First Order Logic
Translate into First Order Logic (FOL) the following statements. Then write the negations of the FOL propositions found.
1. All tigers are fast. Domain: animals.
2. Some tigers are fierce and dangerous. Domain: animals.
3. Every prime number is odd. Domain: positive integers.
4. All prime numbers except two are odd. Domain: positive integers.
5. All fruits are either yellow or red. Domain: produce.
6. For every integer number, there exist a bigger integer. Domain: integers.


Answer 1


1) ∀x [ Tiger(x) → Fast(x) ]

2) эx [ Tiger (x) ∧ Fierce (x) ∧ Dangerous(x) ]

3) ∀x [ Prime(x) → Odd(x) ]

4) ∀x [ prime (x) ∧  ~Two(x) → Odd (x) ]

5) ∀x [ Fruits(x) → ( yellow(x) ∨ Red(x) ]

6) ∀xэy [ I(x) → greater (y, x) ]


Translating the statements into first Order Logic and their negations

1)   All tigers are fast. Domain: animals.

∀x [ Tiger(x) → Fast(x) ]

2)  Some tigers are fierce and dangerous. Domain: animals

эx [ Tiger (x) ∧ Fierce (x) ∧ Dangerous(x) ]

3) Every prime number is odd. Domain: positive integers

∀x [ Prime(x) → Odd(x) ]

4)  All prime numbers except two are odd. Domain: positive integers

∀x [ prime (x) ∧  ~Two(x) → Odd (x) ]

5) All fruits are either yellow or red. Domain: produce.

∀x [ Fruits(x) → ( yellow(x) ∨ Red(x) ]

6) For every integer number, there exist a bigger integer. Domain: integers.

∀xэy [ I(x) → greater (y, x) ]

Answer 2



1) ∀x [ Tiger(x) → Fast(x) ]

2) эx [ Tiger (x) ∧ Fierce (x) ∧ Dangerous(x) ]

3) ∀x [ Prime(x) → Odd(x) ]

4) ∀x [ prime (x) ∧  ~Two(x) → Odd (x) ]

5) ∀x [ Fruits(x) → ( yellow(x) ∨ Red(x) ]

6) ∀xэy [ I(x) → greater (y, x) ]


Translating the statements into first Order Logic and their negations

1)   All tigers are fast. Domain: animals.

∀x [ Tiger(x) → Fast(x) ]

2)  Some tigers are fierce and dangerous. Domain: animals

эx [ Tiger (x) ∧ Fierce (x) ∧ Dangerous(x) ]

3) Every prime number is odd. Domain: positive integers

∀x [ Prime(x) → Odd(x) ]

4)  All prime numbers except two are odd. Domain: positive integers

∀x [ prime (x) ∧  ~Two(x) → Odd (x) ]

5) All fruits are either yellow or red. Domain: produce.

∀x [ Fruits(x) → ( yellow(x) ∨ Red(x) ]

6) For every integer number, there exist a bigger integer. Domain: integers.

∀xэy [ I(x) → greater (y, x) ]


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Help please all of the numbers b4 the equal sign are wrong



3/5" = 12'1 3/4" = 35'1 1/4" = 25'9/10" = 18'2 13/20" = 53'


One number is wrong; they all lack units.

The basic ratio is 1" = 20', so you can divide feet by 20 to find inches.

3/5" = 12'1 3/4" = 35'1 1/4" = 25'9/10" = 18'2 13/20" = 53'

Perhaps you want decimal inches:

0.60" = 12'1.75" = 35'1.25" = 25'0.90" = 18'2.65" = 53'

Which of the following tasks might a civil engineer perform during a project’s construction phase in a design-build approach? (Select all that apply.)

Work with construction management to solve specific problems as they arise.

Draw up the contracts for construction management.

Ensure compliance with safety standards.

Provide information on design changes.



Draw up the contract for construction management.


Work with construction management to solve specific problems as they arise.

Ensure compliance with safety standards.


g At this party, is the fact that a person is from South America independent of that person being majoring in biomedical engineering?



Yes, this is completely independent.


Yes, this is completely independent. Even though there are no South American individuals that are majoring in biomedical engineering in this party it is still a completely independent factor. The origin of birth of an individual does not tie them to a specific degree or field of expertise, therefore a South American individual can study anything they want including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or biomedical engineering.

