failure to eliminate intercompany inventory sales would result in an overstatement of consolidated a. net income. b. gross profit. c. cost of goods sold (cogs). d. all of these.


Answer 1

If intercompany inventory sales are not eliminated, consolidated net income, gross profit, and cost of goods sold will be overstated. Option D is correct.

Intercompany inventory sales occur when a company within a group sells goods to another company in the same group. If these transactions are not eliminated during the consolidation process, the consolidated financial statements would be overstated. The overstated amounts would affect the net income, gross profit, and cost of goods sold (COGS) reported in the consolidated financial statements.

Elimination of intercompany inventory sales is necessary to avoid double-counting of revenues and expenses, which could inflate the consolidated financial statements. In the consolidated financial statements, the intercompany inventory sales are eliminated from revenues, COGS, and gross profit. As a result, the consolidated financial statements will reflect the true economic reality of the group's financial performance, free from distortions caused by intercompany transactions. Option D is correct.

To know more about the Sales, here


Related Questions

Exercise 4 You are the manager of a district heating company and consider investing in a biomass boiler. The investment cost is DKK 7.5 million. The expected lifetime is 25 years. The biomass boiler is expected to save 8000 MWh natural gas per year. When the fuel cost for biomass has been deducted, the savings on natural gas amounts to 300 DKK/MWh. What is the net present value for the biomass boiler (i=2%)?


The net present value (NPV) of the investment in the biomass boiler can be calculated by first finding the annual savings in natural gas costs: the net present value of the investment in the biomass boiler is 28,175,118.14 DKK

Annual savings = 8000 MWh/year x 300 DKK/MWh = 2,400,000 DKK/year

Then, the present value of these annual savings over the 25-year lifetime of the boiler can be calculated using the formula:

PV = (Annual savings / [tex](1 + i)^t[/tex])

where i is the discount rate (2%) and t is the year. Summing up these present values gives the NPV of the investment.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software, the NPV is calculated as follows:

PV of Year 1-25 = Σ (2400000 / [tex](1 + 2)^t[/tex]) = 35,675,118.14 DKK

Investment Cost = 7,500,000 DKK

Net Present Value (NPV) = PV of Year 1-25 - Investment Cost = 28,175,118.14 DKK

Therefore, the net present value of the investment in the biomass boiler is 28,175,118.14 DKK.

Learn more about NPV


A temporary insurance policy that is typically issued when one applies for insurance is called a(n) a. ?insuring agreement. b. ?endorsement. c. ?binder. d. ?rider.


A temporary insurance policy that is typically issued when one applies for insurance is called a binder, option c.

An insurance binder provides temporary proof of insurance coverage until the full insurance policy is issued. This allows the insured to have coverage during the time it takes for the insurer to process and finalize the insurance policy.

Temporary insurance is inclusion that you might get when you apply for a particular sort of life coverage like term extra security. It can be a great way to get quick, instant coverage, especially while you wait for the results of your insurance application.

To learn more about insurance policy:


The temporary insurance policy that is typically issued when one applies for insurance is called a binder. It serves as a temporary agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder until a formal insurance policy can be issued.

The temporary insurance policy that is typically issued when one applies for insurance is called a "binder". A binder is a temporary agreement that provides immediate coverage until the actual insurance policy is issued. It is usually valid for a short period, such as 30 or 60 days, and provides proof of insurance until the formal policy documents can be prepared and signed. Once the policy is issued, the binder is no longer in effect, and the policy terms and conditions take over. Binders are commonly used in situations where time is of the essence, such as when buying a new car or purchasing a home.

Learn more about purchasing here:


Assume that the equilibrium real federal funds rate is​ 2% and the target for inflation is 1.0%. Suppose that the inflation rate is at 4.0​%, leading to an inflation gap of 3.0​% ​(equal to 4.0​%minus1.0​%), and real GDP is 1.0​% above its​ potential, resulting in a positive output gap of 1.0​%.
The Taylor rule suggests that the federal funds rate should be set​ at:


The Taylor rule suggests that the federal funds rate should be set​ at 8.00%. The correct answer is option c.

The Taylor rule is an economic formula that suggests the appropriate target federal funds rate based on the inflation gap and the output gap. The formula is:

Target federal funds rate = equilibrium real federal funds rate + current inflation rate + (0.5 x inflation gap) + (0.5 x output gap)

Using the given values:

Equilibrium real federal funds rate = 2%

Current inflation rate = 4%

Inflation gap = 4% - 1% = 3%

Output gap = 1%

Plugging these values into the Taylor rule formula, we get:

Target federal funds rate = 2% + 4% + (0.5 x 3%) + (0.5 x 1%) = 8%

Therefore, the answer is C. 8.00%. According to the Taylor rule, the federal funds rate should be set at 8.00% in order to close the inflation gap and output gap and achieve the target inflation rate of 1.0%.

To know more about Taylor rule refer to-


Copy and paste the following data into Excel: P Q $137.00 10135 $124.67 10347 $119.19 10884 $116.45 11480 $115.08 11766 $112.34 12378 $106.86 12571 $102.75 12801 a. Run OLS to determine the demand function as P = f(Q); how much confidence do you have in this estimated equation? Use algebra to invert the demand function to Q = f(P).
b. Using calculus to determine dQ/dP, construct a column which calculates the point-price elasticity for each (P,Q) combination.
c. What is the point price elasticity of demand when P=$119.19? What is the point price elasticity of demand when P=$107.50? d. To maximize total revenue, what would you recommend if the company was currently charging P=$116.45? If it was charging P=$107.50? e. Use your first demand function to determine an equation for TR and MR as a function of Q, and display a graph of P and MR on the vertical and Q on the horizontal axis. f. What is the total-revenue maximizing price and quantity, and how much revenue is earned there? (Round your price to the nearest cent, your quantity to the nearest whole unit, and your TR to the nearest dollar.) Compare that to the TR when P = $119.19 and P = $107.50.


Demand function represents the relationship between the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase and the various factors that influence their purchasing decisions.

Here are the steps to do it and also the steps for ascertaining further answers.

a. To determine the demand function as P = f(Q), we can use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis in Excel.

Here's how to do it:

1. Enter the given data into two columns in Excel, with P in column A and Q in column B.

2. Select the data in both columns, including the column headers.

3. Go to the "Data" tab in Excel and click on "Data Analysis" in the "Analysis" group.

4. Choose "Regression" from the list of analysis tools and click "OK".

5. In the Regression dialog box, select column A as the "Y Range" (dependent variable) and column B as the "X Range" (independent variable).

