First, read the prompt. Next, explain what organizational structure you would use to write this essay, and why. Last, identify the purpose and audience required by the prompt and briefly explain how you would address both in the first draft of the assignment. Essay Prompt Imagine your school receives a large donation. The school board is considering three different possibilities for making use of the money: a new cafeteria, a new library, or a new gymnasium. Consider the state of these facilities at your own school, why each is important, and why each does or doesn't need the money for upgrades or repairs. Then, write a letter to the school board explaining your findings and expressing your opinion about which is the best choice to receive the donation.


Answer 1


Be careful with SPAG.  This is a formal letter, not a text message to a friend.  If spelling, punctuation and grammar are poor, you have lost your audience.

Think about  a walk through DA FOREST

Direct address





Emotive language

Use of statistics

Rule of three (repeating something three times)

Persuasive writing is written to promote a particular point of view or argument.

A piece of persuasive writing usually consist of:

an opening statement (the thesis)

the arguments  (often in the form of point and elaboration)

a summary of the opening position (reiteration)

You have to write a formal letter in which you express your opinions about the chosen option.    Have no more than three points in your letter; make sure that you link them - plan what you are going to write before you write it.  Do not get half way through a piece of writing and think "Oh, I should have put that in".

Persuasive text is usually written:

in the simple present tense;

focusing mainly on generalised groups rather than individuals;

using mostly logical rather than chronological conjunctions;

Arguments are found in pamphlets and booklets produced by specialist interest groups, in political writing, in publicity and promotional material.

Related Questions

which statements from the passage provide valid points to support warren's argument that pay inequality is a form of discrimination? select valid reasoning for points that support her argument. select invalid reasoning for points that fail to support her argument.


Valid Reasoning: Women today still earn a third less of every dollar a man earns; The Paycheck Fairness Act would ensure that differences in salaries are based on differences in jobs; More women go to college than men, but unequal pay makes it harder for women to pay back student loans.

Invalid Reasoning: Members of the Senate have repeatedly blocked voting on the Paycheck Fairness Act; More middle-class families rely on two incomes for survival.

Senator Warren draws three legitimate arguments from the passage to support her case that salary discrepancy is a form of discrimination:

Women still earn one-third of what males get for every dollar earned. This remark emphasises the reality that men and women are paid differently, with women getting paid less for the same job or labour of similar value. This is deemed unfair since it harms women and maintains workplace gender differences.

The Paycheck Fairness Act would guarantee that wage disparities are based on job differences. This remark implies that legislation is needed to address wage disparities and guarantee that remuneration are based on work requirements rather than gender or other characteristics that may lead to discrimination.

Women attend college at a higher rate than males, but uneven compensation makes it more difficult for women to repay student debts. This statement emphasises the impact uneven pay has on women's economic security, making it more difficult for them to pay off college loans and attain financial independence.

The two assertions that do not support Warren's reasoning, on the other hand, are:

Members of the Senate have repeatedly prevented the Paycheck Fairness Act from being voted on. This comment emphasises a political difficulty underlying the Paycheck Fairness Act's passing, but it does not directly support Warren's assertion that wage inequity is a form of discrimination.

Increasingly middle-class households rely on two paychecks to make ends meet. Although this comment may be connected to pay disparity in some manner, it does not directly corroborate Warren's claim that pay inequality is a form of discrimination.

For more such questions on Paycheck Fairness Act, click on:


The probable question may be:

which statements from the passage provide valid points to support warren's argument that pay inequality is a form of discrimination? select valid reasoning for points that support her argument. select invalid reasoning for points that fail to support her argument.

Valid Reasoning Invalid Reasoning

Women today still earn a third less of every dollar a man earns.

The Paycheck Fairness Act would ensure that differences in salaries are based on differences in jobs.

More women go to college than men, but unequal pay makes it harder for women to pay back student loans.

Members of the Senate have repeatedly blocked voting on the Paycheck Fairness Act.

More middle-class families rely on two incomes for survival.

read the excerpt from warriors dont cry. then you don't have anything to be concerned about. what idea is emphasized through repetition


The idea emphasized through repetition in the excerpt from Warriors Don't Cry is that the white people in Little Rock believed they had nothing to worry about. This is conveyed through the repetition of the phrase "then you don't have anything to be concerned about" in the excerpt.

