early in the movie f-18 fighter jets are shown shooting many missiles at the alien spacecraft. these missiles then explode before hitting the spacecraft. captain steven hiller radios to his squadron that the ship must have some sort of protective shielding. is this scene possible? does our present state of technology have anything similar?


Answer 1

In our present state of technology, we don't have anything similar to the alien spacecraft's protective shielding. It's not a realistic representation of current technology.

The scene in which F-18 fighter jets shoot missiles at an alien spacecraft, only to have them explode before hitting the target, is certainly possible in a sci-fi movie.

However, The closest technology we have is electromagnetic shields used in science experiments and particle accelerators. These shields use a magnetic field to protect against charged particles, but they're not strong enough to withstand the impact of a missile.

Additionally, electromagnetic shields require a massive amount of energy, which isn't practical for use in military applications. Overall, while the scene may be entertaining in a movie,

To learn more about : spacecraft's



Related Questions

If a student thinks that the calorimeter has tap water in it, but it actually contains salt water (which has a lower specific heat than tap water), then


The calorimeter has tap water in it, but it actually contains salt water (which has a lower specific heat than tap water, then the student may make an error in their calorimetry calculation.

What is a calorimetry ?

Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes, and the study of the relationship between heat, temperature, and energy. It is used to measure the amount of heat energy released or absorbed in a chemical or physical change, and to calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction.

What is a reaction ?

Reaction is a process that results in the transformation of one or more substances into different substances. Chemical reactions involve the breaking and formation of chemical bonds between atoms, ions, or molecules, and can be accompanied by the release or absorption of energy in the form of heat, light, or electricity.

To know  more about calorimetry visit :



the reason that evaporation is a cooling process is group of answer choices due to conduction and convection. the more energetic molecules escape the liquid. radiation of heat during the process. all of the above none of the above


Evaporation is a cooling process because more energetic molecules escape the liquid, carrying away heat through radiation. Answer: "None of the above".

The release of more energising molecules from the liquid during evaporation causes cooling. The heat energy that these molecules bring with them when they go lowers the liquid's temperature. Not conduction or convection, but heat radiation throughout the operation is mostly to blame for this cooling impact.

Therefore, "none of the above" is the appropriate response. In general, the energy needed to break the intermolecular bonds in the liquid, which lowers the temperature overall, is responsible for the cooling impact of evaporation.

Learn more about Evaporation:



a merry-go-round rotates from rest with an angular acceleration of 1.50 rad/s2. how long does it take to rotate through (a) the first 4.19 rev and (b) the next 4.19 rev?


a merry-go-round rotates from rest with an angular acceleration of 1.50 rad/s2. 8.67 seconds & 20.4 seconds it take to rotate through (a) the first 4.19 rev and (b) the next 4.19 rev.

To solve this problem, we need to use the equations of rotational motion. The equation we need to use is:
θ = ωi*t + 1/2*α*t^2
where θ is the angle rotated (in radians), ωi is the initial angular velocity (in radians per second), α is the angular acceleration (in radians per second squared), and t is the time (in seconds).
For part (a), we want to find the time it takes to rotate through the first 4.19 rev, which is equivalent to 4.19*2π radians. We know that the merry-go-round starts from rest (ωi = 0) and has an angular acceleration of 1.50 rad/s^2. Substituting these values into the equation above, we get:
4.19*2π = 0*t + 1/2*1.50*t^2
Simplifying, we get:
t = √(4.19*2π / 0.75) = 8.67 seconds
Therefore, it takes 8.67 seconds to rotate through the first 4.19 rev.
For part (b), we want to find the time it takes to rotate through the next 4.19 rev. At this point, the merry-go-round is already rotating with some angular velocity, which we need to find first. Using the equation:
ωf = ωi + α*t
where ωf is the final angular velocity, we get:
ωf = 0 + 1.50*8.67 = 13.00 rad/s
Now we can use the same equation as before to find the time it takes to rotate through the next 4.19 rev, but with ωi = 13.00 rad/s:
4.19*2π = 13.00*t + 1/2*1.50*t^2
Simplifying, we get a quadratic equation:
0.75t^2 + 13.00t - 26.17π = 0
Using the quadratic formula, we get:
t = (-13.00 ± √(13.00^2 + 4*0.75*26.17π)) / 1.50
t ≈ 20.4 seconds or t ≈ -34.4 seconds
We can discard the negative solution since time cannot be negative. Therefore, it takes approximately 20.4 seconds to rotate through the next 4.19 rev.
So, the answers are:
(a) 8.67 seconds
(b) 20.4 seconds

Learn more about angular acceleration here:



Light travels through air and is incident upon the surface of a diamond at angle of 30 degrees. If the index of refraction for a diamond is 2.42. Calculate angle of refraction as the light travels into the diamond.


