Explain how sample size affects statistical significance.


Answer 1


More formally, statistical power is the probability of finding a statistically significant result, given that there really is a difference (or effect) in the population. ... So, larger sample sizes give more reliable results with greater precision and power, but they also cost more time and money.

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What is pls help meeee6x+4




Step-by-step explanation:

Can you help me identify where I went wrong? I'm having trouble understanding this concept and I need to in order to understand what I will be learning next, thank you!


Step-by-step explanation:

Your work is correct.  First, you graphed the region.  The minimum or maximum is always at the corner, which you found to be (3.08, 3.64).

The value of C at this point is C = 14.

What’s the slope of (-8,2) (1,9)


Step-by-step explanation:

equation of the line passing through two points







y=mx+b m is the slope

so m=7/9

there is a short way showing slope shown in the picture

Read the blog entry below and answer the question that follows:

At first I dreaded going to sixth grade camp. I was sure the food would be poisonous, I would freeze to death in my sleeping bag, and the other kids in my cabin would never talk to me. But was I wrong! In fact, it was the best week ever! I went horseback riding and participated in a ropes activity with a zip line course. After the course, I climbed to the top of a pole using only ropes and carabiner clips, and then I rappelled off the top. I even made a new best friend. Oh, by the way, the food was delicious. It tasted better than my mom's! (But don't tell her.)

Review the first sentence:

At first I dreaded going to sixth grade camp.

What is the connotation showing here?

A The author was impatient and could not wait to get to camp.
B The author was worried he/she might not enjoy camp.
C The author welcomed the opportunity to go to camp.
D The author was excited about going to camp.


The answer might be B

7. Make a box and whisker plot of the following data. Show your work as to how you calculated the different key points on the box-and-whisker plot.

21, 25, 30, 27, 22, 23, 23, 24, 26, 28, 25, 22, 23



Oh boy this is a lot of work

Step-by-step explanation:

So 1st thing 1st, order the numbers from least to greatest. Then, find the median (which is the middle number). After that find the 1st Quartile and 2nd Quarile (you have to find the middle of the first half and the middle of the second half if it is two numbers, add them up and divide it by 2). Also, find the greatest and the least numbers. Then make the box and whisker plot. Since i can't make the full plot in brainly i will give you the steps to make it.

Make a number line. Label it from the least number which is 21 to the greatest number which is 30.Make a box from the 1st quartile which is from 33.5 to 39.5.Split the box on number 24.Make the whiskers which mean make a straight line from the left of the box to the least number which is 21 and make another straight line from the right of the box to the greatest number which is 30.That's all the step to make a box-and-whisker plot!

Hope this helped.

Please help! I will give brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

as x is bigger than 0in which x is maximum and 0 is minumum

There are 800 students who attend Park Middle School. There are 1.5 times as many boys as there are girls.
x is boys
y is girls
Determine how many boys and girls attend Park Middle School. Round to the nearest whole number if necessary. Show your work.



320 boys; 480 girls

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the correct system of equations you can write for this equation:








what are the slopes of the two lines?


Step-by-step explanation:

The slopes of two lines are equal

What is the z-score for Paula If she got 1400 on the SAT, the mean was 1100 and the
standard deviation was 275?


Yea it is 275 with standard subtract

If paper clips are 7/8 of an inch long and cost $0.02 to make, how much would it cost to produce enough paper clips to make a line, end to end, that stretches 56 inches?




Step-by-step explanation:

When you multiply 8/7 of 56, you get 64.

This shows that you will need 64 paperclips to make 56 inches worth of paper clips. If each paper clip costs two cents, you need to multiply 56 paperclips by 2 cents. 56x0.02=1.12 so it will cost you 1 dollar and twelve cents

Helppppppp lol idk what I’m doing




Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Translate word to math

"Five" = 5

"times" means multiplication

"a number" = n

"plus" means addition

"3" = 3

"is" means equal

"12" = 12

Step 2: Set up equation (combine)

5n + 3 = 12



Step-by-step explanation:

a number represents n

is represents =

times represents multiplication

plus represents addition

5 times n plus 3 is 12

so this means


The quadratic function modeling the height of a ball over time is symmetric about the line , where t is time in seconds. Which statement is true about this situation?


