For an alternative to the String class, and so that you can change a String's contents, you can use_________ .
a. char.
b. StringHolder.
c. StringBuilder.
d. StringMerger.


Answer 1


c. StringBuilder


An alternative to the String class would be the StringBuilder Class. This class uses Strings as objects and allows you to mix and match different strings as well as adding, removing, implementing,  and modifying strings themselves as though they were similar to an array. Unlike the string class StringBuilder allows you to modify and work with a combination of strings in the same piece of data as opposed to having various objects and copying pieces which would take up more memory.

Related Questions

PV = 11,000 AC = 6000 CV = 4,000. What is SV? What does this calculation tell you?



I don't see an SV in the examples.. I suspect these are the name plate numbers off of a transformer... but.. more context would really help


The collaborative team responsible for creating a film is in the process of creating advertisements for it and of figuring out how to generate excitement about the film. Which of the five phases of filmmaking are they most likely in?





Filmmaking can be defined as the art or process of directing and producing a movie for viewing in cinemas or television. The process of making a movie comprises of five (5) distinct phases and these are;

1. Development.

2. Pre-production.

3. Production.

4. Post-production.

5. Distribution.

Distribution refers to the last phase of filmmaking and it is the stage where the collaborative team considers a return on investment by creating advertisements in order to have a wider outreach or audience.

In this scenario, the collaborative team responsible for creating a film is in the process of creating advertisements for it and of figuring out how to generate excitement about the film.

Hence, they are likely to be in the distribution phase in relation to the five phases of filmmaking.


C: distribution



Write a function that takes a string and return the back half of the string. If the string has an odd number of characters, include the extra character. Your solution should also work if given and empty string. Examples: back_half('abba') should return 'ba' back_half('abcba') should return 'cba'



Written in Python

def back_half(inputstring):

    outputstring = ""

    lent = len(inputstring)

    if lent == 0:

         outputstring ="Empty String"

    elif lent%2 == 0:

         begin = lent/2

         for i in range(int(begin),lent):

              outputstring = outputstring + inputstring[i]


         begin = (lent+1)/2

         for i in range(int(begin-1),lent):

              outputstring = outputstring + inputstring[i]

    return outputstring


This line defines the function

def back_half(inputstring):

This line initializes outputstring to an empty string

    outputstring = ""

This calculates the length of the input string

    lent = len(inputstring)

This checks if the length of inputstring is 0. If yes, the function returns empty string

    if lent == 0:

         outputstring ="Empty String"

This checks if the length of inputstring is even.

    elif lent%2 == 0:

         begin = lent/2 This line gets the beginning of the half string

         for i in range(int(begin),lent):

              outputstring = outputstring + inputstring[i] This generates the half string

    else: This checks for odd length

         begin = (lent+1)/2 This line gets the beginning of the half string

         for i in range(int(begin-1),lent):

              outputstring = outputstring + inputstring[i] This generates the half string

    return outputstring This returns the outputstring

Write a function that takes as input two parameters: The first parameter is a positive integer representing a base that is guaranteed to be greater than 1. The second parameter is an integer representing a limit. The function should return a list containing all of the non-negative powers of the base less than the limit (not including the limit). The powers should start at base^0=1 and increase from there until the limit. If the limit is less than 1 the functions should just return an empty list



Written in Python:

def powerss(base, limit):

   outputlist = []

   i = 1

   output = base ** i

   while limit >= output:


       i = i + 1

       output = base ** i



This declares the function

def powerss(base, limit):

This creates an empty list for the output list

   outputlist = []

This initializes a counter variable i to 1

   i = 0

This calculates base^0

   output = base ** i

The following iteration checks if limit has not be reached

   while limit >= output:

This appends items to the list


The counter i is increased here

       i = i + 1

This calculates elements of the list

       output = base ** i

This returns the output list


Type the correct answer in the box
in which phishing technique are URLs of the spoofed organization misspelled?
is a phishing technique in which URLs of the spoofed organization are misspelled


Answer: Link manipulation



Typo Squatting


Custom function definitions:________.
A. Must be written before they are called by another part of your program
B. Must declare a name for the function
C. Must include information regarding any arguments (if any) that will be passed to the function
D. all of the above



D. all of the above


A option is correct and function definition must be written before they are called by another part of your program. But in languages such as C++ you can write the prototype of the function before it is called anywhere in the program and later write the complete function implementation. I will give an example in Python:

def addition(a,b): #this is the definition of function addition

    c = a + b

    return c    

print(addition(1,3)) #this is where the function is called

B option is correct and function definition must declare a name for the function. If you see the above given function, its name is declared as addition

C option is correct and function definition must include information regarding any arguments (if any) that will be passed to the function. In the above given example the arguments are a and b. If we define the above function in C++ it becomes: int addition( int a, int b)

This gives information that the two variables a and b that are parameters of the function addition are of type int so they can hold integer values only.

