Employees who exhibit __________ will be able to remain present and actively pay attention to feedback without getting caught up in emotion or internal stories about its meaning.


Answer 1

Employees who exhibit emotional intelligence will be able to remain present and actively pay attention to feedback without getting caught up in emotion or internal stories about its meaning.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

When employees have high emotional intelligence, they are better able to regulate their emotions in response to feedback, which can help them to remain present and focused on the feedback they are receiving.

They are also more likely to understand and empathize with the perspectives of others, which can help them to better receive and respond to feedback in a constructive way.

In contrast, employees who lack emotional intelligence may become defensive, dismissive, or reactive when receiving feedback, which can hinder their ability to learn and grow from the feedback they receive.

To know more about emotional intelligence refer to-



Related Questions

______is the most extreme form of this type of canvassing because salespeople merely ""knock on doors"" or make telephone calls to organizations or individuals.


Door-to-door canvassing or telemarketing is the most extreme form of this type of canvassing, as salespeople directly approach organizations or individuals through physical visits or phone calls.

Door-to-door canvassing or telemarketing is a direct and aggressive approach to sales, where salespeople physically go to people's doors or make phone calls to organizations or individuals in order to sell products or services.

This form of canvassing can be seen as more intrusive and assertive compared to other methods, as it involves direct contact with potential customers without prior appointments or invitations.

It requires salespeople to be persuasive, persistent, and skilled in handling rejection.

However, it can also be perceived as intrusive or unwelcome by some recipients, and it is regulated by laws and regulations in many jurisdictions to protect consumers' rights and privacy.

To know more about Door-to-door canvassing, refer here:



if a television commercial selling a new car presents strong arguments, analyses, facts, and logic, a social psychologist would say that ____ has been used.


If a television commercial selling a new car presents strong arguments, analyses, facts, and logic, a social psychologist would say that the central route of persuasion has been used.

The central route of persuasion is a type of persuasion that occurs when an individual is motivated to think carefully about a message and is able to do so. When presented with a persuasive message through the central route, an individual will focus on the arguments, evidence, and logic presented, and will evaluate the message based on its content and relevance to their own beliefs and attitudes.

In the case of the car commercial, if the arguments presented are strong and logically sound, and the evidence and analyses are persuasive, the viewer may be more likely to be persuaded by the message and consider purchasing the new car.

To know more about commercial , click here.



According to the study of change in Britain's National Health Service by Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro (2013), change managers were more successful where ______.
they held unimportant positions in the organization's informal network
the nature of their network matched the type of change that they were trying to achieve
they had specific roles in the formal hierarchy
they avoided good relationships with those who were ambivalent about changes


A poorly managed change can seriously harm the organisation and the units concerned. Even if the nurturer might not be able to control how the transformation plays out, they can still influence what happens in the future. Hence (a) is the correct option.

The ability to comprehend the source language and use this understanding to convey the message as accurately in the target language as possible is a component of the interpreter's linguistic competence. Whether a business can embrace a new procedure or system will depend on how proactive an organisation is in handling change. Therefore, change management aids organisations in accelerating changes and, as a result, makes this capability a defining characteristic for the future.

To know more about organisation, click here:



According to the study of change in Britain's National Health Service by Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro (2013), change managers were more successful where ______.

a. they held unimportant positions in the organization's informal network

b. the nature of their network matched the type of change that they were trying to achieve

c. they had specific roles in the formal hierarchy

d. they avoided good relationships with those who were ambivalent about changes

According to the study by Battilana and Casciaro (2013), change managers were more successful where the nature of their network matched the type of change that they were trying to achieve.

In other words, having a network that supported and aligned with the goals of the change initiative was more important than holding unimportant positions in the organization's informal network, having specific roles in the formal hierarchy, or avoiding relationships with those who were ambivalent about changes.

The National Health Service Act of 1946 and related laws established the National Health Service (NHS), a comprehensive public-health service run by the government in Great Britain. Health services, with the exception of a few small fees, are free for almost the whole population.

The National Health Service is a branch of the "Department of Health and Social Care." Its goal is to instruct ministers on how to oversee people's social and health care so they can live healthy, independent lives. Through assistance and guidance, objectives are created to advance health on a national and international level.

On July 5, 1948, the National Health Service was established. The NHS, which Bevan called "a great and novel undertaking," has already passed into history. Few of the people who currently work in it were alive when it first started.

