etzer company declared a $0.25 per share cash dividend. the company has 160,000 shares authorized, 152,000 shares issued, and 6,400 shares in treasury stock. the journal entry to record the dividend declaration is: multiple choice


Answer 1

To record the dividend declaration of Etzer Company, the following journal entry is required:

Debit: Dividends Payable = $40,000 (0.25 x 152,000)

Credit: Common Stock Dividends Distributable = $38,400 (0.25 x 152,000 - 6,400)

Credit: Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value, Common Stock = $1,600 (0.01 x 160,000)

This journal entry accurately reflects the impact of the dividend declaration on the financial statements of the company. The debit to Dividends Payable represents the liability that the company owes to its shareholders for the declared dividend, while the credits to Common Stock Dividends Distributable and Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value, Common Stock represent the portion of the dividend that will be paid to the shareholders of record.

Learn more about Etzer Company


Related Questions

Due to a regulatory change, earnings and dividends in a telecom company are expected to grow at a rate of 10% for the next 2 years. After this period, the form is expected to resume growth at the Industry average of 6% thereafter. The firm recently paid a dividend of $2 and the required return is 12%. What is the most you should pay for the company's stock? 
a. $19.91 
b. $6.56 
c. $28.05 
d. $37.98 
e. None of the listed items is correct


The most you should pay for the company's stock is $36.2524. Therefore, the correct option is (e) None of the listed items is correct.

To find the most you should pay for the company's stock, you can use the dividend discount model (DDM) which is:

Stock price = Dividend / (Required return - Dividend growth rate)

For the first 2 years, the dividend growth rate will be 10%, and then it will drop to 6%. So, we need to calculate the present value of dividends for the next 2 years and the present value of the stock price at the end of the second year when the growth rate drops to 6%.

Present value of dividends for the next 2 years:

Year 1 dividend = $2 * (1 + 10%) = $2.20

Year 2 dividend = $2.20 * (1 + 10%) = $2.42

To calculate the present value of these dividends, we need to discount them back to the present using the required return of 12%.

Present value of Year 1 dividend = $2.20 / (1 + 12%) = $1.9643

Present value of Year 2 dividend = $2.42 / (1 + 12%)² = $1.9611

Next, we need to find the present value of the stock price at the end of Year 2 using the constant growth DDM formula, which is:

Stock price at the end of Year 2 = (Dividend at Year 3) / (Required return - Growth rate)

Dividend at Year 3 = $2.42 * (1 + 6%) = $2.57

Stock price at the end of Year 2 = $2.57 / (12% - 6%) = $42.83

Finally, we need to discount the stock price at the end of Year 2 back to the present using the required return and the number of years until the end of Year 2, which is 2 years.

Present value of the stock price at the end of Year 2 = $42.83 / (1 + 12%)² = $32.327

Therefore, the most you should pay for the company's stock is the sum of the present value of the dividends for the next 2 years and the present value of the stock price at the end of Year 2, which is:

$1.9643 + $1.9611 + $32.327 = $36.2524.Therefore, the correct option is (e).

To know more about stock click here


Please answer the following questions briefly.
a) Explain why margin accounts are required when clients write options but not when they buy options.
b) "Employee stock options issued by a company are different from regular exchange-traded call options on the company’s stock because they can affect the capital structure of the company." Explain this statement.
c) Explain why an American option is always worth at least as much as a European option on the same asset with the same strike price and exercise date.
d) Explain why an American option is always worth at least as much as its intrinsic value.
e) Explain carefully the difference between writing a put option and buying a call option.


a) Margin accounts are required when clients write options because writing options involves unlimited risk, meaning that the potential losses can be greater than the initial investment.

By requiring margin, the broker can ensure that the client has sufficient funds to cover any potential losses. When clients buy options, on the other hand, their risk is limited to the premium paid for the option, so margin is not required.

b) Employee stock options are different from regular exchange-traded call options because they are issued by the company itself to its employees, and therefore can affect the company's capital structure.

When employees exercise their stock options, the company's outstanding shares increase, potentially diluting the value of existing shares.

c) An American option is always worth at least as much as a European option because it gives the holder the right to exercise at any time up to the expiration date.

This additional flexibility makes the American option more valuable than the European option, which can only be exercised on the expiration date.

d) An American option is always worth at least as much as its intrinsic value because the holder can exercise the option at any time, which means that it can never be worth less than its intrinsic value (the difference between the current asset price and the strike price).

e) Writing a put option involves selling the right to sell an asset at a specified price (the strike price) to the buyer of the option. If the asset price falls below the strike price, the writer of the put option must buy the asset at the strike price.

Buying a call option, on the other hand, involves buying the right to buy an asset at a specified price (the strike price) from the seller of the option. If the asset price rises above the strike price, the buyer of the call option can exercise the option to buy the asset at the lower strike price, resulting in a profit.

For more questions like Capital click the link below:


a company's next annual dividend will be $12 and that dividends after one year will have a constant growth rate of 5%. if the required rate of return is 9%, then what should the stock price and dividend yield be?


A company's next annual dividend will be $12 and that dividends after one year will have a constant growth rate of 5%. If the required rate of return is 9%. The stock price should be $315 and the dividend yield should be 4%.

