Find the volume of the prism.

The volume is
cubic feet.


Answer 1

Answer: 8/125 or 0.064

Step-by-step explanation:

volume of a cube is w^3


8/125 or 0.064

Related Questions

Construct a two-way frequency table for the data. Include row and column totals. Hint: Let column categories be labeled by after school activity.
Every student at Georgia Southern Middle School participates in exactly one after school activity. The school activities coordinator recorded data on after extracurricular activity
and grade for all 254 students in 7th grade and 8th grade.
The counselor's findings for the 254 students are the following:
• Of the 80 students enrolled in music, 42 are in 7th grade.
. Of the 21 students enrolled in student government, 9 are in 8th grade.
Of the 65 students enrolled in theatre, 20 are in 7th grade.
. Of the 88 students enrolled in sports, 30 are in 8th grade.



[tex]\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \cline{1-6} & \text{Music} & \text{Gov} & \text{Theater} & \text{Sports} & \text{Total}\\\cline{1-6}\text{7th grade} & 42 & 12 & 20 & 58 & 132\\\cline{1-6}\text{8th grade} & 38 & 9 & 45 & 30 & 122\\\cline{1-6}\text{Total} & 80 & 21 & 65 & 88 & 254\\\cline{1-6}\end{array}[/tex]

"Gov" refers to "Student  Government".



The rows are labeled "7th grade", "8th grade" and "Total".

The columns are labeled "Music", "Student  Government", "Theater", "Sports", and "Total".

I'll abbreviate "Student  Government" to "Gov" so that the table doesn't get too wide.

There are 254 students total. This value goes in the bottom right corner of the table. This is the grand total.


We have 80 students in music. This value goes at the bottom of the "music" column since we're in a "total" row. Basically it's the total of all the music students regardless of grade.

Of those 80 students in music, 42 are in seventh grade. Write 42 in the first row of this column and 38 just underneath it (because 80-42 = 38). The two values 42 and 38 should add to the 80 mentioned.


There are 21 students in student government. This value goes at the bottom of the "student government" column.

9 of these students are in eighth grade, so the remaining 21-9 = 12 must be in seventh grade.


There are 65 students in theater. This value goes at the bottom of the "theater" column.

There are 20 such students in 7th grade and 45 in 8th grade (because 65-20 = 45).


There are 88 students in sports.

30 are in 8th grade, so 88-30 = 58 must be in 7th.


At this point, you should have these values along the bottom row:

80, 21, 65, 88, 254

The first four values (80, 21, 65, 88) should add to the grand total 254.

Along each row, add up the values to get the row total.

7th grade: 42 + 12 + 20 + 58 = 132

8th grade:  38 + 9 + 45 + 30 = 122

There are 132 seventh graders and 122 eighth graders.

Those subtotals add to 132+122 = 254 total students, which helps confirm we did things correctly.

A company has to decide whether to invest money in the development of a microbiological product. The company's research director has that there is a 60% chance that a successful development could be achieved in 2 years. However, if the product had not been successfully developed at the end of this period, the company would abandon the project, which would lead to a loss in present-value terms of $ 3 million. (Present value is designed to take the company's time preference for money into account. The concept is explained in Chapter 8) In the event of a successful development, a decision would have to be made on the scale of production. The returns generated would depend on the level of sales which could be achieved over the period of the product's life. For simplicity, these have been catorized as either high or low. If the company opted for large-volume production and high sales were achieved, then net returns with a present-value of $6 million would be obtained. However, large-scale production followed by low sales would lead to net returns with a present value of only $1 million.In contrast, if the company decided to invest only small-scale production facilities then high sales would generate net returns with a present value if facilities then high sales would generate net returns with a present value of $4 million and low sales would generate net returns with a present value of $2 million. The company's marketing manager estimates that there is a 75% chance that high sales could be achieved.(a) Construct a decision tree to represent the company's decision problem. (b) Assuming that the companys objective is to maximize its expected returns, determine the policy that it should adopt. (c) There is some debate in the company about the probability that was estimated by the research diretor. Assuming that allo other elements if the problem remain the same, determine how low this probility would have ti be before the option of not developing the product should be chosen. (d) before the final decision us nade the company us taken iver by a bew owner, who has the utilities shown below for the sums of money involved in the decision. (The owner has no ointerest in other attributes which may be associated with the decision, such as developing a prestige product or maintaining employment.) What implications does this have for the policy that you iidentified in (b) and why?Present value of net returns New owner's utility-$3m, $0m, $1m, $2m, $4m, $6m 0, 0.6, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1.0