To know more about National Health Service, click here:



The advantages and disadvantages passed down from generation to generation are referred to as ______.a. habitusb. social-class reproductionc. the culture of povertyd. class regeneration


The advantages and disadvantages passed down from generation to generation are referred to as b. social-class reproduction.

Social-class reproduction, also known as intergenerational mobility or intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status, refers to the phenomenon in which advantages and disadvantages are passed down from one generation to another, often leading to the perpetuation of social inequalities.

It refers to the tendency for individuals to occupy similar social positions or inherit similar socioeconomic statuses as their parents or other family members.

Social-class reproduction can occur through various mechanisms, including economic, cultural, and social factors. Economic factors include the inheritance of wealth, property, and financial resources from one generation to the next.

For example, individuals who inherit substantial wealth or financial assets from their parents are more likely to have advantages in terms of education, housing, and job opportunities, which can contribute to their upward mobility.

On the other hand, those who inherit little or no wealth may face disadvantages in accessing quality education, healthcare, and other resources, which can limit their upward mobility prospects.

Cultural factors also play a role in social-class reproduction. Cultural capital, which refers to the knowledge, skills, and education acquired through socialization, can be passed down from parents to children.

For example, children from families with higher socioeconomic status are more likely to be exposed to cultural experiences, such as art, music, and travel, which can contribute to their cultural capital and social mobility.

In contrast, children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may have limited access to such experiences, which can impact their cultural capital and social mobility prospects.

To learn more about mobility, refer below:



newborns show an innate preference for looking at faces. this preference . group of answer choices is uniquely human and has never been observed in primates or lower animals quickly recedes after the first month and disappears by three months lacks an adaptive advantage and, in the modern world, may have no use at all provides advantages relative to the importance of social relationships


Newborns show an innate preference for looking at faces. , traits of primates evolved as advantageous primate origin adaptations in the dense undergrowth of forests. The correct answer is a. uniquely human and has never been observed in primates.

The ancestor of the early primates was most likely a small, nocturnal, insectivorous mammal. Tree shrews and colugos, sometimes known as flying lemurs, are the two species that are most similar to primates.

The tree shrew offers as a living illustration of what early primates, or ancestors of primates, may have looked like. At some point, primates or their ancestors entered the forest and evolved in an arboreal environment. Two theories explain how many ape features, such as gripping or prehensile hands, forward-facing eyes, and depth perception, arose.These theories include the arboreal theory and the visual predation theory. Despite the fact that primates are thought to have originated in Asia, North America and Europe are home to the majority of the earliest fossils, which are from the Eocene Epoch.

Complete question:

newborns show an innate preference for looking at faces. this preference . group of answer choices is a. uniquely human and has never been observed in primates

b. lower animals quickly recedes after the first month and disappears by three months lacks

c. an adaptive advantage and, in the modern world, may have no use at all

d. provides advantages relative to the importance of social relationships

To know more about Primate origins visit:



Expansion During the Early Republic


Explanation: during the early republic expantion a lot of people died

which type of questions often evoke responses in which the client is invited to reflect upon new or existing information to encourage a different perspective?


Open-ended  often evoke responses the client is invited to reflect upon new or existing information, encouraging a different perspective. facilitate deeper thinking and exploration of ideas, leading to more meaningful conversations and insights.

The Age of Exploration often known as the Age of Discovery because of the countless discoveries made during this time, including the discovery of fire, new routes for travel, tools, and other objects, began in the year 1400.

Today's pioneers pursue exploration for a variety of additional reasons. Its main objectives are discovery and research. The goal that drives them to concentrate on a particular subject is the conservation of the natural world's endangered creatures and fauna.

Learn more about Exploration here



Encourage is a powerful tool that can uplift and motivate people to achieve their goals. It involves providing support, positive feedback, and belief in one's abilities. Encouragement can come in many forms, such as words of affirmation, acts of kindness, or simply being present for someone in need.

Open-ended questions often evoke responses in which the client is invited to reflect upon new or existing information to encourage a different perspective. These questions allow the client to explore their thoughts and feelings more deeply and to share more information. Examples of open-ended questions include "How do you feel about that?", "What are your thoughts on this situation?", and "Can you tell me more about what you're experiencing?". By using open-ended questions, the therapist can encourage the client to examine their situation from different angles and gain new insights.

