Explain what the Himalayas protected early civilizations from.​


Answer 1



They protected early civilization from most invaders, is the correct answer. The Himalayas have been shielding India from outside invaders since the early occasions.

Answer 2

They protected early civilization from most invaders, is the correct answer. The Himalayas have been shielding India from outside invaders since the early occasions.

Related Questions

To what extent does the cultural values of India, Japan, and Russia display distinct differences?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further context or references, we can say the following.

The extent that the cultural values of India, Japan, and Russia display distinct differences is notorious because they are completely different nations that developed under different circumstances.

The origins of India can be traced back to the Indus River Valley Civilization that settled next to the Indus River. The Harappans, another name that identifies this culture, was the first civilization in that region. In the evolution of India, people have professed different religious beliefs such as Brahmanism and Buddhism.

This last religious system can be connected with Japan, in that many Japanese people profess Buddhism. The other major religious belief in Japan is Shinto. Let's have in mind that Japan received a big influence from China in the early years.

In the case of Russia, after the time of the Tzars and the Russian Revolution, Russia became the Soviet Union under the Communist regimen that ended in 1991. The Russians mostly follow the Christian Orthodox religion.  

During the early middle ages,christiany provided its followers with wich of the following?



a sense of security and belonging


a sense of security and belonging, it should state a means of controlling the masses and preserving the feudal system.


Christianity, like many organized religions, was a means of giving hope to the masses who were largely feudal peasants, or in other forms of indentured servitude.  The false promise of a better after life or heaven was a means of getting the masses to conform and observe certain societal norms to maintain order and preserve the feudal system.  It was primarily a means of social, economic, and political oppression that established a clear hierarchy in various settings by enslaving the minds of the impoverished who were almost always illterate and literally treated the word of the clergy as gospel.

What was Upton Sinclair’s main purpose in writing The Jungle?
to promote the socialist views that he adopted as an adult
to explain why journalists had an obligation to tell the truth
to arouse public sympathy for slaughterhouse workers
to prompt Congress to pass food-safety laws



it's C


right on edge2020

Upton Sinclair’s purpose in writing The Jungle was to arouse public sympathy for slaughterhouse workers.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair pointed out the violations of meatpacking production. The book looked upon the worker's condition in the factories.The book also focuses on poor sanitation and hygiene. Workers in factories were given less wages with no sanitation.

Therefore we can conclude that Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle looked upon the condition of the workers working in meatpacking factories.

Thus option C. is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Upton Sinclair" here:


One of the main causes of the reformation in Europe was the?


Causes of Reformation. The start of the 16th century, many events led to the Protestant reformation. Clergy abuse caused people to begin criticizing the Catholic Church. The greed and scandalous lives of the clergy had created a split between them and the peasants.

Best I can do.

Which statement summarizes the Enslaved Persons Clause?

Enslaved persons who escape must be given constitutional rights.
Enslaved persons who escape must be given equal protection.
Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states.
Enslaved persons who escape must be granted their freedom.



C.Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states.


edg 2020


must be returned to their home states


Item 3
Which words best describe Dr. Mesmer?

A.humble, kind, and wise

B.simple, plain, and direct

C.fast, daring, and strong

D.elegant, fancy, and mysterious


The set of words which describes Dr. Mesmer the best is: elegant, fancy, and mysterious. Thus, option 'D' is correct.

Who was Dr. Mesmer?

German physician Franz Anton Mesmer has a passion for astronomy. He proposed the presence of a natural energy exchange that takes place between all living things and inanimate objects. He named this "animal magnetism," which has since occasionally been referred to as mesmerism.

Dr. Mesmer becomes famous by persuading patients that his force has helped them feel better. His methods only work if patients believe anything would happen. The patients were encouraged to believe in a force by Dr. Mesmer, and this expectation of improvement helped them feel better.

Mesmer saw good health as the unhindered movement of life through the many channels that comprise our body. Obstacles to this flow led to illness. Therefore, option 'D' (elegant, fancy, and mysterious) is the correct option.

