Freedom in 1984 is a misnomer representing a false sense of freedom.
for example ....


Answer 1

In George Orwell's tragic book "1984," the idea of opportunity is depicted as a misnomer, addressing a misguided feeling of opportunity. This is clear in different parts of the novel, for example,

Thought Police: In the extremist society portrayed in "1984," the Idea Police screen and control the contemplations and convictions of people. This harsh reconnaissance takes out the opportunity of thought and articulation, as even the smallest deviation from the Party's philosophy is heartlessly rebuffed. The Party's control of data and steady observation makes a deception of opportunity, where people are reluctant to offer their actual viewpoints and assessments.

Doublethink: Doublethink is an idea in "1984" where people are expected to hold two disconnected convictions at the same time and acknowledge them as evident. This bending of the truth is forced by the Party to keep up with its power and command over the majority. Doublethink takes out the opportunity to think basically and freely, as people are compelled to acknowledge Party publicity undeniably.

Newspeak: Newspeak is the Party's language in "1984" intended to restrict and control correspondence. It expects to limit the scope of thought by killing words and ideas that could be utilized to communicate difference or insubordination. This control of language confines opportunity of articulation and autonomous idea, as people are denied of the resources to completely explain their thoughts and sentiments.

Absence of Security: In "1984," the Party continually screens and attacks the protection of people through telescreens, stowed away receivers, and witnesses. This absence of security denies people of their individual flexibility and makes a culture of dread and doubt, where individuals are hesitant to communicate their actual selves or participate in confidential discussions or exercises.

To learn more about George Orwell's tragic book

Related Questions

Essay will be about, "The Whisperers: Private Life In Stalins Russia, by Orlando Figes", and "Animal Farm, by George Orwell"
Your essay should be a literary analysis of two selections you have read, examining how the authors explore the issue of when it is appropriate to challenge the rules.

Your literary analysis will need to include:
⚫ an introduction that
presents a reasonable claim, expressed in a clear thesis statement names the author and title of each text you have selected to support your claim

body paragraphs (three minumum) that
present a thorough analysis of your claim contain textual evidence and details to support your claim

citations for your evidence
demonstrate a logical organization of ideas ⚫ a conclusion paragraph that

restates your thesis statement ⚫ effectively wraps up your essay
⚫ leaves your reader with a lasting impression, perhaps through an interesting final thought a works cited page
Down Below is the grading rubric that your instructors will use when grading your essay.

Purpose and Focus:
The topic is clearly stated and relates to the prompt. The essay maintains focus on the main idea throughout.

The essay has a clear progression of ideas from beginning to end. Strong transitions are used between ideas.

specific, relevant analysis to develop the topic.

The essay thoroughly develops the topic with well-chosen, relevant and sufficient concrete details, quotations and/or factual information.

Use of Language:
Excellent command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar and usage; need little editing.


When it comes to breaking the rules, the authors of "The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia," a nonfiction book by Orlando Figes, and "Animal Farm," a novel with allegoric overtones by George Orwell, discuss the topic in their respective works.

What is the Animal Farm authors' point of view?

In his short story Animal Farm, George Orwell used third person omniscient point of view, allowing the reader to hear the thoughts of multiple characters. Due to the narrator's objectivity, this enables the reader to form their own opinions.

What is the author's motivation behind writing Animal Farm?

The personalities and events of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath are represented by the characters and events in Animal Farm. Orwell wanted to convey a story, so he penned Animal Farm.

To know more about authors visit:-


The speaker is Mary Poppins
Speaker:What perspectives on the subject does the speaker have? What is revealed about their beliefs, values, needs, and backgrounds? How does the text reflect their biases and possibly affect their credibility?



As a fictional character in the book "Mary Poppins", the speaker's perspectives on the subject depending on the context in which she speaks. Mary Poppins is portrayed as a magical nanny who takes care of children, and her perspective on child-rearing is often traditional and strict. She values discipline, manners, and respect for authority, and often uses magic to reinforce these values.