Learn more about Encourage here:



_____ are media people who make judgements on what to include in news broadcasts, newspapers, radio newscasts, websites, and other media products


Media gatekeepers are people who make judgments on what to include in news broadcasts, newspapers, radio newscasts, websites, and other media products.

These individuals have a significant influence on the information that reaches the public, as they decide which stories get covered and how they are presented.

Media gatekeepers can include editors, news directors, producers, and journalists. They play a crucial role in shaping public opinion and determining the focus of news stories. Their decisions are guided by factors such as news values, audience interests, and organizational policies.

The process of selecting and presenting news typically involves the following steps:

1. Identifying potential stories: Media gatekeepers gather information from various sources, such as press releases, social media, and tip-offs from the public.

2. Evaluating news value: They assess the importance, relevance, and interest of each story, considering factors such as timeliness, proximity, conflict, and human interest.

3. Selecting stories: Based on their evaluation, media gatekeepers choose which stories to cover and assign resources to them, such as reporters and camera crews.

4. Framing the narrative: They decide on the angle, tone, and emphasis of each story, shaping how it will be presented to the audience.

5. Editing and finalizing: Before publication or broadcast, media gatekeepers review and approve the final content, ensuring it aligns with their chosen narrative and meets editorial standards.

In conclusion, media gatekeepers play a pivotal role in determining the content and focus of news across various media platforms. Their decisions impact the information available to the public and can influence public opinion on various topics.

To know more about gatekeepers, refer here:



when you must deliver bad news, remember that a. it is often easiest for the receiver if the news is delayed. b. you should de- emphasize the news at all costs. c. internal and external audiences will react to the news in the same way. d. your feelings, as well as the feelings of anyone who receives the message, are irrelevant. e. delaying, downplaying, or distorting the news may be unethical or illegal.


When you must deliver bad news, remember that delaying, downplaying, or distorting the news may be unethical or illegal. Therefore the correct option is option E.

Even though it could be challenging or uncomfortable, it's crucial to be truthful and direct with the recipient when breaking bad news.

It may be immoral or unlawful to delay, downplay, or twist the news, and it will hurt your credibility and reliability. It's crucial to convey the news succinctly and clearly while simultaneously being sympathetic and cognizant of the recipient's feelings.

Delaying the news is not advised because it can make the recipient uncertain and anxious. De-emphasizing the news could also be wrong because it can downplay its significance and impact. Therefore the correct option is option E.

For such more question on unethical:



what types of indicators of abuse are followed repeatedly acting out abusive situations suddenenly becoming overly agressive; suddenly wanteing to play alone


Withdrawal from friends or routine activities, alterations in behavior, shifts in academic performance, depression, etc. are all indicators of child abuse.

Child abuse is defined as any intentional harm or mistreatment of a kid under the age of 18. Numerous exhibitions of child abuse might take place at once. Some of the signs of child abuse that are frequently present include withdrawal from friends or routine activities, behavioral changes like aggression, shifts in academic performance, depression, a sudden loss of confidence, sleep problems and self-harm, or desperate attempts.

It's critical to remember that while these signs do not always indicate that a child has been abused, they should be taken seriously and looked into if they continue.

To know more about child abuse, refer:



how would the volume measurements change if the data were colected after vigorous exercise


If the volume measurements were collected after vigorous exercise, the data would likely show an increase in volume due to the body's response to physical activity.

During exercise, the muscles in the body contract and blood flow increases to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles. This increase in blood flow can cause temporary swelling or edema in the muscles, which could result in an increase in volume measurements.

Additionally, if the exercise is cardiovascular in nature, such as running or cycling, the heart will also pump more blood, causing a temporary increase in overall volume. However, it is important to note that these changes in volume would be temporary and would likely return to normal once the body has had time to recover from the exercise.

Overall, collecting volume measurements after vigorous exercise may provide valuable information about the body's response to physical activity, but it is important to consider the temporary nature of these changes.

To know more about vigorous exercise refer here:



suppose that your car battery dies, and you find yourself stranded in a winter storm. which response would not be considered a behavioral mechanism for regulating body temperature while you are waiting for help to arrive?


A behavioral mechanism for regulating body temperature while you are waiting for help to arrive I'll explain to them why having the government is necessary because it upholds law and order.

Laws are essential for civilisation to function a society without rules would be unstable and dangerous.To maintain the country's law and order, exercise social control, and advance the welfare of its population, a government is required.

