Explain in terms of the no. of nucleons and the forces between them, why argon 36 is stable and argon 39 is radioactive.


Answer 1

The difference in the number of nucleons (specifically neutrons) in Argon-36 and Argon-39 leads to a difference in the balance of forces within their nuclei. This results in the stability of Argon-36 and the radioactivity of Argon-39.

In terms of the number of nucleons and the forces between them, here's why Argon-36 is stable and Argon-39 is radioactive:
1. Nucleons: Argon-36 has 18 protons and 18 neutrons, while Argon-39 has 18 protons and 21 neutrons. The difference in the number of neutrons affects the stability of the nucleus.
2. Forces: There are two main forces acting within the nucleus - the strong nuclear force, which binds the nucleons together, and the electrostatic force, which causes repulsion between protons.
3. Stability: In Argon-36, the balance between the strong nuclear force and electrostatic force is such that the nucleus remains stable. The 18 neutrons in Argon-36 are enough to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the 18 protons, resulting in a stable nucleus.
4. Radioactivity: In Argon-39, there are 21 neutrons, which can lead to an imbalance in the forces within the nucleus. The strong nuclear force is not as effective in overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between the 18 protons. This imbalance makes the nucleus unstable and results in Argon-39 being radioactive.

To learn more about radioactive, refer:-



Answer 2

In terms of nucleons and forces between them, Argon-36 is stable while Argon-39 is radioactive due to the following reasons:

1. Nucleons: Argon-36 has 18 protons and 18 neutrons, whereas Argon-39 has 18 protons and 21 neutrons. The number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) affects the stability of the nucleus.

2. Forces: There are two main forces acting within the nucleus: the strong nuclear force, which holds the nucleons together, and the electromagnetic force, which causes repulsion between the protons.

3. Stability: In Argon-36, the balance between these forces is favorable, resulting in a stable nucleus.

The strong nuclear force is sufficiently strong to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between the protons, creating a stable atomic nucleus.

4. Radioactivity: In Argon-39, the presence of 3 extra neutrons increases the distance between protons, reducing the strong nuclear force's ability to counteract the electromagnetic repulsion.

This imbalance makes Argon-39's nucleus unstable and more likely to undergo radioactive decay to achieve stability.

So, the number of nucleons and the forces between them determine the stability of argon isotopes, with Argon-36 being stable and Argon-39 being radioactive.

To know more about nucleons and forces :



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a vernier slide caliper with a resolution of 0.00005 in. cannot accurately measure (to the nearest 0.0002 in) the diameter of a 1/4 inch hole because:


The caliper cannot accurately measure the diameter of a 1/4 inch hole to the that is nearest 0.0002 in. with its current resolution.

A vernier slide caliper with a resolution of 0.00005 in. has the ability to measure very small distances with high precision. However, when measuring a 1/4 inch hole to the nearest 0.0002 in., the required level of precision is not achievable with this tool. In order to measure to the nearest 0.0002 in., the caliper would need a resolution of at least 0.0001 in. Therefore, the caliper cannot accurately measure the diameter of a 1/4 inch hole to the nearest 0.0002.

To know more about vernier slide caliper, here



g a boy rides his bicycle 2.28 km. the wheels have radius 26.5 cm. what is the total angle (in rad) the tires rotate through during his trip?


The total angle the tires rotate through during the 2.28 km trip is approximately 8602 radians.

To find the total angle (in radians) the tires rotate through during a 2.28 km trip with wheels having a radius of 26.5 cm, follow these steps:

1. Convert the distance to meters:

2.28 km = 2280 meters.

2. Convert the wheel radius to meters:

26.5 cm = 0.265 meters.

3. Calculate the circumference of the wheel using the formula C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius:

C = 2π(0.265 m) ≈ 1.665 meters.

4. Determine the number of wheel rotations by dividing the total distance by the circumference:

2280 meters / 1.665 meters ≈ 1369 rotations.

5. Calculate the total angle in radians by multiplying the number of rotations by 2π radians (1 full rotation):

1369 rotations × 2π radians ≈ 8602 radians.

Learn more about angle:



A mass of 25. 0 kg is acted upon by two forces: is 15. 0 n due east and is 10. 0 n and due north. The acceleration of the mass is


the acceleration of the mass is 0.7212 m/s^2.