6. Make sure the "Labels" box is checked if your data has column headers.

7. Click on "Add-Ins" and check the "Residuals" and "Line Fit Plots" options if you want additional output.

8. Click "OK" to run the regression analysis.

The output of the regression analysis will provide the estimated coefficients of the demand function, including the intercept and the slope. Based on the regression results, you can assess the statistical significance of the estimated equation and the confidence you have in it. Higher R-squared value and lower p-values for the coefficients indicate a better fit of the estimated equation to the data and higher confidence in the results.

To invert the demand function to Q = f(P), we can rearrange the estimated demand equation in terms of Q as the dependent variable and P as the independent variable.

b. To calculate the point-price elasticity for each (P,Q) combination, we can use calculus to determine dQ/dP, which represents the derivative of quantity with respect to price. The point-price elasticity is then calculated as dQ/dP multiplied by P/Q, where P is the price and Q is the quantity.

c. To calculate the point price elasticity of demand when P=$119.19 and P=$107.50, we can use the previously determined derivative dQ/dP and plug in the corresponding values of P and Q from the given data.

d. To maximize total revenue, we can use the concept of elasticity. If the demand is elastic, a decrease in price will result in a more than proportionate increase in quantity demanded, leading to an increase in total revenue. If the demand is inelastic, a decrease in price will result in a less than proportionate increase in quantity demanded, leading to a decrease in total revenue.

Based on the calculated elasticity and the given prices, we can recommend a price adjustment that would maximize total revenue for the company.

e. To determine the equations for total revenue (TR) and marginal revenue (MR) as a function of Q using the demand function, we can plug in the previously calculated demand equation into the formulas for TR and MR. TR is calculated as P multiplied by Q, and MR is calculated as the derivative of TR with respect to Q.

Once we have the equations for TR and MR, we can plot them on a graph with Q on the horizontal axis and P and MR on the vertical axis.

f. To find the total-revenue maximizing price and quantity, we can use the formulas for TR and MR, and find the quantity at which MR is equal to zero. This is the point of maximum total revenue. We can then plug this quantity back into the demand function to find the corresponding price.

We can also compare the total revenue earned at this point with the total revenue at the given prices of $119.19 and $107.50 to assess the impact of price changes on total revenue.

To know more about OLS regression analysis visit:


Censors working on behalf of the government have banned violent action films, citing the impact they have on social behaviours of viewer of these films. What is likely to happen to the supply and demand curves of these films?
A. The supply curve and the demand curve will both shift left, with the demand curve moving by more than the supply curve B. The supply curve and the demand curve will both shift left, with the demand curve moving by less than the supply curve C. The supply curve and the demand curve will both shift right, with the demand curve moving by more than the supply curve D. The supply curve and the demand curve will both shift right, with the demand curve moving by less than the supply curve [1.5)


B. The supply curve and the demand curve will both shift left, with the demand curve moving by less than the supply curve.


When the government bans violent action films, the supply of these films will decrease, causing the supply curve to shift to the left. At the same time, some viewers who are influenced by the government's stance may reduce their consumption of these films, causing a decrease in demand as well. However, the decrease in demand is likely to be less than the decrease in supply, since there will still be viewers who want to watch these films despite the ban. Thus, the demand curve will also shift to the left, but by a smaller degree than the supply curve.

To know more about the supply curve:


Describe the role of competition in reducing the
inequality in the Capitalist System according to Adam Smith and
briefly explain the importance of moral sentiment to Smith's
discussion of a capitalist


According to Adam Smith, the renowned economist and philosopher often regarded as the "father of modern economics," competition plays a crucial role in reducing inequality in a capitalist system.

What were the views of Adam Smith on the Capitalist system?

Smith argued that in a competitive market, self-interested individuals pursuing their own economic interests would contribute to the overall wealth and well-being of society.

In a capitalist system, competition among businesses encourages innovation, efficiency, and productivity.

When businesses compete with each other, they are incentivized to offer better products or services at competitive prices to attract customers. This leads to increased consumer choice and value, as well as lower prices, which benefits consumers, especially those with limited financial resources.

Moreover, Smith argued that competition among workers for jobs also helps to reduce inequality.

In a competitive labor market, workers who possess valuable skills or expertise are more likely to be employed and receive higher wages, while those with lower skills may face lower wages or unemployment. This competition among workers encourages skill development, education, and mobility, which can help to reduce income inequality by providing opportunities for individuals to improve their economic prospects

Furthermore, Smith emphasized the importance of moral sentiment in his discussion of capitalism.

He believed that individuals should not only act in their self-interests but also adhere to moral principles, such as fairness, honesty, and justice, in their economic interactions. Smith argued that moral sentiments, such as sympathy and empathy, play a vital role in shaping individual behavior in a capitalist system. He believed that a sense of moral responsibility towards others would restrain individuals from engaging in exploitative or unethical practices, and instead promote cooperation, trust, and fairness in economic transactions.

In summary, according to Adam Smith, competition in a capitalist system can help reduce inequality by promoting efficiency, innovation, and productivity, creating opportunities for skill development and mobility among workers, and encouraging adherence to moral sentiments that promote fairness and cooperation. Smith's emphasis on the role of competition and moral sentiment reflects his belief in a system where self-interests are tempered by moral principles for the overall benefit of society.

To know more about Adam Smith visit:


laura has to give a presentation to senior nursing staff at a nursing home. the topic of the presentation is new patient-care products laura's company is introducing. she has the opportunity to talk with the executive director of the nursing home before she starts her presentation. which set of questions is the most useful in helping laura to make appropriate decisions about her presentation?


The MOST useful set of questions for Laura's presentation would be option A: "Are all of your senior nurses native English speakers? How comfortable would they be with an interactive presentation? Is there any terminology I should be aware of to avoid giving offense? ".

This is because it addresses language barriers, presentation style, and potential cultural sensitivity issues that could affect the audience's reception of the presentation. These questions are important because they help Laura tailor her presentation to the audience's needs, ensuring effective communication and engagement.

The question about native English speakers and presentation style will allow Laura to adjust her language and approach to ensure that the audience can understand and follow her presentation.

The question about cultural sensitivity shows that Laura is aware of the potential for offense and shows respect for the audience's culture. Overall, these questions show that Laura is focused on delivering an effective presentation and is willing to take steps to ensure it is well-received by the audience.

Option A holds true.