Additionally, it is responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of the populace of the country. Among the numerous levels of existence are local, state, and federal governments. The essential objectives of governance can be expressed using a variety of methods. The protection of the populace, activity regulation, and the maintenance of cordial relations with other states are all top priorities for all governments, despite the fact that there are many systems of government.

To know more about the government visit:



The ability to take a case directly to the Supreme Court is called

A)primary jurisdiction
B)original jurisdiction
C)first jurisdiction
D)supreme appeal



C. Original Jurisdiction


that some florentines refer to ammannati’s statue of neptune as ""il biancone"" would most directly tend to challenge the assumption that:


The fact that some Florentines refer to Ammannati's statue of Neptune as "Il Biancone" would most directly tend to challenge the assumption that the statue is universally appreciated or admired for its artistic merit.

"Il Biancone," which translates to "the big white one" in English, might imply a degree of trivialization or even criticism of the statue's appearance, size, or color.

Ammannati's Neptune, commissioned in the 16th century, is an impressive marble sculpture that stands as a symbol of Florence's maritime power. Although it is an important work of art from the Renaissance period, the nickname "Il Biancone" suggests that not all Florentines view the statue in the same light. This highlights the subjective nature of art appreciation and the fact that individual tastes and perceptions can vary greatly, even when it comes to renowned masterpieces.

Furthermore, the use of "Il Biancone" as a nickname could also imply a level of familiarity and affection for the statue among Florentines. It demonstrates that the statue has become an integral part of the city's cultural landscape, even if its artistic value might be debated.

In conclusion, the nickname "Il Biancone" challenges the assumption that Ammannati's statue of Neptune is universally admired for its artistic value, and underscores the subjective nature of art appreciation. The term also reflects the statue's cultural significance and its connection to the people of Florence.

For more such questions on Florentines.



felicia started writing a grocery list and meal plan of healthy dinner ideas but has yet to go grocery shopping. according to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, which stage of change is felicia in?


According to the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, Felicia is likely in the preparation stage.

People who are at this stage have decided to alter their behaviour and are actively getting ready to act soon.

Felicia has already begun to plan and write out ideas for healthy meals, demonstrating that she has passed the stage of consideration when people are weighing the benefits and drawbacks of changing their behaviour but have not yet made a decision to do so.

The fact that she hasn't yet gone grocery shopping, though, shows that she is still in the planning stage as opposed to the action stage. In the action stage, people have begun to alter their behaviour and are putting methods into practise to develop the desired behaviour into a habit.

For such more question on Behavior:



emile durkheim believed that when people left their traditional farms and moved into the cities to work in factories, their behavior became:


Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist who is considered one of the founding fathers of sociology, argued that the shift from traditional agrarian societies to industrialized urban societies resulted in significant changes in social behavior.

Durkheim believed that people in traditional societies were held together by strong, shared values and beliefs, which he referred to as ""mechanical solidarity. In such societies, people were united by their shared experiences, traditions, and beliefs, and they tended to have similar ways of thinking and acting.

In contrast, Durkheim argued that as people moved into cities and began working in factories, they became more individualistic and independent. The shift from traditional to modern societies resulted in what Durkheim called ""organic solidarity,"" in which people are held together by their mutual interdependence and specialization.

According to Durkheim, the change from mechanical to organic solidarity led to significant changes in behavior. In traditional societies, individuals were constrained by social norms and expectations, and deviance was relatively rare. In contrast, in modern societies, individuals were more free to pursue their own goals and interests, and deviance became more common.

In summary, Durkheim believed that the shift from traditional agrarian societies to industrialized urban societies resulted in changes in social behavior, with people becoming more individualistic and deviance becoming more common.

Click the below link, to learn more about Emile Durkheim:



the __has overall responsibility for the crew meission briefing. the __ may direct other crewmembers to perfoorm all or part of it


PC has overall responsibility for the crew mission briefing. The PC may direct the other crewmember to perform all or part of the crew briefing.

A crew is a group or a class of individuals who perform a shared task, typically in a hierarchical or organised organisation. A crewyard, sometimes known as a workyard, is a place where a crew works. The word has nautical connotations, referring to the duties involved in running a ship, especially a sailing ship, which offer a variety of specialties among a crew, frequently organized with a chain of command.

Despite the fact that the two groups together make up the ship's company, officers and crew are traditionally distinguished from one another. Crew members are frequently referred to as crewmen or crew members. Crew also refers to the rowing discipline in which teams compete in racing shells.