The height of the ball is the same after 1 second and 3 seconds.


The height of the ball is the same after 0 seconds and 4 seconds.


The height of the ball is the same after 0.5 second and 5.5 seconds.


The height of the ball is the same after 1.5 seconds and 3.5 seconds.



A. The height of the ball is the same after 1 second and 3 seconds.

Step-by-step explanation:

The quadratic equation function modeling is used to analyze the relationship between variables in the equation. If the ball is at height and t is time then the ball is on symmetric line which will move for initial 1 second then stabilizes at 3 seconds.

Calculate the area of the trapezoid.
12 mm
5 mm
9 mm
________square millimeters



52.5 square millimeters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of a Trapezoid = (a+b/2)h

= (9+12/2)•5

=(21/2) • 5

= 10.5 • 5

= 52.5 square millimeters

hope this helps!


52.5 mm^2 (square millimeters)

Step-by-step explanation:

Just split the figure into two sections to make a rectangle, and a right triangle (This whole figure can be thought of as a composite figure)

Once that is done, you will notice that the length and width of the rectangle is 9mm by 5mm, and the triangle is 3mm by 5mm (because 12mm - 9mm is 3 mm, and the height of the triangle is shared with the width of the rectangle).

The area of a triangle is 1/2(base×height) [just as a triangle is half of a rectangle], so the area of the rectangle is (length × width).

Therefore the 9mm by 5mm rectangle has an area of 9×5 mm = 45 mm^2, and the 3mm by 5mm triangle has an area of 1/2(5×3) = 15/2 = 7.5 mm^2.

Add both areas to find the total area:

45mm^2 + 7.5mm^2 = 52.5 mm^2.


Or using the formula for the area of a trapezoid: A = h (b1 + b2) / 2

Where A is the area, b1 is the first base, b2 is the second base, and h is the height of the figure.

Given that our first base is 9, second base is 12, and our height is 5.

A = h ( b1 + b2 ) / 2 → A = 5 ( 9 + 12 ) / 2 → 5 ( 21 ) / 2 → 105 / 2 → 52.5

Then just put this quantity in mm^2 because it is the area of the figure in that unit.

→ 52.5 mm^2


Express 610.47 in unit form.



6 hundreds

1 tens

0 ones

4 tenths

7 hundredths

14) What is 50% of 180?
15) What is 25% of 36?
16) What is 100% of 166?
17) What is 150% of 126?
18) What is 10% of 100?
19) What is 200% of 133?
20) What is 25% of 172?



14. 90%

15. 9%

16. 166%

17. 189%

18. 10%

19. 266%

20. 40%

all drop down menus are 0-9
use drop down menus to complete each equation so the statement about its solution is true.


Answer: 5-4+7x+1 = [7]x+[not 2]

5-4+7x+1 = [not 7]x+[any number]

5-4+7x+1 = [7]x+[2]

An experiment consists of determining the speed of automobiles on a highway using a radar equipment. The random variable in this experiment is a:



the speed value that the radar equipment outputs.

Step-by-step explanation:

A random variable in an experiment is also (and most times the case) called a dependent variable. In this scenario, the random variable would be the speed value that the radar equipment outputs. This is because this value depends on the actual velocity of the cars that pass by the equipment. The faster the car is moving when it passes the radar the higher value will be displayed on the equipment. Therefore, depending completely on the vehicles.

can someone tell me what my GPA is.



probably 5.00

Step-by-step explanation:

maybe a 4.0 or higher cuz those r really good grades

What's another way to express the expression [4(17) + 3(25)] x 5?