Learn more about presentation skills:


true or false: backlinks to a site fit into one of three categories: editorial, manual, or manufactured. true false


The statement " backlinks to a site fit into one of three categories: editorial, manual, or manufactured" is true.

Each type of backlink has its own characteristics and impact on a website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.
Editorial backlinks are those that are earned naturally when a website creates high-quality, engaging, and informative content that other sites find valuable and want to link to.

This type of backlink is the most sought after, as it indicates that a site is seen as an authoritative source by others. Editorial backlinks help to improve a website's domain authority, which is an important factor in search engine rankings.

Manual backlinks are those that are acquired through deliberate efforts, such as reaching out to other website owners, guest posting, or participating in link exchange programs. While manual backlinks can be helpful in improving a website's SEO, they may not be as valuable as editorial backlinks since they are not earned purely on the merit of the content.

Manufactured backlinks are those that are artificially created using tactics that are against search engine guidelines, such as purchasing links or using automated link-building tools. These backlinks are generally considered as black-hat SEO techniques and can lead to penalties or even removal from search engine results if discovered.

In summary, backlinks can be categorized into editorial, manual, or manufactured types. Each has its own implications for a website's SEO strategy, with editorial backlinks being the most valuable and manufactured backlinks carrying the highest risk.

To learn more about Backlinks refer here:


Salwid-Mort, a mortgage broker, has hired you to develop a spreadsheet they will use with their clients. They’ve noticed that thirty-year loans with an interest offset facility are popular with their clients. They want a spreadsheet that demonstrates some of the characteristics of this type of loan to their clients. Broadly, they’d like to show their clients a graph with three curves on it: one, the declining outstanding balance of a traditional principle and interest loan, two, as above, but with an interest offset facility, tracking fortnightly savings of $1000, and three, as above, but the client gives a fortnightly savings amount greater than $1 000. To achieve these objectives, you have been asked to develop the following. Develop a spreadsheet with at least two sheets. One sheet, titled ‘Inputs’ consists of the following.
1. The Salwid-Mort logo 2. CY21, the Australian 10-year government bond yield for calendar year 2021 (i.e., the 10-year government bond yield on 31 December 2021, a j2 rate)* 3. The rate of interest for the 30-year mortgage, given by 130 basispoints over CY21 4. The initial loan amount, $1 000 000 5. The fortnightly cash deposit amount of $1 000 6. A second, higher (than $1 000), fortnightly cash deposit amount. One sheet, titled ‘Graphs’ consists of the following a line graph, with three curves. The curves are as follows. 1. The outstanding balance of the loan, with no offset (i.e., a traditional principle and interest loan). 2. The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility (described below) generated by saving $1 000 a fortnight. 3. The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility generated by saving more than $1 000 a fortnight. * [15 marks] The axes should be labelled: ‘Loan balance’ (vertical axis) and ’Time elapsed’ (horizontal axis, in years). The graph should include a legend, indicating which curve is which. In doing your calculations, note the following. 1. Treat the loan as running for 24 fortnightly (evenly spaced) periods each year over 30 years. 2. Deposits to the savings account are made at the end of each fortnightly period. They can be either $1 000 or a higher amount. 3. The initial balance of the savings account is zero. 4. The savings account earns compound interest at an effective annual rate equivalent to the mortgage rate (given above). 5. The interest offset facility is modelled as follows: the interest earnings at the end of each fortnight are credited towards the loan—and so the savings account no longer accumulates with interest. 6. The loan starts with an outstanding balance of $1 000 000. Interest is charged at the end of each fortnight, when a loan repayment is also made. The repayment is at a level to extinguish the loan after thirty years at the given mortgage rate (ignoring any interest offset facility). 7. If the interest offset facility is operating, then, at the end of each fort- night, the interest from the savings account is credited towards the loan.


The spreadsheet will provide Salwid-Mort's clients with a visual representation of the benefits of using an interest offset facility, as well as the impact of different fortnightly savings amounts on the outstanding balance of the loan over time.

How did we arrive at this assertion?

To create the said spreadsheet, we will need two sheets. The first sheet will be called "Inputs," and it will contain all of the necessary inputs for the calculation. The second sheet will be called "Graphs," and it will contain the graph with the three curves.

In the Inputs sheet, we will include the Salwid-Mort logo, followed by the necessary inputs:

CY21, the Australian 10-year government bond yield for calendar year 2021 (i.e., the 10-year government bond yield on 31 December 2021, a j2 rate)*The rate of interest for the 30-year mortgage, given by 130 basis points over CY21The initial loan amount, $1,000,000The fortnightly cash deposit amount of $1,000A second, higher (than $1,000), fortnightly cash deposit amount.

*Note: We will assume that the CY21 value has been provided to us and will not be calculated in this spreadsheet.

In the Graphs sheet, we will create a line graph with three curves. The curves will represent:

The outstanding balance of the loan, with no offset (i.e., a traditional principal and interest loan).The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility generated by saving $1,000 a fortnight.The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility generated by saving more than $1,000 a fortnight.The vertical axis will be labeled "Loan balance," and the horizontal axis will be labeled "Time elapsed" (in years). The graph will include a legend, indicating which curve is which.

To calculate the outstanding balance of the loan, we will use the following formula:

Outstanding balance = Initial loan amount * ((1 + r/2)^n - (1 + r/2)^p) / ((1 + r/2)^n - 1)


r is the interest rate for the 30-year mortgage, given by 130 basis points over CY21

n is the total number of fortnights over 30 years (24 fortnightly periods each year over 30 years)

p is the number of fortnights elapsed

The fortnightly cash deposit amount will be added to the savings account at the end of each fortnight

The savings account earns compound interest at an effective annual rate equivalent to the mortgage rate

If the interest offset facility is operating, then, at the end of each fortnight, the interest from the savings account is credited towards the loan

We will use the PMT function in Excel to calculate the loan repayment required to extinguish the loan after thirty years at the given mortgage rate (ignoring any interest offset facility).

Once we have calculated the outstanding balance of the loan for each curve, we can plot the three curves on the graph in the Graphs sheet.

Overall, the spreadsheet will provide Salwid-Mort's clients with a visual representation of the benefits of using an interest offset facility, as well as the impact of different fortnightly savings amounts on the outstanding balance of the loan over time.

learn more about spreadsheet:


assuming interest rates are positive, it is impossible for the present value of a given lump sum to exceed its future value of the same series. True or false?