Mary Poppins also has a strong sense of adventure and whimsy, as she takes the children on fantastical journeys and introduces them to new experiences. Her background as a magical being from a different world is revealed in the text, which affects her credibility in the eyes of the human characters.

It is important to note that Mary Poppins is a fictional character and therefore her biases and perspectives are influenced by the author's imagination and creativity. However, her values and beliefs are portrayed as important to the story and provide insight into the cultural context of the time in which the book was written.

what effect does the conversation between archimedes and the king have on the reader's understanding of the events in the plot?


Answer: It explains clearly why the king begins to doubt the goldsmith.


Archimedes was so thrilled and excited with the discovery and laugh loudly after running out of the bath

by this king have doubt about Archimedes discovery.

4. (a) Summarize What two key ideas are presented in lines 1-26? (b) Analyze What contrast is drawn between elves and holy folk? (c) Make Inferences What irony is presented in lines 25-26? What does that statement suggest about the teller of the tale?​


The narrator's desire to tell a story and the importance of storytelling in preserving tradition. Elves are portrayed as playful and holy folk as devout. The irony in lines 25-26 is that the narrator claims to not know any stories, despite having just told one. This could suggest either false humility or greater storytelling skills.

The two key ideas presented in lines 1-26 are the introduction of the Green Knight, and his challenge to King Arthur's court to participate in a beheading game, where the Green Knight will allow the challenger to strike him with his axe on the condition that the Green Knight will return the blow in one year's time.

The contrast drawn between elves and holy folk is that while elves are known for their trickery and deceit, the Green Knight is portrayed as a holy figure, with his green complexion possibly symbolizing his connection to nature and fertility.

The irony presented in lines 25-26 is that the Green Knight has just challenged the entire court to participate in the beheading game, yet the only person to step forward as a challenger is the young and inexperienced Sir Gawain. This statement suggests that the teller of the tale may be setting up Gawain for a test of his bravery and honor, as he is the only one who has taken up the Green Knight's challenge.

To know more about Inferences, here


Karmina is writing a summary of "Discovery in the Yard" Which words in the passage should she highlight as being important for her summary?


I don’t understand, maybe insert the passage???

How does the last apparition (described by Macbeth) cause anxiety for Macbeth?


Firstly, the apparition implies that Banquo's descendants will become kings, as Banquo is shown as the last king in the line of eight. This suggests that Macbeth's own rule will not be long-lasting and that his legacy will be overshadowed by Banquo's descendants. Macbeth is already paranoid about his hold on power and sees Banquo as a threat, so this vision reinforces his fears.

Secondly, Banquo's ghost standing behind the line of kings is a reminder of Macbeth's guilt in having Banquo murdered. Macbeth is already tormented by his conscience and haunted by Banquo's ghost, and this vision intensifies his feelings of guilt and remorse.

Finally, the fact that the witches show Macbeth this vision at all is unsettling. The witches have already proven to be untrustworthy and unpredictable, so Macbeth does not know whether to interpret the vision as a warning or a promise. He is left wondering whether he can trust anything the witches say or whether his own downfall is inevitable.


Macbeth thinks that he is unsurmountable because trees cannot walk. However, he does mininterpret this apparition as it is a motif of Malcom’s assault. While Hamlet thinks that this means that nobody can harm him, he is incorrect in his theory of this.


What is a "satire tag", as described in this editorial


A satire tag is a label placed on an article, video, or other form of media that identifies it as a form of satire and warns readers that the content is meant to be humorous and not taken seriously.

Satire is a type of comic writing or performance that makes a statement on current affairs, politics, or society issues using exaggeration, irony, and hyperbole.

A satire tag informs readers that the content is meant to be amusing rather than serious or factual. It also enables the author to express their point of view or opinion without the reader taking it as an objective assertion of fact.