To find the stock price and dividend yield:

We will need to use the Gordon growth model and the dividend yield formula.

Step 1: Apply the Gordon growth model formula to calculate the stock price.
Stock Price (P) = D1 / (r - g)
D1 = Dividend in the next year
r = Required rate of return
g = Growth rate of dividends
Step 2: Calculate the dividend in the next year (D1).
D1 = Annual Dividend * (1 + g)
D1 = $12 * (1 + 0.05)
D1 = $12 * 1.05
D1 = $12.60
Step 3: Calculate the stock price using the Gordon growth model formula.
Stock Price (P) = $12.60 / (0.09 - 0.05)
Stock Price (P) = $12.60 / 0.04
Stock Price (P) = $315
Step 4: Calculate the dividend yield.
Dividend Yield = D1 / Stock Price
Dividend Yield = $12.60 / $315
Dividend Yield = 0.04 or 4%
So, the stock price should be $315 and the dividend yield should be 4%.

To know more about Stock price and dividend yield.



in the decision-making unit, the most important role determining whether your product sells is:


In the decision-making unit, there are multiple roles that influence whether or not a product sells. However, one of the most important roles is the decision maker.

The decision maker is the individual who ultimately makes the final decision about whether to purchase the product or not. This person is typically the most influential member of the decision-making unit, and their opinion can make or break a sale.
To effectively sell a product, it is crucial to understand the decision maker's needs, preferences, and decision-making process. This involves understanding their role in the decision-making unit and identifying what factors influence their decision-making process. Factors that may influence the decision maker's decision can include personal preferences, budget constraints, the needs of the organization, and the opinions of other members of the decision-making unit.
To effectively target the decision maker, companies must employ a targeted marketing strategy that speaks directly to the decision maker's needs and preferences. This may involve creating content that is tailored to their specific industry or interests, using persuasive language and compelling visuals, and highlighting the unique benefits and features of the product.
Ultimately, the success of a product depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of the product, the strength of the marketing strategy, and the overall effectiveness of the sales team. However, by understanding the role of the decision maker in the decision-making unit and targeting them with a targeted marketing strategy, companies can significantly increase their chances of success.

for more such questions on  influence .


The customer. Their preferences and needs drive the decision-making process. Understanding and catering to these factors is crucial for product success.

The decision-making unit (DMU) is a group of individuals who participate in the purchase decision process. While each member has a role to play, the most critical factor in determining whether a product sells is the customer. Ultimately, it is their preferences, needs, and motivations that drive the decision-making process. Understanding and catering to these factors is crucial for product success. Marketers must consider factors such as demographic and psychographic characteristics, pain points, and purchasing behaviors to craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with the customer. By doing so, they can effectively communicate the benefits of their product and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Learn more about decision-making here:


Ordinary shares in Company S are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Company T has announced a dividend of 32p per ordinary share for the current year. There will be only one dividend payable for the year. It is forecast that Company T will announce a dividend of 34p per ordinary share for next year and that there will be only one dividend payable for the year. Company T's shares have a market price of 274.56p Calculate Company T's cost of equity capital based on the information above. Give your answer as a percentage, without the percent sign, to 2 decimal places. For example, for 8.333% enter 8.33


The investors would require a return of at least 12.38% in order to invest in Company T's shares

To calculate Company T's cost of equity capital, we need to use the dividend discount model. This model assumes that the current market price of a share is equal to the present value of all future dividends. Therefore, we can use the following formula: Cost of Equity = (Dividend for next year / Market Price per share) + Growth Rate

Using the information provided, we can calculate the cost of equity as follows: Cost of Equity = (0.34 / 2.7456) + (0.034 / 2) ,Cost of Equity = 0.1238 or 12.38%

Therefore, Company T's cost of equity capital is 12.38%. This means that investors would require a return of at least 12.38% in order to invest in Company T's shares.

To know more about investors, refer to the link:


the risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists is known as


The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists is known as detection risk.

Detection risk is an inherent risk that cannot be eliminated completely, but it can be reduced through the use of effective audit procedures. It is the risk that arises from the possibility that the procedures that an auditor has put in place to reduce audit risk may not be effective in detecting a material misstatement in the financial statements.

In order to reduce detection risk, auditors will use a combination of substantive procedures and tests of controls. Substantive procedures involve obtaining evidence to confirm the existence, completeness, accuracy, and valuation of the information contained in the financial statements.

It is important to note that detection risk can never be completely eliminated, and it is the responsibility of the auditor to use their professional judgment to determine an acceptable level of detection risk.

Additionally, auditors must remain vigilant and alert to any red flags or indications of potential misstatements, as well as continually reassessing the risks associated with their audit procedures throughout the audit engagement.

To know more about detection risk refer here


can a company that extends an offer reach out to your current employer for verification on your resume?


Yes, a company that extends a job offer can reach out to your current employer for verification of the information provided on your resume.

This process is part of background checks, which may include verifying employment history, job titles, and dates of employment.

What's Gaining consent from the candidate

Gaining consent from the candidate before conducting these checks is typically standard practice.