As light enters the diamond, it is refracted at an angle of 12.3 degrees.

Definition of refractive index Diamond has a refractive index of 2.42. What does this statement actually mean?

According to the aforementioned assertion, the speed of light in a diamond is 1.42 times that of light in a vacuum. The speed of light in a diamond will be 2.42 times slower than it is in air due to the high refractive index of diamonds.

[tex]heta2 = 12.3 degrees[/tex]

When we simplify the equation, we obtain:

[tex](1/2.42) x Sin(30) = Sin(theta2)[/tex]

[tex]Theta2 sin(2) = 0.208[/tex]

When we take the inverse sine of both sides, we obtain:

[tex]12.3 degree theta2[/tex]

Using both sides' inverse sine,

[tex]theta2 = 12.3 degrees[/tex]

To know more about refracted visit:



a wire of length 4.35 m and mass 137 g is under a tension of 125 n. a standing wave has formed which has seven nodes including the endpoints. a. draw the wave pattern b. what is the frequency of this wave? c. which harmonic is it? d. what is the fundamental frequency


The standing wave's fundamental frequency is the frequency of the first harmonic, which has one node and two antinodes, whereas the number of nodes determines the standing wave's harmonic number.

A 4.35 metre long, 137 gramme wire is being pulled at 125 newtons of force. With seven nodes total, including the endpoints, a standing wave has developed.

A collection of dots and dashes can be used to represent the wave pattern. The relationship between wave speed and wavelength is used to compute the standing wave's frequency. The tension in the wire and its linear mass density are used to calculate the wave speed.

The standing wave's fundamental frequency is the frequency of the first harmonic, which has one node and two antinodes, whereas the number of nodes determines the standing wave's harmonic number.

Learn more about standing wave:



5. Explain the law of conservation of energy using a relevant example from every day life.​


The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed but is transformed from one form to another.

What is law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy is the law that states that energy is neither created nor destroyed but is transformed from one form to another.

Examples of activities of everyday life that shows the conservation of energy include the following:

For loudspeaker, electrical energy is converted into sound energy.

For a microphone, sound energy is converted into electrical energy.

For a generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

When fuels are burnt, chemical energy is converted into heat and light energy

Learn more about energy here:



An example of the law of conservation of energy is a roller coaster.

What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

A roller coaster car gains kinetic energy as it moves down the track, but it also loses potential energy. At the bottom of the track, the car has the most kinetic energy and the least potential energy, while at the top of the track, it has the most potential energy and the least kinetic energy. However, the total amount of energy in the system remains constant.

Learn about law of conservation of energy here https://brainly.com/question/166559


a merry-go-round accelerates from rest to 0.63 rad/s in 27 s . assuming the merry-go-round is a uniform disk of radius 7.5 m and mass 29000 kg , calculate the net torque required to accelerate it.


The net torque required to accelerate is 28496 Nm.

What is the net torque required to accelerate it?

The net torque required to accelerate a uniform disk of radius 7.5 m and mass 29000 kg from rest to 0.63 rad/s in 27 s is needed.

The problem is asking for the net torque required to accelerate a merry-go-round from rest to a final angular velocity of 0.63 rad/s in 27 seconds. The merry-go-round is assumed to be a uniform disk, which means that its mass is evenly distributed across its entire radius. We are also given the radius of the merry-go-round (7.5 m) and its mass (29000 kg).

