Explain what the "Great Dying" is in 1 sentence.


Answer 1

The entrance of Europeans and the introduction of fresh germs to the continent led to the "Great Death." There was a cholera, measles, smallpox, and influenza outbreak in addition to war and slavery.

What is known as the Great Dying?

The Paleozoic era came to an end with the most devastating mass extinction ever seen in the history of the planet 251.9 million years ago. Up to 96% of all marine species and around 70% of all terrestrial species, including plants and insects, perished during this phenomenon, which came to be known as the "great dying."

The catastrophic volcanic eruptions that caused the "Great Dying," also known as the runaway greenhouse effect and ocean acidification, are assumed to have been the cause. As a result, 95% of all land and ocean species were wiped off.

Thus, The entrance of Europeans and the introduction of fresh germs to the continent led to the "Great Death."

For more information about Great Death. click here



Related Questions

who is credited with opening the first textile mill in the united states?


Answer: Samuel Slater


Before getting started on this post, watch the above videos regarding the common distinction between the Living Constitutional approach and the Originalist approach to constitutional interpretation. In your own words, describe how these two approaches evaluate constitutional questions and the sources/input they use to come to their interpretations (~75 words). Next, tell me whether you think the US Constitution is judged more by the Living Constitution approach, the Originalist approach, or something in between. Justify your answer by referencing a specific, relatively recent example (~150 words). Lastly, in your opinion, how do you think constitutional interpretation SHOULD take place? More Living Constitution, more Originalist, or some other way (~75 words)?


The Living Constitutional approach evaluates constitutional questions by considering the current societal context and values, whereas the Originalist approach looks to the original intent and meaning of the Constitution's authors.

How to illustrate the approaches?

In recent years, the Supreme Court has been split on whether to interpret the Constitution using a Living Constitutional or Originalist approach.

For example, in the 2015 case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, Justice Kennedy's majority opinion used a Living Constitutional approach, while the dissenting opinion, written by Chief Justice Roberts, used an Originalist approach.

In my opinion, constitutional interpretation should take place by considering both the original intent of the Constitution's authors and the current societal context and values.

Learn more about Constitution on;



P L E A S E HELP ME ! ! ! !
The Renaissance was a bridge from the medieval world to the modern world, and its legacy can be seen in many things around us even today.

Ready to get up from your seat? Now it’s your turn to go out into your school and community and find your own evidence of the legacy of the Renaissance. You might look at the buildings around you and find examples of Renaissance architecture. (Domes? Columns?). Is there a theater group producing a play from Shakespeare? Other examples might include a copy of the book The Prince, a DVD cover for the movie Shakespeare in Love, a famous piece of art by da Vinci hanging on a wall, an advertisement for an art show or a poetry reading night, or an ad for continuing education classes at a local college.

Find five examples of the Renaissance legacy around you and explain in two to three sentences why you think each one is a good example. Make sure to include items from each category: art, architecture, literature, and inventions. Use a digital camera, a photocopier, or your own artwork to create visuals of the items that you find and use them to create a digital poster or slideshow presentation. Use your Web 2.0 resource page to help you.

For your digital poster or slideshow, remember to include:

five images (digital or drawn) of the Renaissance legacy around you
at least one image for each of the following categories: art, architecture, literature, and inventions
for each example, a two to three sentence explanation of why it represents a legacy of the Renaissance, including how the example reflects the influence of humanism


The name "Renaissance," which derives from the Italian Rinascita and was originally used in the 14th century, refers to this period because of this.

What is meant by Renaissance?

The French word for "rebirth" is "renaissance." It alludes to a time in European history when learning and knowledge from the Classical era saw a renaissance.

In the 15th century, both society and art in Europe witnessed profound changes. The legacy of Greek and Roman Antiquity was revived by Italian artists in the 14th century. This is the reason why this time period is referred to as the "Renaissance," a term that originates from the Italian Rinascita and was first used in the 14th century.

