Factor f(x) = 4x³ + 15x²-121x + 120 into linear factors given that -8 is a zero of f(x).
f(x) = 4x³ + 15x²-121x+120=
(Factor completely.)


Answer 1

The linear factors of f(x) are: f(x) = (x+8)(4x-7)(x+17/8)

Linear Factors

If -8 is a zero of the polynomial f(x), then (x+8) is a factor of f(x) by the Factor Theorem. We can use polynomial long division or synthetic division to find the other factor(s).

Using synthetic division:

-8  |  4   15   -121   120

   |_____-32____ 1280__

     4   -17    -193   1500

The result of synthetic division shows that the quotient is 4x^2 - 17x - 193, and the remainder is 1500. This means that:

f(x) = (x+8)(4x^2 - 17x - 193)

We can now factor the quadratic factor by using the quadratic formula or factoring by grouping:

4x^2 - 17x - 193 = 0

x = [17 ± sqrt(17^2 - 4(4)(-193))]/(2(4))

x = [17 ± sqrt(6569)]/8

x = [17 ± 81]/8

x = 14/8 or x = -17/8

The solutions are x = 7/4 and x = -17/8.

Therefore, the linear factors of f(x) are:

f(x) = (x+8)(4x-7)(x+17/8)

More on linear factors can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/2510777


Related Questions

AD, BE, and FC intersect at point H. Which term classifies ∠AHB by its angle measure?


The first term acute classifies the angle m∠AHB which have a measure of 84°.

What is an acute angle

An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, it is an angle that is smaller than a right angle (which measures exactly 90 degrees).

The angles H, 34°, and 62° lie in the straight line FC which implies their sum is equal to 180° so;

H = 180° - (34 + 62)°

H = 84°

angles m∠AHB and H are vertical angles which makes them equal, so;

H = m∠AHB = 84°.

In conclusion, the term acute classifies the angle m∠AHB which have a measure of 84°.

Read more about acute here:https://brainly.com/question/30420195


If it is 15°c outside ang the temperature will drop by 16° in the next 8 hours,What is the temperature after 8 hours




Step-by-step explanation:

Correct me if I'm wrong hope it's help ◉‿◉

An industrial/organizational psychologist has been consulting with a company that runs weekend job-seeking workshops for the unemployed. She collected data on several issues related to these workshops and, after conducting statistical tests, obtained statistically significant findings. She needs to find a way to evaluate effect size so that she can make recommendations to the company. One of the psychologist's findings is that 18 months after the workshop, a sample of 81 job seekers who received training on using the Internet to find job listings worked more than 30 hours per week an average of 8. 7 months in the last year, with a standard deviation of 4. 1. The typical job seeker works 7. 4 months. The psychologist finds that the estimated Cohen's d is _____, the t statistic is 2. 83, and r^2 is ______. Using Cohen's d and Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with the estimated Cohen's d, there is a ______ treatment effect. Using r^2 and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size using r^2, there is a ______ treatment effect. Another one of the psychologist's findings is that a sample of 81 job seekers who received training on interview skills scored an average of 8. 1 as measured on a 9-point job search motivation scale, with a standard deviation of. 8. The typical job seeker scores 7. 4 points. She finds that the estimated Cohen's d is _____, the t statistic is 7. 78, and r^2 is _____ Using Cohen's d and Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with the estimated Cohen's d, there is a treatment effect. Using r^2 and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with r^2, there is a ___ treatment effect


The psychologist finds that the estimated Cohen's d is  0.32, the t statistic is 2. 83, and r² is 0.073.  Using r² and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size using r², there is a small treatment effect.   job seeker finds that the estimated Cohen's d is 0.88, the t statistic is 7. 78, and r² is 0.479.Using r² and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with r², there is a large treatment effect

To calculate the estimated Cohen's d, we use the formula

d = (M - M0) / SD

where M is the mean of the treatment group (job seekers who received training on using the Internet to find job listings), M0 is the mean of the control group (typical job seeker), and SD is the pooled standard deviation of the two groups. Using the given values, we have

M = 8.7 months

M0 = 7.4 months

SD = 4.1 months

So, d = (8.7 - 7.4) / 4.1 = 0.32

Using Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with Cohen's d, a value of 0.2 is considered a small effect, 0.5 a medium effect, and 0.8 a large effect. Therefore, with an estimated Cohen's d of 0.32, there is a small treatment effect.