To find the acceleration of the mass, we need to first determine the net force acting on it. We can do this by using vector addition to add the two forces together.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the magnitude of the diagonal force:

sqrt[[tex](15N)^{2}[/tex] + [tex](10N)^{2}[/tex]] = sqrt[225 + 100] = sqrt(325) = 18.03 N

The direction of this force can be found using the inverse tangent function:

theta =[tex]tan^{-1}(10.0N/15.0N)[/tex] = 33.69 degrees north of east

We can now use vector addition to find the net force on the mass:

F_net = sqrt[[tex](15N)^{2}[/tex] + [tex](10N)^{2}[/tex]] = 18.03 N, at an angle of 33.69 degrees north of east

To find the acceleration of the mass, we can use Newton's second law, which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration:

F_net = ma

Solving for the acceleration, we get:

a = F_net / m = 18.03 N / 25.0 kg = 0.7212 m/s^2

Therefore, the acceleration of the mass is 0.7212 m/s^2.

Learn more about Vector Addition:


a beam of unpolarized sunlight strikes the vertical plastic wall of a water tank at an unknown angle. some of the light reflects from the wall and enters the water (fig. p33.53). the refractive index of the plastic wall is 1.61. if the light that has been reflected from the wall into the water is observed to be completely polarized, what angle does this beam make with the normal inside the water?


The angle that the beam of light makes with the normal inside the water is approximately 22.7º.

To determine the angle at which the beam of light reflects from the wall into the water, we can use the laws of reflection and refraction.

Let's denote the angle of incidence of the unpolarized sunlight beam with respect to the normal to the plastic wall as θ. The angle of reflection from the wall can be assumed to be equal to θ as per the law of reflection.

When the reflected light enters the water, it undergoes refraction. The angle of refraction, denoted as θ', can be determined using Snell's law:

n1 * sin(θ) = n2 * sin(θ')


n1 is the refractive index of the plastic wall

n2 is the refractive index of water (approximately 1.33)

Rearranging the equation to solve for sin(θ'):

sin(θ') = (n1 / n2) * sin(θ)

We know that the reflected light is completely polarized, which means it is perpendicular to the reflected surface. In other words, the angle of reflection equals 90º (or π/2 radians). Hence, we have:

θ + θ' = 90º (or π/2 radians)

Solving for θ':

θ' = 90º - θ (or π/2 - θ radians)

Substituting the value of sin(θ') from Snell's law:

sin(90º - θ) = (n1 / n2) * sin(θ)

Applying the trigonometric identity sin(90º - θ) = cos(θ):

cos(θ) = (n1 / n2) * sin(θ)

Rearranging the equation to solve for θ:

cos(θ) / sin(θ) = (n1 / n2)

Using the trigonometric identity cos(θ) / sin(θ) = cot(θ):

cot(θ) = (n1 / n2)

Taking the inverse cotangent (or arccot) of both sides to solve for θ:

θ = arccot(n1 / n2)

Substituting the given refractive indices:

θ = arccot(1.65 / 1.33)

Calculating this expression gives an angle of approximately 22.7º.

Therefore, the angle that the beam of light makes with the normal inside the water is approximately 22.7º.

Know more about polarized:



the amplitude of the electric field of an electromagnetic wave is 196. v/m. what is the amplitude of the magnetic field of the electromagnetic wave?


The amplitude of the magnetic field of the electromagnetic wave is 6.53 x 10^-7 T.

To find the amplitude of the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave, we need to use the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave.

According to this relationship, the amplitude of the magnetic field is equal to the amplitude of the electric field divided by the speed of light (c). Therefore, if the amplitude of the electric field of an electromagnetic wave is 196 V/m, the amplitude of the magnetic field can be calculated as follows:

Amplitude of magnetic field = Amplitude of electric field / Speed of light
Amplitude of magnetic field = 196 V/m / 3 x 10^8 m/s
Amplitude of magnetic field = 6.53 x 10^-7 T

It is important to note that the amplitude of the magnetic field and the electric field of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each other and are responsible for the wave's propagation through space.

To learn more about : electromagnetic



which particles have positive charges, and which have negative charges? sort the particles into positive and negative charged.


Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge.

The three fundamental particles in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons, which have no charge. Electrons have a negative charge and orbit the nucleus. The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number, which in turn determines the element to which it belongs.

The number of electrons in an atom determines its chemical properties, as they are involved in chemical bonding with other atoms. The charges of the particles are important in determining the behavior of atoms in chemical reactions and in the formation of molecules and compounds.