Humanism was a school of thought that emerged during the Renaissance. Humanism supported the notion that people should value their achievements in education, the classical arts, literature, and science since they are the center of their own universe. This is only one of its many tenets.

To learn more about Renaissance refer to:



Which of the following is part of the enumerated powers of the federal government?

A: right to establish a local government

B: right to conduct local elections

C: right to regulate intrastate commerce

D: power to tax


Answer: C: right to regulate intrastate commerce is part of the enumerated powers of the federal government. The Commerce Clause in the Constitution grants the federal government the power to regulate trade between states and with foreign countries.

Among the given, the right to  right to regulate intrastate commerce is one of the enumerated power of federal government. Hence option C is correct.

What are the enumerated powers of federal government ?

The lengthy list of legislative duties found in Article I, Section 8, is known as the enumerated or listed powers. They included the power to levy and collect taxes, settle debts and borrow funds, control commerce, mint money etc.

Others include establish post offices, safeguard patents and other intellectual property rights, set up lower courts, declare war, and build and maintain an army and navy.

Making all laws "necessary and suitable" to carry out the defined powers was the final authority in the list, nevertheless. Often referred to as the Elastic Clause, this clause gave Congress some leeway to extend its enumerated powers to suit its requirements. 

Therefore, commercial regulation or  right to regulate intrastate commerce is the correct option.

Find more on enumerated powers:



What countries were seizing American merchant ships?​



Britain and America started trading goods so the French started seizing merchant ships from America.


Hope this helps! <3


Islam has developed many negative stereotypes in the United States. What are some of these stereotypes? Which of these stereotypes are directly related to Islam itself, rather than the politics of the Middle East?

2. Find a current article that has something to do with Islam. Discuss the article and explain what it says about the current influence of Islam on the world?


The actual experiences of these populations are frequently misrepresented in popular media depictions of Islam, Muslims, and persons from the Middle East.

What is population?

The term "population" usually refers to the total number of people living in a certain area, such as a city or town, region, nation, continent, or the entire world.

Governments frequently use censuses, a procedure for gathering, evaluating, compiling, and releasing statistics regarding a population, to determine the size of the resident people within their jurisdiction.

Population refers to a group of people who share some established characteristics, such as location, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion, in sociology and population geography.

The social science of demography involves the statistical analysis of populations. The method of modifying a population's pace of growth is known as human population planning.

Human population management has traditionally been used to slow down the rate of population expansion.

Learn more about population, here



Explain what a plantation is in ONLY ONE sentence.


Answer: a plantation is an area of land used for agricultural farming, specializing in cash crops.


How did Asoka improve life and advance society in South Asia?


Ashoka supported non-violence. Instead of focusing on empire expansion, he focused on public works and building up the empire while governing it with peace and tolerance.

Between 268 and 232 BCE, Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great, ruled as the third emperor of the Maurya Empire in the Indian subcontinent. The Indian monarch Ashoka, who was upset by his bloody conquests that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, adopted Buddhism and showed compassion to his subjects.

The Mauyran Dynasty was transformed by Emperor Ashoka from a war machine to a society based on tolerance and non-violence. The Mauryan Empire was stringent on tax collection, but it also supported a lot of public works initiatives to raise output. Numerous roads, streams, canals, rest areas, hospitals, and other infrastructure projects were funded by Ashoka.

Learn more about Ashoka here:


A tribe might be made up of
several bands
several confederacies
a single extended family


By the 19th century the speakers of Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota (dialects of a single language within the inappropriately named Siouan language family) were referred to as “bands” because (from the perspective of colonial administrators) they were clearly subdivisions of the larger “Sioux tribe.” From a scholarly perspective, however, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota are the names of linguistic groups that are related to, but quite distinct from, sociopolitical units.



The answer is several bands

how were native american treated in the late 1800s?


Native Americans saw a drastic decrease in their populations during the late 1800s.

