Find a formula for the exponential function passing through the points
(-3, 5/8 ) and (3, 40).


Answer 1

The exponential function is y=5.[tex]2^x[/tex].

What is exponential function?

A mathematical function called an exponential function is employed frequently in everyday life. It is mostly used to compute investments, model populations, determine exponential decline or exponential growth, and so forth.

Here the exponential function is [tex]y=ab^x[/tex]

Since (-3,5/8) is on the graph, -[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]=[tex]ab^{-3}[/tex] -----> 1

Since (3, 40) is on the graph, 40=[tex]ab^3[/tex] ------> 2

So, [tex]\frac{ab^3}{ab^{-3}}=\frac{40}{\frac{-5}{8}}[/tex]

=> [tex]b^{3+3}=8\times8[/tex]

=> [tex]b^6=2^6[/tex]

=> b = 2

put b=2 into 2 then,

=> 40= [tex]a\times2^3[/tex]

=> 8a=40

=> a =5

Then the exponential function is y=5.[tex]2^x[/tex].

To learn more about exponential function refer the below link


Related Questions

The length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 14 centimeters.

What is the length of the altitude of the triangle?

2√ 7cm

3√ 7 cm

7√ 2 cm

7√ 3 cm


Answer: The altitude of the triangle is [tex]h = 7 \sqrt{3}.[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that we separate the equilateral triangle with the altitude of the triangle, as shown in the diagram I attached.

Then the length of the altitude [tex]h[/tex] can be found through the Pythagorean theorem:

[tex]h = \sqrt{14^2-\left( \frac{14}{2} \right)^2} = \sqrt{147} = \boxed{7 \sqrt{3}}.[/tex]

Therefore, the altitude of the equilateral triangle is [tex]h = 7 \sqrt{3}.[/tex]

complete the equatiotin 3 over 4 x 6 =




Step-by-step explanation:

If "over" refers to (4 * 6) as a whole,


If "over" refers to division,

[tex]3 \div 4 \times 6\\= 0.75 \times 6\\= 4.5[/tex]

I would suppose it's the first one, so, ignore the second one if you haven't learnt BODMAS yet.

Hope this helps and be sure to mark this as brainliest! :)

Can someone help me to answer these questions pleases

Listen to Kerry Washington perform Sojourner Truth's speech Ain't I a Woman. Then go to ST's version at the Sojourner Truth Project's website. Compare the differences between Frances Gage's (the one Washington read) and Marius Robinson's earlier version (the one ST read). You can read them here.

Answer the following questions:

1. List 3 differences between the Robinson version and the Gage version of the speech.

2. Why do you think it is important to hear both versions of the speech?

3. How do you think the differences changed the way people (in the north and the south) understood the context of her speech? How about now?

4. How does hearing the differences in dialect change the way you think about the speech?

answer them in at least 10 sentences.

When women’s rights activists spoke out, who were they advocating for, white women or African-American women?

What are the distinct arguments that Truth makes in her speech?

What is Truth saying about women’s rights?

Who is going to give them these rights?

How does Truth’s speech reflect intersectionality?

What passages in the speech reflect this?


1. In the Robinson version, Truth asks "And ain't I a woman?" four times, while in the Gage version she only asks it three times. 2. It is important to hear both versions of the speech because they highlight the ways in which historical documents can be altered and manipulated over time. 3. The differences between the two versions of the speech likely changed the way people in the north and south understood the context of her speech in significant ways. 4. Hearing the differences in dialect changes the way we think about the speech by highlighting the unique voice and perspective of the speaker.

What is speech?

Speech is the act of expressing thoughts, ideas, or emotions through spoken words. It is a form of communication that allows individuals to convey information, share opinions, ask questions, and express feelings to others.

According to question:

1. Three differences between the Robinson version and the Gage version of the speech are:

In the Robinson version, Truth says "I have as much muscle as any man" while in the Gage version she says "I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me!".

In the Robinson version, Truth asks "And ain't I a woman?" four times, while in the Gage version she only asks it three times.

In the Robinson version, Truth refers to herself as a "colored woman" while in the Gage version she uses the term "African American".

2. It is important to hear both versions of the speech because they highlight the ways in which historical documents can be altered and manipulated over time. The differences between the two versions show how editors and publishers can change the meaning and impact of a text by making small modifications to it. Additionally, hearing both versions allows us to appreciate the nuances of language and dialect, and how different speakers can bring their own interpretations and emphasis to a text.