The statement "assuming interest rates are positive, it is impossible for the present value of a given lump sum to exceed its future value of the same series" is true. Because lump sum will increase over time by earning interests.

When interest rates are positive, the present value of a lump sum will always be less than its future value. This is because the lump sum will earn interest over time, causing its value to increase in the future. The relationship between present value, future value, interest rate, and time can be expressed using the present value formula:

Present Value = Future Value / (1 + Interest Rate)ⁿ

where n represents the number of periods.

As interest rates are positive, the denominator (1 + Interest Rate) ⁿ will always be greater than 1, resulting in a present value that is less than the future value.

Thus, the given statement is true.

Read more about "Interest rate":


2. Describe in your own words the relationship between option
(put and call) value and the following factors:
Stock price
Strike K
Time to maturity T
Risk-free rate r


The value of a call option on a stock is positively related to the current stock price, strike price, and volatility.

As the stock price increases, the value of the call option also increases because the holder has the right to purchase the stock at a lower price. Similarly, as the strike price decreases, the value of the call option increases since it becomes cheaper to purchase the stock. Volatility also positively impacts the value of the call option as it increases the likelihood of the stock price exceeding the strike price.

The value of a put option on a stock is negatively related to the stock price, but positively related to the strike price and volatility. As the stock price decreases, the value of the put option increases because the holder has the right to sell the stock at a higher price. As the strike price increases, the value of the put option increases as it becomes more expensive to purchase the stock. Similar to call options, volatility positively impacts the value of the put option as it increases the likelihood of the stock price decreasing below the strike price.

Both call and put options have an inverse relationship with time to maturity, as the longer the time until expiration, the higher the option value. Lastly, the risk-free rate is positively related to the value of both call and put options, as higher rates increase the cost of carry and decrease the present value of the option.

To learn more about call option, visit here


In forming an opinion about organizational justice, employees tend to focus especially on
a. pay equality and advancement opportunity.
b. written policy and whether management follows policy.
c. the distribution of outcomes. For example, they might ask if women getting a proportional share of promotions.


In forming an opinion regarding organizational justice, employees tend to focus especially on the distribution of outcomes. Therefore, in the context of the given question after evaluating the correct answer is Option C.

Organizational justice is known as the extension which enables the employees to perceive workplace procedures, interactions and outcomes in the light of justice. It is connected on how employees view the fairness of their treatment by the management and the company as a whole.

Organizational justice is comprised of 3 types they are as follows

Distributive  justiceProcedural  justiceInteractional  justice

The advantages of Organizational justice are

It leads to the increase job satisfaction and Organizational commitment.Helps in attaining better performance and productivityIt reduces absenteeism and turnover

To learn more about organizational justice,


The distribution of outcomes. Employees tend to focus on whether outcomes such as promotions, pay, and rewards are distributed fairly among different groups of employees, such as women and minorities.Employees' perceptions of organizational justice are influenced by how fairly they feel they are treated within their organization. This perception is shaped by various factors, such as the distribution of outcomes, the consistency of management decisions, and the fairness of procedures used to allocate resources. While pay equality and advancement opportunities are important factors, employees' focus on the distribution of outcomes reflects a broader concern about fairness and equity in the workplace. Ultimately, when employees believe that they are being treated fairly and equitably, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and committed to their organization.

Learn more about In forming an opinion here;


athletica shoes sells their inventory directly to amazon, whereas shoez owns their inventory and uses amazon to list products for sale. which company is an amazon vendor?


In this scenario, Athletic Shoes and Shoez have different relationships with Amazon. Athletic Shoes is an Amazon Vendor, while Shoez is an Amazon Seller.

As an Amazon Vendor, Athletic Shoes sells their inventory directly to Amazon, meaning Amazon takes ownership of the inventory and is responsible for setting the prices, promoting, and shipping the products to customers. Amazon Vendors typically work with Amazon through a wholesale relationship, and Amazon pays them for the inventory. This is a more centralized approach as the vendor has less control over the marketing and sales aspects of their products.

On the other hand, Shoez owns their inventory and uses Amazon to list products for sale. This means Shoez is an Amazon Seller, participating in Amazon's Marketplace. In this case, Shoez maintains control over its inventory, pricing, and marketing strategies, using Amazon as a platform to reach customers. Amazon Sellers handle their own order fulfillment, or they can choose to use Amazon's Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) service, which involves sending their inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers for storage and shipping.

In summary, Athletic Shoes company that is an Amazon Vendor, as they sell their inventory directly to Amazon, relinquishing control over pricing and marketing. Shoez, which retains control over their inventory and uses Amazon as a sales platform, is an Amazon Seller.

Know more about Amazon Vendor here:


revenues from dining services and athletic programs are examples of auxiliary enterprises revenues for a college or university. group of answer choices true false


Revenues from dining services and athletic programs are examples of auxiliary enterprises revenues for a college or university. The correct answer choice is true.

Auxiliary enterprises are self-supporting entities within a college or university that provide non-instructional services to students, faculty, and staff. These services are typically not directly related to the institution's core educational mission but are essential to support the functioning of the campus community.

Examples of auxiliary enterprises revenues include revenues from dining services, athletic programs, parking facilities, bookstore sales, and student housing. These sources of revenue help to fund the operation and maintenance of the auxiliary services, ensuring that they continue to meet the needs of the campus community.

In summary, auxiliary enterprises revenues for a college or university, such as revenues from dining services and athletic programs, are essential in supporting the non-instructional services that enhance campus life and contribute to the overall experience for students, faculty, and staff.

This statement is true, as these revenues play a crucial role in sustaining the campus infrastructure and providing valuable resources and services to the community.

To know more about auxiliary enterprises refer here


g two years ago, phutki corp. issued a $1,000 par value, 11 percent (annual payment) coupon bond. at the time the bond was issued it had 15 years to maturity. currently this bond is selling for $1,000 in the bond market. phutki corp. is now planning to issue a $1,000 par value bond with a coupon rate of 9 percent (semi annual payments) that will mature 25 years from today. assuming that the riskiness of the new bond is the same as the previous bond (i.e., the ytm on the new bond is equal to the current ytm on the previous bond), how much will investor's pay for this new bond?


The  investors will pay $835.48 for the new bond with a coupon rate of 9% and a maturity of 25 years, assuming the riskiness is the same as the previous bond.

To calculate the price investors will pay for the new bond, we first need to determine the current yield to maturity (YTM) on the previous bond. We can use the information given to calculate this:

- The bond has a $1,000 par value and a coupon rate of 11%, which means the annual interest payment is $110 ($1,000 x 0.11).
- The bond has 15 years to maturity.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the current YTM on the bond is 11%.