The US government saw the Native Americans as individuals and their wards but not as sovereigns. This means that they treated the Native Americans according to their convenience. These people were forced out of their homes because their native lands were taken over,

Their population decreased a lot as well. Between 1800 and 1900, the American Indians lost more than half of their people, and their ratio in the total U.S. population declined from 10.15% to 0.31%. Throughout the 19th century, while the U.S. population increased by 20-30% every 10 years, their population underwent a sharp decline.

Learn more about Native Americans on



the effort, after the civil war, to recognize the seceded states and bring them back into the union. true or false


The given assertion" the effort, after the civil war, to recognize the seceded countries and bring them back into the union" is true. is called reconstructions. Reconstructions allude to the post-Civil War trials to fete and reunify the withdrawn countries officially.

The post-American Civil War worked to return the unorthodox countries so they could refresh their state constitutions, hold races, and start transferring agents to Washington.

The thirteenth Correction, which banned yoke, would need to be maintained by the Belligerent countries, alongside a pledge of fastness to the Association and the payment of their conflict obligation. They could also hold races, rework their state constitutions, and begin transferring individualities to Washington.

Learn more about civil war:



Which of the following was NOT a result of the Civil War?
A- strengthened federal power
B- economic restoration of the South
C- end of slavery
D- expansion of women's roles


Answer: B- Economic restoration of the South

Explanation: The Civil War destroyed slavery and devastated the southern economy.
B- economic restoration of the South is the correct answer because the Civil War destroyed the southern banking system and eliminated a major part of the Southern antebellum capital stock.

the 1969 woodstock music festival was select one: a. held to establish cooperatives based on the principles of communal living. b. organized as a rally in protest to the vietnam war. c. designed to make amends for the events of altamont four months earlier. d. formed to help heal the cultural divisions within american society. e. a powerful symbol of the ideals of the counterculture philosophy.


Answer: B, Organized as a rally in protest to the vietnam war


why did the outcome of the 1796 election increase political tensions?


The election results in 1796 exacerbate political tensions because the political parties of the President and Vice President were dissimilar. Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties participated in a presidential election for the first time in 1796.

John Adams, a federalist, narrowly defeated Thomas Jefferson, a Democrat-Republican, by just three electoral votes.

Adams earned 71 electoral votes as a result, one more than was needed to win the presidency. The outcome of the election would have been changed if any two of the three Adams electors from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina had cast their ballots together with the rest of their states.

Jefferson won the vice presidential election with 68 votes, nine more than Pinckney.

To know more about election:



according to hiram bingham, what percentage of the dead in machu picchu were women?


The notion that Machu Picchu was a sort of sanctuary for the Virgins of the Sun was discarded after research revealed that not all of the remains found there were women.

Near the Machu Picchu citadel, Hiram Bingham's expedition reaches its destination. Due to the unfavorable weather, they sought shelter in the homes of nearby farmers. In this location, farmer Melchor Arteaga informs the American explorer of the existence of stone-built city ruins and agrees to pay the explorer a silver dollar to transport them there. Bingham, a peasant and government representative from Peru, took a risk on July 24 to explore Machu Picchu by crossing the formidable Vilcanota River. Despite the dreary conditions, gray clouds, and torrential tropical rains, Bingham, a peasant and government official, was The other team members preferred to shelter in the location. The teacher and the two companions had to walk 700 meters up a steep mountain covered in thick vegetation to reach Machu Picchu after crossing the wild Vilcanota river on a shaky trunk bridge. They met nearby peasant children about halfway and they agreed to lead the three men because they were well-versed in the area. They climbed for hours before finally being rewarded for their perseverance. He could see the strength of the hidden mountain, which served as a haven against the Spanish in the 16th century.

To know more about Machu Picchu visit



This speech titled “Ain’t I a Woman” was give by the abolitionist and female reformer Sojourner Truth at a women’s convention in Ohio in 1851. Is Sojourner Truth arguing more for rights for women or African Americans in this speech? Explain.