To calculate r², we use the formula

r² = t² / (t² + df)

where t is the t statistic, df is the degrees of freedom (n-2 for a two-group design), and n is the sample size. Using the given values for the Internet training group, we have

t = 2.83

n = 81

df = 79

So, r² = 2.83² / (2.83² + 79) = 0.073

Using the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with r², a value of 0.01 is considered a small effect, 0.09 a medium effect, and 0.25 a large effect. Therefore, with an r² of 0.073, there is a small treatment effect.

For the job seekers who received training on interview skills, we can calculate Cohen's d and r² in a similar way

d = (M - M0) / SD = (8.1 - 7.4) / 0.8 = 0.88

t = 7.78

n = 81

df = 79

r² = 7.78² / (7.78² + 79) = 0.479

Using Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with Cohen's d, a value of 0.2 is considered a small effect, 0.5 a medium effect, and 0.8 a large effect. Therefore, with an estimated Cohen's d of 0.88, there is a large treatment effect.

Using the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with r², a value of 0.01 is considered a small effect, 0.09 a medium effect, and 0.25 a large effect. Therefore, with an  r² of 0.479, there is a medium to large treatment effect.

To know more about estimated Cohen's d:





Small to med






Step-by-step explanation:



Answer:miami is 43431.16 rounded to 43431 because you can't have .16 of a person.

washington dc is 4249.22 which is round to 4249 because you can't have .22 of a person.

and new york city is 27348.99 which is rounded to 27349 because you can't have .99 of a person.

Step-by-step explanation:

im smart and im really good at math

A six-sided die is rolled two times. What is the theoretical
fractional probability that the first number is greater than the
second number?

A. 10/36
B. 15/36
C. 25/36
D. 36/36



The answer for this is B 15/36

In art class students are mixing black and white paint to make gray paint. Hassan mixes 2 cups of black paint and 3 cups of white paint. Aaliyah mixes 4 cups of black paint and 5 cups of white paint. Use Hassan and Aaliyah’s proportions of black paint to determine whose gray paint will be darker.

Hassan black paint proportion (out of total) as fraction =

Aaliyah black paint proportion (out of total) as fraction =

Hassan’s gray paint will be darker.
Aaliyah’s gray paint will be darker.
The two gray paints will be equally dark.

attempt 1 out of 2
Miracle Jackson
Which is more? (Fraction Comparison)
Apr 11, 8:08:47 AM
Watch help video
In art class students are mixing black and white paint to make gray paint. Hassan mixes 2 cups of black paint and 3 cups of white paint. Aaliyah mixes 4 cups of black paint and 5 cups of white paint. Use Hassan and Aaliyah’s proportions of black paint to determine whose gray paint will be darker.




The correct answer is: Aaliyah’s gray paint will be darker.

What is proportion?

In mathematics, a proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. A ratio is a comparison of two numbers or quantities that are usually written in the form of a fraction. For example, the ratio of apples to oranges in a basket could be written as 3/5, meaning that there are three apples for every five oranges.

Hassan mixed 2 cups of black paint and 3 cups of white paint, so the total amount of paint he mixed is 2 + 3 = 5 cups. The proportion of black paint in his mixture is 2/5.

Aaliyah mixed 4 cups of black paint and 5 cups of white paint, so the total amount of paint she mixed is 4 + 5 = 9 cups. The proportion of black paint in her mixture is 4/9.

Comparing the two proportions, we see that Aaliyah's proportion of black paint is greater than Hassan's proportion of black paint, so Aaliyah's gray paint will be darker.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Aaliyah’s gray paint will be darker.