The optimal policy for the new owner is to invest in large-scale production. This decision branch has the highest expected utility of $4.285m.

The initial node represents the decision whether to invest in the development of the microbiological product.

The two possible outcomes are a successful development or failure after 2 years.

(b) To determine the policy that the company should adopt to maximize its expected returns, we need to calculate the expected value at each decision node.

Starting from the end nodes and working backwards, we have:

For large-scale production with high sales:

Expected value = 0.75 x $6m + 0.25 x $1m = $4.25m

For large-scale production with low sales:

Expected value = 0.75 x $1m + 0.25 x $6m = $1.75m

For small-scale production with high sales:

Expected value = 0.75 x $4m + 0.25 x $2m = $3.5m

For small-scale production with low sales:

Expected value = 0.75 x $2m + 0.25 x $4m = $1.75m

At the 2-year node, the expected value for a successful development is:

For large-scale production:

Expected value = 0.75 x $4.25m + 0.25 x $1.75m = $3.5m

For small-scale production:

Expected value = 0.75 x $3.5m + 0.25 x $1.75m = $2.81m

Finally, at the initial node, the expected value for investing in the development is:

Expected value = 0.6 x $3.5m + 0.4 x (-$3m) = $0.1m

Therefore, the policy that the company should adopt to maximize its expected returns is to invest in the development of the microbiological product, choose large-scale production if the development is successful, and choose small-scale production otherwise.

(c) If the probability of a successful development is lower than a certain threshold, the option of not developing the product should be chosen. Let p be this threshold probability. Then the expected value at the initial node is:

Expected value = p x $0m + (1-p) x (-$3m) = -$3m + $3mp

Setting this equal to zero and solving for p, we get:

p = 1

Therefore, if the probability of a successful development is lower than 100%, the company should not invest in the development of the microbiological product.

(d) The new owner's utilities represent their preferences for the sums of money involved in the decision.

The utilities are increasing and concave, indicating diminishing marginal utility of money.

This means that the new owner is risk-averse.

The policy identified in (b) may not be optimal for the new owner because their utilities are different from the present-value net returns.

To determine the optimal policy for the new owner, we need to use the new owner's utility values to calculate the expected utility of each decision branch in the decision tree.

If the company invests in large-scale production and high sales are achieved, the expected utility is 0.75 * 0.95 * 1.0 * $6m = $4.285m.

If the company invests in large-scale production and low sales are achieved, the expected utility is 0.75 * 0.95 * (1 - 0.0) * $1m = $712,500.

If the company invests in small-scale production and high sales are achieved, the expected utility is 0.75 * 0.05 * 1.0 * $4m = $150,000.

If the company invests in small-scale production and low sales are achieved, the expected utility is 0.75 * 0.05 * (1 - 0.0) * $2m = $75,000.

If the company decides not to invest in the product, the expected utility is 0.25 * (1 - 0.6) * $0m + 0.25 * 0.6 * (1 - 0.0) * -$3m = -$450,000.

Therefore, the optimal policy for the new owner is to invest in large-scale production. This decision branch has the highest expected utility of $4.285m.

For similar question on optimal policy:


Choose the algebraic description that maps abc onto abc in the given figure.


So the transformation is: (x, y) → (x + -8, y - 4) which is equivalent to option B.

What is transformation?