It's essential to provide accurate information on your resume, as discrepancies discovered during the verification process may lead to the withdrawal of the job offer or, in some cases, termination after employment has begun.

To avoid complications, always ensure that your resume reflects your true work experience and accomplishments.

Learn more about recruitment at


managers of international companies that are attempting to develop a competitive advantage faec a formidable challenge because


Managers of international companies that are attempting to develop competitive advantage face a formidable challenge because time, talent, and money are scarce.

An international company is an offshore entity created in accordance with the laws of some jurisdictions as a tax-neutral business that is typically restricted in terms of the activities it may engage in within the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated, though this is not always the case. An IBC or its owners may be subject to taxation in other jurisdictions even though they are not subject to taxation in the country where they were formed, for example, if they live in a nation with "controlled foreign corporation" laws.

Learn more about company, here:


effective social media marketing requires engaging fans by . select one or more: a. listening to fans b. being authentic c. learning from fans


Effective social media marketing requires engaging fans by listening to fans, being authentic, and learning from fans.

By actively listening to what your fans have to say, you can better understand their needs and preferences, and tailor your content to meet those needs. Being authentic helps build trust and credibility with your audience, and shows that you are genuinely interested in their opinions and feedback. Learning from your fans allows you to continually improve your social media strategy, and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging trends and best practices. Overall, engaging your fans through these key practices is essential for success in social media marketing.

Learn more about social media marketing-


Blossom Appliances Corporation has reported its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2017. Blossom Appliances Corporation Income Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2017 Net sales $6,492,712,000 Cost of goods sold 3,390,963,940 Gross profit $3,101,748,060 Selling general, and administrative expenses 983.558,423 Depreciation 292.671.116 Operating income $1,825,518,521 Interest expense 40,099,500 EBT $1,785,419,021Income taxes 473.184,956 Net earnings $1,312,234,065 Calculate these liquidity ratios: current and quick ratios. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, eg. 12.25.) Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio ______times Quick Ratio______ times Calculate these coverage ratios: times interest earned cash coverage. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, eg, 12.25.) Coverage Ratios Times interest earned ________ times Cash coverage ______times


The liquidity ratios are 4.46 times for the current ratio and 4.25 times for the quick ratio. The coverage ratios are 44.47 times for the times interest earned ratio and 51.69 times for the cash coverage ratio.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Current Assets = Net Sales

Current Liabilities = Selling, general and administrative expenses + Current portion of long-term debt + Income taxes payable

Current Liabilities = $983,558,423 + $0 + $473,184,956

Current Ratio = $6,492,712,000 / $1,456,743,379

Current Ratio = 4.46 times

Quick Ratio = (Current Assets - Inventory) / Current Liabilities

Inventory = Cost of goods sold - Gross profit

Inventory = $3,390,963,940 - $3,101,748,060

Inventory = $289,215,880

Quick Ratio = ($6,492,712,000 - $289,215,880) / $1,456,743,379

Quick Ratio = 4.25 times

Times Interest Earned = Earnings Before Taxes / Interest Expense

Times Interest Earned = $1,785,419,021 / $40,099,500

Times Interest Earned = 44.47 times

Cash Coverage = (Earnings Before Taxes + Depreciation) / Interest Expense

Cash Coverage = ($1,785,419,021 + $292,671,116) / $40,099,500

Cash Coverage = 51.69 times.

For more such questions on liquidity ratios


Maggie has a bond and a stock with a combined value of $1,500. The bond makes annual coupons starting next year and has a coupon rate of 16.24%. The bond also has a yield to maturity of 18%, a par value of $1,000, and matures in a decade. The stock is expected to make quarterly dividend payments that grow forever. The first payment of $2 is expected in one year, and the rate of return is 20%. What is the quarterly growth rate of the stock’s dividends?


The quarterly growth rate of the stock's dividends is 4.35%.

The current value of the bond can be calculated using the formula:

PV = C/(1+r)^1 + C/(1+r)^2 + ... + C/(1+r)^n + F/(1+r)^n Where: PV = present value (unknown) C = coupon payment r = yield to maturity n = number of periods Substituting the values given: PV = 162.40/(1+0.18)^1 + 162.40/(1+0.18)^2 + ... + 162.40/(1+0.18)^10 + 1000/(1+0.18)^10 PV = $547.66

we can use the formula for perpetuity: PV = C/r Where:PV = present value (unknown) C = dividend payment r = rate of return Substituting the values given: PV = 2/(0.20/4) PV = $40 Therefore, the current value of the stock is $40. The combined value of the bond and stock is given as $1,500. Therefore, $547.66 + $40 = $1,500 - X Where X is the total amount of dividends paid by the stock. Solving for X, we get: X = $912.34 This means that the stock will pay a total of $912.34 in dividends over the next decade.

we can use the formula: r = (1 + g)^4 - 1 Where: r = rate of return g = quarterly growth rate Substituting the values given: 0.20 = (1 + g)^4 - 1 g = 0.0435 Therefore, the quarterly growth rate of the stock's dividends is 4.35%.