To learn more about proportion visit the link:



Establishing causality is often a main focus of statistical studies. What is the best type of study to conduct to establish causality? Use the situation in this task to support your answer.


A randomized controlled trial is the best type of study to conduct to establish causality due to its ability to control for confounding factors, and its ability to measure the true effects of a particular treatment.

What is statistics?

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data. It involves describing, summarizing, and making inferences about a given set of data. Statistics is used to make decisions in various fields, such as business, economics, medicine, psychology, and engineering. Statistical methods are used to help scientists understand the behavior of complex systems, to analyze the relationships between different variables, and to test hypotheses. Additionally, statistics can be used to draw conclusions from data, to identify patterns, to estimate probabilities, and to make predictions.

In order to establish causality, the best type of study to conduct is a randomized controlled trial (RCT). An RCT is a type of experiment designed to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables. This study involves randomly assigning individuals to different experimental groups, and then comparing the outcomes between the groups. This helps to determine the effects of a particular treatment or intervention on a population.

For example, if we wanted to study the effects of a new medication on a particular condition, we would create two groups of people – one group would receive the medication and the other would receive a placebo. We would then measure the outcomes of the two groups to see if the medication has an effect on the condition. This type of study helps to establish a causal relationship between the treatment and the outcome, as the randomization helps to control for other confounding factors that could influence the results.

Therefore, a randomized controlled trial is the best type of study to conduct to establish causality due to its ability to control for confounding factors, and its ability to measure the true effects of a particular treatment.

To know more about statistic click-

I will give brainliest if you help me answer this!!!


Answer: it would be (b) because the number 64 7th graders hights are less than

65 inches tall

Step-by-step explanation:

Hoped this helped have a good day pl z mark me as brainliest :)

9. Patricia has 5 cups of rice cereal. She
uses 3 cups of rice cereal to make
granola bars, then borrows 0.5 cup of
rice cereal from her friend. Her recipe
for cereal clusters calls for 3 cups of
rice cereal. Does Patricia have enough?
How much will she have left over, or
how much more will she need?
A Yes, she has 1/2cup left.
B No, she needs 1/2cup more.
C Yes, she 1/4 has cup left.
D No, she needs 1/4cup more.


Therefore, the correct answer is (B) No, she needs 1/2 cup more.

To determine if Patricia has enough rice cereal for her recipe, we need to calculate the total amount of rice cereal she has after all her actions and compare it to the 3 cups required for the cereal clusters.

Initially, Patricia had 5 cups of rice cereal. She used 3 cups to make granola bars, leaving her with 2 cups. She then borrowed 0.5 cup from her friend, which brings her total to 2.5 cups.

Finally, she needs 3 cups of rice cereal for the cereal clusters recipe. Since she only has 2.5 cups, she does not have enough rice cereal and needs to get more. Therefore, the correct answer is B) No, she needs 1/2 cup more.

She then borrows 0.5 cup, so she now has 2 + 0.5 = 2.5 cups.

needs 3 - 2.5 = 0.5 cups more.

To know more about amount visit:



a cylinder has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 8 cm. what is the longest segment, in centimeters, that would fit inside the cylinder?


The longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder is approximately 9.06 centimeters.

The longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder would be the diagonal of the cylinder's base, which is equal to the diameter of the base. The diameter of the base is equal to twice the radius, so it is 6 cm. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the diagonal:

[tex]diagonal^2 = radius^2 + height^2 \\diagonal^2 = 3^2 + 8^2 \\diagonal^2 = 9 + 64 \\diagonal^2 = 73 \\diagonal = sqrt(73)[/tex]

Therefore, the longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder is approximately 8.54 cm (rounded to the nearest hundredth).
To find the longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder, we need to calculate the length of the space diagonal of the cylinder. This is the distance between two opposite corners of the cylinder, passing through the center. We can use the Pythagorean theorem in 3D for this calculation.