To know more about charge, here



--The complete question is, Which fundamental particles have positive charges, and which have negative charges?--

the form of solid waste recycling in which the energy value of combustible waste materials is recovered is termed composting.


This statement is incorrect. The correct form of solid waste recycling in which the energy value of combustible waste materials is recovered is called "waste-to-energy" or "energy recovery."

Composting is a different form of solid waste recycling that involves the biological decomposition of organic materials to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of the correct process:

Waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities receive solid waste, typically municipal solid waste, which is then sorted to remove recyclable materials such as plastics, metals, and paper.

The remaining waste is then burned in a specially designed furnace, called an incinerator, at high temperatures to create steam.

The steam drives turbines, which generate electricity that can be sold to the grid.

In addition to electricity generation, WTE facilities also recover the heat generated by the incineration process to provide heat to nearby buildings or industries.

The remaining ash from the incineration process can be used as a construction material, such as for roadbeds or building foundations.

WTE facilities are highly regulated and must meet strict emissions standards to ensure that the air and water quality in surrounding communities is not negatively impacted.

Overall, WTE is a form of solid waste recycling that can provide both energy generation and waste reduction benefits, while also reducing the need for landfill space.

Composting, on the other hand, is a separate process that involves the natural decomposition of organic waste materials to create a valuable soil amendment for use in agriculture and landscaping.

To know more about combustible waste :



what would be the difference between proper length l0 and the length l measured by an observer moving at 30 m/s for a proper length of 5 m (a reasonable proper length for a car)? use a similar procedure to the one you used in the previous part.


The length measured by the observer moving at 30 m/s is approximately 4.999999993 m, which is slightly smaller than the proper length of 5 m.

The proper length, denoted by l0, is the length of an object measured in its own rest frame, where it is stationary. On the other hand, the length measured by an observer moving relative to the object is called the length contraction, denoted by l.

The length contraction formula is given by:

l = l0 × √(1 - v² ÷ c²)

where v is the velocity of the observer relative to the object and c is the speed of light.

Substituting the given values, we have:

l = 5 × √(1 - (30 m/s)² ÷ (3×10⁸ m/s)²)

l = 5 × √(1 - 0.000000003)

l = 5 × √(0.999999997)

l = 5 × 0.9999999985

l ≈ 4.999999993

l ≈ 5

To learn more about length the link:



The complete question is:

What would be the difference between proper length l0 and the length l measured by an observer moving at 30 m/s for a proper length of 5 m (a reasonable proper length for a car)? Use a similar procedure to the one you used in the previous part. Express your answer in meters to three significant figures. Use c=3×108m/s.

Which of the following statements about stars is true?


The statement "Stars vary greatly in temperature" (option A) is true about stars.

What are stars?

Stars are massive, luminous spheres of plasma held together by their own gravity. They are the fundamental building blocks of the universe and are responsible for the creation of all heavy elements and the energy that powers all life on Earth.

Stars can have a wide range of temperatures, from as low as 2,000 Kelvin (K) for cooler red dwarfs to over 30,000 K for hotter blue giants. The temperature of a star is closely related to its color, with cooler stars appearing reddish in color and hotter stars appearing bluish in color.

Learn about stars here https://brainly.com/question/31378639


Complete question:

Which of the following statements about stars is true?

A. Stars vary greatly in temperature.

B. Stars rarely differ in temperature.

C. All stars are the same temperature.

D. none of these

a bridge of length 50.0 m and mass 8.20 104 kg is supported on a smooth pier at each end as shown in the figure below. a truck of mass 2.50 104 kg is located 15.0 m from one end. what are the forces on the bridge at the points of support?


The forces at the left support are 1.61 x 105 N upward and the forces at the right support are 8.88 × 105 N downward by taking into account the forces acting on the bridge and the vehicle.

Finding the forces on a bridge with a truck positioned 15.0 metres from one end and piers supporting it at each end is the task at hand in this challenge. The truck weighs 2.50 x 104 kg, whereas the bridge is 50.0 metres long and 8.20 x 104 kg in weight.

The forces acting on the bridge at its places of support must be determined using Newton's laws of motion. We may determine that the forces at the left support are 1.61 x 105 N upward and the forces at the right support are 8.88 × 105 N downward by taking into account the forces acting on the bridge and the vehicle.