Learn more about rate of return here:


true or false: communication helps to identify individual customers and, therefore, allows marketers to try and increase those customers' share of purchases.


Answer: True.

Explanation: Communication allows marketers to identify individual customers and their specific needs and preferences, which in turn enables them to target these customers with relevant and personalized marketing messages and strategies.

By analyzing customer data, marketers can tailor their communication and marketing efforts to increase the share of purchases from those customers. This can be achieved by offering personalized promotions, discounts, or rewards that are relevant to the customer's preferences and shopping behavior.

This technique can help to increase the customers' purchases by encouraging them to buy more or to buy more frequently. Effective communication can also help to build customer loyalty and trust, which can lead to long-term engagement as well as relationships and increased customer lifetime value.

Learn more about customer relationships: https//


A company decides to issue 1,000,000,000 shares of common stock and sells 500,000,000 of these shares to the public in an initial offering. The remainder of the shares are held as Treasury Stock. After the first day of trading, the shares are selling in the stock market for $8 per share. If the company immediately decides to split its common stock, 2 for 1:a. How many shares will be outstanding after the split?b. What will be the share price of the common?c. What will be the market value of the company after the split?


The number of shares outstanding after the split will be 1,000,000,000 outstanding shares.

The share price of the common shares would be $ 4 per share.

The market value of the compare after the split would be $ 8 billion.

How to find the number of shares ?

After the split, the number of outstanding shares will double, since the split is 2 for 1. Therefore, there will be 500,000,000 x 2 = 1,000,000,000 outstanding shares.

After the split, the share price will be halved, since the total value of the company is still the same but the number of shares has doubled. Thus, the share price will be $8 / 2 = $4 per share.

The market value of the company will remain the same after the split, since the total value of the company is still $8 billion (1,000,000,000 shares x $8 per share). Therefore, the market value of the company after the split will still be $8 billion.

Find out more on outstanding shares at


brewster's is considering a project with a life of 5 years, an initial cost of $120,000, and a discount rate of 12 percent. the firm expects to sell 2,100 units a year at a cash flow per unit of $20. the firm will have the option to abandon this project after three years at which time it could sell the project for $50,000. at what level of sales should the firm be willing to abandon this project at the end of the third year?


The firm should be willing to abandon the project at the end of the third year if the annual sales level falls below 2,372 units.

To determine the sales level at which the firm should abandon the project, we first need to calculate the present value of the project's cash flows for the remaining two years, and then compare it to the abandonment value.

1. Calculate annual cash flows: 2,100 units * $20/unit = $42,000

2. Calculate the present value of cash flows for years 4 and 5:

  PV(Year 4) = $42,000 / (1 + 0.12)⁴ = $26,682.07
  PV(Year 5) = $42,000 / (1 + 0.12)⁵ = $23,823.26

3. Add the present values: $26,682.07 + $23,823.26 = $50,505.33

4. Since the abandonment value is $50,000, we need to find the sales level that would result in a cash flow with a present value equal to $50,000 over the remaining two years.

5. Solve for the new sales level: ($50,000 / ($26,682.07 + $23,823.26)) * 2,100 units = 2,372 units

Therefore, the firm should abandon the project at the end of the third year if annual sales fall below 2,372 units.

To know more about cash flows  click on below link:


mBill Clinton reportedly was paid $ 15.0$15.0 million to write his book My Life. The book took three years to write. In the time he spent? writing, Clinton could have been paid to make speeches. Given his? popularity, assume that he could earn $ 8.6$8.6 million per year? (paid at the end of the? year) speaking instead of writing. Assume his cost of capital is 9.3 %9.3% per year. a. What is the NPV of agreeing to write the book? (ignoring any royalty? payments)? b. Assume? that, once the book is? finished, it is expected to generate royalties of $ 4.9$4.9 million in the first year? (paid at the end of the? year) and these royalties are expected to decrease at a rate of 30 %30% per year in perpetuity. What is the NPV of the book with the royalty? payments?


The NPV of the book with the royalty are: A. The NPV of agreeing to write the book is $7.9 million, B. The NPV of the book with the royalty payments is $12.7 million.

What is NPV?

Net Present Value (NPV) is a method to calculate the value of a project over its entire life span. It takes into account all costs and benefits of the project, and discounts them to the present day.

a) This is calculated by subtracting the opportunity cost of writing the book from the present value of the opportunity cost.

b) This is calculated by subtracting the opportunity cost of writing the book from the present value of the expected royalties. The present value of the royalties is calculated by summing the present value of the expected royalties in each year (i.e., $4.9 million multiplied by the present value of annuity factor of 0.890) plus the present value of the expected royalties in perpetuity (i.e., $4.9 million multiplied by the present value of perpetuity factor of 0.739).

To learn more about NPV


An employee's individual differences, perceptions of change, and actions and inactions make up that employee's ______.Multiple choice question.leadership stylecharacteristicsadaptabilityemployment status


An employee's individual differences, perceptions of change, and actions and inactions make up that employee's characteristics.