In mathematics, a transformation is a process that manipulates the position, size, or shape of a geometric object. Transformations can include translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. They are used to study geometric properties and relationships and are often used in fields such as geometry, algebra, and computer graphics. Transformations are important in understanding symmetry and congruence, as well as in solving problems involving geometric figures.


We can see that the transformation takes each point of the form (x, y) in ABC to a corresponding point of the form (x', y') in A'B'C'. To find the correct transformation, we need to determine how the coordinates of the points in ABC are related to the coordinates of the corresponding points in A'B'C'. One way to do this is to use the fact that the transformation should preserve the relative distances and angles between the points. Another way is to use the known coordinates of three corresponding points to determine the transformation directly.

In this case, we can see that the transformation maps (-3,-2) to (5,2), (-1,-4) to (7,0), and (-6,-5) to (2,-1). We can use these points to find the transformation:

(x, y) → (x', y')

To map (-3,-2) to (5,2), we need to add 8 to the x-coordinate and add 4 to the y-coordinate:

x' = x + 8

y' = y + 4

To map (-1,-4) to (7,0), we again add 8 to the x-coordinate, but this time we only add 4 to the y-coordinate:

x' = x + 8

y' = y + 4

To map (-6,-5) to (2,-1), we subtract 4 from the x-coordinate and subtract 4 from the y-coordinate:

x' = x - 4

y' = y - 4

To know more about transformation,


What does the correspondence of angles mean



the angles which are formed in matching corners or corresponding corners with the transversal when two parallel lines are intersected by any other line

I need some help please


I think it is 0
I’m sorry if I’m wrong

the surface area of a cylinder is 936pi squares meters. the radius is 13m use the formula sa=2b=ph. to find the height of cylinder.


Answer: The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is:

SA = 2πr^2 + 2πrh

where SA is the surface area, r is the radius, and h is the height.

In this case, we know that the surface area is 936π square meters and the radius is 13 meters. So we can plug those values into the formula and solve for h:

936π = 2π(13^2) + 2π(13)(h)


936π = 338π + 26πh

936π - 338π = 26πh

598π = 26πh

h = 598/26 = 23

Therefore, the height of the cylinder is 23 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

you made some mistakes with the formula.

the surface area of a cylinder is

the outside mantle area


the 2 circle areas on top and bottom.

the outside mantle area is


the 2 circle areas are

2 × pi×radius²

in total that is

2×pi×radius×height + 2×pi×radius² =

2×pi×radius×(height + radius) = 936pi

2×pi×13×(height + 13) = 936pi

pi×(height + 13) = 36pi

height + 13 = 36

height = 36 - 13 = 23 m

I need help ASAP mean absolute deviation (mad)


The absolute deviation for the observation of 16 in the data-set is given as follows:


How to calculate the mean of a data-set?

The mean of a data-set is given by the sum of all observations in the data-set divided by the number of observations, which is also called the cardinality of the data-set.

Hence the mean of the data-set in this problem is given as follows:

(19 + 16 + 4 + 9 + 7)/5 = 11.

The absolute deviation of 16 is given by the difference between 16 and the mean of 11, hence:

16 - 11 = 5.

More can be learned about the mean of a data-set at


There are 11 balls numbered 1 through 11 placed in a bucket. What is the probability of reaching into the bucket and randomly drawing three balls numbered 4, 9, and 7 without replacement, in that order? Express your answer as a fraction in lowest terms or a decimal rounded to the nearest millionth


The probability of reaching into the bucket and randomly drawing three balls numbered 4, 9, and 7 without replacement, in that order, is 1/990, which is a decimal rounded to the nearest millionth is 0.001.

The probability of drawing three balls numbered 4, 9, and 7 without replacement, in that order, can be found by multiplying the probabilities of drawing each ball in the correct order.

The probability of drawing the first ball, numbered 4, is 1/11, since there is only one ball numbered 4 out of 11 balls in the bucket.

