For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis.Place the following descriptive accounts of other cultures in order from first to most recent.
Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine
Marco Polo crosses from Italy to China on Silk Route
Christopher Columbus arrives in Americas
Julian Steward conducted fieldwork in Puerto Rico


Answer 1

With organized methods for information gathering and analysis, anthropologists carried on this tradition:

Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine

Marco Polo crosses from Italy to China on Silk Route

Christopher Columbus arrives in Americas

Julian Steward conducted fieldwork in Puerto Rico,

this is the order from first to most recent.

The study of what makes people human is known as anthropology. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.To learn how and what mattered to human groups hundreds or thousands of years ago, they turn to the past through archaeology.

Human societies are compared internationally and historically in anthropology. We compare the current and previous legal and religious systems, for instance.

To know more about anthropologists, click here.


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Animal adolescent is filled with teen drama and peer pressure

Who is likely audience for this text animal adolescense


Juvenile animals Poor academic performance, estrangement from family and friends, a rise in despair and anxiety, and a decline in self-confidence can all result from it.

Which teenager is most susceptible to succumbing to peer pressure?Between the ages of 11 and 16, with a peak at around age 14, is when young people are most likely to be influenced by peer pressure.Juvenile animals Poor academic performance, estrangement from family and friends, a rise in despair and anxiety, and a decline in self-confidence can all result from it. According to prior studies, the development of adolescent vulnerability to peer pressure follows an inverted U-shaped curve, rising throughout the first few years of adolescence, reaching a peak around the age of 14, and then falling down after that. According to prior studies, the development of adolescent vulnerability to peer pressure follows an inverted U-shaped curve, rising throughout the first few years of adolescence.           

To learn more about adolescence refer to:


What 3 achievements by the Romans do you believe play a large factor still in our everyday lives and why? Be sure to explain why


Three achievements that are done by Romans which have a large factor in our lives are Roman law, Roman engineering, and the Latin language.

1. Roman Law: Roman law is the basis for many of the legal systems we use today. It is the foundation for many of the legal codes throughout Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, as well as the basis for the English Common Law. The Roman legal system was very comprehensive, covering many aspects of civil and criminal law that are still relevant today.

2. Roman Engineering: Roman engineering techniques are still used today in many aspects of construction. This includes the use of concrete, arches, and domes, as well as the use of aqueducts to transport water. Roman engineering was also used in the development of roads, bridges, and other structures, which have been adapted and used in modern infrastructure.

3. Latin Language: Latin is still used in many areas today, including science, medicine, and law. Latin is also used in a variety of languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Latin has also been used in religious ceremonies and literature, and the language has maintained its popularity centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Learn more about Romans:


scaffold are the workers qualified to design scaffolds. State of True or False1. True2. False


The given assertion "Scaffold is the workers qualified to design scaffolds". is true. A certified individual should plan the scaffolds, which are stacked as per that plan. Platforms and framework parts should not be stacked in the abundance of their greatest expected stacks or appraised limits, whichever is less.

Fabricated frame scaffolds more than 125 feet in level should be planned by an enlisted Proficient Designer. Sections used to help cantilevered loads (outrigger sections) should be utilized exclusively to help faculty.

Outrigger frameworks:  scaffolds and platform parts should be planned by an enrolled proficient specialist, and built and stacked per that plan.

Learn more about design scaffolds:


The islands of Greater Antilles are part of a partially submerged mountain chain, which extends continuously from _____ to the ______


The islands of the Greater Antilles are part of a partially submerged mountain chain, which extends continuously from Central America to the Caribbean.

The Greater Antilles, comprised of the bigger islands toward the north and west, incorporate Cuba, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti on the west and the Dominican Republic on the east), and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, the littlest of the four primary islands, is a U.S. Region.

The Greater  Antilles incorporate the biggest islands (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico), the Lesser Antilles all being a lot more modest. The name Antlia initially alluded to semi mythical lands found just west of Europe across the Atlantic.

Learn more about Greater Antilles:


What is a common reason people might purchase more insurance than they need?