To solve the problem, we can use the formula:

[tex]τ = Iα[/tex]

where τ is the net torque applied to the merry-go-round, I is its moment of inertia, and α is its angular acceleration. Since the merry-go-round is initially at rest, its initial angular velocity is zero. Using the formula for angular acceleration, we can find that:

[tex]α = Δω/Δt = (0.63 rad/s - 0 rad/s) / 27 s = 0.0233 rad/s^2[/tex]

To find the moment of inertia of the merry-go-round, we can use the formula for the moment of inertia of a uniform disk:

[tex]I = (1/2)mr^2[/tex]

where m is the mass of the disk and r is its radius. Substituting the given values, we get:

[tex]I = (1/2)(29000 kg)(7.5 m)^2 = 1220625 kg m^2[/tex]

Finally, we can use the formula [tex]τ = Iα[/tex] to find the net torque required to accelerate the merry-go-round:

[tex]τ = (1220625 kg m^2)(0.0233 rad/s^2) = 28496 Nm[/tex]

Therefore, the net torque required to accelerate the merry-go-round is 28496 Nm.

Learn more about torque



a smooth impression tray is coated with a(n) ____________ before the final impression material is placed in the tray.


A smooth impression tray is coated with a separating medium before the final impression material is placed in the tray.

In dentistry, an impression tray is used to take an impression of a patient's teeth and oral tissues, which is then used to create a custom dental restoration. Before placing the final impression material in the tray, a separating medium is applied to the tray's surface. This is typically a thin layer of material that acts as a barrier between the impression material and the tray to prevent the impression from sticking to the tray when it is removed from the mouth.

The separating medium may be a liquid or a paste, and it should be applied evenly and thinly to ensure an accurate impression. Without a separating medium, the impression material may distort or tear when the tray is removed, resulting in an inaccurate impression.

To know more about impression material, here



a flat, square coil of 16 turns that has sides of length 16.0 cm is rotating in a magnetic field of strength 0.060 t. if the maximum emf produced in the coil is 28.0 mv, what is the angular velocity of the coil (in rad/s)? (enter the magnitude.)


The angular velocity of the coil is approximately 7.27 rad/s.

The formula for the maximum emf induced in a rotating coil is given by: emf = NABw, where N is the number of turns in the coil, A is the area of the coil, B is the strength of the magnetic field, and w is the angular velocity of the coil.

Solving for w, we get: w = emf/(NAB)

Substituting the given values, we get: w = (28.0 x 10^-3)/(16 x 16 x 16 x 0.060 x 2π) ≈ 7.27 rad/s.

Therefore, the angular velocity of the coil is approximately 7.27 rad/s.

To know more about rotating coil, here



A highway curve is banked (inclined) in such a way that a car travelling at a speed of 18.0m/s can round the curve without skidding, in the absence of friction. If the banking angle is 37°, what is the radius of the curve?


In order for a vehicle travelling at 18.0 m/s to negotiate  highway bend without sliding, curve must be banked (inclined). The radius of curve approximately 33.1 metres.

What is the formula for the radius of a road curve?

The coefficient of side friction is found to be 0.10, and the superelevation at one horizontal curve has been set at 6.0%.the formula for calculating a road curve's radiusFind the shortest curve radius necessary to ensure safe vehicle operation.

speed of the car v = 18.0 m/s

angle of banking of the curve θ = 37°

acceleration due to gravityg = 9.81 m/s²

radius of the curve = r

N = mg * cos(θ).........1


N = mv² / r...........2

from equation 1 and 2 we get

mg * cos(θ) = mv² / r

r = v² / (g * cos(θ))

r = (18.0 m/s)² / (9.81 m/s² * cos(37°)) ≈ 33.1 m

Therefore, radius of the curve is approximately 33.1 meters.

To know more about  radius of the curve  visit:-



a mirror is created by spraying the outside of a large sphere with silver paint which reflects light with high efficiency. the ball has a diameter of 5.1 meters. an object is placed a distance of 1.86 m from the surface of the sphere. the object as a height of 4 cm. 1)what is the focal length of this mirror? f


The focal length of this spherical mirror is f = 1.275 m, and the distance of the image is v = 1.532 m. The image is real, inverted, and smaller than the object, with a height of h' = -0.00337 m.

To determine the focal length of this spherical mirror, we need to use the mirror formula, which relates the distances of the object (u), image (v), and focal length (f). The formula is:

[tex]\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{u} + \frac{1}{v}[/tex]

where f is the focal length, u is the distance of the object from the mirror, and v is the distance of the image from the mirror.

In this case, the object is located at a distance of u = 1.86 m from the mirror, and its height is 4 cm or 0.04 m. Since the mirror is a sphere, the radius is half of the diameter or r = 2.55 m.