Sojourner Truth is arguing for rights for both women and African Americans in her speech. She highlights how both groups have been oppressed and treated unfairly, and she argues that they should be given the same rights as men and white people.

What do you know about Sojourner Truth ?

Sojourner Truth was born into slavery in New York in the late 18th century, but escaped to freedom in 1826. Throughout her life, Truth was an outspoken advocate for the rights of slaves and women. She spoke at countless abolitionist meetings and women's rights conventions, and became a leader in the struggle for civil rights. She would later become one of the first African-American women to win a court case against a white man. Her inspiring words, "Ain't I a Woman?" are now iconic and are a reminder of the strength of her legacy.

So, Sojourner Truth is arguing for rights for both women and African Americans in her speech.

To learn more about Sojourner Truth :



Which of the following statements is/are correct concerning the importance of One Health for Global Health ?

Based on the One Health approach, vaccinating humans is the best cost-effective measure to block the transmission of MERS

Rabies offers a good example of the fact that the weak spot of the system is not necessarily at the human level

One Health applies to Global Health Challenges at the human-animal-ecosystem interface such as emerging zoonotic infections

One Health takes into account the fact that determinants of disease can be at the human, animal and environmental levels

One Health helps to identify the so called weak spot of the cycle of transmission of an infection


All of the sentences that we have here are correct concerning the one health for global health.

What is One health about?

All of the statements are correct concerning the importance of One Health for Global Health.

Based on the One Health approach, vaccinating humans is the best cost-effective measure to block the transmission of MERS.

Rabies offers a good example of the fact that the weak spot of the system is not necessarily at the human level.

One Health applies to Global Health Challenges at the human-animal-ecosystem interface such as emerging zoonotic infections.

One Health takes into account the fact that determinants of disease can be at the human, animal and environmental levels.

One Health helps to identify the so-called weak spot of the cycle of transmission of an infection.

Read more on health here: https://brainly.com/question/5496881


Which of the following statements best describes the historical impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire? NEED ANSWER ASAP (WILL MARK BRAINLIEST)

Select one:

After the fire, rules changed in the United States on how far a firehouse could be located from high rise factories.

The fire led to the passage of dozens of factory and workplace safety laws in the state where it occurred and Progressives used the tragedy as an example of why governments needed to be involved in protecting workers.

The tragedy marked the beginning of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States and the more press coverage it received the more sympathetic Progressives became to the plight of women.

As a result of the tragedy, there was a moratorium placed on buildings with more than ten floors in the many large cities in the United States.

None of the above




Explanation: the tragedy was a result of a lack of safety protocols

What was the purpose of the letter from birmingham jail? answer with at least a paragraph pls!!


Martin Luther King wrote the letter from Birmingham because he believed that everyone should have the same rights and that slavery should be abolished.

Martin Luther King composed this letter in response to what occurred to the young girl who was barred from the park because only white people and people of color may enter it.

Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated for equality and the treatment of all people equally. There should be no unfairness and everyone be treated in same manner.

Learn more about the letter from Birmingham jail at


Explain what a cash crop is in ONLY 1 sentence.



A crop thay you can sell for alot of money

What comparisons could be made between the rich Roman’s and celebrities/athletes today?



Games such as horseracing, ball games, board games, and gladiator fights, which began in Rome, are still enjoyed in different parts of the world. Several aspects of sporting events in ancient Rome can be observed today, for example, the similarity of gladiator contests to organized modern sports


Based on the aims presented in the Charter Oath, it can best be inferred that the

emperor was no longer a symbol of power
samurai directly controlled public discussions
Japanese government encouraged western learning
lowest classes of Japanese society were excluded from government


The aims presented in the Charter Oath lead to one inferring that the c. Japanese government encouraged western learning

What was the Charter Oath ?