Which of the following describes the first and foremost guideline in dimensioning?
A. Legibility
B. Measurement
C. Accuracy
D. Sketching



it should be accuracy



option C


Read the following paragraph as quickly as you can, and see if you encounter any diculties.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
This has been presented as an example of a principle of human reading compre-hension. If you keep the rst letter and the last letter of a word in their correct positions, then scramble the letters in between, the word is still quite readable in the context of an accompanying paragraph. However, it seems that this is a bit of a myth and not truly based on solid research.1 In short, for longer words the task is much more dicult. Nonetheless, we are going to imitate the process on some English text.
The task will be to read in a paragraph from a le, scramble the internal letters of each word, and then write the result to a le. Handling punctuation is tricky. You are required to deal with punctuation that comes at the end of a word (period, question mark, exclamation, etc.)|that is, punctuation is left untouched and does not count as the nal unscrambled letter. Optionally, one can deal with the more dicult task of handling all punctuation, such as apostrophes for possessives or hyphenated words. Truly randomizing the order of letters is a task for later in the text, but we can do some reasonable approximations now. Attacking this problem in a divide-and-conquer way should begin by writing code to scramble the letters in a word.
Create a dierent solution by dening scrambling functions for each of the following approaches: (Each approach counts as a dierent problem)
(a) For each letter choose a random number and rotate that letter by the random amount. Import random and use the random.randint(a,b) function where `a' and `b' dene the range of random numbers returned.
(b) Implement a dierent method to scrambling the letters. You must clearly describe in the comments the process to scramble the letters in place.It must be dierent than the process from part a.





just took the quiz

in a vehicle you're servicing the fuel pressure drops rapidly when the engine is says that one or more turned off. Technician a says that one or more could be leaking technician b says that a defective check valve in the fuel pump could be the cause who is correct



Both Technicians A and B  are correct


If the fluid pressure will decrease quickly in a car when the ignition says that one or more has been switched off. One or two could be leaking or the source could be a faulty check mechanism in the catalytic converter.

What are the differences between separately and shunt DC motor?


A separately excited DC motor and a DC shunt motor are similar in construction and in all aspects except the way in which the field winding is excited in both the machines.
In a separately excited DC motors, field winding is excited from a separate source, and the armature is excited from another supply. But in a DC shunt motor the armature and field windings connected in parallel across a supply.
In separately excited motors the flux in the filed winding is independent on the load, but in the case of a shunt motor it depends on the load on the motor.

Hope this helps!

Seth wants to build a wall of bricks. Which equipment will help him in the process?
OA masonry pump
OB. hacksaw
OC. mortar mixer
OD. pressurized cleaning equipment



it's B I think


hopefully that helps you

Answer: C

Explanation: A mortar mixer is the equipment that would help Seth in the process of building a wall of bricks. A mortar mixer is used to mix the mortar, which is the binding material used to hold the bricks together. It ensures the mortar is properly mixed to the right consistency for laying the bricks.

Common car loan duration



In 2019, the average term length was 69 months for new cars and 65 months for used vehicles. Most car loans are available in 12 month increments, lasting between two and eight years. The most common loan terms are 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 months, according to Autotrader


What motivated software engineers to move from the waterfall model to the incremental or spiral model



1. They needed to develop multiple components in software programs.

2. The ability to overlap the development to be more evolutionary in nature.

3. The need to be more risk-averse or the unwillingness to take risks led to the use of a spiral model.


Software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications.

In SDLC, a waterfall model can be defined as a process which involves sequentially breaking the software development into linear phases. Thus, the development phase takes a downward flow like a waterfall and as such each phase must be completed before starting another without any overlap in the process.

An incremental model refers to the process in which the requirements or criteria of the software development is divided into many standalone modules until the program is completed.

Also, a spiral model can be defined as an evolutionary SDLC that is risk-driven in nature and typically comprises of both an iterative and a waterfall model. Spiral model of SDLC consist of these phases; planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation.

What motivated software engineers to move from the waterfall model to the incremental or spiral model is actually due to the following fact;

They needed to develop multiple components in software programs. The ability to overlap the development to be more evolutionary in nature. The need to be more risk-averse or the unwillingness to take risks led to the use of a spiral model.