3. The differences between the two versions of the speech likely changed the way people in the north and south understood the context of her speech in significant ways. For example, the reference to "colored women" in the Robinson version would have been seen as more confrontational and controversial in certain regions. Today, the differences may help us appreciate the diversity and complexity of language, and how it reflects the cultural and historical contexts in which it is spoken.

4. Hearing the differences in dialect changes the way we think about the speech by highlighting the unique voice and perspective of the speaker. The dialect used in each version reflects the cultural and historical context of the time, and the different audiences that the speeches were intended for. By hearing the dialect of each version, we can better appreciate the ways in which language shapes our understanding of history and identity.

As for the next set of questions:

When women's rights activists spoke out, they were advocating for both white women and African-American women, although the experiences and struggles of African-American women were often ignored or marginalized within the movement.

Truth makes several distinct arguments in her speech, including that women deserve the same rights and respect as men, that the stereotype of women as weak and dependent is unjust, and that the experiences of African-American women are often overlooked in discussions of women's rights.

Truth is saying that women deserve equal rights and respect as men, and that the societal norms that limit women's opportunities and autonomy are unjust and unfounded.

Truth is arguing that women need to fight for their own rights, rather than waiting for men to give them these rights. She also emphasizes the importance of solidarity and mutual support among women.

Truth's speech reflects intersectionality by recognizing the ways in which race and gender intersect to create unique experiences of oppression and marginalization. She argues that the struggles of African-American women cannot be separated from the struggles of all women, and that a truly equitable society must address the needs and concerns of all marginalized groups. One passage that reflects this is when she says, "I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?" This passage highlights the intersection of race, gender, and motherhood in Truth's experience.

To know more about speech visit:


please help me in this question is math,solve just d, e&f​


Step-by-step explanation:

a) factorize A

A = (2x-1)²+2(3-6x)(4x-7)-4x²+1

expand the terms




factor out the common factor 2x-1


A = -8(2x-1)(3x-5)

b) show that B = (3x-11)(2x-1)





c) Expand and reduce A



d) Calculate A for x=0 and x=-1

when x=0 -48(0)²+108(0)-40


x=-1 -48(-1)²+108(-1)-40


e) Reduce 2A-3B

A=-48x²+108x-40 B=6x²-25x+11




f) Factorize 2A-B

A=-48x²+108x-40 B=6x²-25x+11




x=(241 + sqrt(20953))/204

x=(241 - sqrt(20953))/204

Please Mark Me Brainliest!

whats the answer to 102-38x14 divided by 7+162= help plss




Step-by-step explanation:

follow BIMDAS.

like my answer if you find it helpful

Find the area? For this shape pleae


Cut the shape into two part. So you can easily calculate the areas of two rectangles. Then plus their areas to get the area of the shape.

The sum of a number and three is no more than eight



Step-by-step explanation: hope this helps

The height distributions of two different classes at Dover elementary school are shown below both groups, have the same interquartile range how many times the third quartile range is the difference between the median height of the third grade class in the fourth grade class 1/4 1/2 two or four


The third quartile range is the difference between the median height of the third grade class and the fourth grade class, so the answer is two times.

3. How many ways can you line up 7 books on a shelf?



There are 5040 different ways to arrange the 7 books on a shelf.


Use the formula for permutations:

n! = n × (n - 1) × (n - 2) × ... × 1, where n is the number of objects and ! denotes a factorial.

The number of objects is n = 7 books.

Calculate the factorial:

7! = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 5040

(a) What is the value of x? Show your work.
(b) What is the measure of angle C? Show your work.


In triangle ABC

a) The value of x = 29⁰

b) The angle c equal to 93⁰

What is a triangle?

A triangle is a closed plane figure that is formed by connecting three line segments, also known as sides, at their endpoints. The three endpoints, or vertices, where the sides of the triangle meet are not collinear. Triangles are important in mathematics and geometry because they are the simplest polygon that can exist in two-dimensional space.

According to the given information

In a triangle, the sum of all interior angles is always 180 degrees. Therefore, we can use this fact to find the value of x and angle c.

We know that:

angle a = 35⁰

angle b = 52⁰

angle c = 3(x+2)⁰

Using the fact that the sum of all interior angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, we can write:

angle a + angle b + angle c = 180

Substituting the values we know, we get:

35 + 52 + 3(x+2) = 180

Simplifying the equation, we get:

87 + 3x + 6 = 180

3x + 93 = 180

3x = 87

x = 29

Therefore, x = 29⁰

To find angle c, we can substitute the value of x into the equation we were given for angle c:

angle c = 3(x+2)

angle c = 3(29+2)

angle c = 3(31)

angle c = 93

Therefore, angle c is equal to 93⁰.