Learn more about Dr. Mesmer, here:



How important was the French and Indian War for colonists?



The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.



there were lots of death that was for sure but also alot of family loss


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

—American Declaration of Independence, 1776

Which of these Enlightenment ideas is found in the passage from the Declaration of Independence?
A:Democratic elections represents people
B:Goverments need Check and Balances
C.People are born with natural right
D.Reason is the best way to find truth



C. People are born with natural right


Why were Central European liberals unable to capitalize on their initial successes in the 1848 revolutions?



The revolutions of 1848 failed to achieve their goals because of a lack of strong allies and support, weak military support of the rulers, and the division among the revolutionaries.


hope this helps

In 1848 many revolutionaries manifested against the European rulers. They were widespread everywhere in the European countries but desisted up in failures.

Central European liberals were not victorious in these revolutions as they eliminated many participants.

The robust establishment of the administration could not happen.

The rebellion collapsed because it lacked many collaborators and supporters.

Revolutionaries were distributed among them and did not have unity.

The leaders and revolutionaries also lacked armed support.

Therefore, Central European liberals were unable to capitalize on their initial victories in the revolutions.

To learn more about 1848 Revolutions follow the link:


The region that contains the Kamchatka Peninsula is the
A Ural Mountains
B. Western Siberian Plain
C Central Siberian Plateau
D. Eastern Siberian Highlands



It’s D.


Your Welcome!


on edg the answer is C


just tell me if i am wrong

have a good day or night

“Does development mean progress?"





Answer: yeah kinda


One of the main roles of police during the 19th century was "strike-breaking." Why did the police engage in these actions and who benefitted from these actions?



The police engaged in strike-breaking because in the 19th century, labor unions were starting to emerge, and they had a low reputation among the political ruling class and the economic elite. This is because labor unions represented and obstacle to their profits.

Those who benefited were mainly the economic elite who owned the enterprises. These owners did not want to meet the demands of the labor unions, like an 8 hour work-day, simply because these demands represented a reduction in profits.

Electronegativity increases when atoms ______.


Answer:  decreases


The sentiment in this speech contributed to what difference between the New England and Southern colonies ?
A. England colonies did not allow any form of slavery or indentured servitude



Slavery is less in New England as compared to other Southern colonies.


There is a difference between the New England and Southern colonies on the slavery because Southern colonies had a very high demand of slaves due to large plantation while on the other hand, the New England have less requirement of labour due to less plantation so there is less slavery exists in the New England as compared to other Southern colonies.

In your opinion, do life appointments of Supreme Court judges affect the way the Supreme Court works? Support your answer. Please help!


Yes the life appointments of Supreme Court judges affect the way the court works because their are opinions are going to be biased like every human on earth.

For what reasons did many Muslims criticize the Umayyads?



Many Christian cities used some of the taxes to maintain their churches and run their own organizations. Later, the Umayyads were criticized by some Muslims for not reducing the taxes of the people who converted to Islam.

Material and nonmaterial culture often influence each other. How is this BEST demonstrated?

When people started buying televisions, the sales of couches also increased.

Because of the invention of cell phones, people changed their norms of communication.

When people believe that everyone is equal, they fight for equal rights for everyone.

Because there are newer computers, people have to buy newer software programs.



i personally think it would be the first one

The GDP is important because it is a measure of the economy’s overall economic







D. performance.


GDP known as gross domestic product, is the dollar value of all final output produced within the borders of the nation during a specific period of time. Under a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) calculation for an economy, the current dollar value of the finished goods and services within the country is used. Since it is a measure that uses the current dollar value, it also include changes in price due to inflation or an increase in price in the economy

The GDP is important because it is a measure of the economy’s overall economic performance.


The GDP is important because it is a measure of the economy's overall economic PeRfOrMaNcE.


What did the Persian King Darius I implement in order to create an efficient administrative bureaucray?​



corn and peg doing good feels good

Help again please :)

Question 7 (1 point)

What was the major goal of the Friars who went to the Spanish colonies in the Americas?