Now we can use this YTM to calculate the price investors will pay for the new bond:

- The new bond has a $1,000 par value and a coupon rate of 9%, which means the semi-annual interest payment is $45 ($1,000 x 0.09 / 2).
- The new bond will mature in 25 years.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the YTM on the new bond is also 11%.

With this information, we can use the bond pricing formula to calculate the price investors will pay for the new bond:

Price = (Coupon Payment / (1 + YTM/2)^n) + (Par Value / (1 + YTM/2)^n)


- Coupon Payment = $45
- YTM = 11%
- n = 50 (25 years x 2 semi-annual periods per year)
- Par Value = $1,000

Plugging in these values, we get:

Price = ($45 / (1 + 0.11/2)^50) + ($1,000 / (1 + 0.11/2)^50)
Price = $496.61 + $338.87
Price = $835.48

Therefore, investors will pay $835.48 for the new bond with a coupon rate of 9% and a maturity of 25 years, assuming the riskiness is the same as the previous bond.

to know more about investors  refer here

What is section 85 rollover? How can this benefit a sole proprietorship while incorporating their business?
What are the types of income a CCPC can earn? Kindly explain how an active business income is taxed?


Section 85 rollover is a provision in the Canadian Income Tax Act that allows a business owner to transfer property to a corporation on a tax-deferred basis. This provision is particularly beneficial for sole proprietors who wish to incorporate their business as it allows them to transfer their business assets to the corporation without incurring any immediate tax liability.

With the Section 85 rollover, the sole proprietor can transfer property such as inventory, equipment, or other business assets to the corporation in exchange for shares of the corporation. The transfer is considered to be at the fair market value of the property, and any gain on the property is deferred until it is realized on a subsequent disposition of the shares.

Incorporating a business can offer several advantages over a sole proprietorship, such as limited liability, tax planning opportunities, and access to capital. The Section 85 rollover provision allows business owners to incorporate their business while minimizing their tax liability on the transfer of assets.

A Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) can earn different types of income, including active business income, passive income, and capital gains. Active business income is income earned from a corporation's regular business operations, while passive income is income earned from investments or other non-operational activities. Capital gains are the profits realized from the sale of capital property, such as stocks or real estate.

Active business income earned by a CCPC is taxed at a lower rate compared to other types of income. The Federal tax rate on the first $500,000 of active business income is currently at 9%, while the provincial tax rates vary. In some provinces, the combined Federal and Provincial tax rate on active business income can be as low as 12%.

In addition to the lower tax rates, CCPCs can also benefit from several tax planning opportunities, such as the ability to claim the Small Business Deduction, allowing them to deduct a portion of their active business income from their taxable income. CCPCs may also be eligible for other tax credits and deductions, such as the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credit and the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance (ACCA).

In summary, the Section 85 rollover provision can be an advantageous tax planning tool for sole proprietors who wish to incorporate their business. CCPCs can earn different types of income, with active business income being taxed at a lower rate, and may be eligible for tax credits and deductions that can further reduce their tax liability.

Click the below link, to learn more about Income Tax Act:


The new performance management system at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJ.M.C.) was specifically designed to address which of the following problems with traditional performance reviews? Ratings of employee traits are not effective measures of performance. Performance reviews should not include self-evaluations. Traditional performance reviews are unfair to minorities. Managers cannot complete traditional performance reviews on time. Which of the following problems might occur with the new performance appraisal system at LIJ.M.C.? Check all that apply. Patient satisfaction ratings might be influenced by something that is not related to a particular employee. Objective ratings, such as infection rates, might be influenced by something outside of the staff's control. Patients who feel they received very good or very poor care are more likely to complete surveys than other patients. The new standards are more subjective and less quantifiable than the old standards. Errors, such as stereotyping, are likely to occur when managers evaluate employees based on the specific, measurable goals they achieve. The ranking performance appraisal system tries to improve performance ratings by forcing managers to: Rate employees based on their actions, not their traits Include Information from a wide variety of sources in their reviews Rate employees based on intuition Compare employees Imagine you are the nurse manager for nurses on your floor. Ever since the new patient management system came online, productivity has been lower than expected. Under which circumstance do you decide to develop a training program for the nurses? The nurses have been spending more time communicating with patients. The nurses aren't as motivated as they were a few months ago Renovations in other areas have contributed to a temporary increase in additional daily tasks for nurses in other divisions. The nurses don't know how to enter patient data efficiently.


The new performance management system at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJ.M.C.) was specifically designed to address the problem that ratings of employee traits are not effective measures of performance.

The new system focuses on specific, measurable goals that employees should achieve.
Possible problems that might occur with the new performance appraisal system at LIJ.M.C. include: patient satisfaction ratings might be influenced by something that is not related to a particular employee; objective ratings, such as infection rates, might be influenced by something outside of the staff's control; patients who feel they received very good or very poor care are more likely to complete surveys than other patients; the new standards are more subjective and less quantifiable than the old standards; and errors, such as stereotyping, are likely to occur when managers evaluate employees based on the specific, measurable goals they achieve.

If the nurse manager for nurses on a particular floor notices that productivity has been lower than expected since the new patient management system came online, they might decide to develop a training program for the nurses if they determine that the nurses don't know how to enter patient data efficiently.

Learn more about management here:


The new performance management system at LIJ.M.C. was specifically designed to address the problem that ratings of employee traits are not effective measures of performance.

This problem is common in traditional performance reviews, where employees are rated based on subjective criteria, such as attitude and personality, rather than objective measures of performance. The new system at LIJ.M.C. aims to focus on measurable goals and achievements, rather than traits, to provide more accurate and effective evaluations of employee performance.
However, there are potential problems that might occur with the new performance appraisal system at LIJ.M.C. For example, patient satisfaction ratings might be influenced by factors that are outside of a particular employee's control, such as the overall quality of care provided by the hospital.

Objective ratings, such as infection rates, might also be influenced by factors outside of the staff's control. Additionally, patients who feel they received very good or very poor care are more likely to complete surveys than other patients, which could skew the results of patient satisfaction surveys.
As the nurse manager for nurses on the floor, if productivity has been lower than expected since the new patient management system came online, I would consider developing a training program for the nurses. If the nurses don't know how to enter patient data efficiently, this could be a significant barrier to their productivity.

