Edith plants a daffodil bulb.

The probability that the bulb will grow is 0. 8

What is the probability that the bulb will not grow?


Answer 1

The probability of the bulb will not grow in the Edith plants is equal to 0.2 or 20%.

Probability of  the bulb will grow  in the Edith plants  is equal to 0.8.

Probability of any event defined as ,

The ratio of number of favourable outcomes to the total number of outcomes for the given situation.

Condition of the probability related to its complementary event is given by,

P(A) + P(A') = 1

Probability that the bulb will grow + Probability of bulb will not grow = 1

⇒0.8 + Probability of bulb will not grow = 1

⇒Probability of bulb will not grow = 1 - 0.8

⇒Probability of bulb will not grow = 0.2

Probability of bulb will not grow = 20%

Therefore, the probability of the daffodil bulb will not grow in the plant is equal to 0.2 or 20%.

Learn more about probability here



Related Questions

solving systems by eliminations; finding the coeficients
please write all the problems down, 5 points for each problem, and Brainliest


The solution to the given system of equations is x = -3 and y = 4 or (-3,4)

How does the elimination approach work to solve an equation?Pick one of the variables (x or y) and remove it by adding or subtracting the equations in such a manner that one of the variables is cancelled out.Solve the resultant equation with only one variable for that variable.To solve for the other variable, plug the discovered variable value into one of the original equations.

Now, for given problem

2x + 5y = 14 ................(1)

4x + 2y = -4 ................(2)

Multiply equation (1) by '2' and equation (2) by '-1' :

4x + 10y = 28 ................(3)

-4x - 2y = 4 ..................(4)

Adding equations (3) and (4) to eliminate 'x':

4x + 10y + (-4x) - 2y = 28 + (4)

8y = 32

y = 32 / 8

y = 4

on substituting the value (y = 4) into equation (1), we get :

2x + 5(4) = 14

2x + 20 = 14

2x = 14 - 20

2x = -6

x = (-3)

Hence, solution for the given system of equations is (-3,4).

Learn more about system of equations here:





f(x) = N * 4^x  is an exponential function that represents the number of new participants of the challenge as a function of the day number, x.

How do we calculate?

We define our variables:

N: the total number of participants on Day 1 (including Aliyah, Kim, and Reese)

r: the constant ratio by which the number of participants grows each day

x: the number of days since Day 1

r = 4.

There are N participants on Day 1. Each of the N participants contacts 4 new participants on Day 2, resulting in a total of 4N participants.

Each of the 4N participants makes contact with 4 new participants on Day 3, resulting in a total of 4(4N) = 16N people. Since we can see that there are more participants every day, we can write:

f(x) = N * 4^x as an exponential function that represents the number of new participants of the challenge as a function of the day number, x.

Learn more about exponential function at:



How to perform bootstrapped likelihood ratio test?


To perform a bootstrapped likelihood ratio test, you need to fit the two nested models to your data, calculate the likelihood ratio test statistic, generate bootstrap samples, fit the two models to each bootstrap sample, calculate the p-value, and interpret the results.

The bootstrapped likelihood ratio test is a statistical method used to compare the goodness-of-fit of two nested models. Here's how you can perform a bootstrapped likelihood ratio test

Fit the two nested models: Start by fitting the two nested models to your data. One model is a restricted model, and the other is an unrestricted model that contains additional parameters.

Calculate the likelihood ratio test statistic: Calculate the likelihood ratio test statistic by subtracting the log-likelihood of the restricted model from the log-likelihood of the unrestricted model. This gives you the test statistic (often denoted as "LR").

Generate bootstrap samples: Generate a large number of bootstrap samples from the original dataset. Each bootstrap sample should be the same size as the original dataset and drawn with replacement.

Fit the two models to each bootstrap sample: For each bootstrap sample, fit the two nested models and calculate the likelihood ratio test statistic as described in steps 1 and 2.

Calculate the p-value: Calculate the p-value as the proportion of bootstrap samples for which the likelihood ratio test statistic is greater than or equal to the test statistic calculated from the original dataset.