Step-by-step explanation:

[4(17) + 3(25)] x 5





you just purchased a new hooded sweatshirt for $24. the total cleaning cost is $2 total because it will be washed with other sweatshirts. you will wear the sweatshirt 18 times this winter. calculate the cost per wearing.



Step-by-step explanation:

espera y termino y te ayudo vale que me falta poco vale

-25 please answer​




Step-by-step explanation:

10-25 = (-15)

Please follow me and mark as brainliest

Between which pair of numbers is the of exact product
379 and 8




Step-by-step explanation:

379 x 8 = 3032

use math, also box method

Use technology to solve the following problem: The lifetime of a certain type of automobile tire (in thousands of miles) is normally distributed with mean μ = 38 and standard deviation σ = 7. What proportion of tires have lifetimes between 36 and 46 thousand miles?




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for calculating a z-score is is z = (x-μ)/σ,

where x is the raw score,

μ is the population mean, and

σ is the population standard deviation.

From the question:

mean μ = 38,000

standard deviation σ = 7,000


36 ( thousand miles) = 36,000

z = (x-μ)/σ

z = 36,000 - 38,000/7000

z = -0.28571

Probability value from Z-Table:

P(x = 36000) = 0.38755

For 46 thousand miles = 46,000

z = (x-μ)/σ

z = 46,000 - 38,000/7000

z =1.14286

Probability value from Z-Table:

P(x = 46000) = 0.87345

The proportion of tires that have lifetimes between 36 and 46 thousand miles is calculated as:

P(x = 46000) - P(x = 36000)

0.87345 - 0.38755

= 0.4859

Solve for x:

20- 3x= -3(x-8)​



[tex]20 - 3x = - 3( x - 8) \\ 20 - 3x = - 3x + 24 \\ - 3x + 3x = 24 - 20 \\ 0 = 4[/tex]

It does not have any answer.

Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by g(x) given that f(x) = 4x3 − 5x2 − 3x + 2 and g(x) = x − 3.





To find:

The remainder when f(x) is divided by g(x).


According to remainder theorem, if f(x) is divides by (x-c), then remainder is f(c).

Using remainder theorem, if [tex]f(x)=4x^3-5x^2-3x+2[/tex] is divides by [tex]g(x)=x-3[/tex], then remainder is f(3).

Substitute x=3 in f(x).





Therefore, the required remainder is 56.

PLEASE HELP!!! i’ll give brainliest



x = [tex]\sqrt{164[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to find the hypothenuse, you need to do [tex]8^{2} + 10^{2}[/tex]. Which equals 164. Therefore, since [tex]a^{2} +b^{2} =c^{2}[/tex], a=8, b=10, and c=[tex]\sqrt{164[/tex].

Water flows through a pipe at a rate of 8 pints per hour. Express this rate of flow in cups per week.



2,688 cups per week

Step-by-step explanation:

Lets begin by figuring out the pints per week/pints per day. Multiplying 8 times 24, we get our daily total of 192 pints per day. Multiply this by 7 and we get a total of 1344 pints per week. We now must convert these pints into cups, which can be done by multiplying the total amount of pints by 2. 1344 times 2 = 2,688 cups

A grocery store sells cheese for $0.48 a pound. What would be the price for 6 pounds of cheese?




Step-by-step explanation:


os the right answer

$0.48 x 6 pounds = $2.88

What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line whose equation is
2x – 2y = 20.




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for y into y=mx+b





the slope is m, so it’s 1

A line perpendicular to that would be -1

It costs $19.50 for postage and $5 for insurance to send a one-pound box by Express Mail.

How much does it cost to send 12 one-pound boxes by Express Mail?


294 dollars

Okay so you would take 19.50 and add the 5 dollar insurance giving you 24.50. Then you’d take the 24.50 and multiply it by 12 giving you 294 dollars

Really hope I got that right
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