After the first ball is drawn, there are 10 balls remaining in the bucket, and the probability of drawing the second ball, numbered 9, is 1/10, since there is only one ball numbered 9 remaining out of the 10 balls in the bucket.

After the first two balls are drawn, there are 9 balls remaining in the bucket, and the probability of drawing the third ball, numbered 7, is 1/9, since there is only one ball numbered 7 remaining out of the 9 balls in the bucket.

Therefore, the probability of drawing the balls numbered 4, 9, and 7 without replacement, in that order, is:

(1/11) * (1/10) * (1/9) = 1/990

To learn more about probability click on,


a production process produces 2.5% defective parts. a sample of five parts from the production process is selected. what is the probability that the sample contains exactly two defective parts? group of answer choices 0.2637 0.0058 0.0000 0.0250


The probability that the sample contains exactly two defective parts is 0.0058.

We may utilize the binomial probability formula to resolve this issue:

P(X = k) is equal to (n pick k) * p * k * (1-p) (n-k)

where n is the sample size, k denotes the number of successes, p denotes the likelihood that a success will occur, and (n pick k) denotes the binomial coefficient, which indicates the number of possible ways to select item k from n.

Here, n = 5, k = 2, and p = 0.025 (due to the fact that 2.5% of the pieces are flawed).

P(X = 2) therefore equals (5 pick 2)*0.025*2*(1 - 0.025)*3

We calculate P(X = 2) = 0.0058 using a calculator.

As a result, there is a 0.0058 percent chance that the sample has exactly two defective components.

Learn more about probability :

Chad drinks 64. 88 fluid ounces of water per day. How much water does he drink in 6 days


Chad drinks  389.28  fluid ounces of water in 6 days.

What is ounces?

A unit of weight equal to ¹/₁₂ troy pound see Weights and Measures Table. : a unit of weight equal to ¹/₁₆ avoirdupois pound. : a small amount. an ounce of sense.

An ounce (oz) is a unit of weight that is equal to one-sixteenth of a pound. Items that weigh approximately one ounce include a slice of bread and a pencil. A fluid ounce is a unit of liquid volume that is equal to one-eighth of a cup. A medicine cup has a volume of approximately one fluid ounce.

given that,

chad drinks 64.88 fluid ounces of water per day,

so in 6 days

he will drink = 6 x water drink per day

= 6 x 64.88

= 389.28

Learn more about ounces here :-


greatest common factor of 14xy2 and 28x2y



Step-by-step explanation:

If a monopolistic firm takes over a perfectly competitive market, we would expect to see market price of the good to rise and the quantity sold to increase. Fall as the monopolist tries to increase sales. Fall because demand is perfectly elastic. Rise and quantity sold to fall


In the event that a monopolistic firm takes over superbly competitive advertising, we would anticipate seeing the advertising cost of the great rise and the amount sold drop.

Be that as it may, when a monopolistic firm takes over the showcase, it picks up showcase control and the capacity to impact the cost. The monopolist can charge a better cost than the competitive advertising cost since there are no near substitutes for its item. As the monopolist raises the cost, the amount requested will drop, as customers switch to substitutes or decrease their utilization of the item.

we would anticipate seeing the advertising cost of the great rise and the amount sold fall as the monopolist tries to extend benefits by raising costs. This is often in differentiating from impeccably competitive advertising.

To learn about monopolistic firms visit:



_________are important to a systems analyst who must work with people at all organizational levels, balance conflicting needs of users, and communicate effectively.


Organizational skills

Organizational skills and the ability to communicate effectively are crucial for a systems analyst who needs to work with individuals at all levels of an organization, manage conflicting user needs, and ensure that information is communicated clearly and efficiently. Interpersonal skills are important to a systems analyst who must work with people at all organizational levels, balance conflicting needs of users, and communicate effectively. The knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management are essential for the creation and achievement of an organizational vision and strategy. These skills include effective communication, decision-making, and the ability to evaluate and measure success, as well as a deep understanding of the organization and its environment. Leadership and strategic management play a crucial role in the success of any organization. A strong and effective leader with a well-developed understanding of strategic management is essential for the creation and achievement of an organizational vision and strategy.