A good employee of a company often has the following characteristics:

1. Dedication - A dedicated employee shows a sort of passion and loyalty towards his work

2. Confidence - A developed confidence enables an employee to face challenges at work and come up with solutions

3. Reliability - Reliable employees are very important in the workplace who can finish their tasks without the need of much supervision by authorities

4. Teamwork - Being a team player is important in the workplace as he will be more reliable and be able to come up with strong solutions by learning from the team and listening to their opinions

5. Leadership - Leadership qualities can also help you guide your team members toward developing skills of their own. this characteristic also helps make an employee self-confident

Thus, an employee's individual differences, perceptions of change, and actions and inactions make up that employee's characteristics.

To learn more about an employee, visit:


Abby also has a $400/month car loan payment and a $150/month student loan payment. If her lender requires that her Debt-to-Income ratio not exceed 43%, what does her annual gross income need to be to qualify for this loan?


Abby's annual gross income needs to be at least $41,860.44 to qualify for the loan, assuming she has no other debts.

To calculate the annual gross income required for Abby to qualify for this loan, we need to use the Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio formula:

DTI ratio = (Total monthly debt payments / Monthly gross income) x 100%

We know that Abby's total monthly debt payments are $1,500 ($1,000 for the proposed mortgage, $400 for the car loan, and $150 for the student loan), and her DTI ratio cannot exceed 43%. So we can write:

43% = ($1,500 / Monthly gross income) x 100%

Solving for Monthly gross income:

Monthly gross income = $1,500 / (43% / 100%) = $3,488.37

To calculate the required annual gross income, we simply multiply the monthly gross income by 12:

Annual gross income = $3,488.37 x 12 = $41,860.44

Click the below link, to learn more about Annual gross income:


A patient of dr. Albrecht told the dentist he needed to buy a machine that would sterilize his tools without using any water because water tends to cause the tools to rust or corrode over time. In terms of the buying center, the patient had the role of


In the case Dr. Albrecht In terms of the buying centre, the patient had the role of initiator.

A starter, or initiator, is someone who starts something. It is a person who identifies a need for a good or service and alerts the buying centre to it. In this instance, the patient told Dr Albrecht that a device was needed to sterilise equipment without the use of water.

Dr. Albrecht, who served as the buying centre's decision-maker, would, however, probably make the final choice to buy the equipment. Influencers, who provide suggestions and counsel, and purchasers, who make the actual purchase, might both be considered additional members of the purchasing centre.

Read more about initiation on:


How can a company use the information it has gleaned from benchmarking and value chain analysis?
A. Sabotage the competition
B. Improve profitability
C. Eliminate its own cost or value disadvantages
D. Enhance competitiveness


A company can use the information it has gleaned from benchmarking and value chain analysis: Eliminate its own cost or value disadvantages. The correct option is C

The appropriate ways for a company to utilize this information include:

B. Improve profitability: By comparing its processes, products, and services to those of competitors, a company can identify areas for improvement and implement changes that can enhance profitability.

C. Eliminate its own cost or value disadvantages: Benchmarking and value chain analysis help a company recognize any cost or value disadvantages it might have. This knowledge can then be used to address and eliminate these disadvantages, making the company more competitive in the market.

D. Enhance competitiveness: Benchmarking allows a company to learn from best practices in the industry and apply those findings to its own processes. Additionally, value chain analysis helps a company understand how it can create and deliver more value to customers, ultimately enhancing its competitiveness in the market.

To summarize, a company can use the information gleaned from benchmarking and value chain analysis to improve profitability, eliminate its own cost or value disadvantages, and enhance competitiveness.

To know more about benchmarking, refer here:


Complete question:

How can a company use the information it has gleaned from benchmarking and value chain analysis?

A. Sabotage the competition

B. Improve profitability

C. Eliminate its own cost or value disadvantages

D. Enhance competitiveness

if team members have opposite or conflicting goals, the efficiency of the total unit is likely to be energized.


The effectiveness conflicting goals of the entire team is likely to be boosted if team members have opposing or competing aims. False.

Perceiving a connection between a new task and a task already mastered is often required for logical verification to raise self-efficacy. The majority of educational ideas were created specifically with children and teens in mind. The model outlines a systematic, step-by-step method for designing training.

Self efficacy is a self-evaluation of one's ability to successfully learn new information or abilities, and it is a key indicator of one's preparedness to learn. The development of your course material may be streamlined and organized with the use of the Addie model, an instructional design technique. The ADDIE paradigm, which was created in the 1970s, is still the most popular one for instructional design.

Learn more about conflicting goals Visit:


Correct Question:

State true or false: If team members have opposite or conflicting goals, the efficiency of the total unit is likely to be energized.

It is important for team members to have a shared understanding of what the team is working towards and to communicate openly to ensure that conflicting goals are identified and addressed. This can help to ensure that the team is working towards a common objective and that the team's efficiency and productivity is maximized.

If team members have opposite or conflicting goals, it is likely that the efficiency of the total unit will be impacted negatively. This is because when team members have conflicting goals, they may be working against each other instead of working towards a common objective. This can lead to a lack of coordination, misunderstandings, and tension within the team.In order for a team to be efficient and effective, all team members need to be aligned towards a common goal.