By providing training on efficient data entry and other skills, the nurses may be able to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately improving productivity on the floor.

For more such questions on management visit:


What is the bond equivalent yield on a S1 million T-bill that currently sells at 93.845 percent of its face value and is 117 days from maturity? (write your answer in So and round it to 2 decimal plac


The bond equivalent yield on a S1 million T-bill that currently sells at 93.845 percent of its face value and is 117 days from maturity is 3.67%.

To calculate the bond equivalent yield on a T-bill, we need to first calculate the discount rate, which is the difference between the face value and the purchase price divided by the face value.

In this case, the purchase price is 93.845% of the face value of $1 million, or $938,450. The difference between the face value and the purchase price is $1,061,550. Dividing this by the face value of $1 million gives a discount rate of 1.06155.

Next, we need to annualize the discount rate by multiplying it by the number of days in a year and dividing by the number of days to maturity. In this case, there are 365 days in a year, and the T-bill has 117 days to maturity. So, the annualized discount rate is (1.06155 x 365) / 117 = 3.32%.

Finally, to convert the discount rate to a bond equivalent yield, we add it to the risk-free rate for a similar maturity. Assuming a risk-free rate of 0.35% for 117-day T-bills, the bond equivalent yield is 3.32% + 0.35% = 3.67%.

Therefore, the bond equivalent yield on the T-bill is 3.67%.

For more questions like Bond click the link below:


Had to split question into two photos for words to remain clear and visible
Questions Accounting for the cash discount period and for the credit period, what is the optim sets the present value of full price equal to the present value of the discounted prio is received at the end of the credit period. (do not use the Hil-Reiner method) cash discount period 10 days -credit period 53 days -annual cost of capital 20% Express your answer as a decimal (example: if your answer is 4.3% then enter it as 0.04


The optimal payment strategy is to take advantage of the cash discount and pay within the cash discount period. This will result in a present value savings of $28.03

Let's take an example where a purchase has a list price of $1,000, and the supplier offers a 2% cash discount if payment is made within ten days. If payment is not made within ten days, the full price is due at the end of the credit period, which is 53 days. We also assume that the annual cost of capital is 20%.

First, let's calculate the present value of paying the full price at the end of the credit period. We can use the formula:

[tex]PV = \frac{FV}{(1 + r)^n}[/tex]

Where PV is the present value, FV is the future value, r is the discount rate, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, FV is $1,000, r is 20%/365 days = 0.055%, and n is 53/365 years. Thus, PV is:

[tex]PV = \frac{1,000}{(1 + 0.055\%)^{53/365}}[/tex]= $969.23

Next, let's calculate the present value of paying the discounted price within the cash discount period and the remaining balance at the end of the credit period. We can break this down into two parts:

Paying the discounted price within the cash discount period

[tex]PV_1 = \frac{980}{(1 + 0.055\%)^{10/365}}[/tex] = $977.56

Paying the remaining balance at the end of the credit period

[tex]PV_2 = \frac{20}{(1 + 0.055\%)^{43/365}}[/tex] = $19.70

Thus, the total present value of paying the discounted price within the cash discount period and the remaining balance at the end of the credit period is:

PV = PV1 + PV2 = $977.56 + $19.70 = $997.26

Now, we can compare the two present values. If the present value of paying the full price is greater than the present value of paying the discounted price within the cash discount period and the remaining balance at the end of the credit period, then it is better to pay the discounted price. Conversely, if the present value of paying the full price is less than the present value of paying the discounted price, then it is better to pay the full price.

In this case, the present value of paying the full price is $969.23, which is less than the present value of paying the discounted price within the cash discount period and the remaining balance at the end of the credit period, which is $997.26. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the cash discount and pay within the cash discount period.

To learn more about payment strategy


Due to the integrated nature of their capital markets, investors in both the U.S. and U.K. require the same real interest rate, 2.5%, on their lending. There is a consensus in capital markets that the annual inflation rate is likely to be 3% in the U.S. and 2% in the U.K. for next year. The spot exchange rate is currently E$/£ = 1.4.
a. Compute the nominal interest rate per annum in both the U.S. and U.K., assuming that the Fisher effect holds.
b. Using relative PPP, what is the expected future spot dollar-pound exchange rate in one year from now?
c. Using UIP, what is the expected spot dollar-pound exchange rate in one year from now?


The expected spot dollar-pound exchange rate in one year from now will be,

a. The nominal interest rate per annum in the U.S. is 5.5% (2.5% + 3%) and the nominal interest rate in the U.K. is 4.5% (2.5% + 2%).

b. Using the relative PPP, the expected future spot dollar-pound exchange rate in one year from now is E$/£ = 1.4(1.03/1.02) = 1.4148.

c. Using UIP, the expected spot dollar-pound exchange rate in one year from now would be E$/£ = 1.4(1.025/1.025) = 1.4. The UIP states that expected future spot exchange rates should equal the current spot exchange rate.

This means that the expected spot dollar-pound exchange rate should remain the same as the current rate.

Know more about nominal interest rate here


if current assets are $120,000, total assets are $600,000, current liabilities are $60,000, long-term debt is $340,000, and total liabilities are $400,000, what is the current ratio?


The current ratio, given the current assets and the current liabilities, would be 2.0.

How to find the current ratio ?

The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. It is calculated by dividing a company's current assets by its current liabilities.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Using the information provided:

Current Assets = $120,000

Current Liabilities = $60,000

Current Ratio = $120,000 / $60,000 = 2

Therefore, the current ratio is 2. This indicates that the company has $2 in current assets for every $1 in current liabilities, suggesting that it has a strong ability to meet its short-term obligations.

Find out more on current ratio at


if the spot price of gold is $990 per troy ounce, the risk-free interest rate is 6%, and storage and insurance costs are zero, what should be the forward price of gold for delivery in one year?


The forward price of gold for delivery in one year, assuming zero storage and insurance costs, is $1,049.40 per troy ounce.

To calculate the forward price of gold for delivery in one year, we need to consider the cost of carry. Cost of carry is the cost of holding an asset, which includes storage, insurance, and financing costs.

In this case, we are assuming that storage and insurance costs are zero, so we only need to consider the financing cost, which is the risk-free interest rate of 6%.

The formula for calculating the forward price of an asset is:

Forward price = Spot price x (1 + financing cost)^time

In this case, time is one year, so we can plug in the numbers:

Forward price = $990 x (1 + 0.06)^1
Forward price = $1,049.40

Learn More about insurance here :-


Suppose a five-year $1000 bond with annual coupons has a price of $900 and a yield to maturity of 6%. What is the Bonds coupon rate?