Learn more about forces:



The complete question:

A bridge of length 50.0 m and mass 8.20×10^4 kg is supported on a smooth pillar at each end as shown. A truck of mass 2.50×10^4 kg is located 15.0 m from one end. What are the forces of the bridge at the points of support?

a car travels around a curve with a constant speed.what, if anything, happens to the velocity of the car in this process?


A car's velocity changes direction but its magnitude stays constant when it travels around a curve at a steady speed.

What transpires when a car is moving at a fixed speed?

For instance, when a car travels at a constant speed, resistive forces like air resistance and friction in the automobile's moving parts balance the driving force from the engine. The net force on the car as a result is zero.

Is a car accelerating when it travels at a constant speed around a curve?

Since the velocity vector's direction is changing, it is reasonable to suppose that an item moving in a circle at a constant speed is accelerating as a result.

To know more about velocity visit:-



occurs when someone pushes on an object

can not be produced by pushing on an object

can not occur when someone pulls on an object

is treated differently than other forces


Tension can not be produced by pushing on an object.

Tension is treated differently than other forces. The correct statement is: 4.

Tension is a force that occurs in an object when it is pulled from opposite ends. It is unique because it is an internal force that operates within the object, creating a balancing act between the forces being applied. When tension is present, the object experiences an equal and opposite force on both sides, striving to maintain equilibrium. In contrast, other forces, such as pushing or pulling an object, are external forces acting on the object from the outside. Tension plays a crucial role in various scenarios, such as in the stability of structures, mechanics of ropes and cables, and even in the functioning of muscles and tendons in the human body. Understanding and accounting for tension is essential in engineering, physics, and biomechanics. Option 4 is correct.

To know more about external forces, here



faraday's law can be written . in this equation, what does represent? group of answer choices the magnetic field through the circuit in whch the emf is being produced


Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction's Option D describes the magnetic field that runs across a circuit while an EMF is being generated.

The magnetic field through the circuit in which the EMF is being produced is a key factor in Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, as it directly affects the magnitude of the induced EMF.

Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that an electric current will be induced in a circuit when there is a change in the magnetic field through the circuit. This law can be expressed mathematically as:

ε = -dΦ/dt

where ε is the electromotive force (EMF) induced in the circuit, Φ is the magnetic flux through the circuit, and t is time.

The negative sign in the equation indicates that the induced EMF is in the opposite direction to the change in the magnetic flux. Therefore, the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit is directly proportional to the magnitude of the induced EMF.

The magnetic field through the circuit in which the EMF is being produced refers to the magnetic field that is changing in strength or direction. This magnetic field can be generated by a moving magnet, a changing electric current, or any other means that causes a change in the magnetic flux through the circuit.

To learn more about Faraday's law



Complete question:

Which of the following options represents what the magnetic field through the circuit in which the EMF is being produced represents in Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction?

A) The amount of current flowing through the circuit

B) The resistance of the circuit

C) The magnetic field generated by the circuit

D) The magnetic field through the circuit in which the EMF is being produced

a pendulum consists of a 5.0 kg stone swinging on a 10 m string of negligible mass. the stone has a speed of 10 m/s when it passes its lowest point. what is the greatest angle with the vertical that the string will reach during the stone's motion?


The greatest angle with the vertical that the string will reach during the stone's motion is approximately 60.2 degrees.

To solve this problem, we need to use conservation of energy and the fact that the tension in the string always points towards the center of the circle.

At the bottom of the swing, the stone has a speed of 10 m/s, so its kinetic energy is:

K1 = (1/2) * m *[tex]v^2[/tex] = (1/2) * 5.0 kg * (10 m/[tex]s)^2[/tex]= 250 J

At the top of the swing, the stone has no kinetic energy, so all of its energy is potential energy due to its height above the bottom of the swing. If we let theta be the angle between the string and the vertical, then the height of the stone above the bottom of the swing is:

h = 10 m * (1 - cos(theta))

So the potential energy of the stone at the top of the swing is:

U = m * g * h = 5.0 kg * 9.81 [tex]m/s^2[/tex] * 10 m * (1 - cos(theta)) = 490.5 J * (1 - cos(theta))

By conservation of energy, we know that K1 = U, so:

250 J = 490.5 J * (1 - cos(theta))

Solving for cos(theta), we get:

cos(theta) = 1 - 250 J / 490.5 J = 0.489

Taking the inverse cosine, we get:

theta = [tex]cos^-1(0.489)[/tex] = 60.2 degrees

So the greatest angle with the vertical that the string will reach during the stone's motion is approximately 60.2 degrees.