Hence option D is the correct answer. All of the above options are correct.

Write a function called matches that takes two int arrays and their respective sizes, and returns the number of consecutive values that match between the two arrays starting at index 0. Suppose the two arrays are {3, 2, 5, 6, 1, 3} and {3, 2, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3} then the function should return 3 since the consecutive matches are for values 3, 2, and 5.



Written in C++

int matches(int arr1[], int arr2[], int k) {

   int count = 0;

   int length = k;

   for(int i =0; i<length; i++)     {

       if(arr1[i] == arr2[i])         {




   return count;



This line defines the function

int matches(int arr1[], int arr2[], int k) {

This line initializes count to 0

   int count = 0;

This line initializes length to k

   int length = k;

This line iterates through the array

   for(int i =0; i<length; i++)     {

The following if statement checks for matches

       if(arr1[i] == arr2[i])         {




This returns the number of matches

   return count;


See attachment for complete program

Using the drop-down menus, correctly complete the sentences.
is a set of step-by-step instructions that tell a computer exactly what to do.
The first step in creating a computer program is defining a(n)_____
the next step is creating a(n)______
problem that can be solved by a computer program.
A person writing a computer program is called a(n)


Wait I know u still need the answer or not anymore


I'm pretty sure these are right:

1. algorithm

2. problem

3. math

4. computer programmer

In this exercise you will debug the code which has been provided in the starter file. The code is intended to take two strings, s1 and s2 followed by a whole number, n, as inputs from the user, then print a string made up of the first n letters of s1 and the last n letters of s2. Your job is to fix the errors in the code so it performs as expected (see the sample run for an example).
Sample run
Enter first string
Enter second string
Enter number of letters from each word
Note: you are not expected to make your code work when n is bigger than the length of either string.
1 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class 02_14_Activity_one {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
6 Scanner scan = Scanner(;
8 //Get first string
9 System.out.println("Enter first string");
10 String s1 = nextLine(); 1
12 //Get second string
13 System.out.println("Enter second string");
14 String s2 = Scanner.nextLine();
16 //Get number of letters to use from each string
17 System.out.println("Enter number of letters from each word");
18 String n = scan.nextLine();
20 //Print start of first string and end of second string
21 System.out.println(s1.substring(1,n-1) + s2.substring(s1.length()-n));
24 }



Here is the corrected program:

import java.util.Scanner; //to accept input from user

public class 02_14_Activity_one { //class name

    public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main method

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(; //creates Scanner class object

  System.out.println("Enter first string"); //prompts user to enter first string

          String s1 = scan.nextLine(); //reads input string from user

  System.out.println("Enter second string"); //prompts user to enter second string

          String s2 = scan.nextLine(); //reads second input string from user

    System.out.println("Enter number of letters from each word"); //enter n

          int n = scan.nextInt(); //reads value of integer n from user

          System.out.println(s1.substring(0,n) + s2.substring(s2.length() - n ));

         } } //uses substring method to print a string made up of the first n letters of s1 and the last n letters of s2.


The errors were:


Scanner scan = Scanner(;

Here new keyword is missing to create object scan of Scanner class.

Corrected statement:

 Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


String s1 = nextLine();  

Here object scan is missing to call nextLine() method of class Scanner

Corrected statement:

String s1 = scan.nextLine();


String s2 = Scanner.nextLine();

Here class is used instead of its object scan to access the method nextLine

Corrected statement:

String s2 = scan.nextLine();


String n = scan.nextLine();

Here n is of type String but n is a whole number so it should be of type int. Also the method nextInt will be used to scan and accept an integer value

Corrected statement:

int n = scan.nextInt();


System.out.println(s1.substring(1,n-1) + s2.substring(s1.length()-n));

This statement is also not correct

Corrected statement:

System.out.println(s1.substring(0,n) + s2.substring(s2.length() - n ));

This works as follows:

s1.substring(0,n) uses substring method to return a new string that is a substring of this s1. The substring begins at the 0th index of s1 and extends to the character at index n.

s2.substring(s2.length() - n ) uses substring method to return a new string that is a substring of this s2. The substring then uses length() method to get the length of s2 and subtracts integer n from it and thus returns the last n characters of s2.

The screenshot of program along with its output is attached.

Which online text source would include a review of a new TV show?
an academic journal
a blog
an e-book
an encyclopedia





Online text sources include blogs, e-books, encyclopaedias, and e-zines. As a result, options A, B, C, and D are correct.

What is a text source?

A source is a book or other material that contains the data that has been used, whereas a citation is the actual statement of the starting point. They were researchers who also worked as professors, writers, and other professionals, and they published books and articles.