Suppose an underground storage tank has been leaking for many years, contaminating a groundwater and causing a contaminant concentration directly beneath the site of 0.30 mg/L. The contamination is flowing at the rate of 0.5 ft/day toward a public drinking water well 1 mile away. The contaminant degrades with a rate constant of 1.94 x 10^-4 1/day. Draw a picture of the system. Estimate the steady-state pollutant concentration expected at the well. If the slope factor is 0.02 (mg/kg-day)^-1.

Estimate the cancer risk for an adult male drinking the water for 10 years.


Answer: the cancer risk for an adult male drinking the water for 10 years is 2.88 × 10⁻⁶


firstly, we find the time t required to travel for the contaminant to the well;

Given that, contamination flowing rate = 0.5 ft/day

Distance of well from the site = 1 mile =  5280 ft

so t = 5280 / 0.5 = 10560 days

k is given as 1.94 x 10⁻⁴ 1/day

next we find the Pollutant concentration Ct in the well

Ct = C₀ × e^-( 1.94 x 10⁻⁴ × 10560)

Ct = 0.3 x e^-(kt)  

Ct= 0.0386 mg/L

next we determine the chronic daily intake, CDI

CDI =  (C x CR x EF x ED) / (BW x AT)

where C is average concentration of the contaminant(0.0368mg/L), CR is contact rate (2L/day), EF is exposure frequency (350days/Year), ED is exposure duration (10 years), BW is average body weight (70kg).

now we substitute  

CDI = (0.0368 x 2 x 350 x 10) / ((70x 365) x 70)

= 257.7 / 1788500

= 0.000144 mg/

CDI = 1.44 x 10⁻⁴ mg/  

Finally we calculate the cancer risk, R

Slope factor SF is given as 0.02

Risk, R = I x SF

= 1.44 x 10⁻⁴ mg/  x    

R = 2.88 × 10⁻⁶

therefore the cancer risk for an adult male drinking the water for 10 years is 2.88 × 10⁻⁶

A closed system of mass 20 kg undergoes a process in which there is a heat transfer of 1000 Q6: ki from the system to the surroundings. The work done on the system is 200 kl. If the initial 5 specific internal energy of the system is (250+R:) kl/kg, what is the final specific internal energy, in kj/kg? Neglect changes in kinetic and potential energy:


The final specific internal energy : 190 kJ/kg

Further explanation  

The laws of thermodynamics 1 state that: energy can be changed but cannot be destroyed or created  

The equation is:  

[tex]\tt E_{in}-E_{out}=\Delta E~system\\\\\Delta E=\Delta U+\Delta KE+\Delta PE\\\\\Delta U=m(U_2-U_1)\\\\Q-W=\Delta U+\Delta KE+\Delta PE[/tex]  


Energy owned by the system is expressed as internal energy (U)  

This internal energy can change if it absorbs heat Q (U> 0), or releases heat (U <0). Or the internal energy can change if the system does work or accepts work (W)  

The sign rules for heat and work are set as follows:  

• The system receives heat, Q +  

• The system releases heat, Q -  

• The system does work, W -  

• the system accepts work, W +  

A closed system of mass 20 kg⇒m=20 kg

Heat transfer of 1000 kJ from the system to the surroundings⇒Q=-1000 kJ

The work done on the system is 200 kJ⇒W=+200 kJ

The initial specific internal energy of the system is 250 kJ /kg⇒U₁ = 250 kj/kg

Neglect changes in kinetic and potential energy⇒ΔKE+ΔPE=0, so

Q-W = ΔU

Input in equation

[tex]\tt -1000-200=20(U_2-250)\\\\-1200=20U_2-5000\\\\3800=20U_2\\\\U_2=190~kJ/kg[/tex]

Whats wrong with the wind turbine?



The wind turbine has little impact on the environment compared to conventional power plants. Meanwhile the Wind turbine can affect the wildlife meaning birds are being harmed by the blades.

Explanation: Hope that helps:)

Experimental Design Application Production engineers wish to find the optimal process for etching circuit boards quickly. They create a single replicate 24experiment to test the effect of the following factors on time to etch a circuit board: (A) Concentration of nitric acid in the etchant, (B) temperature of the etchant, (C) stirring rate in the etching tank, (D) surface area of the board. Running this experiment, they obtain the data in HW_EDA_137.csv.Preview the document Which factors effects and interaction effects are significant?