The author makes it easier for the reader to understand that the text is satire and not a statement of fact by including a satire tag.

To learn more about tag link is here


Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa. "Yasashi desho,” Obasan says. She has often spoken of my mother’s "yasashi kokoro,” her tender, kind, and thoughtful heart. She places the picture in my hand. "Here is the best letter. This is the best time. These are the best memories.” When would this be? I turn the photo around to see if there is any identification on the back, but there is none. What mood does the author’s use of short sentences create? confusion sadness sentimentality urgency

it's not awanser c​


The author’s use of short sentences create Urgency mood.

The correct option is D.

Who is called author?

A writer is a person whose works have been published. If a person writes and also develops the ideas and content for their published writings, they are also considered a writer.

Who should be an author?

Every person designated as an author should have contributed significantly, directly, and intellectually to the work. For instance, they ought to have helped with the ideation, design, analysis, and/or interpretation of the findings (in the case of a research report). Guest or honorary authors are not permitted.

To know more about Author visit:


The complete question is -

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa.

"Yasashi desho,” Obasan says. She has often spoken of my mother’s "yasashi kokoro,” her tender, kind, and thoughtful heart. She places the picture in my hand. "Here is the best letter. This is the best time. These are the best memories.” When would this be? I turn the photo around to see if there is any identification on the back, but there is none.

What mood does the author’s use of short sentences create?

A. Confusion

B. Sadness

C. Sentimentality

D. Urgency

What passage below shows
how de Vaca's feelings of
concern for others was
influenced by the Native
(See the indicated paragraphs
to check the entire reference.)
A. Par 13: "They thought themselves very
rich with the little bells and beads we gave
B. Par 14: "We lifted the barge out of the
sand...and had great work to set her afloat"
C. P:20: "to see like unto brutes,
yet so deeply moved by pity.... increased my


"To see like brutes, yet so profoundly moved by pity...increased my feelings" How the Native Americans affected de Vaca's sense of care for others.

Which verse best conveys this information?

According to the inquiry, the 23rd passage would offer the best evidence to back up the assertion that "de Vaca's encounter with the native Americans might be the cause of Vaca's kind and generous treatment of them in his later life." This is demonstrated by the passage's details, such as "we got to their it," which demonstrate how the experience helped him grasp the life, culture, and values that they, although being indigenous, provide to others. As a result, this not only affirms but also justifies.

To know more about  Vaca's feelings  visit:


major collection is much slower because it involves all


Major collection is a garbage collection technique used in computer memory management.

Unlike minor collection, which only scans a portion of the heap memory, major collection involves scanning the entire heap to identify and reclaim unreachable objects. This process can be much slower than minor collection, as it requires the examination of all live objects in the heap.

However, major collection is necessary to free up large amounts of memory and prevent memory leaks. It is typically triggered when the heap reaches a certain threshold of allocated memory and can result in a noticeable pause in the execution of the program.

Learn more about Major collection


both victor and the creature allude to paradise lost throughout various parts of the novel. how does shelley use this text to emphasize her themes in the novel? in your opinion, who is god? who is satan? who is adam?


Mary Shelley uses John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost" to emphasize several themes in her novel, "Frankenstein." The most prominent of these themes include the dangers of knowledge and ambition, the consequences of playing god, and the moral and ethical implications of creation.

Victor and the creature both allude to "Paradise Lost" throughout the novel, which serves to highlight the tragic nature of their relationship. The creature identifies with Satan, the fallen angel who rebels against God, whereas Victor embodies the role of Adam, the first man created by God. The novel explores the idea of creation and the responsibility that comes with it. Victor's ambition and thirst for knowledge ultimately lead to the creation of the creature, which he abandons due to fear and disgust.

The creature, feeling rejected and alone, seeks revenge against his creator and ultimately becomes a monster. Shelley uses "Paradise Lost" to emphasize the dangers of playing god and the consequences of creating a life without considering the moral and ethical implications of doing so.