Learn more about stone's motion



4. in the heat transfer relation for a heat exchanger, what is the quantity f called? what does it represent? can f be greater than 1?


In the heat transfer relation for a heat exchanger, the quantity f is called the "effectiveness." It represents the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate in the heat exchanger to the maximum possible heat transfer rate under the given conditions.

The quantity f in the heat transfer relation for a heat exchanger is called the heat transfer coefficient correction factor. It represents the ratio of the actual heat transfer coefficient to the theoretical heat transfer coefficient. It takes into account the effects of fluid properties, flow conditions, and heat exchanger geometry on the heat transfer process.

Yes, f can be greater than 1. This occurs when the actual heat transfer coefficient is higher than the theoretical heat transfer coefficient, which can happen when there are enhancements to the heat transfer surface or when the fluid flow is optimized.

To know more about heat transfer coefficient correction factor:


mars may have been more earth-like in the past because


There is evidence to suggest that Mars may have been more Earth-like in the past because of the presence of water on its surface.

The presence of water is a key component in the search for life, as it is essential for the development and sustenance of life as we know it. The discovery of potential past habitable environments on Mars suggests that there may have been conditions suitable for the development of life.

Additionally, Mars has a similar geological history to Earth, with evidence of plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and other geological processes. This suggests that the planet may have had a similar composition and structure to Earth in its early history.

Learn more about water on its surface.



a local fm radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 94.8 mhz. calculate the wavelength at which it is broadcasting. wavelength


To calculate the wavelength at which the local FM radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 94.8 MHz, we'll use the formula:

Wavelength (λ) = Speed of Light (c) / Frequency (f)

Wavelength is a characteristic of waves that is defined as the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase with each other. In other words, it is the distance between two consecutive peaks or two consecutive troughs of a wave.

The speed of light (c) is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second (m/s), and the given frequency (f) is 94.8 MHz, which is equivalent to 94.8 x 10^6 Hz.

Step 1: Convert the frequency to Hz:
Frequency (f) = 94.8 MHz * 10^6 = 94.8 x 10^6 Hz

Step 2: Calculate the wavelength using the formula:
Wavelength (λ) = (3.00 x 10^8 m/s) / (94.8 x 10^6 Hz)

Step 3: Divide the numbers:
Wavelength (λ) ≈ 3.17 meters

The local FM radio station broadcasts at a wavelength of approximately 3.17 meters.

To learn more about wavelength. Please Visit:



We'll use the following formula to determine the wavelength at which the neighbourhood FM radio station transmits at a frequency of 94.8 MHz:

Wavelength () equals Frequency (f) / Lightspeed (c).

The distance between two successive wave points that are in phase with one another is known as the wavelength, which is a property of waves. In other terms, it is the space between two waves' successive peaks or troughs.

The specified frequency (f) is 94.8 MHz, which is equal to 94.8 x 106 Hz, and the speed of light (c) is roughly 3.00 x 108 metres per second (m/s).

First, change the frequency to Hertz (Hz):

f = 94.8 MHz * 106 = 94.8 x 106 Hz

2. Determine the wavelength with the following formula:

Wavelength () is calculated as (3.00 x 108 m/s) / (94.8 x 106 Hz).

3. Divide the figures:

The wave length is 3.17 metres.

The wavelength used by the neighbourhood FM radio station is roughly 3.17 metres.

learn more about wavelength here:



the mass of an elevator cab, including passengers, is 2.5 x 103 kg. it moves 190 m up the elevator shaft in 25 s at constant speed. what is the average rate of work done by the cable on the elevator cab? your answer should be in kj/s (


The average rate of work done by the cable on the elevator cab is approximately 184.4 kW or 184.4 kJ/s.

What is the average rate of work done?

The work done by the cable on the elevator cab is equal to the change in the potential energy of the cab as it moves up the elevator shaft. The work-energy principle states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy plus the change in its potential energy. In this case, the cab moves at a constant speed, so its kinetic energy does not change. Therefore, the work done by the cable is equal to the change in the potential energy of the cab.

The change in potential energy of the cab is given by the equation:

ΔPE = mgh

where m is the mass of the cab, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height through which the cab moves.

The mass of the cab is given as m = 2.5 x 10^3 kg.

The acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.81 m/s^2.