Interpret the results: If the p-value is less than your chosen significance level (e.g., 0.05), you can reject the null hypothesis that the restricted model is better than the unrestricted model in favor of the alternative hypothesis that the unrestricted model is better.

Learn more about likelihood ratio test here



A radioactive substance decays exponentially. A scientist begins with 200 milligrams of a radioactive substance. After 22 hours, 100 mg of the substance remains. How many milligrams will remain after 32 hours?A radioactive substance decays exponentially. A scientist begins with 200 milligrams of a radioactive substance. After 22 hours, 100 mg of the substance remains. How many milligrams will remain after 32 hours?


76.74 milligrams will remain after 32 hours.

What is a radioactive substance?

N(t) = N₀e^(-kt)


N(t) is the amount of substance remaining after time t

N₀ is the initial amount of substance

k is the decay constant

To solve for the decay constant, use the information given in the problem:

100 = 200e^(-22k)

Dividing both sides by 200, we get:

0.5 = e^(-22k)

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we get:

ln(0.5) = -22k

Solving for k, we get:

k = ln(0.5)/(-22) = 0.0316

Use this value of k to find the amount of substance remaining after 32 hours:

N(32) = 200e^(-0.0316*32) = 76.74 mg

Therefore, approximately 76.74 milligrams of the substance will remain after 32 hours.

Learn more about radioactive decay, here:



76.4 milligrams will remain after 32 hours.

Define the term exponential?

Exponential refers to a mathematical function in which a constant base is raised to a variable exponent. The value of the function increases or decreases rapidly as the exponent increases, depending on whether the base is greater than 1 or between 0 and 1. Exponential functions are commonly used to model situations where a quantity grows or decays at a constant percentage rate over time.

What is decay?

Decay is the natural process of deterioration or rotting of a substance over time. It can occur in both organic and inorganic materials and is often caused by the activity of microorganisms, exposure to oxygen or other environmental factors.

To determine the amount of radioactive substance that remains after 32 hours, we can use the formula A = A₀ ×[tex]e^{-kt}[/tex], where A is the amount remaining, A₀ is the initial amount, k is the decay constant, and t is the time elapsed.

we can use the same formula for exponential decay to find the value of k:

100 = 200 × [tex]e^{(-k*22)}[/tex]

0.5 = [tex]e^{(-k*22)}[/tex]

ln(0.5) = -k×22

k = ln(2)/(22)

Now we can use this value of k to find the amount of substance remaining after 32 hours:

N(32) = 200 [tex]e^{(-k*32)}[/tex]

N(32) = 200 [tex]e^{(-(ln(2)/(22))32)}[/tex]

N(32) ≈ 76.4 mg

Therefore, approximately 76.4 milligrams of the substance will remain after 32 hours.

Learn more about function here:



54 oranges cost 36 naira. Find the cost of 3 oranges​


If 54 oranges cost 36 naira, then the cost of 3 oranges​ is 2 naira

Unitary method is a method of solving problems by finding the value of one unit and then using that value to find the value of a given number of units

To find the cost of 3 oranges, we can use unitary method which involves finding the cost of one orange and then multiplying it by 3.

Let's first find the cost of one orange

54 oranges cost 36 naira

So, 1 orange will cost:

1/54 of 36 naira = (36/54) naira = (2/3) naira

Now, we can find the cost of 3 oranges by multiplying the cost of one orange by 3

Cost of 3 oranges = 3 x (2/3) naira = 2 naira

Learn more about Unitary method here



Andy has 3.2 x 10³ dollars in his bank account. His brother Dan has 4.7 times that amount in his account. How much does Dan have in his account? Write the amount in scientific notation.​



1.504 x 10^4

Step-by-step explanation:

Carla looks from a height of 1515 yards at the top of her apartment building. She lines up the top of a flagpole with the curb of a street 2020 yards away. If the flagpole is 1212 yards from the apartment building, how tall is the flagpole?


Answer: 4545 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use similar triangles to solve this problem. Let's represent the height of the flagpole with the variable "x".

Using the triangle formed by Carla's line of sight, the height of the apartment building, and the top of the flagpole, we can set up the following proportion:

x / (x + 1515) = 15 / 20

Simplifying this proportion, we get:

4x = 3(x + 1515)

4x = 3x + 4545

x = 4545

Therefore, the height of the flagpole is 4545 yards.