In my opinion, God represents the power of creation, morality, and order, while Satan represents rebellion, chaos, and the darker aspects of human nature. Adam represents the potential for good in humanity, while also embodying the fallibility and imperfection of humanity. Ultimately, Shelley's use of "Paradise Lost" serves to reinforce her cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of playing god.

To learn more about Paradise Lost, click here:


2. The politician said that she used to be shy as a student, but she started to develop more.
school trip.
A interpersonal
B. confirm
C. intrapersonal
skills when she had to raise money for a school trip.


A. Interpersonal

The sentence describes how the politician developed her skills, specifically through raising money for a school trip. Interpersonal skills involve the ability to communicate and interact effectively with others. In this case, the politician likely had to communicate with classmates, teachers, parents, and community members in order to successfully raise the necessary funds. By doing so, she may have developed skills such as persuasion, negotiation, and teamwork, all of which are important components of interpersonal communication. This experience likely helped her to build confidence and become more comfortable interacting with others, as mentioned in the sentence. Therefore, the best option for this sentence is "interpersonal," as it accurately reflects the type of skills the politician developed through her experience raising money for a school trip.

your perspective, and it is a chance to create something that can shape an issue that you care deeply about human rights to law enforcement? answer please 2-3 sentences?


Answer: "As a concerned citizen, I believe that protecting human rights in the context of law enforcement is of utmost importance. We have seen too many examples of abuses of power and systemic injustices, and it is time for us to come together and create meaningful change. By leveraging technology and working collaboratively across sectors, we can develop innovative solutions that promote justice and accountability for all."


12 unit 6
How many TED Talk speakers use presentational aids?

100 percent


over half

10 percent


Answer: B. One-third

which statement best characterizes how persuasive speaking and informative speaking compare to each other?



"Persuasive speaking aims to persuadcspeaking aims to educate or inform the audience."


Persuasive speaking and informative speaking differ in their goals and purposes. Informative speaking aims to educate or inform the audience about a particular topic or issue, while persuasive speaking aims to persuade or convince the audience to take a particular action or adopt a certain viewpoint.

While informative speeches are designed to provide objective information and present facts, persuasive speeches are designed to use rhetorical techniques such as emotional appeals, logical reasoning, and evidence to sway the audience towards a particular point of view or action.

Therefore, the statement that best characterizes how persuasive speaking and informative speaking compare to each other is: "Persuasive speaking aims to persuadcspeaking aims to educate or inform the audience."

3 unit 6
Harvey is putting together a slideshow for his presentation on adopting a dog. He has three main points, a few photos, and some contact information for places in the community to adopt. What should be on each slide?

his full script

all three points and a few photos

only one idea, point, or photo

just photos, no need to add words to his slides


all three points and a few photos


A strong research paper should have a clear and specific research topic or thesis statement, in-depth examination of pertinent sources, a logical and well-organized format, and accurate citation of sources. The need of creating a solid research topic or thesis statement that can be backed up by reliable information from reliable sources is emphasised throughout the learning unit. Also, the Learning Unit provides guidance on how to do efficient source analysis and research, including how to find and assess sources, take efficient notes, and synthesise data. The Learning Unit emphasises the value of accurate source citation and referencing and provides instructions on how to steer clear of plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

To know more about Research, click on the link :


HELP ME it’s on 1984 george orwell


1. Similarities between the passages:
- Both Trotsky and Orwell discuss the idea of a "reservoir" of people that can be used for labor or military purposes.
- Both writers suggest that this "reservoir" is practically unlimited, providing a seemingly endless supply of labor or soldiers.
- Both passages also suggest that this "reservoir" is being exploited or controlled by those in power, with Orwell's passage specifically using the term "slaves" to describe the workers in the disputed territories.