The height through which the cab moves is h = 190 m.

Therefore, the change in potential energy of the cab is:

ΔPE = (2.5 x 10^3 kg) * (9.81 m/s^2) * (190 m) = 4.61 x 10^6 J

The time taken for the cab to move this distance is given as t = 25 s.

The average rate of work done by the cable on the elevator cab is the work done divided by the time taken, and is given by the equation:

P = ΔPE / t

Substituting the values, we get:

P = (4.61 x 10^6 J) / (25 s) = 184.4 x 10^3 J/s

Therefore, the average rate of work done by the cable on the elevator cab is approximately 184.4 kW or 184.4 kJ/s.

Learn more about work done



suppose that we want to make bulb h dimmer than it was in circuit 9 (when 1 glow flowed through it). what will we need to do to the flow through h?


To make bulb H dimmer than it was in Circuit 9 (when 1 glow flowed through it), you will need to decrease the flow through H. To achieve this, you can:

1. Increase the resistance in the circuit, specifically in the path that includes bulb H. This can be done by adding more resistors or increasing the resistance of the existing components.
2. Decrease the voltage across the circuit. This will result in a reduced current flow, making bulb H dimmer.

By decreasing the flow through H, you will effectively make the bulb dimmer than it was in Circuit 9.

To know more about Resistance and Voltage:



a student is 2.50m away from a convex lens while her image is 1.80m from the lens, what is the focal length?


To find the focal length of a convex lens, we can use the formula:
1/f = 1/di + 1/do

Where f is the focal length, di is the distance of the image from the lens, and do is the distance of the object from the lens.

We are given that the student is 2.50m away from the lens, so do = 2.50m. We are also given that the image is 1.80m from the lens, so di = 1.80m.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
1/f = 1/1.80 + 1/2.50

Simplifying this equation, we get:
1/f = 0.5556

Multiplying both sides by f, we get:
f = 1.80 / 0.5556

Solving for f, we get:
f ≈ 3.24 meters

Therefore, the focal length of the convex lens is approximately 3.24 meters.

To know more about focal length of a convex lens:



A convex lens is 1.80 meters from a student who is 2.50 meters distant, and its focal length is 1.04 meters.

To solve this problem, we can use the lens equation:

1/f = 1/do + 1/di

where f is the focal length of the lens, do is the object distance (distance of the object from the lens), and di is the image distance (distance of the image from the lens).

In this problem, the object distance is do = 2.50 m and the image distance is di = 1.80 m. We can plug these values into the lens equation and solve for the focal length:

1/f = 1/do + 1/di

1/f = 1/2.50 + 1/1.80

1/f = 0.4 + 0.56

1/f = 0.96

f = 1/0.96

f ≈ 1.04 meters

Therefore, the focal length of the convex lens is approximately 1.04 meters.

To learn more about focal length, refer:-



how many of these photons would need to be absorbed simultaneously by a molecule with binding energy 10.0 ev to break it apart?


Please note that without the specific energy value of the photons in question, it is not possible to give a definitive answer to the number of photons needed.

To determine how many photons need to be absorbed simultaneously by a molecule with a binding energy of 10.0 electron volts (eV) to break it apart, you must first know the energy of each individual photon.

The energy of a photon can be calculated using the formula E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10^-34 Js), and f is the frequency of the photon.

Once you have calculated the energy of a single photon, you can determine how many photons are required to reach the 10.0 eV binding energy by dividing the binding energy by the energy of one photon.

For example, if the energy of a single photon is 2.0 eV, then you would need 5 photons (10.0 eV / 2.0 eV) to be absorbed simultaneously to break the molecule apart.

To learn more about : photons



if hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, why do we not see the lines of hydrogen in the spectra of the hottest stars?


The reason we do not see the lines of hydrogen in the spectra of the hottest stars is due to the ionization of hydrogen atoms at high temperatures.

In these stars, the temperatures are so high that the electrons in the hydrogen atoms are stripped away, leaving behind only the protons. This ionized hydrogen does not produce the same spectral lines as neutral hydrogen, which is what we typically observe in cooler stars. Instead, the spectra of hot stars are dominated by lines from ionized metals, such as helium, carbon, and oxygen. So while hydrogen is indeed the most common element in the universe, its presence in the spectra of hot stars is not as prominent due to ionization.