Hello your question is incomplete attached below is the missing part and answer

options :

Effect A

Effect B

Effect C

Effect D

Effect AB

Effect AC

Effect AD

Effect BC

Effect BD

Effect CD

Answer :

A  = significant

 B  = significant

C  = Non-significant

D  = Non-significant

AB  = Non-significant

AC  = significant

AD  = Non-significant

BC  = Non-significant

 BD  = Non-significant

 CD = Non-significant


The dependent variable here is Time

Effect of A  = significant

Effect of B  = significant

Effect of C  = Non-significant

Effect of D  = Non-significant

Effect of AB  = Non-significant

Effect of AC  = significant

Effect of AD  = Non-significant

Effect of BC  = Non-significant

Effect of BD  = Non-significant

Effect of CD = Non-significant

Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that there is a root of the given equation in the specified interval. Ex = 6 − 5x, (0, 1) The equation ex = 6 − 5x is equivalent to the equation f(x) = ex − 6 + 5x = 0. F(x) is continuous on the interval [0



some part of your question is incomplete

attached below is the complete question

Answer :

F(0) = -5  < 0

F(1) = e - 1 > 0

since the functions : f(0) and f(1) have opposite signs then there is a 'c' whereby F(c) = 0 ( intermediate value theorem fulfilled )

Hence there is a root in the given equation : [tex]e^x = 6 - 5x[/tex]


using Intermediate value Theorem

If F(x) is continuous and f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs then there will be a'c'E (a,b)  whereby F(c) = 0

given equation : [tex]e^x = 6 - 5x[/tex]   on (0,1)

and F(x) = [tex]e^x - 6 + 5x = 0[/tex]

This shows that the F(x) is continuous on (0,1)

F(0) = [tex]e^0 - 6 + 5(0)[/tex]  = -5 which is < 0

F(1) = [tex]e^1 -6 + 5(1)[/tex] = e -1 > 0  and e = 2.7182

since the functions : f(0) and f(1) have opposite signs then there is a 'c' whereby F(c) = 0 ( intermediate value theorem fulfilled )

Hence there is a root in the given equation : [tex]e^x = 6 - 5x[/tex]

Don't break or crush mercury-containing lamps because mercury powder may be released.
A) TrueB) False



It would be released without a doubt so be careful!

Hope this helps :)

(a) At a simple interest rate of 12% per year, determine how long it will take $5000 to increase to twice as much. (b) Compare the time it will take to double if the rate is 20% per year simple interest.






x= about 6.1163




x= about 3.8019

compare them by saying like 20% will be 6.12/3.8 times faster

Which color of white light bends the most when it is refracted by a prism? red green yellow orange


The color of white light bends the most when it is refracted by a prism is green after the violet.

Why green bents towards the light?

The shorter the wavelength of the mild, the greater its miles refracted. As a result, crimson mild is refracted the least, and violet mild is refracted the most - inflicting the colored mild to unfold out to shape a spectrum.

The hues of white mild withinside the order of lowering wavelength are crimson orange-yellow inexperienced blue indigo violet. Fro the listing we are given withinside the alternatives inexperienced has the shortest wavelength than others. Therefore inexperienced will bend the most.

Read more about the refracted :


An engineer is trying to build a new measurement tool. Which step should the engineer complete first? A. Design a model of the tool to be tested. B. Precisely define the problem that is to be solved. Selected:c. Write a list of the criteria and constraints for the tool.This answer is incorrect. D. Conduct research on how similar problems were solved in the past.



B. Precisely define the problem that is to be solved.


Engineering can be defined as the scientific and technological principles that is used for the design, development, operation and control of tools, machines or equipments, structures and systems. These machines, tools, systems and structures are typically designed and developed for the purpose of solving peculiar problems relating to human life. Simply stated, engineering is focused on proffering solutions to real life problems through a design process.

Generally, the design process comprises of series of steps used for the development of various tools, machines, structures and systems. In a chronological order, the basic steps of a design process are;

1. Define the problem: to proffer a solution to any problem, you have to precisely define the problem that is to be solved. Therefore, this is the first step of the design process.

2. Conduct a research: the engineer should collect or gather data (informations) relating to the project.

3. Brainstorming and analysis of data: this is the stage where the engineer conceptualize his or her ideas.

4. Create a prototype or simulated model of the product.

5. Product analytics and test: this is where the product is being used and tested for any flaw, error or defects. Thus, troubleshooting is also required at this stage.

Hence, if an engineer is trying to build a new measurement tool; the first step the engineer should complete is to precisely define the problem that is to be solved so as to have a good clear-cut understanding of the problem.

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