This ensures that everyone is working towards the same objective and that there is a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved. When team members have conflicting goals, this can lead to confusion and a lack of focus, which ultimately hinders the team's performance.Additionally, conflicting goals can lead to unhealthy competition among team members. This can create a negative work environment, with team members competing against each other rather than working collaboratively towards a common goal. This can ultimately impact team morale and productivity.

For more such questions on goals


Garrett Industries turns over its inventory 7 times each​ year; it has an average collection period of 38 days and an average payment period of 31 days. The​ firm's annual sales are ​$3.2
million. Assume there is no difference in the investment per dollar of sales in​ inventory, receivables, and​ payables; and a 365​-day year.
a. Calculate the​ firm's cash conversion cycle​, its daily cash operating​ expenditure, and the amount of resources needed to support its cash conversion cycle.
b. Find the​ firm's cash conversion cycle and resource investment requirement if it makes the following changes simultaneously. ​(1) Shortens the average age of inventory by 6 days. ​(2) Speeds the collection of accounts receivable by an average of 10 days. ​(3) Extends the average payment period by 8 days.
c. If the firm pays 17​% for its resource​ investment, by how​ much, if​ anything, could it increase its annual profit as a result of the changes in part b​?
d. If the annual cost of achieving the profit in part c is ​$36,000​, what action would you recommend to the​ firm? ​ Why?


a)The amount of resources needed to support the cash conversion cycle is:

Resources needed = $8,767.12 x 59.14 days = $517,898.63

b) The new cash conversion cycle and resource investment is:

Cash conversion cycle = 46.14 days + 28 days - 39 days = 35.14 daysNew resources needed = $8,767.12 x 35.14 days = $307,959.63

c) The increase in annual profit is the difference between the cost saved and the cost of achieving the changes:

Increase in annual profit = $35,689.63 - $36,000 = -$310.37

d) The firm may consider other options to improve profitability.

Calculate the cash conversion cycle using the following formula?

a. The cash conversion cycle can be calculated using the following formula:

Cash conversion cycle = Inventory conversion period + Receivables collection period - Payables deferral period

The inventory turnover is 7 times a year, so the inventory conversion period is:

Inventory conversion period = 365 days / 7 = 52.14 days

The receivables collection period is given as 38 days, and the payables deferral period is given as 31 days. Therefore:

Cash conversion cycle = 52.14 days + 38 days - 31 days = 59.14 days

The daily cash operating expenditure can be calculated by dividing the annual sales by 365:

Daily cash operating expenditure = $3.2 million / 365 = $8,767.12

The amount of resources needed to support the cash conversion cycle is the product of the daily cash operating expenditure and the cash conversion cycle:

Resources needed = $8,767.12 x 59.14 days = $517,898.63

Calculate the new cash conversion cycle and resource investment requirement?

b. To calculate the new cash conversion cycle and resource investment requirement, we need to adjust the inventory conversion period, receivables collection period, and payables deferral period as follows:

Inventory conversion period = 52.14 days - 6 days = 46.14 days

Receivables collection period = 38 days - 10 days = 28 days

Payables deferral period = 31 days + 8 days = 39 days

Cash conversion cycle = 46.14 days + 28 days - 39 days = 35.14 days

New resources needed = $8,767.12 x 35.14 days = $307,959.63

If the firm pays 17% for its resource investment how much is the annual cost of the resources saved?

c. The reduction in resources needed is:

Reduction in resources = $517,898.63 - $307,959.63 = $209,939

If the firm pays 17% for its resource investment, the annual cost of the resources saved is:

Annual cost = $209,939 x 0.17 = $35,689.63

The increase in annual profit is the difference between the cost saved and the cost of achieving the changes:

Increase in annual profit = $35,689.63 - $36,000 = -$310.37

How is the cost of achieving the changes is greater than the cost saved?

d. Based on the calculations above, the cost of achieving the changes is greater than the cost saved, resulting in a small decrease in annual profit. Therefore, it may not be worthwhile for the firm to make these changes. Instead, the firm may consider other options to improve profitability.

Learn more about cash conversion cycle


the walls of arteries and veins are composed of three layers called tunics. place the tunics in order (top to bottom), starting with the innermost layer, and ending with the outermost layer. true or false


The given statement "the walls of arteries and veins are composed of three layers called tunics. place the tunics in order (top to bottom), starting with the innermost layer, and ending with the outermost layer." is true they are arranged in a cylindrical manner.

The tunica intima, also known as the intima, is the innermost layer of the arterial or venous wall. It is composed of a single layer of endothelial cells that are in contact with the blood flow and facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and the surrounding tissues.

The tunica media, also known as the media, is the middle layer of the arterial or venous wall. The vessel's strength, elasticity, and contractility are provided by the smooth muscle cells, elastic fibers, and collagen fibers that make up the vessel. Atherosclerotic and venous arteries and veins have varying media layer thicknesses depending on their function and location in the body.

The outermost layer of the arterial or venous wall is the tunica adventitia, also referred to as the adventitia or externa. It is made up of blood vessels and nerves that supply the vessel wall, as well as connective tissue like collagen and elastic fibers. The adventitia aids in anchoring the vessel to the surrounding tissues and offers structural support and protection to the vessel.