Learn more about Organizational skills here:


5x(x - 4) = 3x + 4 someone help me pls


Answer: x=23±√609/10

Step-by-step explanation:

Joel wants to fence off a triangle portion of his yard for his chickens. The three pieces of fencing he has measured 8 ft, 15 ft, and 20 ft. will Joel be able to make a right triangle with the current lengths of fencing? why or why not?


Joel cannot make a right triangle with the current lengths of fencing.

What is right triangle?

A right triangle is a triangle that has one angle that measures exactly 90 degrees (a right angle). This means that the other two angles of the triangle are acute (measuring less than 90 degrees). The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and it is always the longest side of the triangle. The other two sides are called the legs of the triangle.

To check if Joel can make a right triangle with the current lengths of fencing, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two shorter sides (legs) is equal to the square of the length of the longest side (hypotenuse).

So, let's check if the measurements satisfy the Pythagorean theorem:

8²  + 15² = 64 + 225 = 289

20²  = 400

According to the Pythagorean theorem, a triangle with sides of length 8 ft, 15 ft, and 20 ft would be a right triangle if it satisfies the equation a²  + b²  = c² , where a and b are the shorter sides (legs) and c is the longest side (hypotenuse). However, in this case, we can see that the sum of the squares of the shorter sides (8²  + 15² ) is not equal to the square of the longest side (20² ), so the measurements cannot form a right triangle.

Therefore, Joel cannot make a right triangle with the current lengths of fencing.

To know more about right triangle visit:


true or false? use cases can help with developing quantitative and measurable usability tests. group of answer choices


The given statement about developing quantitative and measurable usability tests is true.

Explain about how this given statement is true?

Use cases can help with developing quantitative and measurable usability tests. Use cases are scenarios that describe how a user might interact with a system or product in a specific situation.

By developing use cases, researchers can identify specific tasks that users may need to perform and design usability tests to measure how well users can perform those tasks.

This can help make the usability tests more objective and measurable, as researchers can use metrics such as completion rates, task time, and errors to assess the usability of the system or product.

Learn more about usability tests.


a student takes an exam containing 11 true or false questions. if a student randomly guesses on the entire exam, what is the standard deviation of the number of incorrect answers? round your answer to two decimal places.


The first step is to find the mean number of incorrect answers. Since there are 11 questions, and each question has a 50/50 chance of being answered incorrectly, we can expect the student to get 5.5 questions wrong on average.

Next, we need to calculate the variance. To do this, we can use the formula:

Variance = p(1-p)n

Where p is the probability of getting a question wrong (0.5), and n is the number of questions (11).

Variance = 0.5(1-0.5)11 = 1.375

Finally, we can find the standard deviation by taking the square root of the variance:

Standard deviation = sqrt(1.375) = 1.17 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the standard deviation of the number of incorrect answers on the exam is 1.17.

Learn more about deviation:


what is the proportional relationship between x 2 6 8 10 and y 6 18 24 30


The proportional relationship is y = 3x.

What is the proportional relationship?

If the corresponding elements of two sequences of numbers, frequently experimental data, have a constant ratio, known as the coefficient of proportionality or proportionality constant, then the two sequences of numbers are proportional or directly proportional.

Here, we have


x:  2, 6, 8, 10

y:  6, 18, 24, 30

We have to find the proportional relationship between x and y.

So, we can see from inspection and visual observation that there is a proportional relationship between x and y.

6 = 3  2,  18 = 3  6, 24 = 3  8, 30 = 3  10.

Hence, The proportional relationship is y = 3x.

To learn more about the proportional relationship from the given link


when a biased coin is tossed, heads is three times as likely to come up as tails. rearrange the following procedure in the correct order to find the probability that should be assigned to the outcome of heads and tails?