Question 7 options:

collecting Indian art and artifacts

finding new land routes to the Pacific

enforcing Spanish laws against slavery

converting native peoples to Catholicism

Question 8 (1 point)

What do the 3 G's of Spanish exploration represent?

Question 8 options:

Glory, Gold, Grapes

God, Glory, Gold

God, Glory, Gas

Gold, God, Giants

Question 9 (1 point)

Which explorer was sent by Spain and believed he had found eastern Asia but had actually discovered two new continents, known as the "New World"?

Question 9 options:

Hernan Cortes

Christopher Columbus

Las Casas

Queen Isabella

Question 10 (1 point)

Where were laborers forced to work for the Spanish settlers while in the New World?

Question 10 options:

On large estates known as Haciendas

Over in Spain building ships

They worked for the King in his palace

They were servants on ships that were traveling to the New World

Question 11 (1 point)

Which best describes the Columbian Exchange?

Question 11 options:

the rate at which European money was traded for local American products

the discovery of the Americas by Hernan Cortes

the transfer of peoples, diseases, plants, and animals between the New and Old Worlds

the conversion of native peoples to Christianity by Spanish friars

Question 12 (1 point)

Which is an accurate statement about slavery?

Question 12 options:

It began with the Spanish and Portuguese transatlantic slave trade.

It first began in Asia in the 1500s and then spread to other parts of the world.

It existed only in South America before the sixteenth century.

It had existed all over the world in various forms for thousands of years.

Question 13 (1 point)

Which 3 continents did the Columbian Exchange exist between?

Question 13 options:

Europe, Africa, North America

Africa, Asia, South America

Antarctica, Asia, Africa

South America, North America, Asia

Question 14 (1 point)

What were Spanish soldiers and explorers known as?

Question 14 options:





Question 15 (1 point)

Who was the leader of Spain who set up colonies in South America where the Aztec and Inca empires had once been?

Question 15 options:

King Charles I of Spain

King Henry VIII of England

Pope Leo of Italy

King Ferdinand of Spain

Question 16 (1 point)

Which of the following terms means the system that was used by Spanish settlers that allowed them to rule over native people and force them to work?

Question 16 options:

The Kings Quarter

Colonial Servitude



Question 17 (1 point)

Which of the following best describes the lives of the native peoples under the encomienda system?

Question 17 options:

They became rich, but could not be government officials because they were not born in Spain.

They were very poor, forced to work the land or in the mines, and died from beatings, hunger, and disease.

They stuck to their own religions and rejected the Catholicism of the Spanish.

They increased in numbers under Spanish rule.

Question 18 (1 point)

The Columbian Exchange was also known as which of the following?

Question 18 options:

The Fair Trade

The Square Deal

The Triangle Trade

The Circular Cycle

Question 19 (1 point)

As a result of the Columbian exchange, the problem of labor shortages in the New World caused:

Question 19 options:

the slave trade from Asia increased

the slave trade from Africa to shrink

the slave trade from Africa to expand

The slave trade to Africa increased


Answer:that’s a lot


Lol thanks for da money

who is kwame Nkrumah​



Kwame Nkrumah PC was a Ghanaian politician and revolutionary. He was the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana, having led the Gold Coast to independence from Britain in 1957. Wikipedia

Born: September 21, 1909, Nkroful, Ghana

Died: April 27, 1972, Bucharest, Romania

Spouse: Fathia Nkrumah (m. 1957–1972)

Education: University College London, University of Pennsylvania, MORE

I believe he was a Ghanaian politician and revolutionary. He was the first African-born Prime Minister and President of Ghana, he also led the Gold Coast to independence from Britain in 1957.

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Why do some people protest against Christopher Columbus being seen as a hero? (Site 1)


Answer More people began looking at the story of Columbus from the point of view of the native people. This version points out that Columbus’s main goal was finding and taking resources for Spain. Many native people, however, associate Columbus with the destruction of their cultures. They have protested Columbus Day for decades.