Online text sources are those that can be accessed from anywhere and are available on the internet. The online text shows that anyone can see or exceed including blogs, e-books, encyclopaedias, and e-zines.

These are available for further studies and research. Also to give information this can be a source. Therefore,  options A, B, C, and E is the correct option.

Learn more about text sources, here:


3.4 Code Practice: Question 1



color = input("What color? ")

if (color == "yellow"):





My code is dependent on if the color is supposed to be case sensitive

C Write a program whose input is two integers, and whose output is the first integer and subsequent increments of 10 as long as the value is less than or equal to the second integer. Ex: If the input is: -15 30 the output is:



Written in C Language

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int num1, num2;

   printf("Enter two integers: ");

   scanf("%d", &num1);

   scanf("%d", &num2);

   if(num1 <= num2){

   for(int i = num1; i<= num2; i+=10)


       printf("%d",i);   printf(" ");



   return 0;



This line declares two integer variables

  int num1, num2;

This line prompts user for input of the two numbers

   printf("Enter two integers: ");

The next two lines get integer input from the user

   scanf("%d", &num1);

   scanf("%d", &num2);

The following if statement checks if num1 is less than or equal to num2

   if(num1 <= num2){

The following iteration prints from num1 to num2 at an increment of 10

   for(int i = num1; i<= num2; i+=10)


       printf("%d",i);   printf(" ");


A hammer has an input distance of 9 cm and an output distance is 3 cm what is the ideal mechanical advantage





Which line will be run?
A. The first line
B. The second
// 10 - 8 + 3
18 + 7 + 365
C. Both
D. Neither



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The give code is:

// 10 - 8 + 3

18 + 7 + 365

the given lines of code, if you run it as it is given in the question then the answer is D. Because these lines will run by the compiler but give an error because these lines are not properly written.

However, if we consider, that these lines of codes are correct then the second line will run and the first line will not run because the first line is a comment. Before the beginning of the first line, there is a "//" that shows a comment line. it is a singal line comment and the compiler will not run the comment line.

Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System.

a. True
b. False





Yes, true.

Shortest Remaining Time First, also popularly referred to by the acronym SRTF, is a type of scheduling algorithm, used in operating systems. Other times it's not called by its name nor its acronym, it is called the preemptive version of SJF scheduling algorithm. The SJF scheduling algorithm is another type of scheduling algorithm.

The Shortest Remaining Time First has been touted by many to be faster than the SJF

The answer to the question which asks if the Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System is:


What is Shortest Remaining Time First?

This refers to the type of scheduling algorithm which is used to schedule tasks that would be executed in the processing unit in an Operating System based on the shortest time taken to execute the task.

With this in mind, we can see that this is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System because it makes task execution faster.

Read more about scheduling algorithm here:

Write a program that launches 1000 threads. Each thread adds 1 to a variable sum that initially is 0 (zero).



The answer is below


Using Java programming language.

*//we have the following codes//*

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;

import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class My_Answer {

private static Integer sum = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {

 ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

  executor.execute(new AddOne());



 while (!executor.isTerminated()) {


 System.out.println("sum = " + sum);


private static class Add_Extra implements Runnable {

 public void run() {





which of the following uses technical and artistic skills to create visual products that communicate information to an audience? ○computer engineer ○typography ○computer animator ○graphic designer​



grafic desiner


just a guess lol


I don't know...



Which of the following tasks can you perform using a word processor?
insert a bulleted list in a document
check a document for spelling errors
edit a video for inclusion in a document
create an outline of sections to be included in a document
set a password to restrict access to a document


Create a outline of sections to be included in a document

The following task can you perform using a word processor is creating an outline of sections to be included in a document. The correct option is c.

What is a word processor?

A word processor is a computer program or device that provides for input, editing, formatting, and output of text, often with additional features.

Simply put, the probability is the likelihood that something will occur. When we don't know how an event will turn out, we can discuss the likelihood or likelihood of several outcomes.

Statistics is the study of events that follow a probability distribution. In uniform probability distributions, the chances of each potential result occurring or not occurring are equal.

Therefore, the correct option is c. create an outline of sections to be included in a document.

To learn more about word processors, refer to the link:


The state way of grading drivers is called what?



Oh yeah I forgot what you did you do that I mean yeah I forgot to tell you something about you lol lol I don’t want to see it anymore



Question 1 (1 point)
What function would you use to find the total number of views of all the videos?



ethier you can do sum and average

I believe the answer would be sum

Tasha works as an information technologist for a company that has offices in New York, London, and Paris. She is based out of the New York office and uses the web to contact the London and Paris office. Her boss typically wants her to interact with customers and to run training seminars to teach employees new software and processes. Which career pathway would have this type of employee?