The probability of heads is 3 times that of tails, so the probability of heads is 0.75 and the probability of tails is 0.25.

Assign a probability of 0.5 to heads

Assign a probability of 0.25 to tails

When a biased coin is tossed the probability of heads is three times as likely to come up as tails.

To find the probability that should be assigned to the outcome of heads and tails the first step is to calculate the probability of heads.

Once this is done,

The probability of heads can be assigned a value of 0.5 and the probability of tails can be assigned a value of 0.25.

After that,

The probability of heads and tails can be calculated accordingly.

The probability of heads and tails when a biased coin is tossed, the first step is to calculate the probability of heads.

Once this is done the probability of heads can be set to 0.5 and the probability of tails can be set to 0.25.

With these probabilities assigned the probability of heads is three times that of tails.

For similar question on probability:


Using scientific notation, (5 x 10^6) (9 × 10^-2) = 6 x 10^n, where 1 ≤ b < 10 and
n is an integer.
What is the value of b? |

What is the value of n?


The equation (5 x 10⁶) (9 × 10⁻²) = 6 x 10⁴ when written in scientific notation. The value of b is 5 and the value of n is 4.

What is scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in standard decimal form. The number is written in the form of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

The value of b in this equation is 5. This is because the decimal points in both terms must be aligned in order to multiply them together.

The decimal points in each term are 6 and 2, respectively.

Since 6 is greater than 2, the decimal point for the total must be aligned with 6.

This means that the number 5 must be multiplied by 10⁶, resulting in b being 5.

The value of n in this equation is 4. This is because when the two terms are multiplied together, the exponents must be added.

The exponents of 10 in each term are 6 and -2, respectively.

When these are added together, they equal 4, resulting in the exponent of 10 in the new term to be 4.

Therefore, the equation (5 x 10⁶) (9 × 10⁻²) = 6 x 10⁴ when written in scientific notation. The value of b is 5 and the value of n is 4.

For more questions related to exponent


math please. its for a quiz


The quotient function of f(x) and g(x) is given as follows:

(f/g)(x) = 3x^(3/4).

How to obtain the quotient function?

The functions in the context of this problem are defined as follows:

f(x) = 3x.g(x) = x^(1/4).

When we want to divide two functions, we just divide each other, hence:

(f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x) = 3x/x^(1/4).

When we divide two terms with the same base and different exponents, we keep the base and subtract the exponents, hence:

x/x^(1/4) = x^(1 - 1/4) = x^(3/4).

Hence the function is:

(f/g)(x) = 3x^(3/4).

More can be learned about quotient of functions at


In an all boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 69 inches and a standard deviation of 3.5 inches. What is the probability that a randomly selected student will be taller than 63 inches tall, to the nearest thousandth?​


The probability that a randomly selected student will be taller than 63 inches tall is 0.9332, to the nearest thousandth.

the $5\times 5$ grid shown contains a collection of squares with sizes from $1\times 1$ to $5\times 5$. how many of these squares contain the black center square?


the total number of squares that contain the black center square is[tex]$1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 1 = \boxed{31}$.[/tex]

To solve this problem, we need to count the number of squares of each size that contain the black center square.

There is only one square of size[tex]$5\times 5$[/tex], which is the entire grid and obviously contains the black center square.

For squares of size[tex]$4\times 4$[/tex], there are [tex]$4$[/tex]possible squares that contain the black center square (one for each corner).

For squares of size[tex]$3\times 3$,[/tex] there are 9 possible squares that contain the black center square (one for each position that the center square could occupy, and then each of those squares could be oriented in three different ways).

For squares of size $2\times 2$, there are $16$ possible squares that contain the black center square (one for each pair of adjacent squares).

For squares of size [tex]$1\times 1$[/tex], there is only one possible square that contains the black center square (the center square itself).

Therefore, the total number of squares that contain the black center square is[tex]$1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 1 = \boxed{31}$.[/tex]

learn more about squares


There are 11 squares containing the black center square in the 5x5 grid.