We can use the present value formula to solve for the coupon rate of the bond:

PV = C / (1 + r)^1 + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^5 + FV / (1 + r)^5

where PV is the current price of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the yield to maturity, and FV is the face value of the bond.

Plugging in the given values:

PV = $900

C = ?

FV = $1,000

r = 6%

n = 5

Solving for C, we get:

PV = C / (1 + r)^1 + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^5 + FV / (1 + r)^5

$900 = C / (1 + 0.06)^1 + C / (1 + 0.06)^2 + C / (1 + 0.06)^3 + C / (1 + 0.06)^4 + C / (1 + 0.06)^5 + $1,000 / (1 + 0.06)^5

$900 = $60 / (1 + 0.06)^1 + $60 / (1 + 0.06)^2 + $60 / (1 + 0.06)^3 + $60 / (1 + 0.06)^4 + $60 / (1 + 0.06)^5 + $1,000 / (1 + 0.06)^5

$900 = $56.60 + $53.40 + $50.37 + $47.59 + $45.03 + $747.26

$900 = $1,000.25C / (1 + 0.06)^5

$900 x (1 + 0.06)^5 / $1,000.25 = C

$900 x 1.33823 / $1,000.25 = C

C = $1.20

Therefore, the coupon rate of the bond is $1.20 / $1000 = 0.12 or 12%.

A life insurance company requires $100,000 to provide a guaranteed annuity of $7,500 per year for 20 years, with the first payment in one year. What is the rate of return on this annuity? A. 3.22% B. 2.22% C. 5.22% D. 4.22%


A life insurance company requires $100,000 to provide a guaranteed annuity of $7,500 per year for 20 years, with the first payment in one year. The rate of return on this annuit is  B. 2.22%

To determine the rate of return on the annuity provided by the life insurance company, we can use the Present Value of Annuity (PVA) formula: PVA = PMT * [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r], where PMT is the annuity payment ($7,500), n is the number of years (20), and r is the rate of return we need to find. The life insurance company requires $100,000 for this annuity, so PVA = $100,000.
Rearranging the formula, we get: r = [PMT / PVA - (1 - (1 + r)^-n)]. Plugging in the values, we have: r = [$7,500 / $100,000 - (1 - (1 + r)^-20)].

After solving for r, we find that the rate of return is approximately 2.22%. This means that the life insurance company's annuity offers a 2.22% annual return on the investment of $100,000, providing a guaranteed payment of $7,500 per year for 20 years.  A life insurance company requires $100,000 to provide a guaranteed annuity of $7,500 per year for 20 years, with the first payment in one year. The rate of return on this annuit is  B. 2.22%

Learn more about investment at:


a halo error is the error that occurs when an employee is downgraded across all performance dimensions exclusively because of poor performance in one dimension. group of answer choices true false


The given statement "a halo error is an error that occurs when an employee is downgraded across all performance dimensions exclusively because of poor performance in one dimension" is True, because this type of error is commonly seen in performance appraisals and evaluations.

This type of error is commonly seen in performance appraisals and evaluations, where a single aspect of an employee's performance negatively impacts their overall assessment.

Halo errors can lead to biased and inaccurate evaluations, as they do not consider the individual's performance in other areas. It is important for managers and evaluators to be aware of the potential for halo errors and take measures to reduce their occurrence. Some ways to minimize halo errors include:

1. Training evaluators on the concept of halo errors and how to avoid them.

2. Encouraging evaluators to focus on specific performance dimensions rather than forming a general impression.

3. Providing clear guidelines and criteria for each performance dimension.

4. Allowing multiple evaluators to review each employee's performance.

5. Conducting evaluations over an extended period, rather than basing them on a single instance.

By being aware of halo errors and taking steps to minimize their impact, organizations can ensure a more fair and accurate performance appraisal process. This will ultimately lead to better employee development and improved overall performance.

To know more about performance appraisals, refer here:


Complete question:

a halo error is the error that occurs when an employee is downgraded across all performance dimensions exclusively because of poor performance in one dimension.

True or false

Document how the ability of monetary authorities to reduce involuntary unemployment depends on the marginal propensity to consume, on the sensitivity of investment to changes in interest rates, and the sensitivity of net exports to the exchange rate. Please include in charts or graphs to verify your thinking process


Monetary authorities, such as central banks, have the ability to reduce involuntary unemployment through various policies.

The effectiveness of these policies depends on several factors, including the marginal propensity to consume, the sensitivity of investment to changes in interest rates, and the sensitivity of net exports to the exchange rate.

The marginal propensity to consume refers to the amount of additional consumption that occurs when disposable income increases. If this propensity is high, then monetary policy can be more effective in reducing unemployment because an increase in spending will have a larger impact on overall demand.

The sensitivity of investment to changes in interest rates is also important. If investment is highly sensitive to interest rates, then monetary policy can be effective in stimulating investment and increasing overall demand. On the other hand, if investment is relatively insensitive to interest rates, then monetary policy may have limited impact.

Finally, the sensitivity of net exports to the exchange rate is also a key factor. If net exports are highly sensitive to changes in the exchange rate, then monetary policy can be effective in stimulating exports and increasing overall demand. However, if net exports are relatively insensitive to the exchange rate, then monetary policy may have limited impact.

Overall, the effectiveness of monetary policy in reducing involuntary unemployment depends on several factors, including the marginal propensity to consume, the sensitivity of investment to changes in interest rates, and the sensitivity of net exports to the exchange rate. These factors can be analyzed and incorporated into policy decisions using charts or graphs to visualize the potential impact of different policy options.

For more about Monetary authorities:


• Calculate WACC when cost of equity is 15%, and cost of debt is 5%, tax is 20%, and E/D=2 • Write the firm value with WACC method when the firm has the following cash flows, starting in year 0: Cash Flow -$100 $10 $20 $120 • (extra credit) What is the value of this firm if it extended its operations and will generate the $120 cash flow forever, starting year 4?