Warriors Don't Cry is a memoir by Melba Patillo Beals that chronicles the experiences of the Little Rock Nine, a group of African American students who were the first to desegregate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. The book is divided into three parts: the summer of 1957, the fall of 1957, and the following years. Beals writes about her personal experiences and the struggles she faced as she fought for her right to an education in a hostile environment.

The book explores themes of racism, discrimination, and perseverance. In the excerpt from Warriors Don't Cry, the repetition of the phrase "then you don't have anything to be concerned about" emphasizes the idea that the white people in Little Rock believed they had nothing to worry about. This phrase is a dismissive response to the fears and concerns of African American students who were being harassed and threatened as they tried to attend school.

By repeating this phrase, the author highlights the arrogance and indifference of the white community toward the struggles of African American students. The repetition also serves to underscore the injustice of the situation and the urgent need for change.

You can learn more about excerpts at:


After the fight with Echidna and Chimera, why did Percy beleave he " was no hero"?


because he let the people perish. This demonstrates to us that Percy is indeed a hero who could really adjust to fresh difficulties.

What is Percy's "fatal error" when facing the Chimera?

His "fatal error" was to use the Riptide to cut the Chimera in the neck. Percy made an effort to maintain a low profile while taking the train considering his identity and photograph were already on newspaper headlines stating that both he and his mother were both missing. Despite Annabeth's best efforts to allay Percy's concerns, he remained anxious.

Percy Jackson's greatest phobia is what?

He experienced an extreme phobia of suffocating almost after passing out in an Alaskan muskeg, which made them reluctant to venture underwater even though he breathes underneath.

To know more about demonstrates click here


what was the relationship between prejudice against jewish people and the oppression they suffered


Antisemitism is anti-Jewish prejudice

Please help me with this! I need to write a paragraph


The weekend's camping trip was just what both David and Landon needed. It appears that both characters were or had been injured, but after spending a few hours together or reuniting, the father quickly understood that their pain had been lessened

What is 'The Greatest Camping Trip of his Life' about?

In Tracy Wilson's book 'The Greatest Camping Trip of his Life', David decides to make up for the lost time by taking his son camping. The subject of the story, which may be discerned, is that it is preferable to ponder future plans than to dwell on regrets from the past.  

In 'The Greatest Camping Trip of his Life', however, in an effort to make up for the lost time, David takes his son on a camping trip. Landon greeted David at the door and was beaming like a lottery winner when he arrived. The campground or other outdoor place where a father and son were spending the day together fishing appears to be the story's main setting.

To learn more about The Greatest Camping Trip of his Life, visit:


why did harper lee juxtapose the last two sentences of chapter 24, with Atticus telling about Tom's death and the ladies gossiping and eating desert?
This is from To Kill A Mockingbird chapter 24 in the two scenes before the chapter ends


Answer: sorry if wrong


In Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," the juxtaposition of the last two sentences in chapter 24 serves to highlight the stark contrast between the serious, tragic events of the trial and the trivial, gossipy behavior of the women at the Missionary Society meeting.

Atticus has just shared with his sister and her friends the devastating news of Tom Robinson's death. This is a significant moment in the novel because it emphasizes the injustice and racism that still exists in the town of Maycomb, despite Atticus's efforts to defend Tom and uphold justice. The weight of this news is heavy, and the reader is left to ponder the implications of Tom's death on the community.

However, immediately following this serious moment, the narrative shifts to the ladies gossiping and eating dessert at the Missionary Society meeting. The contrast between the gravity of Tom's death and the triviality of the women's conversation serves to highlight the absurdity of their behavior. The women are more interested in gossiping about their neighbors and their personal lives than they are in discussing the real issues that affect their community.

Furthermore, the juxtaposition of these two scenes underscores the theme of the novel, which is the exploration of the destructive power of racism and prejudice. The contrast between Atticus's somber news and the ladies' frivolous chatter emphasizes the disconnect between the serious issues that plague Maycomb and the lack of awareness and empathy in its citizens. By placing these two scenes side by side, Harper Lee draws attention to the way in which social inequality and injustice are often ignored or trivialized by those in positions of privilege and power.