Learn more about tunics at:


how is the risk-free interest rate determined? multiple choice it is equal to the interest rate on u.s. government debt. it is equal to the average interest rate over a period of time. it is equal to the rate of inflation. it is equal to the risk premium.


The risk-free interest rate is determined by the interest rate on U.S. government debt. It is equal to the interest rate on U.S. government debt.

The risk-free interest rate is the rate of return an investor can expect from an investment that has zero risk of default. The U.S. government is considered to be the safest borrower in the financial markets and has a near-zero probability of defaulting on its debt obligations. As a result, the interest rate on U.S. government debt, such as Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, is used as a proxy for the risk-free rate.

The U.S. Treasury sets the interest rates on its debt based on a variety of factors, including inflation, economic conditions, and demand for U.S. Treasury securities. Therefore, the risk-free rate is determined by market forces and is an important benchmark for pricing other investments and assessing the risk and return tradeoff of investments.

Learn more about interest rate at:


Accrual Basis of Accounting versus Cash Basis of Accounting On December 31, Hermani Patterson completed his first year as a financial planner. The following data are available from his accounting records Fees billed to clients for services rendered $97,700 Rent expense for year just ended $10,800 Cash received from clients Supplies purchased for cash Supplies used during the year Cash paid for rent (rent is paid through Feb. of next year) 85,000 Utility expense incurred 4,000 Utility bills paid 3,300 Salary earned by assistant 30,000 Salary paid to assistant 27,000 12,000 a. Compute Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the accrual basis of accountin b. Compute Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the cash basis of accounting c. Which net income amount is computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles?


a. Net income for the year just ended using the accrual basis of accounting is $52,900. b.  Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the cash basis of accounting is $20,200. c.  The net income amount computed using the accrual basis of accounting ($52,900) is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

a. To compute Hermani's net income for the year using the accrual basis of accounting, we need to recognize all revenue earned and expenses incurred during the year regardless of when cash is received or paid.

Therefore, we need to include fees billed to clients for services rendered ($97,700) and recognize rent expense for the year just ended ($10,800) even though it was paid in advance.

We also need to recognize the utility expense incurred ($4,000) even though the bills were not yet paid, as well as the salary earned by the assistant ($30,000) even though it was not yet paid. Supplies purchased for cash and supplies used during the year are not relevant for the accrual basis of accounting.

Net Income = Fees Billed - Rent Expense - Utility Expense - Assistant Salary
Net Income = $97,700 - $10,800 - $4,000 - $30,000
Net Income = $52,900

b. To compute Hermani's net income for the year using the cash basis of accounting, we only recognize revenue when cash is received and expenses when cash is paid.

Therefore, we need to include cash received from clients ($85,000), cash paid for rent ($85,000 - $10,800 = $74,200), and utility bills paid ($3,300).

We also need to include the salary paid to the assistant ($27,000) since it was paid during the year. Supplies purchased for cash and supplies used during the year are not relevant for the cash basis of accounting.

Net Income = Cash Received - Cash Paid for Expenses
Net Income = $85,000 - $74,200 - $4,000 - $27,000
Net Income = -$20,200

c. The net income amount computed using the accrual basis of accounting ($52,900) is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This is because the accrual basis of accounting matches revenues and expenses to the period in which they are earned or incurred, providing a more accurate picture of a company's financial performance. The cash basis of accounting is not in accordance with GAAP as it does not recognize revenue and expenses in the period in which they are earned or incurred, but rather in the period in which cash is received or paid.

Learn more about GAAP here:


historically, what pattern of reporting was used by private not-for-profit entities? the same as used with respect to for-profit entities. reporting that utilizes a fund accounting approach. a pattern of reporting that does not consider the entire entity.


Historically, private not-for-profit entities have used a pattern of reporting that utilizes a fund accounting approach.

This approach segregates the organization's financial resources into different funds, each with its own set of accounting records, in order to track and report on the organization's various programs and activities separately.

Unlike for-profit entities, which report primarily on their profitability, private not-for-profit entities are more focused on the effectiveness of their programs and services in achieving their mission. As a result, fund accounting provides a better way to report on the financial resources and activities of a not-for-profit entity in a way that is meaningful to its stakeholders, including donors, grantors, and regulators.

Learn more about financial resources


Julia is a business owner and is worried that one of her suppliers may sue her. She has learned that segregated funds provide creditor protection, so she purchases a contract 3 months prior to placing her company into bankruptcy. Will her segregated funds be protected from creditors in this case?
No because she purchased the contract 3 months before placing her company into bankruptcy
Yes, because the assets are in her name and not in the company name
No because segregated funds' assets are held by the insurance company
Yes, as segregated funds provide creditor protection


Julia, as a business owner, is right to be concerned about the possibility of her suppliers suing her. She has learned that segregated funds provide creditor protection and has decided to purchase a contract 3 months prior to placing her company into bankruptcy. However, her decision to purchase the contract 3 months before the bankruptcy may not provide her with the protection she was hoping for.