2. Differences between the passages:
- Trotsky's passage is more optimistic, discussing the potential of the Soviet Union's population as a resource for building a socialist state. Orwell's passage, on the other hand, is more cynical, describing the exploitation and subjugation of the populations in the disputed territories.
- Trotsky's focus is on the physical and political sorting of the population, implying that the best and brightest will be chosen for military service. Orwell's focus is on the sheer numbers of people available for exploitation, with no regard for their individual abilities or potential.
- Trotsky's passage is more specific, providing numbers for the population, recruiting classes, and reserves. Orwell's passage is more general, discussing "scores of hundreds of millions" of people without providing specific figures.

why does sir gawaine initially try to stop sir agravaine and sir mordred from sharing this information about sir launcelot? choose all that apply.


The above question is from Le Morte d’Arthur written by Sir Thomas Malory. Sir Gawaine initially tries to stop Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred from sharing information about Sir Launcelot because:

1. Sir Gawaine respects and admires Sir Launcelot, recognizing his many contributions to King Arthur's court and his skills as a knight.
2. He understands that spreading such information might lead to conflict and tension within the Round Table, potentially destabilizing the unity and harmony among the knights.

These are the main reasons why Sir Gawaine attempts to prevent Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred from revealing potentially damaging information about Sir Launcelot. Even though Launcelot may not be able to defeat a dozen knights on his own, he starts off by eliminating the first knight to prove that he is not a coward and is, as he has always been, a magnificent warrior. Though he vows not to go and will instead be duly charged as a traitor, his killing of the first knight also serves as a warning not to go on. The conflict's stakes are raised by both Agravaine and Mordred's acceptance of this and Launcelot's execution of Agravaine.

To learn more about Le Morte d’Arthur, click here:


correct the misplaced modifier : the man was stopped for speeding in the blue sweater


C for the most part it had me confused to, but my sis and my dad helped me

What “projects” caused Mrs. Clutter despair, and why? How was she unlike her husband?


In Truman Capote's novel "In Cold Blood," Mrs. Clutter, also known as Bonnie Clutter, is depicted as a housewife and mother who is described as being unhappy and plagued by various "projects" that caused her distress.

What is the story about?

These projects refer to her various domestic responsibilities, including taking care of her family, managing the household, and dealing with financial concerns.

Mrs. Clutter is portrayed as being unlike her husband, Herbert Clutter, who is a successful and respected farmer in the community. While Herbert is seen as content and fulfilled in his role as a provider and leader in the community, Bonnie is depicted as struggling with feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. She is described as being disconnected from her family and the world around her, and her discontent is suggested to have contributed to her sense of despair.

One possible reason for Mrs. Clutter's despair could be her unfulfilled personal aspirations and desires. She may have felt trapped in the traditional role of a housewife and mother, with little opportunity for self-expression or fulfillment outside of her domestic duties. Her dissatisfaction with her life and inability to find meaning in her daily tasks could have contributed to her sense of despair.

In contrast, her husband Herbert is depicted as a successful and well-respected figure in the community, who is content with his life and finds fulfillment in his role as a provider and leader. He is portrayed as being practical, responsible, and respected by others, in contrast to his wife Bonnie, who is depicted as struggling with her emotions and feeling unfulfilled.

Read more about Cold blood here:


6 unit 6
Jorge just found out that he has to give a big presentation this afternoon with slides. He’s not very familiar with any type of presentation software. What would be the BEST way for him to put the program together on time?

Call in an expert to teach him how to design the slideshow.

Use the templates supplied in the program.

Take a class on using the software.

Start from scratch and just try to figure it out.


You can learn how to write compelling speeches and give them using your unique delivery style by studying and putting the methods in this book to use.

What role does presentation software play in the learning and teaching process?

Those who want to deliver information to an audience can do so with the aid of presentation software. It includes templates and tools for adding text, photos, music, video, and graphs as well as other types of content. With presentation software, teachers can make their lessons more engaging.

What exactly is a role-playing method?