9. You just inherited land that was purchased in 1960 for $3,500. If the value of the land has increased 3%
each year until today, then what is the value of the land now?


9. The value of the land today, if the land was purchased for $3,500 in 1960, at the value increased at 3% per year is $22,532.7

What is a percentage increase?

A percentage increase is the ratio of the difference in the initial and current value of an item to the initial value, expressed as a percentage.

The year the land was purchased = 1960

The amount at which the land was purchased, P = $3,500

The percentage rate by which the value of the land increased, r = 3%

The value of the land today, A, can be found using the compound interest formula as follows;

Value of the land, A = P·(1 + r)ⁿ


n = The number of years = 2023 - 1960 = 63

Therefore; A = 3500 × (1 + 3/100)⁶³ ≈ 22532.7

The value of the land today is about $22,532.7

Learn more on compound interest for an investment here: https://brainly.com/question/30196895


Point A = (5,4). If you rotated A 90 degrees about the point (2,-1), what would be the coordinates of A'?


Point A = (5,4). If you rotated A 90 degrees about the point (2,-1), the coordinates of A' is (-1,2).

Describe Rotation?

Rotation is the process of rotating an object or a point around a fixed point or axis. In mathematics, rotation refers to a transformation that preserves the size and shape of an object while changing its orientation. It is a basic geometric transformation that is used in various fields, including mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

In a two-dimensional space, a rotation is typically described by an angle of rotation and a fixed point, which is known as the center of rotation. The angle of rotation represents the amount by which the object is rotated, while the center of rotation is the point around which the object is rotated. In a three-dimensional space, a rotation is described by an axis of rotation and an angle of rotation.

To rotate point A 90 degrees counterclockwise about the point (2,-1), we can use the following formula:

A' = (x', y') = (a + (x - a) cosθ - (y - b) sinθ, b + (x - a) sinθ + (y - b) cosθ)

where (a,b) is the center of rotation and θ is the angle of rotation (90 degrees in this case).

Substituting the given values, we get:

a = 2, b = -1, x = 5, y = 4, θ = 90 degrees

x' = 2 + (5 - 2) cos(90) - (4 + 1) sin(90) = 2 - 3 = -1

y' = -1 + (5 - 2) sin(90) + (4 + 1) cos(90) = -1 + 3 = 2

Therefore, the coordinates of A' are (-1, 2).

To know more about coordinates visit:



Choose is the following are either; likely, unlikely, impossible, certain, or as likely as not:
A. choosing the letter M from a bag that contains magnets for each letter in the alphabet.
B. choosing a consonant from a bag that contains magnets for each letter in the alphabet.
C. Drawing a red card from a deck of cards. ( I'm guessing the cards are number cards)
D. drawing a number between 2 and 20 from a deck of cards.
E. drawing the number 1 from a deck of cards


As likely as not (assuming the bag contains an equal number of magnets for each letter in the alphabet).

What is Probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood or chance that a particular event will occur. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that the event is impossible and 1 indicating that the event is certain to occur.

In probability theory, the probability of an event is calculated by dividing the number of ways that the event can occur by the total number of possible outcomes. This is known as the probability formula:

probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes

Probability is used in a wide range of fields, including statistics, finance, physics, and engineering, to model and analyze uncertain situations and make predictions.

B. Likely (assuming the bag contains an equal number of magnets for each letter in the alphabet, and that there are more consonants than vowels in the alphabet).

C. Unlikely (assuming the deck contains an equal number of red and black cards).

D. Impossible (assuming the deck contains only standard playing cards with 52 cards, including 13 cards for each of the four suits).

E. Unlikely (assuming the deck contains only standard playing cards with 52 cards, including 4 cards for each number or face value).

To learn more about probability, visit



select the correct answer. in a box containing 20 cans, 12 of the cans contain vegetables. in the box, 5 of the cans are dented, with 2 of the dented cans containing vegetables. what is the probability that a randomly selected can in the box is dented or contains vegetables?


The probability that a randomly selected can in the box is dented or contains vegetables is 19/20.