To find the distance of the image, we can use the mirror equation, which is:

[tex]\frac{1}{v} + \frac{1}{u} = \frac{1}{f}[/tex]

Rearranging this equation to solve for v, we get:

[tex]\frac{1}{v} = \frac{1}{f} - \frac{1}{u}[/tex]

Substituting the values of u and f, we get:

[tex]\frac{1}{v} = \frac{1}{f} - \frac{1}{1.86}[/tex]

Simplifying this expression, we get:

[tex]\frac{1}{v} = \left(\frac{1}{f} - 0.5376\right)[/tex]

To find the focal length, we need to find the distance of the image v, which is the distance from the mirror to the point where the reflected rays converge. Since the object is located beyond the center of curvature of the mirror, the image will be real, inverted, and smaller than the object.

Using the magnification formula, which relates the height of the object (h) and the height of the image (h'), we get:

[tex]\frac{h'}{h} = -\frac{v}{u}[/tex]

Substituting the values of h, u, and v, we get:

[tex]h' = \left(-\frac{v}{u}\right) h = \left(-\frac{v}{1.86}\right) \cdot 0.04[/tex]

Simplifying this expression, we get:

h' = -0.0022v

Since the image height is smaller than the object height, the negative sign indicates that the image is inverted.

Now, we can use the mirror equation to find the distance of the image:

[tex]\frac{1}{v} = \left(\frac{1}{f} - 0.5376\right)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{v} = \frac{1}{f'}[/tex](where f' is the focal length in meters)

[tex]v = \frac{f'}{f' - 0.5376f'}[/tex]

Substituting the value of r = 2.55 m for the radius of the sphere, we can use the formula for the focal length of a spherical mirror:

[tex]f' = \frac{r}{2} = 1.275\text{ m}[/tex]

Substituting this value into the equation for v, we get:

[tex]v = \frac{f'}{f' - 0.5376f'} = 1.532\text{ m}[/tex]

Finally, we can use the magnification formula to find the height of the image:

h' = -0.0022v = -0.0022 * 1.532 = -0.00337 m

Since the image is inverted, the height is negative.

To learn more about focal length



According to Piaget's theory, infants develop behavioral schemes, whereas children develop ______ schemes. A) adaptive. B) active. C) mental. D) physical.


According to Piaget's theory, infants develop behavioral schemes, whereas children develop C) mental schemes.

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, infants develop "behavioral schemes" through which they learn about the world by engaging with objects in their environment through their senses and motor actions. As children grow and develop, they move beyond these initial behavioral schemes and begin to form "mental schemes", which are internal cognitive structures that allow them to organize and make sense of their experiences. Mental schemes involve the use of symbols and language to represent objects and ideas, as well as the ability to engage in more abstract and hypothetical thinking. Therefore, the answer to your question is C) mental.

To learn more about Piaget's theory, refer:-



According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, infants develop behavioral schemes, which are patterns of action that allow them to explore and interact with their environment.

These schemes are primarily based on the infant's physical and sensory experiences, such as sucking, grasping, and looking.

As children grow and gain more experiences, they develop mental schemes, which are cognitive structures that represent the child's understanding of the world.

Mental schemes are based on the child's previous experiences and are used to process new information and experiences.

Piaget believed that mental schemes are constructed through a process called assimilation, in which the child incorporates new information into their existing mental schemes, and accommodation, in which the child modifies their existing mental schemes to better fit with new information.

Overall, Piaget's theory emphasizes the importance of active exploration and experiences in cognitive development.

The transition from behavioral to mental schemes highlights the increasing complexity of cognitive processing as children grow and develop.

To know more about Piaget's theory visit link :



a flashlamp pumps one third of the atoms of a two-level system into the excited state. a. will it lase? b. if the same flashlamp pumps a three-level system with the same saturation intensity, what fraction of the atoms will be excited into level 2? c. will it lase? d. what about a four-level system? e. which of these systems will lase if the pump intensity is much larger than the saturation intensity?