In Japanese history, the emperor Meiji issued the Charter Oath on April 6, 1868, following the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate and the reinstatement of the imperial family's direct participation in administration.

The implementation of a Western parliamentary constitution and modernization of the nation were made possible by the Charter Oath. In addition, the oath said that people were not constrained to traditional jobs associated with their class but might pursue any type of employment they choose.

Find out more on the charter oath at https://brainly.com/question/14425292


After watching In the Executioners Shadow. Does this documentary change your opinion on Capital Punishment?


Answer: This is a simple opinion question. So based on the information given in the documentary, did your opinion change on Capital Punishment?


Which of these statements is the conclusion the supreme court drew based on the evidence in the brown case? a. equal treatment exists in separate facilities when the facilities are equal.b. equal treatment cannot exist in separate facilities. c. the existence of equal facilities is supported by the fourteenth amendment. d. the fourteenth amendment supports the continuation of separate facilities.


The Brown case facts led the supreme court to the decision that equal treatment cannot exist in different facilities. So, option B is the correct choice.

The U.S. Supreme Court made history in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka by holding that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional, even when the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality. The ruling substantially overturned the Court's Plessy v. Ferguson judgment from 1896, which had declared that racial segregation statutes did not violate the U.S. Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were of similar quality, giving rise to the phrase "separate but equal." The Court's ruling in Brown opened the door for integration, was a significant victory for the civil rights movement, and served as a template for numerous more impact litigation cases in the future.

A unanimous 9-0 ruling in favor of the Browns was announced by the Supreme Court in May 1954. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution is violated by laws that require separate educational facilities because they are "inherently unequal," according to the Supreme Court.

To know more about Brown case





equal treatment cannot exist in separate facilities.


got it right.

during the harding administration, the united states select one: a. eventually joined the league of nations. b. threatened to blockade japan if it did not stop its military aggression. c. largely retired from international diplomacy. d. proposed a dramatic reduction in the fleets of the united states, britain, and japan. e. forgave the international debts of the former european allies.


The United States suggested a significant decrease in the fleets of the United States, Britain, and Japan under the Harding administration.

In the years following World War I, Harding led the nation. Republican from Ohio, Harding served as president from the middle of the 1890s through 1932, when his party was mostly in control of politics in the country. Vice President Calvin Coolidge succeeded him after his death from what seemed to be a heart attack.

The United States had one of the largest armies and the greatest fleets after the end of World War I. Harding and his successors oversaw the navy and army's disarming because there was no significant threat to the United States itself.

The naval reduction was based on a policy of parity with Britain, while the army reduction was to 140,000 men. In an effort to stop an arms race, Senator William Borah succeeded in getting a senate resolution passed that called for a 50% decrease in the size of the British Navy, the Japanese Navy, and the American Navy. With the support of Congress, Harding and Hughes started making plans to host a naval disarmament conference in Washington. Representatives from the United States, Japan, Britain, France, Italy, China, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal attended the Washington Naval Conference in November 1921. The crucial suggestion was made by Secretary of State Hughes, who assumed a leading position in the conference and stated that the U.S. would cut its warships by 30 if Great Britain deactivated 19 ships and Japan decommissioned 17 ships. Hughes sank more ships in 35 minutes than all of the world's admirals combined have sunk over the course of centuries, according to a conference reporter.

To know more about Harding administration



read this scenario: a lobbyist wants a senator to change her vote on a bill supported by the lobbyists employer. he bribes the senator with a large donation to her personal bank account. which negative aspect of interest groups does the scenario illustrate?


The scenario illustrates the negative aspect of interest groups known as corruption, specifically the use of bribes to influence the actions of elected officials.

What are Interest Groups?

Interest groups, also known as special interest groups or lobbies, are organizations that seek to influence public policy and decision-making. These groups often focus on specific issues or industries, such as the environment, healthcare, or finance.