To solve the problem, we need to use the formula for the probability of the union of two events:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

where A and B are two events.

In this case, we want to find the probability that a randomly selected can is dented or contains vegetables. Let's call these events D and V, respectively.

We are given that there are 20 cans in total, 12 of which contain vegetables, and 5 of which are dented, with 2 of the dented cans containing vegetables. This information allows us to calculate the probabilities of the individual events

P(D) = 5/20 = 1/4

P(V) = 12/20 = 3/5

P(D and V) = 2/20 = 1/10

To find the probability of the union of these events, we plug these values into the formula

P(D or V) = P(D) + P(V) - P(D and V)

= 1/4 + 3/5 - 1/10

= 19/20

Learn more about probability here



Find the value of the indicated trigonometry ratio cos in right tringle with side of 6,6*squort 2, 6*squort 3



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's label the sides of the right triangle as follows:

The side adjacent to the angle θ (cosine is adjacent/hypotenuse): 6

The hypotenuse (the longest side): 6√2

The side opposite to the angle θ (sine is opposite/hypotenuse): 6√3

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the missing side:

a² + b² = c²

6² + (6√3)² = (6√2)²

36 + 108 = 72

144 = 72

√144 = √72

12 = 6√2

Now that we know the length of all three sides, we can use the cosine ratio to find the value of cos(θ):

cos(θ) = adjacent/hypotenuse = 6/6√2 = √2/2

Therefore, the value of cos(θ) in the right triangle with sides of 6, 6√2, and 6√3 is √2/2.

what is the probability that the total weight for the two animals is 225 pounds or more? responses 0.081 0.020 0.195 0.851


Probability that the total weight for the two animals is 225 pounds or more is 0.17.

How to find the probability that the total weight for the two animals?

We need to use the joint probability distribution for X and Y, where X and Y are the weights of the first and second animals, respectively. Let's denote the joint probability distribution as P(X=x, Y=y).

From the table given, we can see that the possible values of X and Y are 100, 120, and 140 pounds. To find the probability that the total weight is 225 pounds or more, we need to sum the joint probabilities for all pairs of (X,Y) that satisfy X+Y≥225.

These pairs are:

(120, 120)(100, 120)(120, 100)(100, 140)(140, 100)(120, 140)(140, 120)(140, 140)

So, we have:

P(X+Y≥225) = P(X=120, Y=120) + P(X=100, Y=120) + P(X=120, Y=100) + P(X=100, Y=140) + P(X=140, Y=100) + P(X=120, Y=140) + P(X=140, Y=120) + P(X=140, Y=140)

Substituting the values from the table, we get:

P(X+Y≥225) = 0.04 + 0.03 + 0.03 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.01

P(X+Y≥225) = 0.17

Therefore, the probability that the total weight for the two animals is 225 pounds or more is 0.17.

So the response closest to 0.17 is 0.195.

Learn more about Probability.



Dylan bought 3 identical shirts online for a total cost of $71.83 including a flat rate of $7.99 for shipping. Complete an equation to find the cost of each shirt, s, using the numbers below.




Step-by-step explanation:

We Know

Dylan bought 3 identical shirts online for a total cost of $71.83

$7.99 for shipping

We have the equation:

71.83 = 3s + 7.99

63.84 = 3s

s = $21.28

So, each shirt cost $21.28

011.considering grade c or above as a pass grade, how many students from this data successfully passed the course?


If we consider grade "C" or above as a pass grade, then the number of  students who successfully passed the course are 10 students.

The Number of students who got grade "A" = 8,

The Number of students who got "B" grade is 2,

The Number of students who got grade "C" = 0,

The Number of students who got grade "D" = 0,

The Number of students who got grade "F" = 1,

Since the question asks for the number of students who successfully passed the course (i.e., grade "C" or above is considered a pass grade),

We add the number of students who got grades "A" and "B".

So, total number of students who successfully passed course are :

⇒ 8 (students who got grade "A") + 2 (students who got grade "B")

⇒ 10

Therefore, 10 students successfully passed the course.

Learn more about Student here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

If 8 students of the class got grade "A", 2 student got grade "B", No student got grade "C" and "D", 1 student got grade "F".