It is uncertain whether the two-level system will lase or not same applies to three-level system. A system with a much larger pump intensity than the saturation intensity will have a higher probability of achieving population inversion

a. For lasing to occur, the number of excited atoms must reach a certain threshold, known as population inversion. Pumping one third of the atoms into the excited state may or may not be enough to achieve population inversion depending on the specific parameters of the system.

b. In a three-level system, the fraction of atoms excited into level 2 will depend on the specific energy levels and transition probabilities involved. Without this information, it is impossible to determine the exact fraction of atoms that will be excited.

c. Similar to the two-level system, it is uncertain whether the three-level system will lase or not without further information on the specific energy levels and transition probabilities involved.

d. A four-level system is more complex than a two-level or three-level system, but generally has a higher probability of achieving population inversion and lasing. However, without specific information on the energy levels and transition probabilities involved, it is impossible to determine whether a four-level system will lase or not.

e. A system with a much larger pump intensity than the saturation intensity will have a higher probability of achieving population inversion and lasing, regardless of the number of energy levels involved. However, specific information on the energy levels and transition probabilities is still necessary to determine whether lasing will occur.

More on lasing: https://brainly.com/question/31482130


How can we tell if a collision is elastic or inelastic?


. If the kinetic energy is the same, then the collision is elastic


The type of collision, whether elastic or inelastic, can be determined by observing the behavior of the colliding objects before and after the collision. Here are some key characteristics that can help identify whether a collision is elastic or inelastic:

Conservation of Kinetic Energy: In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved, while in an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy may be converted into other forms of energy.

Objects' Motion After Collision: In an elastic collision, objects bounce off each other and move independently, while in an inelastic collision, objects may stick together, deform, or move as a single mass.

Restitution Coefficient: In an elastic collision, the restitution coefficient is close to 1, indicating high bounce-back, while in an inelastic collision, the restitution coefficient is less than 1, indicating less bounce-back.

Conservation of Momentum: In both elastic and inelastic collisions, momentum is conserved, but the change in velocity of the objects after the collision can indicate whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.

if the car rolls down the hill ( with engine off) with negligible friction and air resistance what will its kinetic energy be



falling iirc


the area of coil is 48,6 and 200 windings is
rotated clockwise in a constant in magnetic field of magnitude 2,4T
The graph below shows how the induced emf varies with the inverse of time. E 9.1 9.2 (V) 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 1 At State Faraday's law in words. Use the information in the graph to calculate the change in magnetic flux. (2) ​


Answer: The magnitude of the change is 27.6 Vs.


To calculate the change in magnetic flux, we can use the formula:

emf = -dΦ/dt

where emf is the induced emf, Φ is the magnetic flux through the coil, and t is time.

we can see that the induced emf is 0 V when the inverse of time is 0. We can also see that the maximum induced emf is 9.2 V when the inverse of time is 1. Therefore, the change in emf is:

Δemf = 9.2 V - 0 V = 9.2 V

To convert this to the change in magnetic flux, we need to rearrange the formula:

dΦ = -emf/dt

The time interval between the two points on the graph is 1/3 s (since the inverse of time is 1 at the vertical line). Therefore:

dΦ = -(9.2 V)/(1/3 s) = -27.6 Vs

Since the change in magnetic flux is negative, this means that the flux is decreasing. The magnitude of the change is 27.6 Vs.

is this correct??

the gibbs energy change (symbolized by δ ) is a measure of the spontaneity of a process, and of the useful energy available from it.


The Gibbs energy change (ΔG) is indeed a measure of the spontaneity of a process and the useful energy available from it.


1. Gibbs energy (G) is a thermodynamic potential that combines enthalpy (H) and entropy (S) to predict whether a process will be spontaneous or not at a constant temperature (T) and pressure (P).

2. The change in Gibbs energy (ΔG) is calculated using the formula: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, where ΔH is the change in enthalpy and ΔS is the change in entropy.

3. If ΔG is negative, the process is spontaneous, meaning it will proceed on its own without the need for external energy input. A negative ΔG also indicates that the system releases useful energy.

4. If ΔG is positive, the process is non-spontaneous and will require external energy to proceed. The useful energy in this case is not available, as it must be supplied from an external source.

5. If ΔG is equal to zero, the process is at equilibrium, meaning the forward and reverse processes occur at the same rate, and there is no net change in the system.

In summary, the Gibbs energy change (ΔG) is an important parameter that helps determine the spontaneity of a process and the amount of useful energy that can be obtained from it.

To know more about  thermodynamic potential :



The melting of methane hydrates on the seafloor can lead to a sharp rise in global temperatures because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas (true or false)


The melting of methane hydrates on the seafloor can lead to a sharp rise in global temperatures because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. The statement is true.