The terms we'll use are:
- Radius (r): 3 cm
- Height (h): 8 cm

To find the space diagonal (d), we can use the following formula:

[tex]d = \sqrt{r^2 + r^2 + h^2}[/tex]
Plug in the values:

[tex]d = \sqrt{((3 cm)^2 + (3 cm)^2 + (8 cm)^2)} d = \sqrt{(9 cm^2 + 9 cm^2 + 64 cm^2)} d = \sqrt{(82 cm^2)}[/tex]
d ≈ 9.06 cm

Learn more about cylinder here:



The longest segment that can fit inside the cylinder is. [tex]$\sqrt{73}$ cm[/tex].

The longest segment that can fit inside a cylinder is a diagonal that connects two opposite vertices of the cylinder.

The length of this diagonal by using the Pythagorean theorem.

Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right triangle.

It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

This theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and the hypotenuse c, often called the Pythagorean equation:[1]

[tex]{\displaystyle a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}.}[/tex]

The theorem is named for the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, born around 570 BC.

The theorem has been proven numerous times by many different methods – possibly the most for any mathematical theorem.

The proofs are diverse, including both geometric proofs and algebraic proofs, with some dating back thousands of years.

Consider a right triangle with legs equal to the radius.

[tex]$r$[/tex] and the height [tex]$h$[/tex] of the cylinder, and with the diagonal as the hypotenuse.

Then, by the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the diagonal is:

[tex]$\sqrt{r^2 + h^2} = \sqrt{3^2 + 8^2} = \sqrt{73}$[/tex]

For similar questions on cylinder



The picture explains the problem


The inequality represented by the given number line is: -60 ≥ m.

Explain about the inequality on number line:

We can see the values that an inequality represents by placing it on a number line.

On a number line, inequalities are represented by drawing a straight line and designating the end points as an open or closed circle.

An empty circle indicates that the value is not included.A closed circle indicates that the value is included.

On a number line, inequality is represented as follows:

Choose the value or values that must be displayed on the number line.Determine if an > or < open circle or a ≥ or ≤closed circle is required; the situation either requires an open circle or a closed circle.Draw a straight line either to the number's left or right side or in between the circles to indicate the solution set.

For the given number line,

-6 is shown with the closed circle, with lines extending towards +∞

Thus, the inequality represented by the given number line is: -60 ≥ m.

Know more about the inequality



Maxine graphs the function m(x) which has a vertex of (-3,4) and passes through the point (-1,-8). Ricardo graphs p(x) = (x+3)² +4
Maxine thinks that both functions have the same axis of symmetry equation. Do you agree or disagree?


Both functions have the same axis of symmetry equation, which is x = -3.

Given that, Maxine graphs a function m(x) which has a vertex of (-3,4) and passes through the point (-1,-8).

Ricardo graphs p(x) = (x+3)² + 4

We need to check if both the function axis of symmetry equation.


Both functions have a vertex of (-3,4), which means that the axis of symmetry must be a vertical line passing through x = -3.

Axis of symmetry = The axis of symmetry is an imaginary straight line that divides the shape into two identical parts or that makes the shape symmetrical.

For the function p(x) = (x+3)² +4, the axis of symmetry is indeed x = -3.

For the function m(x), since it has a vertex of (-3,4), the equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -3.

To know more about function,



A bag of poker chips contains 4 purple, 6 red, 3 pink, and 2 black chips. What is the probability of pulling from the bag A black chip?


The answer of the given question based on the probability is ,  the probability of pulling a black chip from the bag is 2/15 or approximately 0.133 or 13.3%.

What is Probability?

Probability is  measure of  likelihood of an event occurring. It is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates an impossible event and 1 indicates a certain event. For example, the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads is 0.5, or 50%, assuming a fair coin. Probability can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes

The total number of poker chips in the bag is:

total = 4 + 6 + 3 + 2 = 15

The probability of pulling a black chip from the bag is the number of black chips divided by the total number of chips:

P(black) = number of black chips / total number of chips

P(black) = 2 / 15

Therefore, the probability of pulling a black chip from the bag is 2/15 or approximately 0.133 or 13.3%.