Considering grade "C" or above as a pass grade, how many students from this data successfully passed the course?

the mean number of travel days per year for salespeople employed by three hardware distributors needs to be estimated with a 0.90 degree of confidence. for a small pilot study, the mean was 150 days and the standard deviation was 16 days. if the population mean is estimated within two days, how many salespeople should be sampled


Estimate the mean number of travel days per year for salespeople employed by three hardware distributors with a 0.90 degree of confidence and an error margin of 2 days, a sample size of at least 179 salespeople should be selected.

The sample size needed to estimate the population mean with a 0.90 degree of confidence:

[tex]n = (Z\times\sigma / E)^2[/tex]


Z = the Z-score for the desired level of confidence (0.90 corresponds to a Z-score of 1.645)

σ = the population standard deviation (unknown)

E = the maximum error of the estimate, which is given as 2 days

We can estimate the population standard deviation using the sample standard deviation from the pilot study, which is given as 16 days.

Therefore, plugging in the values, we get:

[tex]n = (1.645 \times 16 / 2)^2 = 178.26[/tex]

Rounding up to the nearest whole number, we get a minimum sample size of 179 salespeople.

For similar questions on Mean



Quick answer pls
The circumference of the base of the cone is 8.5π inches. the height is 15 in. What is the volume of the cone in terms of π? Round to the nearest hundredth.


The radius of the base of the cone can be found by dividing the circumference by 2π:

radius = (8.5π)/(2π) = 4.25 inches

Using the formula for the volume of a cone, V = (1/3)πr^2h, we can substitute the values we know:

V = (1/3)π(4.25^2)(15) ≈ 270.62 cubic inches

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the volume of the cone in terms of π is approximately 270.62π cubic inches.

Use the substitution method to solve the system of equations choose the correct ordered pair



A. (-11,8)

B. (11,8)

C. (-5,8)



The solution to the system of equations using the substitution method is option (c) (-5,8)

To solve this system of equations using the substitution method, we need to substitute the second equation into the first equation for y, then solve for x.

The substitution method is a way to solve a system of equations by solving one of the equations for one of the variables, and then substituting that expression into the other equation to get an equation with only one variable.

Substitute y = 8 into the first equation

x + y = 3

x + 8 = 3

x = 3 - 8

Subtract the numbers

x = -5

Therefore, the correct option is (c) (-5,8).

Learn more about substitution method here



Convert 5 days into weeks. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
*Note: you must use these exact conversion factors to get this question right.
1 minute (min) = 60 seconds (sec) 1 week (week) = 7 days (days)
1 hour (hr) = 60 minutes (min)
1 month (month) = 30 days (days)
1 day (day) = 24 hours (hr)
1 year (year) = 365 days (days)



0.71 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

To convert 5 days to weeks, we can use the conversion factor:

1 week = 7 days

Therefore, we have:

5 days = 5/7 weeks

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, we get:

5 days ≈ 0.71 weeks

Therefore, 5 days is approximately equal to 0.71 weeks.

Can someone help me asap? It’s due today


Answer: second one!

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify these expressions






hope it's helpful

Five balls, A, B, C, D, and E, weigh 30g, 50g, 50g, 50g, and 80g each. Which ball weighs 30g?


The only ball that weighs 30g is ball A. So the answer is: Ball A weighs 30g.

How to determine the ball that weighs 30g

To determine which ball weighs 30g, we need to compare the weights of each ball.

We know that there are five balls, and that their weights are 30g, 50g, 50g, 50g, and 80g.

Since we are looking for the ball that weighs 30g, we can eliminate the other weights one by one. We know that ball E weighs 80g, so it cannot be the one we're looking for. We can also eliminate balls B, C, and D since they all weigh 50g.

Therefore, the only ball that weighs 30g is ball A. So the answer is: Ball A weighs 30g.