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential that is estimated to be about 25 times greater than that of carbon dioxide over a 100-year time horizon. Methane hydrates are solid, crystalline compounds that contain a large amount of methane gas trapped within water molecules. These hydrates are stable under certain temperature and pressure conditions, but if they become destabilized, they can release large amounts of methane into the atmosphere.

The melting of methane hydrates on the seafloor is a concern because it has the potential to release vast amounts of methane into the atmosphere, which could significantly contribute to global warming and climate change. This process could be triggered by rising ocean temperatures, changes in ocean currents, or other factors that alter the stability of the hydrates. While the exact extent and impact of this phenomenon are still uncertain, it is an area of active research and concern among climate scientists.

To learn more about temperature, refer:-



a 2.99 kg particle has a velocity of (2.95 i hat - 3.97 j) m/s.Find the magnitude and direction of its momentum.



P (momentum) = M * V

V = (2.95^2 + 3.97^2)^1/2 = 4.95 m/s

P = 2.99 kg * 4.95 m/s = 14.8 kg-m/sec      total momentum

tan θ = Vy / Vx = -3.97 / 2.95 = -1.35

θ = 53.4 deg below positive x-axis

a magnifying lens with a focal length of 10 cm has what magnification when the viewing eye is relaxed?


a magnifying lens with a focal length of 10 cm has the magnification when the viewing eye is relaxed of 3.5

although protons repel each other because each one has a positive charge, protons are stable in a nucleus because of group of answer choices the neutrons, which have a counterbalancing negative charge. the strong force. the weak force. the gravitational force. the electrons, which have a counterbalancing negative charge. neutrons getting between protons, separating the protons from each other.


The stability of the nucleus is maintained through the combined effects of the strong force and neutrons.

Although protons repel each other due to their positive charge, they are stable in a nucleus because of the strong force, which is a fundamental force that binds the particles together.

The strong force is the strongest force in nature and overcomes the electromagnetic force that causes the protons to repel each other. Neutrons, which have no charge, also play a significant role in stabilizing the nucleus.

The neutrons act as a buffer between the positively charged protons, separating them from each other and reducing the electrostatic repulsion. Electrons, which have a negative charge, are not involved in stabilizing the nucleus as they are located outside the nucleus in orbitals around the nucleus.

To learn more about : neutrons



all of the stars we see at night with our unaided eyes are within


All of the stars we see at night with our unaided eyes are within our own Milky Way galaxy.

Most of these stars are relatively close, within a few thousand light-years from Earth.

Due to the limitations of human vision, we cannot see stars outside our galaxy without the aid of telescopes or other equipment.

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that contains hundreds of billions of stars, including our own sun. It is about 100,000 light-years in diameter and is located in the Local Group of Galaxies, which includes several other small galaxies. Our solar system is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, about 25,000 light-years from the center. The Milky Way is believed to have formed about 13.6 billion years ago and is still actively forming new stars today. The exact shape and structure of the Milky Way have been difficult to determine due to our position within the galaxy, but ongoing studies and observations are helping to improve our understanding of our galactic home.

To learn more about Milky Way Galaxy. Please Visit:


If L α M3.5, what happens to the luminosity if we increase M by a factor of 5?A. Increases by factor 17.5B. decreases by factor of 17.5C. increases by factor 79D. increases by factor of 280E. decreases by factor of 79


The luminosity of the star will increase by a factor of 125. Therefore, the correct answer is (D) increases by a factor of 280.

If L α M3.5, this means that the luminosity of a star is proportional to the mass raised to the power of 3.5.

If we increase the mass of the star by a factor of 5, the new mass will be 5M, and the luminosity will be:

L' = k(5M)3.5, where k is a constant of proportionality.

Expanding this expression, we get:

L' = k(5³ × M3.5)

L' = k(125 × M3.5)

L' = 125kM3.5

Thus, the luminosity of the star will increase by a factor of 125. Therefore, the correct answer is (D) increases by a factor of 280.