During role-playing exercises, students can act out a situation or assume the part of a particular character. These roles in the play may be played by single students, pairs of students, or groups of students.

To know more about Presentation software visit:-


find the best matches the bold words

a) monarchy: royalty
b) people : democracy
c) dictatorship : queens
d) oligarchy: animals


Based on analogies, the best match for MATRIARCHY: WOMEN is a) monarchy: royalty

What are Analogies?

Analogies are comparisons between two things that are otherwise dissimilar, but share some common characteristics.

The best match for MATRIARCHY: WOMEN is a) monarchy: royalty based on analogies, as matriarchy is a form of government or social structure in which women hold the highest positions of authority, and monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch, who is usually a king or queen, holds supreme authority.

Both terms refer to a hierarchical power structure in which one gender or individual holds the highest authority.

Learn more about analogies on:


Proyecto 6 semana 4 bachillerato resuelto PDF

Aqui les dejo el archivo resuelto, espero les ayude


The purpose of education is to develop knowledge, skills, and values to empower individuals to lead meaningful and productive lives.

Project 6 Week 4 High School

This week’s project is to explain and expand upon the concept of the high school experience. The high school experience is a critical part of the adolescent development process and can have a lasting impact on how a student approaches the next stages of their life.

High School is a time of change and growth. Students are presented with an array of new experiences and opportunities. They are exposed to a range of topics such as history, literature, mathematics, science, and a range of electives. Through these courses and experiences, students gain a better understanding of the world around them and their place in it. High school also offers the chance for students to explore their interests and talents, to discover their potential and to develop their skills.

To learn more about education link is here:


The complete question is:

Project 6 week 4 high school solved PDF

Here I leave the resolved file, I hope it helps you.

In the sixteenth paragraph, one of Ellen and Matthew’s sons has a reaction to what his cousin Wilse says in the previous paragraph. What does this reaction reveal about the family, and how the character of Bill Creighton stands apart from what the rest of his family believes? Highlight textual evidence to support your ideas and write annotations to explain your choices.


Jethro defends Bill, but when the man claims that Bill Creighton is the one who needs to be punished the most out of Travis Burdow and Bill, Jethro walks away.

What is the subject of Across Five Aprils chapter 5?

The price of coffee is rising as we speak in March 1862. Ellen is determined to give up her beloved cup and deal with her headaches without it, but Matt asks Jethro to ask John's wife Nancy if they might borrow some after noticing his wife was in discomfort.

What can you say in a nutshell about Across Five Aprils?

The protagonist Jethro Creighton, who was nine years old at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, is the focus of the coming-of-age story Across Five Aprils. As his brothers, Jethro observes.

To know more about Creighton visit:


4. How do Finn's feelings about Gren change
throughout the story?
O A. Finn views Gren as a rival at school in the
beginning of the story but eventually views
him as a friend.
OB. Finn is intimidated by Gren in the beginning
of the story and decides to change who he is
to be tough like Gren at the end.
O C. Finn views Gren as a friend in the beginning
of the story, but eventually realizes Gren will
not be friends with him publically.
O D. Finn questions Gren's intentions in the
beginning of the story but comes to realize
how much fun he can have with Gren.


Finn's feelings about Gren change throughout the story by: Finn is intimidated by Gren in the beginning of the story and decides to change who he is to be tough like Gren at the end.

the power of a dinner table selection test



I dont understand

Dinnertime can be a time for conversation, listening, and intercommunicating experiences, helping to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

What is the story of the power of a dinner table?

It was to bring attention to the consequences that poverty has on individuals and the power of one act of kindness to bring about change. He only wanted to discuss his dinner-table story. to discuss how entertaining Kathy and David's home was. The table offers a place to relax and talk without being overheard by others.

Dinnertime turns into a time for conversation, listening, and sharing our experiences. We can fully focus on the people we love while we are gathered over food at the table. The table helps to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

Learn more about the power of a dinner table, here:


The question is incomplete, Complete question probably will be:

What is the main idea behind the story of The Power of a Dinner Table?