To know more about Possible outcome visit:



what is the expected ratio of two heads : heads/tails : tails/heads : two tails when two coins are repeatedly flipped? (this question is asking about probability, which is a prediction, rather than your actual observed results.)


When two coins are repeatedly flipped, the probability of getting two heads is 1/4, the probability of getting a head and a tail is 1/2, and the probability of getting two tails is also 1/4.

Therefore, the expected ratio of two heads : heads/tails : tails/heads : two tails is 1:2:2:1, respectively. This means that out of every six flips, we would expect to see one outcome of two heads, two outcomes of heads/tails and tails/heads each, and one outcome of two tails.

However, it is important to note that this is only a prediction and the actual results may differ due to chance.

Learn more about probability:



If a1 = and an=an-1-4 then find the value of a4



To find the value of a4, we need to use the recursive formula for the sequence. The formula gives us the nth term in the sequence in terms of the (n-1)th term.

We are given that a1 = -7, so we can use the recursive formula to find a2, a3, and a4:

a2 = a1 - 4 = -7 - 4 = -11

a3 = a2 - 4 = -11 - 4 = -15

a4 = a3 - 4 = -15 - 4 = -19

Therefore, the value of a4 is -19.

A single marble tile measures 25 cm by 20 cm. How many tiles will be required to cover a floor with dimensions 2 meters by 3 meters?
A. 320 tiles
B. 240 tiles
C. 180 tiles
D. 120 tiles

(Please do step by step and the answer)


The number of tiles that will be required to cover a floor with dimensions 2 meters by 3 meters is given as follows:

D. 120 tiles.

How to obtain the area of a rectangle?

To obtain the area of a rectangle, you need to multiply its length by its width. The formula for the area of a rectangle is:

Area = Length x Width

The area of the floor is given as follows:

2 x 3 = 6 m².

The area in m² of each tile is given as follows:

0.25 x 0.2 = 0.05.

Hence the number of tiles that will be required to cover the floor is given as follows:

6/0.05 = 120 tiles.

More can be learned about the area of a rectangle at https://brainly.com/question/25292087




The exponential function that models the situation in this problem is defined as follows:

y = 3(4)^x.

How to define an exponential function?

The standard definition of an exponential function is given as follows:

y = ab^x.

In which:

a is the initial value.b is the rate of change.

Three friends start the project, hence the initial value represented by the parameter a is given as follows:

a = 3.

Each day, the number of people in the project is multiplied by four, hence the parameter b is given as follows:

b = 4.

Hence the function is:

y = 3(4)^x.

More can be learned about exponential functions at https://brainly.com/question/2456547


help me please please ​


Answers below

x^4 * x^3 = x^12
Rule: multiply exponents you multiply coefficients but add the exponents.
*They multiplied the exponents
✅ = x^7

4w^5 * 5w^7 = 9w^12
Rule: multiply exponents you multiply coefficients but add the exponents,
*they added the coefficients
✅ = 20w^12

( g^2)^5
Rule: exponent of exponent you multiply the exponents,
*they added the exponents
✅ g^10

(2m^3)^4 = 2m^12
Rule: exponent of exponent with coefficient, distribute the outside exponent to the terms inside the parentheses, simplify the terms and combine them. * they only multiplied the exponents and neglected the coefficient term.
2^4 and (m^3)^4
16 and m^12
combine both terms
✅ 16m^12

y^-2 * y*5 = y^3
✅ this one is correct, add the exponents
-2 + 5 = 3 exponent, so y^3

2k^0 = 1
Rule; exponent of 0 zero makes the term value 1, * they made the whole term 1 and neglected the coefficient
✅ (2)(1) = 2

f^6 + f^1 = f^7
Rule: you cannot add unlike terms. It’s like adding apples and oranges. You cannot add f^6 and f^1, they are not the same. *they multiplied instead of added
So your answer is
✅ f^6 + f^1

your school wants to maximize their profit, P, from the sales of tickets, T, to the homecoming football game. They determine the function, P(t)=60t^2+420t-440 models the profit they can earn in hundreds of dollars in terms of price per ticket, in dollars.