Learn more about the luminosity



A) increases by a factor of 17.5

Solution - Hi! Based on the given relationship, L α M^3.5, if we increase M by a factor of 5, we need to calculate the new luminosity (L') using the formula:

L' α (5M)^3.5

To find the factor by which the luminosity increases, we can divide L' by the original L:

(L' / L) = ((5M)^3.5) / (M^3.5)

Since both expressions are proportional, we can focus on the numeric part:

Factor = 5^3.5 ≈ 17.5

So, the luminosity increases by a factor of 17.5, which corresponds to option A.

to learn more cases of luminosity, click on this -



a wave has a wavelength of 5.0 meters and a frequency of 3.0 hertz. what is the wave speed? a wave has a speed of 4.5 m/s and a frequency of 2.0 hertz. what is the wavelength? a wave has a speed of 6.9 m/s and a wave;ength of 3.0 meters. what is the frequency?answer key


The wave speed in the first question is 15 m/s, the wavelength in the second question is 2.25 meters, and the frequency 2.3 Hz.

For the first question, we can use the formula v = λf, where v is the wave speed, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. Substituting the given values[tex]v = 5.0 m * 3.0 Hz = 15 m/s[/tex].

For the second question, we can rearrange formula to solve for wavelength: λ = v/f. Substituting the given values λ = 4.5 m/s ÷ 2.0 Hz = 2.25 meters. For the third question, we can again rearrange the formula to solve for frequency: f = v/λ. Substituting the given values, f = 6.9 m/s ÷ 3.0 meters = 2.3 Hz.

To know more about wave speed, here



. The temperature of a sample of water increases from 20°C to 46.6°C as it absorbs 5650 calories of heat. What is the mass of the sample? (Specific heat of water is 1.0 cal/g °C) DE Miss(46.6-20 ) = 30.290


mass of the water sample is approximately 212.78 grams. To find the mass of the water sample, we can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT

where Q is the heat absorbed (in calories), m is the mass of the sample (in grams), c is the specific heat capacity of water (1.0 cal/g°C), and ΔT is the change in temperature (46.6°C - 20°C).

We are given Q = 5650 calories and the specific heat of water, c = 1.0 cal/g°C. Let's calculate ΔT and solve for the mass, m.

ΔT = 46.6°C - 20°C = 26.6°C

Now we can rearrange the formula to solve for m:

m = Q / (cΔT)

m = 5650 calories / (1.0 cal/g°C × 26.6°C)

m ≈ 212.78 grams

The mass of the water sample is approximately 212.78 grams.

To learn more about specific Heat , click on this -



what is the magnetic field inside a coil with the following conditions: 636 number of turns, 0.487 a of current and a length of 2.12 cms.


The magnetic field inside the coil is 0.036 T.

As the area of the coil increases, the magnetic field strength increases, and as the length of the wire increases, the magnetic field strength decreases. Understanding the factors that affect the magnetic field inside a coil is important in designing and optimizing various devices that use electromagnetic fields, such as transformers, motors, and generators. The magnetic field inside a coil can be calculated using the formula:

B = (μ₀ * n * I * A) / L


μ₀ = permeability of free space = 4π x 10^-7 T m/A

n = number of turns

I = current in amperes

A = area of the coil in square meters

L = length of the coil in meters

Substituting the given values,

B = (4π x 10^-7 T m/A * 636 turns * 0.487 A * (2.12 x 10^-2 m)^2) / (2.12 x 10^-2 m)

B = 0.036 T (Tesla)

To know more about magnetic field, here



A planet has mass M = 8.00 × 1023 kg. At what distance will the centripetal acceleration of an orbiting space station be equal to the gravitational acceleration on Earth’s surface? (G = 6.67 × 10–11 m3·kg–1·s–1)answer is 2.33 x10^6 m. Can someone show the work on how to get this answer?


To find the distance at which the centripetal acceleration of an orbiting space station around a planet is equal to Earth's gravitational acceleration, we need to set up an equation involving the planet's mass (M), gravitational constant (G), and Earth's gravitational acceleration (g).

M = 8.00 × 10²³ kg
G = 6.67 × 10^(-11) m³·kg^(-1)·s^(-1)
g = 9.81 m/s² (Earth's gravitational acceleration)

Centripetal acceleration (a_c) is given by the formula:

a_c = (G * M) / r²

where r is the distance from the planet's center.

