With heavy weight, you are more at risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart problems (e.g. cardiac arrest).
Exercise often
Eat a healthy breakfast daily
Stay hydrated
exercise regularly cut down on the food you eat daily if it has a high calorie count and include more healthy food in your diet Answer:
Please answer
1. What are THREE ways that people with an anxiety disorder can get help?
2. What are THREE ways that people with depression can get help?
Question 1:
relaxation techniques.
correct breathing techniques.
cognitive therapy.
behaviour therapy.
dietary adjustments.
The first one
You and your friend go to a movie. After the show, your friend’s mom comes and they ask you if you need a ride, but you tell them that your mom was going to pick you up so they leave. You then check your cell phone and find out your mom had to go to work and asked you to get a ride with your friend. You only live a mile away so you are thinking about walking home alone at night. What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt) In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation. (1 pt) In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (2 pts)
You went to a friend’s birthday party and your dad said to call when you were ready to come home. Your friend’s older brother has a friend who says he lives near you and he would take you home. You do not know him and it would only be you two in the car. What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt) In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation. (1 pt) In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (2 pts)
You are home alone when a stranger comes to the door and asks if he can use your phone. What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt) In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation. (1 pt) In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (2 pts)
You and your sister are frying some eggs when a fire starts on the frying pan. Your sister starts filling a glass of water to put out the fire. What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt) In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation. (1 pt) In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (2 pts)
You and your friends are swimming in a local lake. Your friend dares you to swim all the way to the buoy, but you have never swam that far and are already a little tired. What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt) In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation. (1 pt) In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (2 pts)
Create your own situation: Now think of your own dangerous situation. Describe the situation, and then answer the following questions for your own situation.
Situation: (2 pts)
What is the risk factor of this situation? (1 pt)
In a complete sentence, describe a possible outcome to this situation.
(1 pt)
In a complete paragraph, describe how you would respond to avoid danger. (1 pt)
risk factor: Getting hit by a car, or getting kidnapped
Possible outcome: The possible out come to this situation is you could get hit by a car, and be seriously damaged.
I would respond by not walking home. I would call my friends parents and see if they can come take me home, or I would call a taxi to come get me. If all of those plans fail I would call a family member to come get me.
This piece of equipment marks the most forward point of the ball at the start of each down, and the card indicates the number of the down.
I think your answer is either the chain crew or the first down markers.(the chains that the chain crew hold to mark the first down.)
What is the difference between communicable and noncommunicable diseases? Communicable diseases are caused by pathogens while noncommunicable diseases are not. Communicable diseases are hereditary, noncommunicable diseases are not. Communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens while noncommunicable diseases are. Communicable diseases can be treated, noncommunicable diseases can not.