Insurance has been falling in cost over recent decades.
People tend to overestimate their own risk of rare events.
Most people prefer to self-insure through increased savings.
Those with more insurance tend to engage in riskier behaviors.



The answer is:

People tend to overestimate their own risk of rare events.


I take economics in FLVS, and this is what it says in the lesson..

People tend to overestimate their own risk of rare events is a common reason people might purchase more insurance than they need. Thus, option B is the correct option.

A party promises to reimburse another party in exchange for a fee in the case of a certain risk, damage, or injury as a way of financial loss protection. It is a method of risk management that is primarily employed to protect against the risk of a potential loss.

An insurer, insurance company, insurance carrier, or underwriter is a company that offers insurance. A person or entity that purchases insurance is referred to as a policyholder, and someone or something that is protected by the policy is referred to as an insured.

Learn more about insurance here:


How was the development of Confucianism related to fighting among rival kings?



Confucianism is a set of moral and ethical principles that were developed by the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his followers in ancient China. The development of Confucianism was closely related to the fighting among rival kings during the Warring States period (475-221 BCE) in ancient China.

During this period, the Chinese state was divided into many small, independent kingdoms that were constantly at war with each other. This constant warfare led to a breakdown of traditional social and political order, and many people began to question the traditional beliefs and practices of their society. Confucius and his followers sought to provide a new ethical and moral framework for society that would restore order and stability.

Confucius and his followers believed that the key to restoring order and stability was to revive the traditional values and institutions of ancient China, such as filial piety, respect for elders and authority, and the importance of education and self-cultivation. They believed that by promoting these values, they could create a society in which people would live in harmony and cooperation, rather than in constant conflict.

Confucius and his followers also believed that the key to achieving this goal was to educate and cultivate the ruling class, specifically kings and their advisors, so that they could govern justly and wisely. They believed that by educating and cultivating the rulers, they could create a society in which the rulers would govern in the interest of the people, rather than in their own selfish interests.

In this way, the development of Confucianism was directly related to the fighting among rival kings during the Warring States period. Confucius and his followers sought to provide a new ethical and moral framework for society that would restore order and stability and bring an end to the constant warfare.

Master Kong, who was known as Confucius by visiting Jesuit missionaries, created Confucianism in China between 551-479 BC. However, Confucianism's essential tenets were established prior to his birth, during the Zhou Dynasty.

He spent a significant portion of his life travelling the nation, educating people that each person is important and serves a purpose in the world. His upbringing emphasised the need for leaders to provide a good example for their subjects. His pupils carried on this instruction after his passing. The Chinese attempted to benefit their society and people from all walks of life through a variety of philosophical systems. The most prominent ideology is Confucianism.

to know more about Confucianism, see

Please answer with a correct answer


Answer: According to the image the Texan army attacked first

Explanation: Because if you look at the key you'll see that black is Texan army and white is Mexican army and then look at the map as you can see the white is not moving yet the black is moving from the front and the side.

Hope this was helpful, If not then please let me know!

What was the purpose of the settler's writing the Turtle Bayou Resolutions?
A- They let the government know that they wanted to be centralists
B- To let the Mexican Government know that they were tired of Bradburn
C- To let the Mexican Government know they were not going to follow any more of the laws of Mexico
D- To let the Mexican Government know they were still loyal to Mexico


To let the Mexican Government know they were still loyal to Mexico.

What is the Turtle Bayou Resolutions?

Near the northern end of Trinity Bay in Anahuac, Texas, in 1832, the Anglo-American settlers and Mexican leader John Davis Bradburn engaged in battle. The settlers objected to the centralist government's interference in their day-to-day lives.

The four resolutions exhorted all Texans to help the rebels fighting for Santa Anna, who was at the time battling to overthrow military dictatorship, and denounced the Bustamante government's abuses of the 1824 constitution.

Learn more about Turtle Bayou Resolutions here:


Where do government derive their power? Is it still the same in modern times? (Own words)


The power of government is derived from the consent of the governed. This means that governments are granted power by the people they govern. In modern times, this concept is reflected in the idea of popular sovereignty, which holds that the ultimate authority in a state lies with the people, who have the right to choose their leaders and make decisions about how they are governed.