In conclusion, Harper Lee juxtaposed the last two sentences of chapter 24 in "To Kill a Mockingbird" to highlight the contrast between the seriousness of Tom Robinson's death and the triviality of the women's gossip at the Missionary Society meeting. This contrast emphasizes the disconnect between the real issues affecting Maycomb and the lack of awareness and empathy in its citizens, while underscoring the theme of the novel, which is the destructive power of racism and prejudice.

do you think that the neutrality towards death that was instilled in victor is a virtue or a defect?


It can be argued that the neutrality towards death that was instilled in Victor in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley can be both a virtue and a defect. This is because it can be both helpful and harmful in different situations.

The neutrality towards death can be defined as an attitude or mindset that does not view death as good or bad but rather accepts it as an inevitable part of life. This is the mindset that Victor seems to have in the novel. On the one hand, this can be seen as a virtue because it allows him to accept the inevitability of death and not be paralyzed by fear or grief. It also allows him to approach death with a calm and rational mind.

However, it can also be seen as a defect because it can lead to a lack of empathy or emotional connection with others. Victor's neutrality towards death means that he is not as affected by the deaths of his loved ones as he should be. This can lead to a lack of emotional support for others who are grieving and can also lead to a lack of motivation to prevent unnecessary deaths.

Therefore, the neutrality towards death that was instilled in Victor in Frankenstein can be both a virtue and a defect depending on the situation and context.

know more about empathy here


having trouble please help


I personally thing person vs. self cause it sounds like he’s got a lot of conflicts within himself in his head don’t know if I’m right but that’s what I think

Using your background knowledge identify three great artists or inventors of the renaissance


Three great artists or inventors of the renaissance

1. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist.

2. Michelangelo (1475-1564): Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer.

3. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician who made groundbreaking contributions to the scientific revolution.

1. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): He is widely considered to be one of the most brilliant minds in history and his influence on art, science, and philosophy is still felt today. Da Vinci’s most famous works include the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man. He also made significant advances in the fields of anatomy, geology, and botany.

2. Michelangelo (1475-1564): Michelangelo was one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His works include the renowned marble sculptures David and Pietà, the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, and the design of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

3. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): He is most famous for his law of falling bodies, his telescope discoveries, and his championing of Copernican heliocentrism. He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who made groundbreaking contributions to the sciences. He has been referred to as the "father of modern science."

To learn more about artists or inventors link is here


Discuss THREE ways in which employment could minimize emotional stress


Companies may lessen employees' emotional stress by creating a friendly workplace, allowing for flexibility in working hours, and employing stress-reduction techniques including coaching, counseling, wellness initiatives, and mindfulness.

There are ways businesses may reduce employee stress, which can substantially cause emotional strain for many people. In order to lessen emotional stress, supportive workplaces that encourage candid dialogue, chances for professional advancement, and acknowledgment are enabled. It's a good idea to have a plan for the future. Stress levels can be decreased by using stress-management strategies that include tools like coaching, counseling, and wellness programs emphasizing mindfulness, exercise, and good food. Employers can build a happier, healthier, and more effective workforce by fostering their workers' emotional well-being.

learn more about  employee stress  here:


Reread lines 9-12. How does the poet characterize the Yukon in the context of Sam
McGee's experience?


The poet characterizes the Yukon in the context of Sam McGee's experience as being cold and dark.

In "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service, when the poet says, "And the huskies howled, and the wind would blow," it shows the reader that the weather is cold and unpleasant. Additionally, the line, "The Northern Lights have seen queer sights," alludes to the eerie darkness that Sam McGee experiences in the cold weather.

Furthermore, the darkness is further emphasized in the line, "Yet it isn't the gold that I'm wanting So much as just finding the same," as Sam McGee is willing to burn himself to death to get the warmth he needs. Hence, the poet characterizes the Yukon in the context of Sam McGee's experience as being cold and dark.

Your question seems incomplete. I could not find the exact question detail online, so I generally answered based on the keywords.

For more information about The Cremation of Sam McGee refers to the link:


In the first passage, the speaker engages the attention of the audience with which of the following types of statement?A) A solemn oathB) A traditional formulaC) A cautionary recommendationD) A candid confessionE) A skeptical apology


In the first passage, the speaker engages the attention of the audience with D) a candid confession.

Here, correct option is D.

This type of statement is an honest and open admission from the speaker about their thoughts, feelings, or experiences. By starting with a candid confession, the speaker establishes trust and credibility with the audience, as they are willing to share personal information and admit to any shortcomings or vulnerabilities they may have.