The maximum profit occurs at the endpoint t = 100, where the profit is $5551.20.

Maximum profit calculation

To maximize the profit function P(t) = 60t^2 + 420t - 440, we need to find the value of t that will give us the maximum profit.

One way to do this is to use calculus. We can take the derivative of P(t) with respect to t and set it equal to zero to find the critical points:

P'(t) = 120t + 420

Set P'(t) = 0 and solve for t:

120t + 420 = 0

t = -3.5

This gives us one critical point at t = -3.5. However, this value of t doesn't make sense in the context of the problem - we can't sell tickets at a negative price!

So we need to check the endpoints of the domain of the function, which is given by the constraint that t is greater than or equal to zero (we can't charge a negative price for tickets either).

When t = 0, P(0) = -440.

When t is very large, say t = 100, P(100) = 600000 - 44000 - 440 = 555120.

Therefore, the maximum profit occurs at the endpoint t = 100, where the profit is $5551.20.

More on maximum functions can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/13581879


Which equation is equivalent to 60% of 25? Select all that apply.

A. 0. 6 • 25 = x

B. X• 1. 6 =25

C. 6/10 = x/25

D. 60/100 = 25/x

E. X/25 = 60/100

F. 6. 0 • 25=x



The equation which is equivalent to 60% of 25 is x = 0.6 * 25

An equation is used to show the relationship between variables, numbers.

Let x represent the value of 60% of 25. Hence:

x = 60% of 25

x = 0.6 * 25

Hence the equation which is equivalent to 60% of 25 is x = 0.6 * 25

Find out more at: brainly.com/question/9585437


A. 0.6 • 25 = 15

C. 6/10 = x/25 => 6/10 * 25 = 15 = x

E. X/25 = 60/100 => X = (60/100) * 25 = 15

So the equations that are equivalent to 60% of 25 are A, C, and E.

Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter of a semicircle is 4 feet. What is the semicircle's perimeter?


Perimeter is circumference 2pie r so semicircular is pie *r radius is half the diameter so 2 feet so perimeter is 2pie feet

The answers are in the picture. I need help ASAP!


The perimeter and the area of the regular polygon are 20 inches and 27.53 square inches.

How to calculate the area and the perimeter of a regular polygon

The figure representing a regular polygon with five sides of same length, whose perimeter and area is well described by following formulas:


p = n · l


A = (n · l · a) / 2


A - Area of the polygon, in square inches. n - Number of sides.l - Side length, in inches. a - Apothema, in inches. p - Perimeter, in inches.

Where the apothema is:

a = 0.5 · l / tan (180° / n)

If we know that l = 4 in and n = 5, then the perimeter and the area of the polygon are:


p = 5 · (4 in)

p = 20 in


a = 0.5 · (4 in) / tan (180° / 5)

a = 0.5 · (4 in) / tan 36°

a = 2.753 in

A = [5 · (4 in) · (2.753 in)] / 2

A = 27.53 in²

To learn more on area of regular polygons: https://brainly.com/question/12291395


Rewrite the expression with rational exponents.


[tex]7^{(1/3)}[/tex] is the equivalent expression to ∛7 with rational exponents.

What are rational exponents?

Rational exponents are exponents that are expressed as fractions. Specifically, a rational exponent of the form m/n is equivalent to taking the nth root of a number and then raising it to the power of m.

When we talk about rational exponents, we are referring to exponents that are written as fractions. Specifically, a rational exponent of the form m/n is equivalent to taking the nth root of a number and then raising it to the power of m.

So, in the case of ∛7, we can rewrite the cube root symbol (∛) as a rational exponent with a denominator of 3. That is, ∛7 can be expressed as [tex]7^{(1/3)}[/tex] , where the 1/3 exponent means "take the cube root of 7".