More on hydrogen: https://brainly.com/question/30077093


A 0.500 kg football is thrown with a speed of 15.0 m/s. A stationary receiver catches the ball and brings it to rest in 0.020 s. a) What is the impulse delivered to the ball as it's caught? b) what is the average force exerted on the receiver?


The negative sign denotes a force that is acting in the opposite direction to the football's motion, which is in the direction of the receiver. Therefore, 375 N is the average force applied to the receiver.

How does football use physics?

When the football is rolling or sliding during a play, frictional forces are working against it. The reason behind this is that as these balls roll across the ground, surface friction creates an opposing force that significantly slows the ball down.

a) The impulse delivered to the ball can be calculated using the impulse-momentum theorem, which states that the impulse delivered to an object is equal to its change in momentum.

The initial momentum of the football is given by:

p1 = mv1 = (0.500 kg)(15.0 m/s) = 7.50 kg*m/s

The final momentum of the football is zero, since it comes to rest. Therefore, the change in momentum is:

Δp = p2 - p1 = -p1

The impulse delivered to the ball is equal to the change in momentum, so:

J = Δp = -p1 = -(7.50 kgm/s) = -7.50 Ns

b) The average force exerted on the receiver can be calculated using the impulse-momentum theorem again, which states that the impulse delivered to an object is equal to the average force exerted on the object multiplied by the time interval over which the force is applied.

J = F_avg * Δt

Rearranging this equation gives

F_avg = J/Δt = (-7.50 N*s)/(0.020 s) = -375 N

To know more about force visit:-



wire of initial length l0 and radius r0 has a measured resistance of 1.0 . the wire is drawn under tensile stress to a new uniform radius of r 0.25r0. what is the new resistance of the wire


The new resistance of the wire is 4/π times the initial resistance.

The resistance of a wire is given by the equation R = ρL/A, where R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity of the material, L is the length of the wire, and A is the cross-sectional area of the wire.

In this case, we know that the wire has an initial length of l0 and a radius of r0, and a measured resistance of 1.0. We also know that the wire is drawn under tensile stress to a new uniform radius of 0.25r0.

The cross-sectional area of the wire after it is drawn is given by A' = π(0.25r₀)² = 0.0625πr₀²

The length of the wire does not change, so we can use the equation R = ρL/A to find the new resistance.

R' = ρL/A' = ρL/(0.0625πr₀² )

To find the new resistance, we need to know the resistivity of the material. If we assume that the resistivity is constant and does not change when the wire is drawn, then we can use the same value of ρ as before. If we do not have this information, we cannot calculate the new resistance.

Assuming a constant resistivity, the new resistance is:

R' = 1.0/(0.0625π) × r₀²/I₀

R' = 4/π ×  r₀²/I₀

You can learn more about resistance at: brainly.com/question/29427458


5. give it a spin! to make the analysis simpler, try to spin in the x-y plane (sideway). while in the air, do you have a uniform circular motion? how can you tell?


Yes, when a person is spinning in the x-y plane, they have a uniform circular motion.

What is spinning?

Spinning is an exercise technique used to increase strength and endurance, as well as to burn fat. It involves using a stationary or spinning bike to simulate the experience of cycling outdoors. The intensity of the workout is determined by the instructor, usually by adjusting the resistance level of the bike. During a spinning session, the instructor will typically lead the class through a series of drills and exercises, while providing motivation and encouragement. Spinning is a great way to get a full body workout without having to go outdoors. It is also a low-impact activity that can be done by people of all fitness levels.

This is because the acceleration is constant and directed towards the centre of the circle, meaning that the speed and direction of the object remain the same throughout the motion. This is known as centripetal acceleration and it is what keeps the object moving in a uniform circle.

To learn more about spinning

All of these are part of the 3-minute charge test, EXCEPT ________.
A) Charge the battery at a rate of 40 amperes for 3 minutes
B) At the end of three minutes, read the voltmeter
C) Connect battery charger and ammeter to the battery terminals
D) Connect battery charger and voltmeter to the battery terminals




early in the movie f-18 fighter jets are shown shooting many missiles at the alien spacecraft. these missiles then explode before hitting the spacecraft. captain steven hiller radios to his squadron that the ship must have some sort of protective shielding. is this scene possible? does our present state of technology have anything similar?


In our present state of technology, we don't have anything similar to the alien spacecraft's protective shielding. It's not a realistic representation of current technology.

The scene in which F-18 fighter jets shoot missiles at an alien spacecraft, only to have them explode before hitting the target, is certainly possible in a sci-fi movie.