Finally, they may engage in lobbying, grassroots organizing, and public education campaigns to promote their interests and goals. Interest groups can be found at the local, state, and federal levels, and can be composed of individuals, businesses, or other organizations.

Learn more about interest groups here: https://brainly.com/question/25656843


during the reign of terror, how does robespierre go against his initial beliefs from the beginning of the revolution?


Robespierre encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine and  go against his initial beliefs from the beginning of the revolution.

Maximilien Robespierre, the driving force behind the French Revolution's reign of terror, was overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As a leading member of the 1793 Commission of Public Safety, Robespierre encouraged the execution of more than 17,000 of his revolutionary enemies, mainly by guillotine. A day after his arrest, Robespierre and his 21 supporters were guillotined in front of a cheering mob at Paris' Revolution Square.

Maximilian Robespierre was born in 1758 in Arras, France. He studied law on a scholarship and was elected governor-general in 1789 to represent the people of Arras. After the Third Estate, representing the common people and the lesser clergy, proclaimed itself a National Assembly, Robespierre became a prominent member of the revolutionary group. He took a radical, democratic stance and was known as "the incorruptible" for his dedication to bourgeois morality. In April 1790 he presided over the Jacobins, a powerful political club promoting the ideas of the French Revolution.

To know more about Revolution click here:



During the Reign of Terror, which occurred from 1793 to 1794 during the French Revolution, Maximilien Robespierre, one of the leaders of the revolution, began to implement policies that were in stark contrast to his initial beliefs.

At the beginning of the revolution, Robespierre advocated for democracy, civil liberties, and the rights of citizens.

However, during the Reign of Terror, he oversaw a period of mass repression and state-sponsored killings in which thousands of people, including political opponents and suspected enemies of the revolution, were executed without trial.

This marked a significant departure from his earlier beliefs and principles. Maximilien Robespierre, the mastermind behind the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, is deposed and taken into custody by the National Convention.

To learn more about Reign of Terror



spaniard who conquered the aztecs of mexico in 1521. true or false


Spanish conquistadors overthrew the Mexican Aztecs in 1521.

True. The Spanish, led by conquistador Hernán Cortés, overthrew the Aztec Empire between 1519 and 1521.

Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés is well known for his conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1521, which led to Spain's conquest of Mexico.

The Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, would bring deadly disease and damage with their powerful weapons. The largest ever empire in North and Central America collapsed within three years after the Conquistadors quickly found willing local allies who were only too eager to help overthrow the brutal Aztec government and release themselves from the burden of tribute and the requirement to feed the insatiable Aztec appetite for sacrificial victims.

To know more about Aztecs:



Twentieth Century Monsters "



Explanation:it was a big sea monster

What are civic institutions?

A. individual actions that help the community
B. individual actions that help political organizations
C. community organizations that serve different needs
D. community organizations that work for private businesses



c) community organizations that serve different needs


Volunteer groups, or "civic agencies," address several different communal needs. These groups support community well-being and growth. All civic organizations aim to improve the lives of their members, despite their unique forms and purposes.

Charities, government agencies, universities, hospitals, churches, and cultural groups are examples. Schools, hospitals, libraries, community centers, museums, and charities are public.

Society's institutions are community-based organizations with a goal. They vary, but they all aim to improve local citizens' lives by providing resources.

Volunteering is a way to make a difference in your community: https://brainly.com/question/11921503 


Final answer:

Civic institutions are community organizations that serve different societal needs. They include entities like schools, hospitals, and local government organizations. They foster societal functioning by providing essential services and supporting democratic processes.


Civic institutions refer to option C. They are community organizations that serve different needs in society. Civic institutions include libraries, schools, hospitals, local government bodies, and non-profit organizations. They are essential for a functioning society because they foster community interaction, provide essential services, facilitate shared experiences, and support the democratic process. Unlike individual actions, these organizations work at a systemic level to influence and improve the community's well-being.

Learn more about Civic Institutions here:



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