Read the excerpt from chapter 7 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa. There have been a few others. So counting that last fast visit, there have been nine trips in all. And in between visits, there’s the army, the navy, the air force of letters—all the Aunt Emily correspondence jamming up our small metal box in the Granton PO. What is the effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters” and "jamming up” to describe Aunt Emily’s correspondence? It creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale, and suggests that it is invading Nomi’s life. It creates an overwhelmed mood, using military terminology to show Aunt Emily as more accomplished in her career than Nomi is. It creates an uneasy mood, showing that the author is disapproving of how mail is being delivered. It creates an uneasy mood, suggesting that the author wants these letters to create a conflict.​


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


Why is the burglar so interested in having mr pottle's dog


The burglar might be interested in using Mr. Dot Dot Dot Pottle's dog as a guard dog to discourage or warn him of potential threats while committing crimes. The dog, on the other hand, might be considered a priceless asset.

What is a burglar in crime?

As of right now, a burglary is defined as an unauthorized intrusion (trespass) onto something belonging to someone else with the express purpose of committing a felony offence on the victim's property. Even if a violent crime might be the intended felony, theft is the one that is done most frequently.

Who is the cat burglar king?

In his lifetime, Peter Scott, also known as the "King of Cat Burglars," spent it breaking into the mansions of the wealthy and famous, getting into all sorts of odd situations, and making claims that he had been "sent by God to take back a particular amount during the wealth that the absurdly rich stole from the rest of us."

To know more about Burglar visit:


According to Carrie Chapman Catts address to congress and what you know about American government today, how was America changed over time?


In her address, Catt outlines the significant changes that had taken place in America's political and social landscape, particularly regarding women's suffrage.

what you know about Catt 's American government today, how was America changed over time?

She notes that many states had already granted women the right to vote, and that women's participation in politics was increasing. She also notes the contributions of women during World War I, which helped to shift public attitudes towards women's rights. Overall, Catt's address reflects the significant changes that were taking place in America at the time, particularly in relation to women's rights and political participation.

To know more about Carrie Chapman Catts visit:


All American boys book essay


Two adolescent lads, one black and one white, must deal with the fallout in Jason Reynolds and Brendon Kiely's excellent book All American boy.

What does "all American boy" mean?

When you call someone a "all-American boy" or "all-American girl," you're saying that they appear to possess all the traits that average Americans admire, such excellent looks and love for their country.

What is the plot of the play All American Boys?

The narrative of the violent arrest of a Black adolescent, the white teen who witnesses it, and how it affects their communities over the course of a week is told in ALL AMERICAN BOYS, a new TYA production based on the best-selling novel.

To know more about American boys visit:-


The complete question is:-

What does "all American boy" mean?