Learn more about weigh at https://brainly.com/question/25973294


the cylinder with the height of 4 M has a volume of 2,827.43 cubic meters find the length of the diameter​


[tex]\textit{volume of a cylinder}\\\\ V=\pi r^2 h~~ \begin{cases} r=radius\\ h=height\\[-0.5em] \hrulefill\\ V=2827.43\\ h=4 \end{cases}\implies 2827.43=\pi r^2(4)\implies \cfrac{2827.43}{4\pi }=r^2 \\\\\\ \sqrt{\cfrac{2827.43}{4\pi }}=r\hspace{5em}\stackrel{\textit{twice that is the \underline{diameter}}}{2\sqrt{\cfrac{2827.43}{4\pi }}} ~~ \approx ~~ \text{\LARGE 30}[/tex]

A boat can travel at an average speed of 10 miles per hour in still water. Traveling with the current, it can travel 6 miles in the same amount of time it takes to travel 4 miles upstream.

Use the relationship [tex]t = \frac{d}{r}[/tex] to construct a rational equation that can be solved for x to find the speed of the current


The average speed of the current is 1 mile per hour.

To construct a rational equation that can be solved for the speed of the current, we can use the relationship t = d/r, where t is the time taken, d is the distance traveled, and r is the speed. We can set up two equations using this relationship, one for the upstream journey and one for the downstream journey:

Upstream journey: t = 4/(10-c)

Downstream journey: t = 6/(10+c)

Here, c represents the speed of the current. We use 10-c for the upstream journey because the current is going against the boat's direction, effectively reducing the boat's speed. Conversely, we use 10+c for the downstream journey because the current is aiding the boat's direction, effectively increasing the boat's speed.

Now, we can set these two equations equal to each other and solve for c:

4/(10-c) = 6/(10+c)

Multiplying both sides by (10-c)(10+c), we get:

4(10+c) = 6(10-c)

Simplifying and solving for c, we get:

c = 1

This means that when the boat is traveling with the current, its effective speed is 11 miles per hour, and when it's traveling upstream, its effective speed is 9 miles per hour.

To know more about average here



Assume g and h are whole numbers, and g < h. Which expression has the least



[tex] \frac{ {g}^{4} {h}^{2} }{ g{h}^{6} } = \frac{ {g}^{3} }{ {h}^{4} } [/tex]

because other values are 1, and this one is less, because g<h

Solve by factoring Show all your steps
xả +5x +1= 5x+2
3x² +12=-21x-24
Solve by completing the square. Show all your steps.
x² - 4x = 32
x²-11 = -4x
Solve by using the Quadratic Formula. Show all your steps.
16x² +8x-8= 4
-x²-3x-13 = -2x²


Answer: To solve -x²-2x=0 by factoring, we can factor out x from the left-hand side:

x(-x-2) = 0

This equation is true if either x = 0 or -x-2 = 0. Solving for x in the second equation:

-x-2 = 0

-x = 2

x = -2

Therefore, the solutions to the equation -x²-2x=0 are x = 0 and x = -2.

To solve x²-4x-8--6x by factoring, we can simplify it first by combining like terms:

x²-10x-8 = 0

To factor this quadratic, we need to find two numbers that multiply to -8 and add to -10. These numbers are -2 and -8, so we can write:

x²-2x-8x-8 = 0

(x²-2x) - (8x+8) = 0

x(x-2) - 8(x+1) = 0

(x-8)(x-2) = 0

Therefore, the solutions to the equation x²-4x-8--6x are x = 8 and x = 2.

To solve 3x² +12=-21x-24 by completing the square, we first need to move all the terms to one side:

3x² + 21x + 36 = 0

Next, we divide both sides by 3 to simplify the coefficient of x²:

x² + 7x + 12 = 0

To complete the square, we need to add and subtract (7/2)² = 49/4 inside the parentheses:

x² + 7x + 49/4 - 49/4 + 12 = 0

(x + 7/2)² = 1/4

Taking the square root of both sides and solving for x, we get:

x + 7/2 = ±1/2

x = -7/2 ± 1/2

Therefore, the solutions to the equation 3x² +12=-21x-24 by completing the square are x = -4 and x = -3.