In most democratic countries, the power of government is derived through regular and fair elections, in which citizens have the right to vote for their leaders. Additionally, the government is limited by a system of checks and balances, which ensures that no single branch or individual has too much power. The government also derives its power from the Constitution or Basic Law, which lays out the structure and principles of the government, as well as the rights and responsibilities of its citizens.

In practice, the power of government is not always the same, it can change over time, depending on the political and social context. Some governments have more power than others, and the balance of power can shift between different branches of government or between the government and other actors, such as the judiciary or the media. Additionally, in some countries, the military or other groups may wield significant power, while in others, the government may be relatively weak.

Overall, in modern times, the power of government still comes from the consent of the governed, but the way it is exercised, the systems used to control it, the checks and balances, and the political and social context can vary greatly.

Please define and explain the importance of the 6 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution listed below. You must explain each clearly with detail. You cannot copy and paste.

1. Popular Sovereignty

2. Limited Government

3. Separation of Powers

4. Checks and Balances

5. Federalism

6. Judicial Review

write each amendment in your own words. It MUST include all vital information of the amendment. Please list each amendment in numerical order.


The definition and explanation of the importance of the 6 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitutions is given below:

Popular Sovereignty: This principle holds that the ultimate source of authority in the government is the people. It means that the government is created by the people and it is accountable to the people.

What is a Limited Government?

This principle holds that the government has only those powers that are specifically granted to it by the Constitution

Separation of Powers: This principle holds that the government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Each branch has distinct and separate powers and responsibilities, and none of the branches has complete control over the government.

Checks and Balances: This principle holds that each branch of the government has the power to check and balance the power of the other branches

Federalism: This principle holds that the government is divided into a national government and state governments.

Judicial Review: This principle holds that the federal courts have the power to review and interpret the Constitution and federal laws and to determine their constitutionality. This means that the courts have the power to strike down laws and actions of the government that violate the Constitution.

Read more about judicial review here:


The author says that the U. S. Constitution is not a "ceiling" that state constitutions are bound by

Identify evidence that this is not the case.


The difficult issue of "floors and ceilings" is brought up as a result. Interpretations by the U.S. Supreme Court become both the floor and the ceiling for the states if state judges interpret state constitutional provisions in the same way they interpret U.S. constitutional provisions.

55 delegates to a Constitutional Convention that was called ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation (1781–89), the nation's first written constitution, wrote the Constitution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the summer of 1787. Slavery, representation, and states' rights were the subjects of lengthy and frequently bitter political debates that culminated in the creation of the Constitution. The question of whether the number of representatives in the new federal legislature should be the same for each state, as was the case under the Articles of Confederation, or different based on a state's population, split delegates from small and large states. Also, some delegates from Northern states wanted to get rid of slavery or, if that didn't work, make representation based on how many free people live in a state. At the same time, some Southern delegates threatened to leave the convention if their demands to count slaves for representation purposes and preserve the legality of slavery and the slave trade were not met.

To know more about U.S. constitution visit


Why do you think that the yongle emperors attempt to reinstate the traditional tributary system was abandoned?


The Yongle Emperor, who ruled China from 1402 to 1424, sought to reinstate the traditional tributary system, in which foreign countries and states would pay tribute to the Chinese emperor in exchange for recognition and trade privileges.

The Yongle Emperor's attempt to reinstate the tributary system faced several challenges. Firstly, many foreign countries and states did not want to submit to China's dominance and resisted the idea of paying tribute. For example, some countries like Vietnam and Japan refused to acknowledge China's authority and refused to send tribute missions. This made it difficult for China to enforce its demands.

Secondly, the Yongle Emperor's successors may have had different priorities and policies, leading to a shift away from this focus on the tributary system. The subsequent emperors were more focused on internal affairs and strengthening the empire's economy and military power, which made it difficult to maintain the tributary system.

Thirdly, China was facing some internal issues such as economic and military challenges, which made it difficult to maintain control over the tributary system. Additionally, the empire's economy was under strain due to high levels of government spending on military campaigns and construction projects, which made it difficult to maintain the tribute system.