We want the centripetal acceleration to be equal to Earth's gravitational acceleration, so we can set them equal:

g = (G * M) / r²

Now, we need to solve for r:

r² = (G * M) / g

r² = (6.67 × 10^(-11) m³·kg^(-1)·s^(-1) * 8.00 × 10²³ kg) / 9.81 m/s²

r² ≈ 5.42 × 10¹² m²

Now, take the square root of both sides to find r:

r ≈ 2.33 × 10^6 m

So, at a distance of 2.33 x 10^6 meters from the planet's center, the centripetal acceleration of an orbiting space station will be equal to the gravitational acceleration on Earth's surface.

To learn more about Centripetal Acceleration and Gravitational Acceleration. Please Visit:



The following formula can be used to determine the distance from the planet's centre at which the centripetal acceleration of an orbiting space station equals the gravitational acceleration on Earth's surface:

[tex]r = (GM/g)^(1/3)[/tex]

where the gravitational constant, G, equals 6.67 1011 m3 kg-1 s-1.

M is equal to 8.00 1023 kg (the planet's mass).

Gravitational acceleration on Earth's surface is equal to 9.81 m/s2.

When we change the values, we obtain:

[tex]r = [(6.67 × 10^-11) × (8.00 × 10^23) / 9.81]^(1/3)[/tex]

[tex]r = 2.33 × 10^6 m[/tex]

Therefore, 2.33 x 106 m is the necessary distance.

F = G (m1m2 / r2), where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them, can be used to express the gravitational force between two objects. When a planet and a satellite are involved, the centripetal force that holds the satellite in orbit around the planet is produced by the gravitational force. As a result, we may compare the centripetal force to gravity and find r. This results in the formula above, which we can use to calculate the necessary distance.

learn more about gravitational acceleration here:



18. what do we mean when we say that two light rays striking a screen are in phase with each other? a) when the electric field due to one is a maximum, the electric field due to the other is also a maximum, and this relation is maintained as time passes. b) they are traveling at the same speed. c) they have the same wavelength. d) they alternately reinforce and cancel each other.


The correct option is option a) "When the electric field due to one is a maximum, the electric field due to the other is also a maximum, and this relation is maintained as time passes.".

When we say that two light rays striking a screen are in phase with each other, we mean that their electric fields are synchronized, and the electric field due to one is a maximum when the electric field due to the other is also a maximum, and this relation is maintained as time passes.

This synchronization occurs because they have the same wavelength and are traveling at the same speed.

As a result, they alternately reinforce and cancel each other, creating a pattern of light and dark bands on the screen. Therefore, the correct answer is a) when the electric field due to one is a maximum, the electric field due to the other is also a maximum, and this relation is maintained as time passes.

Learn more about electric field:



A block moves outward along the slot in the platform with a speed of r˙=(10t)m/s , where t is in seconds. The platform rotates at a constant rate of θ˙ = 5 rad/s


The block moves outward along the slot with a speed of [tex]$v = \sqrt{100t^2 + 25r^2}$[/tex] m/s at an angle of approximately 78.69° with the positive x-axis. The platform rotates at a constant rate of θ˙ = 5 rad/s.

The motion of the block can be analyzed by considering both its radial and tangential components of velocity.

The radial component of velocity is given by r˙, which is 10t m/s. This means that the distance between the center of rotation and the block increases with time.

The tangential component of velocity is given by θ˙r, where r is the distance between the center of rotation and the block. This means that the block moves around the center of rotation at a constant angular speed of 5 rad/s.

To find the total velocity of the block, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

[tex]$v = \sqrt{\dot{r}^2 + (\dot{\theta}r)^2}$[/tex]

Substituting the given values, we get:

[tex]$v = \sqrt{(10t)^2 + (5r)^2} = \sqrt{100t^2 + 25r^2}$[/tex]

To find the direction of the velocity, we can use the tangent of the angle between the velocity vector and the positive x-axis:

tan(θ) = (θ˙r)/r˙ = 5

This means that the angle between the velocity vector and the positive x-axis is constant at arctan(5) ≈ 78.69°.

To learn more about speed



Which of the following causes air pollution?
A. All of the above.
B. burning fossil fuel.
C. volcanic eruptions
D.forest fiers


Answer: A; All of the above.
Explanation: Burning fossil fuel can lead to air pollution since fossil fuel is a greenhouse gas, and greenhouse gases lead to further global warming. Volcanic eruptions release harmful gases in the air that also causes air pollution. Forest fires can affect the environment by releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide, which also can lead to air pollution.
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