Due in 30 min

What do characters do ?

How do characters react to events or others’ actions ?

How do characters’ actions cause other events ?

How are actions foreshadowed in early parts of the story ?


Answer 1


Characters are fictional people or beings that drive the plot of a story. They have their motivations, goals, and personalities that shape their actions and reactions to events or others' actions within the story.

Characters react to events or others' actions based on their personality and role in the story. They may be affected emotionally or choose to act in a certain way based on their beliefs and values.

Characters' actions can cause other events in the story through cause and effect. For example, a character may make a decision that leads to a chain of events that shapes the story.

Actions can be foreshadowed in early parts of the story through hints or clues that hint at what will come later. This helps to build tension and anticipation for the readers or the audience. Foreshadowing can be done through dialogue, imagery, or other literary techniques.


Related Questions

chapter 12, The Wind and the Willows:
Explain why Mole prefers the Wild Wood in the winter over the summer?



Through this, Mole becomes increasingly polite and loyal to Rat. He also decides that he loves life on the river, and that the river is his home. He and Rat return to Mole's underground home once, and while it's a fun experience, it doesn't change Mole's mind about where he belongs.




Because Badger prefers to be alone, Rat takes Mole to meet Toad, a rich animal with a very short attention span. He lives in a grand house called Toad Hall.

Which sentence uses the word lapse correctly?

A) I am going to run lapse around the track.
B) After her head injury, LaLa began noticing a memory lapse.
C) I forgot my books, what a lapse!


The answer would have to be “B”.
B would be the correct answer :) !

Read the following text from a student essay. How can the writer best improve his or her organization?
In response to the rampant graffiti problem in our school, I am proposing one relatively straightforward solution. Each classroom should be assigned to one area of the school and given responsibility for its upkeep, from keeping it clear of litter to ensuring that the walls are unmarked. Students could earn points for each day that their assigned area is kept free of graffiti. These points would entitle students to special prizes or privileges at school. The amount of graffiti around the school lately is simply unacceptable. Property is being damaged, and the custodial staff spends far too much time cleaning up after delinquent students. If students take pride in our school and work together, we can keep it looking spotless and beautiful.

1. by moving the second sentence to the beginning
2. by adding a transition between the final two sentences
3. by describing the problem before moving on to the solution

Also, this question is from IXL R.7 Suggest appropriate revisions (7th grade)


1.by describing the problem before moving on to the solution

2.by adding a transition between the final two sentences

3.by moving the second sentence to the beginning

The answer is 3 because she stated the importance of keeping the school clean after she gave an idea on how to keep it clean

help ASAP pls!! Read the poem "Mother" by Lola Ridge. Then, answer the question that follows. Your love was like moonlight turning harsh things to beauty, so that little wry souls reflecting each other obliquely as in cracked mirrors… beheld in your luminous spirit their own reflection, transfigured as in a shining stream, and loved you for what they are not. You are less an image in my mind than a luster I see you in gleams pale as star-light on a gray wall… evanescent as the reflection of a white swan shimmering in broken water. Based on the figurative language used by the poet, which statement best expresses the theme of the poem? A parent's or guardian's love provides a light that reflects the brightest version of ourselves. As an adult it can be difficult to remember what childhood is like. Children sometimes take the love of a parent or guardian for granted. There are many things in life to be thankful for, including those around us.


Answer: A parent's or guardian's love provides a light that reflects the brightest version of ourselves.


Which of the following song lyrics contain an example of alliteration?
"When I’m on the mic I stand tall with gall"
"Drama, so close to not completing the missing piece of the puzzle"
"Stuck in Nintendo, you’re the controller/ Street Fighter and such"
"My mind makes marvelous moves, masses/ Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered"




There is a repetition of the m sound throughout the lyrics.

Answer: D. the letter M is used many times throughout.

What effect do you think the publication of fake news will have on the United States or on Americans in the near future if any? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.



The publication of fake news may have a detrimental effect on the United States and Americans in the near future. It can lead to a loss of trust in traditional news sources, which can in turn lead to a polarized society where individuals only seek out news that confirms their existing beliefs. This can lead to a lack of understanding of important issues and make it harder for the government to make informed decisions that benefit all citizens.

i don’t even know tbh i’m trying over here ‍♀️

What is a (good) counterclaim for the claim; It should be illegal to own exotic animals under certain circumstances.



I have 3 of them

It should be illegal to own exotic animals no matter what

It should be legal to own exotic animals under certain circumstances

It should be legal to own exotic animals no matter what


What is the theme of this poem:

For other fruits my father was indifferent.

He’d point at the cherry trees and say,

“See those? I wish they were figs.”

In the evenings he sat by our beds

weaving folktales like vivid little scarves.

They always involved a figtree.

Even when it didn’t fit, he’d stick it in.

Once Joha was walking down the road

and he saw a figtree.

Or, he tied his camel to a figtree and went to sleep.

Or, later when they caught and arrested him,

his pockets were full of figs.

At age six I ate a dried fig and shrugged.

“That’s not what I’m talking about!” he said,

“I’m talking about a fig straight from the earth—

gift of Allah!—on a branch so heavy

it touches the ground.

