)________ at the concert.

10. The teacher you were speaking to (be)_______ my aunt.

11. It (be)_____ as cold this week as it (be)_______.

12. Both criminals confessed that they (rob)________.


He always thought stories had a happy ending.
She realized that the time she spent with him was wonderful.
The manager said he would return by the time the meeting started.
He asked me if there was any hope that the situation would change for the better.
I was busy with my studies at the weekend but I will be free next Saturday.
The students knew that the Moon goes round the Earth. (present tense is also acceptable)
Tom asked the conductor what time the train leaves for London.
I knew he had been working on that project since last Monday.
We learned that the famous musician played at the concert.
The teacher you were speaking to is my aunt.
It has been as cold this week as it was last week.
Both criminals confessed that they had robbed.

Write down the names of three man _made devices in every day use that depend for their action the moment of forces


Certainly, here are three man-made devices in everyday use that depend on the moment of forces to function effectively,Can opener, Nutcracker and Faucet.

Can opener: A can opener uses a moment of force to open a can. The blade is positioned at an angle to the can lid, and when the can opener is turned, the blade creates a moment of force that cuts through the lid.

Nutcracker: A nutcracker is a tool used to crack open the shells of nuts. It uses the principle of the moment of force to exert pressure on the nut shell and crack it open.

Faucet: A faucet is a valve used to control the flow of water. The handle of the faucet acts as a lever, and when it is turned, the moment of force created opens or closes the valve, regulating the flow of water.

In all of these examples, the moment of force plays a crucial role in the functioning of the device, making them essential tools in our everyday lives.

For such more question on Faucet


What happened to Roy when he went outside?


When Roy went outside he got injured. As his mother warns him not to play on the rock pile, Roy goes outside and is harmed while playing.

In "the Rockpile" by James Baldwin, Gabriel then comes home and begins watching over Roy while John is held responsible for Roy's injury. When his mother realizes that Gabriel isn't being fair, she stands up for him. Although Roy is not allowed to play on the rockpile—Baldwin refers to "the forbidden street below," and it is obvious what Baldwin means—a crucial moment takes place when Roy defies his mother and becomes involved in the gang fights there. Roy is hit on the head as he climbs to the top of the pile. Elizabeth defends John by claiming that Roy was injured because of Gabriel's spoiling of him. She claims this Roy will suffer a lot worse fate than he could have today if he doesn't change his ways.

Gabriel's expression worries her because it is only filled with hatred and not anger.

To know more about The Rockpile, click here:


Other Questions
An orange cat is mated with a black cat, in hopes of producing a tortoiseshell-colored cat.What is the method of reproduction?*2 pointsasexual reproductionsexual reproductionChoose ONE idea to support the correct choice.*2 pointstwo cats are matedblack catone parentcats take a long time to reproduceChoose ONE idea to support the correct choice.*2 pointsoffspring have the same genetic material as the parentoffspring receives genetic material for two different parents 50 points spanish help QUESTION 1 A travel agency has advertising signage of a globe suspended by frame as shown Some data are provide as follows: Weight W = 20N a = 25 B = 60 x= 5m What is the force in the member BC - give your answer in N. Tension = +ve Compression = -ve B a X 4 in the ancient greek world, there appears to be little reference to a certain color? homer, who wrote the iliad and the odyssey described colors in unique ways. did they really not see colors the same way? was it just so obvious that no one wrote about it? were they all colorblind? for whatever reason, there is little reference to a certain color in these particular ancient writings. what is that certain missing color? he said to me I am not feeling well today into indirect speech reagan wanted to paint so she invested $500 several years later,she has earned $2000 in interest. how long did reagan invest the money if she earned a simple interest rate of 5% ? Which algebraic expression is equivalent to the expression below? 3 ( 5 x + 7 ) 6 ( 4 2 x ) Find all complex zeros of the given polynomial function, and write the polynomial in completely factored form. f(x)=4x^3+3x^2-44x-33Find the complex zeros of f. Repeat any zeros if their multiplicity is greater than 1. x= what climates are temperate continental? i need it answered before 10 pm est What is the correct conjugation for the verb in parentheses?Carlos y yo (perder) el partido de tenis.1Points Warning: This is a riddle from my homework so choose wisely if you want to do it. But, if you are willing to answer it you will have 100 pts plus i will give you brainliest for being smart. Riddle 1. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? This riddle relies on tricking you into thinking about ears and a mouth. You get a tiny hint about wind to encourage you to think broadly and avoid the literal.Riddle 2. have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I? This riddle aims to confuse you and get you to focus on the things that are missing: the houses, trees, and fish. You might guess you need to think about something inanimate(I am putting it on computers and Techology because i want to test your brains) Give a linear equation for the total remaining oil reserves, , in terms of , the number of years since now. (Be sure to use the correct variable and Preview before you submit. ) R= Identify and discuss any professional conduct issues in the following independent scenarios.Jason Crane became a CPA in 2023. He is now glad to be finished his education as he does not plan to take any further accounting courses.type your answer hereQuestion Part Score--/2Samantha Karadzic received a letter from Malik and Rudolph, another accounting firm, asking if there is any reason they should not accept the audit engagement of her biggest client, Franks Plumbing Inc. Samantha was so upset about losing the client, she threw the letter away and decided not to reply. She ignored all requests for the clients records.type your answer here In the modern international environment, profit is no longer anecessary goal for the privatebusiness firm.Group of answer choicesTrueFalse While trying to understand and prepare data for further analysis you find out that there are small amount missing values for a categorical variable, and you know that keeping this variable is important for the success of your project. What would be the correct way to handle the missing values?A. Replace missing values with the mean value.B. Although it seems like keeping this variable is important for the success of the project, due to missing values decide to exclude this variable from the analysis.C. Replace the missing values with the most frequent category.D. Do nothing and proceed with further analysis. Here's what she knows:The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the horse pen is 15 yards.The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the pig pen is 10 yards.All radii are whole numbers, and all are greater than 3 yards. The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the horse pen is 15 yards No two pens are the same size.She has labeled distances between the barn & points of tangency to the pens in her diagram.You can help her decide which animal goes in which pen.1. Now help her find the distance from the barn to the center of each pen! Show all of your work.Use the page below for workspace as needed.Distance from barn to center of...Horse pen:Cow pen:Pig pen:9.5 yds.8.75 yds.OX1122488.75 yds.16 yds. Justifica con tus palabras la importancia de pensar y comprobar experimentalmente , tal cual lo hicieron los pensadores antiguos para crear el concepto de tomo Which of the following best defines crustal deformation? the constructive force of hot molten rock from the mantle that reaches Earth's surface, resulting in new landforms the outermost rocky layer of Earth the constructive force that moves sediments from one place and lays them to rest at another, forming landforms the constructive force that is the result of the edges of Earth's crust pushing and pulling against each other Kanchan said, "I love you." (into indirect speech) Penny says that 4 x 65 = 260. Estimate to check pennys answer. Is she right? Explain