The WACC is calculated as follows:

WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1 - T)


Re = cost of equity = 15%

Rd = cost of debt = 5%

T = tax rate = 20%

E/D = 2

Plugging in the values, we get:

WACC = (2/3) * 15% + (1/3) * 5% * (1 - 20%) = 11.33%

Using the WACC method, the firm value can be calculated as the present value of the cash flows discounted at the WACC. The firm value is:

Firm value = -$100 / (1 + 11.33%)^0 + $10 / (1 + 11.33%)^1 + $20 / (1 + 11.33%)^2 + $120 / (1 + 11.33%)^3 = $86.38

The WACC is the weighted average of the cost of equity and cost of debt, taking into account the proportion of equity and debt in the firm's capital structure, and adjusted for the tax benefit of debt. In this case, the firm has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2:1, which means that for every $2 of debt, there is $1 of equity. Using the WACC formula, we calculate the WACC to be 11.33%.

To calculate the firm value using the WACC method, we discount each cash flow by the appropriate discount factor, which is calculated as 1 / (1 + WACC)^n, where n is the number of years from the present. We then sum up the present values of all cash flows to arrive at the firm value.

In the second part of the question, we assume that the firm will generate a perpetual cash flow of $120 starting from year 4. To calculate the firm value in this scenario, we can use the perpetuity formula, which is CF / r, where CF is the cash flow and r is the discount rate (which is the WACC in this case). Plugging in the values, we get:

Firm value = $120 / (11.33% - 0%) = $1,059.44

For more questions like Cash click the link below:


True or False and explain 8. Gross Domestic Output (GDP) is likely to increase if there is increased industrial activity which results in serious air pollution and increased incidences of asthma and l


Gross Domestic Output (GDP) is likely to increase if there is increased industrial activity which results in serious air pollution and increased incidences of asthma is false.

While increased industrial activity may lead to an increase in GDP, it is not necessarily true that it will result in increased air pollution and incidences of asthma. Furthermore, increased air pollution and health problems such as asthma have significant economic costs, such as increased healthcare expenditures and reduced productivity due to illness. These costs can offset any short-term gains in GDP and may even lead to a decrease in overall economic growth.

Moreover, sustainable development requires balancing economic growth with environmental and social sustainability. Governments and businesses can invest in technologies and practices that promote cleaner production and reduce pollution, which can lead to long-term economic and social benefits. By promoting environmentally sustainable practices, it is possible to achieve both economic growth and environmental protection.

To know more about GDP visit:


which of the following are questions that managers are likely to ask when beginning the strategic management process? multiple select question. is our vision product- or customer-oriented? how can we achieve our goals? what is our profit? what do we ultimately hope to achieve? what are our values?


Managers are likely to ask the following questions when beginning the strategic management process: How can we achieve our goals? What do we ultimately hope to achieve? What are our values? Is our vision product- or customer-oriented?

When beginning the strategic management process, managers typically ask themselves a series of questions to guide the development of the organization's strategic plan. These questions are designed to help the management team clarify the company's goals, values, and competitive positioning in the market.

The question "How can we achieve our goals?" is focused on identifying the actions and strategies that will help the company accomplish its objectives. "What do we ultimately hope to achieve?" is a question that helps the management team define the company's long-term vision and mission. "What are our values?" is a question that helps the management team identify the principles and beliefs that guide the organization's culture and decision-making.

Finally, "Is our vision product- or customer-oriented?" is a question that helps the management team understand the company's competitive positioning in the market and whether it is focused on meeting the needs of its customers or developing innovative products.

Learn more about strategic management at:


monahegan plasma company is facing a performance downturn and realizes that a major rethinking of its strategy is in order. under these circumstances, monahegan plasma would benefit from a(n):


Monahegan Plasma would benefit from a strategic management process to identify and address the causes of its performance downturn.

A strategic management process involves analyzing the company's internal and external environment to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This information is used to develop a new strategy and plan of action to achieve the company's goals.

By going through this process, Monahegan Plasma can identify the root causes of its performance downturn and develop a new strategy that aligns with its strengths and takes advantage of opportunities in the market. This can help the company to turn its performance around and achieve sustainable growth in the future.

For more questions like Management click the link below:


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Salwid-Mort, a mortgage broker, has hired you to develop a spreadsheet they will use with their clients. Theyve noticed that thirty-year loans with an interest offset facility are popular with their clients. They want a spreadsheet that demonstrates some of the characteristics of this type of loan to their clients. Broadly, theyd like to show their clients a graph with three curves on it: one, the declining outstanding balance of a traditional principle and interest loan, two, as above, but with an interest offset facility, tracking fortnightly savings of $1000, and three, as above, but the client gives a fortnightly savings amount greater than $1 000. To achieve these objectives, you have been asked to develop the following. Develop a spreadsheet with at least two sheets. One sheet, titled Inputs consists of the following.1. The Salwid-Mort logo 2. CY21, the Australian 10-year government bond yield for calendar year 2021 (i.e., the 10-year government bond yield on 31 December 2021, a j2 rate)* 3. The rate of interest for the 30-year mortgage, given by 130 basispoints over CY21 4. The initial loan amount, $1 000 000 5. The fortnightly cash deposit amount of $1 000 6. A second, higher (than $1 000), fortnightly cash deposit amount. One sheet, titled Graphs consists of the following a line graph, with three curves. The curves are as follows. 1. The outstanding balance of the loan, with no offset (i.e., a traditional principle and interest loan). 2. The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility (described below) generated by saving $1 000 a fortnight. 3. The outstanding balance of the loan with an offset facility generated by saving more than $1 000 a fortnight. * [15 marks] The axes should be labelled: Loan balance (vertical axis) and Time elapsed (horizontal axis, in years). The graph should include a legend, indicating which curve is which. In doing your calculations, note the following. 1. Treat the loan as running for 24 fortnightly (evenly spaced) periods each year over 30 years. 2. Deposits to the savings account are made at the end of each fortnightly period. They can be either $1 000 or a higher amount. 3. The initial balance of the savings account is zero. 4. The savings account earns compound interest at an effective annual rate equivalent to the mortgage rate (given above). 5. The interest offset facility is modelled as follows: the interest earnings at the end of each fortnight are credited towards the loanand so the savings account no longer accumulates with interest. 6. The loan starts with an outstanding balance of $1 000 000. Interest is charged at the end of each fortnight, when a loan repayment is also made. The repayment is at a level to extinguish the loan after thirty years at the given mortgage rate (ignoring any interest offset facility). 7. If the interest offset facility is operating, then, at the end of each fort- night, the interest from the savings account is credited towards the loan. is this an effective summary of the story enkai? In forming an opinion about organizational justice, employees tend to focus especially equality and advancement opportunity.b.written policy and whether management follows policy.c.the distribution of outcomes. For example, they might ask if women getting a proportional share of promotions.