Therefore, [tex]7^{(1/3)}[/tex] is the equivalent expression to ∛7 with rational exponents.

To learn more about rationlal exponents from the given link:



how do i solve this trigonometry question?



2.07 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Hypotenuse = 2 cm

Adjacent side = a


cos θ = Hypotenuse/Adjacent side

cos 15 = 2/a


The value of cos 15 is approximately 0.965.

0.965 = 2/a

a = 2/0.965

a = 2.07 cm ( approximately )

Mrs. Willis is making a dress from
fabric with two different sizes of
squares. A side of the larger square is
twice the length of a side of the smaller
square. What is the perimeter of the
larger square if the perimeter of the
smaller square is 32 centimeters?



  64 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the perimeter of a larger square if its side lengths are double those of a smaller square with perimeter 32 cm.


The scale factor relating two similar figures is the ratio of a linear dimension of one of them to the corresponding linear dimension of the other one. Here, the side lengths have the ratio 2:1. The perimeter is also a linear dimension, so the perimeters will have the ratio 2:1.

The perimeter of the larger square is 2×32 cm = 64 cm.


Additional comment

If you like, you can go to the trouble to find the side lengths and then compute the perimeter of the larger square.

  P = 4s . . . . . for a square

  s = P/4 = 32 cm/4 = 8 cm . . . . . side length of smaller square

  s' = 2(8 cm) = 16 cm . . . . . . . . side length of larger square

  P' = 4s' = 4(16 cm) = 64 cm . . . . . perimeter of larger square

By answering the presented question, we may conclude that As a result, the bigger square has a perimeter of 64 cm.

what is Pythagorean theorem?

The Pythagorean Theorem is the fundamental Euclidean geometry relationship between the three sides of a right triangle. According to this rule, the area of a square with the hypotenuse side equals the sum of the areas of squares with the other two sides. According to the Pythagorean Theorem, the square that spans the hypotenuse of a right triangle opposite the right angle equals the sum of the squares that span its sides. It is sometimes expressed as a2 + b2 = c2 in general algebraic notation.

Let's name the length of one of the smaller square's sides "x." The length of a side of the bigger square is thus "2x" according to the issue statement.

A square's perimeter is just the sum of the lengths of all four sides. As a result, the perimeter of the smaller square is:

4x = 32

We may find x by dividing both sides by 4:

x = 8

We can now calculate the perimeter of the bigger square using the length of its side:

4(2x) = 4(2*8) = 4(16) = 64

As a result, the bigger square has a perimeter of 64 cm.

To know more about Pythagorean theorem visit:



Use the formulas for lowering powers to rewrite the expression in terms of the first power of cosine, as in Example 4.


The expression in terms of the first power of sine is 1 + 3[tex]sin^{4}[/tex]x - 3[tex]sin^{2}[/tex]x - [tex]sin^{6}[/tex]x. The solution has been obtained by using the trigonometric identities.

What are trigonometric identities?

All possible values of the variables in the equation must satisfy the equality condition known as a trigonometric identity. A triangle's side length and angle can be used to express a variety of unusual trigonometric identities.

We are given expression as [tex]cos^{6}[/tex] (x).

This can be written as a cosine function as  [tex](cos^{2} x)^{3}[/tex].

We know that [tex]sin^{2}[/tex]x + [tex]cos^{2}[/tex]x = 1.

So, we get

⇒ (1 - [tex]sin^{2}[/tex]x[tex])^{3}[/tex]

⇒ 1 + 3[tex]sin^{4}[/tex]x - 3[tex]sin^{2}[/tex]x - [tex]sin^{6}[/tex]x

Hence, the required expression has been obtained.

Learn more about trigonometric identities from the given link



Write the perimeter of each figure as a polynomial in standard form.


The perimeter of the rectangle is 16x + 2

What is the perimeter of a rectangle?

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by P = 2(L + B) where

L = length of rectangle and W = width of rectangle

Given the rectangle in the figure, we desire to find its perimeter. We proceed as follows.