To solve -x²-3x-13 = -2x² by using the quadratic formula, we first need to move all the terms to one side:

-x² + x - 13 = 0

Next, we identify the coefficients a, b, and c:

a = -1, b = 1, c = -13

Substituting these values into the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac)) / 2a

x = (-1 ± sqrt(1² - 4(-1)(-13))) / 2(-1)

x = (-1 ± sqrt(1 + 52)) / (-2)

x = (-1 ± sqrt(53)) / (-2)

Therefore, the solutions to the equation -x²-3x-13 = -2x² by using the quadratic formula are approximately x = -3.25 and x = 4.25.

Step-by-step explanation:

Round to the nearest 10th a cylinder is 22 inches and 12.5 inches what is the surface area 


To find the surface area of the cylinder with radius 11 inches (half of 22 inches) and height 12.5 inches, we can substitute these values into the formula:

SA = 2π(11)^2 + 2π(11)(12.5)
SA = 2π(121) + 2π(137.5)
SA = 242π + 275π
SA = 517π
SA ≈ 1624.05 square inches

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the surface area of the cylinder is approximately 1624.1 square inches.

The radius of a semicircle is 5.3 inches. What is the semicircle's area?
Use 3.14 for ​ and round your answer to the nearest hundredth.




Step-by-step explanation:

since area of a circle is (pi)(r^2), a semi circle would be that divided by 2. and so plugging in the radius squared, multiplying by pi, then dividing by 2, boom. A=44.12.

Please help
Part 1 - Froph decided to purchase some naxvips (x) and dubbles (y). Dubbles cost $2 each and naxvips cost $2 each. At most, he could spend $6. Write an inequality, in standard form, to model this relationship.
Part 2 - Give one possible pair of numbers (write a point using whole numbers only)
I know it sounds ridiculous, but this is how the problem was written. I hope you can still understand it. Thank you for your help!!


Froph can purchase 2 naxvips and 1 dubble with a maximum budget of $6.

How to solve the question?

Part 1:

Let's assume Froph purchased "x" naxvips and "y" dubbles. The cost of each naxvip and dubble is $2. Therefore, the total cost of purchasing "x" naxvips and "y" dubbles can be calculated as:

2x + 2y <= 6

This inequality can be simplified by dividing both sides by 2:

x + y <= 3

This is the standard form of the inequality that models the relationship between the number of naxvips and dubbles Froph can purchase with a maximum budget of $6.

Part 2:

One possible pair of numbers that satisfies the inequality is (2, 1). If Froph purchases 2 naxvips and 1 dubble, the total cost would be:

2 x $2 + 1 x $2 = $6

This pair of numbers satisfies the inequality since:

2 + 1 = 3 <= 3

Therefore, Froph can purchase 2 naxvips and 1 dubble with a maximum budget of $6.

To know more about inequalities visit :-



Evaluation researchers encounter more logistical problems than other researchers because evaluation researchA. occurs in the context of real life.B. takes longer.C. is more costly.D. has more measurement problems.E. examines more variables.


The answer is A. Evaluation researchers encounter more logistical problems than other researchers because evaluation research occurs in the context of real life.

Evaluation research often takes place in real-world settings, which can present logistical challenges such as accessing participants, coordinating schedules, and dealing with unexpected events. Additionally, evaluation research often involves multiple stakeholders and requires collaboration and communication among various groups, which can further complicate logistical issues. While evaluation research may also involve longer timelines, higher costs, measurement problems, and examination of multiple variables, these factors do not necessarily contribute to greater logistical challenges.

This means that evaluation researchers have to navigate complex, real-world situations, adapt to unforeseen challenges, and work with various stakeholders, making the research process more logistically challenging compared to controlled laboratory settings or theoretical research.

to learn more about theoretical research. click here:



Evaluation research is a type of research that focuses on assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of programs, policies, or interventions in real-life settings.

The correct answer is A. occurs in the context of real life.

This often involves evaluating the outcomes and impacts of interventions in complex and dynamic environments, such as organizations, communities, or systems. As a result, evaluation researchers may encounter more logistical problems compared to other types of researchers because they need to navigate real-life contexts, deal with multiple stakeholders, collect data from diverse sources, and address issues such as ethics, confidentiality, and validity in the evaluation process. Logistical problems may include challenges related to data collection, measurement, sample selection, data quality, and managing time and resources.

Learn more about “ Logistical problems “ visit here;



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