This creates a connection between the speaker and the audience, making them more likely to be receptive to the message being delivered. In summary, a candid confession is an effective way to engage an audience's attention by creating a personal connection and establishing trust through honesty and openness.

Therefore, correct option is D.

know more about personal information here


During the late 1800s and early 1900s, many people, including Jacob Riis, worked to solve societal issues. Write an informative essay to answer this question: What was life like in the New York tenements? Use these tips to get started.

• Start collecting information to support your claim. Write an outline for your essay. Use information from “Genesis of the Tenement,” Jacob Riis’s photographs, the table, and the video.

• Remember to jot down and include the source of your supporting information.

• In your essay, introduce your topic or thesis statement and develop it by choosing the most significant and relevant information available. Avoid using ambiguous data that can be misinterpreted.

• Consider presenting some of your information in quantitative or visual formats to help your readers understand.

• In your conclusion, summarize the information you have presented.


The New York tenements were cramped and overcrowded living spaces that were prevalent during the late 1800s and early 1900s. These buildings housed large numbers of working-class families, who were often immigrants or first-generation Americans.

What was life in tenements?

Life in the tenements was characterized by poverty, disease, and social inequality. The living conditions in the New York tenements were appalling. Families were often crammed into small apartments, with several people sharing a single room. The buildings were poorly ventilated, with little natural light or fresh air, and many were infested with vermin. The lack of proper sanitation facilities led to the spread of disease, and outbreaks of cholera, tuberculosis, and other illnesses were common.

Many of the tenements lacked basic amenities, such as indoor plumbing or heating. Families had to share a single water tap and toilet, and often had to resort to using communal sinks in the hallways to wash themselves and their clothes. During the winter months, the lack of heating meant that families had to rely on stoves or open fires to keep warm, which posed a significant fire risk.

The tenements were also dangerous places to live. Many were located in slum areas, which were rife with crime and violence. Gangs and other criminal elements operated in these areas, and many residents lived in fear of being robbed or attacked. Children were often forced to play in the streets, which were crowded and polluted with horse manure and other waste.

Despite these challenging living conditions, many working-class families were forced to live in the tenements due to poverty and a lack of affordable housing. The overcrowded and unsanitary conditions made it difficult for families to maintain their health and well-being, and many children suffered from malnutrition, disease, and neglect.

Learn more about New York tenements house at:


Do you agree or disagree with the line “there is nothing good that cannot be abused”? PLEASE EXPLAIN I WILL MARK YOU BRAINLIEST





Define positive stress and state three ways it may benefit you


Answer: Positive stress, also known as eustress, is a type of stress that can be beneficial and motivating, rather than overwhelming or harmful. It is often associated with situations that challenge us to push ourselves beyond our limits, leading to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. Unlike negative stress, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other health problems, positive stress can help us stay focused, energized, and resilient.

Here are three ways that positive stress may benefit us:

Improved performance: Positive stress can help us perform better by increasing our motivation and focus. When we face a challenging task, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can improve our concentration and reaction times.

Increased resilience: Positive stress can also help us build resilience by teaching us how to cope with difficult situations. By learning to overcome challenges and adapt to new situations, we become better equipped to handle future stressors.

Enhanced creativity: Positive stress can stimulate our minds and encourage us to think outside the box. When we are faced with a new challenge or problem, our brains may start working in different ways, leading to innovative ideas and solutions.

For example, positive stress may occur when someone takes on a challenging project at work that requires them to stretch their skills and abilities. This can result in increased motivation, improved performance, and a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, the experience of successfully completing the project may increase their resilience and confidence in their abilities, while also sparking new ideas and creative solutions.


how are women portrayed and treated in society related to the mistreatment of women perpetrated by raymond and meursault in the book?


Women in The Stranger by Albert Camus are depicted as mere objects and are often ignored. Women are not portrayed as important in the novel.

They are not given much significance and are considered worthless by Meursault and Raymond. The main protagonist of the novel, Meursault, only views women as sexual objects.

Meursault frequently indulges in casual sexual encounters, which highlights his lack of respect for women. Raymond, Meursault's neighbor, is depicted as an abusive and disrespectful man towards women. The portrayal of women in the book by Raymond and Meursault is related to the mistreatment of women in society. Women are frequently mistreated in society.