Generally, segregated funds provide creditor protection as they are separate from the individual's estate and cannot be seized by creditors. However, in cases where the segregated funds were purchased with the intent of defeating creditors, the funds may not be protected. This is because such actions are seen as fraudulent and can result in the funds being seized by creditors.

In this case, Julia's purchase of the segregated fund contract 3 months prior to bankruptcy may be seen as an attempt to defeat creditors, and as such, the funds may not be protected. It is important to note that the exact circumstances of each case will be examined before a final decision is made. Overall, while segregated funds may provide creditor protection, it is important to consult with a financial advisor and ensure that any actions taken are legal and ethical.

You can learn more about bankruptcy at:


which of the following statement is not true? a. business analytics enables data visualization to examine performance trends. b. business analytics enables statistical measure calculations. c. business analytics enables correlation analysis. d. business analytics enables regression analysis. e. business analytics enables organizations to make a decision.


The statement that is not true is "e. business analytics enables organizations to make a decision."

Business analytics is a field that focuses on the use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and predictive modeling to gain insights and inform decision-making. Options a, b, c, and d are all true statements as they describe different methods or techniques used in business analytics.

However, option e is not entirely accurate. Business analytics can provide insights and recommendations, but ultimately, it is up to the organization or decision-makers to make the final decision based on the insights provided. Business analytics can provide valuable information to inform decision-making, but it cannot make decisions on its own. The responsibility of decision-making lies with the organization or decision-makers who must weigh the insights provided by business analytics with other factors such as risk, cost, and strategy to make an informed decision.

Option e is answer.

You can learn more about business analytics at


shirley borrows $3,605 from second national bank. shirley will repay the loan in five equal payments of $1,000 each beginning at the end of year 1. what is the annual interest rate implicit in this agreement? multiple choice question. 27% 11% 10% 14% 12%


The annual interest rate implicit in this agreement is approximately 10%

the yearly interest price implicit in this agreement may be calculated using the present cost formula for an annuity:

present cost = charge x [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r]


payment = $1,000

r = annual interest rate

n = wide variety of payments = 5

for the reason that Shirley borrowed $3,605 and will repay in 5 same payments, the prevailing price of the annuity is $3,605. therefore, we are able to set up the equation as:

$3,605 = $1,000 x [(1 - (1 + r)^-5) / r]

solving for r, we get:

r = 10.33%

Therefore, the once a year interest charge implicit on this settlement is about 10%

Learn more about Present value:-


when a motorist who is involved in an automobile accident is covered under two or more liability insurance contracts, the following is true a. the insured person and the covered auto would share the coverage. b. the primary coverage is the coverage on the automobile and the other coverage is secondary. c. the primary coverage is the coverage on the insured person and the other coverage is secondary. d. it would depend on whether the motorist involved in the accident was at fault


When a motorist who is involved in an automobile accident is covered under two or more liability insurance contracts, primary coverage typically depends on terms of insurance policies, Correct answer is option B

In general, if the accident was caused by the insured person, the primary coverage would be the liability coverage on the automobile, and the other coverage would be secondary.

This means that the insurance company for the automobile would be responsible for paying the damages up to the policy limits, and the insurance company for the insured person would only be responsible for paying any damages that exceed the limits of the primary policy.

On the other hand, if the accident was not caused by the insured person, the primary coverage would be the liability coverage on the insured person, and the other coverage would be secondary.

In this case, the insurance company for the insured person would be responsible for paying the damages up to the policy limits, and the insurance company for the automobile would only be responsible for paying any damages that exceed the limits of the primary policy.

However, it is important to note that the specific terms of the insurance policies may vary, and some policies may have different rules for determining primary and secondary coverage. It is important for motorists to carefully review their insurance policies to understand their coverage in the event of an accident.

Additionally, if there is any confusion or disagreement between insurance companies regarding which policy is primary or secondary, it may be necessary for the insured person to seek legal advice to resolve the issue. Correct answer is option B

Know more about legal advice here:


the beatrice manufacturing company increased its merchandise inventory by $28,000 over the year. the company also granted its customers more liberal credit terms which increased the accounts receivable by $54,000. sales were $1,030,000 and the accounts payable decreased by $49,500. the gross profit on sales is 45%. marketing and administrative expenses were $167,000; this included depreciation expense of $26,000. what were the cash disbursements for the year?


The cash disbursements for the year were $865,000.To calculate the cash disbursements for the year, we need to use the following formula:

Cash disbursements = Cost of goods sold + Marketing and administrative expenses - Increase in accounts payable + Decrease in merchandise inventory + Increase in accounts receivable

First, we need to calculate the cost of goods sold using the gross profit percentage:

Gross profit = Sales * Gross profit percentage

$1,030,000 * 45% = $463,500

The cost of goods sold can be calcualted as   Sales - Gross profit

$1,030,000 - $463,500 = $566,500

Next, we can calculate the cash disbursements using the formula:

Cash disbursements = $566,500 + $167,000 - (-$49,500) + $28,000 + $54,000

Cash disbursements = $566,500 + $167,000 + $49,500 + $28,000 + $54,000

Cash disbursements = $865,000.Therefore, the cash disbursements  were $865,000.

To know more about cash disbursements click here


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