I did it on edge and got a 100, Hope it helps


More people began looking at the story of Columbus from the point of view of the native people. This version points out that Columbus’s main goal was finding and taking resources for Spain. Many native people, however, associate Columbus with the destruction of their cultures. They have protested Columbus Day for decades.Columbus Day is arguably the most divisive of all federal holidays. There’s no mail service. Some big banks are closed. And while plenty of stores offer “Columbus Day Savings,” the specials they’re promoting tend to indicate the explorer wasn’t the keenest shopper on the planet.

While he’s credited for leading the charge of European immigration to North America, history has shown that Christopher Columbus was less a heroic historical figure and more of an arch-villain, bringing disease, wars and more to what would eventually become the U.S. and brutalizing Native Americans in the process.


Please help me.

This is an excerpt from the website the Americas by high school student Allie


European colonization was the worst thing to ever happen

to indigenous populations in the Americas. But indigenous

people should have known better than to trust European

explorers. If they had put up more of a fight, perhaps the

European explorers would have decided not to create

colonies in the Americas.

Which statement about the credibility of this source is most accurate?

O A. The source is credible because it contains more facts than


O B. The source is not credible because it does not contain the dates of

the events.

O C. The source is credible because the author is an expert on

indigenous people.

O D. The source is not credible because it contains more opinions than




D. The source is not credible because it contains more opinions than facts.


From the analysis of the excerpt, information of the author, and the source of the material, it can be concluded that " The source is not credible because it contains more opinions than facts."

This is evident in that, the author is a high school student which does not make him "an authority" in the subject. Also, the website is not a reliable source for peer-reviewed or scholarly articles.

Also, there were a series of recorded conflicts, fights, or wars between the European settlers and the Native Americans. For example Proclamation of 1763 & Pontiac's War, Battle of Point Pleasant, etc.

Hence, the correct answer is option D

Answer: the answer is D


I know because I took the test and got it right

Help me please thank you.



1. They helped feed people who lived in poverty.

2. They cared for sick villagers.

3. They educated people.

What contributions or changes did the Greeks make towards advancing our practice of Governing?



Greeks created the first forms of democratic governments, which led to division of power, but also of larger influence of people in the decision making. The best example for this is Athens, that brought many laws and also created many democratic institutions.


In Ancient Greece there were different forms of government in city-states, but in some of them, to be concrete in Athens, we have the creation of a system that preceded today's democracy. In general, there were institutions, such as ecclesia in which adult citizens had the possibility to participate in the process of decision making.

Why did Buddhism spread throughout India during the rule of the Mauryan


Answer: The emperor Ashoka the Great encouraged all Indians to practice Buddhism

Explanation: I just took the test and this was the correct answer

Pax Ramona Part A which statement describes the central idea of the text?


Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:

A. The Pax Romana was a period of peace and success because power was given to the people.

B. While the Roman Empire had several emperors who varied in success during the Pax Romana, it was ultimately a time of accomplishment.

C. The Pax Romana was a time of peace in the Roman Empire that consisted of one successful emperor after another.

D. Augustus was a successful Emperor because he adopted a similar leadership style to Julius Caesar.


B. While the Roman Empire had several emperors who varied in success during the Pax Romana, it was ultimately a time of accomplishment.


The article reports how Pax Ramona was a period of great prosperity for the Roman empire, where there was peace, economic, academic, artistic and social growth. The article focuses on the different emperors who commanded the Roman empire during this period and shows the points of their successes and failures and the way they governed. The article states that although there were many differences of government and many problematic emperors, there were many good emperors and this allowed this period of prosperity to happen and be prolonged.

Where is the Arabian Sea located on the map above?
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D





B is Laccadive Sea

C is Bay of Bengal

D is Philipine Sea




Read the statement. The legislative branch is known as the “_[blank]_ Branch” of the federal government. Which best completes the sentence?


Answer: People’s

Explanation: it is the branch on which the citizens of the U.S. have the greatest impact and influence :)

Who were the main leaders of the French Revolution?



George's-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre

Answer: Georges-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre

Explanation: I literally just searched it up! So it’s correct

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