However, The closest technology we have is electromagnetic shields used in science experiments and particle accelerators. These shields use a magnetic field to protect against charged particles, but they're not strong enough to withstand the impact of a missile.

Additionally, electromagnetic shields require a massive amount of energy, which isn't practical for use in military applications. Overall, while the scene may be entertaining in a movie,

To learn more about : spacecraft's



the counter-clockwise circulating current in a solenoid is increasing at a rate of 9.55 a/s. the cross-sectional area of the solenoid is 3.14159 cm2 , and there are 268 turns on its 17.9 cm length. what is the magnitude of the self-induced emf e produced by the increasing current? answer in units of mv.


The magnitude of the self-induced emf produced by the increasing current in the solenoid is approximately 130 mV.

To calculate the self-induced emf produced by the increasing current in the given solenoid, we can use the formula:

e = -L (di ÷ dt)

where e is the self-induced emf, L is the inductance of the solenoid, and (di/dt) is the rate of change of current.

The inductance of a solenoid can be calculated using the formula:

L = μ × n² × A × l

where μ is the permeability of the material inside the solenoid (we will assume it to be the permeability of free space, μ0), n is the number of turns per unit length, A is the cross-sectional area, and l is the length of the solenoid.

Substituting the given values, we get:

μ0 = 4π x 10⁷ T m/A

n = 268 ÷ 0.179 m = 1497 turns/m

A = 3.14159 cm² = 3.14159 x 10⁻⁴ m²

l = 17.9 cm = 0.179 m

(di ÷ dt) = 9.55 A/s

L = μ0 × n² × A × l

= 4π x 10⁻⁷ × (1497)² × 3.14159 x 10⁻⁴ × 0.179

= 0.0136 H

e = -L (di ÷ dt)

= -0.0136 × 9.55 x 10⁶ (since 1 mV = 10⁻³ V)

= -129.98 mV

≈ 130 mV

To learn more about current follow the link:



at what velocity (in revolutions per minute) will the peak voltage of a generator be 475 v, if its 475 turn, 8.00 cm diameter coil rotates in a 0.250 t field?


The velocity at which the peak voltage of the generator is 475 V is 95.0 revolutions per minute.

The peak voltage (V) of a generator is given by the equation V = NBAω, where N is the number of turns in the coil, B is the magnetic field strength, A is the area of the coil, and ω is the angular velocity of the coil.

We are given that the coil has 475 turns, a diameter of 8.00 cm, and rotates in a 0.250 T field. We can use these values to find the area of the coil:

radius = diameter/2 = 4.00 cm

[tex]area = π(radius)^2 = 50.27 cm^2[/tex]

Now we can solve for ω:

V = NBAω

[tex]ω = V/(NBA) = (475 V)/(475 turns)(0.250 T)(50.27 cm^2)(1 m^2/10,000 cm^2)(1 rev/2π radians)[/tex]

ω = 95.0 rev/min

Therefore, the velocity at which the peak voltage of the generator is 475 V is 95.0 revolutions per minute.

Learn more about The velocity



1260 RPM. RPM = (Peak Voltage / (2 * pi * coil diameter * magnetic field strength)) * 60 can be used to compute this.

The formula Vp = NABw/2, where N is the number of turns in the coil, A is the coil's area, B is the strength of the magnetic field, and w is the coil's angular velocity, determines the peak voltage produced by a revolving coil. We arrive at w = 2Vp/(NAB) after solving for w. Since the coil diameter rather than the area is provided, we can apply the calculation A = pi*d2/4 to determine the area. After simplifying and substituting the given variables, we get at w = 2 * 475 / (475 * pi * 0.082 * 0.25) = 420 rad/s. Finally, we increase this by 60 / (2 * pi), which gives us 1260 RPM.

learn more about coil here:



an automobile travels 540 km in 4 hr and 30 mins. what is the average velocity over the entire 4.5 hr interval


The average velocity of the automobile over the entire 4.5-hour interval is 120 km/h.

Explanation: To find the average velocity, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

In this case, the automobile travels 540 km in 4 hours and 30 minutes. We can convert 30 minutes to 0.5 hours, then add it to 4 hours to get a total time of 4.5 hours.

Average velocity = Total distance ÷ Total time

= 540 km ÷ 4.5 hours

= 120 km/h

Click on this link to know more about how to calculate the average velocity.

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