We notice that its length and breadth are

L = 5x + 2 and W = 3x - 1

So, since the perimeter of the rectangle is P = 2(L + B), we substitute the values of the variables into the equation.

So, with

L = 5x + 2 and W = 3x - 1

We have that

P = 2(L + B)

= 2(5x + 2 + 3x - 1)

= 2(5x + 3x + 2 - 1)

= 2(8x + 1)

= 16x + 2

So, the perimeter is 16x + 2

Learn more about perimeter of rectangle here:



a password consists of four alphanumeric characters (case insensitive). a valid password must contain at least one digit and at least one letter. how many different passwords are there


There are 1,280,240 different passwords that meet the criteria of containing at least one letter and at least one digit, and consisting of four alphanumeric characters (case insensitive).

How to calculate the total number of different passwords?

To calculate the total number of different passwords, we can break the problem down into several steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of possible characters for each position in the password. Since the password consists of four alphanumeric characters, there are 26 letters (A-Z) and 10 digits (0-9) for each position.

Therefore, there are 36 possible characters for each position.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of possible passwords without any restrictions.

Since there are 36 possible characters for each position and the password has four positions, the total number of possible passwords without any restrictions is:

36 x 36 x 36 x 36 = 1,679,616

Step 3: Calculate the number of passwords that do not contain at least one digit or at least one letter.

To do this, we can calculate the number of passwords that do not contain any digits and subtract it from the total number of possible passwords, and then do the same for passwords that do not contain any letters.

The number of passwords that do not contain any digits is:

26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 456,976

The number of passwords that do not contain any letters is:

10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000

However, we have to be careful not to double-count the passwords that do not contain both letters and digits.

The number of passwords that do not contain both letters and digits is:

26 x 26 x 10 x 10 = 67,600

So the total number of passwords that do not contain at least one digit or at least one letter is:

456,976 + 10,000 - 67,600 = 399,376

Step 4: Subtract the number of invalid passwords from the total number of possible passwords:

1,679,616 - 399,376 = 1,280,240

Therefore, there are 1,280,240 different passwords that meet the criteria of containing at least one letter and at least one digit, and consisting of four alphanumeric characters (case insensitive).

Learn more about calculate the total number of different passwords



Find the area of the shaded sector. Round to the nearest tenth.
17. 8 yd
Area = [ ? ]yd? Enter​


The area of the shaded sector is approximately 463.8 square yards.

To find the area of the shaded sector, we need to use the formula for the area of a sector, which is given by

Area of sector = (central angle / 360°) x πr²

where r is the radius of the sector, and the central angle is the angle between the two radii that form the sector.

In this case, we are given that the central angle of the shaded sector is 167°, and the radius is 17.8 yards. So, we can substitute these values into the formula as follows

Area of sector = (167° / 360°) x π(17.8)²

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Area of sector = 0.464 x 998.92

Multiplying these two numbers, we get

Area of sector = 463.8 square yards

Learn more about area here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Find the area of the shaded sector. Round to the nearest tenth.

a fair coin is flipped 5 times. what is the probability that the first three flips come up heads or the last three flips come up tails (or both)?


The probability that the first three flips come up heads or the last three flips come up tails is 1/4. Hence the answer is 1/4.

The probability of obtaining heads or tails on each single fair coin flip is 1/2. Because the coin flips are independent, the chance of obtaining a certain sequence of heads and tails is the product of the probabilities of each flip.

We want to know what the probability is that the first three flips will be heads, the last three flips will be tails, or both. This can occur in two ways:

Heads for the first three flips: (1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2)

P(H) = 1/8

The final three flips are all tails: (1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2)

P(T) = 1/8

Because these two occurrences are mutually exclusive, we may combine their probabilities to get the total:

P(H) + P(T) = 1/8 + 1/8 = 1/4

So the probability that the first three flips come up heads or the last three flips come up tails (or both) is 1/4.

Learn more about Probability:



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