They are frequently objectified, harassed, and discriminated against. Women are often denied equal opportunities in education, employment, and many other areas of life. In many countries, women face gender-based violence and abuse. Similarly, Raymond and Meursault portray women as objects and mistreat them in the book. They regard women as sexual objects, which is similar to how society often views women.

know more about protagonist here


What do you learn about Christopher’s writing process in chapter 107


In chapter 107 of "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time", Christopher, the narrator and main character, talks about his writing process.

What is the  writing process?

Christopher explains that he writes in a notebook and uses a pencil because he likes the way it feels and the way it sounds. He also mentions that he doesn't like to use pens because the ink can smudge or run out, and he can't erase mistakes.

Christopher also talks about his need for structure and routine when writing. He explains that he writes for 15 minutes every day, usually in the evening after finishing his homework. He finds this routine comforting and believes that it helps him to focus and be more productive.

Additionally, Christopher mentions that he sometimes writes out of order, jumping around to different parts of his story as they come to him. He notes that this can be confusing and difficult for him to keep track of, but he enjoys the challenge and finds it rewarding when he can make the pieces fit together in the end

Learn more about writing process from


See full question below

What do you learn about Christopher’s writing process in chapter 107 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time -

the book is ngozi's own is it a correct sentence​





th book is ngozi's own is a correct sentence

The sentence "the book is Ngozi's own" is grammatically correct. It means that Ngozi is the owner of the book, and that the book belongs to her.

read the sentence. civilization have complex social systems. what type of context clue helps describe the meaning of the underlined term?


The sentence "Civilization have complex social systems" provides a definition context clue for the underlined term "civilization". This type of context clue helps describe the meaning of the word by providing a definition.

A context clue is a method used by authors to enable the reader to comprehend unfamiliar vocabulary words while reading. Context clues are hints provided by the text that can aid in the interpretation of words and phrases that the reader is not familiar with. There are several context clues that aid in the understanding of new words and phrases, including Definition, Synonym, Antonym, Example, Explanation, and Contrast.

Definition context clues are most useful when the author provides a direct definition for the word in the text. They may be used as a single sentence or as part of a larger sentence or paragraph. Definition context clues may be used to provide clear and precise meanings for words.

know more about compound Civilization here


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
"Tattoo" by Gregg Shapiro

What does the tattoo represent?


"Tattoo," a brief poem by Ted Kooser, uses a man's tattoo to communicate themes of age and lost love. The speaker plays the role of an onlooker as they watch an elderly guy "move between the tables."

Which line or phrase from the poem is a tattoo that represents the Holocaust?

The tattooed numbers on the speaker's father's wrist are the poem's main symbol. They signify the dehumanising effects of the Holocaust and the father's reluctance to discuss his traumatic background; they are more than just numbers.

What message is conveyed by tattoo art?

Symbols representing power or transformation, a phrase or a remembrance are frequently incorporated into the design. pertaining to these people.

To know more about Tattoo visit :-


write an analysis of how the scene uses the tone of the ghost scene to reveal characteristics of hamlet ultimately leading you to a theme of the play.


The ghost scene in Hamlet is an incredibly important scene, as it sets the tone for the entire play. The ghost is used to reveal the deeply melancholic character of Hamlet, as he is full of grief and sorrow over his father's death.

The tone of the scene is one of sadness and foreboding, which adds to the feeling of tragedy and despair in the play. The scene also reveals the inner struggle that Hamlet faces as he weighs his own life against the heavy burden of avenging his father's death.

This leads to a theme of revenge in the play, as it becomes clear that revenge will be a driving force for the plot. Ultimately, the tone of the ghost scene reveals the deep inner emotions and motivations of Hamlet, which culminates in the play's theme of revenge.

know more about melancholic here


What does the final black room in "The Masque of the Red Death" symbolize?