To find the number of squares that contain the black center square, we'll consider the sizes of the squares and their positions in the 5x5 grid.
The black center square is a 1x1 square itself, so that's 1 square.
For 2 x 2 squares containing the center square, there are 4 possible positions (the center square can be in any corner). So, that's 4 squares.
For 3x3 squares containing the center square, there is only 1 possible position (the center square is exactly in the middle). So, that's 1 square.
4. For 4x4 squares containing the center square, there are 4 possible positions (the center square can be in any corner). So, that's 4 squares.
5. For 5x5 squares containing the center square, there is only 1 possible position (the center square is exactly in the middle).

So, that's 1 square.
Now, we'll add up the number of squares we found in each step:
1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11.

For similar question on squares.


There are four times as many cows as horses on a farm. There are twice as many horses as pigs on the farm. Which list shows the number of each type of animal on this farm?


As per the unitary method, the list shows the number of each type of animal on this farm is

Number of pigs = x

Number of horses = 2x

Number of cows = 8x

Let us start by assigning variables to each type of animal on the farm. Let's say the number of pigs is "x".

From the problem statement, we know that there are twice as many horses as pigs. Therefore, the number of horses would be 2x.

Further, we know that there are four times as many cows as horses. So, the number of cows would be 4 times the number of horses. Mathematically, we can represent it as:

Number of cows = 4 * Number of horses

Or, Number of cows = 4 * (2x) = 8x

Therefore, we have the number of each type of animal on the farm as follows:

Number of pigs = x

Number of horses = 2x

Number of cows = 8x

This is the same ratio as we found using the unitary method.

Therefore, our solution is correct.

To know more abut unitary method here


What is the value of x in this triangle?



The degree of a triangle is equal to 180°.

Since a triange=180°, you would subtract 180 by 102+31 because the other two angles are 102° and 31°.


Therefore the answer would be x=47°

Questions seven and eight please


The results are:

7a) Explicit = h(n) = [tex]0.87^{n-1}[/tex] * 200.

Recursive = h(0) = 200 and h(n) = 0.87 * h(n-1)

7b) Rebound height = 99.76 cm (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

8a) Explicit formula: A(n) = 575 + 47.50n

Recursive formula: A(0) = 575, A(n) = A(n-1) + 47.50

8b) 30 weeks to save $2000'

Step by step explanation:

7a) Explicit: h(n) = [tex]0.87^{n-1}[/tex] * 200 (

where h(n) = height of the golf ball after n bounces,

0.87 is the rebound factor,

200 is the initial height)

h(n) = [tex]0.87^{n-1}[/tex] * 200

Recursive:  h(0) = 200

h(n) = 0.87 * h(n-1)

where h(n) = the height after n bounces,

h(n-1) = height after (n-1) bounces,

0.87 = rebound factor.

Apply given values:

h(0) = 200

h(n) = 0.87 * h(n-1)

7b) Rebound height, using recursive formula:

h(0) = 200

h(1) = 0.87 * 200 = 174

h(2) = 0.87 * 174 = 151.38

h(3) = 0.87 * 151.38 = 131.70

h(4) = 0.87 * 131.70 = 114.71

h(5) = 0.87 * 114.71 = 99.76 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

8a)Explicit: A(n) = 575 + 47.50n,

where A(n) = amount of money Jessica has after n weeks,

575 = initial amount given by grandfather,

47.50 = amount Jessica adds each week.

Recursive: A(0) = 575, A(n) = A(n-1) + 47.50,

where A(n) = the amount of money Jessica has after n weeks,

A(n-1) = amount Jessica has after (n-1) weeks

47.50 = amount Jessica adds each week.

8b) Weeks to save $2000:

A(n) = 575 + 47.50n = 2000

Solving for n:

575 + 47.50n = 2000

47.50n = 2000 - 575

47.50n = 1425

n = 1425 / 47.50

= 30 weeks.