As a result of these challenges, the Yongle Emperor's attempt to reinstate the traditional tributary system was abandoned.

To learn more about Yongle Emperors:

along with hierarchies based on wealth and power, the development of agriculture was intertwined with a hierarchy based on what trait?


Along with hierarchies based on wealth and power, the development of agriculture was intertwined with a hierarchy based on gender.

The development of agriculture led to the rise of settled societies and the creation of surplus food resources. This allowed for the development of social hierarchies based on wealth and power, with those who controlled the food resources at the top of the hierarchy.

Along with this, a hierarchy based on gender also emerged. Men were typically seen as the primary producers of food and were given more power and status within society.

Women, on the other hand, were often relegated to domestic and reproductive roles and were not seen as equal partners in the production of food.

This gender hierarchy was reinforced by cultural beliefs and social norms that perpetuated the idea that men were better suited for agricultural labor and that women were better suited for domestic tasks.

For more questions like Hierarchy click the link below:


What does the complexity of the hieroglyphic writing system tell us about the role of scribes?



The hieroglyphic system is very hard to master, so the scribes must have been very determined and smart in order to accomplish the writing system.


the hieroglyphic system is very hard to master, so the scribes must have been very determined and smart in order to accomplish the writing system.


when the principal entered the class with a frightening scowl


When the top entered the classroom with an alarmed mow, the room was filled with blaring silence. In this judgment, blaring silence is an oxymoron.

An oxymoron expression is a gathering of words that contains words that are tone- going against veritably much like in the judgment above" stunning quiet" which then implies that the quietness is such a lot of strength as the sound that's stunning. These jotting biases are employed to expand the effect of the words portrayed to ameliorate the consideration of the genuine subject.

For case, the pie you shoot history was'' terribly astonishing'' then outrageously astounding means it was dreadful until it might have been astounding.

Learn more about frightening scowl:


This question is not complete , here I am attaching the complete question:

When the principal entered the classroom with a frightened scowl, the room was filled with deafening silence?

which day is celebrated as martin luther king jr. day?


Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated on the third Monday of January each year.

The holiday was established to honor the civil rights leader and activist Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for equality and justice for African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. King is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs. He was assassinated on April 4th, 1968. The holiday was first observed in 1986 and serves as a national day of service to honor King's legacy and promote volunteerism.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.:


What is historically significant about this 1879 speech by chief joseph?a. it is a detailed description of the conflict between white settlers and indigenous people.b. it is a direct and eloquent plea delivered in washington for the equal treatment of all indigenous people. c. it is a subtle and polite attempt to make peace with those who work for the government. d. it is an adamant demand of requirements issued by indigenous people to white settlers.


Historically, the significance about the 1879 speech by Chief Joseph is that it is a direct and eloquent plea delivered in Washington for the equal treatment of all indigenous people. The correct option is B.

Who was Chief Joseph?

Chief Joseph was a native of America who came from a local tribe at the northwest region. He firmly favored the rights of the natives in which the lands have deliberately been overhauled by the white settlers. Nevertheless, he later moved in to Washington after his capitulation. Though he moved, he still continued to spread his thought of having equal rights for all. In 1879, in his speech in Washington, he proposed equal rights for all the natives of America irrespective of their race and advised equal treatment for all of them in all domains.

Learn more about Chief Joseph at:


select one civilization you learned about during the semester. write an essay in which you explain how the structure and nature of government in that civilization a) developed, b) responded to needs within the society, c) suceeded or failed. be sure to provide examples of evidence to support your ideas. Also, make sure that you define what you consider to be a measure of sucess or failure


The Sumerians civilization is the planet's oldest civilization. Historians believe the Sumerians predate the Indus Valley Harappans, the Chinese civilization, and the Ancient Egyptian civilization.

What made the Sumerian civilization famous?

Sumer was an ancient civilization that flourished in the Fertile Crescent region of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Sumerians are regarded as the creators of civilization as we know it today due to their innovations in language, governance, architecture, and other fields.