Learn more about crew here:



The correct question is:

PC has overall responsibility for the crew mission briefing. The PC may direct the other crewmember to _____________________________.

The PC has overall responsibility for the crew mission briefing. The PC may direct other crewmembers to perform all or part of it.

A crew is a group or a class of people who work together to complete a task, usually in a structured or hierarchical organisation. A crew works in a crewyard, often referred to as a workyard. The term "ship management" has a nautical connotation and refers to the responsibilities of managing a ship, particularly a sailing ship, which offers a variety of skills among a crew and is typically organized with a chain of command.

Although the officers and crew together make up the ship's company, they are generally set apart from one another. Crewmen and crew members are common terms for crew members. The rowing sport known as crew also refers to teams competing in racing shells.

To know more about ship management



in allport's theory, central traits a. best describes a person's behavior. b. are not very evident or observable by others. c. are powerful forces that dominate a person's behavior. d. are very broad and touch every aspect of a person's life.


In all port's theory, central traits are powerful forces that dominate a person's behavior Therefore the correct option is C.

Allport's theory of central traits posits that a person's behavior can best be described by powerful forces that are rooted in their most fundamental personality characteristics. These traits are very broad in their influence and tend to permeate every aspect of a person’s life, from the way they interact with others to how they approach difficult tasks.

Central traits are not necessarily obvious or evident to other people, but rather manifest themselves as an individual’s consistent behavior over time.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Allport's theory visit:



a baby who experiences 100 presentations of a high-pitched tone no longer reacts to the sound by stopping the sucking response. however, when a low-pitched tone is presented after this, the baby stops sucking. in the context of the information-processing approach to cognitive development, this cessation of sucking caused by the new low-pitched tone is called


In the context of the information-processing approach to cognitive development, the cessation of sucking caused by the new low-pitched tone is called "dishabituation".

Dishabituation refers to the revival of a response to a previously habituated stimulus when a new or novel stimulus is presented. In this scenario, the baby initially habituated to the high-pitched tone after repeated presentations, which means the baby's response to the sound diminished or stopped. This phenomenon is referred to as dishabituation because the baby's response to the low-pitched tone re-emerged after habituation to the high-pitched tone.

The information-processing approach to cognitive development focuses on how children's cognitive processes, such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving, change and develop over time.

Learn more about “ cognitive development “ visit here;



A chef in Southern Spain is preparing a tortilla. She is most likely using _____.
olive oil for fat
mint tea


A chef in southern Spain preparing a tortilla is most likely using olive oil for fat.

Tortilla is a traditional Spanish omelet made with eggs, potatoes, onions, and olive oil. Pork and mint tea are not typically used in this dish.

Tortilla is a dish that originated in Spain and is a type of omelet made with eggs, potatoes, onions, and olive oil. It is usually served at room temperature and cut into small wedges as a snack or appetizer. In Spanish cuisine, there are two types of tortillas: the Spanish tortilla, which is the dish described above, and the Mexican tortilla, which is a type of flatbread made with corn or wheat flour and used to wrap food or served as a base for dishes like tacos and enchiladas.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Tortilla:



________ occurs when someone moves to a new place and gradually picks up the culture of the new location.


Acculturation occurs when someone moves to a new place and gradually picks up the culture of the new location. It involves the adaptation and integration of an individual into the customs, values, and norms of a new culture.

Acculturation is a complex process that can involve the adoption of new behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that are different from one's original culture. It can happen in a variety of ways, including through exposure to new people, ideas, and experiences.

The process can be challenging, as individuals may experience cultural shock, homesickness, and a sense of displacement. However, with time, patience, and an open mind, people can adapt to their new environment and gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the culture they have encountered.

Overall, acculturation is an essential aspect of human migration, as it allows individuals to adapt to their new surroundings and become part of the broader cultural landscape. It is a process that requires both adaptation and learning, but it can be a fulfilling and enriching experience for those who embrace it.

To know more about Acculturation refer here:



On agile projects, detailed risk management activities may occur during all of the following times EXCEPT:
A. While planning each subsequent iteration.
B. During early risk planning at the start of the project.
C. In daily stand-up meetings.
D. During retrospectives at the end of each iteration.


On agile projects, detailed risk management activities may occur during all of the following times EXCEPT in daily stand-up meetings. The correct option is "C".