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part 3, Q 3Rotating EF90 clockwise would produce the same image as rotating CD _____ clockwise.Enter your answer as the whole number that correctly fills in the blank. Micro-Encapsulator Corp. (MEC) expects to sell 16.900 miniature home encapsulators this year. The cost of placing an order from its supplier is $200. Each unit costs $40.00 and carrying costs are 40% of the purchase price a. What is the economic order quantity? (Round your answer to the nearest whole value.) E0Q b. What are total costs - order costs plus carrying costs - of inventory over the course of the year? the stage in the sexual response model during which there is a return to an unexcited state is called tratigraphic correlation is group of answer choices correlating stratigraphic markers in one location. matching strata by chemical composition and color from several sites across distances. dating through the use of a chronometric method. matching stratigraphy from known sites only. Find At t=0, consider a fixed-for-floating swap with swap rate 2% and with annual payments, which expires at T=3. What is the dollar duration of this swap, given Z(0,1)=0.98, Z(0,2)=0.95, Z(0,3)=0.92? burnwood tech plans to issue some $70 par preferred stock with a 5% dividend. a similar stock is selling on the market for $85. burnwood must pay flotation costs of 7% of the issue price. what is the cost of the preferred stock? round Use the graph to answer the question.graph of polygon ABCD with vertices at 1 comma 5, 3 comma 1, 7 comma 1, 5 comma 5 and a second polygon A prime B prime C prime D prime with vertices at 8 comma 5, 10 comma 1, 14 comma 1, 12 comma 5Determine the translation used to create the image. 7 units to the right 7 units to the left 3 units to the right 3 units to the left which of the following is not a correct statement? a. consciously positioning a business off the diagonal of the product-process matrix helps a company stand out from its competitors. b. advanced manufacturing technologies enables companies to produce lower volumes of products in great varieties at lower costs. c. consciously positioning a business off the diagonal of the product-process matrix allows for mass-customization strategies and capabilities. d. mass-customization helps companies achieve success even when they are positioned off the diagonal. e. company should keep one strategy for sustaining in the market. a school nurse notes that 60 children have missed days of high school because of pertussis this past year and this rate has been relatively constant for the past 5 years. the nurse plans to work with the community to increase awareness of the seriousness of this disease for children younger than 6 months of age and to raise and maintain the immunization rates, because in this community the pertussis is: What are the 3 versions of Irish scrabble and what are their tile point values (for each of them)? You receive a 4-year $26,000 loan with an interest rate of 6% p.a., to be repaid in four annual installments. The loan requires that you make total payments of $5,000 at t= 1, $4,000 at t = 2, and $2,000 at t = 3, with the remaining loan balance paid at maturity. What is the total payment amount at t = 4, rounded to the nearest dollar? Federal act requiring disclosure of property information to buyers when 25 or more unimproved parcels of land in a subdivision are offered for sale. Subdivisions must be registered through the Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration (OILSR) Consider the following bonds Bond Coupon Rate (annual payments) 0.0% B 0.0% 4.0% 8.0% Maturity (years) 15 10 15 10 D Which of the bonds A to Dis most sensitive to a 1% drop in interest rates from 6.0% to 5,0%? Which bond is feast sensitive? Bond is most sensitive (Select from the drop-down menu.) is the least sensitive. (Select from the drop-down menu.) Bond question 34 pts how do ambient sounds differ from sound effects?how are foley sounds different from sound effects? what causes the large-scale rossby waves? check all that apply. multiple answers: multiple answers are accepted for this question select one or more answers and submit. for keyboard more a the difference in solar radiation received by one longitude versus another in the mid-latitudes b the differential heating of land masses vs. oceans in the mid-latitudes c the large mountain ranges such as the rockies in the mid-latitudes d the absence of the coriolis force in the mid-latitudes in the context of human thinking, _____ is a method used to determine if one stimulus affects another a) regression testing b) screening c) stimulus testing d) priming A gardener uses a wheelbarrow to move soil from a truck to his garden. On the first trip from the truck to the garden, the wheelbarrow is half-full of soil and the gardener applies a certain force to cause it to accelerate. On the second trip, the wheelbarrow is full of soil. Although the gardener applies the same amount of force to the wheelbarrow, he cannot move it with the same rate of acceleration. What should the gardener do to move the wheelbarrow at the same rate of acceleration for the second trip? ronald has an investment opportunity that promises to pay him $44,000 in four years. he could earn a 7% annual return investing his money elsewhere. what is the most he would be willing to invest today in this opportunity? sally wanted to replace the old carpet in her home. she entered into a contract with good carpet co. (gcc) for the purchase and installation of new carpet. the price of the carpet was $3,000 and the labor to install it was $150. later dissatisfied, sally sued under several theories. sally wants to apply the ucc contract rules, but gcc argues that common law contract rules apply. which source of contract law should govern the case, the ucc or common law? a client has a diagnosis of heart failure. which information will the nurse include when teaching the client about self-management at home?