D. Interactive Media


i just took the test right now

The career pathway which would have this type of employee is an interactive media.

What is media?

Media is a terminology that is used to describe an institution that is established and saddled with the responsibility of serving as a source for credible, factual and reliable news information to its audience within a geographical location, either through an online or print medium.

In this context, an interactive media is a form of media that avail all media personnels an ability to easily and effectively interact with their customers or audience.

Read more on media here:

Write a program that reads a person's first and last names separated by a space, assuming the first and last names are both single words. Then the program outputs last name, comma, first name. End with newline. Example output if the input is: Maya Jones Jones, Maya



Written in Python:

import re

name = input("Name: ")

print(re.sub("[ ]", ", ", name))


This line imports the regular expression library

import re

This line prompts user for input

name = input("Name: ")

This line replace the space with comma and prints the output

print(re.sub("[ ]", ", ", name))

Write an expression that will cause the following code to print "Equal" if the value of sensorReading is "close enough" to targetValue. Otherwise, print "Not equal". Hint: Use epsilon value 0.0001. Ex: If targetValue is 0.3333 and sensorReading is (1.0/3.0), output is: Equal



The expression that does the comparison is:

if abs(targetValue - sensorReading) < 0.0001:

See explanation section for full source file (written in Python) and further explanation


This line imports math module

import math

This line prompts user for sensor reading

sensorReading = float(input("Sensor Reading: ")

This line prompts user for target value

targetValue = float(input("Target Value: ")

This line compares both inputs

if abs(targetValue - sensorReading) < 0.0001:

   print("Equal") This is executed if both inputs are close enough


   print("Not Equal") This is executed if otherwise

The expression that will cause the following code to print "Equal" if the value of sensorReading is "close enough" to targetValue and print "Not equal" if otherwise is as follows;

sensorReading = float(input("write your sensor reading: "))

targetValue = float(input("write your target value: "))

if abs(sensorReading - targetValue) < 0.0001:



  print("not Equal")

The code is written in python.

Code explanationThe variable sensorReading  is used to store the user's inputted sensor reading.The variable targetValue is used to store the user's inputted target value.If the difference of the sensorReading and the targetValue is less than 0.0001. Then we print "Equal"Otherwise it prints "not Equal"

learn more on python code here;

Write a program that computes and display the n! for any n in the range1...100​



const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');

var f = new BigNumber("1");

for (let i=1; i <= 100; i++) {

 f = f.times(i);

 console.log(`${i}! = ${f.toFixed()}`);



Above is a solution in javascript. You will need a bignumber library to display the numbers in full precision.

Define a Python function named matches that has two parameters. Both parameters will be lists of ints. Both lists will have the same length. Your function should use the accumulator pattern to return a newly created list. For each index, check if the lists' entries at that index are equivalent. If the entries are equivalent, append the literal True to your accumulator. Otherwise, append the literal False to your accumulator.



The function in Python is as follows:

def match(f1,f2):

    f3 = []

    for i in range(0,len(f1)):

         if f1[i] == f2[i]:






This line defines the function

def match(f1,f2):

This line creates an empty list

    f3 = []

This line is a loop that iterates through the lists f1 and f2

    for i in range(0,len(f1)):

The following if statement checks if corresponding elements of both lists are the same

         if f1[i] == f2[i]:


If otherwise, this is executed



This prints the newly generated list


Describe how to manage the workspace by putting each feature under the action it helps carry out



Viewing Documents one at a time:Windows+tab keys,

Windows taskbar

Viewing documents at same time:

Snap,Arrange all


 The workspace can be managed by putting control of the surroundings it's far important that you examine all of the factors and items found in your area.

What is the workplace for?

Workspaces had been round in Ubuntu properly earlier than the transfer to Unity. They essentially offer you a manner to organization home windows associated with comparable duties together, in addition to get "additional" screenspace.

The subsequent step is to outline a logical and optimizing feature for the factors with a view to continuing to be on your surroundings, defining that each of them may be capable of carrying out an easy and applicable project for his or her paintings.

Read more about the workspace :


Alice just wrote a new app using Python. She tested her code and noticed some of her lines of code are out of order. Which principal of programing should Alice review?





from flvs




What does the measurement tell you?

Schedule performance index



how close the project is to being completed compared to the schedule/ how far ahead or behind schedule the project is, relative to the overall project


What is a piece of information sent to a function



the information sent to a function is the 'input'.

or maybe not hehe

what is the use of buffer?​



pH buffer or hydrogen ion buffer) is an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa. ... Buffer solutions are used as a means of keeping pH at a nearly constant value in a wide variety of chemical applications.


there is your answer i got this one correct

hope it is helpful


Limits the pH of a solution


A P  E X

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