Agile project management methodology emphasizes continuous risk management throughout the project lifecycle, and risk management activities can occur at various times during the project. These times include early risk planning at the start of the project, while planning each subsequent iteration, and during retrospectives at the end of each iteration.

Daily stand-up meetings, also known as daily scrum meetings, are a key component of agile project management. However, these meetings are typically focused on progress updates, identifying and resolving issues, and planning the next steps, rather than detailed risk management activities.

The correct option is "C".

To know more about management, click here.



Merton's anomie theory suggests that when groups of people feel strain, that can lead to a high rate of crime as a result of the disconnect between _____.
parent and children
educational achievements and economic success
cultural goals related to monetary success and institutional norms of how people are to achieve that success
negative emotions and social institutions


Merton's anomie theory suggests that when groups of people feel strain, that can lead to a high rate of crime as a result of the disconnect between cultural goals related to monetary success and institutional norms of how people are to achieve that success.

Merton's anomie theory is a sociological theory that explains crime as a result of the disjunction between the goals society sets for its members and the means available for achieving those goals. In this theory, anomie, or normlessness, occurs when there is a misalignment between cultural goals and institutional norms.

Cultural goals refer to the aspirations or values that society encourages, such as monetary success or social status. Institutional norms, on the other hand, refer to the socially acceptable ways in which people can attain those goals, such as through education, hard work, or following laws.

When there is a significant disconnect between cultural goals and institutional norms, individuals may feel pressured to achieve success by any means necessary, leading to a high rate of crime. This is because the traditional, legitimate pathways to success may be perceived as insufficient or unattainable.

Consequently, individuals may resort to illegitimate means, such as crime or deviant behavior, to achieve their desired level of success. This strain and the resulting crime rates can be particularly high among disadvantaged groups who face limited opportunities for economic and social advancement through legitimate means.

To know more about anomie refer here:



Distorted thinking patterns can lead to maladaptive behaviors. truefalse


The given statement, "Distorted thinking patterns can lead to maladaptive behaviors." is true because these thinking patterns can contribute to the development or maintenance of mental health disorders which interfere with a person's ability to function effectively in their daily lives.

Distorted thinking patterns, such as cognitive biases or negative self-talk, can contribute to the development or maintenance of mental health disorders, which in turn can lead to maladaptive behaviors.

These maladaptive behaviors can interfere with a person's ability to function effectively in their daily lives and can have negative consequences for their relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

To know more about maladaptive behaviors, click here.



Every logical statement can be turned into Horn clauses. Select one: True False.


True. Every logical statement can be turned into Horn clauses. Horn clauses are a specific form of statements that contain at most one positive literal. They are widely used in logic programming and can represent any logical statement.

True. Every logical statement can be converted into a Horn clause, which is a type of logical statement that is employed in knowledge representation and automated reasoning. A Horn clause is a logical statement of the form "if A, then B", where A is a conjunction of literals (either positive or negative statements concerning variables), and B is a single literal. Because it enables effective backward chaining—the process of determining the truth of a statement by working backwards from a known goal—this type of statement is helpful in automated reasoning. Horn clauses can therefore be used to express any logical argument, making them an effective tool for automated reasoning and knowledge representation.

To learn more about logical statement refer here:



members of the religious group commonly known as ______ were scorned because they refused to participate in war or doff their hats to social superiors.


Members of the religious group commonly known as Quakers were scorned because they refused to participate in war or doff their hats to social superiors.

Quakers are members of the Religious Society of Friends, a predominantly Protestant Christian denomination. Members of such groups ("the Friends") are often united by their conviction in each person's ability to feel the light inside or perceive "that is God in everyone."

Quakers believe that everyone contains a spark of God and that each individual is valuable in their own right. This is because Quakers love all persons equally and oppose everything that threatens or harms them. Quakers find religious truth via inner experience and place a high value on intuition as the foundation of morality.

Quakers opposed formal religious rites, had no official clergy, and believed in religious justice for men and women. The first Quaker missionaries arrived in America around the mid-1650s. Pacifist Quakers were instrumental in both the revolutionary and feminist movements.

learn more about Quakers here:



Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, are members of a predominantly Protestant Christian denomination. They are united in their belief that every person has the ability to feel the presence of God within them, and that every individual is valuable.

Quakers value intuition as the foundation of morality and oppose anything that threatens or harms people. They do not follow formal religious rites, have no official clergy, and advocate for gender equality in religious justice.