I’m talking about picking the largest, fattest, sweetest fig

in the world and putting it in my mouth.”

(Here he’d stop and close his eyes.)

Years passed, we lived in many houses,

none had figtrees.

We had lima beans, zucchini, parsley, beets.

“Plant one!” my mother said,

but my father never did.

He tended garden half-heartedly, forgot to water,

let the okra get too big.

“What a dreamer he is. Look how many

things he starts and doesn’t finish.”

The last time he moved, I had a phone call,

my father, in Arabic, chanting a song

I’d never heard. “What’s that?”

He took me out to the new yard.

There, in the middle of Dallas, Texas,

a tree with the largest, fattest,

sweetest figs in the world.

“It’s a figtree song!” he said,

plucking his fruits like ripe tokens,

emblems, assurance

of a world that was always his own.



Fruits are for people who carrys there selfs


Identify evidence from the excerpt that reveals why learning to read was so important to Frederick Douglass when he was a boy.
I will name your Answer brainliest!!



His undying desire to learn to read and write


To understand who Frederick Douglass was and why he was such a significant person, consider his unwavering ambition to learn to read and write.

Why was reading so crucial to young Frederick Douglass?Douglass started figuring out how to read books and newspapers when he was left alone, thus learning to read was crucial to his life. He learned about the suffering that many slaves endured as well as the animosity that Southerners held for them as a result.To understand who Frederick Douglass was and why he was such a significant person, consider his unwavering ambition to learn to read and write. He claims that being able to read and write has been a benefit since it has allowed him to better understand his surroundings and what it means to be a slave.                    

To learn more about Frederick Douglass refer to:



Read the Prompt:
Write an email that begins with these lines: I’m really sorry I didn’t show up at your party, but it’s not my fault.

What happened? Explain yourself, using all of these words at least once each:
“their,” “there,” and “they’re”
“you’re” and “your”
“it’s” and “its”
“to,” “too,” and “two”



I am sorry I didn't show up at your party,there was a huge traffic and the group of girls beside me their car engine had trouble so I thought to go and help them their were two things missing their and it was way to hard to fix the car without those parts.It's a miracle there were spare once its supposed to be only one piece of that part but they had two of them.The girls Saud to me thank you and I said happily you're welcome.


I used all the words.

Locate the adjectives, adverbs, and articles in the following sentence. Choose "adjective" for each adjective, "adverb" for each adverb, and "article" for each article. If the word is not an adjective, adverb, or article, select "other." Tasty cheese crackers with green onion dip taste good. Tasty cheese crackers with green adjective onion dip taste good




adjective - tasty cheese crackers

adverb - green onion dip

other - good


Tasty = adjective

Cheese = adjective

Crackers = adjective

With = article

Green = adjective

Onion = other (noun)

Dip = adverb

Taste = other (verb)

Good = adjective

Which textual evidence from “The Relationship between Hunger and War” best supports the idea that starving enemy armies or people has long been a strategy used by people at war with one another?

A. Sixty percent of the millions of people suffering from poor diets in 2016 lived in areas of armed conflict.

B. Wars are violent and harmful, but destruction of resources can do more damage than weapons.

C. The resolution tells all parties to maintain food stocks, farms, markets, and delivery methods.

D. During the U.S. Civil War, Union soldiers had rules that allowed them to starve enemy soldiers.


Answer: D.


Which sentence uses the word lapse correctly?

A) I am going to run lapse around the track.
B) After her head injury, LaLa began noticing a memory lapse.
C) I forgot my books, what a lapse!





It makes the most sense

My teacher said B because is shows and uses lapse correctly as found in the dictionary.

If anybody has read Summer of Blood





I haven't read it yet but

I have. It’s not that great

Write a sentence that makes a point with the help of a strong analogy.

Then write another sentence that uses a weak or false analogy to do the same.


1) "Just as a sword is only as strong as its sharpest edge, a person's intellect is only as sharp as their ability to think critically."

2) "Just as a pencil is only as strong as its eraser, a person's intellect is only as strong as their ability to forget what they have learned."

The girl wore a dress as red as blood.

The girl wore a dress as red as paint.

Which sentence is NOT true?

A) Stanzas can be different lengths.

B) Some poetry is more like prose than other poetry.

C) Concrete poems are often in the shapes of their subjects.

D) Quatrains must have AABB rhyme schemes.


Answer: C


Answer: D

Explanation 1: All the others are true.

Explanation 2: Most popular rhyme schemes of a quatrains are AAAA, ABAB, and ABBA.

Hope this helps!

Over time, Douglass begins to think that “learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing.” Why does he come to feel this way? Explain, citing evidence from the excerpt.




Knowledge, the ability to use smarts, statistics, and data in a situation or problem.
Knowledge can be a gift, or a weapon. Knowledge was needed to make the iPhone, TV, electricity. Those are pros, cons however are: school, tests, quizzes, math, the building of foreign weapons, bombs, missals etc.

That is why Douglass was upset about the gift of knowledgeable abilities.

Hope this helped!! :))


learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing


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