The Sumerians settled in modern-day Iraq, in the middle of two major Middle Eastern rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. There, Sumerians developed modern agricultural techniques for the time and learned how to use river flooding to grow crops in fertile soil.

Therefore, That is why they were able to grow and prosper, forming impressive and powerful city-states with their own rulers.

Learn more about civilization from the given link.


how did the populists try to appeal to industrial workers?


The Populists attempted to speak to modern laborers by feeling for their situation and, in their 1892 Omaha Stage, made explicit goals that would help modern specialists.

They upheld the requests of Coxey's Military for the public authority to give joblessness help. In the Rough Mountains, Libertarian electors were propelled by help with the expectation of complimentary silver (bimetallism), resistance to the force of rail lines, and conflicts with huge landowners over water freedoms.

They upheld the requests of Coxey's Military for the public authority to give joblessness help. They safeguarded striking diggers. Distinguish the financial circumstances in the South by matching the areas and locales to their portrayals.

Learn more about industrial workers:


What does this drawing show about enslaved Africans aboard this ship?



Could you upload a picture so I can answer this question for you?


How did the RUF deal with different groups of people when they took over a viliage? What was their strategy to control the people in the village?


The RUF's strategy for controlling villages was to instill fear through violence and intimidation

What is the RUF?

The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was a rebel group that operated in Sierra Leone during the 1990s and 2000s. The group was known for its brutal tactics, including the use of child soldiers and the amputation of limbs of civilians. .

They would often kill or mutilate villagers as a warning to others, and also forced many to work as forced labor on diamond mines. The RUF was also known to kidnap children, who were then forced to become soldiers or used as sex slaves.

Overall, the RUF's strategy was to maintain control through terror and violence, which created a culture of fear and submission among the local population.

Read more about the RUF here:


iam willing to mak,e F R I E N D S ... who is up?​



okay I have to type 20 lettersss



How was Europe affected by the Hundred Years’ War



The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) had a profound impact on Europe, particularly on France and England, the two main adversaries in the war.

1.Economic and Social Impact: The war had a detrimental effect on the economy and society of both countries. The constant fighting and destruction of property led to a decline in agricultural production, trade, and industry, resulting in widespread poverty and hardship. The war also led to a significant increase in taxes and contributed to the growth of feudalism.

2.Political Impact: The war had a significant impact on the politics of both countries. The English were able to gain control of large parts of France, which resulted in the weakening of the French monarchy, and the emergence of powerful local lords. In England, the war contributed to the growth of a strong central government.

3.Military Impact: The war saw the emergence of new military tactics and technologies, such as the use of longbows and cannons, which changed the nature of warfare. It also led to the growth of professional armies and the decline of feudal levies.

4.Cultural Impact: The war also had a significant impact on culture. It led to the growth of vernacular literature, as well as the emergence of the idea of nationalism in France.

5.Human Impact: The war caused the displacement of large numbers of people and resulted in significant loss of human life. The war also led to the spread of disease and famine.

In summary, The Hundred Years' War had a profound impact on Europe, resulting in the economic, political, military, cultural, and human costs. It had long-lasting effects on the continent, shaping the course of European history for centuries to come.

what did the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo accomplish? a. it ended the war between the us and france. b. it ended the war between the us and mexico. c.



Ended USA-Mexico war


Need help ASAP
1. What was the impact of Rosa Parks works (Positive or negative)?
- How did the affect Rosa Parks and the society?
2. Has society improved because of Rosa Parks? Why or why not?



Positive, her event was one of the events were one of them that sparked civil rights movements. Yes, because black people have rights now.


what state was the last state to make martin luther king, jr. day a paid holiday?


Answer: Arizona

Explanation: Arizona was the 50th state that published MLK day to me a payed holiday.

how did reconstruction end up defining and setting precedent for institutionalized racism and systemic oppression for the next 150 years?


The Reconstruction era was effectively over with the Compromise of 1877. Despite Southern Democrats' claims to defend their civil and political rights, the end of federal involvement in southern affairs largely resulted in the disenfranchisement of black voters.