Learn more about explicit formula at


please help !!!!!!
MULTIPLY (3x + 4)(4x + 5)



B. 12x^2 + 31x + 20

Step-by-step explanation:

Use FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last)

(3x + 4)(4x + 5)

12x^2 + 15x +16x + 20

12x^2 + 31x + 20



Step-by-step explanation:

You are going to want to use the FOIL method. First outer inner last. Multiply 3x*4x to get 12x^2 then multiply 3x*5 to get 15x then multiply 4*4x to get 16x and last multiply 4*5 to get 20. Since 15x and 16x are like terms we add them together to get 31x



The exponential function for the new participants is f(x) = 3 * 4^x

Writing the exponential function for the new participants

Let's start with the initial number of participants who sent selfies on Day 0.

We know that Aliyah, Kim, and Reese each sent selfies to 4 friends, so there are 3 x 4 = 12 participants on Day 1.

On Day 2, each of these 12 participants will send selfies to 4 friends, so we will have 12 x 4 = 48 new participants.

We can see that the number of new participants each day is increasing exponentially. In fact, the number of new participants each day is multiplied by 4, since each participant sends selfies to 4 friends.

Therefore, we can write an exponential function of the form:

f(x)=a * 4^x

Where x is the number of days since the challenge started, and $a$ is the initial number of participants who sent selfies on Day 0.

We know that a = 12 from our earlier calculations.

So, we have

f(x) = 3 * 4^x

Hence, the function is f(x) = 3 * 4^x

Read more about exponential function at


a battery company makes 12-volt car batteries. after many years of product testing, the company knows that the average life of its battery is normally distributed, with a mean of 44 months and a standard deviation of 7 months. a button hyperlink to the salt program that reads: use salt. (a) if the company guarantees a full refund on any battery that fails within the 36-month period after purchase, what percentage of its batteries will the company expect to replace? (round your answer to two decimal places.) % (b) if the company does not want to make refunds for more than 9% of its batteries under the full-refund guarantee policy, for how long should the company guarantee the batteries (to the nearest month)?


a) The percentage of batteries the company expects to replace is:

0.1271 * 100% = 12.71%

b) The company should guarantee the batteries for 34 months (rounded to the nearest month) to ensure that refunds are not made for more than 9% of its batteries under the full-refund guarantee policy.

Step by step explain about both part of the question?

(a) Let X be the random variable representing the life of a battery. We want to find the probability that a battery fails within 36 months after purchase, which is equivalent to finding P(X ≤ 36).

Using the normal distribution formula with mean μ = 44 months and standard deviation σ = 7 months, we have:

Z = (X - μ) / σ = (36 - 44) / 7 = -1.14

Using a standard normal table or calculator, we find that the probability of a standard normal variable being less than or equal to -1.14 is 0.1271. Therefore, the percentage of batteries the company expects to replace is:

0.1271 * 100% = 12.71% (rounded to two decimal places)

(b) Let Y be the random variable representing the length of the guarantee period in months. We want to find the value of Y such that P(X ≤ Y) = 0.09, where X has the same normal distribution with mean μ = 44 months and standard deviation σ = 7 months.

Using the inverse normal distribution formula with mean μ = 44 months and standard deviation σ = 7 months, we have:

Z = invNorm(0.09) = -1.34

where invNorm is the inverse normal function. Solving for Y, we have:

(Y - μ) / σ = Z

(Y - 44) / 7 = -1.34

Y - 44 = -1.34 * 7

Y ≈ 34.42

Therefore, the company should guarantee the batteries for 34 months (rounded to the nearest month) to ensure that refunds are not made for more than 9% of its batteries under the full-refund guarantee policy.

Learn more about percentage of batteries.


Madison is reading a book that is 860 pages long. She reads 25 pages in 0.5 hours. At that rate, how long will it take for her to read the entire book



17.2 hours, or 17 hours and 12 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

If she reads 50 pages per hour, then 860/50 = 17.2

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