To know more about interior angles visit:


Please help with the answer!



Step-by-step explanation:

2.1 so a

Show that by the uniqueness theorem the linear transformation,
Y = aX + b, is also a normal random variable.


We can show by the uniqueness theorem that the linear transformation, Y = aX + b, is also a normal random variable because the resultant probaility density fnction of Y equals: f(y) = (1/√(2πa^2σX^2)) * exp(-(y-aμX-b)^2/(2a^2σX^2)).

How to prove a normal random variable

To show that the linear transformation, Y = aX + b is a normal random variable, we need to demonstrate that it satisfies the properties of a normal distribution. This means that it should have a bell-shaped probability density function, mean, and variance.

We can prove that it meets the mean condition this way:

E(Y) = E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b = aμX + b

Next, we can prove that it meets the variance condition thus:

Var(Y) = Var(aX + b) = a^2Var(X) = a^2σX^2

Lastly, the probability density function is given as f(y) = (1/√(2πa^2σX^2)) * exp(-(y-aμX-b)^2/(2a^2σX^2)). This proves that the conditions for a normal random variable is met.

Learn more about a normal random variable here:


A hamster runs at a speed of 16 centimeters per second in a wheel of radius 15 centimeters.
a) What is the angular velocity of the wheel? (in radians/sec)
b) How fast will the wheel spin in revolutions per minute?


a) The angular velocity of the wheel is approximately 1.0667 radians per second. b) The wheel will spin at approximately 10.16 revolutions per minute.

What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is a measure of how quickly an object rotates or revolves around a fixed point, such as an axis or a center of rotation. It is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of an object's angular position with respect to time, and is usually expressed in units of radians per second (rad/s) or degrees per second (deg/s).

According to given information:

a) To find the angular velocity of the wheel, we can use the formula:

angular velocity = linear velocity / radius

In this case, the linear velocity of the hamster is 16 centimeters per second, and the radius of the wheel is 15 centimeters. So, we have:

angular velocity = 16 / 15

angular velocity = 1.0667 radians per second

Therefore, the angular velocity of the wheel is approximately 1.0667 radians per second.

b) To find the speed of the wheel in revolutions per minute, we need to convert the angular velocity from radians per second to revolutions per minute. There are 2π radians in one revolution, and 60 seconds in one minute. So, we can use the following formula:

angular velocity (in revolutions per minute) = angular velocity (in radians per second) * 60 / 2π

Plugging in the angular velocity we found in part (a), we get:

angular velocity (in revolutions per minute) = 1.0667 * 60 / 2π

angular velocity (in revolutions per minute) ≈ 10.16 revolutions per minute

Therefore, the wheel will spin at approximately 10.16 revolutions per minute.

To know more about angular velocity visit:


The salaries of six bank employees are $37,000, $38,500, $35,000, $37,000, $45,000, $40,000, and $75,000.

Which statement is true?

Question 1 options:

Both the median and mode are appropriate measures of center.

The mean, median, and mode are all appropriate measures of center.

Both the mean and median are appropriate measures of center.

The median is the only appropriate measure of center.


The correct answer is: Both the mean and median are appropriate measures of center.

What is statistics?

Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It involves the use of mathematical and computational tools to summarize and analyze large sets of data, with the goal of extracting meaningful insights and identifying patterns or trends.


The mean is the sum of all salaries divided by the number of salaries. In this case, the sum is:

37,000 + 38,500 + 35,000 + 37,000 + 45,000 + 40,000 + 75,000 = 307,500

And there are seven salaries. Therefore, the mean is:

307,500 / 7 = 43,928.57

The median is the middle value when the salaries are arranged in order from lowest to highest. First, we need to arrange the salaries in order:

35,000, 37,000, 37,000, 38,500, 40,000, 45,000, 75,000

The median is the middle value, which is 40,000.

The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the set of salaries. In this case, both 37,000 and 40,000 appear twice, so there is no unique mode.

Since the salaries are not symmetrically distributed, the mean is not a perfect measure of central tendency. However, it can still provide useful information about the "average" salary. On the other hand, the median is resistant to extreme values and may be a better measure of central tendency for this dataset. Therefore, both the mean and median are appropriate measures of center for this dataset.

To know more about statistics,


Find the area of a rectangle with length 4.3 cm and breadth 3.9 cm



16.77 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of rectangle = L x W

L = 4.3 cm

Width = 3.9 cm

Let' solve

4.3 x 3.9 = 16.77 cm²

So, the area of the rectangle is 16.77 cm²

in exponential form.



Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 make the equation 8/y2 + 2 true?


None of the given numbers make the equation 8/y² + 2 true.

What is algebra?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical operations and symbols used to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas.

To solve this problem, we can substitute each of the given numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) for y in the equation 8/y² + 2 and see if the equation is true.

Substituting y=0 would make the denominator of the fraction zero, which is undefined, so y=0 is not a valid choice.

Substituting y=1 would give us:

8/1² + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10

So, 1 is not the answer.

Substituting y=2 would give us:

8/2² + 2 = 8/4 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 4

So, 2 is not the answer.

Substituting y=3 would give us:

8/3² + 2 = 8/9 + 2 = 0.888 + 2 = 2.888

So, 3 is not the answer.

Substituting y=4 would give us:

8/4² + 2 = 8/16 + 2 = 0.5 + 2 = 2.5

So, 4 is not the answer.

Therefore, none of the given numbers make the equation 8/y² + 2 true.

To learn more about algebra from the given link:


Write an Algebraic Equation for each problem (include a let statement) and use it to solve the world problem

On number is eight less than five times another. If the the sum of the two numbers is 28, find the two numbers.

The smaller number is __.
The larger number is __.


The smaller number is 6 .

The larger number is 22

To solve this problem

Let's let x be the smaller number and y be the larger number.

From the problem, we know that one number is eight less than five times the other, so we can write:

y = 5x - 8

We also know that the sum of the two numbers is 28, so we can write:

x + y = 28

Now we have two equations in two variables. We can solve for one of the variables in terms of the other, and substitute that expression into the other equation to eliminate one variable.

Let's solve the first equation for x

x = (y + 8)/5

Now we can substitute this expression for x into the second equation:

(y + 8)/5 + y = 28

Multiplying both sides by 5 to eliminate the fraction, we get:

y + 8 + 5y = 140

Combining like terms, we get:

6y + 8 = 140

Subtracting 8 from both sides, we get:

6y = 132

Dividing both sides by 6, we get:

y = 22

Now we can use the equation y = 5x - 8 to solve for x:

22 = 5x - 8

Adding 8 to both sides, we get:

30 = 5x

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 6

Therefore, the smaller number is 6 and the larger number is 22.

Learn more about Algebraic Equation here :


Prove: DC = 6 units
6 units
AD || BC
alternate interior angles theorem
reflexive property of congruence
ZDCA ZBAC alternate interior angles theorem
DC = 6 units
Which step is missing?
definition of congruent sides
substitution property of equality


The missing step in the proof is: D. ADCA

What is the missing step and reason of the proof?

In the statements, we are given that AD || BC and ZDAC = ZBCA (alternate interior angles theorem), so we can conclude that triangle ADCA is similar to triangle BCA (by AA similarity criterion).

Therefore, we have the following proportional sides:


Given that DC = BA (given statement), we can substitute BA for DC in the proportion:


Now, we can cross-multiply to get:

BA * BC = AC²

Using the given statement that AC = AC (reflexive property of congruence), we can substitute AC for AC in the equation:

BA * BC = AC * AC

Use the definition of congruent sides to replace BA with DC:

DC * BC = AC * AC

And finally, use the substitution property of equality to replace BC with 6 units (given statement):

DC * 6 = AC * AC

From this equation, we can see that DC = 6 units, which completes the proof. Therefore, the missing step is statement D. ADCA.

Learn more about proof at


1. You go to the ice cream shop with your friends and you can choose an ice cream, a topping
and sprinkles. How many different sundaes can you make when you order one flavor of ice
cream, one topping and one color of sprinkles from the chart below? Show all possible
outcomes in a tree diagram.
Ice Cream
How many sample spaces are there? HINT: How many possible combinations?
b. P (Chocolate, Fudge, Rainbow)



Step-by-step explanation:


You can make 12 possible sundaes with these toppings.

Step-by-step explanation:

Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry all have 4 possible outcomes:

1. Fudge & Chocolate Sprinkles

2. Fudge & Rainbow Sprinkles

3. Marshmallow & Chocolate Sprinkles

4. Marshmallow & Rainbow Sprinkles


4 x 3 will equal 12, the total possible sundaes you can make with these toppings and ice cream flavors.

In triangle BC, point D is on AC such that AD = 12 and CD = 12. If angle ABC = angle BDC = 90 degrees, then what is BD?



Step-by-step explanation:

BD is craxking treys and cracking treys is gd dissing bd you can look it up i ffrom o block and bd is the opps im telling so you wont lose yo life so please play right if you gdk be gdk if u gd be gd we aint bd ofn

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