The Compromise of 1877, which ended the Reconstruction era, was an unofficial agreement between southern Democrats and Rutherford Hayes' supporters on the Republican side to settle the outcome of the presidential election in 1876. David Key of Tennessee was appointed postmaster general by Hayes, but the Texas and Pacific Railroad was never given the promised land grant. However, in less than two months, Hayes had ordered federal troops to leave their positions guarding the statehouses in South Carolina and Louisiana, allowing Democrats to take over those two states. Democrats had regained control throughout the South when Florida's Supreme Court previously ruled that they had won the 1876 governor's race.

Learn more about The Compromise of 1877


When was beah first ""touched by war""? a. january 1993 b. at the age of 11 1991 c. during the sierra d. leone independence


Beah first "touched by war" was on a. January 1993.


In more than 50 violent conflicts in the world, there are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers. Ishmael Beah is one of them. He was forced to become a child soldier because the civil war in his country, Sierra Leone, had torn his family apart.

There are only two choices: join the army of one side, or die. What does war look like in the eyes of child soldiers. How can children turn into a killer? How else can they stop killing and return to being civilians? Journalists have profiled child soldiers, but only a few have been in that hell and made it out safely to tell the world about it. Ishmael Beah wrote it for reader.

Ismael Beah became a child soldier at the age of 12. He was recruited by the government forces of Sierra Leone to fight the rebel forces. Together with other children, Beah was raised to be a fearless killing machine. They are trained to kill prisoners without mercy. To increase their courage and strength, they were stuffed with various kinds of drugs, such as amphetamines, marijuana, and a mixture of cocaine and gunpowder known as brown brown.

After sucking on the brown-browns, these cubs turn into ruthless slaughterers and are able to stay awake for days on end. For these children, the chaos caused by the country's civil war put them in a difficult position. After their parents and neighbors were massacred, their hometown was burnt to the ground, they only had two choices. Join one of the troop groups or be killed by one of them. This is the story of a child who lost his childhood, then managed to get it back.

Learn more modern A Long Way Gone at


PLEASE HELP ME I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!! Short Answer: Showing how the world was impacted by the Cold War, compare and contrast TWO KEY EVENTS which took place during the Cold War.

Your Response Must Include:

Main Point (Thesis)

Evidence (Minimum of Three Pieces)

Definite Conclusion (No Run-On Ending)

Your Response Should Be:

A Full Paragraph (Introduction, Thesis, Evidence x3, & Conclusion)

Well Worded & Punctuated

Written Using Appropriate Grammar

***Read Your Response BEFORE Submitting***

THESIS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EVIDENCE 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EVIDENCE 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EVIDENCE 3: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CONCLUSION: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The Key events that took place in the are the Cuban Missile Crisis, The fall of the Berlin wall as well.

What happened in the Cold war?

One key event that took place during the Cold War was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. This event brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before, as the United States discovered that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from the US coast. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev engaged in a tense standoff, with Kennedy implementing a naval blockade to prevent further missiles from reaching Cuba and Khrushchev refusing to remove the missiles already in place. After several days of tense negotiations, Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles in exchange for a US promise not to invade Cuba and to remove US missiles from Turkey.

Another key event that took place during the Cold War was the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The Berlin Wall was a physical and symbolic barrier between East and West Germany, erected by the Soviet-controlled East German government in 1961 to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West. Its fall in 1989 marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War and the eventual reunification of Germany. The fall of the wall was the result of a growing pro-democracy movement in East Germany and changing attitudes in the Soviet Union under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev.

Read more on Cold war here:


Have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists?


“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”

The speech was meant to clearly convey Lincoln's projected policies and aspirations toward the South, where seven states had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, in his speech, which was delivered at the US Capitol.

Lincoln pledged in his inaugural speech to not interfere with the practice of slavery where it was already legal and to temporarily halt federal government operations in hostile areas.

He did, however, strongly oppose both secession and the confiscation of federal property. Lincoln emphasized that the government would "keep, occupy, and possess" its assets and levy taxes.

To know more about Lincoln:


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