A. the plague

B. the prince's eccentricity

C. death

D. time


C. death.

The black room is described as "the Red Death itself" and is a reminder that death is an inescapable part of life. In addition to symbolizing death, the final black room also represents the end of time.

in the context of the poem what does it mean to be alone? Why does the speaker feel so alone? How does it affect them? cite evidence from this text, your own experience and other literature are or history in your answer. in the poem i started early took my dog


Being alone means that even if you have people surrounding you, you still as if you have no one to help pull you out of your dark world

Summary of "Alone"

I have never been like other people since I was a child. I've never perceived things the way others have. And I couldn't get as excited about things as others. I've never been as sad or as happy as others. I loved everything by myself. Back then, at the start of my turbulent life, when I was a child, I discovered—for better or worse—the mysterious force that still has a hold on me. That mystery comes to me from waterfalls or springs, the red rock mountainside, the golden fall sun that spun around me, the lightning flashing past me in the sky, and the rumbling of thunder.from the rumbling of thunderstorms, and from the cloud that once took the shape of a devil in my eyes (while the rest of the sky was blue)

To know more about Thunderstorms, click on the link below:


In chapter 12 of Tom Sawyer in detail, what Tom does with the Pain-killer medicine. What are
the effects of his actions?


Answer: Tom enjoys the medicine tht he was given so much that he asks his aunt for another dose. She finally tells him where it is so that he can administer it himself. While doing so, Tom gives the family cat a taste, and the cat spreads "chaos and destruction" everywhere. more specifically, the cat goes wild, wailing, running into things, and then jumping out the window. Later, Aunt Polly, angrily asks Tom why he gave the cat the Pain-killer. Tom then tells her he felt bad for the cat for not having an Aunt.


Describe how the changes in story elements impact or affect the text plot


The changes in story elements such as characters, setting, conflict, and  resolution have a significant impact on the plot of a text. A change in the main characters character's personality or motivation can change the direction of the story and create new conflicts or solutions. A change in resolutions. Changing the setting can also greatly affect the storys ending of the story by introducing new obstacles or opportunities for the characters. The conflict, whether internal or external, drives the plot forward and shapes the events that take place. If the conflict changes, the plot must also adapt to the new circumstances. Finally, the story resolution can also be affected by changes in the to story elements. A different resolution can lead to a completely different result and affect the overall message and themes of the text. Ultimately, changes in story elements can greatly shape and influence the plot of a text, making it an integral part of the storytelling process.

how should a driver proceed if within an intersection waiting to make a left turn into traffic signal turns red




the drive should precede when turing left

C. rewrite the following sentences into passive. (20 marks) 1. He hit the ball. 2. Someone knocked on the door. 3. John killed the snake. 4. Peter is preparing the exam the moment. 5. I am going to pick up my sister from school. 6. He had delivered the letters. 7. She must clean the house. 8. The manager will issue you to the tickets. 9. They saw the storm approaching. 10. Scientists have used chimps to study infectious diseases.​


1. The ball was hit by him.
2. The door was knocked by someone.
3. The snake was killed by John.
4. The exam is being prepared by Peter.
5. My sister is going to he picked up from school by me.
6. The letters had been delivered by him.
7. The house must be cleaned by her.
8. The tickets will be issued to you by the manager.
9. The storm approaching was seen by them.
10. The chimps have been used by the scientists to study infectious diseases.

which of the following states one of the themes of the gerrysburg address?


The following statement is one of the themes of the Gettysburg Address:

The importance of preserving democracy and the Union even in the face of great adversity.
In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln spoke about the sacrifices made by soldiers in the Civil War and emphasized the importance of continuing their work to preserve democracy and the Union. He argued that the war was a test of whether a nation "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" could endure, and that it was up to the living to continue the unfinished work of those who had given their lives for the cause. This theme of preserving democracy and the Union even in difficult times remains relevant today.

8. What did Peter say about Anne when he saw her at school?

She was always eating lunch by herself wishing she was back at home.

She was always surrounded by a flock of girls and at least two boys.


Answer: He said she looked beautiful and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

which type of sentence is this? nobel peace prize winner nelson mandela campaigned for social equality in south africa and later became the country's first democratically elected black president.


The sentence "Nobel peace prize winner Nelson Mandela campaigned for social equality in South Africa and later became the country's first democratically elected black president." is a declarative sentence.

Declarative sentence: A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period.

Example: The sky is blue.

Imperative sentence: An imperative sentence gives a command and ends with a period.

Example: Please leave the room.

Interrogative sentence: An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark.

Example: What time is it?

Exclamatory sentence: An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point.

Example: I can't believe it!

To learn more about declarative sentence link is here


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