Quaker missionaries arrived in America in the mid-1650s, and pacifist Quakers played important roles in both the revolutionary and feminist movements.

To learn more about Quakers here:



Positive group climate and group cohesiveness means everyone is nice all the time. true or flase


The given statement, "Positive group climate and group cohesiveness means everyone is nice all the time." is false because it refers to the overall tone or atmosphere of the group.

Group cohesiveness refers to the extent to which group members are attracted to and committed to the group, and work together toward common goals. While positive group climate and group cohesiveness can contribute to a more harmonious and productive group dynamic, it does not mean that conflicts or disagreements will never arise.

In fact, it is normal for groups to experience some level of conflict or tension, and it is how the group navigates and resolves these issues that ultimately determines the health and success of the group.

To know more about cohesiveness, click here.



sometimes, decision makers use the ___________ approach to deliberately avoid blinders, biases, groupthink, flawed assumptions, and closed-mindedness. group of answer choices


The approach that decision makers use to deliberately avoid blinders, biases, groupthink, flawed assumptions, and closed-mindedness is called the "devil's advocate" approach.

This approach involves assigning someone within the decision-making group to take on the role of a devil's advocate and challenge the assumptions and arguments presented by the rest of the group. The devil's advocate is tasked with pointing out weaknesses and potential problems with the proposed decision, in order to ensure that the decision is thoroughly examined and well-rounded.

Learn more about "devil's advocate" approach here:



Sometimes, decision makers use the "devil's advocate" approach to deliberately avoid blinders, biases, groupthink, flawed assumptions, and closed-mindedness.

The devil's advocate approach is a decision-making technique where one person or a small group is assigned to take on the role of a critical evaluator or skeptic. This approach is intended to challenge assumptions, stimulate discussion, and identify potential flaws or weaknesses in proposed ideas or plans.

By using the devil's advocate approach, decision-makers can avoid cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, where people tend to seek out information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs or opinions. It can also help prevent groupthink, where a group of decision-makers may be more likely to conform to the opinions of the group rather than critically evaluating ideas or proposals.

To know more about devils advocate - https://brainly.com/question/13649633


T/F manasseh sacrificed his own children to pagan gods.


True, Manasseh sacrificed his own children to pagan gods.

Manasseh was a king of Judah, who ruled from approximately 697-642 BCE. He is known for his idolatrous practices and leading the people of Judah astray.

According to the Bible, Manasseh worshipped various pagan gods and even built altars for them in the temple of the Lord. One of the most notorious acts attributed to him was the sacrifice of his own children to the pagan god Molech.

Molech was a Canaanite deity associated with child sacrifice, and the worship of this god was strictly forbidden in the Old Testament. Manasseh's actions were a significant deviation from the worship of the one true God, Yahweh, as commanded in the Jewish faith.

His idolatrous practices and the sacrifice of his children ultimately led to the condemnation of his reign and a decline in the spiritual state of the kingdom of Judah.

To know more about pagan refer here:



This mental state has the following effects on driver attitude:anger, impatience, sadness, worry
Emotional distress
Peer pressure


Emotional distress, irritability, stress, and peer pressure can all have negative effects on driver attitude, which can in turn increase the risk of accidents on the road.

Here are some ways that each of these mental states can impact driver behavior:

Emotional distress: Anger, impatience, sadness, and worry can all be forms of emotional distress that can make it difficult to focus on driving and lead to aggressive or reckless behavior behind the wheel. Drivers who are experiencing emotional distress may be more likely to tailgate, speed, or engage in other risky behaviors.

Irritability: Feeling irritable or easily annoyed can make it difficult to remain calm and patient on the road. Drivers who are irritable may be more likely to honk their horns, yell at other drivers, or engage in other aggressive behaviors.

Stress: Drivers who are under stress may be more likely to make mistakes on the road or to engage in distracted driving behaviors like using their phones or eating while driving. Stress can also lead to fatigue, which can impair driving ability.

Peer pressure: Drivers who feel pressure to impress their passengers or to keep up with traffic may be more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors like speeding or running red lights. Peer pressure can also lead to distracted driving if drivers feel the need to respond to calls or messages from their friends or passengers.

Overall, it's important for drivers to be aware of their mental state and to take steps to manage their emotions and stress levels while on the road. This can include things like taking deep breaths, listening to calming music, or pulling over to take a break if needed.

learn more about Emotional distress here:



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